The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the I'ostofflcc at Tho Dalit, Oron, m sccoti(l-cls matter. The Mies Daily Chronicle. flood lob Printing. I( you have your job printing done at Thk Giirokiclk you will have tho ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved typo, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of 1 the ino.-t successful and artistic printers , in the Northwest. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. Wmni: Wnnt! Wooil! HAS A FAMILY OP 2000 HEADERS. They rem I The ilironiolc to pet the lnti-t ami mot rellalili o. Ami they trail every line that Is in the jiaitor. That Is wlmt ninkis the Chronicle n lturtiutible mlvettl iiu; mullum. Tim neri.iter Hint kw. to the f.imtl tlrejiite t the nnc (0) that the mlvcrtlcr promptly attended to. , . Decidedly the Finest Line of Hest quality f.r, oak and slab wood., Qe . nislli lliS ' GrOOCl Leave orders at i.. econu s-ircei or corner Third and T'nion. All orders of tixliiy itronUe when they ileire to reach t-.e veoi'ie When they want your tr..tle their !iniuticoir.cnt will bo found In the ym'r lOik over oureolutuus uml observe the verifica tion of the truth of this insertion. Kememhcr, ii trmlc"' a family o; two tlion-iiml is wortl; nskitiK for thmush thee column:-, vpoially . at our very Maiki: & Hi.stos. HUB inaii SGminary Trunks ami I aises, etc., etc COU. .SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THH DALLES, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Thn Uiirriicitteit lUilhllltf; next Door to Court MdUkk- McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronica for 12 Months at 60 Gents a month. OR Tacoma, Wash. Handsomely Fmuishcd Rooms to Kent by tiic Day. Week or Mouth. THK I)A1.1.H IIKKOON .Boai-ding and Day school meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. Girls. 5 UeeIy ropielt? AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. .1. .1 1.llul.... ..f ...1.. .if tl.r. f ,1.... rCT H ,SHVIIU UrlllUaiMlV'OlS IVUI1 IOC "llMinnvi!i u mil' 111 iiiv n.-i, .KiilIH-h )v i,,li.i ,V.TT,.,.,r.l..( 1,, iii.iLk ,1 n.i.t ovriMitloiitil oiler to mmii! 1 U""V McCLURE'S MAGAZINE o:n'i it is .a. :r, in evursoitc vli till-i.tii M ri.rn, t iilaiiU form, nail koiiiIIiik It tn nt, rlieroliy xiitCTltCif The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. for MEWS OF THE STATE. 31r? Susan Williams, an Oregon pioneer, died in Portland yesterday. She is 71 years of ne. and located in tho Utnjtqua valley in 1S5I!. The acreage of hops in Polk county has trebled over hi?t year's production. It will Hive work to s ureat inanv idle and brine hundreds" of thousands of dol- ( lars into the county. George Markle is pressing his rich rel atives for financial aid, of which he has quite a few. As a consequence the Or egon National will probably be the lirst suspended Portland bank to open. Frank Bonlter of Jlrookf-, Or., will realise .'1,221 per acre for seven acres of onions this year. They were grown in a former lake bottom, which is very rich land, and the varieties are the Yellow Globe Dan vers and Ked Wetherstteld, tho leading varieties of winter onions. Tenth Year Begins September 14, 1893. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Koonis for Commercial Men IHIFLS. jE3I. A-'A-i-SJ-LJjti, Proprietor. For frttnlocuemii! Ailmlttrtnce. apply t ilillm Mrs. Sarah K. White, I'Tlnoipal. O. MACK Mr. Thoma! Patte, editor of the Graphic. Tcxarkanu, Arkan?a, has found what he believe.- to be the best remedy in existence ior the llux. His experience i well worth remembering. He says : ' summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was recommended to me. