The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 04, 1893, Image 1

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    lie Dulles
, Dalles Daily Chronicle
bluhM Daily, Sunday Ktwptoa.
NO. 68.
( yroml nd Washington Btrecta, The
llftllC, UtVUWH.
rtirn" i.f Miilxwrlptloii
It mPT
.. ..1600
n etu-ct Aumt r,
urt MCNft.
Inw10r.a. nsoor.M.
fin uovkii.
LaitIw "" IIrta 8:41 a.m.
fmrfttn thBi carry ienKor icarc
PiSl JS !' M.,aud oue lor the
jirtUc, Tin Hake Ovou. leave dally
'jaai?. Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
iKftriKlas.'.c);, Wamlc, Waln!tia, Warm
m tli TjKa iicj, irT ui), tiiii,
... I w
K'.i,i.n!!. Wah.. leare every day ot the
.flt Sunday at j A.. .
.1 B. 8CHINCK,
.1 M, l'ATTKP.SON,
C ashler.
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
icuuvivu uu uhj ui collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
N'ew York, San Francisco and Portland.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schkncl.
Ed. M. Wimiamb, Geo. A. Lixnz.
H. M. Bkali..
National Bank,
President -Vice-President,
Cashier, -
Z. F. Moody
Chaklks Hilton
M. A. Moody
Omn Street, mc uaiics, urrtn.
It. terra, rnx 5ini.
lyi-Room. and 43, over rot
K&Mduie, Kuirance on n aamugum turtwi
,&xlnSchauno'bulldiUKiU aUln. The
inrwT'Uw -onicc, French', uioca over
I.Sttlonal Bank. ' ' Dullea. Uretron.
il WIWON Attormt-at-law Roomi
French A t.o.'h bank bulldlnr, second
, llie Daili-a, Oregon.
.EsHELJ'.AN ilIonxoraTltlC; 1'iiymciam
id bl'QKOM c;alla an.wercU promptly,
cirkt, cltv or country. Office No. IMiand
km.ii block. wtl
0, l DOAKE 1-HYMCXA.K AttD 1C-
box Office, rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Residence h. K. corner kiurt and
iuwU, (H-ond door from the comer.
I y to 12 A. a., - i" t, ana , to s r. .
IDBAU. - Dentist. Oba given for the
IalaK. extraction of tueth. Alio toeth
owed aluminum plate. Koomi: Blgn of
pica tuoui, second btroct.
General Hanking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favorable terms
at all accessible points.
Ifl that misery experienced when
suddenly mado aware that you
possess a diabolical arrangement
called stomach. No two dyspep
tics havo tho eamo predominant
symptoms, but whatever form
dyspepsia takes
The underlying cause i
in the LIVER,
and one thing 13 certain no one)
will remain a dyspeptic who will
It Trill comet
Acidity of tho
Expel font gaae(
Allay Irritation,
Aaalst DlgMtloa
'and at tho sama
Start the Liver working ana
all bodily ailments
will disappear.
Tor mere than three vein 1 saflsred with
Dytpeptia in its worst form. I tried aewral
4octon, but they afforded no relief. At lait I tried
Simmon. Lirer KeguUtor, which cured me in a
ahort time. It It a good medicine. I would not
be without it." James A. Koakk, PhiUd'a, Pa.
Has oar Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
J. II. ZEIL.IN CO., l'hiladelphla.Pa.
T? Dally Erenlne Chronicle in recosmlzed
C ns (sentlallv tliff limn,, imtv-r tnr thp
uuuon. some IHJIVIL 2,000 of
our best
citizens watch the columns of this r ft niTD
duily lor the mirlot local neiv. It rHKKK
iiuccctili In Rleanini! the field, and hence r.ows
hi popularity ana imirtance. Take It awnile,
you uijouim t; try some 01 us premium oncra.
