The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 29, 1893, Image 1

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    l)c DnllcG
NO. 63.
' " A- -A j4
Its Dalles Daily uitfonicie.
Ihllnlii"! Dully, HlllldHS- Kvcupltil.
11 V
...-, I I.' HIT ! I t U T'r
...i ill 1 ' I I x II Jill J L U I'Ulill IlilU YJW
fiir. "
II. M. HKAI.l.
I mill WiisIiIiirUiji Ktrcuto, Tlio
Dulles Ori'ROli.
IVriiiH of HiiltM)ritli
11; I Hi
1 ti clTt-t t .VngiiHt fi. 1MKI.
unvw0.C'' m. Depart 11 :()U r. m
IVl'.HT UOIINII, .it. Iifimrtii rt : 1 1 a. m.
rlnltWS ' ,l't ''"" lMlhHCIIKlTN It'llVl!
...u.n it .i a.m. .huh inn) inr uie
le, ii Ihike Oven, Ii.-hvu dully Aiili'li Mit"hen, uuiiyim i;iiy, leave
I J. I M
tor Ii.ifu l i't"-n , mine, n iipnmiH, itrin
. .. ii ..lint n.iit'i. niiiiv. nviipiii
ilM "1 I'll I 1 IM'.VJI J , I
nn.iiiv. a v i '
.riiwit' iii' it'll., leave nvi'ry any in uw
iimi " I lit i A. M.
-jjj. .s in n in mi' iimiimiH iniuw.
nil v'IMM'1.1' rtTTIH'.MKl 'M I jAW 1liMU
, ( jrt -arret, The Hulled, Ohkoii,
........ t'l. i Wtf V V.HVVf.K.
II' III. ' - "
ii J' 1., i- Ll J.rr.r. jiiiuiwMn-rti'
U law K im IJ mid -IS, vet 1'imt
iik 'liui; i.itirtinrt on u nniiiiiKinii nuiri
t .-l . JI'I. i, V If IT'. I All' 111
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, ( mih.i'k Imllilliii;, up huilm. Tliu
UU, 'If ''Hi
I , J! h HI'NTINlirilN. II. H, WIMOK.
w.l II -.I'lNCiTON .t Wliwa- AITOM
M MX .i Olllrrx. Fiimeli' block over
rit Nhj". h hiink. ' urn en. umaiii.
First Rational Bank.
A General Hanking Rumnoss transacted
Deposits received, subject to Siprlit
Draft or Chock.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
Kn. M. AVii.IjIAmh, Gko. A . IjIkiie.
II. M. JJkau,.
Rational Bank,
of dalIjKS city, ot:.
I'rt'riidont -
7j. V. Moody Hilton1
M. A. Moony
Gcncml l!;inliiiiK Husincss Transacted.
Silit ExchanneH Sold on
and I'OItTLANI), OK.
Collections made on favorable terms
at all acceHsible point.s.
i i' ji iijin imimsxv-A i -la w
ti . I
' n n il ,L ( o.'s 1 1c liulldin, Secunil
r.- '(( i I . . i in iMin.
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,LMailllUI liHICk. ii "
1 ' I1 JLIl"ir I'll YMIIJlAf All
hK.ih Ollicii; rumiiK 6 mitt C Clinpinnii
(.t. Ki'siiii'iicu. H. I-:. miriicr !mirt mid
1. iii'ntiht - Ciiis irtvi'ii for tin.
ii-, i xtriictloiuif tuctli. AIho toetli
i . luumiuutii iilnt,.'. ltiidtnN. hlKilol
'V I. iTintli.Ki'Ciuid Httuiit.
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II AHIUJ HHICI., Nt). J.i, A. V. iM A. M. -MlTIK
" llihlmid third Mimduy of each mouth tit
.Mlx'tH III MilHollIu Hull thu third Vik1iii.).i1uv
mi'Ii iiiiinth ill 7 I M
.UMvU.N lUlDIIMI'i.N UK TllK WOItl.J).
.ill lifin i i.niiiii r,o. mi. .mi'iuk 'riii'Miiii,.j,i.j,.i
lUIlt'jHItlV l.UIHII'., fu. a, l. w. u. 1', auiiw
every f rliliiy ovi'iuuc m 7::hjo-(iiimii, in K.
r. hull, cornur Kwoiitl hhiI Court Htruotx.
