The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 28, 1893, Image 3

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    1 I " I
ft .M
Boys' Underwear,
5 ft
A.11 Sies.
Regular weights. ffa
Good values at 40c.
rV."ALL Goods marked" jA,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SjIcphI h I ic l'oitnlllrti lit Tlui Dalles, Oregon,
n- ciiiiiI i'Iiish inittttir.
I. in-ill A il vnrtlNlni:.
10 Cent !(- hiii' (or insurtlon, unit Oimt
wrll'io'" cu ll iubM'iuunt lnvrtltui.
spocl.1. r.iti l.i! ImiK tlmi' notices.
Ailluta. iiotu'i". rerelveil Inter tlmti o'clock
IIUpi. .ir tur toltuwtilic iluy.
Weiillmr I'ori't'iiHl.
Ofituv lirr ,iti (, uviidf.iiiir imr rndiiiy tit
t ji. i. (iinnirnini
Monday and Tuesday fair and slightly
fooler. " l'.uitn:. "
Jlaromctcr, 211.5)1.
Maximum temperature, 8!)'.
Miii'iuum temperature, Til,
liiver. l'J.l feel above tiro.
Wind, cann.
AUG. 1!8, 181K1
Tlw Ihulii and Weekly Chronicle vuttj
if Immd in, .mlc l I. ( Xir,I;diir,n' stori:
Hnmii i ry ullUlMl ,,v ,.,.,,, ..
"Two v. mis with but n Mutfe tlinuKht
o Iir-.rts l,,t " .."'M,t'
Illil t if IniniiiiM'l. ueiik.wul when
II miii.., it Kptiiit their tun.
Tlio Hegulntor now IuikIh at her old
miming place at iho uud of tho dock.
Three million grain Hacks on overduo
n.PH nave arrived at. Snn Francisco,
nu mi- corner is hrokon.
Messrs. altinnrsho it Co. will Hhin
....n wi mull cattio and onu cur of
. hogs to tho Portland marled tonight.
Shcriir I.ehlio Uf Shci inai ct.tititv jh in
town today to tako George um'ml j
wtdy on a charge of burglary in
eliornian county.
Intending exhibitors at tho clintrict
wnii'iy obtain premium lints at Tin:
who.mci.i: ollico or tho ollico of the sec
"hry, .Mr. J. O. Mack.
TU-KftH have been printed for tho
tfaml hall of lb,, ilroinoii next Monday
JiiM'?, and may ho obtained at many
the Htw.H about town. :
I'rivulo adv ItiOH from ii Kiwtl'niwi ft.n!i
"-a (.r Hlato that cantoloupcH from Tho
alli-H command much bettor prlcen
"' the Walla Walla production.
I'" (layn niu perceptibly shortening
ail'l the cool and frosty evenings at t.ho
""'"nialn rehortH will soon drive Hum
""'I' pleasure parties homo again.
'''I'' I'nion racilie has procured an
"'JUi'i'tion against tho Oregon Tolo
"'"lie Co,, roHtruiuiiiK thuiii from orect
"'K their poles along their rlyht of way.
(,iil't. Kenuudy Htoamed tho .'iilaiid
p; into jiort last .Saturday oveniiiK,
iiiviiiK repaired tho damaifOH HiiHtnined
'' tin-' wreck duriiiK tliu hih water jiiHt
Hood Uivor.
"iuk JHIlor, JJIIlio Antiunion nntl l!oo
"'"-'ad havo returned from Kentucky,
""we they mVo heoii witli Iioihoh. Mr.
t '"""' Hli'fi tlmy (llHpofied of their Iioi hch
n l!ood advautiiKO, f?ottiiijr fair j.Hcoh
Kafi'i F,rHt Nutio,,wl' vlloh roaui.icd
co, '' lH ,,oI"K l K01 HiiieBa nud
tS L,,,lPltely rcBtorcd. Tho
J 1 w!lB brought nbout moro by tho
cm!! I Mr 8tun0 U,W '.v otlior
re.,, n,,d 1,0 UttH ertr,,Bd unvinble
hill! lor Kwl l"'8lne8 eenau and
U1"y b a fluHiioler, though a young
I man. He went to Portland Saturday to ,
I !.. , ,1.. 1 f. V .1
;i"Mim, my. iuimaii, aim il in nopcu
the name mitTeny will attend his labora 1
Clark P. Crandall, a brother or It. W.
