The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 28, 1893, Image 2

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    Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
0 To
0 60
0 W
a oo
u to
Weekly, 1 vcnr M W
" C months
" 3 "
I)lly, l'ycnr
" C month
" tier "
Address nil communlcntlon to"THK CIIKON
IC1.K," The Dulles, Ortyon. ,
orricK nouns,
(tincrnl Delivery Window . .. .8 n. m. to 7 j. m.
Money Order " 8 a, tn. to J v.
Sundny ! n " 9 n. ui. tolOii. m.
trains going Knst 9 1, tn. ntul 11 Man. m.
" West y p. w. ntul J:nov. m.
BUro (or Goldcmialo 7:S0. m.
" I'rlncvlllo S:rw. ni.
" "Dn(uriimlnmiSpilnp ..5:Wn. m.
tUnTing for I.vle.t Hnrtl!mil..5:K0n. m.
" ' " jAntclope 5:S0u. ui.
Except Sunday. ,
fTrl-wctfklv. Tuednv Thvtrrd.ty and Saturday.
1 " " Monday veduesdiiy imd Frldny.
- AtJG.'JS,lS9;i
Fiom our Itwilnr Correspondent.
Washington, Aag. '2, 1S93.
The debate iti the house 1ms worn out
its welcome. Even the proletariat that
sits In the gallnrics ia becoming tired.
The toes of the mail mob's million feet
fronted to thu eapitol u few days ugo ;
the tracks now point in another dhee
tion. There is little to attract the spec
tator. There is no picturesipioiioss to
bo found anywhere, nor any violence,
nor anything that ordinarily attracts
the public. From the spectacular
point of view the extra session of the,
Fifty-third congress is a distinct failure, j
Grave results depend upon its action,
but the calcium lights and stage illu-
sions are wanting. j
' 0 Vl tmil'J B k'(JI .!iJ l .1,7(41 1.
William Tell
Your Father that we null
...Every'property owner, every fanner,
every stock raiser, every good citizen
should take an active interest from now
on in regard to the, district fair by the
Eastern Oregon Agricultural Society,
beginning October 10th at The Dalles.
A creditable display at this time is the
most valuable advertisement that could
be made, and will do more to raise land
and property values, bv attracting at
tention, than
devised. Wasco county is blessed with
more advantages than fall to the lot of
'the average section of the common
wealth, aud neglecting to properly ex
hibit them would be shameful. Wyom
ing proudly shows her coal, iron and oil
resources; Montana her mineral wealth,
Nebraska iter corn-fed pork. They do
well to show them ; they are pitifully
deplete in that more important indus
try, the capacity for raising fruit. The
fruit produced by Wasco county is peer
less. No quarter of the known world
can excel us
to be widely heralded. There is room
for n hundred times more population
than we now have, for not a hundredth
part of the soil available or fruit raising
ia utilized for that purpose. Yet for
tunes are being made by those who
have entered into fruit-raising as a busi
ness. Aside from fruit, what country
can excel our nutritious and abundant
bunchgrass, that gives sustenance tc our
herds of cattle, horses and sheep? The
animals give evidence of tiie superiority
of their natural feed in their sleek and
well-filled coats of fur, and they should
be exhibited at the fair. Even our wild
flowers furnish a superior article of
honey, and bees shouid find place in
agricultural hall. Experience has
proven that the women always do their
part in preparing preserved fruit, jams
and jellies in a most attractive way, and
line the sides of the'building with their
handiwork of needle and brush.
It is especially important that the fair
this year be at least equal to the best
ever given here. About this time the
fruits of our exhibit at Chicago will be
gin to be realized, and there will doubt
less be hundreds of visitors present to
eee if our promises made were of real or
imaginary significance. Then it will be
that onr display, if properly made, as it
should be, will appeal to their best judg
ment and they will desiro to emigrate to
the land where such fruit grows, where
such stock is raised, and where such fair
women know so well the useful house
hold arte, as well as the ornamental
and decorative ones.