, i;u)tiim, miry. u. a., u.
..iti i'.i lint 1 1 1 iiijijtti'.. mi. u.. iv. ill i . -it:i.'ui
evurv JioiuiHV ovuiumr hi v :;tu oumick. hi
n. w.VAti.iK, k. oi it. mm h. t;. i:.
bHKMlll.V NO. 1827, K. OK U-MocU lu K.
oi r. nun inenxintm una lourin neunvit-
t'NION Mflll inMt uvory Krldiiy altoruuon
tji'iiliuil' u , Murllnji vi.'it.t A 1 1 .IT., I (ii'lljui
iiriiiuii Ih1i'ii Nn :JII. I. (I. ti. Ki'FUlur
winkly ineutliiitH 1'rhlny ut b r. M., u
ill. AllHrulnvitixl.
in Vuti,rllltv Hull. fii'Ar Kullnm. an (.'(Hilld
.H ilvBiiM. Klimnuior. M. W.
- -
AH. NKHM1TH t'OHT, No. 82, 0. A. It.-MoeU
uruty UatunUy st 7:30 r. m in thu K. ot 1'.
OK Ij. K.Mti'tsvuryHumluy afternoon in
the K. of l. Hull.
KSAN'll Vl-' iM'iirv
eveiiliijy lu thu K, of J', Hall.
OK I,. K. 1IIVIHION, No. 107 -MootH ill
K. of I1. Hull tlu Ilr-J.1 nod fhlr.l WmIiim.
--... ...ijiivil, lib 4 .uu I Hi
w i n i r.itn iiiiinri'ii iriiir n ut it it iinnuL.
IJ I Vtfu-r t n
. HiKti Mmm ut lOiitf) a, m, VeHpcm itt
jr. i nui.n liiiiiici!!! K.iniiAii Nimnr nrtiuiuiiii
rum, Huv. K1I I) Mutil'. Mil K.mtjir Huru i'i.u
Tlify HlllldHV Rt 11 A U .mil ?..,n u J U.ii.jI..,.
.,.. ' - jiviiiiik i invui iiiiriimir ii
jllltHT II A O'l'lU'K ! I, ,. -i i. n, ...
' Illu iiji,:. .' -aw,. t, ..
..ii. -"i..""""! Auiiriimir Hurviuon every duo-
Olllml I.V nllljr HI 11 A. K. HlllllJlllll
iHjcr iiu'otltiA? Kr iiiii ir i.....i,... u ii.;,...u n.ui.
Y. M. ",u" rviuH in mo Lourt liouno ut
C0o!iJ,;a;i;riP' (HiunoH-uov" w. o!
ffiVifc1?, ovory Hunitay Ht n
rtrifUk u..... Miuiiuiin
"iutneoruiHiiy invited. Buatu Irou.
M . HilriVl!.!,"'".'.''-''. J. WIIIHI.KB, PHMtor.
. '"viui l n ii iiiiv in ir in nur ii ti in
fiii.i.. " iityur liiumuiL' uvnrv
to nil. w cxtiiawt ly both pnntor mill ioplo
nillin i," "
"iHniiiiN miiMimr nu.. ...
V itor. I'reHohl ; n. ti .I f..,VJ ?Jt. .".?
-lb.. 7U.i I Jlrfll II.... ... n -
iAVANnifi iii . , "
....-'' Aturn. iiir. Hiiriiiu.u u
ljtt!rc of Credit im-tued availablt- in he
Eastern States.
Siyht JCxehaiijje and Telegraphic
'1'ratiHferBnoldon Kpw York, Chicago, St.
Iju'ih, San FranciHco, I'ortland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and variottH points in Or
egon and WaHliinton.
Collections! matle at all piintf on fav
orable turmti.
You Saw
Your Own Wood
and saw enough of it, your
digestive organs may perhaps be
equal, ostrich like, to any task
you impose even to the digest
ion of lard cooked food.
If however, like thousands of
other people, you have learned
that you must "draw the line at
lard," this is to remind you that
there is a clean, delicate and
healthful vegetable substitute,
caIW S At
which if used in place of lard,
permits you to eat pies, pastry,
patties and such " good things "
without fear of dyspeptic con
sequences. There's abundant proof, but
none so convincing and so pleas
ant as a trial for yourself. We
invite it. For sale everywhere.
