1 Toe Dalles Daily Chronicle, OFFICIAL l'Al'KR OF DALLES CITY. AMD WACO COUKTT. BUB8CRIFT10N RATK8. T MAIL, rOSTAOl rBrAlB, IK ADVAWCI. WMklr.lyear 1 9 " 6 months 3 " . Dally, 1 year " 6 months. .... . " iwr " Address nil communication tu"THK CHRON (CLE," The Dalles, Oregon. 0 75 0 so 6 CO 3 CO 0 O WASHINGTON LETTER From our Ucpulur Corrcspondctit. Washington-, Aug. 25, 1893. Speaker Cridp has sottleil the nnturo of the tarW bill that will be reported from the bouse committee on wnye nml nieiuip by the appointment of Wilson of West Virginia chairman of that com mittee. Mr. Wilson's free trade senti ments are well known and he says the committee will at once begin work on a tarilT bill. It does not, however, neces- I sarilv follow that the free trade bill to l'ont-Omce. omcs HOURS Mm.-v nnier " .s a. m. to -t t. m. I b nrenureil bv the house committee Sunday v? . a. m. to 10a. in. , wJU ft u nwy RCt tlirougl closing or mails h house, as the democratic majority tralnsgoIufrKn.it .9 p. tn. ami U:4Aa. in. . . .. " West ..9p.m. and 5:so p. m. , m that boilv is so largo that a few ills- MiJi10 i!sSS: eontcrs cannot materially atlect the jAiitelopc 5:sea.tu. different. The democratic majority is small, and some of the democratic sen ators have privately informed republi cans that they will not support a bill makine radical cuts in the tarifl. V "William Tell Your Fathnr that w mill R-rwiit Ruml.iv fTrl-weekly. Tiieilnv Thursday and Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY, AUG. 31. 1S93! VOOMIEES THUMP CAM). The Washington Post says : The free i f oil, -or o o rotir, nf 0 tr 1 nr ' it Wlli bUlUUfcC u. i.. . v-i ... l..,,l., SIHJCIS UUU Ul II1U Iliuai lChl,nnuii The silver speech of Senator Voorhees has been much talked about since delivered. It was in some re- at an increased ratio is practically im possible. Tnis is the trump card which Senator Voorhees is to play in the sen ate on Tuesday. Secretary Carlisle tirst j cave to Senator Voorhees verbally the heard in congress for a lung time, us well as one of the moit dan-serous. While professing the greatest admira tion for tiie administration, the Indiana senator denounced the administration's rtafn tn ttinl'd rrrknr? fl-m llCEOrtlnn Mint ""v . ........ i . i.. .i. Jj0 Jmg ; pension policy unu amuraiai im- iwur i est sort of financial nutation, going 1 further in some particulars than the and auvocatmg the over throw of tk free coinage is impracticable gone lurtber, and has prepared a letter, which the senator will read in the sen-! ate on Tnesdav. statin" that it will cost I populists, between $110,000,000 and $113,000,000 to cam- out the provisions of Senator Vest's free coinage bill. It is true that ; there is nothing in Senator "V est s bill about recoinage. But it does not need a prophet's vision to know that dollars below par, which only the government is compelled to take, will drift with alarming rapidity into the treasury in payment of customs duties and taxes, and there they will remain adding to the congestion of the currency. Unless they can be recoined they will be useless as money, and if there is to be free coin age at an increased ratio, some of the silver financiers in the senate must pro vide the secretary of the treasury with over $1,000,000 to execute the law. In the letter referred to Secretary Carlisle, after stating that the number of silver j dollars coined since 1S7S aggregates 419,-) 332,430, goes on to say: "Without any , allowance for abrasion and loss incident to melting the same, the coinage value of these dollars, at a ratio of 1 to 20 would be $423,222,162, or ?S4,110,2SS less than the present face value. To recoin these dollars at a ratio of 1 to 20 would require the addition of 81,376,700 ounces of new bullion, which at the average price paid for silver, under the act of 18S0 ($0.93), would cost $7o,S83,700. "In addition to this I estimate that there would be a loss from