KtlXOUaE. NO, IS. A. . & A. M.-Mouti
piittm intra Monaay oi cacu moutn at
eth In Maaonlc Mali the third Wednesday
uouiii ai , J . at.
iN W(H)I)MKK nv tiiv vvnut n
, Hood CampNo.M.MM-UTueMlayeveu-
Kf. Mik I. C,.un,fi,,a . . n
HI A X)I)GK. NO. 5. I. O. O. P.-Mwli
fy i'riday CTenlne at 7:30 o'clock, in K.
HI, corner Becoud and Court .treeU.
UC brother, are welcome.
H.hecy. u. a. jjillj,.-.. u.
KDHHir LODGE. NO. B.. K. of P.-MecU
iry Monaay eveutnic at 7:;J ociock, in
D r nuiiuiUK, corner ot uourt ana necoua
hojuurnliic membera are coruiany in
W. B. C&AM
IVaube, K, of K, and 8. C. C.
ailiLY NO. 4827, K. OK U-MecU In K.
IP hall thekeeond and fourth YSeduea-
leach mouth at 7:30 p. m.
INION will mout every Kriday alter noon
Kt at the readme room. All are inviun.
!a Lodjte No. Ml, I. O. (t. T.-litgulur
itly muetlnc. l'rlday at 6 r. 'it., a
y Halt. All are Invited.
uiman, C. T, It. C. Flkck, Be
E IX)DGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. MeeU
Itticrniiy linn, over Keller., an becunu
asrway eveuiugi at 7:;.
. Jl. il A.CC,
jltiv, Kitiancier.
FKjfJTir I'OHT, No. 32, 0. A. U. Mixta
i wturaay at 7:30 r. m lu thu k. oi i:
1 1- I'.. MeutaeverrHunduv alternoou in
M K, f P Uall.
PB VKKEIN MiU evcrr Huudav
toIuk In the K. of 1'. Hall.
.fit I1 11, 11 ,.. ,'., ,.H ikl'pH "U'.,i.
, - - ...... ..v .... ,vu.,wn-
ch mouth, at 7;!W r. x.
ftKRH CIIUKCII-Kev. Father linoNa
... u"- i4)w M"" every Hunday at
Uli;h MfUM at 10:110 A, If. Veiiier. at
Ult'P.CII -Union Btrect, opKMte
, Hov KIlD.HutcilfreKcctor. Bervicea
"Jly t 11 a. k. mid 7;a0 v. u. Huuday
M, h,vunlli2 1'raviT cm Krlrt.v at
"r, .Morning iurvlui.'a every Bab-
llllli.lliitelv Uftur mnrnliii ki,rvli
rj;tlnK Kriduy evenliiR at Paator'a real
uion Kcrvlcea In the court houae at
k';i"KnPNA 'J!U1'.CH-Kev. W. C.
K 7 . wi wrvicea every Huuday at 11
r Htr, I.ooi aiier inoruiuc
BtranKemcordlHlly lurltcd. HeaUfrtw.
(.'III'ltiMIl,..- v.,
Wu ' "Plwk. A cordial Jn.
- vj uuiu paator and ople
A iTi.V.r ' wintn atreet,
lone 1 A 1 'fuuu welcome
Letters of Credit issned available in he
Eastern States.
Sight Exchangu and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all point on fav
orable term i.
W. H. YOUNG, l
Blacksmith wagon SHop i
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptlv, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tinrd Street opp. Liebc:s old Stanl
"The Regulator tine"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
1-2 J- - , . . .
kuiob oi worK in his lino at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest honse moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Add r ess P.O. Box 1 8 1 ,Th e Dal les
Freigm ana Passenger Line
Through dally service (Sundays ex
cepted) between Tho Dalles and" Port
land. Steamer Kegulator leaveB The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
lcks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
iiectiiii: with steamer Kegulator for The
: : JEWELER : :
YVatche aud Jewelry repaired to order on
hort notice, and aatlafactlou guaranteed
Store of I. C. Nlckelaeu, 8d Ht. The Ualle
Chas. Allison,
Dealer In
Headquarters at Ohas. Lauer'i.
HmvIhk bud u fine lmrvttt of nutiirnl Ice the
bent ill the world. I mn nreinirul to furiil.h in
any quantity uud it I bottom price.