Genuine made only hy
Bi3ckiiil.ii & Wagon Slop
General JSIackpmithing anil Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Thirfl Street, opp. Lielie'solfl Stand.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any uiid all
Kmcis ot work m his line at
reasonable ligunw. Has the
largest honsu moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181.TheDalles
"The falak Line"
Tie Dalles, Portland and Moria
Navigation Co.
Freipni anti Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Jiocka with Bteamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at G a. in. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
S. L.
WutctiCH and Jewelry repaired to order cm
niiori nouce. ana iuiimacuon guaranwea
at THE
More of I.V. NlokeUon, Ud Ht.Tlte Dull
Chas. Allison,
-Denier in-
Hoadquartors at Olias. Lauer's.
Huvltar hml a flnu lmrvoMt of nntiirnl ico tlio
bent ill tlio world, I ma prepared to furnish la
any numitlty mid nt bottom pricen.
Dry Goods
tfP Plothing
Hoot i Mbnea, llMta, Kta,
Fancy rood, fJotion,
Kto,, Ktc, Ktc.
Seoond St., The Dallei.
One way
Round trip
. 3.00
Tickets on sale for Long Reach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Baggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day dr night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted,
Call on or address,
Oentiral A cent.
tieueral Manager,
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been ropapered and rejiaintw
und newly carpeted throughout. Tlio
hoiibe contain 6 170 rooms and is supplied
with every modern convenience. Ratot
reasonable. A good restaurant utkichtxi
to thu houHe, Frer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWLES, Prop.
Candies and Nuts "USS:,
Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles
in Spain Enils in a
NcRotiations Between France and Siam
at a Standstill -A Very Unsettled
At right aide
lira. Oiwrr'
ro tour nn L
MAnmn, Aug. L'S. At a bull fight at
harngohsa, tlio audience, diFsatisfied
with the quality of the performance,
smashed the f-.eats and set fire to them.
The police quelled the riot with diffi
culty, after wounding a number of the
mob. At San Sebastian, the audience
at a concert attacked the musicians be
cause they refuH'd to play the Rasquo
hymn. They tbc-n proceeded to the
hotel where the prime minister was
stopping and Honed it. Troopa called
out were foiced to fire on the mob, kill
ing tso and s-ewieiy wounding several.
I'rnnc anil .Slam ut JjOKRirlii'iiiI.
Rangkok, Aug. L'S. N'cgutiations be
tween France and Siam are practically
at a standstill. Xo date is fixed lor a
resumption of diplomatic correspond
ence. The, Siamese commercial inter
ests are attacked in a vital point by the
new demands made by France. It in
believed Siam cannot assent to them.
There is a very unsettled fueling. The
development" of the next few days are
anxiously awaited.
Xnvsl Itniiit Are I)an;;erom,
London, Aug. 'Js. Naval men ami the
public have learned one important les
son from some of the jecent disastets at
sea. When-the Cauiperdown ran down
the Victoria it was noticed that the
Camperdown's ram was so seriously
damaged that the ship's safety was en
dangered. The cruiser Forthmore re
cently sunk a merchant vessel near the
Isle of Wight. Here, too, the damage
to the warship's- rain was veiy serious,
though the collision was but slight. In
the recent French naval maneuvers the
big battle-ship Formidable ran down an
linglish cargo boat, and her ram was
badly twisted. People are beginning to
ask whether the ram may not be almost
as dangerous to the ship which bears it
as to the ship which te rammed. It is
most certainly a less trustworthy weapon
than most persons have been led to sup
pose. Doi.rir i:ii.i.s.
Tim Senator II. Laid Out I'lenty of
Work for Himself.
Washington, Aug. 27. Senator
Dolph always imioducefi enough bills at
tho beginning of each congress to keep
him reasonably busy during the session.
Quite a number of the senator's bills
have a familiar sound and appearance,
and some of them have been regarded
as impossibilities in the way of legisla
tion, but this does not prevent him from
introducing them from congress to con
gress, because he believes in their prin
ciples and thinks they ought to bo
adopted. For instance, a bill which
provides for coast fortifications is one
which Senator Dolph lias introduced nt
every congiess, and no congress goes by
that'he does make an extended speech
urging the passage of the bill, ihia bill
appropriates $R.'3,000,000 to be expended
at twenty-five different points in the
United States, one of which, of course,
is Portland, Or. Another bill is in ef
fect to loan anv state or territory money
to prosecute irrigation canals. The loan
shall not exceed sf'J.DOO.OOO in any one
vear to any single stato or territory, nor
exceed a grand total of flO.000,000 to
any one state or territory. The states,
to secuie tho government, snail issue
irrigation bonds at 1 per cent, running
fifty years and redeemable iu five years.
