nn win innte h -m Jit B E WISE IN TIME! "A Penny Saved is ; A Penny Earned." S our Cov rings for BARE FEET w When seem s s 11 Shoes you wear liappier. the Cheapest, Easiest, them, Uife somehow all goods marked in Plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. ANNUAL MEETING. Officer Klrrtcil ami Meeting Vlmvrn Nmni'il fur Nrt Tutirnametit. Tlic mitinal meeting of llio Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association took plnco last night tit tlio court, house. The lionto whs tilled to overflowing. The decorations were superb. There ucro lilies of nil nationalities, nntl tunny emblems of the llremen's order, while (lowers niul sjti ipa ol evergreen were profuse. Hon. Geo. C. S'enrs presided. Little business was transuded outside of the election of officers and the selection of the next meeting place. The election i resulted as follow-: j President W. II. ). Joyce of Port land, re-elect- 1. Vice President II. .Straight, Oregon City. , Secretary J. .1. k'ulley, Portland. Treasurer II. .. Maier, The Dalles. 1 Incentive Committer -Frank H. Hodir ik'ns, Salem, I'nnk I.. Parker, Astoiia, 1 K. Fchutz, The Dalles. Constitution ami Iiy-Iiws tieo. C. !Scruv, M. M. Lucas and A. 15. .Stuart, . Portland. I Oic?on City was decided utonasthe next tneet'ng place, .Sept. Ith; next. Siii nil Summer Dry Mi, Fancy Goods and Notions, (Jests' puriii Qood$, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. MARKET.. REPORT. No Iiiiir)i'inriit to lt- Nnlcil lii Any ('(itninoillty. The Dalles Daily Chronicle tirwi k I'ottniUc-c nt The Dallex, Orr ton, Fish and Thos. Keller, riding on the Columbia c;rt. Their pretty faces smiled down upon the crowd from wreathe of flowers and bunting, and led by the handsome fire boys, made a very picture. I We have reason to I proud of o ; boys. They make n supurb sight when j running, aud notwithstanding their I short seaon of practice, rank alongside jof the best professionals in the land, j Mrs. -Moody came up last night a- ' brought with her the little suiierer. Mamie is in a critical condition, and is Mondav ami Tuesday fair, with slight badlr burned down to her feet, the PERSONAL MENTION. J. MotTeUof Gorman is in town t l.iKiti ,l x-rtMnc. i! lent t ' .in; 'or Ilrnt iuhertlon, mill 5 Cents KJljni' i'ik i kutitrauenl insertion. :la lUh (or lone time notice. All i.x-n. ii itlcei recclvud luttr than 3 o'clock IU njiiH'ur ttie f-ilgu lnc day. Wrultirr Furiruit. :' Jitr t wtnty-Jaur Iwurt ending i p. in. tomorrow at Itemjierature change.", followed by light I jam in the mountains. I WKATIIEI! I Uarometer, 20.70. .Maximum temperature, (ill. Minimum temperature, ."'. River. 10.:! feet above r.ero. Wind, calm. TUESDAY - SFIT. 5, 1893 The Daihj and Weekly Chronicle may I found on naif at J. ('. Xickehen't ttore. SEPTEMBER SHORTS. fit iiimI Count)- . Note of Minor i terdav Iiiiiortaricr. "Mr durlliiKKtrU, ' tint Mother ik-iiii il. "HUy ut tne M-anliorr, deiir, Ami II thtro'K inicht tlint wccjti etiil, w h do M- Ivi u ht.tr " Itnrk came the ii'iwkwlt milut tn.-n ,! IV "Drur munimii. do not full Tout-nil to U", without dcliir Two dinmoiid TitiKt hy male." most serioiiK wound being on her abdo men. She withstood the medical or ations heroically and does not murmer at her hullerings. It will be several days before she can take a turn for the better. The Oregon City and Metropolitan band of Portland are very fine, and dis coursed some very sweet music last night. Several prominent citizens were serenaded, who responded briefly to the compliment. An orchestra of about .'10 pieces, selected from the three bands, rendered koine exquisite selections yes- 1'ride goetli before a fall. The Gol dendale ball team, encouraged beyond reason at their last victory over The Dalles nine, engaged in a game with the Oregon City club. Finding out that they were not in it, thev concluded to fitry The. Dalles bors again, and the record made this morning was the in eritmble result. Further particulars are received in re gard to the death of Linn Cooper yes terday. The fatal shot was fired from an old-'lushioned bretch-loading shot gun, me shot entered under the left jaw and pass'd clear through the head. j coining out just above the riuht temnle. MeCormick of Pleasant Uid,j j Mr. Cooper states that he had no idea .Several loads of new wheat arrived h-om the Klickitat todav. The Dalles team retrieved their turels this forenoon with the Golden ilcs by a hnndtome score of 15 to 5. The Columbia Jiiver Fruit coin pa kas rcceivd a compliment for the ex- tllence of its fruit Hold at the Chicnj J. 1 ne brought in another fine sample of liile Club wheat, which may be seen at ur office. iTIic funeral of 0. C. Stevens will take wx tomorrow from the family resi rM on the blull'. lie will be buried in pflftt cemetery. Tlie Dalles band were the recipients f ninny compliments yesterday, for "ving pluyed with the Metropolitan '"'id at sight, and the superior uualitv !tuitic they rendered themselves. The music at the bJl tonight will un Houht' dly be the finest of the kind ever Played in this