One way
Round trip.
. 3.00
Tickets on sale for Jmg Beach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Haggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock ehipments solicted.
Cull on or address,
Ueneral Agent.
(leneral Manager.
Dry Goods
if lothing
HuoUi HUoae, Hat, JCto.
Fancy Qood0, Jotion,
Bte.i Bte.i Etc.
Second St., The Dallei.
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, ixipulur and reliable house
hits leen entirely rofurniHlied, and every
room JuiH been ropapered and repaints
and newly carpeted throughout. The
houfo contains 170 rooms and is supplied
with every modem convenience. RaU
reiiwoiiable. A jrood rustuiirunt uttachei
to tho houuu. Frer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWLE8. Prop.
Candies and Nuts
at whole. air
Finest Paanut Roaster In Th Dalls
2 38 mi PA I'Ubiilitt
Awfnl Details of the Recent Ter
rific Storm.
No Attention Paid to Coffins The Con
dition of the Survivors Very
Savannah, Sept. 2. S. G. Friedling,
ol the wholesale grocery iirm of S.
Guckenheimer A Son, returned from
Beaufort last night on a special tug.
Mr. Friedling says that at least 800 per
sons were drowned ofT the islands in
that vicinity, and that when all reports
are in, upwards of 1000 persons will be
found to have perished. The coroner
had held inquests on ."00 bodies, 37 of
which were buried in one pit and 50 in
another. It is impossible to procure
coffins. Capt. II. B. Elliott's nlace
on Cane island suffered severelv from
the storm. As it grew worse Captain
Elliott brought his family out of the
house and fastened them to trees with
lifelines. 1. 1. Denaler lost his building
and contents on Paris island, and he
and his wife spent four hours on the top
of a tree.
The aggregate loss at Beaufort will
exceed o00,000. The phosphate indus
try near Beaufort has been ruined, and
the crops on the sea islands are a com
plete loss. Unless immediate relief
comes, the suffering will be indescriba
ble. Attempt at identification of the
bodies has been abandoned. All that
is deeired now is to get the bodies out
of the way as quickly as possible to
prevent epidemics resulting from their
rapid decomposition. No very accurate
record is kept of the number of dead,
and the statistics of the disaster will
never be known. On each island and
mainland the survivors are burying all
the remains of the victims that can be
found. Coroner's certificates are out of
the question. Searching parties make
their way around the plantations and
houses, and as soon as a body is found
it is put under ground. Wherever any
whites are with these parties same sort
of a record is kept, but the greater
number of burials are made by negroes.
The black belt on the coast has lost not
less than 1,000 of its negroes, with a
probability that it is over that number.
It will be a week before all the dead
are found, as there is overflowed water
on the island beneath which are un
doubtedly many bodies. The sea is
slowly giving up its dead. The condi
tion of the survivors is pitiable in the
The cholera outbreak in Jereey City
has caused a scare among tho congress
men. It may do much toward shorten
ing the session. OfliciaU of the marine
hospital service do not fear a general
Mrs Blackburn, widow of the late
Geo Luke Blackburn, is very angry
because Congressman Breckinridge
introduced his mistress, Missl'ollard in
to society through her, and declares that
were her husband alive he would hold
Breckinridge personally accountable for
the indignity and insult she had been
The Sherman repeal bill has been in
formally laid aside in the senate, but
before that was done the chairman of
tho finance committee, indicating his
determination to precs forward all next
week with tho real and earnest purposo
of bringing the senate to a formal vote
with as little delay :ts Is consistent from
full dlscutiiion.
Secretary Carlisle 1ms al-JUt made up
his mind to itsk congress to authorize
the coinage of the silwr bullion at pres
ent lying in the treasury. 1 hit" amounia
to $52,000,000 i ro'i'i'l milliners, ny
its colnau'o tho government would :
capo the dolldt which now threatens,
and have enough money 'to tide it over
to the time when tho income will once
more equal .r exceed tho expenditures.