The unconditional lepeal men have
been very active. They have done work
while other people have talktl.,,A re
cording committee has been appointed ; l.,
and also a proselyting committee. I he j apology
duty of the one ia to keep a score ot
available votes; the duty of the other is
to make as many converts as possible.
Both are laboring hard. From the un
conditional repeal standpoint it is a
vcrv active canvass.
rushed into a newspaper olllco recently.
and threatened to "clean out" the es
tablishment, because they printed his
verses wrong. Said he: "1 wrote, 'To
dwell forever in ti rrrot of peace,' and
vou mints put, it .i pot ol grease.
The mortllied editor presented him
with a vial of Dr. Pierce's I'leasaiit
i year's subscription and an
Here at the national capital come in
dications of a better feeling throughout
the country. The banks are in im
proved shape, and the atmospheie
my plan tnut eouiil no j around Controller hcklos' otlice in tiie
i treasury has'perceptibly cleared. Every
indication of a let-it) in the existing
stringency, small or great, is an encour
aging factor in the situation. It may be
but a glimpse of the coming dawn, but
the morning twilight always bespeaks
broad daylight ahead. It nfl'ords assur
ance that the recuperative enexgie of
the American people may yet obtain
mastery of the evil conditions with
which they are beset ; that the wonder
ful resources of the country aie ulti
mately bound to count in the reversal
in that, and the fact ought i 0f trade balances; that the conservative
and courageous action of our gt eat finan
cial institutions is coping successfully
with the emergency.
In the natural order of things the pro
cess of recovery will bo slow, but a pa
tient possessing the vitality of the
United States cannot always remain
bed-ridden. The disease will run its
course, and the sick man will g-t well.
Nothing but some stupendous and in
credible blunder on the partofj.e;ongresa
can throw him into a relapse. The
country looks to congress for no -urn
blunder, but rather for restorativ- .itui
stimulants that shall hasten emu il
cence. Congress is already at mk
upon measures supplemental to the sil
ver question, that will aid in bracing up
our distempered finances by augm-nt-ing
the volume of currency, enabling
the unimpeded transportation of crops,
and inducing the vast amount of money
now idly hoarded to venture forth from
its vaults and hiding places in quest of
investments. Kelief is certain to come
from some source. If congress fails to
furnish it the people themselves will de
vice it. This is too rich and strong a
country to be permanently "trampled
under foot by misfortune. There are
evidences of returning stability even in i
Tiie little "iencts" positively cure
sick and nervom headache, biliousness.
co'tlveuess, aud all deraugeinents of the
stomach, bowels and liver. It's a largo
contract, hut the smallest things In tho
world do the business Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. They're the small
eat, hut tho most effective. They go to
work in the right way. They cleanse
and renovate the liver, stomach and
bowels thoroughly but thev do it
mildlv and gently. You feel the jiood
they do hut vou don't feel them do
ing it.
Thoy'ic the cheapest pill you can
buy, because they're guarantee!! tc give
Kiti-I'action, or your money is returned.
You only pay for (he good you get.
That's Ihe 'peculiar plan all Dr.
Pierre's medicines ure sold on, through
the Dalles
J.D. PARISH, Prop.
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Easy-fitting Pants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In every size, sty
e and price.
Linves Thu Dtlli'Mtt (5 a. m. every day, ami nt
rives at I'riiiuvlllo in thlrty-Mx l'mir U.i-
frinevlle at U ii. ni. every ilay. ami arrives m 1
The Dalles in thirty-six hmn
Ca flies (lie U. I. Mail, Passengers and Epies
Connects nt l'rin-"lHi' wlth-
8uss from Eastern and Southern Or
eiron, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
Al'i. makes cloe connection nt The Dalle wild
Triii-, from 1'ortlaiid ami KnMcrn points
. uoarteoEs timers;
.' Mod accembiaiipns alosp, tie read.
