11 itsfei hi M Li m i.i iiji a Tr.irly Art. i cffijyi i -i i i u i i iwj i - I iwin SP OUR! ECI SKLE. Boys' . Underwear, AH Sies. Regular weights. rjl Good values at 40c. SEE CORNER WINDOW. V ALL GOODS MARKED t. V'l IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. UN UCimd-UIIMH mutter. I.nriil AclvitrtlnliiK. Jfll'entt Kr Hue (or llrxt iimertloii, mid 6 Cuntit wmic mr eueii nuuxequeill llineruuu. Special rates for long time iiiitleen. All IiX'u imtiiTN received later than 3 o'clock Wnuthnr Furrcant. p. m. tomorrow Tuesday lair.fdightly warmer ;Wednes- WKATIIim D..... . lilt no jHiiuuiuiur, Maximum temperature, 8i Minimum temperature, 54. River, 11.1) feet above zero. Wind, culm. 1 1 f V I I A X - - AUG. lil), 1B1K1 Tht bailii and Weekhi Chronicle man im on mie ui i. i . i icKeutwt ttore. AUGUST ANGLINGS. lle Ki"rtrM. no uhcu wiirenouHe rmvH vn nnn 1111 Iini'N IllHT. HVimiTlir tVf IU l.'nmi ' - n --wu Hbwn rwaaaa n iiw llITWt VlUlill nuillll I iiiirwiiH n iinii r iii'ik u.'ttfiia ttirft una . vtiruu uumi nLrnm. the limiur imvini? ' - --o liMiorno-pover ttireshint; machine It lt U Itm lliiliunti'n ...1. ...... it to Mr. Koontz' place. ho Htoekholdenr meeting: ut the tl l.i l . t'lk i iw iiitiaiw inn r iiiw aimi I hu t j , adjourned until Saturday itt ti i II ItMl WItliJ IIIIM VIV CIIU lll, ,A .i 1 . . . 'Iff I., ... I I. ,ai 1 it .....1 111 i . II I til Ul.ii.i.iwl , Mn K.u .... .... - iin villi 1113 ItlUUU HUUIUU III I'llll tlll.,1 .... I iliOH. AdttniH 1iih realized nhout $:i00 "oiii J i i h block of cauteloupeH. i hll.lHln 11. .4 e il X .11 iiiiu hmiu) ui wium orougui fllifh nu c i o 1 III I ltp,...i til . I. I 1. H UIIM.W il)IVIVIIIJltJ kill 'IIIL ill HIIVtl'lll llltrklllll (Itl 111 1 1 llU , -'i'iwi 1'iiuivu mini rin '"11" Hull, u forinor reaidunt of Tvl'Ii v i i) ni vm j low ill ni. incuiib n '"iniiiiu, wiuiro lie huh jiihi M.ivfiii U inin iiiuiiy IU HUB '-; iw no pauimi to learn tliat lie niiiirM iiih recovery doubtful. A few nlglitH ago, Home ono broke Into r- WoII'h bide hoiiHe ut tlto KitHt ' 'nkniuiuu mix ouor, eik'tiieon iriin i. ii .1 . . . -i ...iiu uniiur, uiiu iuur itruy iojc ......., u,c worm in mo main t. . iui. nm muiKH uioy were ' ,k"mi oui me more prouu- u voiiuliiHlon ih that tbey were white iiwiin or tramiH. fifonon W)e UH jvo)y 0 jokury. Kow "iternoon m in the fuuuiiiH Midway ', and the contortions of the i iiih fully UH aerpentlne, While i whb trying to wet Kline from the ui root with a bucket of water. Hill ni one Htory higher with an uuckel. and drn.ii...i n .i joKer with hia own modlelne. Thin HqunrcH Hill with 1-ytle, but very likely not hytle with Hill. A man giving the nanie o George Murray, who vun urreHted by MuthIiuI Maloney a day or two nince, was ad judged iiinane thin morning by Juatice L. K. Davin after an exuiiiiiiution by Dr. Hugh Logan. He gave bin age ub 44 yearn and hiivh he cuint: from Walla Walla, where he ban frienda. He ima gineH Home one its trying to do him bodily harm. Hwitllitwnil I'oIimi. The .r-year-old granddaughter of Jack StanielH narrowly ewcaped death by poi Hon tliiH morning. The folkn have a bottle of corroHive Hublimate in the houHe (chloride of mercury) which they uue, in conjunction with a Ryringe, to light led bugH with, and the little one, by Home miHchance, got it and Bwallowed part of ItH contentH. Luckily for the child, the older onen are endowed with that old-faHhioued common neiiHe, now ho scarce in theue dayH when dollur runtling iH the chief aim and end of ex iHtence, and admiHtered uh un antidote white of egg and flour and an emetic, ami Dr. KHhelman, who whb called, found little to do upon Iiih arrival. The child waH vomiting, and at noon waa getting along nicely. Matliutllat CiiufVrriicr. The quarterly conference of the M. E. church of UiSh city cloned it fourth hch Hion hint evening. The report was very natinfaetory and encouraging. At