I 1 I "rJ I I I i inTr t i-asr-r-g-nn amm n vm. n n ii 11 mm :" " lsw ift- 1 OUR SPEC,AI SRLE. SATURDAY, AUG. 26, 1893. Boy s' U 1 11( lerwear, 5 v, All Sies. Kegul a r we i g I "it . ffa (ioOcI values at. 40c. SEE CORNER WINDOW. ft Vj,A"ll Goods Markcd" 7 . in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. ! h Dalles Daily Chronicle. UWoilR tlic I'mlnHlee at Tins Dulles, Oregon, i m'liiuI'L'lati mutter. I.nt'iil Alt vtirtlillic. 10 Cm t per Hue (or I) rut IiimtIIoii, mill ! (.'ontit wr line for eneli slio'cipictit lin-ertlim. Special Mtei for lmiij tlmo nntleex. All locai nntlcci received tutor tlimi 3 n'clnok 111 pjK-nr t!ie tnllowlliK ilay. Weiitlmr riirirHt. ill Oflnal Jortaisl for tmnty-Jnur hour enttlny S p. in. ttimarrnw Saturday tinil Sunday fuir, nearly sta tionary temperature. P.uiui:. WKATIIKI! Ilaromutcr, -'D.il.'i. Maximum temperature, 81. lliniimun temperature, 47". River, 12.5 feet above zero. Wind, east. SATURDAY, - AUG. 'JO, 1S1K1 IV 7i'i and Weekly Vhrunkle. may k found nn sale at J. C. Ninkehe.n's store. AUGUST ANGLINGS. Hmmi I'ry Hkm l,v l'er.l.lmit Clir.m lul ltriiurtom. Tliey now the yeum; K-uven on tliu trees lljeyNiu tlioviiilctKimihliiK ' rlielr niocleit bends ii throiiK?i tlie crmm They miw the lumpy llt:in blnlx K' Aiiioiik the brunches lllttliiir. They rnioiiml mw tliuMen "fresh l'ulnt" "mvic mey u uvuii nlttuiK. Chan. Pearso Ihih bought tho Center villo leader. Tlie IndiiuiB are preparing to leave for wio huckleberry fields. Tlio remains of Mrs. Kwtmnnv win i... brought up on tho Begulator tonight, and will be buried in the Catholic cemetery. Kllitor Pmi1li.l.......i. i. , . . v. ....iiiui.iiLiii nun iHir mi . . " W.H . 1 m wee weeks' prospecting trip. Mrs. VwllobiiUBli hopes ho will Tuuomu piece "Mb ltunier. TU.. i! .... I'Miiionu r louring iiuIIh uro shut "temporarily to Una up machinery "fiimku Homo alterations. It will be ,fl operation tigtiin in u fuw duyH. Tim directors of Wnsoo ueudemy uro 'Ki'd not to forget or neglect to attend "io meeting on Monduy afternoon. m- Portnnt IhihIhosh eoinoH befoio the board. Jo Oillitnwaters uf tho Klickitat country hnn plckutod Iiiu melon vinoH "li cplintors of wood to hiivu tboin ,ro" tho wind, and will got a heavy crop. liOHtrikerH lmvo all rcmimod work at ",u CaeendeH, and tho pump h being jowwl at u Hvoly rto, reducing tho wter in tho eanul 10,000 gullonu every miiiute. Hood lli-r ...... i. ncroaslng their ucrengo, and aro not a scared about tho market. Tlioy will Probacy n,ke big monoy next year, ub " B(iUB0 wae exceptionally late. fliril'.reHl(lon(:o of Ju,n0" J"rott, whoao On!'! , 'I1'0"1 ,lvu ,,,nu8 nprth-oait of joii ondnlo, was totally deatroyod by 8t Kunday morning. J. C. More- i7r f",Ht ut Umt chy 'ot wl " h i . , ,rtune vingonly a part of hie "Bhold belonging,,. iimJ.'.K' Mu0or'"i. while driving a nei i.,0f ,,orH0H tl'roBl the woode fall!. ; ,WWa,,t Kl,,K cotred a tb V n w,,,oh ltend imt where Init, i T0"8"8 U Hame ot and ! K0l"K nroM"'. jumped ovor, uiree ot them were pierced with 'cplinterH under the fore leg. Ono of them received u wound eight inclieu I deej) and will die. I mi. ! i . . ... .... i jnere its a micu iiiiuine in uic cuuniry, and tlie already overburdened farmern will have another jtiHt cause for com plaint, by reiiHon of beinc compelled to pay high prices for them. A man and wife from The HalleH, pusHod througii Cioldendale Tuesday en route for Yakima in i-earch of work. They were walking and carrying their blanket and mtpplic. Courier. Two trampH hmt night tried to bur glarize Sum Kle'm'H