Tbt Dtlks Dtily Chmiick. Xatattd at the S Zbt ldlf. Orrctst. TDE DALI. AHYLMAX MONKS. Their Life Seems Enjoyable to an English Traveler. Wm41 Wm4! Bt quality Ir. ck and tb wood. f Leave ordfn at 1S Scccd street cr 1 coratr Third acd Unwa. All orders . promptly attended to. Mauex A Button. Fr Kent. Kcoaa to rest at Eer. A. Horn resi- j dence on Niath reet. 6-2Sdaw U ' H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. Deddedlv the Fine t Line of Oleekly Ghronicle, $1.12Uye$. Tfiese are Don Times! Thrx Rtaln Thlrtl C mtnrr CnMom tri 2 lave Mct KoiMtkUilr Tllr Tbr Famon lon-trrj of IV ir lllrrn. Abyssinia n a country of queer ee toms and a s-traaroiy iaterestiar land. The people are. for tbe aiot part, dirty and iaiaor!. !nfcrKr in many respects to the Kaffir- "i South Africa, but they are ChrL-tian-. am. hr.v? ne-taiatri ia its ancient siaiplic:t tie re!icis that was tcch: tbeai in the third eeatsrr. Araoar Abynuans the man tvho kttb a lion is a popular hero, aad i award ed the proud pririlesre of wearinr stout hii head the1 name ci the Wat he has M3uhteri. a prsvilere that t prized as nlrnly as taiirhthood axaosi: Ea ropeaas. aad ma' it paMiasw a man of mark to the ea-i of his life. Soae ictere -tin?, rare aad exceed inrly valuable relic- they are possess'd of, too. or thiafe they are. Here is an account of a visit to the monastery of Bizsa'by J- The-iore Best, who re cently rctcrretl from Abyssinia: '"Te started otT at break of day to visit the raonk. It took us three hoars to reach the .-anitnit. where the monastery of Debra liizen. or 'The Church of the Vision, i placed, and traly the name has been well bestowed, ior no more lovely vision could be im agined than the one which lay before us. "We could easily see Ma.-.-owah and the Red sea vaatA line, and the folds of rich blue mountains to the rirht and left of as as we stood on the pinnacle of the sacred mountain were glorious to behold. "My wife and I reached the holy pre cincts unobserved. We were seeking out for ourselves a spot where we could repose, when down came the mank-. mute with horror at a woman bavin approached near. In vain w ex postulated and pleaded fatijrue. in vain we said we were English aai ileter mincd to hold ttr ground The monk-, sat around weepii: 7 an4 eseiaiminp. , 'Better for us to liL- than To permit a woman to :-tay here.' seeing their genuine di--tre. my .vife permitted her objectionable and weary pern to hi Saw. We have toczht the J. C. Meins Steam Wood Saw. a.nd -srill U all order for ?i:nc wtoi ior stove or fcraace cse at the old rate. Orders lei: at M&ier A Ben ton -wilt be promptly at tended to, aad will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Gents' Rtirriistiirie: Goods. o- Tmnks and J aises. etc., etc COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES. OR, The Fifth Annual FAIR- OF THE Sscosa Eastern Oregon District Afitricultural Society. WE THE EUROPEAN HOUSE DON'T WANT YOUR JHOJiEY, The Corruratrd tiulldlni: ttrxx. tonr ti Cnurt Hon. Handsomoly Fninistiei Rooms to Rent by tbc Day, "WceS or Hontti. hvVS. Meals PrePared by 3 First Class English Cook TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men Proprietor, i WILL BE BELT AT J. O. MACK, I FIJJE WINE? and LIQUOR Just Noco, THE DffliliES, OREGON. October 10th, 1893, Continuing five davs. DOMESTIC -o KEY WfST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BCCR FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR. a. s. McAllister, Prwident. J O. MACK, Secretary Bill seminary ; CityStables, :RHAM & ROBERTSON Proprlwtom " sSeMf. L ie Wnotii Ooraer of Fourth and Federn t.. Tiie Daile?. Oregon. Tacoma, Wash. .These Stables have on hand the rinest Livery in Eastern Boarding and Day School, Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single for Girls or -L)out)le -Kles- dosed Hacks or l arnages day or night. MORE ROOM. Tenth Tear Begins September 14, 1893. For Catatarue and Adniituace, apply v Irs. Sarah I Vnite. 