city. It will be by the lauiotih I5lrjfeld orchestra, of six pieces, uiisiHthg of violin, flute, clarionet, cor-, t, tromtono ftd piano. vo of the engines in the parade ure residenfjrs. The Multnomah en- IHiie, brought from 1'ortland. was in use In the 50V, while the old handbrake ol the Jack nut i fl't'ciuien of the antique in fire equip- luetit. Ihe time. US vivfn tnr Tli niHln fcuui yesterday, was a tyixraphlcal rror. it was well known to everybody "at they made the beat time of the inree competing teams, but in correct. K a proof an 8 waa unwittingly in Parted for a 5. Kev. Alerldife. of Waiu ur-iu m..i w -1 ... wim iiriih! liiuam ine revival meetliiuu at mi it . vpiui uuiiuny l"Knt, which were verv am-i-iuufMi tiu PWI - labors will be in connection will, Methodists of this city the coming Khii t0 nt,nuo week. After KSou. A pretty feature of the proceaalon yea Kruay WdB the two 1WH .iri.r pld mere was a cartridge about the place, and the one inserted must have been found by accident and inserted with no thought of danger. UlM-euragrd hy Wheat 1'rlvev. A Goldeudalb dispatch says : The farmers about Goldendale are now busily engaged in threshing. Some are very much discouraged at present low prices of wheat at Grant's, and if no advance is made toon at that point much of the wheat will be hauled to The Dalles, where the price is much better for wheat at this time. The hay crop in Klickitat county is better this year thuu ordinarily. The only hop yard in the county is owned by William Van Vactor, of Goldendale. I. o. o. V. A special meeting of Columbia lodge No. 6, 1. 0. O. F., will be held at the hall of the lodge tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 1:30 a. m. sharp for the pur pose of attending the funeral of llro. 0. C. Steven, which will take place from the family residence at 10 o'clock. All visiting brethren are Invited to attend. H. C1.01011, Hecy. Attvutlon Wootliaaul Owing to the firemen's ball this even ing, there will bo no sociable at Fra ternity hall, liy order of the camp. Tiiom. If. Joi.kh, Clerk. Olinger fc lione's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate cauiperaat the beet fishing point in Hood Hi ver valley, whero one can reach Mt. Hood iu a few hour and get their mall and provisions daily, L'tewd T, dar 'liios. II. Johnston of Dufuris in the city. Mr. Frank Fulton of Biggs is in the " ty on business tc lay. .lame 1'e.irson, an old settler of Or ','on, residing at Big llend, is in the ctr. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Catei are in the .r and the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. De'llufr. Mrs. J. W. Condon and child retui.i 1 from Long Beach on last night's passen ger trp'n. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Auderson and daughter denart'-d this inorr'ng for an outing at Coll'ns Land'ng. Miss Gertrude Meyer came up from Portland last night, Vnd will spend the w ek with friends in the city. Mrs. T. Baldwin and son left on the morning 1 oat 1 1 go to Mt. Angel, where she will place him in that institution of learning. Judge Blakeler and wife arrived this morning from the'" .etern iur. They visit 1 .St. Louis and St. Paul, besides a thr j weks' snr at Chicago. Mrs. A. B. Potter of Hood Hiver came up Sunday evening, accompanied by her daughter Kdith, who was placed in school at St. Marv'B Academy. Mrs. Potter returned this morning per Reg ulator. OREGON NEWS. The Union Depot at Portland is pro gressing finely. Win. A. Daly, an old-tune printer and newspaper man, died in Portland Sat urday. While going from his rancli t Tolc Jo, H. G. Butler began bleeding at the mouth, and before assistance arrived he died from loss of blood. It is supposed he burst a blood vessel. The Coquillo baseball club recently undertook to make three times the number of runs the Myrtle Point team could, and at the cud of the nine in nings it had succeeded by a score of GO to t. Captain W. II. Harris, of Myrtle Point, has his muster-roll of the com pany of volunteers he commanded dur ing the Indian war, when Coos county was first being settled, and he will mus ter all his old veterans who are present pioneer day, September 15th. Noah Mulkley, the murderer of William Mattheson, gave himself up to Sheriff Noble ut Heppner yesterday, He has been hiding in the mountains, about twenty miles from Heppner, and has frequently seen the deputy sheriffs that were looking for him. The murder grew out of un old feud which has ox ist?d for two or three years. He claims the murder was committed in self-de fense. He hud intend. 