abrasion, and in the melting of these dollars of at least $3,000,000, which amouut, together with the difference on the face value of the coins (84,110,288; would have to be reimbursed to the treasury by an appro priation for that purpose. I therefore estimate the cost of recoining the silver i dollars already coined, as follows : New bullion to be added, $75,583,700; loss! by abrasion and melting, $3,000,000; coet of coinage, $6,200,000. Copper for alloy, $CS.200; transportation of dollars 14,500,000. Total, $59,741,900. To re coin $77,000,000 of subsdiary silver into an equal amount of fractional coin, at a ratio of 1 to 20, would require the addi tion of 18,797,625 fine ounces which at naif! fnr nilvpr nnflor ih not nf 1500 r,8al "Uring " " - would cost $17,52S,785. There would be a loss of about 2,'s p. c. by abrasion from the face value of about $1,923,000. I would, therefore, estimate the cost of recoining the subsidiary silver in the country at a ratio of 1 to 20, as follows : New bullion, $17,528,785; loss by abra sion, $1,925,000; cost of coinage (labor, material, etc.,, $2,500,000. Copper for alloy, $15,036; coat of transportation, $1,155,000; total, $23,124,421. To this and the estimated cost of recoining sil Ter dollars, $89,741,900, and you have a grand total of $112,866,321." USED THEM IN HIS BLOtT.GUN. Doctor'' Well, my line little fellow, von have pot quite well again. 1 was eurc the pills I left for you would cure you. How did vou take them, in water or in cake?" jlotj" Oh, 1 used them In my blow- pun. The little fellow put the nasty, great, griping, old-fashioned pills to a good use. At most, all his internal economy need- 1 cd was a dose of Dr. Pierce's I'lcnsant 1 Pellets. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules, easy" to take, "nnd are gently aperient, or actively cathartic, according to size of dose. As a laxative, only one tinv Pellet is required. The "Pellets" cure Sick ncadache, Billons Headache. Constipation. Indl- i gestion, Hilious Attacks, and all de- , ranpemeuts of the Liver, Stomach and llowels. The "Pellets" ore purely vegetable, nnd operate without disturbance to the pvstetn. diet, or occupation. Dr. Pierce s Pellets are the cheapest ' SWEET, ORR St CO.'S .Vest Jumpers, . ' Pantaloon Overalls, Kasyfitting Pants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! P"We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s e national banking svsten. j pill. Mild by druggists, because they ar .... ... I , ffi(riirifrf to givo satisfaction in even ing oi wild-cat state banks ()r their ricc (23 cent3 a vial) refunded, uan you atK niorer the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line CLOTHING and the puttin in its nlace. He also advocates an in come tax. If that speech was intended ; to be friendly to the administration Mr. Cleveland may well be excused for ex-, claiming "Save me from my friends.'' 1 It is said that Senator Voorhees pur-' posely made his speecli radical, in order to influence Southern senators to vote for the unconditional repeal of the pur chasing clause of the Sherman silver , law, and it is said further that several ' of them have agreed to vote for the re-! eal bill upon the promise of Sena- tor Voorheet-" that their views should be i met in a financial bill to le reported from the senate finance comniitteo at an j earlv dav. ' " ' I In addition to the investigation pro-1 posed by Senator Gnlliuger's resolution j oi the pension suspensions now oeiui made by the P. Lincoln, who was deputy pension commissioner under the Harrison ad ministration, prooses to carry the mat ter to the courts. Coi. Lincoln i lawyer of ability, and he believe, 1 1 the law is beins violated by the admin istration and that the court will, upon proper presentation of the ipiestion. grant an injunction restraining Secre tary Hoke Smith from making further suspensions, except in cases where fraud is proven. No fraud is