5-21dl2i Principal. BUT WOULD LIKE YOUR Attention! A!fc3, c:i fcrnish First Class uccomiiiulattoni; to teamsters with freijhu or drivine tams, having addwi to iheir siabics iarpt ietximc and wagoa room. Commercial Patronaie Solicitei f ese MOXASTEUT OF VEUUX UIZKX. be removed alnmt a q-uarter oi a mile tvray. "The church is round and built of wood. It lias in:-ide two corridors , around it where the vulg-ar may pene trate, but in the square holy of holies j not even the Irinfr may enter. The mysterious relics kept by Abyssiniana in these innermost recesses claim es- . cecdinly bold origins. In one place i they profess to have the original ark j of the covenant, in another a has full ' of wind blown by the Holy Ghost on A J the day of Pentecost. At Debra Uizen our interpreter told rne that they kept ; the picture of the madonna which Mon- 1 elek, the son of Solomon by the Queen ' of Sheba, brought back with him from Jerusalem. "The life of a monk at Debra Bizen must be enjoyable enough. He wan ders about all day long in his white ' flowing robe and yellow cap, enjoying ' air of the most perfect freshness. He has his little stone cell or wooden hut i beneath the shadow of the rock. He ' has his refectory, where he meets his 'ellows twice a day at meal times that is to say, when there is no fast on, and J fasts in the Abyssinian calendar are many and rigorous. On festival days lie is very busy chanting and dancing j in the church- He never marries. He knows nothing of the world or Its . vices. His existence is a negative one . mn iti nIVT., PICT llTn OnrPTU he does neither harm nor good to his I I U ALL l)mlh LAM AMJ SUUIH fellow creatures- ' 1 ptesh Paint! W. C. Giieest hereby ktmSs Eif coraplinenta ;o erery f rienfi Anil enemy IS he ha any Be thy few or be they many. The :ime lor painunsr now ha come. And every one desires a home That loots fresh and eleen and ne , A none but a good palater can do. feintine, papering and glazins, too, Will make your old house looi quite ne He will tfcie your work either way. By the job or by tae day. If you have wort srive hira a call, He'll taxe your orders, larje or small. BesTctlul!y, C. GILBERT, F,0. BoiNo. 3, THL DALLES, OR. 'From THIIRfili or IRTEBJOg Points' -THE TheDrlles Wasco County, Oregon. lien Fuel: RHIL-ROTSD I tha line to tai The Gate City of the Inland Entire is situated at the ksad navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous citv. i ' ITS TERRITORY. It is the mipply city for an exfusive and rich agricultural and crazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Sumnw Lake, a distance of over two hundred milfsi. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern Hlope of the C cadea furniiihes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool frow which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, alxut 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will 1j more than "doubled in the near future. The product of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing witL their product. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these rorner stones she stands. Iim'MiKA'.VhrfK.i.r IJ I JOl OK HA KIT finroil bt II in- in Tt-n liitjn ly admin- M 1 the IHninj: Car Route. It runa Through ' enuuuicu i iuui erery nay in tne year to THE DALLES M-rlic Ir. Ha !-' Ouldrn .SjieiIc. fif Fl T T fl iuyvtl'tmUw uui (alii BI1Q li III CaQQ rrf . i-.uieut !t 1- uU,'.iutc!y f.. -iu:.-..aud t r f wmuuuu CHRONICLE, ; NO CHANGE OF CAKa.J tht j-.li ut ln tDfrftrate ilriuker ornn alr-ohxlic , 4 umm .-;,, cil 1U liil.U.IIl'iS O; CltA, i.: :.i ."er- lnlriee i.-rf -ft run- ha Jnl ' ComioMrl of Wiilnr Car unsnraiiied. Pull lo.