Tbc Dtlks Dtiiy Chntiek. BnUnd at the Poatofflce at The Daltea, Ortfon, as aecond-claM matter. TBS AT.I.KH ORBOOM Wl W4t Beat quality fir, oak and ilab wood. Leave orders at 133 Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to. Maikk A Bknton. A Militia Captain Shut. Caddo, I. T., Aug. 30. This morning Andv Folsom. a deputy marshal and member of the Indian police, shot and j instantly killed Captain Key Durant, of I Governor Jones' militia, in the depot here. Fotaom was sent here to prevent whisky from being introduced. Captain j Dnrant and l.ou Powers, a notorious ' women, had got oil' the train. The woman had a valise in one hand, a re-1 volver in the other, Folsom tried to cet possession of the valise. The woman refused to surrender it. Durant came to her assistance. A quarrel followed. Durant shot twice at Folsom and missed. Folsom returned the fire, killing Durant. There was whiskey in the valise. The woman wan arrested for introducing whiskev into Indian Territory. Mexican no dust. Silver Stove Polish causes Sawn H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. S-Iodlm We have bought the J. C. Meins Steam Wood Saw, and will fill all orders for sawing wood for stove or furnace use at the old rate. Orders left at Maier A Ben ton's will be promptly at tended to, and will guaran tee entire satisfaction. Jacob "Wetle. John P.Krier. Tlir Jteauty Standard. The standard of female loveliness varies greatly in different countries and with individual tastes. Some prefer the plump and buxom type; some admire the slender and sylph-like, and some the tall and queenly" maiden. But among nil people ot the Caucasian race, one point of beautv is alwavs admired a pure, clear and spotless com whether the female le of the brunette, or hazei-eved tvpe. This first great requisite i loveliness can be as sured only by a wire state of the blood, active liver, gooi' appetite and digestion, all of which are secured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is guaranteed to accomplish all that , is claimed for it, or money refunded, j If you would have a clear, "lovely com- j plexion, free from eruptions, moth patches, spots and blemishes, use the "Golden Medical Discovery." The Fifth Annual -OF THK- . Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, T-rutds ami I aises, etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, Oli. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Th Corrugated llnllitlns; nrxt Hour to ;urt Hull. Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men Proprietor. McC LURE'S MAGAZINE mm I m to Everyone suoscriDing tor The Dalles Daily Chronich for 12 Months it 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly ropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. Itv Special iirruiiKi'miMitH with tho publisher nf ono ol the best SIiikhzImo h,).m,v, itlilitl U make mint exceptional oiler to send " we iuo onul Second Eastern Oregon District race, ono Itnired-a 1 11 1 C ' J &s Affnculturai mil U U WILL BE HELD AT THE DflliliES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. J. O. MACK, FIJlE WlMEg and LIQUOR Representative Outhwaite of Ohio waB gailty ot a very unmanly act, while Representative Hepburn of Iowa was speaking in the house on the silver question, by attempting in an interrup tion of Mr. Hepburn to drag ex-Secretary Foster's personal financial troubles into the debate. Mr. Hepburn merely : said: "That is a very unkind reference to a iriend of vours and a friend ot ! mine." It was enough. Outwaite blushed and sat down, amid a storm well deserved hisses from the floor and galleries. It Should He in Every Home J.E, WilEon, 371 Clay St., Sharps .burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his strife who wasthreatened with pneumonia , after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians hnd done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lnng trouble. Nothing like it. Try . it. Free trial bottles at Snipes A Kin rsly's. Large bottles, 50c. and ?1.00. J. O, A. S MACK, Secretary. MCALLISTER. President. 171 DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. m TO! WOT, CityStables,is IRHAiM & ROBERTSON Propriatora Tacoma, Wash. Corner of Fourth and Federal Sta., The Dalles, Oregon. te I Boarding and Day School 1 These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern of j . j Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Kigs, closed Hacks or ( arnajres day or night. for G-irls. Tenth Tear Begins September 14, 1893. MORE ROOM Also, can turnish First Clasf , or driving teams, bavins added to accommodation to teamsters with freight their stables large feeding and wagou room. For Catalogue and Admittance, apply to S-2ldlm Mrs. Sarah K. White. Principal. Commercial Patronane Solicited. OUT Mt. Thomas Batte, editor of the Graphic, Tesarkana, Arkansas, has found what he believes to be the best remedy in existence for the flux. His experience is well worth remembering. HesayE: "Last summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried tilmost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was recommended to me. I.purchasedu bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely cured. 1 take pleasure in recommending this remedy to uny person suffering with such a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. lm. