Tat DuOts Mf Chifrtt emoAL paper or pAixMrcrrr. aXD V1KS COVXTfl?. 1 ..tvtf. ' . J'' 80SSCRirT10;ATK8. wr am. mua raa, w adtafc. kir,irMr . 2" a IIlT,lyear. . , - far, ' 0 ,w aaarwa ail wmmnnlwtlon to " TH E OH HON- tCtXl" the Iklirs, Oregon. ' riti-omcp. orncK hours tGaBerat Delivery Window "?MmMrr.fdpr " b. m. 10 i. in. Sh. m. 10 4 j m. 9 n. in. tolOn hi. Soaaay i . CtOMKO or V.ULS I ' trains coins Kat 9 p. rn. nnd ll:4Sa. m. ". '" West jj. nl.riiid 5:S0j.in. -Stag for Goldcmlnle 7:30 n. m. " " lltnevlllo ' "DulnrimdWnrmSiirlnps :a. rn. flstvlni: (or I.ylc .t llnrtliuid i 30 a. a - " " lAntoloi SO a. m. Except Sunday. TrMveefcly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday t " Monday WctlneMlay and Friday. TUESDAY, Hon. Kelson D-ncley o: Maine. : hi speech before the house the -V-h of Aa gnst, st-ites the situation very Fucciuctly which is in hne with the majority of editorial comment throoc'KrJt tbe United States. Mr. Dinner fsid: "The industrial distrust - bicfa beraa to show itseli near the leriasiar of the year was evidently eici HuSeiy by the belief of Jhos euptred in siaa-factttr-inj: industries that tfae reso't at the elections in November, "a-nich had placed the entire legislative, as well as executive, tower ii tie saads of the democratic party, portended an early overthrow of the policy of protection, in accordance with the democratic plat lorm. Manufacturers and merchants, PUBLIC SCHOOL GLADIATORS. I .. Brain. Allrgr.l In Out or raahlon, I While Murlc l WorhlpHL trThi 'school oard 1k.v" is knocking at tht door, anil the younp pladiator. turned out at Kton, Harrow and Kuirhy art rapidly ooroinc. in their iavontc ' tmrhmei. to lc -'nowhere." Thi.s is the opinion of Hr. Mitchell Ilank.s. prw fe-ssor of nnat.msv at resversity col lect'. l.ivtrpo- an,i n'" rinu the London Daily Xfx that ' -Ic-ain-' in this country have ece out of fash ion, while "the wwrs-hip of mn.c)f sad hone have Iwn carried uo far " WcU micht the German chcnlssMr jty that the Earlish boy pjayf at his -work and w.irks a: J.is p' Dv Mifcell llank ha. ke:; mary a proad atnr almut her son at -';? paK.tc chxjl. and has been told with mdiaat air: "Oh. ht is dotar sipa-3didly. jrf.tinr vn so welL" This ioias that he i- captain of th school eleven, or has rot into ihv 3rst football tesa. tc stro-cc off the schKl boat. Never by any chance ha-' he heard of; tht- boy position ia his ila.- forsB. bi precTes- in his , :ndk ii Uh prise' he has rained. ! -In fact." continue- tfci- anthority. , "the -todioo- tinr is recarded wHh J coateiop: by the rreat majority of his i felJoxr. The very masi'r have to lie athlete?. Oar 'knows the cual style f advertisement for a junior master Mb-: be (.Tinrch f England and a !od ericket--'r." like the crack etni rraat hip of former day.- which was advertised to carry a "cow and an ex perienced practitioner ' " Hence loo often the expensive education of the Eton. Harrow and Rapby Kvs is found oaly to have fitted them to iro iarmin? ia Manitoba, cattle ranchiatr ia Tesas. sheep raiiac ia New Zealand, or bar teadiar in Australia. William Tell Your Father Hint we sx-ll Is Tv in :h Valley conijiiete ! An unusual ojrer tLe one that's made by the propri etors of Dr. Sace's Catarrh Remedr. Unasttal. but made in good faith. It's a roward of 500 for an incura ble case of Catarrh. If ron have ono. the money's for yoa. But yoa can't know whether "you have one. till you've tried Dr. Sage's Remedy. "What's incurable by anv other moan?, yields to that. By its mild. ?oothiar, cleansing and healing properties, it cures the worst cafe. no matter of how long standing. Thr.:' the reason the money can be offered. There's a rislc about it, to be s-ar.. But it's so small that the proprietor? are -willing to take iL Tiie symptoms of" catarrh are, lieadarbe, obstraction of nose, dis charges falling into throat, some times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offen sive : eyes weak, ringing in ear?, deauu". ; offensive breath ; smell and taste impaired, and gtnen.1 debility. Only a few of" these symptoms likely to be present at once. SWEET. ORR & CO.'S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, Easy-fitting Pantl Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! j We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s ICLOTHING m therefore, at once began to prepare for nour equa. i,. uie i- W,;r Y TvA'.i coarse ano ;:n 'T-a -am uoiir. mi., irr.;. what thev changes that would supplant domestic with foreign roods. Enlargements con templated were given up. Dealers' or ders for poods for another autumn were given slowly and guardedly. Kaw ma terials for goods to be delivered another season were bought sparingly, and prices gradually forced down near to the paint where it was supposed they wonid be when the goods went tion. For example wool, which sold 1 cents, was gradually cents, because manufacturers expected to have to sell their gcods on the basis of the contemplated fre woo! tariff. Looms were stopped to reduce produc tion, in view of the diminished demand. Xo actual change in the tariff has as yet been made, but manufacturers and merchants have been preparing in ad vance for the revolutionary changes which the democratic platiorni por tended, and have been discounting in part the new tariff to come. When ap prehension of coming evil seizes upon men oftentimes the apprehension is worse than the realization. Tde dis trust in manufacturing circles which be gan in Drcember and January, late in the winter, expend 1 to financial circles. There can t; no n;st;iking the fact thai this industrial distrust and consequent depression was causrd entirely by the proposed revolution in the tariff; a though after this had gone on for some months, the silver eituition in the way I have suggest-d came in to aid in in tensifying the distrust, and convert in dustrial depression inio a financial panic and money famine. "It is not possible to have a national election, conduct' d on the issue of the overthrow of an economic policy that has prevailed for thirty years, pid given great projerity to the country, result in the complete triumph of a party change stopping paralyzing business." etc. MfC'iKKLC. P-.-'Iir into consump- .-1 - " -Srt Z&S&m , Michigan washed fM'aM! ast October for 25 mSSF- Ct Si forced down to 20 CTV-ii-: - Jfc&gggSSS& ind S '- - r k- ;rr tree MIT "ST iil Tie Fs-"-.:; ZVl :7 Aw IXlJt rtiseTt-triiadarKUi.Sic. VIGOR of MEN Peraanenllj F.tstjrwL WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all lit train cf r-l,t Irora early error or laier eiew. ti rwntu of oTerorc ilciurn, worrr.etc. Fallnrecs-... dfrtlopmcBt and ton plien ueeryorpanaad petlon ol tte bf3y. .SlmpKtatBralrnet'iixlf. l-'IlurlEinIUe. 51'i reference. Iixt. explanation and prx;:i nulleaueata, tux. ERIE MEDICAL CC. BUFFALO. H. V. the Dalles AND Prineyille Stage Line J. D. PARISH. Prop. The l)slie st C a. m. every An n : -e e: PriueviUe in thlrty-fdr notirs :n---t jTii.eriie o: 5 a. m. every fiisj, ani! arrive The Dalle in thiKy-ls hour Caruts tilt C. i Mail, Psscosers and Lxpress fonnecu a: PriD-fIle wiUi- S:-.c-s from Eastern and Souther; Or rron, Horthern Oalifomia ace all Interior Points. .- .i.--. clew? connection at The wi:r - -rim Portland sad Eastern t:!its In every size, style and price. G-xl aKiaaaiaucBJ alcaz Hi itil. msi-clis ccacis 2a. Hoiks ivA. EI3IS3 I3tI5r 2Edlii Witt !5KU; Cc!: 4TAGE OrriCES; YOUR ATTENTION Ie c to :h- fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in G:as. lame, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kind. Crrli. thr "llirt l.lnr of Picture Monldinsrs "There is a tide in the ajfairs oj men which, takc?i ai Us leads on to fortune" 9 The poet unquestionably had reference to the taut ftilr. n! : U1UMXUI UUL IkUXU Ul rii nil j i-niinn Mill II 1 1 II I M IT I Jl II W III II I III I II IV I III I llll H H a M. lchel I Cu.'i Store. rrincTllle. Cmatllla flur. 72 To De foand Id the City. Ulashington Street. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates, MICHELBACH BiilCK. t'NION fT J Caveats. and Trade-Mark obtained, and a!I Pat. en:buiiaes3 conducted for Moot RTt Fats. J. f. FORD, lyansBlist, ' .n Moines, Iowa, writts undr dn!r . March Z!. liSS- - h Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. ituHtmtn . On arriving home last week, 1 found a j well and anxiously awaiting. Our littie girl, eight and oiie-half years old. who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is The Dalles Gigar : faetofy ?ISi8T STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. WINHNS T. Otlft Dffict ifi OPPfitrTT U.S. PiTf ht Omr r w nrir afrnnr xnn ntrnmnc. atltl r"I 1 1 pledged to such a revolutionary t"5 fleshed un. S. B. Cough Cure has done 'mn A rD of the Ben Brand.. , without arresting production, . Sead node'., crawinj or photo., with descrip- its work well. Both of the children like VAvTxxJAjO manufactured, and machinery, injuring credit and iV. OarieeiodaeunirKiimr1i ' ioar b ' U)UP" oure "ae cured orderc from all parte of the country filled ...- IVVll. un IIV-ILV.JU-, . . . ... ... Ull me CJIU ICOk UULILC UK NEW TOWN ha l-n t1attil oti the old camji c'ouud, at the Fork and tlltiinte, the central nttnictliin an n moutilHlti rutniner rt'Kirt lor all Oriror. Katie of HimkI rivci, v Ith inrccMchlly lutn.hroad t.trv. tD(l fcllryg. r(l mjII and pure wiiU'r.wilaiihndt' in prutunion, rUrt drnhincr.dellrhtlul mnuuutb A Pomphlct. "How to Obtain Patena." w:tn Senator Peffer has introduce! a hilj which is in the nature of an amendment to the constitution. It directs the sec retary of the treasury to print and issue to state governments $5,000,000 for each 100,000 inhabitants, or at the rate of $50 , per capita. States are prohibited from ' fonrlincr it to f.Yr.cs rtf an intiiviict ..l.n..f. of 3 per cent. No person shall borrow more than $2,000. Corporations are not allowed to lend money. The time for which the money is lent is 10 years, and 'Jeocoi waeintbeU.s.a3dforei(rncousa; -So give it to every one, with greetings tiesihet. Address, , for a!.. Wishing vou prosperitv, we are jC. A.SNOW&CO.: Yours' Mk:&Mkk-j-f:foed- iMitiK the ncarwt tuwn to Mt. 1I(k1. it In iui.ralllr iui a uinnulm'tamif cviitvr, bflni: the nnturnl ccntt-r lor l.V) ate lnlkn uf the h.t cvdur and t: tiratwr, in itlioiio of hurr ' - vr In 1U danhluc Uaini mid ttfi litlln. cnntly liarntiMivd. Whvre f i. moti- txiwtr cxUU, thciu thenia iHu.oEirn wio cfiiivr, nurroiiir " uj oi hiiu cuiukm: lam c:iuiuu. ww yuu in nun hup inc I'li.cc io niiiie a i-t rKtt home or a jmyiur i Opp, PATtffT Orricc, Waimincton, D. C. i PROPOSALS YOU plour, Brar? ard peed. U akx n-Ki.Vo-. I rookCV) . Dr.. ii!f .'. t. eJd t'"'pol5 nidnrMrd-l'riiiuU for Flour The reputation of THE DALLEK CI- , GAR has become firmly established, and TIThF PFPFFCT the demand for the home manufactured u rIriu 1 1'yr.Kisn loltel frwh nndcheerlul.and readj lor the Sjirtng'B work, cleanse your ytn wltb the Headache and Liver Cure, by kltic twom article is increasing every day sold under a jositlve guarantee. A. ULRICH & SON. V) ceiiu per bottle by all dru(1l Tcu I I 1 1 r-n T r n r rii i n L )l it . 1 1 in 111! l.ll r. ill . . . address me at Hood Wasco County, Oregon. W. E, GARRETSON, Interest will be collected at the end ofjfelE each year. Mo fees or commissions T".?''1.1, ":'',F',,''T ,9-1,J' 'or 'i'iibint' ni.d Leading Jeweler. , A. WESOLO, ITbe Boston Tailor T TT T "1 a -T T r vv . koss w mans. ahall be charged on a loan, and improvements forfeited All for I fll'Mlf, tf!. lit Thl. un.l ..n' UV.... 1. 11. . . u land" 1 '."OJ.'X) of lirrili, HMd lb oi fertj ' "" lion. . t . uT.'1 . cl:'"-'r whu jion-, ..,!rHi..ht lull .0.1 f ...f.i ...,. , payment of principal or interest shall go ground down u. auut i. it,, oi .! gr(ie into the public domain. Other mone" fcii-toX, & other than the metal now outatFni"-. ZtWiXXM,? rtroyed. The secretary of the treusu. y ! .ieJ is mjuired to print 5,CD0,C00 5-cent bl. rih,:"-,KiVg;Ti.i ffi and the same number of lio-cent bi"f "'uN.