even al leged m the suspensions now being made. Soon after the present adrnini tration came into power r. rulinc was made by Hoke Smith that reversed the construction put upon the act of lS'Ji1 bv the republican administration, and under that ruling the suspensions an i being made, a procedure which it is be j lieved the courts will declare illegal. In every size, style and price. t- iiKUniBHI J D. PARISH. Prop Ix?aTwi The DnIIefl at 6 a. m. uverr 1I.1: ami mi administration, Col. Chas. 1 rivea a: I'rinevllle in thirty-six hours ltivc I iiauiiic n. a, .... cvij tn;, niiu a.... The Dalles in thirty-nix hours Garlics the D. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Connect at Priii""lllc with Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. Al", nik cIoe connection nt Thv DaIU- m lit, trim from l'ortlund aud Kantern pointe cosrtecas iimers. : ifcoi acconiudaiioas along tie read. . Fust-claa cycles aid Horses ass4. . Eijress mttsr tallied with wscial tars. MTAOK OFMCKH; -IrliH & Ci.' Hture, I'rliitivillfi. Umatilla lldii.e, flie l;,llr. I J. F. FORD, Evangelist, I Those interested in the navy are1 j pleased at the selection of Itepresenta- J . tive Amos Cummings of New York City I to be chairman oi the house committee on naval afiairs. Although a Tammany ! democrat, Mr. Cummings earned the1 the Fifty-first and Fiftv. second congresses to be classed as a man ' . of broad-guage ideas upon all matter? ! concerning our navy and our ocean corn-' raerce. j i Hiohu democrats who have Wen ac , customed to accusing tiie republican ' i party of sectionalism should look at the organization of the house the speaker , and nearly two-thirds of the committee , chairmen, including most of the import i ant ones, from the South and forever I ' keep silent. i Of UfK Moines, Ifiwo, March Z B. writtf lsaj- under rtrnv i Mku. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Orejfon. Gentlemen : On arriving homo last week, 1 found all well nnd nnxioualy awaiting. Our t little girl, eight and one-half year." old. who had wasted away to 3S pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well , fleshed up. S. P. Cough Cure has done . ith work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. 15. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mn.'tt .Mi:s. J. F. Foi-.i). i if you wish toftel iresh HndcrKt'rful.iitid ready for the hprtiiK'D work, clene your eyitcm with tlw Ilwiduche nnd I.lver Cure, by tiikiup two or ' three dosM vuch week. Hold under a tiChltive tfiltirantee. . 'Ji r.euu i;r bottlo by nil ilrtiifKii, 1 YOUR ATTEflTIOJi Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glae, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all khtdp. l!rrl"" thj J"lnet I.lrn- nf Picture Mouldings; To b foand in the City. 72 LUashington Street. i 1 The Dalles I Gigar : Factory 'There is a tide in the ajairs oj men which, tacenat its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to th hi-On In I m Fnrnitnre k Cn at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ran MICHKU'.ACH BWCK, - . UNION KT WINHNS FIEST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. iiliitUtl on thr did cninii irrnund, ut the Korku mid jHiit.', Mclitly liitfl.liroml ntrw!tnii(! Hlluyn, kimhI toll CIGARS manuu Best Braude factured. and orderu from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR lias l:comf firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. UK NKW TOWN dan lo.:n i I run oi iiimxi nvur, witn Jhixi;, nliililiy lnu. kohiI ntrttitn nnd h luvn. kii unci ntirewnti.T.wltliHliMdi In iitiifimfiiu. twrffOtdriiliiiiircdullKhtfiif nioiiiitjlii uiiuinie, tiiL-cciiirui Httrnctlon im 11 niiiiintiilii miiiiiiut renort lor nil Umron, bciiiB tho nwireiit town to Jit. Hood, It In iiumrallulti' hh n uinnufict'.iiiiilt I'ontcr. bulnir tliu mitiirnl cuiitor for IM) miiinri.- iiiIIcn of tho host mlar mid ti tlmlx-r, ixsm-.iIiil' in iliiiMiH of horno-txiwi-r in IIh dnnhliiL' HtrnimH uiid mlrt lulls, vuh . hnriui.Mil. Whi-re eiiuati motivo nowor t.