. First-class coitiies and Horses used.
. Eitress mailer handled with special care
staoi; OITIOKS;
England iaalso undergoing hard times,
and a London paper attributes the de
pression a result of that in America.
Tliero is a nice compliment in this. .V Co.'k Slur:,
Wmittlllu linn-.'
Hut Dnllea.
Is called to tho fant that
agh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
-I'urrln. th Fluent Line of-
Picture Mouldi nsrs
. Comer Jlaru, UNI ON STOCK VARUS. Clucaiju. til
Tlu; largest unci only strictly commission dosilor in hornet
tho world, will hold his ith oxlonsivo salo of wtst
orn branded horses for season J89.'i, on
Entries should be made at onee.
To Ub found In the City.
LQashington Street.
the absence of legislation. Conri1:, .
Tho people who are taking the finan
cial stuflin-; out of their old stocking are
doinf the country much more fiood than
tliogentlemen who are engaged in stuf
fing the Congressional liecord.
However, win, in Us own lei?urelv tin
come to the rescue. It will sooner or
later give its lungs a rest and allow its
practical business sense an opportunity1
to vindicate itself.
The Maharajah of Kapurthala, hi1-1
premier, and private recretary, with
tinted wasp nets on their heads, occu
pied tho diplomatic gallery of the house
last Saturday, to the manifest wonder of
the rest of the neonle. AlthotiL'h Cnl.
Des Moines, Iown, writes under date
March 2.J, 1W3:
, Oregon.
Mki. Mm
fienttemen :
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old.
who had wasted away to '.18 pounds, is
now well, stroin: and vigorous, and well
lleshed up. S. Ii. Cough Curo has done
its work well, lioth of the cliildien like
it. Your S. 15. Cough Cure has cured
ami kentnwavnll hoarseness from me.
Ike Hill did tho honors with a" (laming S,J U'vo it to every one, with greetings
The Dalies
Gigar : Factory
'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, tahin at its fa
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquostionably had roforonco to the
Pasteur in his home and in his labora
tory constitute one of the most import
ant articles in McCluro's for .September.
This is really a twofold description of
the famous scientist, portraying him as
a husband and father, and as the great
est bacteriolgist of the century.
There is considerable speculation as to
. when tho regulations prescribed by the
I5ehring sea tribunal for the protection
of tire sealing industry will go into
effect. Thoeo best competent to judge
uto of the opinion that the regulations
can hardly be put into practical opera-,
tion before tho 1st of Januarv noxtJ
The decision has not yet been received i
by the president in oflicial form, and
until it is so received it cannot bo olll
cially promulgated as tho law of tho
Thoro is no uncertain sound In tho
closing words of Hon. Tlios. Ji. Reed's
upeech before tho house .Saturday. Ho
eald: "The newly-chosen democratic
president found himself powerless in his
first great recommendation to his own
party, and was forced to appeal to the na-
triotism of another party, whoso patriot-
um never had been appealed to in
in." The speaker sketched the sali
ent points in tho financial history of tho
republican party, and closed by Baying
that "when the day came, us it surely
would, for that party to lead the coun
try back to prosperity, it would take
back with it Its nnciont glory undimmed
by adversity, and ite ancient honor un
uilied by defeat,"
geranium on his coat, the visiting roy
alty failed to see the whole show. Czar
Iteed was not in action, nor the silver
tongued and silver-haired Iireckinridue,
the two niost-poiiited-out men ; nor did
they have an opportunity to see Joe
Canon in action, with his sleeves rolled
up, nor Judge Wand denouncing the
robbers of Wall street. When told
some of the things ho had missed, Jat
Jat Jit .SiiiL'h announced hia desire to
come again.
The financial issue has broken the V
shaped combination that has so long
obtained in the senate. Vance,-Vest
and Voorhees are not agreed. s
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
lor all. isiuiig vou prospontv, we are
Yours, Mh. & Mits. J. V. Foitn.