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued (n use the medicine and was entirely cured. I take pleasure in recommending thi remedy to any person sufferincr with . such a disease, as in my opinion it U the st medicine in existence." lo and 50 .cent bottles for sale by I'.lakoley & Houghtno. Prnugtets. lm. Notice: Notice i.- hereby given that sealed bids will be received tor the re-covering of the .... .1... ... f w. ...i.: ClilClll III lilt" JIlH-TStXllllll Ul II ilSIIlir tOIl and Tliinl streets. .Said bid will be received until Saturday noon September 2nd, ISiW, at the recorder's oflice, in Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon. The right to reject any tnd all bids i' hereby reserved. Tlie city to furnish all material for the re-covering of said cist ern and said bids to be for the labor in re-covering the same. Pact. Kiiett. Chairman of Committee on .Streets and Public Property. Dated at Dalles Citv, Oregon, this 29th day of August, 1S93. All Frro. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free, fiend your name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and coat you nothing. Sold bv Snipes &. Kinersly. Jtaokkeepar. A reliable young man who Jh compe tent to open," close, or keep any set of books desires work in of lice or store. Good references. Address Bookkeeper, CmtoxicLK office. 2Cdawlw Karl's Clover Koot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Vor Kent. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 6-23daw. Mexican no dust. Silver Stove Polish causes The Fifth Annual -OF TIIK- .Seconl Eastern Oregon District look: out fresh Paint! w. c. OituEnt l.'.vcby emi Hit compliment f i every friend Ami tnenj if ho ha- tiny I!c they fi w or be tuey many. The time forviiintinsr now ha? come. Ami evert one ii sire a home Thist l(Xk- fre,h ami clean nml new, As none but a p ul painter cau do. i'a'.ntitiR, pnperinc ami claiin?, too, Will make vour iW houe look quite new He will take your work either way, ltr the job or by the liny. if rou have work civ him r call, .1(J"11 take your orders, large or small I'.eriectfully, C. GILBERT 1. O. Hox No. 3, TI1L DALLES, OE. I FIjE WfflEg and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PA3ST BEER jjraarsiaTvureuTiauri:' B FuUlshcrs CiniONICLIi, CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO UO. . . . ctu Ci. . ;-. i-trt trail, r. . u3T,i.n tfcm t-m tat . ffi l"l FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOiVl) RTUEKT. Till" OA1.1.KS. Oil CitvStable ROBERTSON P ropi'lotors The Dulles, Or.: i .) on mill !('( tsc .sen d lo my address the. IX'lliy C.IinOA''lC.L K for IS moulds from, dale, for which (igrec lo pay GO els. tt month, il being understood Hi at tot(- are to have sent lo n.y address for I if car, without extra charge, MoCLUJUS'S AI. IC. lA commencing ivilti the current number ..Yarn c. .'impress CALL AT OUR OFFICE uml t tho iiwiuunlnp ami line) illiiNtnitiil M cCLURE'S M AG AZ1 X E, - i... .... II. ...Hl.lUHt.m tint in rut r.ilil.tllb iillllinr. I. I .1 1 I ....I .... ., xiii'li wrllerx an the fullmvliii; w This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. Corner of Knuvtii mid 1-edcnii ts.. Tiif Dulles, Oregon These Stables have on hand thf finest Li very in Huston) Oregon, and can accommodate p.itroiiH with either Single or Double Kigs. closed Hacks or C'arriaiies flavor niuht. MORE ROOM. i I AIeo, can furnish I' t'his- iircoiiiinoiiit'.ioiii' t' teaniHters' with irei;b or driving tt;anisi, liavinj: added to their stuhk-s. lnrye feeding mid wagon room. 11. 