el)c Dnllco C I) r o n i c I c. mm VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1893. NO. 66. ft Dalles Daily Chronicle. dit.lilil Dally, Hunday Kicepu-d Lb ohkoniole publishing co. km' vnil Ktid Washington Htreeta, The Dalles, Oregon. Torino of Hnlmcrlptlon . . is no iSsUh. 50 TIMK TAHI.K8. KsltrnacU. In effect AuRUstfi, 1HUX I4HT 1I0UKI1. L . whm 10:M r. Mi Depart 11:00 l: u mn , tt'KKT HOUND. L . Afrtw; A- ,0rU 3:11 A-M- la flight tlmt curry paMOURorn b W.Mf.T ' J. H. HCHCNCK, President. J. M. l'ATTICUHON. CMhicr. First National Bank. t HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Bunking Business transacted ueposit received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly . !n.i j 'i ii. -.S ' iuiiiilktu uu unj ui cuuuciion. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on new T or, Han rrancisco and Fort-land. OIRBOTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schknck. bn. M. WII.UAM8, Geo. A. Likbi, H. M. Bkall, M., utid cue lor the MTAU1CH. fur !" via. Hake Oreu, leave dally Jf JLuWl't- ".loo. v "J v..., . . 7!.....' U'.mlr WmilnltlK. Warm ' ... Valluo Ui Halle. lTIHTIf flap nu ijk" i.i.i.T.ri.'.ii. Wuh.. leave erorr tiny of the romo-lur nil linen at the Umatilla limine. a rilOFKMIIIONAL. II KU)l)Kl.lf-ATTOKT-AT.l.AW Office Court Htreet, The Dalles, urcson. . num.. FRANK MKMBflB rxllTIIK. A MKNKFKK ATTO&NEYII - AI- II tinnn.M ft ami 41 river l'uat fOflo ButUUne, Entrance on Washington Street ntDaUet.Urugon. . ....... . mrt. i 1 1 ' W l' fT f A fJL If. A ... Unt,. k.ilMlnv .in atmlra. The I ill 111 I-I..I.V' uuni.-Bi " 6tll, Orcein. I. r. MATH. . I.UnNTINOTON. I. WILSON. YH lirK'TINCiTUN 01 Vt UtUN ATTQB' LV1 KETi. at-law -Offlce, French', block orcr t National Uanl. "i Ualica. uracon. II WllOS ATToaNT-AT-LAW-Roomi , French & Oo.'i bank bulldlnc, Hecoud wl. The Dalle, Oregon. DK.KHHK1.M.AN (lloMorATUin rilTilciaw and bCBfiitoN. Call anawered priitnptly. kf or night, city orcouutry. umoe a. dniiu H 0, I). DOANE rHTHCIAN ABB .u 1 hion Otnn; room. & and 6 Chapman Im: Keaidencv H. E. corner '.ourt ana krlti atrvuu, neoiid duor from the corner, tot hour y to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 V. M. SIDDAU. DBNTiin. Gaa BiTeu for the J. iinWi (.Ttrmu'tiim nf tueth. Alao teeth Eootiowwl nlumlnum plate. Hooma: Hlenof UnUHuiiTootn.becona Hiroei. HOCIKTIEH. SCO 1.0DGE, NO. lb, A. K. 4 A. M. Meeta Urat and third Mondny ol eucn motiui i . ! A Ll. Kb UOVAL AUCH CHAl'TEU NO. C Meeta In Maaonlc Hall the third WedneMdajr on mouw at 7 l . m. fODK.KN WOODMEN OK TUB WOULD. a. mi. utKHi tjanipiNn.Ki, Mueta i ucaaay even fof each week In Fraternity Hall, at 7:80 p. in. NOLUMIHA LODGE, NO. D, I. O. O. K. Meeta hf L(.1..m ....... I.i.r a T.'tfl n..t..k I. L P. bull, corner Hcuonu and Court atreeta. ourtllliK urotnerH are welcome. ULOuoii, Hec'y. h. a. iiiixa.w. u. hUlKNDBHIl' LODGE, NO. 9., K.ofP.-MeeU rTory xuoiiuuy evening M .11 banno'H building, corner of Court and Kecond nta. Holournlne incmberB aru cordially In. ted. W. H. CkaM, b, W.VaOK, K. Of K. aud 8. C. C. 1 BHKMliLY NO. VM, K. OK U-Meeta In K. of P. hall the aecond ana lourtu weanea- it of each month at 7:3U p. m. lrOMEN'8 CHRISTIAN TEMl'EKENCE UNION wl 1 tncut every rrinay aiiernoou I o'clock at the rcadlliK room. Allarc luvlted. fannim Lodice No. 501, I. O. (. T. Beifular I Meekly meetlitKs Krldny at S r. M., a Eternity If all. All are invited. K. Ull BIHMAft, U. 1. I- rwf, n Ml'I.E LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meeta in Fraternity Hull, over Kellurn, mn beuoua i,Tiiuraaay eveninK" i v:'. 11. If ANtJEN. JJIrBaaFfnancler. Mj.; til KK6MITII I'OHT, No. Si, G. A. It.MeeU rery baturaay ut 7:au r. u., in me k. 01 r. OK U U. MectaevoryHuuday afternoou In the K. of 1'. Hall. 1 KHAMI VEHEfN Meeta every Htiudav evening iu the K. of 1'. Hall. OK L, K. DIVISION, No. 107 Meeta In K of I' Hull tin, llrt ami third Wulnua- fry ofcucli month, at 71 r. at. THE C1IVKUHKH. CT. i'ETK.KB UIIUUCII -Kev. KHtlier JIkonh- uaxttT I'aator. Iait Ma every uunduy at HlKh Maiia nt 10:110 a, m, Veajwra itt tT- '.VIM cilUKCH -Union Htroet, opposite null. uv, r.iii'.Hutuiino ttector. nervine, iryhuiidny at 11 a. u. and 7:ao v. m. Hiindny II(MJ10:1.' A. W luimliii, llrui'fir .1,1 Krfrliiv ut (MHHT llAI'TIHT OHUUCH-lteV. O. 1). TAY- IJIU II....... . ... t ...... L.v. """i. moriiiiiK aervioca every duo Pi at iho BCtutomy at 11 a. m. Hiibbnth oil Imnmlluteiy ufter moriiliiB nerviceH. .aver incitim Vpi.ru. ... i..r..i...i. i 1 lv UlllOll HTl'li'i.u In II,,. ni,rt lionK nt D0?niV;?A.T,PNAlj OHUKCII-Rw. W. 0. Im. and - J. u Horvl(:c" vwy Hunday at 11 1. 