The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 29, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wkljr, 1 year 1S0
" 6 months 0 .5
ii 3 0 50
DIW. 1 TMr 6 W
" 6 months ...
.1 00
0 50
Addrws all communication U " THK CHUON
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
Bunds)- u U
Heat U Ohraii.
Yr if", . A Zl
A man asked the price nt a steak in n
butcher shop Saturday and was told 15
cents per pound. He began n tirade !
about tlie high price of meats and uc
etieed the butcher ot raising prices not
withstanding the lrtml times. When lie
got a chance to say n word, the butcher
explained that meats of all kinds had 1
nover been so cheap in the history of
Portland as at present. "That steak,
i vmi see. is a porterhouse. Tliero are
oVncB Houns 0,,1.v il fuw' 1'0",u1b lt 1,1 nn ox iuul " tho person with bad blood who's not
eaerai Delivery win.iow a. m. to 7 p.m. will bring the highest prices. Hound 1 t.,j.5g Ur. I'iereo'a Golden Medical
woney imter m. Hi-, y. i i at lk ... . ch usti(i to scn for i-m., cents, ; i) snovprv. 1 oil aro bereft of itMlcr-
, yu. in. wiun. in. ' , , . , " n
; now sells for 8 cents. Sirloin is 10 to , ment and tjoou sense if you allow
CIAMKO Or UAILS .......u ......1 .,M f.,, 1.1 1 f 1
Dp. m. ami 11:4.1a. m. cents. v,uui:h. biv hku iu -n your uivuu -' ui viuci, vuur
.sp.'m.'aiui 5:"ap.W'ie ftrul in cents and now it is 0 cents. . liver shisjcish Hfo dull, everything
2 .. . .. '.ilhm. I Jioiiijjj; beef used to be S cents; it now , blue, for you may soon find out that
$oTiS& iiaa:SMseli;'from5toli cents. Corned beef i you're in the gravc-or next to it
DOCailM' vim um nut ptuuuru uiu
(i. M. 1). soon euouch. and somo
Gone mad
trains ROlnp Kat
i S'et
tiUjcc for (tolilenilale
" rrincviiib
" '"imturatiil
" tLeaYinc (or l.v
' " (Antelope.
KTPnt Similir.
tTri-weekly. TuenJitv Thurfilay and P.itunlny.
5:30a. m. '
"Monday WolucKlay ami Friday.
AUG. 29. 1893
. . e r . ... r. .mi, ail i
I reuuecu irom sminwuwuir -
, other kinds of meats have reduced ac
Icordinclv. Uut if a man wants the
the choicest cut in the ox he must pay
the highest price." Tlte misery of the
thing is that in this country everybody
wants the choice cuts. Oregonlan.
Si- the Wurlit'H I'nlr for Plftron Out. I
Upon receipt of your address and lit-
teen cunts) in postage stamps, we will,
mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio j
of tlie world V Columbian exposition,
the regular price is fifty cents, but as we -want
you to have one, we make the
nrice nominal. You will lind it a work
it con-,
Tlie following is tlie bill that carried
in the house yesterday by a vote of 239
to 110:
An act to repeal a part of an act, ap
proved July 14, 1S90, entitled "An act
directing the purchase of silver bullion
and the issue of treasury notes there
on, and for other purposes."'
He it enacted, etc., That so much of the
act approved July 14, 1S90, entitled 0 urt anj a thing to be prized.
"An act directing the purchase of sliver
bullion and issue of treasury notes
thereon, and for other purposes," as di
rects tlie secretary of the treasury to
.purchase frjru time to time silver bul
lion to the aggregate amouut of 4,500,000
ounces, or so much thereof as may be
offered in each month, at the market
price thereof, not exceeding one dollar
for 371.25 grains of pure silver, and to
issue in payment for such purchases
treasury notes of the United States, be,
and the same 18 hereby, repealed ; but
this repeal shall not impair or in any
manner affect the legal-tender quality
of the standard silver dollars hereto
fore coined ; and the faith and credit of
the United States are hereby pledged to
maintain the parity of the standard gold
and silver coins ot the United States at
the present legal ratio, or such other
ratio as mav be established bv law.
