The DnHts Dafly Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPKK OF DALLKS CITY. AND WASCO COCKTT. 8CBSCRIPT10N RATES. . BT MAIL, rO STAGS rRiTAIB, IN ACTAKCS. Wskly, 1 year. ... ...1150 " 6 months. 0 75 " 3 " 0 50 Dolljr, 1 year. C 00 " 6 months , 8 00 - per " 0 50 Address aU communication to " THK CHRON ICLE," The Dalle, Oregon. the disposition that it made of the tariff. So far as business is concerned, we are not doing any; business is dead." Hand River New. IS rout-Office. omci iiocm General Delivery Window.. .. ..Sa. m. to 7 p.m. Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 u. m. BmdayO t) 0 n. m. tolOa. m. or KAIL train going Kast. . . .5 p. IT., and UM . B. " Wot . . . .s p. ta. and 5:S0p. m. AUrc for Goldendale .... 7:SUa. m. " " Prineville . .5:30 a.m. " "l)uiuraud Wann.sprtnp. ..5:a)a. in. " fLeavlns for Lvle ft Hortland .5:30 a.m. t " t Antelope 5:3) a. ra. "kxcept Suudov , , tTrl-weckly TaJsdaJ- Thursday and eatunlay. j " Monday Wednesday and Friday, 'VvFKIDAY, SFPT. 1. i93 Calamity howlers who declare that the goldbngites are getting the upper hand, if they will but chew the cud of reflection, will give their lungs a rest. There is more silver than gold coined now, in dollars, and twenty times as much in bulk. Mrs. Pratt, wile of Mr. H. Pratt, very sick and not expected to live. Three of Mr. Joseph Purser's children are quito sick, one very dangerously. Mrs. . J. Haynes returned from a three weeks' stay at the coast on Wednes day night. Mr. Will Smith and wife of Astaria are visiting Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Lyman Smith. J. H. Middleton of Portland, one of i our former merchants, is up on business ! and a few days' outing. When Charlemagne and his "Knights of v . , . . , ,.. i,.,, . the Round Tuble" were nutkine wnr on tho o late news from our county school; gam m Africa. itXnxiuentlv happened superintendent and school teachers who ' that Kniphts on either sido would light in . - ivi it 111 , ' 1 1 i,..j I single combat for the honor of their re were still at Lost lake when last heard J nnuits, Saracens luul been. from, t for many years, tho scourge the dreaded Uk. t r r 1 rntnmA n Invaders of Eurojw, and all waged war Mi1. J. . Rand and wife returned on nffauist common enemv. Tuusdav night's train from Port Towns- Hut in theso days tho.'worst soourgo that William Tell Your Father that we sell SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Mrs. Lease, it is said, has earned suf-! ficient to send her son to college, set her , husband up in the drug business and j buy a nice improved farm, besides a lot i of new -gowns and loves of bonnets Even 1-fi.lnmitv howlinir. it Mm?. mav be made a profitable business. How is the repeal of the Sherman law to increase the circulating medium? asks the Statesman. No one is trying to increase tht eirnnlntinc medium. The great object is to increase the ' Tucker postofiice, while working circulation of the medium we have good again. oe The New York anarchists dared the police to raid their meeting. The deS was accepted, and now the anarchists are soaking there bruised and pulsing heads in cold water while they sadly de liberate upon the fact that it was a con dition and not a theory that confronted them. Statesman. end, Wash., after a two week's visit with friends. Mr. Will Rand, our popular livery man, has sold his one-half interest in the stable to Mr. J. W. Curdeman, for merly of the Oregou Lumber Co. The new firm will be Curdeman & Wallace. Mr. Case, the nisrht operator at this j place for the past two months, made an assignment of his household goods to 1 his creditors on last Fridav, and left on the night train to visit his wife's relations without saying goodbye. ( Mr. L. Henry and wife left on last . . ) week for a three months' stay in the east. They sro direct to Chicago to visit the world's fair, and from there on to ! the G. A. R. encampment at Indir.napo- j lis, Ind., and on their return will stop j in Nebraska, their old home. Mr. .1. F. Richardson, living near THE in the timbers on last Tuesday, felled a tree on himself, and we understand is seriously hurt. This is the third accident that has happened him in the last two years Jpuk Adams. threatens us, is that dread invader, Can sumn'ion. Consumption fastens its hold upon its vie j tims while thev nre unconscious of its np- j proach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- ' covery has cured thousands of cans cf this most fatal of maladies. But it must be j taken