V m i G 3 OVRo ECI SRLE, Boys' Underwear, 25 6ls Q ' Q All Sies. Regular weights, ffa Good values at 40c. SEE CORNER WINDOW. rVi All Goods Marked t. in plain Figures. Iv PEASE & MAYS. Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'ic I'ontoQcc at The Dalle, Orfgou, kb tx:ml'Climi mutter. I.ocul Adrrrt lulu;. WCnif K-r line Inr flmt Insc-rllou, ana 6 Out Kt iltit- t'ir cii"h KtiLin-f lien t iiiMrtlon. '(wLi ruf-i lor lorn; time notice. All lnca. " ttlccH rwclvvd later tbnn S o'clock 111 Bppvnr tilt following dny. ball occurs Tuesday evening at the Unia- I tilla house, and the popular price of ifl ) a ticket ha been fixed. j I). C. Herrin has photographs of i nearly every prominent Indian in the I United States of late year.-. He fur nishes a complete verbal history of each. The photos are well done, and so is the talk. Fajserable Imports cbritinue to come in Tin- Wwulc School. Wruthrr Forrcut. ' T 'Jlftal lorrcatl for twmlv-Jour howl endtttc at i j, in. tomorrow j 4 For I nday and Saturday fair and- !1 I . . lpiiiij cooler. riuvic. WUATIIEIl Haroineter, 2.G5. f Maximum temperature, 101. Minimum temperature, 54'. River, 11.0 feet above zero, f Wind, northeast. ; - SUIT. 1,1893 Ths Daily and Wftkly Chronicle ;ia; found on sale at J. t . i tclrhcn tlort. y . SEPTEMBER SHpRTS. - - - Mt i iuur IiiiliortancC wiri .Mnry I Mnry iutd u Uttlr lumh i nun in tut r.uxi uitf .Mnry grew; A rjrioiit ciiiue int-y couuiii i nun KnotiKh o( tint t lumkto miike a tev. T Ireland of Mosier is in Rev. Frank Air. (. . Utianuler ol,Jloou Kiver is in In the last hour and a half the ther- J. K. Itunkin proposes to establish a J lie wneat crop ol wubco county this ICCHlllMILH. Cfl rx he mercury lacked only a half degree llATillir Lilt! UlllLt'HL I1UV 1 1 1 LI1U PraMII 101 In ttu uluiilf S!e state apportionment for Wasco county this year la only WW.'M. The The long-looked-for rock crusher was Itrr.. .... IJ I A "'JUIH up UU H1C JHUIUlUl lUSV VVt'Il- The crusher and engine w eigh six tons. The boys nnd girls of Wumic have do nated enough money for the purchase of new hchool bell twenty inches in diuin l:r. The procession for the firemen's tourn ament will start at 10:20 a.m., instead jf 1 1 :-0, ae the types made us uy yes terday. Tlio JJusy Gleaners will give their last lawn sociable for the season at the resi dence of Mrs. Goo. A. Llebeon Saturday veiling, September 5id. Admission 15 cents. The stockholders of the Wasco Inde pendent Academy will hold an adjourned weeting at the court house tomorow afternoon at 2 o'clock for the purpose of fleeting a new board of directors. Mr. (jtadelman brought in noine mum oth eanteloupen, of the famous Col JU.Uk variety, which have an excellent avor. No wonder cunteloupes from t'lu Dalits hold first place lu the mar-sets. from the farmers. Peter Godfrey's field of grain on Five-Mile, threshed out IS bushels of wheat per acre. And O. W. Cook's field on Three-Mile, yielded 20 Iliushels tier acre iJJ'iflunu'e'rEtood that -the "busineFK houses will close up Monday and Tues day from 10 to 5 to allow their men an opportunity to witness the races, etc. A very good move, and fitting in more ways than one, since Monday is Ijibor day. Mr. Knsttvood has dressed one of Nolan's windows very attractively out of school supplies. it represents a school houte and yard, rail fence, and children entering. It is very unique and has attracted much attention The water in the Cascades canal is now all pumped out but a small amount in the lower end and work will actively commence laying stone. The first train load of eight cars of California granite, all dressed and ready for use, arrived yesterday and will be used at the upper lock gate. The light, northeast wind that has prevailed for the last three or four days has kept the smoke back on the west side of the mountains until todav, when it veered round into the northwest and west, bringing with it a dense volume, which baa almost obscured the sun, and the atmosphere !b ho thick with it that it is becoming uncomfortable with its strong smell. Au Kzoii UHch Cuiuilet-d. A letter from F. S. Gordon to Supt. Troy Shelley is as follows : I am pleased to be able to state that the deed for our school building and grounds, was executed today. The building is 24x00 feet, and two stories. Ttie carpenters will begin putting in the sill windows tomorrow. The new dis trict starte in practically free from debt. ', It is a great pleasure to know that the signers of the petition have etood firm throughout in this matter, and that the 'officers elected at the meeting, are all a .. c liberal-minded, representative men. itiey nave taken Hold ot tins work in a manner that assures success to our school. PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. Chae. -Adams of Glen wood, Wash, is in the city today. The first water flowed to the termina tion of the new ditch of the Hood River Water Supply Co., just completed, last Friday night. The ditch is ten miles long, dug the entire distance, with the exception of about; three rods, which is tlumel. Those who have had tho im pression that that country