Crandall of Tho Dalles, died in Atlantic
City, .1. He was widely known
throughout Oregon, and wuh a brilliant
writer. He wan city editor on the Ore
Ionian for a number of yearn,
Mr. D. .1. Cooper bad jiift come into
town and drove up to ii. Wolf'n estab
lishment nud while there his team be
came frightened at a bearskin and ran
around ncvenil blocks, and up tho street,
past this brewery and up the steep road
grade. Dr. liinehart's oldest, boy, aged
1.0 years, was in tho vehicle during this
time, and on going up the grade they
slowed up and the boy jumped out, and
as it happened another boy who was on
horseback, coming down the grade,
checked them and caught the runaways
without any damage lb horses, wagon or
Up on the Ferndale road a fow days
ago, leports the Fairhaven Herald, a
cougar visited tho bouse of a farmer.
The animal came right up to the door,
which was open, and a little girl, who
was alone in the house, saw it. She
didn't know what kind of a beast it was,
but t lie cougar blinked at her, and she
says looked at a piece of biead she hud
in bur band. Sho threw it to tno beast ;
it ate tho bread, took another look at
tho child and quietly disappeared into
the forest at the rear of the house.
When tho parents icturncd the child
told her story, and an examination of
the footprints showed them to be those
of a largu cougar.
CiillliinilHlt' Acrcptt..
Chief of Fire Department Fish has re
ceived a letter from (loldeudale, accept
ing tho invitation to attend our tourna
ment and will send a team to contest
for tho honors. They will not bring
their carl, as the city would then bo
left without protection, but Mr. Fish
has replied that they may run with our
cart. They announce their Intention,
also, to play against tho Oregon City
base ball team. They are plucky. This
makes the llfth contestant so fur for the
prizes, and all indications point to a
very lively day tho coming -1th of September.
Thin Ih to I't.i'tlfv llmt. I Imvii iikiwl lv t hi ii.'h
llnillili'ilt! CniiMili.M limliiilii'tillt' fur owr line
U'lir, mid limn u'ly in ticli plt'iiMuo In .IhIIiik
Unit tlu.y have iiIwiijh pioyi'd limiclli'liil nud
iiiivc iclliniil me in funti ten tn llfiivn iiilmili'K.
1 lliiViMiriMlilsiilk.ini' (nun In' mini. tin fur ilium
.W'uiN.iiml luio in. . r fiiunil miytliliiK lndn mr
iin inui'li Kuoil us Kiatihtt'n llcmtiidic CiipMili'M.
vuip iiui , LOUIS IIKIIMAN,
'.MlH, PtiplurBt , Wlcliltn, Kim.
llliekliiii'H AriHi'ii Halve.
Tho best huIvo in tho world for cuts.
bruistiH, Soros, ulcers, suit rhoum. fever
Boros, tottor, dimmed bunds, chilblains.
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively ()uich piles, or no pay required
Jt is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfac
tiou, or money refunded. Prico L'fi cents
per mix. rur saio ny snipes iV: Kin
'I'iKli Valley Flour mill.
Ih in completo ropair; always In etoro
flour oqual to tho best. Also old stylo
eourso unu lino OrH'min Hour, mill food,
old. Y. Af. MoCoitKi.u, Pronr.
A icliablo young man who is compu
tout to open, dose, or keep any Hot of
books desires work in ollico or store.
Good references, Address Jiookkeeper,
Ciiito.Niou: ollico, SOduwln
Ask your dealer for Moxicun Silver
Stove l'olish.
Vj. SchulK left Sunday night for
linker Citv.
i Mr. H. Klindt is with his family t
the seaside.
Mr. "Win. Taylor left on the Kegtilulor
for a short stay in.Portland.
Ifov. E. D. Sutdifr and family left this
morning for Collins landing.
Mr. Willanl Yanderpool of Dufur was
in the city and returned homo today.
Hon. Geo. A. Liebo and wife returned
from t lie seaside last Saturday evening.
Miss Louise Kueh returned lnt Satur
day evening from a visit w itb friends at
Long 1 tench.
Mr. Truman Ilutler, purser of the
Dalles City, camo up to the city Satur
day and returned this morning.
Mrs. S. L. Young and family and Mrs.
