Jl)c Dnllco djtonick vol- vi. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1893. NO. (54, Dalles Daily Chronicle. MhllKl"! l..lly,H.indayKxrept..d. II Y ....,11 i.' nrTiti.iMiirvr. fin I U unit" , .,,,1 WimlilliKfU rttreoth. Till) llillle. WfL'KIMI r .if Miihuorliitlmi IGOO i...rrllT O" Boni.v 6 TIMKTAIU.KH. Iillmil- juelWtAl'KWHtr., IHWt jlIT HOUMIi. i, miir Ioimruu:oor.. m iioiimi. l iUm0,;.WA m l).!irlh:i:l a.m. ' '. .... MshtK llmt curry piiKsetiKiirH leave ni m-.u .1 . ., . . .. ...... ... in. till" 4TAIIKS. ... -.. 11.. If fit'titi UtHl'i i full I uauw viu jiiiku w vi ....... . . H .... .... i J V . . i ... ii' 1.1 lV...liilrl.i U'uptn ir l'ui'"i .S i, i .1 . 1 1 i ..w....t Hi lVl.n vnuijy ,.r.nt SllltllllV lit f A. M. rUOFKHfllONAL. it?l.lilI 1 .. AttiitiHKV.IT.IjIW (Mil til . Coiut Htrei't, Tho DhUch, Onwm. "" t tt tr moihi wu i r UW-Koomi 4J iiml 43. vur 1'Oftl ittiiMiiiP. Kiitr.iniM' on WiiNhtUKicm Hireoi .iiii-.iii'ii' nn i i iv w. t, ?, MAY , H.IIUNTINHTON. K l. WIliUK. - . uj iri'Vl'IL'll'lV .1. W 1 1 UflV ATTllR. ..... 1 ...I. 1. - It..!!.... k.W.tS. WM.80N- ATTI1IINKY-AT-I.AW KOOniH KM. til' i, .'. Co 'h l.uiik Imlldliie. Hccoud u vjlft'tuiv rlIiiK.vnlATI(iri 1M1YHIC1AN mil him.iKiilt. Culls answered promptly. ...ili.l.t ..111. n...,l.MllflI I llllll! Nil. UAUIIll VI lllftllki 1 .J " w.....rf. himnitii tiliM'k. W CI f (I II HO A N K l'HYSICIAN AMI HUB- moH, OHtcu; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman i HlwIiIlmii'u. H. K. comer Court and i . ....... ... . ...... a i fc, IHHAI,1. Dl'.HTlhT. Giui Riven lor Hie . rj.tnl, frtrul'tlim of tCL'tll. Alio tL'Utll ,n.4it...il ..1.t..il.niMi i.latn llfumiM. HLCI1 01 ijjicu I nciiii. nucuuu nircui. HOCIKTIKB. nmi nun mini ioiuiuy ui vauii iiiwiun m A I .U IfllV A I . All.. II I'll .HTfl Ml I. MueU III Miuonlo Hull tho third WcdnemUy Sit. Ilixxl (jHiiiliNo.riO.MeotMTllcMlnyuvoii- : ill hrnturnlty UnU,nt7:aO p. m. ovcry Frlatty uvuiUiir hi7:wo'uiik!K, in K. '. hHll. corner Hecond mid Court itrcebi. 'Illllflll. HPT'V. Kl. A. Illlillik. l. i... .i.n.. ............ fi. U.wnriH n . n. iiU. . U'Vinu L' nil! unitR. C. C. BDri.Llll.l L1Jt 'IOl. W- ... 1" vi. V" ... 01 t'. 1111 Wie kccoiiu ana luunu nrauw n .hcIi mouth At 7:30 p. in. UJlriN'M lillUlOllAn iWirr.l.Hn UNION will meet cvury rriany niteruoon uft ll...u.ill.nnlAiil A II urn Ilivll.w1 uwk nv iwiiift iwi.i .... .IMll'll o'""- wwiciy nivoiuiRH rnu.y ni o r. .i - i ui.iun i w i ni ii r Vt.vr.K. H.i Ifbt . an...... fcf.i .. If 11' Tiliu.lu lattnturiilty Hall, over Kullvm, an Becond II. UANBKN't a it ... i.. t.i w o iiKBa. ruimiuiur. " " rry bnturuy at 7:uu v. u in mo iv. m r. OK I,. K. Mctitsavory Huuduy uttcrnoon lu Uie K or 1'. Hall. KBAN'll Vli-lll-MM Mnntji nviirv Hmnt.V evfiiini; tu tliciK. of I'. Hall. OK !., K. MVJHION, No. 107 Moota In K. of ) Hull llui llrut null llliril WllltH TtIK V1IIIHVIIUH. (HJUut II 1 II A i anior, lAiw .umh uvury nuuuny iu . High Musk ut 10:30 A.M. VeH(KjrK at ,,..- t ' II i II IWII JH W Wn.n. trv , ml J.H u. niiiciiiuii niMMiir. iwrviuv. i,, ?,'""" Ht 11 a. m, uml 7;!;o m. Hunday "Ul U.I.I A. M. ki-imliiir Urn vi, r nil VrlililV Ml ll:MI' IT 4 l.'lltllfi. i. .. a. ... . nil nnr i 111' I.U1I lUH'. u, II, -jay- I.dll. I'liulli. l I I .. LJ..I. Mi "" .'iiiriiiiiK Hurriu."" uvvry nnu "." iii;'timiy in u A, M. hiiuiiiuu "tM'l UlllllCulllttUl' liflur imiriihiur uiiruUliiil. r ujeo Krlduy ovuulnir at l'luitor'j real- 'J- union borvluua In tlio court Iiouho at WillllLI'.ll A'IMllV .I I. Ililliiur . ii. u mirt i !. .."',! "Vtv,l:4;,,1vurynuiiuiiyHv ii 'Vlfc. Htraiiirpr'ji'iiMiinlit, i. ..,11,1 u..- f " .-....M.. .viiv.i nviiHi iiwi I. HJr vi.". V 1 1 .7,' 1JV.' J' WMIHMJH, VilHtlir. "Kim at .i..m . ..':..l'i'"""" hII. U U4'iU.d liy laitli lautor and ),lo I'.IKTIIU ,,...., ...'