1.. Stevenson, Kudyard Kiiliug. A. Connn I'liylc. Octnvo 'riiimet, William Oenn I IhwIIm, Hret llarte, Clark Huell, Jooi ('handler IlarrK Commercial Patronace SolicilGili;1 TlmniaM Hards, liamlin (iiiriam!, .1. T. Trowliritlt-o, I'rof. I!. S. 11 olden, .leiome It. .leroine. I'rof. ('. A. Y-vag, FrunceH lliidpHim Rnrnetl. i i . II. Jtoyt- .i. Theoilnre I!ooHevilt, Udlx.o't Itirf .loaquin liller. Honrv "M. st:in.'r, Oilhurt Parker, Archihald rnl', .If ill it linrroiiL'hf, Andrew Lantr, Mrs. Itobt. l.nnitytevonynii,Caiiiili Flaiiunarii)ti, Sarah Orne .lewtvv V. iMarinn tJrnwford. l.illie CIiiihc Wytnan. Or. .1. S. ISiliiii', Marcavet Di'Iand. Harriot IYchcoU Spollord, W.I'. IIenli. ilerhert II. Waid, Kdward Kverett Hale, Capt. CiiiineN Kin. Hlixaheth Stuart I 'I ml j -. Louine ('handler Aloulliin, I'.HOII imnilKT ill mcuuulic a iYILjMI in c niuinnw inn iiuiii,iuiiu;iv iMimru" " ulth aueli fmuoils ik-ijiIo im- , .Itihif Verne, Arclidencnn I'arrar, Alnlmiiws D.indet, FrancuH IlutlHon I'.nrnett, 'I'hmuaw A. l'U'inn, Camile Flainniannii, Tiwandier, the fniiioii. F. IlopkiiiHOii Smith, Kdward Kverett Halt, 1,'riiiiMi P.Mlliwmiut II M ltri,r,.ui,,i Pl'ltf. firilllllltl Mllll. I tins- iiui.siriiuii ton TheDmlles "Wasco County, Oregon, From TERJHIfiflli op INTERIOR Points -THE- lien Pact i RHILROKD Ie the line to toko TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH. It Is the Dining Car Route. It runs Thrwgb v'eitibuled 'lmlns every Ujr in the yuar U pi p&ul and Chicago (NO CITANOK OK CABfj.J C'02npoo4 of Dlnine Cars uniurpainjl. Pull man Drawing Room BleeiK-ri of 1 ate t e u I pra en t. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Society, YfU.h UK 1IKI.D AT THE DAliliES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. A, S. MCALLISTER, frwldent. O, MACK, SwrtUrjr. licit Unit can tK! COIIttrURtul. nnd In nhlrh awommodatloiiB are both Frtc and Furnlihttl jur iiuiui.Tsoj rim ana bvconu-ciaMi'ilcketiianil ELEGANT BAY COACHES A rontinuotiH line, connectliig with all line ufi'unliut; direct and uniuterru)tud cervlco Pullman 81tcier rcsc-rvatloiiH can bo aw.urul in aiivauco through any geiit ol the road. THpGHTIGKETSX-ti'fnfc?.! KiiRlaud and Europe can be purchaacd at aiij ticket office of tho company Kill! Information concerning rau, time el train, routoa and other deuflj (uruisbud on pplicatlou to W. C. ALLAWAY, A!et.? pVv A Kr' Jo- KguUtor ooe, Tfci Dallm, Or.,or m A. I). CHAKLTON, Aat't, General paateiiBer AKt., Portland, Hn. Tin; Gate City of th- inland Kiiijnre ih situated at the huad of' navigation on the .MiddV Columbia, nnd is a tliriviiif;, pron perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for an extensive nnd rieii agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south uh Suntuinr Lake, it distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along tho eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, alout 5,000,000 pounds Using shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will lie more than doubled in the near future. Tho products of the lieautiful Klickitat s'alley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its sizo on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to uny other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its poa sibilities incalculable. Ita resources unlimited. And on theaa corner stones she stands. lull) illumriiti'il in tlili miiKiiliie nch tiumuer cnutuiuK twour tlirw short ."biri" liy fumniin mitluir , a'ir in uirif iiiiiiiixirn ii) 1 ThouiuH Hardy, William Dunn HowellH, It. L. .Stevenson 1 Kudyard Kipliiu;, Hret llarto. Sarah Orne .lewett I .ToefCliruidler TInni. Unrriut Pre-eott Snoirord, Oetave Tlianet Connn Doyle, Pninees