-'xl. tt never fail-. The ii!in oiiccimsurg. , man lrawl:i!; Boom cleerr of latent touipment. Ujlrtl jiih the clf.. - a:, utter im ' jk. .IblUty iurtbe !ir.uri:mtii. f'ures . Tnrnicvr pi pnurn nmr K . "d frw" " jo-tl.nilars frw . lULrUOl OLLLThlU tAfU '.fldi i the tiOLiii::, :-.. Ci iK'l.Ohlt.. IT lUi-v at. Tlie Dalles Daily Chwraiele. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 23ADEEB. Int thuican be comtructwl, and in which , ecornm.3ationn are both free and KurnUbed Ior holders of I'l.-n: uud etond-claa Tickets, and i ELEGANT DAY COACHES t T-.rt -. ti. . .. . . . t , ."iiuiui wiia ait tine Xfc.-j -wJ Tbc i h"n.. t got iuv tt and i af.ordlug direct and tiuluterruiittd atrricc mar: Kllaliv cv. aj. 1 :l.?j trad verjr line thn 1 In the j a!r Tbt In wlmt TnHVe the " u..u. i . Ch.o...r. an .nr.,,b: rtrertl iur mfnm tnutAiltSlSJS"1 Tl.e ri 'vnier that ui the family, Clvalde. is the out fQ) that the fcJveMUcni .vimniinti . c: ifttT i,hv.i,,io,ey(ie,o,THROUGH TICKETS Mni'M reach te pontile. Vteu ther mut your trade '-iand and Europe can bepurchaaed at an; tbclr minounceiiu nt wlU be foand In the pir K o0( of ,be wapwiJ over our colei, . nd cbervc the verlliea. tlon of the truth if iUU tnertitm. KeinHinber, foil Infonaatlon eoocernlnr rata, time ot s. trade of c fa-.l.y jw thouna&d , "i", rimia ana ouier aeuiu lurnlttd r . . . IfOl U wirth aillnf !or tr.t thev: Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHROMCLE was established for the ex press jurpose of faithful' rejresenting The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chkonicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. The Wkekly Chi:o.iclk on Fridays of each week at 3.50 per annum. And THE CHRONICLE pro. poses to enliven them by i. troducing its newsy presence into every home in Wasco County. oo n SJ J AAA WO w fcCs XJ ti UlQQ and to do this we propose to furnish the Weekly Edition for the balance of this yeu and one year beyond for tit already low price of $1.50. i year and a third 16 months makes a GfEflT amount of the very best read, ing matter, comprising bead the world's news, valuable in formation on all subjects, especially for the stock-rawer, f J .A.1 V . me iarmer ana me orcnaralst, and is the best medium for exposing our resources to the world. If this OFFE$ Is not enough, our plan to is sue the Weekly in instalments of twice a week, should mato your decision favorable at once. Sunday's, Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's NEWS gets stale by Saturday night, and hereafter the Weekly Chronicl Part I, will reach you Wednes day evening, and Part II on Saturday evening. foh The extra trouble and expens connected with this effort to please, which is considerable, we look to an appreciative public for the approval we are sure it will give us. Subscribe NOW for 1894 And get the benefit of thii special rate, which is practio ally for the meekly Gbr oiiiele, $l.l2ia Year: PAUL KREFT & CO., DKALEKS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And th Moet Complete itnd tin: Jiitnnt Pattern ami Jifiijsnit In t o o ()() OUR GREAT OFFER ! FOR 1894." application to i-lnmiu, writM! mi ut Mir rery W. C. ALLAWAY, tkjwi u. r. m a. a, vo., Ifilm. Or., or kmx Grama ruemgn Act., ftrtlaad, Por advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO.. Pr,?rtu:n! I'ttintorH and J'iijr IInnj!cr. Konw bu 1 1 w hint brai.'l ol Uj bherwm-W il aiiig and J. W. Maeury'n I'ahita UHt-d hi all jur work, nnd noiieboi the moHt ekllled workmen employed. Atent for Maury Liquid Viui. f cliemical combination or Hoap mixture. A firt chh artide In all won. " ordern promptly attended to. Paint Bboo corner Thirdnnd Waehinrtos Stt.. . The Dlle. 0"" m . I . L J- I I i Hill I i Jill. UJIJ.1I i. Il l J -t ' u - " ' THE CELEBRHTED COLUMBIA BREWERY. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thhi well-known Brewery ia now turning out tb bMt Br ai 7" Mt o! the CiKftdeo. The ltteat aj.pl I anew for the manufacture ol good u fol Bur hnv, been iatioduoed, and only the fint-cUM wticle wlU be P11" themrket.