1 to surrender at the first opportunity. A JooU TblUK to Keep ut llantl. From the 1 my (Kun.. Chief, Some yeurs ago wo were very much subject to severe spells of cholera mor bus; and now when we feel any of the symptoms that usually precede that ail ment, such as sickness at the stomach, dUrrhu'a, etc., wo become scary. We have found Chamler!ain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-a Iteiuedy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases. We are not writing this for a pay testimonial but to let our readers know what is good to keep handy in the house. For sale by Blukeley & Houghton, druggists. WOOU, WDOU, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, aud slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos, T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jetler sou streets.) Tm nsim, Sept. 5. since our last j report the business of the city has been 1 (mite absorbed by the state tournament 1 of the lire departments of the different cities, which has been on drill and in session since Monday morning. The continued quietness of the past weeks in , trade circles is giving away to a brighter appearance and our dealers are looking ', forward to the usual activity of the season. I The provision and grocery market is fairly active and prices remain steady. In produce eggs are in better delivery I and prices have chopped from IS in j trade to 115 cents per do., and have a I downward tendency. Butter is in fair supply. Extra gilt edge is quoted at f0 cents per roll, and ordinary at 30 cents per roll. Potatoes continue steady on former quotations, with the usual supply. Cabbage is in abundance at '.j cent per pond. Onions are freely offered at . cents per pound, with a limited sale. Apples are in good supply and are moted at 40 cents per box, with a de clining market. Bartlett pears are quoted at 50 to 00 cents per box of ;5 to 40 pounds. Peaches, choice, 75 cents per box. Grapes, white water, are dull sale and the market is quite "off." The market in plums is decidedly dead as far as transactions are con cerned. Melons are quoted at 75 cents to $1.'J5 per dozen. Canteloup3 1 to y cents per pound. The poultry market is unchanged. The wheat market, from reports at hand, indicates a better feeling in the eastern wheat centers and a steady for eign market. Both of the leading Lon don agricultural journals.tbe Mark Lane Express and the Agricultural Gazette, refer to the crop outlook as the most imfaforablo since 1S79. The wheat of Indii is estimated at 290,890,000 bushels, an increase of C0, 250,000 over last year's product. It is conceded that thera U a marked falling off in our American wheat product, and the feeling prevails that prices will ad vance by the cloee of the year. Grain bags are dear and scarce. The wool market continues lifeless. Those who believe that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy will cure them are more liablo to ge't well than those who don't. If you happen to be one of those who don't believe, there's a matter of foOO to help your faith. It's for you if tho makers of Dr. Sage's remedy can't euro you. no matter how bad or of how long standing your catarrh in the head may be. The makers aie the World's Dispen sary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. V. They are known to every newspaper publisher and every druggist in the nnd, ami you can easily an-ertain that their word's as good as their bond. You wind your watch once a day. Your liver and bowels should act as reg ularly. If thev do not, uso it key. The key V lr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets. One a dose. Ilucklrii' Arum bMlv. The best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Ikjx. For sale by Snipes A Kin-ersly. woou'H xiiosiiioziari. Tbe Great BoslUh nmif. ITompujr ana permanently curea aU forma of Wrtvu Wtakiuu.lmtuioHt, Awrm- atorrhta, Jmpottncy ami all tffttfofAbvM or i.Mutt. liecD prcfcrlM! over ta ,'arihl thoiwaodJ of ctkel) , . 1 ,., t. 1.. . ....... . ir.IH Jitfort ana After. ttt dtctn Ask drugeUt for Wood'a Flioaoboalaei ho offer Mwafcwortideiiiucdiclnolaplaottoltld, leavo bit duuonttt cre, Inclow prlca la letter, and we wilt vend tT return watt. I'rtce, ouo package, lit lx, $S. OntwtUpUatt,UvUleurt, 1'ainpU lei In plain aealod tuvtlope, U Of at porta- Addwaf Tb Woo Chemical Co., 281 Woodward areuue, Detroit, Mich. Bold iu The Pallet by Blukeley Jloughtoa. I JBP, FIRST CLRSS CAN BE HAD AT THE NTm C H R O NICLE O FF I C E Reasonably Ruinous Rates. .Familiar Faces in a New Place. C. E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. E. BARN ETT Jtye leal Instate, Ioap, Iiurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. KTOTA RY PU BLIC. Parties baring Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests ltefore the Uuitep States Land Office. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You. Seen EiT H E" Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER S CO. J. H. CROSS. At tlio Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. J-lay, Graip, peed ai?d plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Oaab pAlcL for zxxxcL Poulti'y- Hll goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- BOOKS. A T I. O. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, Is HOW L prod ucet q Also, bei f to bo Pu Is now upon, and its proprietor will sell his home- 1 1 nr.1... .1 r ;.. .i. . n -i .1 . ouuceu mnu ui prices in 1110 reacn 01 cvoryuouy, best 1'eanuts to bo lound. Uoods guaranteed ure and Jurat-Ulass n every respect. Thompson's Addition. O E