P.. W. Meyers departed this mornintr for
a visit among relations in Oregon City.
Mr. John Hampshire, purs-er of the
steamer ltcgulator, exchanged trips with
Mr. Jiutler Saturday and took a day ofl
in tho metropolis.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. Path and daugh
ters, who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Staddleman for the past week,
returned to their home in Portland this
(i. W. Smith of 8-Mile is in town to
day. . Messrs. Smith and Kndorsby will
begin tlircsbing tonionow. The average
yield will 1)0 about twenty-live bushels
to the acre.
Capt. W. S. Jiowcrs of linker City,
was before the military board of
examiners of the 0. N. G. and passed
with high honors ami a rccominenda-
!in,, linu liiinn .inl In tin. hi!iflminrtri'M
at Salem for confirmation, when the
commission of major of the regiment
will be forthcoming.
Columbia W II Wolf, (! H llarsman,
Oak liar, Cal; Wm Field, Denver, Col;
W Ji Mynatt, Prineville; J5J Pressler,
Umatilla; James Stauahan, A Jensen,
Hood liiver; (i W Powers, Portland ;
,1 II Slmop, Chattanooga, Tenn ; Thomas
Dunn, T Sweeney, Mosier.
In The Dulles, Sunday morning, Au
gust 27th, to tho wifoof Edward Wright,
a daughter.
In this city, August 28th, to the wifo
of Mr. Finch, 'a daughter.
The success of Mrs. Annie M. licam,
of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in tho
treatment of diarrhiea in her ehildien
will undoubtedly be of interest to many
mothers. She says: "I spent several
weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after tho great
llood, on account of my husband being
employed there. Wo had several chil
dren with us, two ol whom took the
'liarrliiea very badly. J got home of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and
Diarrhii'ii Pemcdv from How Mr. Chap
man.,, It cured both of thorn. 1 knew
of several cases where it was equally
mi uufiil. I think it cannot bo excelled
and cheerfully recommend it." 23 and
fill cent bottles for sale hy lilakeloy &
Houghton, Druggists. lm.
Mr. Thomas Jiatte, editor of the
Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, has
found what he believes to bo the best
remedy in existence for tho flux. His
experience is well worth remembering.
He su.vh: "Lust summer J had a very
sovcio attack of flux. 1 tried almost
every known remedy, none giving relief.
Chumborliiin'H Colic, Cholera and Dlar
linen Koiuedv was recommended to me.
I purchased a bottle and received almost ,
Immediate relief. 1 continued to use
the medicine and was entirely cured, 1
1 tako measure in recommending this
remedy to any person Buffering witli
such a in my opinion it is the
best medicine in existence," 23 and fiO
cent bottles for Bale by JJIakeley &
Houghton, Druggists. lm.
Tlio lluiiM! Votf ti ltrprrtl tlio Slusr
111 h n Act Iliicnnilltliinnlly.
Wasiuno-ion, Ana. 28. Special to
Tin: Ciiiiomci.i:, At 5 minutes to 12
the clock in tho hall of tlio bouse of rep
resentatives was turned back an hour,
as the time approached when the vote
on the Wilson bill was to bo taken. The
silver men saw that their .hopes were
doomed, and the tried to clicck the tide
by Hiibstittiing amendments variously
of 10 to 1, 17 to 1, IS to 1, and finally 20
to 1, when the question was plainly put
for yeas and nays on tho Wilpon bill
(unconditional repeal). Tho vote re
sulted in ayes 2.",!) and nays 110. The
actual time of this vote was about :3
j o'clock, the clock in the house having
been turned back several times. This
vote shows IS more than tho actual dem
ocratic mnjority in the bouse. There
was prolonged cheoiing when tlio result
was announced.
KiirtlctU -Next.
J. A. McDonald, of tho Earl Fruit
Co., returned last evening from Port
land, where that company havo been j
shipping peach plums, peaches and '
prunes. He returns for the purpose of
shipping liartlett pears. These are
quoted in Chicago at ffl.75((?$2.25 per
box, with an upward tendency, and has
received a message from San Francisco,
telling him to "lmrrv up with tho
1 Partlctts." lie regrets that the last
! shipment of peach plums was attended1
I with a loss to the growers, but says that
if the growers will stay with the com
1 puny they will make money in tho end.