3l... ti. ' .,..,! ri;iitnii ttlivr IllurillllX iu. HtraiiKcrs cordially invited. HcaU free. iiilm. ui , "" HwiiiiiiKm it n. in. Li1,?' 1"H!' K.'VWo'nfiiok r at, Kuworth Iiur.,iM?; u , p fyer meot hit every Ittll U et"tf y both pastor aud people 'lh, Pi"5u,"!f lu tnB Cotmretatlona 6 wTu21L "THKRAN-Nlnth atreet, Ui:h,J.',0'?J!u,r' Hwvloeaat 11:90 a.m. IsTirj v ooraiai wtlcomu THE DALLES Hational Bank. Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody Chaki.ks Hilton M.A.Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR Collections made on faroreble terms at all accessible points. FRENCH 8c CO., BANKERS. THAN HA CT A GKNKHALBANKINU BDBINKHB Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sitrht Exchange and Teletrranhic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis. Ban francisco, Portland Oregon, DuaHla X7a nil anrl vannna tvmii n Cr egon and Washington. Uollections made at an points on fav orable terms. W. H. YOUNG, BlacksfflilU Wap Sfii General Blacksmitbing and Work done promptly, and all work. Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tiiird Street opp. Licbe's old Stani. a. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit in Kustern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDallos S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER, : - Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on suort notice, ana sausiacuon guaranteed AT TH Store of I.C. Nlekalsen, ad Ht.Tk.Dall. Chas. Allison Denlrr in PURE SICK-HEADACHE Makes life miserable All other nilmonts nro as nothing in com parison. Women especially know its suiTering, and few cscapo its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS Many people take pills, which pino and purge, weakening the body. More tako Simmons Liver llegulator, liquid or powder, be causo more pleasant to take, does not gripe, and i3 a mild laxative, that also tones up the system. The relief is quick. It is Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. "I never found anything to do me any Rood until 1 uacd HlmmonK Liver Regula tor. It has been three years since 1 first lined it and I have not had Hick Headache Nlnrc. I sent my sister (who had from one to two attacks of Sick Headache every week) one-half of a package, and she has not had it since." C. S. Aloimis, Browns ville, W.Va. WEVERY PACKAGE-SB Baa our Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. H. ZJULIX CO.. Philadelphia. I. Dally Evening Chronicle is recognized as CMHcntlallv the home ikiimt for the Dalles City folks' LIAXC This is not a bad reputation. Some llUVl H 2,000 of our best citizens watch the columns of this n fl D LTD dally for the spiciest local news. It r tl JuiA Buccei'dl in gleaning the Meld, and hence grows in popularity nnd importance. Take It awhile, you who don't; try some of its premium often. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freignt ana Passenger Liae Throueh daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting witb steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'A NSKNOKK KATK1, One way $2.00 Round trip 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Reach, Ocean Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Baggage checked through.' Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for wav landineu must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueneral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Cleneral Manager. THE DALLES, - OREGON CE Headquarters at Chas. Lauer's. Having hint a line hiirvctt of untiirnl leu -tho best In the world, I am prepared tu furnish iu any iiiantlty aud at bottuiu prices, CHAS. ALLISON. C. P. STEPHENS, DltALKR IN Dry Goods jJ8 Clothing Hoots, Ulioe., Hats, Kle. Fancy (qood, flotion, te.( JCtc., Ktc. Swoond St., The Dalles. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been njpanored and repaint and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms aud is supplied with every modern convenience. Itatef reuBouable. A good roHtiiiinint attaches to tho house, Frer bus to und from ah truiuu. C. W. KNOWI.ES, Prop. ARTIC pWv SODA WATER AND IOE 0UEAM. Candies and Nuts at ulioW'Milr ijuotutloiir. TOI1AUOO (IK1AUN A HWKKT 1HC aw Specialties Finest Paanut Roaster In Th Dalle :.2 88h: 2 Stroot J.FOLCOn At right side r. uoarr rwtauraut A ROYALIST SCHEME Attempt to Onst the Provisional Goy- ernment. WAS DISCOVERED JUST IN TIME Admiral Skcrrctt Was All Ready to InterfereThe Boston's Crew Under Arms. San Fkascisco, Aug. 31. By steamer this morning the following news from Honolulu, under date of Aug. 24, was received : Since the last writing there has been more or less agitation and excitement here. Last Thursday evening tho gov ernment was in possession of a 'large number of facts which pointed to an at tempt, long threatend, of unseating tho provisional government. It is under stood that Marshal Hitchcock had suf ficient evidence to connect the Ashford brothers with the scheme. At about 8 P. M. that evening Attorney-General Smith called on Admiral Skerrett, and in an unofficial manner laid the facts before him. The admiral said nothing, but immediately sent orders aboard the United States ship Boston to have a bat talion ready to land on fifteen minutes' notice. The ship was under aims all night, and the men were deprived of shore liberty for several days thereafter. The government was not aware of the admiral's action until the next day. No outbreak took place, but Admiral Sker rett evidently showed he did not intend to allow the peace and quiet of the country to be disturbed. The provis ional government is highly pleased at Skerrett's prompt action without their request, and the Americans claim it outlines the future policy to be pursued toward the provisional government in case its existence is threatened. Several facts were back of the admiral's action. One was a proposition to have the ex- queen raise her standard on the island of Manui, which would call the troops from Honolulu and give the royalists a chance to sieze the governments. An other was tbat the conspirators would explode dynamite and fire buildings in Honolulu, and would sieze the govern ment during the confusion. The gov ernment was in no way alarmed and had not expected Admiral Sketrett to interfere. The military had been warned and special orders were issued to 500 reserves, who could have been rallied in twenty minutes. Admiral Skerrett has since admitted that he acted entirely on his own authority. The opinion prevails here that had the Boston's troops landed, the stars and stripes would have gone up again never to be lowered. When asked the direct question, Admiral Skerrett would not deny this interpretation of his action. The rovalists deny that any outbreak was contemplated, but the facts in pos session of Admiral Skerrett and the provisional government point very strongly the other way, and are be lieved to have been serious enough to justify action bad any movement been made. . Ma veil From a Watery Orave. New Yokk. Aug. 31. Seven men, who thanked (Jod they felt land again lieneatb their feet, went ashore yester day from the bark Tillid, when she ar rived from Fernandina.l'la. lliey were Captain McDonald and the crew of the schooner Annie h. Conant, which was wrecked und abandoned at sea. They had been nfloat for three days on n deekhoiisu. without food or drink, with the wuvch danhing over them all tho limn. Tho Tillid, early latt 1-riday morning, was in hit. '-'5, long. 73:14, or about sixty-two miles southeast of Capo Hiitt.ra. when she sighted an appar ently abandoned wreck to the eastward. 'I'lmm WHS no hiim of life on It, but us tho wreck lay right in the path of tho sun, tho Tillid held her course lor a snort tinio until a better view of tho wreck could bo secured. The mate presently made out human forms on the deck house. The wind wis ugly, ana alter tacking for four hoiuc, thu lillid got to u i...Uunil of thu wieel; a noon. The wreck wuh bad one. Tho rigging of n,., liin had till been carried away. Tho decks wero washed with tho sea. On tho afterhouee, which was the only thing completely above wuter, wus col lected fceven famished and almost dis tracted men. The nmto of the Tillid undone seaman were sert in a dory to take oft' the crew. Two trips were made, and in a