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam, of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhoea in her children will undoubtedly be of interest to many mothers. She save: "I spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great Hood, on account of my husband being employed there. We bad several chil dren with us, two ot whom took the diarrhea very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Reined v from Rev. Mr. Chap man. It cured both of them. I knew of several cases where it was equally successful. I think it cannot be excelled sod cheerfully recommend it." 25 and . SO cent bottles for Bale by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. lm. A Sunday at the Heulde. During the summer season the Dalles. Portland A Astoria Navigation Co. v.- Ill make a rate of f3, Dalles to Astoria and return, and (4, Dalles to Ilwaco and return. The above rates will be in effect on Sundays only. Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles at 7 u. m. Dalles City will arme at Portland in time to con nect with the Lurline for Astoria and Ilwaco. The Lurline will leave Ilwaco Sunday evening and will connect with the Dalles City Monday morning for The Dalles. Tho above tickets will bu limited to three days from date of salo. W. C. Allaway, G. A. Notice! Notice Is hereby given that, sealed bids will be received for the re-covering of the cistern at the intersection of Washing ton and Third streets Said bids will bo received until Saturday noon September 2nd, 189a, at the recorder's office, in Dulles City, Wasco County, Oregon. Tho right to reject any and ull bids is horoby reserved, The city to furnish all material for the ro-covering of Bald cist eni hbiI wtfd bids to bo for tho labor in To-t'ovWing the eame. v PAUJi Khkpt. ''Chairman of Committee on Streetu and Public Property. Dated at Jtellw City, Oregon, this 20th w duK-of Auguft, 1803. Fresh Paint I W. c. Gilbert hereby snrt His compliment to every friend And enemy If he ha any Be they few or be they many. The time for painting now ha come, And every one desires a home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none but a good painter can do. faintine, paperine and glazing, too, Will make your old home look ijulte new He will take your work either way, By the Job or by the day. If you have work Rive him a call, He'll take your orders, large or small. Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, V. O. Box No. 3, THL DALLES, OR. From TEHlHIfUUi or INTERIOR Points -THK- The Dalles Wasco County, Oregon, lira Pali; RKILROHD Is the line to mi TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOTJTD. The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the kwid af navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far houth as Sumnww Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slopo of the Oa cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds lwing shipped Inst year. ITS PRODUCTS. The minion fisheries art! the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in the near future. The products of the U-autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east lias this year filled the warehouses, and all uvailable storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on tho coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop moro fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these :orner stoues she stands. It is the Dlnins Car Koute. It runs Through vestlbuled 'trains tyerj day in the ytiar to ft p&ul and Chicago l.NO CHANGE OK CARS.) Composed of Dining Curs unsurpassed. J'uli man liruwing Room filecpers of latwt equipment. Rest that can be comtiiiotuJ, and in which accommodations ate both J-'reo and Kurnlti-d for holders of First and Etcond-class Ticket, una ELEGACT BAY COACHES A wulirniotib line, connecting with nil llnw affording direct and tinlnlerrupttd service. Pullman filtvpr reservations can.be secured In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS Jvnelaud and Kuropo can tx To and from all TM)lnt1n Arnr!. IGland and Knrnnu (fan Ii mirnh.i.irt nt un ticket oflleo ol tho compauy Kull Information concerning rates, Units of trains, routea and other details furnlsimt oo application to W. C. ALL AWAY, Agent . V. i:& A. Nav. Co., RcKulator offl, Tto italic, or., or . A- u- CHAWTON, A't. Gntrl faatenf r Agt,, fortUad, Ot. mm mm 1TTJ JWJ, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE wan established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dallen and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho .Inland Empire. Tho Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. Tho Wkkklv Ciujoniolk on Fridays of each week at 1.50 por annum. i I'or advertising ratos, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRpNICLE PUBLISHING CO., Xci11g. OroKon. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O 1ST IE YEAR to I'vorynni' wli . nil out the lollnwtiii: blank form, and sondliiR it to tu, thereby subscrlblaJ The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND ND IT TO U. Publishers CITROmCL E, The .Dalles, Or.: You, will please send to my address the DAIl' CHRONICLE for .12 months from, da,te,for which J agree to pay (JO ots. a. montli, it being understood that ifou, arc to have sent to my address for 1 year with oat extra charge, McCLURE'S MAGAZWi commencing with the current number. Name. Date. Address CALL AT OUR OFFICE ami i the entertaining and finely lllustrat1 McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which 1mm nmouff ll nmtrtbutow the mont frtmoun nuthom In Amorlc nd EugU&l iMlrtwl R. L. Stevflimon, Hudvard Kipling, A. C'onun Doyle, Octavo ThuiiMt, William Ik'Hti HowellH, Urct Hartc, Chirk Ruflttell, Joel Chandler Harris, ThonmB Hardy, J. T. Trowbridge, .lotutne R. Jeromn. FranrH Hwlgson Ruriictt, Theodore Rounuvelt, Joaquin Millur, OillAirt Parker, John RtirrotiRhR, Mr. Robt. Ix)uiH Stovennon, Candle Flanunariou, F. Marion Crawford, Margarot Deland, Herbert I). Ward, Elizatwth Stuart I'holpn, Lillie Chumi Wynian, Harriet I'reacott SpotTord, Edward Everett Hale, liUuiHe Chandler Moulton, Hamlin Garland, Prof. E. S. Holdw, Prof. C. A. Yoaag, H. H. Royewn, Roltert Barr, Honry M. SUnfe, Archibald Forlw, Andrew Law, Sarah Orne 3wtt Dr. J. B. Rillita, W. E. Henley. Capt. Charle. Kint Kiich nnmUir of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE contains two handsomely IliustrsUd Interrtm with such famous ikdjiI" n Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, AlphonHe Daudpt, FranceH Hodgson Burnett, Thomas A. Edison, Camile Flamiiiurion, Tissaudier, tho famous F. Hopkiunon Smith, Ivdward Everett Haw, French Balloonist, H. H. Boyesen, Prof. Graham Boll. and many others, have furnlslml mat.Tlnl for .iiHlally prviHin-d intorviews which will tfl (utly llltutratml In tills nueazlne. Knch numlwr contains two or three short stiirlm by famous authors. I'ully illustrated stories' aplwar in tairiy numijurs ny William Dean Howells, R. h. Stevenson, Bret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett. Harriet Prtnuott SpotTord, Octave Thanet, Frances Hodgson Burnott, Stanley J. Weyman. Thomas Hnrdy, Hudvard Kipling, Joel Chandler Harris, Coram Doyle, HlN Ft. Y N1 STANLEY wllleontrlhutf, ct:ially fur youiiK rradiim, a UirtlttiiKly Intfrwtlnc Htoryof Africnn A4ti NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVENTTKE. There will I seyrnl orticlcs written ly Raymond i.tiuayt. who has Uvu ratli-d ty Jlr.TJ Ktcad the Iwat Interviewer in KiiRlniul, iron; niHiuriui luruisneu mm uy niBnwM,n hurc, IhucTiHit animal lmiorter unu irniner. i ni'sc articles ueai iu Thn Parirttr nf "Wild BeastH. The Trnnnnortatlon of Wild Beuu. The Training of Wild Beasts. The Adventures and Escapes of Karl Ilagcnbeil The er!i will im lllustruteil ly an Kncllsh nrtht of nrkiiowlwlRfd skill lu dniwIiiK wIM ias I Joick lIURBOtloils, C. K. HoLnr.a, Dr.. C. ('. Amiorr, and other writers lanious for thelri this Hold, will contribute to the maculae. Of Interest to both Young and Old will lie PROF. J:. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORlUiS. Arrangement have licon made, lu connection with a lending Kncllsh ruvleir, to iititiUdWI arner's letters descriptive of his present expnlltioti to Africa, l'nif, (iarncr Is noted twwjl over for the curious aim iuioreuiiR iiiveiiRiiiioiis ne is nuikiiiR in uii' mraw ..iiiwi inr Afrlr-a last HtntcmlMr for the sake of further linrsuliiL' Ills studies lu the nuttvo tUU theitorllla. The Illustrations for these articles will ! from photocraiihs taken by I'rof Game. The maxazlue also contaliis most iutcrvstluc articles under tho loliowluc; comiircheunlTti " The Edge of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value" " fewest Knowledge. " J lie t'resent Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We are oflcrlns; this splendid magazine with the Daily CltltoNiti.r. lor only 7.'J1 a year, pill in advance nr in uioutiiiy instaiiineuts ns nvsirin. W mukn this pxfntitlnnal offir In onlrr that wi mav smmre a 1an?r nmntterof new sulCr hut all who are already suhscrllwrs may avail thcniselvea of this opportunity to secure thl'l magazine, r in up ma uiaiiK anu senu u in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, i Qolumbia flotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thorouirhlv renovuted and furnished throuchout. and Is now liettcr th evor prepared to furnish tho liest HoUl accotutiiodutions of any Iiouhu In the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, Office of the faHt and commodlouH opposition M to Dtifur, Kingsluy, Tyjjh Valley, Waplnlft Warm Springs and Prinovillo Is in the Hot and persons going to Prinuvllle can save $4.00 by going on this Stage line. All trains stop here. 1 PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete nnd the Latust Patterns nnd J)(!ign 1 II .1 ..... . ...... ...lanfthtl t mm i ;rm ucai i-ainters nnd J'apttr Hnngurn. None but the beat r"',uV.tal Sherwin-Wi lams and J. W. Musury's PuintH tintid in ull ,mr work, and none p tho most skilled workmen omployed. Agontb for .Manurv Liiild ' ft w.uiniMuuu ur min i imxuiru. a nrm ciasii nriicio in ii ordorH promptly uttondod to. Paint 8hoo comer Thirdond Waohinrtou Sta.. Tho BallnsjO THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. ' This well-known Brmvery is now turning out tho best Bwir b"'' .... ..i l tl... r I nu . .. - . . nnll hal""l onvui iuo vjsscnucit, j.no miesi appuancoa lor tho inumuiicuiro ui - . hi! Beer hare been Introduced, and only tho first-dans article will ba pU0 (lie market.