The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 30, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
official paper or dalles city.
BY UkXl, roRioi ralfAtD, IN adtanm.
Wkiy,lyr. J
6 months J j
li g . . ,
ll,,lyr. ...
per " .... . . 0 W
Address all communication to " TUK CHKON-1
ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon.
Ex-Senator Corbett is prevented by
ill health from acting as receiver of the
Portland Savlnca Bank. The alternates
are C. H. Lewis, Henry Failing, Theo
dore B. Wilcor and Peter Wagner,"
either of whom would be acceptable.
Little 11-year-old Hane Hansen, liv
ing near Nehnlom, had an experience
the other day he will not food forgot.
While fishing in Crook creek canyon
with a companion he crawled through
some brush to reach a place near the
falls. The other boy, being larger, could
not uet through, so he started to climb
over, when he mil into u cougar. He
orrtcs hours
General IXllTcry Window . S a. m. to 7 p. in
Money Order " . .S a. m. to 4 p. m
8anday ii U " ...9a, ru. tolOfi.m
rt.neisr. cir KAILS
trains goiuc East . . .9 p. in. and U-Aon. m. 1 picked up eotno rocks and threw at the
,0;nS'Sfiie. :9 m' BUd Si beast, and being hit. the cougar made a
" " Prlnevlllu fi:Sia.m.
" "nudiraud Warm Springs ..6:a)a
" tLcaTinc for I.yle ,t Hurtlaud. .f:SO a.
lAiireiopc . . .o.a.m. . , . .. nn .... :.. tl,.M'dee o
William Tell
Your Father that we nail
What Your Great Grandmother Did.
Sho hctelieuxl tho flax nnd cnrtlod th
.5:3) a
Rrwit Similar.
fTri-weeklv. Tuesday Thureday and Saturday,
j " 'Monday Wednesday and Friday.
1 spring and landed on the back of young mil, ami wovo tho linen, and smut tho tow
'in' TIimBi.ii who vn a few feet below. He and made tho clothes for liur Imsbatul run
;S: ,llll"?Un ' , . , , , ton children, Sho nmdo Imtter and cheese
AUG. 30, 1S93
Populists are fond of supporting their
fallacy of free coinage by reference to
the financial policy of France, declaring
that for fifty years that country has en
joyed bimetalisin and coins unlimited
quantities of silver, arguing that we
should do the same. Fact is, France has
ceased coining silver entirely. It has
4700,000,000 now in circulation, but has
also 1900,000,000 in gold. France
stopped coining silver when the danger
point was reached, precisely what the
United States should do, and what the
house of representatives has decided
npon by such an overwhelming major
ity. The "United States has now enough
silver coined to give every man, wo-1
man and child J9.1S, and that is
enough of that heavy weight commod
ity, which already exceeds the gold .
per capita by seventeen cents. If 1
not, the United States has still a
resource not enjoyed by France, ti e i
practice of paying small accounts in j
checks, which obviates the necessity of)
having so much money in circulation.
Another reason for stopping the un- ,
limited coinage of silver; The silver ,
dollar coined by the United States is
short weight, there is not 100 cents' I
worth of metal in it; it is therefore a
dishonest dollar, and the burden as
sumed by the government in standing
good for the difference about 47 cents
would eventually bankrupt it, with the
tons of bullion that would be offered
from our own and foreign countries.
Hence there is only one thing to do,
conceded alike by the master minds of
both the republican and democratic
parties, and that is to repeal the Sher
man act, and defeat free coinage in
whatever shape it presents itself.
had just stepped on
the water when the cougar struck him
and was knocked into the foaming water
and carried over the falls. He escaped
unhurt. The cougar did not go over the
falls, hut after a hard struggle to get out
finally succeeded and disappeared in
the wouds. The boy ha? lots of grit, for
he went fishing in the same place the
next day.
A reliable young man who is compe
tent to open,' close, or keep any set of
hooks desires work in office or store.
Good references. Address Bookkeeper,
CiinoNieu: office. L'Udawlw
Use Mexican Siher Stove Polish.
I 1
I hi
P,. e
EM I i w A vix
83c t..
wets., ana
$1X0 per Bottle,
Curre Couli'., niiarsenr.,Sore Throat,
Crnii(i rmu:l ri - WlioopinpCoiisli
and Atiuii. 1 r coTisimii tion it has no
rival: ha cured t!ia incNir if. call other
failed: vill erne vur if taken in time. Sold
by Drmrpist? mi a "'tnrnntcv. For Lnrce Ifcick
or Cheat, uo is 1 lll.OU'M 1-l.ASTKK. 20 eta.
hilohV catarrh
iho dipivl tnllow candles, to light tho hotuc I
nt input, and sue cookcu an tho locu lor her
household by an oin llro place and a brick
ovcu. Yes; and when sho was fortv years of
use. sho was already nn old lady whoso Ix-st
da vs were over Her shoulders wcro Unit and
her joints enlarged l3" hard work, and she
woro sjHx'tacIis and a cap.
