4. M . , ' NEWS OF THE STATE. ' Toe Dalles Daily Chronicle. ohn. haw. a tramp, fell from br&kebeamjon the 0. & C. Ky., I t ween - ! West Fork and Glendale, and diet! from srsscRirnos rates. : injuries. t kau, rojTiOK riucpAip.if jidt4c. j jr jjcnrv Sampson of Oregon City, , Waetly, 1 year. 1 . ' Portland, i suffer- . ? IS inr with what i known as senile pron- , OFFICIAL. PAPER OF DALLES CITY AKD WA?CO COVNTT. 6 month. 5nth. 3 w prene. which causes the limbs to dry np ( r Addree all communication to ICLE," The Dalles, Orccon. 0 THE CHKON Pott-Oltlrf. ornct hock General Delivery Window f a. m. to Mocey Order Sunday o D a. tn to -4 p. m. 9 a. a. to 10 a. tn. closing or kails trains polng East .9 p. in. ik! 11 s. m. " Wt 9 p. fcJ and '"""J P- ra "Stace for Goldendale 7 Jffa. a. " PrlncTilhr - "rmfuratKi w sn rprinc? A-) a. a " tLcaTlBj: lor Lrle A- Hartland ySO a. m. " : Antelope iSa. ra. Eiccpt 5nnday (TTi-tlv Tncsdiv Thursday tat Miturdav I " Monday Wtvln?ds and rrwSay nnd wither away. In this- ease t tin affected the lower limbs, it Im boon decided best to amputate a foot, und it ' will be done this week. Al. Miller, a son of Joaquin Miller, who has been serving a sentence in the . California penitentiary for stnee rob bery, will be discharged .'September flth. his term epirin?. He wtll then be taken in rharco by the Orecon peaiten twry. from which he escKMi. and will serve out the;rea;ainder of his term, two years. Leo Hirschman, a citizen of Portland. lately returned from Ariatonn, claims to have -een John L. Aver there. Hirsch- The St. Paul beard of control lately man say? that Ayer wore no hair w hat asked the (Mrr oration attorney for his ever ou his face, and hem he spoke to opinion as to whether thev cou'.d law- him the fugitive indicaontiy denied his fullv fornisL ti e vxmnty a.nihonse and identity. The former, however, is ab city hospital wiui newspapers. The solntely certain that h coold not b corporation attorney s opinion is they ' mistaken. mav, for he holds that newspaper! are i . c., . ii; k ' . , ... ... t Mexican Mtver Move i olin cau.-e necessities of .tie. The opinion is a a0 iasu sound statement of fact, tavs the Y. - -- - Sun. The newspaper has become a T-'' vu--v K"u,'r ',"cr Ml,t necessity to Americans, and to be shut I n complete rejiair : always in stor nni from trhst 1 fnint- on in the world Sour eor.ai to the be?t. Also old sty'.e William Tell Your Father that wr mil MONDAY, FPT. Gone all the painful disorders nnd chronic weaknesses peculiar to Uic female stx. Thev p with the use of Dr. Pierce's tavorite Prescrip tion. Periodical pains weak back, bearinc: - down sensations, nervous prostration, all " female complaints " arc curtnl by it. It is purely vege table and perfectly harmless a powerful general, as woll as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to the whole system. It costs you nothing if it fails to give satisfaction. It's pmiranieed to do so, in every case, or the money is refunded. It can be guaranteed for it 'kc$ it. Xo other medicine for women is sold on such terms. That's the war its makers prove their faith in it." Contains no alco hol to inebriate ; no syrup or sucar to derange digestion ; a legitimate mciW!. not a beveraae. Pttrelv vegetable and perfectly harmless ih SWEET. ORR 3t C0:S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, Easy-fitting Pant Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters lor .... Mens, Boys' and Youth s would be as great a bardship to them as coarse and tine lir.viam fkur. mill ftvi. any condition of the system. any other escept lack of iood, clothing et or shelter. The life is more than meat, and the bdy than raiment : and the satisfaction ot the bodily wants are 01 a higher order. The sick in the hospital and the paupers in the almshouse may share in the common privilege of Amer icans. The newspaper is the unirers.ry and the library oi the people, the com mon school of manhood. It is the great debating club of politics, the exchange of business, the recard of eacl da f human experience. 