IIihIumiii I'urnett, Stanley.!. U i nun HltNRV tvl. STAN'MiY iv ii i I'liii Lrniiitt. luvhii i v iui vuiiiiu iiTiiurs. ti i uriiiiiit' i v l iiiphiiii- nmrv in i'jin .iiiira SATrilAL 1IIHTOUY AX I) ADVKNTt'UK. Thi-rr will In-inivcral iirtlCltK written In !)uymond niuthuinyt. wlm Imi' Imvii iiiufti b; .'Jr. IV, nurn, tliuKniit niiliiml imiKiruTiiiiil tnuiioi i nie iirui!iy. iicmiwiui The C'anturo of Wild Dearth. The TratiHtiortation of i let ttV, ,m t 1 ilf'l it fill a 1.. . I l 1 i fl -ii' lilt iraUUIl OI U 11(1 I tL'HHlt: LIHS ii(lVf IKU1 L,ll UIHl lSi:ilfl III llVl lWf,VVm rr-t .. ill 1 1 . . - ... i ... I v... .... t'n..ll .1. i...w I. i, ill l .It-.tiulit t.-IM this tWUlt will contrlhiito to the uni-iiliK'. Of Interent to Ixitli Voting and Old will bt; a 1 ....I.. lt iniii,,jiilii Itl. .i 1..,..lli.r P.... u . ii.I,iu t ,.iM(ll flftrttnr' lntforv li.frlttf ilf llfH linMillt lX iHtlllllltl III AIMl'll. ITlH. tiliriUT IH llOItll IHC over (or tliLMMirinUK uml int'-Rtitliii: invi'tlitloiH ho is imiMuir in tin hk'l-cIi of nwulwyi ..ii.i ... , r.i.... I .. u , . inr flu. uiii'ii .it in., i, a. r iinr.iiiiii. iiiu wTiiiiu.u if. Tin. ii.tivi. nsii in Kiirillu. i lie lllumriHKiim ior ineae nriinii-M win W ircini iiimiBniini iiikvii nj rrn " The Kdfjo of the Kuture." " Knowledge of Immediate aluf. " Newest Knowledge." " The Prehont Hour." " Struner than Fiction," etc. WoarcnfleriiiR tlili nploniliil iiihkiuIiii' with the Daily Ciiuo.sici.r. for nnly 7.'J0 a yeir, in auvuucu or la iiiDiitmy iiiniit I iniuii im ii (iriiri'ii. Wii (tiril'i. t lilu ,ivi.,.,,f I, mill iifltT In nrilrr thill ui truiv NiH'lin. n lnrvi, nilinlMir ill llilV 1 11 L..I ..II ..I... ,.. -..l..ll.... ...I l U..1.r..u ..f I.. I., ..UMIM Ml magazine. Mil up tno main, ami huiiu ii in, 10 TLIET I, l II V f I I Ur lll If 'I 1' L n I II 1 I (ID Tl JJ DALLE Mill Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now loads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large pari of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, henco it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire Tho Daily Chronicle is published every ovo ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. Tho Weekly Chuomole on Fridays of each week at $1.00 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx IDfltllOaW, Orogou. flew Qolumbia flotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Han lately been thoroughly renovated and fnrninlieil tlimiiclinnt . uml Ih iiiiiv better ever prepared to furnish the best HoW accommodations of any house in tlx city, and ul the very low rate of $1 a aay. 'irst-uiass xaeaie, unite ui iui) nut huu uummuuiuun milium..-"-- to Dufur, KinuHloy, Tvch Vulley, Wopinit Warm Springs and Prinoville is in tho HoW and persons going to I'rineville can bm M.U0 by going on this Btugu Hue. All trains stop here. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IK jhiji i mvii i 11 w rm.y And the Mont Comploto nnd thft Latent T'atteniH and Designs in MriU.,il.,..l I,.. t... ,, .. .... .. , . ... 1.., mill 01 hherwin-Wi aniH and J. W. Mamtry'H 1'ainM uwid In all ur work. Mid noat um inont, BKineu workmon employed. AentH for Miuury LIUHJ chemical combumtion or noap mixture. A llrfit uIuhh urtiolo In CQlon' orderw promptly attended to. T a . . II.. IH roiriT uh ah AM.a nn.!i .1 trr . i f r mu i a flii v THE CELPRP7XTED PAT TTATDT a rrjT7 X rT?pV . mm i i a a i m . J XT JL lJ.i X I J' M T AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thlri well. known llmuinr in n.., t. Mat. Iluer fill Itiur liavu luuin l....,l i i . . . . . ulll U0 P w,- uiHuuubw, uu oniy Hie nrHi'cmtw wuwn - the nutrktt.