t i i 4 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ltMt qualitr fir, oak Lruve orders at and slab wood. 133 Second street or H. C. NIELSEN, corner Third ami Vnion. All orders Entered nt tbePMiofflce t The Mlc. Orison. ; promptly attended to. n second-els roaster OItKOI l.u.:r. fc Benton. For Item. Rooms to rent at Kcv. A. Horn's resi- J dence on Ninth Ftrect. 6-2Sdaw.gj , Clothier and Tailor. MOKE CLIFF mYELI.EKS. Discovery of Anothor Rumod City in Notr 2aolco. Wood Sawiiio'. It Show- That thr Prohl-tortc lUcc That Uvrd Then- "Was CHUUril - Ovrr flftpn ThoannU Room In tln raw of the Cliff. U We have lwnght the J. 0. Meins Steam" Wood Saw. and will Jill all order for 5arin$; wood ior stove or fnrnaee use at the old rate. Orders left at Jdaier & Ben ton's will be promptly at tended to. and will Guaran tee entire satisfaction. 1aob Weti.e. .IoHX IMvKll.K. The Fifth Animal -UY Till.- Secona Eastern Oreioii District i Agricultural Society.: j FIflE m$ and m j WILL 11 K It! To the lover of arehtolof r no field -presents a finer prospect than lhu por tion of northern New Mexico, writes a 2fow Yori: .dvcrtier correspondent from AbujMsv.. M It abounds in antiquities of every description per taininp to the prehistoric race of -America. Its reins and monuments, are undoubtedly a ancient r. the pyramids and somewhat analogous in many respects. ?lr. A- 1 F. loapc. m the artist, and the writer have Iteen in camp ainid the ruins for the lat two weeiss. excavatinsr and investtpatinir generally. We estimate that the city must have contained fully 30.000 inhabitants, as ive hare counted over l.i.OOO rooms tn the face ? tin- eliils. -where they are ten deep and ten foot square on an averacre. Thev extend around the face of a clrculai mountain for a distance of over five mile-.. 1 he level mesa on top is full of the ruins of their old tem- ples, pow-wnw holes and dwellings. Estimatim? three K-rsons to each room, and 15.000 rooms, we have 45.1100. but the probabilities are that each room -was the abode of at least five per.-ms, .and the buildings on top of the mesa may have contained fully as many more. It is safe and conservative to :say that it was a city of at least 50.000 inhabitants. That they had enemies there can be no question, as they selected a stronp natural fortress for their city Their nemics were undoubtedly savarres. perhaps the Apache Indians, whose present reservation i on the hunting jrrounds of their forefathers not more than fifty miles distant from this ruined city. The cliti dwellers were doubtless a SlSIBoarding and Day School other evidence here abundantly tes- . - tify. It would seem that their enemies 10V (rlTiS. finally prevuiled ovir them destroying them and t!n-ir city, as lliej-".iave dis-, i appeared from the face if the earth. The country is as wild as the interior j Tenth Tear Begins September 14, 1893. of Africa. It is not an agricultural re- ! .crioa, and how fully 50.000 people main- i For CatalCKUe aatl Admittance, apply to Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Ktarn.isliino- Goods, Trunks and I aliscs, .. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THK 1ULLES, Oli. Sleekly Ghfonicle, $1.12? a year. Tfte are Dun Tlmesi WE THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Cnrrucatml Itiittttluc m-xt Ionr to Court !lou". Handsomely Furnisttefi Booms to Rent by the Day, Week or Mouth. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men DON'T WAflT YOUR MRS. ? ,JbS-C?L, Pi-opi'iotor. J. O. MACK Just flow, THE DfllibES, OREGON, October 10th; 1893 j Oontinuinc five dav. 1 Afto 171 DOMESTIC KEY WES' CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PflBST BEEP FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STHEET. : : THE DALLES, OK. J. O, A. S MACK, Mxretarr MCALLISTER. President 1 RHAM & ROBERTSON roprltort. Tacoma, Wash. CityStables, ( Corner of Fourth and Federal Ms.. The Da les. Oregon. .These Stables have on hand the finest Li very in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hack? or 'arriages day or night. MORE ROOM. ! Also, can iurnish First Class accommodations: to teamsters with freight or drivine teams, havine added to their suvbies iarye feeding and wagon room. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! Commercial Patronace Solicitel. --Jitilir. Mrs. Saraii K. White. Principal. OUT J'OW-V.OW 1IOI.IZS. presh Paint! W C. Gileiet hereby Hind. KIs conipjiment to every friend And enemy If he ha any Be they few or Le iey many The tine for iainua5 now be comu. And every one desire? a home That look)- freh and cleiin and new. As none but a goud painter can do. TheDrlles ."tained life in .sueh n plaee and under ' such conditions will forever 1m. a puzzle ' to the mot diseeruiai; urch-oloint. ' 'There is a large spring of delieiou.s, ( cool water on the face of the eliff near the only entrance. This at least in-' surcu a pcnnaneni. wcicr u;jpiy agnin&t any prolonged siege of the en emy. They Imried their dead ou the mesa in cataconsos hollowed out for a dis- fainUnu, poiir.c and glazing, too, Will make your old hnute look quite new He will take your work either wiiy, By the job or by the day. It you hare work clve him a call. He'll take your orJers, large or small. Beapectfnlly, C. GILBERT. V. O. Box No. 3, THL DALLES. OR. Wasco County, Oregon. tance alon- a main avenue of over two fpoEO TERHHNRIt Or INTERIOR Points znUcb. The sight is. indeed, a ghastly. -THE- Infra Pb I i i grewfcome one, never to he forgotten. Grinning .kullsand cnunlding ljones