'V M Mi-C.jr.K.K. P-op- "Worid's Disponsarv Aledical As sociation. Proprietors, To. CG3 ilain Street, Butfalo, X. Y." ICLOTHING i In every size, style and price. The Dalles today extends a cenertns welcome to the visiting firemen. May they have a thoroughly enjoyable time and return benefitted by their recrea tion in an Eastern Oregon town. There are many veterans with us who have arrived at that s :ce of life where they are unfitted to race, but they no doubt conld do as effective work in the emer gency of fire as when youth fired their spirits with daring and rendered their muscles tireless. The advance of years has not lessened their energy: their jm petous action has r en supplanted by cooler judgment, which would make them yet more formidable ' their arch enemy, the fire king. New b.ood springs np n contest for parade honors, but the old firemen will always consti tute the bulwark of a city's protection. WEB." tap Hamfq PRINEVILLE J mmr d y. wirais mo. A asr . . ... .Trip, '-y v r JLJXJLV f -- rnr,.' .a v, . -e "J -i Cn-ip - T.: . " sttl-n ;.n:l.-:.-! anj A-:,.tu.. , . r -.naj i.ua r. ! u : r ri- (nri -, n.-v . n.iotl.e-' fAUrfl. -T-lJ C" S V : t.it!i;.t'S:c. '!.! or'-Dtit. SfiL'M-i I'LJLSIKK. ScU. Hi Lj H'ST CA7AR S H i EME D V. tectl co cure ou. I'r v:- 'ic. la."-tijr pp Kor -alp by Snipe 4r Klnerly. VIGOR f MEN Pereiantntlj Rmatti. inancial situa- fcj the hearts of jT- artals. Slowly AL, pon the money Smf From politicians and statesmen alike come remarks as to the financial situa tion which should chee: many now desponding mo but certainly the strain upon action by Congress the coming of good times and easy money is not like.y long to be delayed. In tbe great manufac turing centers there is much more activ ity, and it is quite possible tsat many of those concerns th3t were compelled t j shut down because money was Ikrsna boarded, will again be producers cf goods and distributors of currency. The outlook has improved wonderfully, and there is every reason for believing ttiat the improvement will continue. m WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, an J ali the Jrain r ?t imm tariy errvrs or lati. eicww tie inula o.' OTerwort. tidcc.it vrorrr.eic. fun:i.rf UeTelopmciit and t-n. plret to erj- orssr a. d wrtlon of the UjOj. slmpif catnraira-th. ta. Imra3 ia te i ra prn e n n t f"L. failure fmtx.l: k tXiii reter?cc lun, explanati in an! pr.t!t mallett uU2 Sre. ERIE MEDICAL CC. BUFFALO. N. Y. J. D. PARISH, Prop. uw The Dalles at 6 R. c e-. i. k-o w -Tt- at PrlnevilJe In thlrty-tii c-' UtiM lr!rrlie at 5 a. ra. every dav. and it-.tc f The Dalit in thirty-six I ;r Carties the C. S. Mail, Passcng era and Express Connect at PrinJUe wita - Stapes from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Poicts. A . t i.ji.e!' clo-c connestion at The Dalle? vriti -! from I'ortljind and Kaswri. toiut xareans iimr. fcd eKsmasdatwas aloae tie rt Fim-clin Cca:h!i c5i Bent: zvf. Eipris miter taailsi w;a sjsu; :ir HTAGE orricKS: YOUR ATTENTION Is cai.ed to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dler in Giase, Lime, Plaster, Cement and liuiiding Material of all kind Carrlr th Flneit Llur tif Picture Mouldinss "There is a tide in tkc affairs aj men which, taken at jiyfoo leads on to fortune." The poot unquestionably Mad reference to the Ciii-li Si i Fiiiiiirii k I M. lehel X Co.' Store. I'rinerllle. L'liiatlllk Unu.f, flir llallr.. t 0 The greatest gathering of medical men this country has ever known, will meet in "Washington tomorrow, at the first Pan American medical congress. Eep- resentatives from all the republics of all J CaTeatt. and Trade-Marks chained, aid all Pit. J 0C3Z business conducted for modcratc Fets. J Jou Ornct te Oppaorrr U. S. patcmt Ornet J and we can secure paten: in leu tus tsaa moie J remote irotn Wascington. J seaa mocei, crawu: or pnoto., vriin deictic- " c uuviac, a jjAicuiAaiz or not, tree o: Cin riitm ,111 ' 0 J. F. FORD, ETaiplist, ' JSolnet, Iowa, rite u:idr .t March 1S9:. B Mi;u. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. f'tn'dtmtn : On arriving home last week, 1 fount! ai well and ansiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old. who had wasted away to US jiounds, now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. . B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like To rt found in tbe City. 72 LQashington Street. The Dalles GigaF : Faetory STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. ' at CRANDALL &, BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rai MJCIIELKACH BK1CK, - - UNION HT 'UK .NKW TOWN ha t en i.Iattul on thr old cr.inii cround, at the Korku and all of river. th larct-. klchtlr lot, brond rtrti'litaud allrff. r.xl tdi and puruwot-r.wH). i-liKflrlii i.rului(i!i. ik-tIii'I drultinct.dt'lclitlal mountaic Climuu. tlic ci'titral atlrnvtlon an a ruotiuuiln f.iiniii'T nort Iiir all urncc. t..'inc the Li-Hn-Kt town to Mt. I1(m1 it I iiitimrallclpo inn nianufKSnrinl cuitter, 11iik thi" natural centvr for 1.V) jtn- mill of tiw bent ctdarandtl tlmlr, jkomti.Iiii; in.Uluiio of !ior " r In it danhltij: atrenmi ana lauii, canny iiariimwc. el. . inouvv j.. r vxlrlr, ton ta" iartoriT win cmur, nurrouii'- yy Mill alio ruinate that uuinoi h aurwhvrt' for fruit and Mgri' ulturc. and with trautjiurtoticu a!t jou win r.na tint ti.c oiai t' to mine i-Ti.rt natsb or a KalU of Hood river. A PaMtHicr, "How to Obtain J'ateats, with rlCl. A DCl of the IU;Ht Jlrandej yXvT lin inanufanttirwl. unci i'.. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured orderc from all parte of the country fillel and kept away all hoarsened from me. on the shortest notice. the Americas, will b present. The con- tulS'" UTC,sscom'Ma'' gress was devised to brine together the ?Q A SWQW&CQ nations of th wf-stprn mnfii.nt M-itV. n 2 WW view to forming a new world of medi cine. Congress at itb last session ap propriated 15,000 to successfully cam out the idea, and in accordance with the above inw the president by proclam ation issued invitations to all the Amer icas to send delegates and participate in the congress. 0 0 OPI. PATTHT OfflCE. WaSHIMCTON, D. C. 5 PROPOSALS r .a - pioun Brar; ard peed. 1 1 ;aii2i Kmc, wars Ssnsgj 2!7 So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Me." S: Mks. J. F." Fokd. 'f yon wish to feel frenh nnd cheerful, and readj fur the oprlng'B wort, clean your cyntem nl:b The reputation of THE DALLES CI-1 GAP. has become firmly established, and 1 TITIlF PFPPFHT the demand for the home mannf:i!tnrwi ' 1,1 UJ- r ul u 1 thi Headache and Utct Cure, by tatiti? two ATtico if increasing even- dav. ' In rw- r1fw.r enr.h wwk. ' ' Ine borne rule bill has passed the: ryitd proui indnrKd,-iTowli,f.,rr-i. :r Louse of commons, and has lieen rea.r, "5 ":':.'!? '. !li f icij,ijiuniu4 i,urm.iir5riy,i,rvr v for the first time in the house of lorde. i r-v t tbf- usenoy tinti: : .ttv. i-'m on the action of the latter body. Glad stone, though a man of iron, muet soon rig jOamj lb of brat., and .li.un :r f noor h.ihi lit- wither iit j. m, ,r 'itraiKht lull Vri. of o. 1 ,rrt4;nl whit '. irri.lii.fl flnir. ti. hIia... i ... . - . give way to the weight of years, and the ' ' tt--n out or it ir,K u- t, i i7w, nrpRPnt fwht .p it. rr.iil-inv -ill K I.;.. I lvul llwr.atirl d;livrrol in fitra r..! y . i present ngni ne is mai.ing will be Ins ,otton ak. to wench um.-n t.. tm -..ud i.a last eupreme effort, Whatever be the J'!