. .. . - .i i ii.i
tains lull page views oi me great uuhu
ings, with descriptions of same, and is
executed in highest style of art. If not
satisfied with it, after you get it, we will
refund the stamps and let you keep the
book. Address
H. E. r.UCKLKN it Co.,
Chicago. 111.
dread disease, may bo liillucuza
or consumption, may be typhoid
or malarial fever, has taken you.
Consumption is Lung Sorofula. "For
Scrofula in its myriad forms, and
for all Liver, IJloo'd and Lung dis
eases, the "Discovery" is an un
equaled remedy. Everybody, now
and then, feels "run-down" "played
out," with no power to generate
vitality, in fact, just too sick to bo
well. 'That's where tho right kind
of medicine comes in, and the "Dis
covery" does for a dollar what tho
doctor wouldn't do for less than five
or ten.
We claim that nothing like it has
been discovered for a blond-purifier.
It's ijwtrantecd by the makers. Youf
money is returned if it doscu't bene
fit or cure you.
William Tell
Your Father that we soil
Congressmen Hermann and Elli
voted with the big majority yesterday
President Cleveland is fond of play
ing chess and reading Virgil in the
Most of the democrats in the house
yesterday repudiated the Chicago plat
form. What's in a platform?
The free coinage delusion has met the
fate it deserves, and those democrats
who voted against it have proven their
wisdom a great deal better than if thev
had staid with the platform.
An exchange says: "The state of
Washington will have for export this
year 200,000,000 bushels of wheat, 300,
000,000 bushels of barley, and 1,5000,000
bushels of oats. The yield of wheat is
estimated at 39 bushels to the acre
The fruit crop is estimated to be
worth $1,000,000 and is about 90 per
cent, of average' And the Spokand
Review eays : "This is the wildest yet.
The entire cereal exports of the United
States will not reach these figures bv liasiimgion s exports ot grain
tnis year will not exceed 20,000,000
bushels, and even that showing is won
derful and gratifying."
The people of Oregon who have chil
dren of school age will rejoice to learn
that the late berated legislators passed
one law, at least, that will save them
ome money. Formelv the countrv
chool superintendents held an election
every four years for the purpose of de
ciding upon text books to be used in the
pubh schools of the state for theensuing
four years, but at the last session this
law was changed so that elections for
this purpose will hereafter be held only
every six years. There was to have
been an election for this purpose this
year but under the now law this was
changed and there will be no selection
of text books untill 1895.
fc'enator Galliuger has anticipated the
announced intention of representative
Burrows, by introducing in the senate a
resolution calling for an investigation of
the practice of Commissioner of Pen
ions Lochren in suspending pensioners.
Senator Gallinger, in speaking of his
bill, says that to his mind the commis
sioner .has no warrant of law for revising
the work of his predecessor by suspend
ing pensioners from the list. He thinks
that a man once granted a pension can
not be deprived of It unless it is shown
to be unlawful, and that it rests with
the department to prove its illegality
rather than to compel the pensioner to
flle additional evidence. This is tho
legal aspect of the matter apart from the
considerations of hardship and cxpenve
to tlie pensioners.
Huoklaa'a Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
tore, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
coma, and all akin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded, Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin-nh,
T ill I.IUJ.J1JI.JI.L1
AnatriwubleLasatlvc and NEKVE TUNIC.
Sold by Dnitrinstsor sent by mall. 2oe. We.,
nd S1.00 l'cr package. Samples free
zy MTM The Farorito T007B PCTOX3
Wk.l H.IJforthcTeettiandlreAtb.2C)C
For nale by Hnliica Ktiieraly.
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
T7ijvfitti no Pntd
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
0"" We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In mi'j as, style mil price.
4- 4-
J. D. PARISH, Prop.
food Sawing.
We have boupht the J. C.
Meins Steam Wood Saw .
and will fill all orders for
sawing wood for stove or
fnrnaceuseat the old ratf.
Orders left at Maier k :n
ton's will l)e promptly at
tended to, and will guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
Jacok Wetle.
John P.Kriek.
Sheriff's Sale.
UvesThe Dalles at 6 a. ui. every Uy, and ar
rivts nt Prineville in thirty-nix hour. Levec i
Vrinevlle at 5 a. m. every day, and arrive at
The Dalles in thirty-six hours
Carties the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
I connects at rriD me witii
! Stages from Eastern and Southern Or
i icon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
, Mm makes close connection at The Dalle wtUi I
' trinf. from Portland and Kaitern polnu. j
I . cojiteois drUers.
