3 i Ifee Dalles Daily Chwrnck. official paf-ik or dallbs citt. akd ttKo coritrt. Cal Smith of Caleb, Grant county, i who was convicted last November o( the ! crime of assaulting his daughter with """"" BCBSCRirilOK RATES."" v 10 " ,hw n?t w" t hail. rows runts, in ADTAUcm. ! six years jn the penitentiary, was this wmkIt.Itmt. -MMlwKk granted a full pardon by Gov. 6 month. g Pennoycr, for the reason that "hi fam- iHUly.lvwr. fS1 Hr is in need of hie assistance and the t month; J w t tnt?nce js excessive. per - Addrw all communication to 1CLE." The Dalles, Orvcon. THE CHRON- I't-OIBr'. omcK Horn General In-livery Window f. a. m. to Mocev Cder Sanday b ti in s r. m. to p rn. 9 a. m. tolOc ta. rixiso or kail trains poiup East 9 p. tn. and 11 V. a. rr. " Wt: 9 ji. nl and S.3U p. in Stare for Goldendnle T.SPa. m. " lTiiievillt 5.a. m " "Imiuraltd V armrprlnp 5:5t. m. tLcanp ior Lvlc A Hartlaud & 3 a. m. ' ' jAutelope 6ftia.tr.. Except Sunday tTti-weuklv. TneJr Thursday and i-aturdsy 1 " "Monday Vedue?dy nd Friday WEDNESDAY, SFPT. The "Victoria cross." which we read of having been conferred ujwn some British soldier for conspicuous bravery, is of the Maltese t'orni, made from Kue sian cannons captured at Sebatoo!. A bill has been introduced in the house by Kichardson, of Tennessee, (democratic which is verv radical in its provisions. He proposes a tax oi '2 per cent, on $o,000 to $5,000, 5 per cent, on o,000 to $10,000, 10 per cent, on $10,000 to $20,000, 15 per cent, on $20,000 to $o0. 000, 20 per cent, on $GO.0OO to $-0,000. :t0 ier cent, on $50,000 to $100,000. 40! per cent, on all over $100,000 incomes The Fossil Journal calls this a travesty on justice and relates the particular? of the crime This man Smith, whose family needs his Eupport, is a cambier. horse-racing man and all round "sport," and the reader can well imagine the kind of assistance such a man is likely to lend his family. He habitually abused his wife, ami the murderous as sault upon his young daughter Kitty, because she wanted some say in a mat rimonial venture that dearly concerned herself, is yet fresh in the memory of the reader. He beat her over the head 1S93 with a stew pan, and knocked her down " " with a rock when she essayed to run, often afterwards inmping unon her prostrate body. It was his intention to kill her outright, and that he was prevented from doing so was no fault of his. It will surprise no one in the community in which they live should Smith yet kill H wife and daughter. ' William Tell Yoar Father that f wl' Want New School Kuinn. It costs IS or 20 cents a bushel to ship wheat from the Pacific coast to Europe. With a canal across the isthmus of Cen tral America it would cost 5 cents & bushel This means a saving of from $3,000,000 or $4,000,000 to California wheat interests alone. It means a great addition to the export trade of Wash ington and Oregon. These facts and figures will continue to render the canal a live issue, notwithstanding the mis fortune which has overtaken the Xira ragua project. At the school house on the bluff yes i terday morning. I noticed several young Americans, our future rulers. This was ; a day long to be remembered by them . I as it was their rst d:t at school, and several of the little ones had walked nearly two miles to the school. Now why do not the directors rent a room in ; the East End of the ci:v on the bluff, j and put one of the teachers there ior ! these little ones that have te walk so far. ' for there is enough little ones in the ; East End of the distiict to fill a good! sized room? Ohsekvek. ' - ( Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San , Diego. Cal., says: -'Shiioh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that wnu d do me any good." Price 50 cts ul . v nipes& Kiner'y. Taken in titne rvon Consumption yields to tlio wonderful effects of Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It won't make new lungs but it will make diseased ones healthy when nuthinii else will. There's reason lor it, too. Consumption is Lung scrofula. For even form of scrof ula, and all blood-taints, the " Dis covery " is a positive cure. It's the most potent strength - restorer, blood - cleanser, and tler-h - builder known to medical science. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Biood, Bronchitis Asthma, Catarrh, and all lingering Couehs, it's an une qualed remedy. It's a guaranteed one. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. You've everything to gain from it nothing to lor. It's especially potent in curing Tetter. Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erysip ela, lloils. Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Goitre. 'r Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands, Tumors and Swellings. Gre.it Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its beuisru influence. SWEET. ORR 3t CO. S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, EDasyfitting Pand Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! - We are also Headquarters for .... Mens, Bovs' and Youth s CLOTHING Miss Hattie Horner, the Kansas poet ess, was married the other day. The ceremony took place under the patri archial trees of the parental estate the very branches under which Hattie was wont to woo the muse. The bride was dressed in pure white, and the local paper says she looked like a wood nymph ; the pictures down in the art building lead to the belief that wood nymphs don't wear white clothes or any clothes at all, for that matter. However, the whole affair was pastoral, poetic and charming to the last degree. Ask ur dealer t've Polish. : ir Mexican -l.ver Secretary Morton reminds tne croak ers that only about jier cent of all the merchants escape failure, whereas hard ly 3 per cent of the farmers fail. The statistics really show that agriculture is safer than banking, manufacturing, or railroading, taking all things into ac count. There is no farmer of good sense and good health anywhere in the ' West, Mr. Morton declares, who cannot make a good living for himself and fam ily, and that is as well as the majority of men are doing in any other pursuit. The man who owns a farm and sticks to His certain to profit by it in the future. There is practically no more land to be added to the area of cultivation. The eupply of agricultnral products has just about reached its limit in the United States, and must now remain stationary while the demand will go on increasing ' every year. This implies a gradual im provement in prices, and a steady ap-1 preclation of the value of all farming ' lands. Cctz UATtt, SSC SUOper Bottle. Curr-S Concli, noar;iiefc, tore Xfaruat. Croup nmmi'ti1: ives WhooplnjjCouph and At:im;. F r Cucnumi-tion It bas m. rival: tiaj-curtHlihoumiTKUw lerenll other fuiiwl; will ecus: toc if taken in time. Sold by DnipfcistE c.n n ci:aninti. For Lcnie Ruck or Chtsi. use sHlLQH's I'LASTKU. 25 ctt. H1L0HV1CATARRH REMEDY. liBTe you i atiirrh ? Thl remedy is crjaran teed to cure you. P.-iev IOcU. Jmector trti Fur alebj- bnlpet Klnerklj. VI60R MEN Eaall,. Quleklj, Permanentl; Reitored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. In even1 size, stvle and price. xiij.wimws&CB. YOUR ATTENTION Is calibd to the fact tbut J. I FOBD. Ivanplist, Mniim. Iowa, rrrilw March 'il. V. NEWS NOTES. and aU the train of er trornfariy errors or later exc-, tif rriul-.i of overwork, tl kutt. worrT.etc PBllitrenirtli lTeIopment and t.ja Klrer. to everj orsac and rnrtton of the tjdj hlmpl. naiaralrothw:. Immediate imprumii M-ec Failure lmtctl:,l. Z)ij refereno explanation and prj malletl (tealedj 1m - 1 Mtn. M,. Co., Dufnr, Oregon. (itiitlrvitu . fin arriving houit lust u r.. futtti : a well and Hnxiously awaiting (Jtw at If cirl, eight and one-half ejrs o'ii Lo tiad wasted away to 3S ;jund'. if iio wel!. strong and'vigorous. aii'i we". fie"-Mt;d up. H. Cough Cur- hat- i'tue its work wjll. Doth of the children .ise it. Your . V. Cough Cure iias uret'' ami kept away all hoarseness from me -o uive it to every on, with grwt.ngi frirnl!. Wishint: you prosperity. ive arc Yfitirs, Mj:.' iV Mks. J. F." Fonn. Jf ..u w:h toeel frmli nudctiecrtu. antl readj (r t e .