-0'rioi ie than a u mui u- fuVinwd . vau.., nil, nuwu i UJiiiCUUC UCL.IIilUg kil Hir linillt' UI .ill. Olfiqer HI1C1 !!. r.t.riil -anlHlv ' the numjile if more thai, one !i ubn.itM iiiui. llraii mul t of ir(Kxlonlin. nnnu: " than ib uibii mui jt- or soon oiiaiitj , vqua; ir Urn: mh nii'il ir l(U.U wnilJ UltT III II- "T .avna.l Kimmr.nB T It, tI...i ! rauit 1 flinihhtil by blrtdt-r . .. . a '"-is-"--, n-wl rnunt b-; cloir bjrkn, frw.1; r.,!il fr tor with eucceeeful effect in bilious colic """ dlrt .arifl 'H1.1 r""1''1" "ot th'ar. j. ii ... ,, , It" mutt hv funihliti! by bidden, and dygpepeia. It is an excellent rem-' K-livery-tif the uhow there t to U deiiierw) edy and certainly a public blesaing." C. , iSswolW ttiSffi'lS 'a!!1 MaHTZESOK, Sheriff Of Ulbb Co.. Ga." rid 10J IU of fel and at the apei.fr, zxAt ' U"1"' l!ur, 1WJ.0 lb bran, and lbCiIb fewl. It Hbonld lie In r,ery Moua j tion. UUJWl lo a r ,n- J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St.. Kharns- JSYJSfJSSlK l""!d - ... . --rw-" oin-jic -juvim iur ouuvery uiifi- wuiki etB ic w ill uu; ik WHJIOUl 1 " X; ' , f ." ira or unit. x . . The right f reervtd to relwt anv or all jjt. Jing e evr iUaCOvery Jor conHUmp- r any jai't of uny bid If deemed for the bet tnn I ,.i.i s. , , i tc-rtsit of the frrvfee. a, 8u. aau wm, .. H cureu nIB ; (.Vrtlni hecka-Kacb ibid mu.t be accompanied wife who was threatened with pneumonia i . ? eeriified check or draft upon wjme rTiittti a. . ... I ntatta dewxitlnr or wilveut national bunk in after an attack of "la grippe," when the vicinity of tBe naidenoe o f the Wdd, in wauie luiuooratroi me commUaloner of In- uiananaira, ot at leant five tr sul. of the three do-ioa each week o!d under a -oiltive euarantee. V centa tr brittle by all rtrucxUu W. E. GARRETSOK. Leaaing Jeweler. 4IILK AGENT KOK THI All Watch Work arranted. Jewelry Made to Order. IBM KMiwd Mt.. Th lalla. Or. t in - See me on the groi address me at Hood Wasco County. Or , A. ULRICH Sc SON. ! A. WESOLO, The Boston Tailor; East End SeeoDd St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 tip. Pants from $5.00 np. l'rfect Fit iuaraiitd. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Breet, The Dallea Or. ! Thie well known Btand, kept by the well known W. H. Butte, long a reel dent of Wako county, hae an extraordi nary fine etock of Sheep Herder's Dtliihi and Irish Distirbue In fact, all tbe leading brands of fin w inee, liquors and Cigara. Give th old man a call and you will come again W. RossWinans Qolijmbia JHoteL THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroiiL'hlv renovated furnitihed throughout, nnd ih now" bsltr" ever nrenared to furnish the be'1 81 nccominolatioiiB of uny house in city, and at the very low rote o $1 a day. First-Class Meals, Otlice of the fat uud commodloue oplfj to Dufur, KingHley, Tygh Valley, Warm Ktirinirn nnd I'rineville is i" tl'e,i' r Prineville can frt M.OO by going on thin Bta;t lint- All trains stop here. PHOTOGRAPHER w r WINICWAK. Firet premium at the Waeco countf , air for betit portrait and riewe. ? -.1 i Tariuua oiuer remeaiee ana several phv- riciane had done her no good, Kolxjrt I ?,?u"l a,.ibL P'jp-i bich cheek 'or draft Barber, of Cookeport, Pa., claims DrJffi "toproratitly exwtte aurellea, otherwlie to be' J ' return! to the bidder. A m more good tlian anything he ever ued i rtl'Z?''a,Yni"i 11" "wrtiflwi j .RT I EACHKR . i.i t4unt... Cknotb?conlderl, I .a-v x i, CliAIfl STORY, for Jung trouble. Nothing like it. Trv it. J-ree trial bottle at bnipeif 6c Kin nly'f. Large bottle, 50c. and $1.00. WM. MAKUKKH. (Qisemao & Jflarders, and Wine Rooms The Dal I M, - Oregon. Kor further informaflnn m tl.n .. and other vartlculaii, apply to V. i iBduif 55J',t Ml1' lTe 4"!. Mondayi and Tbenaayt of I fwT'Nortbiiaat corner of Sacond and c.t. maian AKent. ecb wcvk, or ofkastr U daalrtd. I Court atreeU. Room S, BtUingen BuUdn, D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and P MAINS TAPPED UNDER PKESStTHi! I Shop on Third Street, next door west of V'-1 Blacktsmith Shop.