The fceeretatv does not believe theiu will
be much opposition to the request.
Senator 1 'filer lutu introduced a bill
which is in the nature of an amendment
to thu constitution. Jt directs the bee
retary of the treasury to print and ishtie
to Btttte governments 15,000,000 for each
100,000 inhabitants, or at tho rate of !f'-0
tier canita. States are piohibited from
lending it in excess of an interest charge
of a iter cent. No person snail uorrow
more than '-'000. Corporations are not
allowed to lend money. The time for
which the money is lent is 10 years, and
one.fourth is to be paid every four yuuru
Interest will be collected at tho end of
each year. No fees or commitslons shall
bo charged on a loan. All lands nnd
improvements forfeited for noii-paymen
of principal or interest shall go in to the
public domain. Other money, other
than the metal now outstanding, shall
be calledinto thetreasnryand destroyed
The secretary of the treasury is required
to print 5,000,000 50-cent bills nnd the
same number of 25-cenl bills, to be sold
by postmasters.
dipt, lllouer.i Stilton the FiicIn In lie
gitril to th "I.ouileil Gun."
Ilooo RivKH, Or., Sept. 4th, 1893.
Emtou Chko.nici.k:
My attention having been called to an
article in your paper of the 120th tilt.,
headed a tragedy nverted ; and as I had
the honor of commanding D company of
Hood River at the time, and as said ar
ticle reflects somewhat upon my com
pany as myself, I feel duty bound to
take exceptions to it.
To begin with, it is nearly, if not all
untrue; and thewiiterof it either knows
it to be so, or has been misinformed, and
knows nothing about it. In either case,
I think he is deserving of the severest
censure at least. The sham battle was
to have been a part of the programme
at The Dalles, and I believe would have
been carried out so far as Col. Houghton
was concerned, or any advice from any
captain in the regiment given the gov
ernor, if the men could have been as
sembled after dinner. But when we
broke rank9 at The Dalles, the men
scattered, and although Col. Houghton
had the assembly call blown and ordered
every captain to get his company out for
the sham battle, they could not be
gathered together, and I do not believe
a captain in the regiment tried to get
his company out. But, on the'eontrary,
told them to keep out of sight where
they could not find them, or they would
have to go out. I know Col. Houghton
did not give it up until he saw it was
utterly impossible to get the men to
gether. He then gave it up very re
luctantly, because the citizens of The
Dalles were clamoring for it, and kick
ing the colonel on every sido for not
carrying out the programme as adver
tized. I will leave it to any officer in
the regiment who knew anything about
it, if this is not correct.
As to the management of the camp,
will say it was not conducted exactly up
to my ideas of a militarv camp, but as I
served my time in the United States
army, l pernaps, expected too mucli
from militia officers. I believe Col.
Houghton done the very best that he
could, and as well as any other man
could have done who had no more ex
perience thanhu had.
As to rations being short, will say my
company complained to me the second
day we were in camp, that they were
not getting enough bread. I at onco in
terviewed the proper officer, after which
the men had an abundance and of good
quality. This for my company, I cannot
speak for the others.
Now I will come to the little fable of
the loaded piecosaid to have been left on
the train by one of my company, and
discovered a loaded bullet-ball cartridge.
To this I positively assert there is not a
shade of truth in it. When we arrived
in Hood River I took particular pains to
see that there was no state property left
aboard tho train ; I was the last man to
leave the train ; I know there was no
piece left, besides 1 marched the com
pany to tho armory, called the roll, aud
becked off all property (which was of
course my duty) and found not one
piece short, as our friend from Fossil
would make it appear, but on tho con
trary, wo were one piece ahead. In
other wordH we had one piece more than
wo should have. Of this 1 notified Col,
Houghton, and it was properly charged
to our company. I don t know what
company was short, but it must have
been ) company, or the wiitor of the
article in question, have nothing upon
which to huso his fabrication, if it is
theirs, they can get it by having tho
most efficient officer in the regiment,
viz. Captain GaU'einey make tho proper
equation for it,
I am not in favor of sham battles, but
lo not believe l.leut. Nelson would havo
been shot had ho kept his proper place,
which is in the roar of his company ho
long us they tint firing. I presume that
under tho excitement which always ac-
companies such occasions, lie rushed
out to lead a chargo without ordering hia
men to ceaso firing. If this be true,
while it is deplorable, no onois to blame
for the accident.