I The maikets have been very bad for the
j last ten days in all sections of the east,
but the bulk of this fruit has now all
I gone off, leaving the markets open for
t tho Pacific coat. The terrible storm in
the Atlantic states ruined the Delaware
pcacii crop, and they were shipping Mil
carloads a day. Mr. McDonald sas
that the markets oiler exceptional in
ducements just now for Burtlott pears,
and that Just October he shipped a car
load from Colfax that brought ij'-i.75 per
'I'Iki Cucml l.oci.
Eighty fctone-cutters are at, work at
the locks.
The pump decreases the water in the
canal about three feet in twenty-four
hour3. It will take about a week to
pump the water all out.
While a second boiler was being put
in place Saturday to a?nst in pumping
water out of the canal, the chain from
the swinging crane broke in two, and the
boiler fell in twentv feet of water.
ii 1 air Dry (iiiiiils.
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots. Shoes, etc.
now completo in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Terms Cask.
H. Herbring.
Reasonably Rainoas Rates.
..Familiar Faces in a Aretu Place. .
K:il KM.ito.
James F. Heeder and wife to Frank
W. Heeder, 10 acres in section 113, town
ship 2 north, rane 10 east; considera
tion if 700.
Children often need foine safe cathar
tic and tonic. .Simmons Liver Kegulator
will relieve colic, s'ck stomach, indiges
tion, dysentery and the complaints in
cident to childhood.
A Xtw It:ii:i ( (impeller.
Scientists say that the efieetof a low
temperature on a cloud of vapor will
be shown in the precipitation of rain.
Acting on this knowledge. :v European
living in the tropical regions of India
lias invented a novel rain producer.
His apparatus consists of a rocket,
capable of rising to a height of a mile,
containing a reservoir of ether. In its
descent a parachute-like attachment
opens out, causing the apparatus to de
scend slowly. At the same time the
other is thrown out in a lino spray.
The absorption of heat by the ether is
said to lower the temperature of the
surrounding air sitfliciently to condense
the vapor, and hence cause rain. This
being truest large number of rockets
would probably bo required to cause a
prolonged shower.
Mr. J. C. Hoswell, one of tho best
known and most icspectcd citizens of
Jirown wood, Texas, suffered with diar
rhoea for a long time and tried iniinv
diffeient lemedies without benefit, until
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrlnea Hemedy was used; that re
lieved him atonce. Forsaleby Iilukeley
& Houghton, Druggists. lm.
Olinger A lione's stages en route to
Cloud Cup inn will locate campers at the
best Helling point in Hood liiver valley,
where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few
hours and get their mail and provisions
daily. 2le d
Wdiiu, h'oiiii, wool.
IK, ....... 1., .,f 11 1 L- fir unit kl'lli i-nnl
l.urt piiiM.o v. v... .,.., ....
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters ic tjo. lumen ftccouu aim .icner
son streets.
(Carl's Clover Hoot, tiie new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cities constipation.
2oc, Wlc. and ifl.OO. Sold by Snipes A-
Kiiiersly, druggists.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jfye Ieal Estate, loar?, Irapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to llent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find ifc to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep States Land Office.
S5 Washington St.
Have You Seen
, - T H E X
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand, 1
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
flay, Graip, peed ar?d plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds,
fill goods delivered Free and Promptly.
q'hoGrrat lCucllili Itcmcdv.
l'roniiitiy nml pormnucutly
cures nil foriua of AiTi oiu
utorrhea, Impoteuey md all
ryciUofAvusi or t-msses.
l'.vva urt'BorlliCil out Si
.yctirslu tliouMtiuUof case;
is,M ., y Aft, li tuoonJi JMtoWf ml Wait.
clniEKM 'or Wood' llioitiliodiuc If tio oKors
tomt. worthless iikhIIcIiioIu jiluco of UiU, louvo UU
dulionost (itoro, InoloM) prlco In luttor, ami
vo will coml by return mall. Trice, ouo )iaokaso,
fit Oiniic(ji(((ii',(j)tloiir. I'uiujiU.
let In plalu scaled envelope, Si ccmtn jxtuge.
AddroM Tho Wood Clio luteal Co.,
JlU Woodward avtuuc, Detroit, Ulch.
Sold lu The PUc by 8ali(M & Klnernly.
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his home-
produced Wine at. prices in the reach oi" everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to be 1'uro and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition. G- BECFT,