reflect back the light from torches. The fepnlchi-rs are hollowed out in the walls similar to the rooms in the face ' of the clUTs It is a dry, soft conglom erate formation, the arches and walls of which are self-supporting, and never was there a more favorable place, nor could there be. for a repository of the dead than this. "Vc have already excavated to a con-1 siderable amount pottery in a good state of preset-ration: alsocoopeTornu-i ALL POffilS EAST AND SOUTH. ! month yet in hopes of making further i important li eovenes. The ruineo city was discovered in January last by -Mr. A. K F. Coapc Englishman, who has spent tlie last years in this part of SewMeico hunt-. M Y UUi UUU UUiUailU I ing and fishing. !J I j The ruins are so well preserved that l-N0 C1IAKGK Of CAl.J they look as if they might not have , leen long abandoned: yet how many ' thousand years have rolled around j since the city tlu-obbed with life and ' iiction no one can even conjecture. 1 The country aliounds in many other . ruins of the prehistoric race of Amer ica. In Canyon Largo, about sixj-' miles from here in southern Colorado, there is yuite a tier of cliff-d welling ; villages in which much valuable pot-i -tery is said to have been found. JJutj this was evidently the chief city and capital of the cliff dwellers, n& tho ' -pow-wow lioles and foundations of large public buildings and the plaza nlwitlt ttwm rnuli1 Irwll ti.ri. T " Tuonnnu nonrrc to an iuuKw me juuiiiuji ui vimerica, ana i nnuuun uu tint.in AmHr T?ell worthy the attention of the scien-1 Knglino: and Europe cau be purctuutd at any tific world generally. , . I ,Iciet mce ot comImn' RHILROHD Is the line to take It U the Uiniup Car Home, it Through I eniiQuieu iimu urery usy in inc year 10 5S$f. pauI and (JMDago Compoed of TJinlne Cani unurpul. rull I man Drawing Room bJecpera of latest equipment ! TOURIST SLEEPING CAliS j Bt-. that can be eoiutrui-Kd, and lu vrtlch ' accdmmodationfc are both Free and KumUhed for holder of Finland becond-cUuMiTickeU.iuid I ELEGANT DAY COACHES A cmtlnaoua Hue, connecting with all line tfrordlnu direct and nnlntcrrupted aervlce. I'ullman Weeper rescrvatfoni can be Mcoreo Id advance through any agent of the road. 5i n 1 1 is. i! i , , I r.uu inwrraation concernin rate, time bbllob'0 lUliser u what you need for 1 train-, rout- and other detaTla fumlihtc , jnjnw) wi'H "tv ;VIIVR Ui kidney trouble. It ia noaranteed to fc-iveyoa BtWaction. Prta 74c. Sold by hnm k Kktartly, drHgiati. W. C. ALLAWAY. Afent V. P. A. Mar. Co., Jtagulator olUce, Tn Ilaa, Or., or A. D. CHARLTOK, Aaa't Gatmal FaaMDfr Act, Portla-t, Jen. The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated ut the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far outh as Suiumsr Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Ca cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped Inst year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding thU year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Ivb'ckitat valley 'find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing witli their products, ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money i& scattered over and is leing used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on theso corner stones she stands. THE DALIES GfflONICLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was establibhed for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco. Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chkomcle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at 1.50 par annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx Xilloj, ( ) OUR GREAT OFFER ! FOR 1894. -o - And THE poses to be dniiMaj -vit we propose to CHRONICLE urn. enliven them by fa trodncing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. out Cij'cnlation must and to do this furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this yeu and one year beyond for tht already low price of $1.50. i year and a third 16 months makes a GlEflT amount of the verv best ma the world's news, valuable formation on all subjects, - i i r . i the farmer and the orchardfst and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments m t"nnp n. wfts snrm m mm ( .T a r T m 3 and Wednesday s NEWS stale by Saturday night, t - . r ttt ni ft - T ZI'X 1 TTT3 day evening, and Part II Saturday evening. The extra trouble and expea connected with this effort ill nn.nrr w ii ii.ii i . i ninii inn public for the approval we sure it will give us. While we would be glad buubunpuiui. uiuiiwy iu au i t i Ti fir ti unuccra -ri i tt ut i Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of special rate, which is p; ally for the a a n a w BaBBBBaa a a rr , ia a -a w ii a a kin PAUL KREFT & CO., GLASS -DEALEKS PAINTS, OILS AND And the Most Complete and the Latent Patterns and Dentin in .1 BhaBan..A(n..l Tf..A 1 -tt, a . .i L ...a Itfttnn.U -...IT, ' AJHllVin Mill Hiw a..--- - . nnerwin-M tiuauiB and j. w. Moanrv'a Puintfl uotl in u .iur worK, iu. ".v" the most skilled workmen employed. Agent for Maeury Liquid chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class artlclo In color,' orders iiroinntlv nttundH-l tn U. 1-4 DL fTIL J 1 TIT 1 t . rt. m I In 1 1 HI. V' THE CPLPRRKTED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thla WMll.knnaui Hruicbra In nn In.nL,. ) tioat Ul-T SOB ui fri w.nmk t immmnam ' iiq i u . . ...... 1 1 .. t . . . n .mmHianrnrH ui m l.l n.. i i j j . ... .. . . iti 111 I V j h uiuvuuowa, aaa oiuy uis iirtv-ciMi mnwxv - tbtMrkct.