-jrit)K orfc, clvante y'iur ten. w.tt .le Il"nii,..-hf and Liver ' urv. u. s r .tct d')i eiu'h k. - ! tidfr irfltlvf irtiirM.t"' t. -viii ir little by x 1- ikv Hagb Glenn, D-aler in Glass, Lime, I'luster, Ceumnt And Building Material of all kind?. Carrie the Kllrt I.inr of Picture Mouldings To Dt fooDd in the City. 72 LUashington Street. W. E. GARRETSON. Si "There is a tide tn (he ajfatrs oj men which, ta km at Us f.a leads on to fortune. " The poet unquestionably had reference to the m Sale ni I RRflinn . Rweler Klt.K AOKNT lK TMK at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these koocIs out at greatly-reduced raul MJCIIKLHACH UKICK, - UNION CT W1NHNS, II K NKW TOWy htu Uvn ilttl on tlie old rumi Rniuntl, at Uw Fori uud KuIIk n( river 1th larce, rlKhtlv Into, limad ktnvU aud alti-fii, K(ri ail and ru'enti:r,vriti xliHik-in prnlunfiiii, tx-rfect drnliiuce.dcliclitftll mouiitali clluiatc, the reiiltul nttrantioti nr h mountain Mimnur ri-Miirt lor nil Otrrom Lx'lne tht nearcnt town to alt. Hood It l uiarnllettv a u mmiulncturlnt center. Itvilic tlx- natural center fur l.VI iimti mile of the lnt rttlariud 1 tlmU-r, )kmtk1iic tn.llion of liorv . r in 1U ilnxtilni; Ktrinini nnil'tl j lalin, tiutllj linrnetMxj. Uete i h inoinu j)er t-xulr, lliwctneaai iBCiorit-n will renter. aurtiiiiiuio i . mil una eiimaie laat cnniini uru Hiivwheri. fur fruit anil vn .Litre, and ultti frniiitArtiitlnti atrtacii ymi will find tlil tlie il.ne to nmVe a jTiovt home i f a JtIKl ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. U, Y PROPOSALS i'R - piour, Brar? ard peed. H. s. Usiss ::rn Wars Spring ' Yesterday began the G. A. K. encamp ment in Indianapolis. The city it crowded with visitors. The engineers of the Annie Fason are , exonerated from the responsibility of the explosion, according to a recent in-1 vestigation. Senator .Dolph has introduced a bill i providing an apportionment of a jnar- j tr of a million to deport the Chinese . , it -, ' WaEK ."RtSij. root (.o.. O.-., Aug. ' under the Geary act. : fc.-aitd pmpuuiw iinlrjr-l'rojKai.fi.r i,, , NatElnm the oninrti tmniwlw u-uc I HrM"aIld i'1. attieraii,en)ayl.hn(lH(liiri-.-. .ai jiium, uie opium smugirier, e j to th:umWisueiutWurinciriiiBs1ore.iiJ vr rearrested in San Francisco, his Ixmds t re,;lvt'3 Ht tni-asreney until 1 v ji .v ... TT Tnecij, .-ejiternUT If. J-k; (or furniihinir itr.'l not being satisfactory. He must secure de!hinir Ht tht- asem-v t.ut i&",in'"r 95,000 more accepuble to the court, or &W$t?rKn,u HS be returned to Portland. "atraiyht lull ti' of ifwi kound whut - jl- Tt xr - r rtr . i (rround flown ti.uUjuHJ ir of ll(,nr. low ermlei, John il. O Connor of Chicago, t-hot ' to Uj taken out or it may what i known a nd probably mortally wounded his j partner in the tin and sheet-iion busi-' l'1,0' not If u- iur:iifiei ii . , r, , .. tJiflflef. iwild eumile to U- ditinrtly marked nees yesterday. He also killed a lit- wm, toe name of the bidder nmi tin 'iinlnu-r of In eirl name unknown "'M aml'l if more thm. one ! utmitteii. w gin, name nntnow n. , ,jrull II)llllt y. I)f K0(A nunlity, emu: in i.n.n Among the other house bills intro- BI"1 i'f'"' ,"!xd. ; niijof not lew, ttian , , . . , . , . miiat rwJuniiiihtd bj bldderi! uuceuare: Jo provide for the adnus-. Kwi inut be citur twrle. freh ntiM. fre Dion of Arizona : to enable th nrnli nf I ff?'2.?.l.,.,id. "f r"'"':1.? "r' - i " iu" iimnt r. luruiitntit u oifiiern Aew .Mexico, uwii, Arizona and Okla be admitted into the All Watch Work Jewelry