Her great gmnddauRhter, with all tho j
modern conveniences for comfort, refinement '
and luxury, may Ikj an charming nnd attract
ive nt forrv-tivo ns nt twenty. Esiwciullv is
this true i sho preserves her liculth by 'tho
use of l)r 1'icrco's Favorito IVcscriptton,
wmcti vhxtus on nu icmaio nlliucnts and ir
regularities, curt them if thov ulreiuly exist,
keeps the life current healthful and vigorous,
mill enables tho woman of middle ngo to re
tain tne iresuness oi girlhood uikjii brow anil
ctui'k, tho light of youth in her ovet, aiul ;
its elntieitv in her step. " '
Go to your drug store, pav n dollnr, got a 1
Ixsttle nnd try it try a fccoiuI. a third if neo '
essarv. Ifcforo tho thinl one's boon tnkeu
vcu'll know that there's a remed v to help you.
Tlien you'll keep on and a curo'fl come.
hut if you shouldn't feel tho help, should
U disipiointed in tho results vou'll find ,
pi.inmteo printed on tho bottlo-wruppur i
that'll get your money back for you,
uiu j uu iK more I
the Dalles
Vest Junipers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
E)asyfitting Parity
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
X" - -
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
l I I I J I I I I I J C - !!
In auatw own ciuln onn n?wn
Ur-o you i auirrh - ThU remedy Is Bimrnu- ' b,,,,m 1 p.
teed to cure voii. IVicoificti. lnlectorfrFu
For imlf) by Hnlpes i Ktunrsly
Is the rich yellow of the moon these
nights a message from the man in the
moon that only the single standard is a
Of the vote on the 'Wilson bill the ayes
were composed of democrats 139, repub
licans 9G; noes, democrats 76, republi
cans 22, populists 12.
Senators Allen and Mantle are de
feated from obtaining seats in the sen
ate. The decision is generally con
ceded to be wise.
Health Officer Jenkins seeuiE to be
doing good work in New York harbor.
He has more than once repulsed the
attack of cholera, thereby saving hun
dreds of thousands of American lives.
The per capita of silver is greater thnn
that of gold in the United States. In
France the per capita of silver is less
than the per capita of gold. In what
way can France teach us a lesson when
we are already beyond her in the mat
ter of the silver per capita?
Wood SawiiE
We have bought the J. C.
Meins Steam Wood Saw.
and will fill all orders for
sawing wood for stove nr
furnace use at the old rate.
Orders left at Maier ifc lien
ton's will be promptly at
tended to, and will guaran
tee, entire satisfaction.
.Jacoij Wetle.
1 Irtvp The Dalles at C a. m. every ily, anil r
rives at I'rlnevllle In thirty-six hnure. leave
I'riiievIIe at 5 a. m. every day, Htni arrive i
The Dalle in thirty-six hour
Carties (he U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express ;
Connect at lrln Hie with
Stages from Eastern and Souther:: Or
jgon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
Ai-i makf-si c!oc connection at The Dalles witr
trui (rom l'ortlund and Eastern ;inU
Coarteons dimrs.
Good acccaiMdaticas along tie real
. Fint-clas; Coaches aid Horses ored.
: Ewes: nausr handled wita special care.
Is called to the fact that
flagb Glenn,
Dealer in GhiM, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Iluilding Material of all kinds.
Citrrlti the Fllinat l.liif nt
Picture Mouldings;
1 There is a tide in the ajairs 0 men which, taken al ill flood
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Sheriff's Sale.
Slcliel & ;.' rttorr,
UlIIHtlllu lliillac,
flic IImIIpk.
J. F. FORD, EvaDplist,
01 Dvi Moinee, Iowa, writes unnr iImi ui
March 23. IS93-
Ry virtue of an execution tsue! out nt the
Circuit Court oj the Hate of Oregon for Waico
rouiity, on the ICth day of Aucut, li. m a
suit therein penillnp. wherein J. Jl. lluntiiiBtoii.