short time feoven men, two dogs aud a cat had bced transferred from the i.h. hulk to the deck of the Tillid. Thoy proved to be Captain McDonald, his mate and steward aud seaman Chas. Glrard, and three other sailors answer ing to tho name of Philip, J?rautc aua Fred. "Givens water," shouted each man at lie was helped on board the Tillid. An soon as he was on deck each man sank down helpless and wept. They had been for three days without food or water and were nearly famished. LITTLE DID HK CAKE. A V anconvar Frenchman Olatl to Be Kid of Ilia Krrlng Wire. Westminister, B. C, Aug. 30. Na poleon Soutier and Marie Louise Liberty left by the Great Northern this after noon for San Francisco via Seattle. Soutier is a gay young fellow, prominent among a few French families of Van couver, while Marie Louise is the hand' some young wife of M. Liberty, proprie tor of tho Sherman house in that city The pair eloped from Vancouver last night, came here and put up at the Queene hotel. Liberty learned of the direction they had taken, followed them, and with a police officer went to the room in the hotel where the couple were, and suprised them tn flagrante delictu. There was a great hubbub, the guilty pair expecting to be instantly shot, but Liberty, though a Frenchman, is not fiery, and, calmly surveying the pair, told them to make themselves comfortable. In fear and trembling they took his advice. Liberty then quietly informed the couple that they were free to act as they pleased, and go where they would, so long as he was not annoyed by his wife in the future. In fact, if they had not money enough to carry them to their intended destination in the United States, he would hot mind assisting them financially. He had only one stipulation to make, namely, that they return to him his gold-headed cane, watch and silk umbrella, which Mrs. Liberty had taken on her departure. The guilty pair gladly agreed to return the articles mentioned, and Liberty, after wishing them a pleasant good night, left tho room. Kmbulmer'a Discovery. Recently, an Eastern embalmer came to Portland, where be was employed by au undertaking firm here. Since his arrival he has made a discovery which he claims is far in advance of the an ent Egyptian process of embalming. The embalmer states that during tho past month he accidentally stumbled up on the formula fdr ah embalming fluid that thorooghly petrifies a body in a fortnight's time. His formula yet re mains a secret, but he practically illus trated the veracity of bis statement. He took the reporter to an apartment iu the rear of the wareroom, where the dead for shipment to other points are temporarily deposited. There were two bodies in the room, one ot a white man and the other that of a Chinese. The former had been embalmed about three weeks ; its features were us natural as in life, without its natural color, and from the crown of the head to the soles the entire figure was ns solid and unimpres sionable ns a piece of sculptured marble. The Chinaman, on the other hand, had undergone the process 10 days only, yet his was as rigid as the other body, it had not arrived at that solid degree of petrification. The face and body felt like toutrh izuttii nercha. Both bodies could be put on their feet and stand up right without support. leiegram. Klectric, Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing tho same song of praise. 1 A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do ull that is claimed, Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tho liver and kidueys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other aUuctions caused by impure blood. A V ill drive miliaria from the system and prevent ns well uu cure all malarial fevers. For euro of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, Qr money rofunded.-rPrico 50c and per Dottlo ut bnipes & Jviuersiy'H. K. Stanton, of Blletz, son of the store keeper ut the Indian agency, was driv ing through tho old sawmill in a wagon yesterday. Ho stooped to avoid a pro jecting timber but it struck his back and it is thought broke it. He has been unconscious ever since and is not ex pected to recover. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. IN THE TWO STATES. OREOO.V. A. K. Westergard, a drunfcen printer, at one time preacher, committed suicide In Portland yesterday. A conple were married In Portland' yesterday each 70 years pld. Cards aro out for the wedding at Port land of Helen Burrell and Lieut. Vpor hees, which takes place on the 14th On the 30th ult. at Eugene City, fourteen-months-old child of MrsK Freemans was scalded to death by 'fall ing into some boiling water that had been emptied on the ground, at the family residence. The most remarkable placer gold, pro duct ever seen In Baker City was re ceived Wednesday from Sloan &'Has kelPs diggings. One nugget is wortfc $375 and a number over $100. The :ot put amounts to $5,000, the result of 3fv dayB' run. The ground worked was 5 feet wide and 145 long, with an average depth of 15 feet. WASHINGTON. . ' Over 5,000 tons of wheat are now ready for shipment from tbe Eupks, fiat country, Wash., and it will be shipped as fast as the 200 cars required" can be supplied. All will be moved i side of thirty days. 7 Robert Reid was found dead on tit mountain this afternoon about two miles southeast of Wickersham. )BLt was lying in an open place in the wood on n little knoll witb a bullet hole in his bead, evidently a case of accidental shooting. j' At Colfax a well caved in on Fred Kasdorf and William Hughes. HdgbM was entirely buried, bat tbe reecoeta it' -l S a . m. i uncovered nis neaa in time to prove, .. -xx": suffocation. His hips were crushed awL . r':ht--' i v. !j i l - i t-uir -VsJra.. icija uruiacu. uucturs jenruo la an internally and cannot recover. Kasdcff escaped with bruises. Hattie Stratton, an accomplishes young woman of Port Angeles, was ar rested on the steamer City of Kiagstoft from Victoria with nine pounds of Opium in her possession. She made freqsehV trips between Puget sound ports an . British Columbia lately, which prompted Custom Officer Learned to approach' her .' and ask if 'she had any opium ron(e4j,i;r5 VII 4 v.. n.iouiii UUO V1I1U til IUQ , i . t 12 1 1 1 . -! 1 i ' ' '! : . c urinative uuu pruuuceu eiguieeu cam ut opium from the folds of her dress. She? was released on $150 bonds. Miss Strat ton belongs to a highly respectable fam ily in Port Angeles, who it is said, are having difficulty to raise money to "yajr for a lot on the government reserve,- awl "fj the girl went into the smuggling btittt V'vl ness, unknown to her parents, ;to "&ut- -XM the money. . .'.',Mi The success of Mrs. Annie M, Beam,' of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in 'the-;-C treatment of diarrhoea in herchildrea, will undoubtedly be'1 of .'interest to many mothers. She says:"- 'I spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the greet flood, on account of, my husband belag employed there. We Had several chil dren with' us, 'two ot whom took the . diarrhcoa""Very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and ' Diarrhcea Remedy from Rev. Mr. Chap man. 1$ cured bofb of them. I knew . of several cases where it was equally successful. I think it cannot be excelled and cheerfully' recoirTmend it." 25 anl 50 cent bottles, for sale by Bbikeley A Houghton, Drpggists, lm. Tbe Beauty Standard. Tho standard of female loveliness varies greatly in different countries and with, individual tastes. Somprefer the plump and buxom type; soma admire the slender and sylph-liko, and some the tall und queenly maiden. But among all people of tho Caucasian race, one point of beauty is always admired pure, clear and spotless complexion whether the female be of the blonde, brunette, or hazel-eyed typo. Thin first great requisite of loveliness can bo as sured only by a pure state of the , blood, . active liver, good appotlttfand digestion, all of which ure secured by the use, of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery' It is guaranteed to accomplish .all that is claimed for it, or money refunded. If you would have a clear, lovely corai, : , plexion, free from eruptions, moth patches, spots and blemishes! use tha "Golden Medical Discovery, ,t llookkeeper. A reliublo young man who is canine tent to open, close, or keen any set of books desires work in otilce or store,. Good references. Address Bookkeeper, Ciiuonii)I,k office, 20dawlw r7tr 1 ;(? Highest of all in Leavening pOWer. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, Rol ABSOUUTEr Baking 5 'i"( ., r . (. k . ' .CI if