the cloHe, the conference unanimoualy pasaed a reaolution atating that it waa the ear neat deHire ol the society that the Kev. J. Wbialer be continued aa the paator of ine m. x.. cnurcn, and tliat the Colum bia conference through ita biaboo. urged to recognize the requeat of thi cnurcli and aociety. The Kev. Whial hue endeared blmaelf to tbia people and ia univeraally loved. H)inlul Mitliic. The city council held a apecial meet ing hint night and appointed Kecorder D u fur on the part of the city, to go with the county aaaeaaor when fixing raluea on city property. A reaolution waa alao pnaaud that the committee on atreeta and public property have full control of the atreet commiHHiouer, and that he be employed, only at Mich timea aa aaid committee may deem neceaaary. The petition of C. K. JJayard and othera for the removal of the fence taking in ten feet of the weat aide of Court atreet, was granted. i a Tnll'ii' Watch round. A letter received thia morning from Mra. Tall'e, Htatea that an Indian found young Tatl'e'a watch on an Island above Colllo, No theory la Hatialactory aa to how it came there. The inland ut the time waa about eighteen inches under water and when lua body floated paat, It may have been loosened by the fric tion of tho aand, or it may hnvo been merely the work of chance in thus re atoring u token of hia tragic end, The wutch was returned to Mra. Tulle. TIiIh In to certify tlmt I lmve iikciI Knuihe'e llemlmtlio OiipNiiK'N imrlmllcjilly (or over one year, mill lmve very uimili )ilenimri In btntliiK tlmt they luivu iilwityn prove! bontlleliil anil lmve relieved me In from ten to lUteon iiilimteN. 1 lmve lut' n n Nlillerer from heiidmihe fur iiimiy yearn, mill luivu never (omul unytliliiK to do me iih iniiiih kooiI iih Kruute lleailaelie CapKiileH. Voiub truly, Lotus Hkiiman, I'll I H. I'tiplar St , Wichita, Kan. WOIII), WOOD, WOOD. Hunt oruduu nf mi If . ilr. mill xliilt I'Oril wood, at lowoat markut ratea ut Joa. T. Petera & Co. (Olllce Second and Jetfer hoii atreeta.) PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Van Woodruff of Tygh Valley waa in the city yesterday. Mr. Mart IlarriBon dejarted for his home in Hood River thia morning. Mias Laura Thorn paon returned from a abort visit at Goldendale yesterday. Mra. J. M. I'atteraon aid Mra. Dunhan returned from Collins Landing last night. Mr. Guy G. Willis was in the city yee terday, returning to Portland this morning. Mra. Kice left thia morning for a few daya at Hood River to visit her eon, Mr. Win, Campbell. Mr. Fred Jones, oneof Wasco county's prominent sheep men, called on The CmtoNici.E today. Mr. Smith French departed for Sea view thia morning to join hie family at their seaside residence. Mr. R. E. Williams and familv re turned from an outing in the vicinity of Mt. Adama Sunday evening. Rev. Father Severinua, of St. Peter's church in thia city, departed for Port land thia morning by steamer Regulator. MrB. Joa. Reezley, and Mrs. R. F. Laughlin accompanied by Mibs Jeanette Meredith, of Salem, returned from Port land laat evening. Mr. J. Schrtfder, who haB been visit ing hia daughter, Mra. A. Gehrea, in tliiH city for aeveral weeke, departed for Iiih home in San Francisco this morning. We acknowledge a call from Mr. Clay Neece of Sherman county. Mr. Neece reports that harvesting is nearly over aud the threshing machine ia at work. MisB Kstella Goodwin, who has been the guest of Miases Annie and Laura Thompson in tbia city for the past week, leRJjicJiome in Hillaboro thia morning. f Mra. M. E. French, Mra. J. Marden and Messrs. H. French, Bert Phelps, John Uooth and Ed. Wingate, and Miaaea Grace tampoeii, Aimee Aewman and Chriatine Nickelsen, returned from Collins Landing laat evening. HOTin, AltlllV.U.K. ColumbiaW Sharp, W H Abben, P A Reiner, Cascade Locks; N Kautz and wife, RobEitel, T Lyons, Tucoma; W C Iddinge. Hood River: John