Htore from the rear entrance, when Juno, a water Kpaniel who Ihih recently given birth to u litter of pujipieH, made for the pair. Their tracku Hiih morning indicate a hurried exit through a liote in the fence. Harry Gilpin hatt jiiHt finiHhed head ing 105 acren of wheat, and used two header wagons in the gathering which lie did in five duyH, averaging thirty three acreti jer day. JhiH in the moBt rapid harveHting wo have heard of th'iH BcaHou. I lie yield ih eHttmated at eighteen buHheln pr acre. John Hollinguheud uud a juirty left Tygh Valley ycHtorday for Mt. Hood and intend to reach the top. They took with them a Hug, which they design to plant on tho tip top of the mountain They bud pike poleu and books made for climbing, and are aw enthutuaBtic us the regulation Alpine parties of Switzer land. ;iiuiil by u Cuutur. Frank KeynoldH, while out hunting grouse Wednesday morning on the hill above his father'H place, huw two young cougaru. He gave them a shot, when the mother of the young cougars ap peared on the Hcene and sprung towardtt Frank, who made such good time down the bill that the cougar no doubt thought it useless to attempt to overtake him, and soon gave up the chase. A party of young men started out to look for him WeduoHduy, but returned with out their game. Evidently this cougar ib tho Name one that has been seen be fore in that neighborhood, and should be killed. Glacier. Kuilomod by tlit I'tiim. Ill til In Nkeiitleiil nee HtiitiMiietitx niiitle liefme ImiIiik untitled uro Keuemlly Imnilirtl Into. IVo lo lire ulwuyn (iiiliul (sniuu line hitiil) nil the Mile Where their lntereNt lien. In view of the hint luiiueil truth mi iiiiliirheiueiit from one Im Is not interested hhould hoof ilouhle value, heuee the followluir (rank Mliitenient bhould (h reail with InliireMti (fUN TI.Kli:N: TIiIn Im In L.tpllfe Unit I Imvil iimtl Kimiim''h lleiiiliuiliuCii)isiile with (.utlhfae toiy remiltH. I liulielit a Imiv ulili'h i'imI nuiJ.1 cents mid onocaiwiilumiied me of dreadful MeU iienuiiene. .My vuu anil injhelf Have both useil tho inedlelneN lunuiifaetiiied by the Norman l.lehtV Ml L' Cil. mill mi r.u.ni, i,. iiiii.l ll,..n, l.i II,,, lmbliuiiH beliiB JiihI what they mv leiue.seiiteil, KeKlieetfully, W. J. ltUK'lllNKON, .d. (iiuotte, I'leaMiut Jl 111, Mo. muilclttu'a Aruleit Hulve. Tlie best salve in tlie world for ciUb. bruises, Borofl, nlcers, ealt rheum, fever Bores, tottor, oliappod hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect BatiHfac Hon. or uionoy refunded, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by StiipeB & Kin ersly. Tygh Valley Holler Flour Mill, Ib in complete ropair; always in store flour equal to the best. Also old style courbo and tine Gra'iam flour, mill feed, etc. W. M. McCoiiki.k, Propr. tll.ll.Sin J lliMikkiiier. A reliable young man who Is compe tent to open, close, or koen any set of books desires work in otlieo or store, Good references. Address IJookkcepor, CnnoMui.i: otllco. L'GdttwIw PERSONAL MENTION. - Rev. T. 0. Gregory of Portland is in the city today. Miss Fannie T'.uldwin litis recently been visiting in Hood Kivcr. Mrs. U. F. Laughlin was a passenger on the ltegulutor, and goes to the seaside. Rowland Wiley returned last evening the vicinity of Mt. Portland is visiting Shelley, at Hood from an outing in llooU. .1. M. Shelley of his brother, Troy Hiver. Mr. V. H. Gulliford of Helsay was in the city and returned by Regulator this morning Mrs. L. Dunham and Miss Aitnee Newman were passengers on the steamer lor (JolHus Ianuing Mr. L. Payette's