Kilmlniitrator oi the eftntc of Slim I'.Mther, il"
ceaeil, it jilaintitl', and Geo. T. l'rather, I.. If
I'rather anil t-ninuel Clark arc defendants, urou
a decree rcndereil and entered therein on the 'ith
day of June, ir'Xi, to i:.- directed, coniuinuditiK
me m eii me proeriy nerein.uier ucritxa at '
hereinafter t-et forth, to satiifv a ludtrmentmvHii I
by wld decree in favor of said plalntltl am! I S. 15. Med. Mko. Co.,
aeainat said defendant." (ieo. T. Hr.ither and I. i nnfnr (Irwrnii I
JI. I'rather. for and HecriilriK inter-st at , , wuiur, Virion,
ten percent. r annum, and ;ise costs of s.ud 'trnw.mtii :
suit, ana ?i(i).ijo attorney's fees, I will, un Un arriving home last week, 1 found'
Saturday. September mw, iHu;i, ah well and unxioualv awaiting. OuH
at the hour of J o'clock p. m., at the (.'ourthou"- little girl, eight and ohe-half vears old.
door in Dalles City, Wasco county. Oregon, ell i .i,n .nHtPil nwnv to IIS iwinml- is I
at DllblloailCtlnii to the highest bidder, f
in hand, all of the foiiowiiiB de-criu-d real prop now well, strong aim vigorous, and well
eriy, to-wit itsiiand of Jilock of the Hushed UP
a"1' 'S. ":.'?'' its work well. Both
and appurtenances thereunto twlonijiii, or in , it. l our b. I!. Lough Luro has cured
any wise amiertalnltiK. to satitfv said hiilL'm.'iit. anil tunt nirnv nil hnitruf'noHH from inf..
.cost" and attorney!, fee,-, and If the proceed .,;,.' u tn ov,.rv dihi with i'reetmi?s
thereof are Insiltliclent to satHfv the same. I , V ..... .ovcri "lu, " u". rL' u"-t
win ai.-o, ai sain iime ana place, anil iitionsaid
To Dt foand Id the City.
CJUashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate
Kails ill Un
and pure
S. 15. Cough Cure lino done: flTp A TC o' the Heat UrandK
ith of the children like J.J .JLilO manufactured, and
nvflurn Irrim till ttnrtu t( 1t !
on the nhorteHt notice.
TOWN ban Imiiii iilnttitt on the old camp erouuit, at the Korku and
xxi river, with larite.hlclitly bit, broad ittrirtHand ulleyn, irHxt noil
pure water.wltli Hlnidcln Drofiisfon. iitrrfi'i'tdralnai.'e.dulii'litfiil iiniiiiitHln
climate, the central attraction ana miiuntalu Mimiiicr rcMiirt lor all Oregon,
boiiiK the ncareMt town to Alt. IIihh). It Is uiiparatlcli-c an u mauilfnctutliiK
center, being tho natural renter for IM) sijimri! mtlca of tho heat cclaraii(l III
tlmlxir, poss'KuliiK inillioiiH of boro-pmer In Un (IiihIiIuk ntreamn and wilf
falls, easily harucsHCil. Where idican motive nower rxlsls. there tliemisl
factor,.-, will center, nurroundt'd by hoII and climate that cannot UicnxUiC
Congreesmen Hermann and Ellie j
Toted against the repeal of the Sherman J
act. Neither of the two represent the ,
wishes of the people of Oregon by that I
rote, and their refusal to do so nhould '
call for an explanation. How they can I
bo identified with the Hilver conopira- j
tore is inexplicable. Iiaker county in j
the only one in the state producing any
silver of consequence, and even Maker '
produces more of the yellow than the
white metal.
A great crop of rascals in
among the young men of Southern Ore
gon and Northern California. Following
close upon the defalcation of Jackson
county's treasurer comes that ol Fred
Grotefend, cashier of the Shasta county
bank at Itedding, Cal., who also pur
chased popularity and lived in clover at
other people's expense. HiE stealings
mount to thousands of dollars. The
o-called "high roller" should lie
watched and not trusted too far, espec
ially if he is handling money that
not belong to him.
terms, sell, subject to a morteiw held hv tin.
said h.imiiel Clark, defendant, all of th' fullon
itic described real pro.Tty, to-wit lit D of the
said town of Howl Itiver.
T. A. WAIiD,
M9w't Kherill'of Wasco county, Oregon.
plour, Brai ar?d peed.
(J, s. laliai Sanies. Warn sptinzs Ageisy.
Warm ni'KiNii.1, ('rook ( o., dr., Auk. , 1st;
Sealt-d propal lll'roprMiU for Dour,
limn and Feed,' ' as tho case may be, and addressed
to the underslirnedat Warm Sirin(,'!i,(Jrti;on, will
i i iwvntu hi uin axwiiey iiiiiii 1 it clock V. il ij
, . 1 Tuesday, .September la, Is'.;, for fiirnlshlinr and
developing ! dellverintf at the uxeiicy aUmt li.i.efi Ibiofiiour,
I -v.-. ,M, ium ', sv lis i,i icij
flour muit b' either what ii known as
I "alMlifht full stiM'k"of Koi sound wheat a It i
Kniuiiu uiiwii in aijoui u lln oi (lour, low tfHdes
to Iw taken out. or It may be what known as
patent llour.aml deliven-d ii, extra Jitriiu; sineie
cotton scks to wclKh 8 ounces to the yard
iilen of not leis than iri Ibi must be by
bidder, said samtiles to Ixj distinctly marked
with the name of the bidder and the number of
in" ruuiiJiu 11 jiiort; limn uiit' is Sliomitusj
for nil. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Youth, Mit. & .MitH. J. v. Foitn.