Made arranted. to Order. bee me on tne groi address me at Hood Wasco County. Orego I an second ht.. The Dalle.. Or. TITLE PERFECT W. RossWinans J Ca7eats,nd Trade-Marks obtained, nd all Pat- est b-juness conducted for MoornaTr Fees. ' Our Orncc is OrFoarrc.U. S. pTCrT orjier J J icd we can secure patent in leas nine uun tnose J remote Irom Washington. bead model, drawing or photo., Trilh detcrip- ' ,lioz. We advise, i( patentable or not, tree ofj , taarc. uur ice noi uac un piicni m-uicu. J A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," rttb ? cost of suae in tbe U.S. and toreiea countries t sent free. Address. A 2 mm am Uf JC fill OPW, PATENT OOTCt, WABMIMCTON, V. C. The Dalles jGigar : Factory PIEST BTEEBT. FACTORY NO. 105. W. f. IMMA.N. WM. MAKIKKh, iK-iivery. Of the abote there I. Somatoform a constitution and elate, of ttviLxMywxu ikmr. ly.uo lu brit" Uliseman & Marders, Saloon and Wine Rooms The Dallee, - Oregon. P I C A P Ca of tli 8t Brand vlvJ iiLAtO nmnufactured, and ; orderL from all parte of the country filled j on the shortest notice. government and union. lieiter a rich widower of Wurren, O., was to have married a Newcastle lady, the latter imposing as a condition that she should be given (20,000. The money was placed in tbe bands of Warren Smith, who decamped with it, and now Saitor j out both money and bride. Tbe financial policy of theadminiatra tkm was clearly defined Monday. It is that all secondary financial legislation efeall be postponed till the senate acts oa tbe repeal bill. The object is to put fan on the senate by concentrating .public attention on it. NortimMt earner of Second and Court Mtreeu. The reputation of THE DALLES CI-' GAIi has become firmly established, and ' the demand for the home manufactured ' articl- ic increasing every day. 1 A. ULRICH & SON. ffeu Qolumbia JHotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hat lately mn thoroughly renovated and furnished throughout, and is no lietW! ever prepared to furnish the "" itccouiinodiitioiiH of tiny houm in t'1' t itv. Hud at the verv low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25 Office of the flint and coniiuodlouK opKUi to Duftir. KiiiL'Hlev. Tvirh Valley, Wsj'tofl Warm Springs and Prineville is m the lIoW and tierHoiiH going to Prineville can eTf M.00 by going on thir Stn Hn' All trains stop hereJ ii oi Hour. iujjjCj lrn brun. ami id an i. i All arti:lt are to fx- ubjef:t to a rixid ProwBU iumttateif:ifKallr the prop price of vw.U article oflvrtd Ior ileliwrry under a tontwet by tlit owt., not burrcli or tori. TberUht It rcrvel to reject any or all bid or any pa't of uny Ma If ueerned for the best ir. terest of the nervice, Certified chef:k- Kacb bid must be af.-cornjiiiHl 1 by a certified cheek or drit ufKin aome United, rbTSei,,ra First premium at th Wasco county , No. 90 Second Breet, Tbe Dalles Or. ubjbuic iu lueurucr oj Uieeaaaaiuirmer of in i " lul itortrailn uii'i viewe. PHOTOGRAPHER The Snug W. H. BUTTS, Prop. D. BUNNELL, Pine Wort, Tin Beialrs and Room oiananairi, for at luurt five cr ent. ol the This wi-ll Irnnwn atanrl l.v tl,. mount of the propoaal wblchcheck or draft I - - - ' ,u k " ,,n0WJ? V?' i 1 1 b will be forfeited to the Dulixl HtaiM : wen Known V. 21. uutUi. Ioiil- a i. , y?"'ttoi'Mvtn iiw-rd .hall fafi I CLtARA STORY, dent of Wasco county, has an ertraordi- retiimtd to thi" bidder" - - nary une siocK oi t&TfflBlta",,wllw!ART A EACH BR Sheep Herder's DM and Irish Digi.rbtiic ror further information to time of delirerr ...! ! In fact, all the leading brand h iA fin i. i fiwrn u jjciiifiMdi xmiiiiiiui . i .... . : : - j r t..'.v. , .... nfe. "P" d Cigars, (iive th V b. lt.dUuSie.'.t. ' T,, e k,ZtiTnli U dwlSSd. W 0,(1 milD caU 01 y0U wU1 M and other piVtlcuIau, apply to MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Shop on Third Street, next door weet of YtmnB Blacksmith Shop. A