(led accomodations alone tie read.
1 First-class Coacbes and Horses used.
1 Euress saner bandied witn special care.
Umatilla Hnu,
The Uallei.
YOUH flTTE4TIO4 "Tu:rc 'J a tidc ,n tllc I which, taken aiilsfietd
leads on to fortune."
The poot unquestionably had reference to the
Is sailed to the fact that
.M. SIcIimI Cit.'a Htor,
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glaffl, Lime, l'lanter, Cement
and Ituildint; Material of nil kinds.
t;rrlf the Fliinut l.lim at
Picture Mouldincts
m MM k M
Hy virtue of an execution is'.ueU out of the
Circuit Ourt of the etate of OrcK'm forWai-co
county, on the 16th ilay of Ausrutt, IftOJ, in a
suit therein ixndinj:, wherein J. M. Huntington,
administrator ot the estate of hilas I'rather, il
ceateti, ii plaintiff, nml (ieo. T. l'rjther, I.. II
I'rather and .Samuel Olarlt are defendant, ujjn
a decree rendered and entered therein on the ')th
day of June, IbVl, to me directed, commandiriK
me to hell the property hereinafter described as
hereinafter set forth, to satisfy a judgment given
by sfid decree in favor of said plaintill and
against said defendants (ieo. T. I'rather and I,
H. I'rather, for IllM.OO and ncerulng interest at
ten )r cent. -er annum, and f JJ.G0 cons of Mid
suit, and J100.O0 attorney's fees, I will, on
Saturday. September ii.'t, lHilll,
at the hour of 2 o'olockji. m., at the Courthouse
S3: : fSKffi!"!wh had wasted away to 38 pounds, ie
in hand, all of the following described' real prop- now well, Strong and vigorous, and well ,
erty, to-wir lt Hand io, of mock im. of the I (Iehed un S 15. Couch Cure has done fT A DC
J. F. FORD, Evanplisl,
01 Des Moines, Iowa, write under dt oi ,
March 23, ISM: j
K. 15. Mkd. Mko. Co., j
Duftir, Oregon. I
Gentlemen : ,
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and nnr.ioualv awaiting. Our 1
little trirl, cigbt and one-half ycarw old
To be found Id the City.
72 UUashington Street.
The Dalles
Cigar : Factory
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in
any wie appertaining, to satisfy said judgment,
costs and attorney's fees, and If the proceed
thereof are insullicient to satisfy the same, 1
will also, at said time and plaee, and upon said
terms, sell, subject to a mortgage held bv the
saidhainuel Clark, defendant, all of the foliim
ing described real property, to-wit In I) of the
said town of Hood I'.lver.
'1'. A. WAltlJ.
8.l05t Sheriff of Wasco county, Oregon.
i on
plour, Brar? ar?d peed.
U. s. Indian sernce. Warn Spimzs Azency,
Wat.m Kraisos. Crook Co.. Or., Aug. 5, isa.'j.
Scalcl proiosals indorsed "I'ropo-aUfor Klour.
llran and I'ewl," as the ease may be, and addressed
to the undersigned at Warm SuriniM.iir, i.i.n u.m
xi received at this agency until 1 o'clock 1. il. of
Tuesday, (icritember l'J. ls'Jl. for fnrnithi
delivering at the agency alxmt H,M(j Ibsoftlour,
ios ui urau, and o.uuo in- 01 leed
Hour must either what I- known as
'striiiurit full stock of vuni sound h..t iji n.
groiiml down tiubout4.'lj4of Hour, low grades
to I! taken out; or It may be what u ki own as
patent llour.and doliverei in extra iirnm. , ,,..
cotton sacka to weigh h ounces to tho yard Hair,
bidders, said samples to bo distinctly marked
with thenainoof the blilder and the number of
tho samnle If more than ono Is snt,mlit..,i
itrau must bo of good iiuulity, filial p irts bran
and shorts mixed: samples of not less than Wilis
.....a. .... . i.t lliej.l.. (Jj MJ.JltClB.
Feed must be clear barlev. fn-.h rnll,..i f.,...
from dirt ami runt; samples of not less than s,
lbs must IwfurnlKhul by bidders.
Delivery.- Of tho alow! there Is to bodellvcred
at the Rlnemasho !-'chool. lix'uteri 'simii... .
of tho agency, '-'I.UW lbs of Hour, lu,U) lbs bran,
andlO,oui)lbsoffetsli and at the agency,
lbs of Hour, 10,000 lbs bran, and lO.oooibs fid.