-iliit. thrm tbBiiiH fHCtorii- will contfr, nurriiiiiidul l,y noII unit cliniHtu that cnunotteeietj Huywurrr ior i run mill HKricuiitiri), nun witn irniiHirtiitlnli airnaji you will find thlii the jilure to mnkun ix'rft-et Iioiih or h vjiatM See me on tiie grot a- iress me at Hood Wasco County, Ore TITLE PERFECT W. RossWinan A. ULR1CH & SON. While thousands of men have been thrown out of emplovment since the tuot, iunii iiiulcc i uav Mr. "change" been made by the greatly increased de mand for receivers, bank examiners, etc. .Senator Hill evidently intends to di pute Senator Gorman's right to the ' leadership of the senate. This dispo-i-tion was first publicly shown on Wedues- when Mr. Hill sharply replied to Gorman's areument in favor of re- W. E. GARRETSON, ii The last democratic howl is over the tariff on the workingman's dinner buckets. They had better shed their tearc over the lack of food to put in them. Governor McGrair stated positively that he would not call a special ses sion of the.Iegialature for the election of a United States senator. "The regular MMion," said he, "had ample opportu nity of electing a senator and I do not ee any prospect of that body coming to conclusion at a special session. Timee are bard and taxes heavy and the peo ple of the state can ill afford to add to their burdens by an extra session. The entlment of the people appears to bo pronounced against sn extra leision." Good for McGraw. jferring to Senator PefTur's resolution I calling upon the secretary of the treas ury for information as to whether cer I tain national banks were violating the i law In refusing to promptly pay checks i of depositors to the finance committee, i instead of voting upon it at once, and again today when he made a Hpeecii in I favor of the repeal of the piuehaiing 1 clause of the silver law. Cam. Leading jeweler 10I.K AflKM Vlt TI1K A. WESOLO, WW. n , n I ill III! East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. rrfi:t Fit CiiiaruntmMl. The Snug. HORSES HO Fur limit. Rooms to rent at Ho v. dence on Ninth street. A. Horn's reoi-0-2Maw Tygh Valley Boiler Fluitr Hill. Ia in complete repair; always in store flour equal to the best. Also old style "oarse and fine Graham flour, mill feed, etc. W . M. McCouku:, Propr. UMUm Ask yonr dealer titovit f'ulieh. for Mexican Silver All Watch Work arranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I 3H hft.mrt Ht., Tit Unlloi, Or. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No, 00 Second Breet, The Dalles Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a real , dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Shetp Herder's Delight and Irish Disturbane In fact, all tho leuding brands of fin ' ines. Liouors and Claim, (iivn td ' old man a call and you will come again J. S. COOPER, ....Comer Ham, UNION STOCK YARDS, Chicago, Jilt. IhG larccBt and only strictly commisHion dealer in hoi tho world, will hold his 7th extensive sale of weft' ern branded horses for season 1893, on WElIDIsrESr)-y, SEPT. Entries should be made at once. HORSES ... HOB 'i l'llitiM.'lia PHOTOGRAPHER , w- WIHKMAN. WM. HAItllEltN, First premium at the Wasco county j air for beat portraits and views. -in tA0. niblo laxative ana NKKVK TONIC. 8o!?J',y,,I,ru'Hf',7 rent by raftil. actOc.. ftndl.U per package. Satupla free VO HA.7 FtVQriu rare tmm Mk0 nVfortlioTeottksfidllrbatU.lfis. For Mlebjr HMlt Klnerfly. CLtAffl STORY, Art Teacher Hoorn 3,J3etlinijen Jlnilding, Wiseman & Marders, A inn (uuuu auu i n WW W M Tho Dalleo, - Oregon. n 1 a a m V II lllllll D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and Bool MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Mill ftvti Ljr,u kloriiUyn ami TiiurwlBVB - v.. " - . w www ii uiMircu. oil Nort Invent r.irnir nt K.., Court utreete. Shop on Third Street, next Blacksmith Shop door went of Young1