If you wish to feel fr&th and cheerful, and reailj
for the hprlns'n work, cleannc your y.itcm with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking twooi
three done each week.
Sold under a positive guarantee.
0 cento per bottlu by all druxKl!.
See ine on the ground,
vu hsi'.ii 1 1111 Tiiir ii'muii
j T
llrau must : of coud oiialitv. innul r,n,iw i,.,.,, 1
and Dliorts mixed; fcampl(of not lesi than ilbs
IIIU31 o; iiiiiiisiitii uy uiiiiier.
Representatives Hermann and Ellis
will have cause for regret the remainder
of their political lives for voting as they
did upon the Wilson bill, They set at
defiance the wishes of the people of Ore
gon as whole in this matter and
whether or not they may whitewash
their conduct by subsequent acts, it will
always be remembered against them
tbat they allied themselves with the
liver ring, and bid for the patronage of
the millionaire niino-owners, who were
eeking to enrich themselves the more
41 the expenee of the government.
Feed must be clear barle. fr-h rn1l..,1 f... '
from dirt and ruU; samples of not les than '
lbs mint be furnished by bidders.
Delivery-0' Hi" above thero I to bodcllvtrcil I
at tho Hlnemiuiho t-cbool. Uwitpri -iimiiiw
does 1 ' VVJs"5-"1! sty -;,;w,.ll", "f, 10,M' l""
un w-snuiiiunTi, iiinj in nil-iiency, ai.uj)
lbs of Hour. 10.IXO lbs bran, anil lo.liil ll.L dL.i I
All articles aro to bo mihjeot to 11 rli?ld Insptcl
l'roioal MUitNtHiaapeciiically the proisjsed
prlco of each nrtlclo ollerul for delivery under a
L'wiiiniei uy iiiui;w;,, not oarreia or tons,
All Watch Work
Jewelry Made
The right In reservei to reject any or all bids.
or any part of any bid If deemed fur the bent In
terest of the service.
(."ertllleil checks Kach bid must be accomjianled
by acertlllMlcheck orilralt tion Homo (Jul ted
HtateadeiiosUInK or solvent national bank in
tho vicinity of tho residence of the bidder, rnado
payable to the order of tho commissioner of In
Ulan affair, or at least flvo per cent, of the
amount of the proposal which check or draft
will be forfeited to tho United HUtes In com any
bidder or bidders recclvlni; an award shall fall
to promptly execute sureties, otherwise to Ikj
returned to the bidder.
Hids accomiMinled by cash In lieu of certified
check will not ho considered.
lor further Information as to time of delivery
and other particulars, apply to
. J, ( IrcKKY,
U.S. Indian AKut.
I an Mt-, ,,,,,1 hi., Th lall. dr.
First pretniuin at tin- Wasco county
air for best portraits and views.
Art Teacher
Room 9, Ilettingen JJuilding,
Mid rive Uons Mondays and Thursday ol
c ch week, or olkner If deslad.
1 Tlie reputation of THE DALLES CI
1 GAU has become firmly established, and
I the demand for the home manufactured
, article is increasing every day.
The Boston Tailor,
East End Seeond St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 tip.
Pants from $5.00 up.
J'erfffct fit Guaranteed.
The Snug.
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 00 Second Sreet, The Dallei Or.
This well known stand, kept by the
Order, well known W. H. ButtH, long a real-
uuiuui wasco county, lias an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disiarbaoe
In fact, all the leading brands of fin
Wines, Liquora and Cigars. Give th
old man a call and you will come again
kACvO 1 . -rk O
V . -t- VVO VZ5 V V ill CI J. J- V-3
....Uormr Ram, UNION STOCK YARDS, Chicago, Jilt
J lie ia-rtrcHL iljh nnlv Kf.rwll 'Jim tii iucwvn lmlm in
n w"i' "iii iii tuuiuii tvjivii w -
the world, will lioltl IiIh 7th oxlonsivo Hiilo of west
ern branded horses for season J 893, on
WTnTnTTTnaT-i A "XT" c! l. i i jl i 'l GTV
Entries should be made at once.
Uiseman & Warders,
and fine Rooius
The Dalles, - Oregon.
)Northweiit corner of Keeond and
Court streets.
Pipe wort, Tin Repairs ana
bhop on Third otreut, next door weBt of Younj;
JJlackBuiith Shop.