is so fear fully broken up will readily sec that there is considerable level land there. The flume is 4 feet wide at he ton. ,2 feet at the bottom and 20 inches deep. The water is taken out of Dead Point creek, aud does not appreciably lesBen the supply. One thousand inches of water now runs into the ditch, but the wearing away of the Hides will continu ally increase it capacity. rickets for the firemen's ball are on " nt A. Keller' bakery, Campbell i Rlukeley & Houghton's, Snipes K(lnsly'B,A. Newuiau'e, Maier & Ben jjn' c,,'liuan Jt Coreon'u, Joles Lro.' . T. Nolan's aud K. JacoUeu'i. The The Regulator will make a trip to the Cascade Locks on Sunday the lid iusl., to bring up tho firemen. To those wishing to make the trip, a rate of (1 will bu made. The steamer will leave The Dalles at V a. m., aud returning, leave the Locks at 2 p. in. D. P. & A.N. Co. Children often need some safe cathar tic and tonic. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve colic, sick stomach, indiges tion, dysentery aud the complaints in cident to childhood, Mr. 3. C, Roswell, one of tho best known aud most respected citizens of Rrownwood, Texas, suffered with diar rhea for a long time nnd tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chauilierlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlurrhaa Remedy was used; that re lieved hiiuatonce. For sule by lilakoley & Houghton, Druggists. Isu. Doane are in Port- Dr. nnd Mrs. O: D. land for a few days. Mrs. Southern of Boyd departed for Hood luver this morning. Mr. Chas. Butler and Mr. Ketchen of Port Townsend are in the city. Rev. Atkinson arrived last evening and took his departure for Dulur. Mr. Geo. W'T Miller and family re turned from .Sealand last evening. Mr. J. B. Crossen left last night for Portland to be absent several days. Mrs. W. H. Moody and family were passengers on the steamer tins morning. .Mrs. wary J.augnun returned lrom a few weeks sojourn at tho seaside last evening. Kev. . u. anu airs, uurtis leu on the morning boat for the seaside, to be absent a week. Miss Ixirene Iee of Portland came on the Regulator last night to visit Miss Kdith Randall. Mr. T. J. Btirford of Centervillo re turned last evening from a few weeks at the sea coast. School Superintendent Troy Shelley is in the city anu lavoreu j.he timoNici,K office with a call today. Mrs. J. C. Kgbert and children of 10- Mile, departed for Portland tills morn ing lor a snort visit among friends. Mr. C. R. Bono of Hood River called on this office today. He sayB the Cloud Cap Inn travel has been very light this season. Mr. II. C. Neilsen arrived last evening irom ixmg m'acn. lie orouclit with him quite a lot of vertebra and other boneH of the sea monster, the whale, which ho win auorn ins lawn wun. HOlt.N. At Hemlock, 1ing Beach. August 17th, to the wife of G. V. Bolton. a daughter. Wash. Ask your dealer Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Shiloh'H cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket si.e contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. hold by Snipes & Kinersly. Shiloh's Vitallxer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble, It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Prh-e 74c. Sold by Snipes 6t Kinersly, druggists. dinger & Bone's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at tho best fishing point iu Hood River valley, where one can reach Mt. Hood in a fen hours and vet their mall and provisions daily. 2ted Th lUeordcr and the Tram'siS. i no recorder, as police fudge, has a Rood opportunity to etudv human na tnre, lind Mr. Dnfur finds a field calling for the actUcDt discrimination In dealing with the tramp clement. He is learning to distinguish between tho professional loafer and the merely unfortunate, with out funds, stranded on a strange shore. Tho veteran generally has a nice fairy story fixed up, but In the telling of It ho invariably layB himself "witlo open,, and then it is tho youthful judge finds keenest pleasure in reducing his theory to o condition, and he is made to see the force of tho couplet : ' ,, "O i whnt a tangled web we weave, hen llrit wc irictlcu to deceive." The average tramp is not a success as a liar. He lacks genius. He is a fox, but never an owl. He disproves the proverb, "A standing gatepost begets no wisdom," if by that is meant diplomacy is to be acquired by travel. The full forco of its opposite, however, is real ized: "A rolling stone gathers no moss." Precious little "moss" in over visible in the inventory of a tramp's possessions. Yesterday a young Swede about 21 years old paraded up and down tho street in Eearch of a marshal. Ho was well dressed, intelligent, but without money and hungry. He wanted a meal, and said he wanted to deal with the au thorities and not go to begging of citi zens. He saw Officer Gibons, who treated hint as he does all tramps, and his case came up before the recorder this morning. He told a straightforward story, of how he had work part of the time, and part of the time idle, and that it was a custom of eastern cities for the hungry to appeal to the municipal