All articles are to be subject to u rigid lnsp--tlon.
r'roixisals miiiitstatosiKX'lllcally tho promised
prleo of eacli artlclu ollensl for delivery under n
contract by tho cwt., not barrels or tons.
iiiurigiii i reserveu u reject any or all bids,
any part of any bid if deeuiwl fortho best in-
the vicinity of tho residence of the blddei. inurio
of tlie Hem lirandH
manufactured, and
it. Your S. 15. Cough Cure has cured orderu from all partu of tlie country tilled
on the Hhortewt notice.
and kept away all hoarsenesB from me.
! So ive it to "every one, with greeting
i lor all. ishing you prosperity, we arc j
1 Yours, Sin. & Miih. J. F. Fonn. Xhe ri!ltUation of THK DALLES OI
If youwifihtoftel fresh and cheerful, and readj GAIl haH lxM;oine firmly eHtahliHhed, and
for tbe.-prfng'.s work, cleanse your s)tem with , the demand for the home manufactured
! the Ifcaddctio and Uvcr Cure, by taking two or j article iH increading every day.
tnree noses eacn week,
sold under a positive guarantee.
'Ji cents per bottle by all druggists.
5 UK NKW TOWN hiut been platted on the old camp ground, Ht the Korku and
Kails of Hood river, with large, sightly lots, broad strceta and alleys, good soil
and pti re water, with shade in profusion, jivrect drainage, dollglitlul mountain
climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort for nil Oregon,
being tho nearest town to .Mt. Hood, It la uupariillclec wi a imiuufscturlnr,
center, being the natural center for Vi) siiiaru miles of the bent cedar and Bt
timber, pos"aiug millions of horse-power In Its dashing streams mid water
falls, easily harnessed, Wbero cheap motive power exists, there the muu
lactone will center, surrouniled bv soil and cllumtu that cannot hucictUrt
any where for fruit and Hgrlculture, and with trauiportutlou alreHilr uniM
vou win nun nils ino uimi-u to niaknu iMrrit luiiiii nr h tiaviite inrnwr
fiao lino rn -Vik iwsrmrl
hi i rrit- h t. r-i ririri rviv
Vasco County, Oregon.
teres t of tho se
Certllled checks-Kach bid must lie aceomnanlisl
by ii certifltsl check or draft upon some (Jnlted
Htateadeiioslljng or solvent national bank In
payable ;tn tho order of tho commissioner ol in
uian auaira, tor at least livo tier cent, of the
mount of the proi-osal which check ordralt
will I forfeited to the UnlU-d rJtutos In case any
bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall
to promptly execute sureties, otherwise to be
iciuiiivw m uiu niuuer
lilds accnillluinliil hv push In Hun nl m in. a
check will not la considered.
5" 'urtlier Information as to tlmoof delivery
und other particular", apply to '
U. B, Indian Agent,
All Watch Work arranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
I3M Kceuiid Ht., Tin. Italia, Ur,
First premium at the Wasco eountr
air for bHt portraits and view,
Art Teacher
toom S, Btttingen liuilding,
Mill five IfiKOtti Mondays and Thursdays of
ch wttk, or oiuuer if dulred.
n Tailor.
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
rtirrct Fit Giiaritiitxeil.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Second Breet, The Dalles Or.
This well known stand, kept by the
wen Known w. u. ijuuh, lonj: a resi"
dent of Waeco county, has un oxtraordl.
nary line stock of
Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Distorbaie
In fact, nil the leading brands of fin
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a call and you will come again
ttliseman & Warders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
Tho Dalles, - Orogon,
Northwent corner of Heenml Mil ft
Court atreetu.
W. RossW inans.
...Comer Hiru, IhS'lON S'lVUK VA1WS, Chicago, lilt.
Jhe largest and only HtriuUy uoinniiHHion dualur in horses i
tlio world, will hold Iiis 7th oxlonsivo Halo of wwi
orn branded horsus for season 1 89, on
Entries should be made at once.
!'l7uJi nam
Pipe Work, Tin Repairs and
C, m .in. - II- Vttl
onon on rnira otrout. luiYt. rtnnr wa nf Ynune v'
Blacksmith Shop.