If on wMi tu feci fresh mid cheerful, uml rejni
for the Hitlnj;'i work, cleaiito your system with
the Headitcho imd Liver Cure, by UUliu: two 01
three iho each Meek,
sold under 11 poiltlvo irwiraiitev.
'0 eenth per bottle by all ilnnritl'dD
of the lirands
manufactured, and
orderu from all parts of the country filled
on tin.' shortest notice.
flaw-Mate if
nnrf nn Ifmmlnr K mm
'Die tepuiation of TilK DAI. LICS CI
GAR liab lwcome fiiiuly estttblislied, and
th demand for the homo manufactured
articn is increasing every day.
j I aii nu
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00
I'lirfect I'll Ciiut'Ulitei-il
Who aro soiling those goods out at groatly-roducod ra
7-111: Ni:y TOWN hiis beeii iiliitled oil thr uld cmiili Kmillid, nt the I'orki. mid
nun in 11,1011 iiver, iviui 1
Kiiod hilll
tl'. kllfhtle I illu. Iirmi.l 1 r....lw I .ill..
mid liiirewiiter.wlth'Nhiidoiii prof u-tfoii, perfect driiliiMuc.denimtfiil inoiiiitiiili
vi. in... .v, ..I.; uvilllill llllllll'llllll 111 II II K 11) I 111 1 1 1 rillllllMIT ll'Mirl I lit II 1 1 1 1 H'l HI
The Snug.
All Watoh Work Warrantod.
mSk Jewehy Made to Order.
13 Semi,,,! Ht., Tim lulla. Or.
W, Hi BUTTS, Prop.
90 Second Sroet, The Dalles Or.
Wets., and
81.00 KTltottlo.
Curefl CoukIii, Xfo(irein'i,,HoiD 'iiioat,
Lrouji prouiptlyj reliavea WJipoiiiiii'Coiieii
I J-'irst premium at the Wasco county
fiUM; wlJlcuitB vonif taken In time. Hold . alr 'or ,,eHt portraits ant viewa.
Vur ulibr Nnlit A Kluanl.
Art TEACHiij
nuom m, jfeutmjen JSuilditig,
Mill fire Uti)ii Monduy and Thurdyi of
e chwtck,oro(wnUijlrtd.
This well known stand, kept by the
uu umiwn . ji. uiiiiH, lont; a lenl
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary lint) stock of
Sheep Herder's Delist and Irish Dislurbanc
In fact, all tho leading brands of fin
ines, LiquorK and Ciiiars, Oivo th
old man a call and you will come aain
Uliseman & Mafders,
Saloon and fine km
The Dalles, - Oregon.
ANorthweit cornar nf Rnen
Court itreeti.
I Mil II L' tlio IK'lireHt tllWIl t(t -Mt. IIilntL ir lx MM(inil1ttl.. ii i.tiitiiif.H'tiirllll!
foiitur, beiiiK Hit- imturU renter tut hiuik' iiiIIch tf tho Ut ctilnrnm! Ill
llMihjT, pouMiliiKmillloiiKiir horM' jMmcr in INilushliiu HtrwimH nml water
III t'ilfl lit llllllUMll IVliMl.. .!...... ....!.... l..... .1,..,.. III. .IllllU'
fulfil irlliM W 111 I'ltiilitr I... .....I .. 1 1.. 1 1. . . 1 ui (TCCH
..... . v,,.,,r,M,,nii.nii in rill I II 111 I'll JIMIIU 1 1 1 (It 'II 1 1 1 1 " - - - ' -J
ii.iii ... ii.i.i ii.i.. .1 . ' . ,..--.-., ,
ju "in mm mi iiH' putcu m niMKi a jujrKtJt Immiio or a Valium imtm"
ri . - jt ii
Wasoo County, Oregon
W. RossWinans,
Pipe wom. Tin Repairs ana pi
Shop on Third Street, next door wont of Young A
JilaekHmith Shop.