before tho disease is too far' advanced I in order to ly effective. If taken in time, 1 and given a fair trial, it will cure, or money I tviiil for it will bo refunded. Fcr Weak Luncs. Spitting of Blood. Short ness of Breath, IlrorMiitU, Asthma, severe Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Eas3fitting Pants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s Coughs, und kindred ejections, it is on une- quoica rcmeuy. For all diseases that oris from a torpid liver and impure blood, nothing can take tho plare of Dr. Tierce's Golden AtSdical Discov ery Nothing-will, after you havo st"cn what it decs. It prevents end cures by removing the caufc. It invigorates thu liver, purifies the K.xl, sharpens tho appetite improve dictation, and builds up both strength and . Cts:i. when reduced below tho standard ot ! health I -jiU by druggist, everywhere. ' CLOTHING Dalles AND Prineville Id every size, style and price. Whenever the government stamps the words ''one dollar" upon a piece of metal worth less than ?1 it eitner commits a fraud, as would be the case if ' free coinage were adopted at the existing ratio, or it creates a debt, as it did every j time it coined a standard silver dollar by ' authority of the act of 1S7S. i Executors' Notice. Nutio i hereby civen, that the underslsrii-d have bwu duly apjiointed, by the Honorable the ' County Court of S is-eo countv, Oreson, execu-, tor.- of the etate of John Raster, deceased : a!)' I ir?oi:s havinc claims asaln-t aid estate are I hereby required tr preen; the sisie, duly veri- . hl and with proper vouchers, to u or cither, at AJitfln;?. Waoi. countv. Oretrnn. within ix ' nionth" frora the date r.f this notice. I The riato. Or.. A us. . 150S. ! IAJIK5 BAXTER and 1 .IAJIE5 WKITTE.V, ! Executory -f the estate of John Baxter dec d. s-l, " t Stage - Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. I-oari- The Dalle: nt 6 a. m. cverr daj , and ur rivt at rrineville in thirty-six hours. U-nvet ranevir at & a. m. every day. enc arrive ar ' iKuiiiiibm YOUH flTTENTIOH h called to the fact that 'Ti ere It is estimated that of the salmon that (O up a stream to spawn only three per cent, get back to salt water. Xature eems to hare exhausted itself in spawn ing, and though so weak that they can ecaacely wriggle they still remain with the head up-stream, and if they survive are carried on the current to salt water. When eeeking a place to spawn the fe male makes an oblong neat in the gravel about 12 or 14 inches long and there de- j poeits the spawn. Both the male and female stand guard over the spawn un til hatched, fighting off salmon trout, suckers and other fish that prey upon the eggs. The Dalles in thlrty-hlx hours. T4 4 f-4 Carlics the D. S. Mail, Passengers and frpres 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 lYIikll!) Ji- T T i 1 1 t w t -Connects t Jrin-ille with- 1 . R. L1TTELL, . , e . n Attnrn. v and r:.,ii,,.i itaLvs :rom liasters and Southern Or-, is a tide in the ajoirs oj men which, taken atilsfiwt leads on to fortune." i i The poet unquestionably had reference to the Attorney and Councilor I'ATK.NT, T I! A D E-.M A It K AXll COI'V KICIIT CASKS. Oppitite Paai Ofiet, Wathingion, 1.C. Over twelve years experience. American asl ror.Kic.v patents, f 'aveath. Hud all bustni" arhinc under the patent laws prompUy and carefully prosecuted. P.ejectkp Case- uceordtcl special attention Write for information. I'hON DECEttT OF XODEt. OR "-KETCH Or th- i Vr.STIO.N.I ADVISE AS TO PATENTABILITY WITH OCT CUAKGE. Mention this patr.J The Bellingham Bay Express crowds a great deal of wisdom in the following paragraph: "If you have any spare money, and many a Blocking holds it, dig it up, buy a piece of land. The panics come and go, jobs can be put up, achemee worked, but the man who oper ates a ten or twenty-acre patch in an intelligent manner can defy the world. The crops grow while he sleeps; the cow backs np to be milked : the hen cackles a warning to look for fruit. Buy a small piece and cultivate it; don't buy more land than you can utilize; be a land owner, monarch of all you survey. You will not be unemployed then ; you will be your own boss and independent. Don't expect to find the land at the city hall steps; go out into the countrv for it." A" IT a- A reporter of the Boston Advertiser has interviewed a number of business y en interested in the wool trade. Most ef them think the stagnation due lo the fear of tariff changes. The answer ef one is a fair expression of what they