au thorities, who furnished thein food. The recorder saw in this man not a tramp, but a man of misfortune, and discharged him with the customary in junction to "get out of town as soon as possible'." A Fatlier'n Views. Mk. Editoii I notice in your paper an article in reference to two young ladies. I fully agree with you in trying to protect and save these thoughtless ones from disgrace, and by the example of manhood and womanhood, lead them to a nobler type of life; carry them out upon the ocean of integrity, where they may be taught to shun the whirlpool of vice, that they may not get into the un tiring jaws of these social sharks, vam pires who seek to deetroy the noblest element in womanhood. One of these I know, and by her ac tions believed her to be very reserved, and am satisfied that she is the dupe of another. Therefore, Mr. Ilditor, you did not put the blame where it belonged. Flave you no reproof for the men who led the thoughtless into this repulsive scheme? One word from one of these men would have been sufficient to have stopped the whole aflair, and he would have had the gratitude of the better ele tnentof this community. We must hold our fellowmen responsible in proportion to their ability to avert wrong. Wo ad mire in our fellow men a disposition to protect the innocent and 'lift the fallen. Ii is this element, imbibed into our life, that holds us together as a community and a government, and without it we must go to piece". Hence, the individ ual who does not observe this law is an enemy, and pliould be treated as such. We call the man a thief who enters our store, breaks into our safo and steals of us our money; tho man that takes our life we call a murderer. In the first case the money can be restored or more earned, and everything move on the eame. In the second, tho elements we most admire still live, for tho dead are not robbed of character. These men have a place that society may bo pro tected. But what shall wo call tho man, nnd whero shall we put him, who at tempts to rob womanhood of that which ho can neur restore rob her of every thing wo admire in her character! Shorn of tho noblest, grandest gem of her existence. The worst thief is the one who steals that which ho cannot return, ami fchould be ostracised for social protection. A Fathiu:. This 1 to certify Hint I Imvi iuei Kniuso'd Heailufho Cii.Mile ierjll'iiliy lor over one year, inn! lime very much lcii-uro In utatini; that they Jmve always proved hcneflcinl mid lmo relieved iifln lrom ten to (If teen minute., I huvo been ii unlU'rer from lieiidiieho for imitiy yearn, mid hme never found anything to do nio iiH iiitiell Kood n Knuiho'n Jleadachu CaiiMiIcs, Your truly. l)ins HhhmaN, our iruij , i)( l) ) ))ir K ( vt.MtI( K(;n ISiiokleii'H AriiM'H Hnlic. The best salvo in the world for cuts, brumes, wires, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sori'H, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains, coniH, and all skin eruptions, and posl tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded, Price 25 cents per' box. Vw sale by Snipes k Kin-ersly. i 3ST ZEJ'tV S I WOOJLVN PHOSWIODINJ4 IlttBiptijr aua jx riiiauenur cure ll form of AVreOiM Wcvintn,r.mluUni, flptrw otorrhea, Jmiottncu and all tffrtUiAt)ut or jurcMifi. Hcc insacrluea ortr c vifimln thousnndii of Ciucsi 7"S!tU thovntu KcHalleunU llw iiifenonaAfttr, knovin, Afck .. , .,- iv.tnA't nhnanliadliiei It Uo offon teiin.wortUltumlitinoluj)lacoortlii, lomu hU dulionmt flore, luclooo Jnco m iciwr, wovillrond by returu man. row, n pac". 1U,65. OHcwtUtUa$r,lMWtUi'ur. riuapu- Kl In P'cia M'altfl euveiorw, a ovum yimwf,, Jularvblt Tim tiimwitui 131 Woodward Mcnue, Detroit, Jllcii. Bold In The JHf by Wukeley A llounhtoa. ill ii Sur Dir Goods, Panoy Goods and Notions, (jerks' ptirpiir (Jooc, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every deportment. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. tjcosa. H. Herbring. jopr .0BpR FIRST CLHSS CAN BE HAD AT THE NT'1" "T'NC C H R O NICLE O FF I C E treasonably Ruinous Rates. Familiar Faces in a. Next) Place. C. ED. BAYARD, ,afc Special Agent General Land Office. J. EC. BARNETT Jf?e Ieal Instate, Ipai), Iiurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. ' - --NOTAnYPUBliIO. Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or. Alistract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We shall mako a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests, before tho Unitep States Land Office. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You Seen Z THE Fine Millinery Goods Z AT. --- 112 Second Street, ANNA PETER & CO. J. H. CROSS. At tho Old Stand, Ooi. Socond and Union Sts. ay, Graii?, peed ai?d plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. On&la jpttlcl fox H3&S' .:ixci Poultry. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN x - BOOKS. I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, Is now opon, and its proprietor will soil hin homo Also, best Toanuta to bo found. Goods guaranteed to bo Puro and First-Class in ovory respect. Thompson's Addition. , C- BECHT,