Onll, F R Mann, wife aud two children, J Thomas, Rake Oven. Skibbe John Rrookhouse, Dufur; John Ott, Heppner; J S Nun, Cross Keys; Henry Perlin, Spokane Falls; Joseph Guter, 'endleton ; Jamea lyona, Hood River; S Rrown, Raker City; F S Reck, Walla Walla: H Kaae, Portland; Chaa E Reed, wife and two children, KanHaa City, Mo. Mr. J. C. Roswell, one of the be&t known und most reapected citizens of Rrownwood, Texas, Buffered with diar rhu'a for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlaiu'H Colic, Cholera ami Diurrhu'ii Remedy was used; that re lieved him at once. For aale by Rlakeley it Houghton, Druggists. lm. J)IKI. n tliiH city, Aug. ISHh, 180IL Eliza A. Gilman, widow of the late A. M. Gil man of San Francisco, California. Fuuoral service will be held at the residence of her sou, Mr. J. O. Mack, Aug. :iOth, 181)3, at 4 p. m. Interment at Sun Francisco, Calif. Tyffli Vallty KiIltr Klour Mill. Is in complete repair ; always in store Hour equal to the best. Alao old stylo coarse and line Graham Hour, mill feed, etc. W. M, McCoKKLK, Propr. tlt.lUm m r Olinger & Rone's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the beat fishing point In Hood River valley, where oue can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and tret their mall und nrovisions daily. gtowd Use Mexican Silver Stovn Polish. Apropos of sham battles and their at tendant dangers, the Fossil Journal re lates an incident that has never before appeared in print: When the Third regiment, O. N. G. was encamped at The Dallca in July, 1891, a sham battle was a feature of the program mo arranged to take place on the Fourth. It was to be the drawing card of Tho Dalles celebration, and wae extensively advertised. Rut, fortun ately, it never came off, and those who knew all the circnniRtances felt sure that a tragedy -was averted by the omis sion of this part of the programme. The encampment had been grossly misman aged, and the soldiers had received poor rations and treatment, in consequence there was a atrong feeling of dissatisfac tion among the men towards some of the officers in command particularly toward Colonel Houghton, who soon af terward resigned. The men were anxious to break camp, and covert threats were heard in some quartera, to be executed in the event of the men be ing compelled to take part in the sham battle. These coming to the ears of the otlicere a consultation was held. Gov ernor Pennoyer, the commander-in-chief, who happened to be in The Dalles at the time, was approached by Colonel Houghton, who sought hia advice re garding the advisability of postponing the fight. Captain Gaffncy of E com pany, of Fossil, one of the most capable officers in the O. X. G., was sent for and introduced to the governor, who aaked his opinion regarding the matter. The captain replied that as the men were very tired, and as it was reported that certain threats had been made, he thought it would be wisest and aafest to let the battle go by the board. His ad vice was acted upon, and the wisdom contained in it was made apparent the following day when a company musket, containing a ball cartridge, waa found by the conductor on the train at Hood River. It had been carelessly left be hind by one of the soldiers. The cir cumstance was kept quiet, but it leaked out among the officers, and caused at once a thrill of terror and a feeling of intense thankfulness in the hearts of more than one who took part in the first and last encampment of the Third reg iment, O. N. G. A PrartluUR Individual. A drunken individual caused consider able trouble today. Marshal Maloney arrested him about 9 o'clock thia morn ing, but he proved so untractable that the services of Matt Schoren rnd Frank Seeley were called, and the fellow waa carried and driven into the city jail. In less than an hour the recorder, bearing an unusual noise, hastened to the cell and found