."mil i'mioniiii. in ii.. . .i..nu....iin....i ii r. i ....... : . '".n ..'meisiinuiini ""'liy InviuSi "" My Rl 8 r" AU 'rw .Mlvr,. , rv'MTumiiiiA i, i iiiiviiim kti..A. ... . j ii.... iinnnn-niiiiii niror. M. HCVIKNCK, I'rcHldiMit II. M. Hkau. Onnlilcr. First Rational Bank. s"HE DALLES, - - - OREGON A Gi-nonil liimkiiig UnsinoHH transacted DopnaltH rocoived, Htibjcct. to Sight Dntft or Check. CollccitioiiB inndo nml proccoda promptly remitted on day of collection. Siirht mid Telogrupliin Kxcliange Hold on Nw York, Sun Frnncifeo und Port-liind. UIKKCTOHS I). P. TlIUMl'HON. .INO. iS. iiCIIKNC'K. Kl). M. Wii.i.iamh, Uko. A Likiie. II. M. liUM.I,. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. Preriident -Vico-President, Cimhier, - Z. F. Moohv ClIAItt.KH lIlIiTO.V M. A. Moodv General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchangee Sold on NEW YOKK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. CollectionH made on favorable terms at all acceetuble pointn. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKA.NrtACT A CiKNKKALllANKINO BUHINKBa ItUirH of Crwlit iasued available in he Eastern States. Sieht Exchanire and Teleirraphic TranHforHBoldon New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections mndo at all points on fav orable tenna. W. H. YOUNG, BiacksmitD & wagon shod General Blacknmithing and Work don promptly, aim all worn Guaranteed. florse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street opp, LieWsoluStani a. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and oil kinds of work in bis lino at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. . Address P.O.Box 181.TheDalIes S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : VYutolicH and Jewelry rnimlrcd to order on abort notice, ami aatUfactlon guaranteed AT THK Btoro of I. V. Nlokelaeii, Kd Ht. Tho Dalle Chas. Allison, -Dealer In- tICE Headquarters at Ohas, Lauor'e. llavlmr hail a fluu harveat of natural Iru-tliu IwHt In tlio world, I am )iruiartxl tu (uruUU lu any iuautlty and nt bottom prlcoH, CHAS. ALLISON. C. P. STEPHEN'S, DUALUK IN Dry Goods Qlothing HuuU, rihnaa, Hata, Kto. Fancy Ijood Jotion Ktc, Kt., Bte. Seoond St., The Dalles. SICK-HEADACHE Makes lifo miserable. All other f llmonls nro as nothing in com parison. Women especially know Us suflering, ami few cscapo its torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS 6 Many people tako pills, which ripe antt purc;o, weakcnmir tho tody. More- take Simmons Liver llegulator, liquid or powder, be cause more pleasant to take, does not grino, and is a mild laxative, that also tones up the system. Tho relief is quick. It is Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. "I ncvor found miytliliiK to do rno any cood until I lined .Simmons Liver Hcgula. tor. It linn Iikcii thrt'o yt'iu-s hlnco I first iihciI It and I liuve not luid Slckllcadnchu since. 1 tient my ulster (who had from ono lo two iittiickH of Hick Heudaclio every week) oni.-hull of a puckime, und kIio haa not hud It Hlucf." C H. Muuuis, Urowus vlllc, W.Va. iWEVEItV l'ACKAGEtl Han our Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. II. ZEIIiIN Hi CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. ( Dally KvenlriK Chronicle is recognized . as esontIllv tho home nui:r for the imllfN city folks' unnr This is not a bud reputation. Some fl U J VI L. -.000 of our bet eltlzuus wuteh the columns of thin Dl DI7D daily for the spiciest local news. It IMr LA succeed! In cleanim; the field, und hence grows in popularity ami importance.' Take It awhile, you who don't: try some of its premium oilers. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Fortlani ani Astoria Navigation do. THROUGH Freigm ana passenger Line 'Plirnnirli rinilv RRrvien (SlindavS ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port- lana. steamer iteguiator leaves ine Dalles at 7 a. ui. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dulles. I'AHHKNGKK KATKH. One way Round trip .$2.00 . 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shinmeuts for Portland received at any time duy or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. qi. Live stock hipments sohcted. Uall on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueaernl Agaut. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Oenaral Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been roiwpered and repaintc and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A irood restaurant attache! to the house, Frer bus to and from nit trains. C. W. KNOWLES..Prop. T H E ART IO FACTORY DISASTER AND DEATH Terrible Storm on Coast. ifie Atlantic SWEPT EVEKYTHIXG BEFORE IT Several People Reported Killed and a Number InjuredProperty Loss Will He Large. N'r.w Yokk, August 29. The storm which swept over this city and surround ing country last night from midnight till 8 o'clock this morning, iiko the one a few days ago, originated in the Wpat Indies, but instead of following the coaet swept more inland. It reached out in every direction for a distance of more than 1,500 miles. As almost all the tel egraphic connection are broken the sig nal service is unable to give the complete report of its course or the exact direc tion, but local obf-prvations indicate it has probably made its way to sea through ttie St. Lawrence valley. Tides in the bay here are unusually high owing to the southerly wind, and the waves are angry looking. Vessels found difficulty in making headway againet them. Three Hundred liulldlnp. Wrecked. Kisn.VKJiSVii.iii., N. C, Aug. 29. A hurricane paesed through this place from northeast to southeast at 4 :30 a. m. yesterday. It lasted only five min utes, but left a path of ruin four miles wide. Three hundred buildings, mostly residences, were wrecked. The house of W. M. Phillips was Bweptoff its founda tion, carrying tho family with it. Mr. Phillips' daughter was killed by the storm, but the rest of the family es caped with fcerioiis wounds. No other deaths are reported, but ten perEons are severely hurt, and the list of slightly in jured iB very large. SODA WATER AND ICE 0EEAM. Candies and Nuts li&ssxs: 'Specialties TOIIAUOO UKiAKH A HWKKT ItltlNKH Flneut Peanut Roaster In The Dallns aasaa.r8.ItJ.F0LC0n At right aldr ii. uuarr i restaurant than at first was considered necessary. It is lielieved here that Peary's actions are suicidal, and that if he were deter mined to wreck the whole expedition ho could not adopt better means. The steamer bus been delayed a month be hind her regular time, rendering it problematic if she readies her destina tion at all, and it is nlmost certain that she will be frozen up before the cargo of supplies are unloaded. -The prospect is very black indeed. LILLIAN KUSSKf.l,. A Report Tlmt hlie la to Howell Onlinrne. ltnuiarry Ni:w York, Aug. 29. It is said that Lillian Russell and Howell Osborne will sail for Europe on the same steamer and that their marriage will follow at tho termination of the voyage. A friend of Mr. Osborne admitted todav that this report is entirely correct. Every pos sible precaution, he averred, had been resorted to for keeping 'the matter en tirely secret. ''Howell." said he, "has always secretly cherished n hope that at some future time Miss Russell would come back to him. The Russell affair had been the passion of his life, and when she recently deigned to receive him in Chicago, his delight knew no bounds. He has proposed marriage, has been accepted, and is now completing unusual and important details of prep arations for the event. It has been arranged that he is to make a very large marriage settlement upon his bride, and it is about this matter that he has been busy for a week or tea days inNew York." ANCIENT AZTEC CA LEND All. The Damage at Charleston. Chakl-kston, S. C, August 29. This citv waB awakened this morning to the fact that a cyclone had cauted wide spread destruction the night before. Much damage to property is reported from all sections of the city. Trees, signs and chimneys were blown down, homes unroofed and demolished in some instances, and considerable loss resulted from rain. The entire damage is esti mated at $1, 000,000. Several casualties are reported. The city was wrapped in darkness last night and streets are cov ered with debris. Electric lights and other wires are down, and it is impossi ble to keep gas burning. None of the business houses opened this morning. Half the streets are impassable on ac count of fallen trees, telegraph poles and timbers. Serious