all say. Mr. Rice of Denny, JUce & Co. aid : "The" cause of the stagnation, es- .pecjally in the wool business, is the probability of the repeal of the McKin ' Jy bill. The Sherman law and free ell er has little or nothing to do with it. if Senator Gallinger's resolution that sathing shall be done with the tariff daring this administration or until 1897 should be adopted, there would be an sd to the trouble at once. The uncer tainty in reference to tariff legislation is mcb that the mills cannot cell their foods; the result is a general shutting down. I do not think there will be a eolation of the difficulty, or an improve- went in the situation, until the tariff question is settled. I do not believe that the repeal of the Sherman law can ferfog aboat the desired result, though lit aught bare some effect in giving the people, both at home and abroad, more soaaoecce in our finances and in that waynaka money more plentiful; but tbeiaaUBCot aacertaiaty on the quei itMeftbe tariff would still exist; the aaata tear wouia mipmail, with Jthe aCMt of aakijMrMKpk keep their money leaked op sathar tbaft invest it in a lni. ewy 'epJLtence depends on Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution luueU out of th fircnit ar: of the unite of Urej;on forHco countv. on the Ifith rtav uf Auzut. 198 in K ait therein pending, wherein J. SI. Huntlt.stnr.. aamini?trator ot the estate of Site Hra:h-r, de ceased, i- iilaintirl, mid eo T. I'ratht-r, K P I'nither and -arcnel Clark are defendant, upon a decree rendered and entered therein on the day of June, 133, to m.- directed, commandin; me to ell the prop;rty hereinafter de-crlbui at hereinafter set forth, to Mtlsfy a judgment cjver by id decree in favor of faid plnintift and asalnn -aid defendant- fiei.. 1. I'ratner and I. H. rather, for tlVAW and accruing interest at ten per cent, per annum, and Si'.m cost of said suit, and ntiHC attorney'!- fees, I will, on Saturday, September 3. lKflli, at the hour of o'clock p. m., at the Courthw door In Da.Ies rity, Waco county. Oregon, ell lit public auction to the hlfhMt KTH,1m. ... .....i. in hand, ell of the following descrited real prop erty, to-wlt It. n and V,. of Block Jf the town of Hood Kiver, in mid countv and state together with all the tenement, hereditament and appurtenance!' thereunto Ulougiiig. or in any wi appertaining, to satUfy said judgment. emu and attorney fee-, and if the procvK!, thewif are iinuflicient to smtiify the same I will aim. at said time and place, and nim s-aid termi. el.. subject to a morujoge held bv the taid Samuel fiarlc, defendant, all of the follow int decriU.iI real proirt), to-wit Lot V of the said town of Hood Kiver. tgoz, Northern California and all Interior Points. AIm. n. close connestion at The lialte witl. fr. ' Portland and Eastern pointu courieccs dnms. . Gccsi acamodauons aloaz me raa. rirsi-das Coaches aid Earas lut Eijrns matter M&H witli jjecial cart NTAGE orriCIS; Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Uuilding Material of .all kinds. I Carrlna the TlnX Lio of Picture Mouldin ulisi-OiiStii T!niiTi.tniin 0 Pnnnn ,j m mini c & i Mchel & Co. 'a Htorfi, rrlufrllle. Uniatllla Houe, The Dallr. 72 To tt foond in the City. LClashington Street. at CRANDALL &. BURGETS, wno are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rata J. F. FORD, Evanjreiist MICHELUACIJ IIIUCK, UNION ST Of !. Alninen, Iowa, writes under March 23, ls'-O ) dkte The Dalles Gigar : Faetory J'lEST 8TEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. R-19w5t T. A. WAI'.I. sheriff of Waico cinnty, Oregon. Mto. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen ; . On arriving home laet week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our , little jrirl, eight and one-half years old, , who had wasted away to US pounds, is now well, ctrong and vigorous, and wel. i fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done jOTi" A FID ol the lU-m HmmU its work well Both of the children like Ol(jT AKb Vr?lt& u. our fc. ii. Cough Cure haa cured 1 orders: from all parte of the countrv filled and kept away all houreeneHH from me. ; on the shortefit notice. So give it to every one, with greeting j for nil. Wishing you prosperity, we art-' Yours, Mb.' & Man. J. F. Fokd. i ,., , , , Ihe reputation of THE UALLES CI- ,n"l , 'ee I'"? 8nl1 chccr,ul'8nd G AK has become Hm.l v established, and , , ..j . .. uemurid WINHNS PROPOSALS TOR ' plour, Brap apd Peed.1 D. s. Mian senue. Tarasjrtso Agency. Warm cpeinos. Crorjk Co.. Or., Aug 5. 