a pretty tableau. In one corner stood a young fellow incarcerated last night, pointing the small end of a broom at the fractious fellow, and old man Cottingham, who is serving 30 days, had a chair poised over his head in the act of striking him. Mr. Dufur yelled "atop" just in time to prevent the blow, which might have killed him. The recorder, then, assisted by Geo. Rrown, took the unmanageable drunk into another cell and locked him up by himself, and the gieatest harm he has since done ia yelling at the top of his voice. It is singular what a fool an overdose of whisky makes of a man, and etill they call it fun. "Skliied" From llur Home. Telegram, Richard Tregay, a Colorado mining man, arrived here from Denver Saturday in aearch of Iub wife and little boy, who he Bays left their home about three weeka ago. He engaged the Pinkerton agency to work on the case, and yester day Mrs. Tregay waa located in a small cottage on Overton etieet, between Six teenth and Seventeenth. She was re siding hero with her little boy, her two Bisters and a railroad man named Frank Peermau, with whom Tregay charges she "skipped" from Denver. Warrants were sworn out for the arre&t of Mrs. Tregay and Peerman, charging them with adultery and also with larceny, Tregay alleging that before leaving Den ver they took about sfGoO of his money. Roth parties were arrested yesterday afternoon by Detectives Simmons, Hols apple and Griilin and locked up in the city jail. Mis. Tregay admits taking the $(150 from her husband before leav ing Denver, which ho states was just half the amount of money he had in tho house. Roth the and Peeruian claim the lat ter was boarding with her, and that there was nothing criminal in their re lations. .Mrs. Tregay says alio will have nothing moio to do with her husband, and her husband suya ho will have nothing more to do with Mrs. Tregay. Ask vour dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. "WSJ ook'sCottoniloo COMPOUND. A recent dlscovor by on old jilijktelau. Swcestfulli ws.iJ mvuthlu hu lliousinult pi JUiu'ff. J3 tho only l rfeell K&fonml lellablo inedleluo clU- cOYcrcd. Eowwp of unirlueliled druusUta who ...... miullitiua 111 ulueoof thia. Ark fur VUl'l - - Cook' Cotton Hoot Compound, take uo tubsiu tutt, or liieloso ft mid 0 cent lu pontage lu lettur and wo wllUeiid, twulod, ly return iiu.ll. KulUoalod iiartl 'iihon In l'luln envelope, to ladlea only, ttuui. Addrtu I'oud Mly Com puny, No. a Wihcr mock, Uetrolt, Ilka. Hold In The Uiillw by Bulpea & Kiuerbly. Shim il ma Dn Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions, (jepts' puTpiir (005, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will he sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms Cash. JJ. Hearing. jopr ,0 f ' FIRST CLASS T"Nb NT'N. CAN BE HAD AT THE C H R O NICLE O FF I C E Reasonably Ruinous Rates. Familiar Faces in a Neiv Place C. E. BAYARD, J. E. BARNETT Late Special Agent General Land Office. Jl?e leal Instate, tpap, Iurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTARY IO Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. "We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests, before the Unitep States Land Ollice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR, Have You Seen :THE Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER S CO. J. H. CROSS. At tho Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. Jtey, Graii?, peed ai?d plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Oaeili jzxlcl for DfUgs stxxdL I'o-u.ltry. Hit goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE BOOKS. A. T I. O. NICKELSEN'S. The California Wine house, 4 Is now open, and its proprietor will .soil his home- A X produced Wino at prices in the roach of everybody. X- Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed to bo Pure and First-Class in ovory respect. Thompson's Addition. C- BECHT,