tears are entertained for the inhabitants of Sullivan's island and the coast. The former place was last heard from at 3 p. m. Sunday. Telegraphic CoiniuuulcuUun Urlppiea. Washington, August 29. The storm did ereat damage to shade trees here. The electric light and telephone service in Alexandria and Georgetown is crip pled. Telegraphic couimuication with the West was broken at 7 :30 last night, and with the East about midnight. This morning partial communication was re stored to Baltimore. Communication was also cut oil' south of Lynchburg, a. There is intense anxiety for further news from Savannah and other joints further South. A rumor comes by wire from Richmond that trains from the South report that Charleston, S. C, is under water. The cignai eervko indicates that Charleston was right in tho path of tho tornado. THE 1'KAIIV EXI'KDITION. tti....t l'mmieclH for the Succeii of the Venture. St. Johns, N. F., Aug. 28. Further dlHcounidm: news concerning tho Peary mnndition come." from Labrador ny me mail steamer arriving here last night. Accnrdiiiir to tho hwt report, Peary was nt Davis inlet August 2d, und on tlio fith hud reached Naiih There ho tried .iL'uin to nurchase dogs', but failed. Ho nnVred the Esquimaux -10 cents each for dogs, but uh they are worth H to $5 each, the Esquimaux would not sell, so Peurv left for Okkak, the next Moravian Kottlemeut. As ho would not pay greater prices there either, he could not .1,,. .j. 'Vlu'ii ho announced Ills in- tonllon of irolng to Hebron, Ratnab am nt her K'ttlumentH further north, making every eltbrt. to mmru dogs at those places, and U unsuccessful would de pond upon getting dogs ut Dico, Green land, as a Ins? resort. Dogs are now doubly necoeeury to Peary, na tho burros all perished before Nain was reached, and couheiiueutly It is impossible for tho expedition to accomplish anything without h far greuter number of dogs An Intereatlng Letter Keadat the Fair. Chicago, Aug. 29. At the anthropo logical congress at the world's fair to day.Mrs. Zelia Nuttall read a paper giv ing for the first time an interpretation of the ancient Aztec calendar. Scholars declare it the mo3t important discovery of the kind in this century, as it fur nishes the key to much of the life and arts of at least six nations of the early inhabitants of Mexico, and promises to lead to a translation ofthe hieroglyphics on the ruins of early Mexico and Cen tral America. The accuracy and per fection of this calendar, which is pro nounced in advance of any system now in use, give evidence of the high civil ization and mathematical attainments of the ancient inhabitants of America. It is entirely different from any system known to ancient Europe, Asia or Africa. It is estimated that at least 4000 years oi astronomical observation was necessary to perfect this calendar, it furnishes a key also to the religion, architecture and domestic life of that people. The Foreigner AttunUked. Larimouk, N. D Aug. 29. Tho foreign agricultural commissioners to the world's fair had their eyes opened today by an exhibition oi the methods of harvesting wheat in the great fields of the Northwest. In a Held a mile square on the estate of N. F. Larimore 45 harvesters, manned by 150 men, set to work, and before noon half of it was harvested. It was a revelation to the foreigners of the methods by which the United States ectmomi.es time and monev in w.ieatraising. Electric, Hitter. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who u.se Electric Bitters sing tho same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will euro all diseases of tho liver and kidneys, will removo pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drivo malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cum of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c und f I per bottle at Snipes it Kinersly's. Children often need some safe cut hur tle and tonic. Simmons Liver Regulator will relievo colic, sick stomach, indiges tion, dysentery and the complaints in cident to childhood, WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, ilr, und