Senator Dolph abo has a bill for tho
relief of certain settlers who have made
entries Oil lands and the entry lias been
erroneously allowed and cannot bo con
tinued, the secretary of the interior be
ing directed to repay the poreou who
made the entry and allowing him tlio
right to make a re-entry. Provision is
also made for the repayment to seiners
within forfeited railroad grants to re
ceive back ono-half of the money they
have paid for lands within such grants.
Jle has also introduced a bill making a
nubile nark of ten townships of land
surrounding Crater lake. He also has
a bill providing tor tho sale of the un
sold portion of tho Umatilla Indian res
ervation in Oregon. The eonator Iuih
iUko introduced a bill providing for the
formation and government of municipal
corporations in Alaska. Also a bill to
create and establish a pilot service of
the United States.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Pollen.
Catiailit Will ISrnnil Our Hotter.
Washington, Aug. 27. Tho Cana
dian collectors of customs have been
directed to brand all butter and checHe
in transit from tho United States of
America. The deputy collector of the
district of Vermont, stationed at Mont
real, states that the object of this action
is, in the first place, to prevent false
branding and misrepresentation of for
eign butter and cheese as Canadian in
the country of destination, and, second,
to supply a safeguard agairfst the sul)
stitulion of Canadian butter and cheese,
which increases tho transit and reten
tion of the foreign produce in Canada
without payment of duty.
The KfTlc.'ioy of 1'rnyer.
RltlDGKTON, N. J., Aug. 28. R. M.
Wills, secretary of the county board of
excise commissioners, was found sitting
in his office chair vesterdav sullering
with paralysis. Ih; was removed to his
home, where he died a few hours after
ward. August 1(5 the Woman's Christ
ian Temperance Union in the JI. K.
church prayed that the excise board do
not grant anv licenses. The next dav
the women prayed that God would
removed the excise board if the board
granted any more licenses. The women
also prayed at Pittman Grove, on Au
gust 10, that the board decline to giant
anv more licenses.
No more trouble in Chicago,
rioters are now orderly.
R. G. Rogers, a farmer residing six
miles east of Tularo, Calif., was called
to his door by Rob Wilson of Maderia,
who wanted to talk to Rogers. Rogers
refused to have anything to do with
Wilson, whereupon the latter drew a
pistol and fired several shots, killing
him. The murderer is in jail.
The east-bound Northern Pacific ex
press was held up near Reed's Point, 50
miles east of Livi'igston, Mont., by five
masked men. They were unable to open
the safe m the express car, and went
through the train and relieved the pas
sengers of their valuables. After re
freshing themselves in the dining-car
they disappeared.
W. II. Averctt.of Powell county, Ky.,
was called acroo the street by Robert
Hardwick, with whom he had a law
suit. Ilardwick said: "I am going to
kill you," and emptied a load of buck
shot into Averett, killing him. Asa
Petit, a friend of Averett, shot Hard
wick, mortally wounding him, It is
feared this U the beginning of a series
of killing.
A sensational tragedy was enacted in
the church of St. Anne, at Montpelier.
While mass was being celebrated an
elderly lady proceeded to the pew occu
pied by M. Jean Jouissant, a prominent
lawyer, and llred four shots into his
body, killing him almost instantly.
The woman told the police that Jouis
sant bad refused to return some money
she had intrusted to his care,
Andrew Gibson, at Fall River, Mass,,
cut Charles 11. Conners' throat with a
razor and afterward ran naked through
the fields, slashing and tearing at his
own throat until he inflicted wounds
from which he died. Conners was pass
ing Gibson's house when the cry of
"murder" caused him to enter. He
was met by Gibson, with the above re
sult. The murderer and suicide is be
lieved to have been insane from drink.
Annie, the 19-year-old daughter of
Jacob Weiss, of Marshalltown, Iowa,
was foully murdered near Green Moun
ain, by an unknown . party. Sho was
working for a farmer named Russe, and
had 'gone to pass tho evening with a
friend at the home of Andrew Rurgess,
a mile distant. On her return an un
known person beat in her skull with a
club, then cut her throat, nearly sever
ing bet head from her body, and stabbed
her in a dozen places.