-iurnlilitd by hidden. . irw ranu w cieur orie, irth rolutl, free , Jrnm dirt arid rui. -mnplr. of not K-i than s, lb muit ly; Inrni.hwl by Uddem, ll..lll'Mr.' fit ... .1... I. .,.i. .... v Den the righteous are in author-' J the oiueinaxho irhwji, i-ati jiiniien north MII.K AIIENT f'lIK TH K to be Bold by postmasters. iHiHHHlillllHb JiHHHHHHIhi itv. the neonle reiolce: hut -,.n th. ' Suf'ffi?,.ff'3V."l,,r f'L nir. Wi lu ta,n. - ...w Hiiu jwwiu.111 iCTij hiiu ai ine fcirencv. ijjii L' "I fldl wicked bearetn rule, the people mourn.' ' l,oJ!,1T' u? ln!' ,t''0'"' 'd. Knlnmnn'a TW. Tl, i. ,V ' o iJBia mlo iui "Jie " muiUf w iigig Arc mc 111 . Prot-KwiU mm! HctttiltirAlli- it, pricvof tacb Ht licit offered for iicllv.r contract by tbe cwt., not tjurrtitit or ton, Among the incident- of childhood that , r Vn,' WiSg'n?&&m&tZ: , I nnl tn IIJ .li..f i . 1 . T ' ""wy , .-enl8edcKacbbldinu.tbeaccominll ujBKinininuoraiwi upon tame united htatuepoltlnr or akilrMt national bank in All Watch Work ar ranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I ait Ktrconcl hi., Th Uallaa. Or. nviaia to tbe daya when we were voung. LT " w'w cliwk or An,lt upon tome are more prominent tbn uevero afakaeaa. Tbe young mother vividly r -ilBbra that it was tbe Chumherlain's Cmt Kjiidy cared bar of croup, end is taj ieaiaiften it to her own off ariaf aad always with tbe beet results. Far sale by filakeley 4 Houghton, ttet of the tervfrx-. lied ct .rH8 uruaaiiinr or ariivant iiAiinnai ifiir i. . rt . .... the vicinity of ;Le reaidcc of tb blddw.made . premium at the aco county lyjauit io ineoruvr 01 uc cornraiMloner or In dian affiilri, for at leaat ie mt ant. ol the rou'' of tUe propoaal which cher:k or draft East End Seeond St. Snits Made to Order from 1 $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 tip. Perfect Pit Guarantond. i The Snug.! W. H. BUTTS, Prop. j Ho, 90 Second Breet, The Dallei Or. ! This well known stand, kept by the i ' well known W. II. Butte, long a real-, vicuk ui u bco county, una an exiraoroi-1 nary fine stock of iSbeep Mr1! Delidti tti Ifi DiiiirkK i in lact, all the leading brands of fin , Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th ' old man a call and you will come again Qolumbia jiotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been tltorouifh.lv renovated aud furnished throughout, and Is now better th ver prepared to furnifli the U-nt How ..I I. in tllC ii.i.voi iiii.4i.iuiir. ii tiil iiuuiv city, and at tho very low rate erf w VAbVf s (Ib'VAOeWW aw- j iimrt in Tfi( iiiur nttri aiMitiir.f imiiai niiifjuiv" to Dufur. Klngsley. Tygh Valley, Warm Springs and Prinovllle ie in the Hot1 and itersoiiH going to I'rine ville can K.00 by going on this Ktage All trains stop here. air for best portrait and viewa. ) W. r. W1MKMAM. I WM. MAKItlCKM. CliAfJA STORY, Dm MaarJeaa Silver 6tove Polish. " '"Vfif" w m uuki nuitea in cute any l biddr or bidden receiving an award .ball fall to promptly xe-ut turetle. othrra i! to l returntd to the bidder A T- S' SMItWnlrt hr.!" " " 'certified i-VJX 1 X EACH own 9( BtUinyen Building, Mli'l tlve Lmaoui Monday, and Thursday! ol e.cb week, or oltcner if dlrd. Check Will net Le -orilit.,ul 0r.'i?rtbr hilonnatlon at to tltoe of delivery nd other panlculari, apply to J. C. I.ucKrr, V. i. Jndlaii At nt. (Qisemao & Hirders, SalooD aod Wine Room The DallM, - Oregon. (MNorthaest corner of Second and Court straeU. D. BUNNELL, llilasa lllAalr Tl. Ha.I WUUkWt mmma mm n uriuaii a smbsu asssiBB fw mm waaas a aa UWVMUBj lUaji aw MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE CJl . mi.f...a r. ... it .... A? Sk niitjti rin 'i riirn niriuit nnv iAr. ,i rf vsuiik j- . v. w 1. j ova v uuuj TT vw v v - rj Blackemit) Shop.