slabcoid wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T, Peters it Co. (Olllco Second und Jeffer son titreets.) NEWS NOTES. During the storm at Sullivan's island, S. C, A. Bryan and wife wero drowned. Mrs. E. Pollard was killed. Fifteen houses wero damaged. The German National of Denver, opened its doors yesterday and received large deposits. Tho other two failed national banks expect to resume thiH week. Special Oflicer Charles Wetzell, who was shot by George Clark on Sunday night at Sacramento, died from hiu wounds at 2 o'clock Tuesday. Tho murderer succeeded in making his es cape. Reports from Galicia indicate that tho cholera raging there is of a far more vir ulent type than that which scourged Hamburg last year, and the danger to Europe from that quarter is most seri ous. Nearly all the cases are fatal. Tho engine and other machinery of the Annie Faxon has been recovered. The cylinders and shafts are in good condition and can be used again. A new boat will be built at once for this run, using the old machinery of the Faxon and a new boiler. Secretary Carlisle lias ordered that the United States mints at Philadelphia and San Francisco, be fully manned, find the full capacity of both mints utilized in coining gold bullion. The treasury de partment possesses from $85,000,000 to $90,000,000 in gold bullion, which is part of the gold reserve of $100,000,000. There aro $20,000,000 of gold bullion in the Philadelphia mint, $15,000,000 of it being in one vault, where it has re mained untouched for fifteen years. The senate committee on finance has decided to report back tho Wilson re peal bill with the recommendation that Voorhees' bill be substituted, and to set aside the national bank circulation bill, now unfinished business, in favor of the. Voorhees' bill, and to press tho latter as rapidly as possible. The setting aside of the national bank bill will require a majority vote of tho senate. The silver men say they arc indifferent as to which is considered first, both being alike ob jectionable. They declare they will fight repeal with all the force at their command. A Revolution Aft'ectlng Keailera Throughout tho World. A subject which has received much discussion in all parts of the country during the past month has been tho pos sibility of the Cosmopolitan's succeeding in its new move of selling tho magazine, unchanged in size and oven bettered in quality, at the price of twelve and one half cents, instead of twenty-five cents, as formerly. Tho August Cosmopolitan, for instance, was illustrated by a long list of famous artists, including Roche grouse, Hamilton Gibson, Guillonnet, Kemble, Schwabe, Sunnier, Goodhue, Meaulle, Alice Barber Stephens, and the late Wilson de Meza. The publishers in part explain how it is possible to keep up a pace of this kind by their an nouncement that the Christmas edition will exceed 200,000 copies, and that, in consequence of these largo editions, they are obliged to raise tho advertising rates from $200 to $300 per page fifty dollars per page more than has ever been charged by any of the leading magazines in thiicountry. This move of tho Cos mopolitan would look as if the American people had been quick to appreciate the effort to furnish them n magazine of the highest class, at a price so unusual und so small us to bu almost nominal. It Should lie lu Kvory Hound J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says ho will not be without Dr. King'H New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies nnd several phy sicians hud done her no good. Robert Barber, of Coaksport, Pa., cluinis Dr. King's New Discovery has dono him more good thun anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing llko it. Try it. Free trial bottles ut Snipes it Kin ersly'8. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00. Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for salo by Snipes & Kiu ersly, Pocket size coutulna twenty-tlva doses, only 25c. Children lovo it. Sold by Snipes it Klnorsly. Use Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTEIY PURE