1M fceuled prr.Wrtals indorsed "I'ropowil for Klour tnr','?.U.'!n,f " the'?may li.Dnd addre' to the undersigned at Warm pprlng,. Oregon. i I, Us reeelved at tliH agency until 1 Z clw I' it , i Tuesday, K-j.teniU-r 19, bw, for furnishing m jo.w.0 lb-, of bran, and -.tjAO Jb-oi fee,. mui luuii ue eiine' wnut l knour m "utraight lull stock- of KA ouwl wheat C r;,. " ... . " "''' uner io trie .ar hum 1 the Headache end Uver Cure, by taking two m ( three doiew each week. ; )ld under a lenitive guarantee. I &0 cents per bottle by all drugginu. W. E. GURRETSON, - Jeweler. Leaaing for the home Irmlln?:ict,ir.1 articl- i increasing every day. A. ULR1CH &. SON. II K NKW rows haa tn J-aU of Hood river "'n platted on the old camp ground, at the Kurt and .V 1 1." Mgbtly lom, broad strwu and allej , good will mi ptirewater.with nhadein profusion, lrfe:t Uralnagcdellchtfiil mnunuln ciliiiate, the central attraction an a niounlaln summer resort for all Oregon being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is in. parallels as a manufacturer center, being the. natural center for 1U) i miles of the best cedar and III iimir, jK,sirigm.illonsof borsT' 'In its dashing stream and wlo- '""""""J uwwNoi, niirru eii"..(i iiiouve pow cr exists, there the m factories will renter, summnd .y soli and climate tliatcanuot tua ""J", ,Jn"',B'"' , it"', anil with truiiftKirtntlon lnay you will Und this the place to make a jrlw-t home or paying iuij TITLE PERFECT oee ne on tne grot address me at Hood Wasco County, Oregon M.K AI1KNT rK TIIU i u oui ess irian ss ips must lie (un.ishert by hldder. taid .arnplea U. be distinctly nmVked with the name of the bidder and the .ample If more than one Is subrr IttVil if: in 7IMXI (iiiniirt m tbl llln ... - .. 1 curt hr,rt. i:: '.a"" "r ,A,7., i ". '; i ; 7'o noi less ttiau .n.,u'(t.U; ch:nT harley, fresh rolM, it,-.-from dirt and nut. sninp ea of not lea imi a 11 must U- furriWitd by bidders. "i?wie mere Is to bod!ierei i A. WESOLO, The Boston TailqbJ East End Seeond St. i Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. IVrfoct Kit Uuaratitrtxt. The Snug w. Koss Winans.l All Watch Work Jewelry Made arranted. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. I No. 80 Second Brest. The T)all. Or. ut the hlnernasho fcchwil, located 'jo miles north ' and lOMi Uof frei and at the aeenov "i rn lbs of Hour, ioawj U,i brun..nd mYAi'tP', All article are to Us aub-ect to a rigid lnic.. I"ropoals mint statespeelfically the proposed i TR & f lole ofler'eU for ddl wy1 wffi ' ( C V sf contract by the cwt., not Uriels or ton. V ) V rVrfcVV W N The right is reserved to rejectany or all bids, i P.W NWWmVV orany trt of anv bin If rf.mi i L. ' ' w w tereat . ..JT ' I Ii bfIi!ll?f1fek" accompanied th. .T77 r-'ttf "cih national paiik in ?n..a'ulr! !' t et five ir cant, of the i wuicn cheek or draft rr nrt 'A ",B..w:e" own "td. kept by the rtvu s.nuiu Y. II. iiutm. loni a rn ariiouuc oi the propoaa; win titf. ff,.f.,itH i,. .v... t-.i.. j. .r.r i,.HttL?.r.Vl.Ua;r lvlrjr mi award shall Jafl -.fior.'lurtbf InlonnMton a'to time nt dcllvcrv nd other iitlculra, apply u "cuviry j. j . i.vcmr.r, V, e. JuUliiu.tjjeiit. i i " cu lung a resi. (lent of a:o county, has an extraordi- uury wne HIOC1C 01 Sheep Herder's Delight tod Irish Distorbtie I" '-t, all the leading brands of fin w ines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come again PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Vsco countr " "V" li a lie nun virjwe, CliAtA STORY, Art Teach br Room S, Btttintjen liuilding, Ailll fire lori Monday and Thuixi.v. nf e cu wtpejt, or oltww dl(td. W. r. tVIHICslAN. Wiseman Saloon and The Dalles, WM. MAKDKKM, & Marders, Wioe Kooms Oregon. NortllWMit enrner r.f Ku.nnA Court streaUi. THE DALLES, OREGON. This P6pular House liati lately been thorouirhlv renovated and furnished throughout, and in now better ttJ ever prejinrud to furnish the U-Ht Ho accoininodutlonK of any house in th' city, und ut tho very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, : wi.n. vi mil iuhi. mm (XIIIIIIIOUIOUR OIlIK""""" . to Dufur, h'iiigsley, Tygh Valley, Wupln'1 Warm Sjiringa and JVlnovllle is in the HoW and liersonH going to I'rhievillo cmi tT 4.(K) bv unhitt on Uiis EtuiMt 111- m-i (T, - - " All trains stop here. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tiii Repairs and BOON MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSUBE Shop on Third n. . .... .. Jh a n Linn I,, iintt. nrit- uram rr tiiiiiih - Blackemith Shop.