Will tho Fossil Journal kindly inform
its readers and citizens irenerallv. who
some of tho officers woro who kept this
matter quiet, and who their informant
wnsV A. S. Bi.owkiih.
(Late) Capt. D. Co. 3d Reg. O. N. G.
Mr. J. C. Boswell, one of the bet
known and most respected citizens of
Brownwood, Texas, suffered with diar
rhoia for a long time and tried many
different remedies without benefit, until
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy was UBed; that re
lieved himatonce. Forsaleby Blakeley
& Houghton, Druggists. lm.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of the
Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, haa
found what he believes to be the best
remedy in existence for the flux. His
experience is well worth remembering.
He says : "Last summer I had a very
severe attack of flux. I tried almost
every known remedy, none giving relief.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy was recommended to me.
I purchased a bottle and received almost
immediate relief. I continued to use
the medicine and was entirely cured.
I take pleasure in recommending this
remedy to any person suffering with
such a disease, as in my opinion it is the
best medicine in existence." 25 and 50
cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggists. lm.
From the Governor of South Dakota.
Gkntlemf.n Unclosed please find Do&taloote
for fl.CO for Kraus-j'a Ilendacbe Capsules.
Allow me to say tbnt they nro smcndld: never
failed to cure my headaches and have me a world
of suflerini;. I Hm recommending them every-
wnero. lnearneKlsis 01 ADeraejn, Hccia ana
Brittou. Marshall county, all me to ret
them nnd keep them in stock. I am going to
Colorado iu June, and I hall do you good there
nmong the miners, nearly all of whom suffer
irom ncaancne.s in mat nign hhuuqo
ours, etc., J. il. m.ktchki:, uettt. got.
Simla Ciiun,S. Dak.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received for the re-covering of the
cistern at the intersection of Washing
ton anu Iliirti streets, baiu uius will be
received until Saturday noon September
2nd, 1S93, at tho recorder's office, in
Dalles Uitv, W asco County, Oregon
Tho right to reject any ind all bids i
hereby reserved. 'Hie city to furnish al
material for the re-covennc of said cist
ern and said bids to bo for tho labor in
re-covering tho same.
P. in, KltKKT.
Chairman of Committee on Streets and
Public Property.
Dated at Dalles City. Oregon, this 29th
day of August, 1803.
A Sunday at the Seaside.
During the summer season the Dalles,
Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. will
make a rate of $3, Dalles to Astoria
and return, and $4, Dalles to Ilwaco
and return.
Tho above rates will bo in effect on
Sundays onlv. Steamer Regulator will
leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. Dalles City
will arrive at rortiund in timo to con
nect with the Lurline for Astoria and
Ilwaco. The Lurline will leave Ilwaco
Sunday evening and will connect with
the Dalles City Monday morning for Thu
Tho above tickets will bo limited to
threo days from date of sale.
W. u. Al.I.VWAY, tt. A.
Klnctrlu Itlttura.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
pedal mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing tho samo song of praise. .
A purer iitedieinu does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that In claimed.
Klectric Bittern will euro till diseases oi
thu liver and kidneys, will remove
pimple, boils, salt rheum aud other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from tho system and
prevent an well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Klectric Hit-
tern. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
iiiouuy refunded. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle at Snipe & Ivinersly's,
wtmn, wood, noon.
Heat grades of oak, fir, and slab coro
wood, at lowest market raten at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
Shiloh'H euro, the Grunt Cough and
Cioup Cure, is for sitlo by Snipes & Kln-
rHly. Pockot size contains twenty-livo
doses, only -5o. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes & Kiuursly,
Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver
Htovo Polish.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report,
1 X