Children often need some safe cathar
tic and tonic. Simmons Liver Regulator
will relieve colic, sick stomach, indiges
tion, dysentery and tho complaints In
cident to childhood.
Shlloh'u cure, the Groat Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly, Pocket size contains twenty-live
doses, only Itfc. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes & Kluersly.
It is reported.that Franco intends to
annex the New Hebrides.
The senate refused to admit Mnntle
and Allen by a vote of 29 to 1)2.
Leonard Taylor, a negro, was lynched
yesterday morning at Newcastle, Ivy.
King Carlos has opened for business
tho news cable between Portugal and
the Azores.
A dozen ladies of Canarsie, N. Y.,
claim to have seen the devil, horns,
tail, forked tongue and all.
Stubenvillo, O., is at the merjy of a
gang of fire bugs. There have been ten
incendiary fires in the last two weeks.
A vigilance cammitteo is contemplated.
The chief of police cummoned the
Editors of all newspapers in Ruenos
Ay res to his office at midnight Sunday
night and forbade them to publish any
political or military news in the future.
fosiah Quincey has resigned as assist
ant, secretary of state to enable him to
conduct a democratic political cam- '
paign in Massachusetts, of which ho
will act as chairman of the state committee.
Owing to recent indignities in Turkey
to missionaiics, reparation has been de
manded by the U. S. government,
which has been granted and hereafter
the vizier of Mosul will give a vizieral
letter to missionaries, recommending
the bearer to the protection of tho au
thorities, and a military escort will bo
furnished all missionaries who desire it.
Captain Joseph Avery, of the Pacific
Mail steamer Colon, died on board the
steamer at 12:18 Sunday afternoon
while at the quarantine wharf at San
Diego. The captain had been ill of
pneumonia almost the entire trip.
fter l-ounding Cape San Louis he
seemed to realize ho was going to die
and sent word to the engineer to in
crease speed, as be did not want lodie
tnd be buried at sea.
Slid lie n Dentil to VlleM.
"Come inp'ule a minute," said a
Fourth Avenue dealer in pianos, yester
day afternoon. "1 have discovered the
greatest fly trap on earth and I want to
show it to you." He ltd the way to an
instrument at the rear of the store on
which was a newspaper. On tho paper
had been placed a bunch of sweet peas.
At least a thousand dead flies were ly
ing on the paper in tho immediate vi
cinity of the bunch of flowers. "I
threw these hero by chance, ho con
tinued, "and in about ten minutes I
happened to notice that every Hy that
alighted on tho (lowers died in a very
short time." Even as he spoke a num
ber of the insects which had stopped to
suck the deadly sweet had toppled over
dead. They alighted with their usual
buzz, stopped momentarily, quivered in
their legs, flopped their wings weakly
several times, and then gave up the
ghost. Louisville Journal.
Tlio Honuty Standard.
The standard of female loveliness
varies greatly in different countries and
with individual tastes. Some prefer the
plump and buxom type; some admire
the slender and sylph-like, and some the
tall and queenly maiden. Rut among
all people of tl)e Caucasian race, one
point of beauty is nhvaya admired a
pure, clear and spotless complexion
whether tho female be of the blonde,
brunette, or hazel-eyed type. This first
great requisite of loveliness can bo as
sured only by a pure state of the blood,
active livor, good appetite and digestion,
all of which aro secured by the nso o
Dr. Piorce's Gulden Medical Discovery.
It is guaranteed to accomplish all that
is claimed for it, or money refunded.
If you would have a clear, lovely com
plexion, free from eruptions,' moth
patchos, spot" and blemishes, use the
"Golden Medical Discovery."
Tho success of Mrs. Annie M. Ream,
of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in the
treatment of diarrhica in her children
will undoubtedly bo of Interest to many
mothers. Sho says: "I spent several
weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great
flood, on account of my husband being
employed there. Wo had several chil
dren with us, two ot whom took the
diarrhcea very badly, I Kt some of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and
Dlarrlitea Homed v from Rev. Mr. Chap
man. It cured both of them, I knew
of several cases where it was equally
successful. I think it cannot be excelled
mid cheerfully recommend it." 2o ami
SO cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggists. lm.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report