family departed for the east last night They will remain absent until next spring. John Palmer, who sullered the acci dent to his hand, is improving fast. lie has undergone great su tiering. Cupt. V. V. Whitcotnb and wife of i'ortland came up on the Regulator last evening anu returned this morning. Alex. MelAJod of Kinueley is in the city today. Everyone is busy in his sec tion and "threshing will Boon commence. Hon. Geo. H. Williams, who was in the city yesterdav, was a passenger by steamer Regulator for his home in Port- laud. Mr. and MrB. E. E. Lytle left on the morning passenger train for Portland and will return on the midnight train tonight. Miss Jeanette Meredith who has been visiting Mrs. ii. F. Laughlin, returned by the Regulator this morning to her home in fcalein. Mr. J. K. Rowe came up on the mid night imsseneer train from Albina and is visiting his family. He will return tomorrow night. Mrs. R. A. Pollard and children came up on last night's Regulator, and will spend a week visiting Mr. W. 1). Rich ard's family on Eight Mile. Mrs. Cody, wife of tho noted "Buffalo Bill," accompanied by her daughter, Eunice, came up on last night's Regu lator, leturniiig this morning. They are seeing the scenery of the coast, and were especially delighted with tlie famed Columbia river v'iowb. Rev. Father Bronsgoost, who is ut present in uincago, writes to a menu in 'III... M.11...i .1... I... in ..iirfuntl.. .....11 .1 llu I'tlllun I'lll.i' iv iviii.i,i.j i, m ..nit thorough. v pleased with the greut .......1.11 f.itt. Hi it mill rt Atimiaf lm will leave for Now York and then pro ceed on his journey to Europe. Ho in tends tirst to go to London and visit his brother Edward, who is one of tjie most nonular and well known Catholic priests !. . '.i i ..:.. f l.'.w.l v ...ii. Ml lUO ri'l Vlb jiiifiiiu. mv n inn to the revoroud father a f"ui voyiujt and a safe return to The Dalles uexf spring. AilvrrilM'il I.eltoin. Following is tho list of letters remain ing in the postofllco at The Dalles tin called for, Saturday, August 20th, 1803, Persons calling for same will give date ou which they wore advertised: Allison Peter Allen Glenn O Doad Geo Garner S 1) Geary W S Harvey Yed Uubner Jos F North O Scott Geo W Boll Mrs T C Brewer James Earl Dully W O Grey Mrs D B Gsehiveudner II W Hiulory E Ii Jenkins Ed Sharp John M.T. Nolan, P. M. l)tiity limjieetor. The following deputies have been ap pointed by County Stock Inspector E. O. Fitzpatrick: W. Jl. Lochhead, Tho Dalles; J. H. Shorar, Shorar's Bridge; R. R. Hlnton, Bake Ovuu; 1). H. Kim Hey, Antelope, i Volnnti'fir 1'lrcineti Toiirnniiient. Oresion City Kntctprlc. Tho firemen of this city hitvo for some time been making preparations to go and lake part in tho State Toiirimmcnt of Volunteer Firemen which in to be held at The Utiles on the 'lib and 0th of September, but their plans wero not per fected until recently. The several com panies of the city will join in giving Or egon City a good representation and the committee has arranged for a good del egation which will leave here on Sunday morning, September 'A by boat to be transferred to another boat nt Portland. The trip s ill take mott of tho day and will be n delightful ride by river through somo of tho most picturesque scenery on tho Pacific eons-t. The fare for the round trip from Oregon City to The Dalles will only be $1.00 which ia very low indeed. Hotel rates have also been reduced to $1.00 per day so as to attract as many as possible to tho tournament. Thoso who are looking after tho interests of Oregon City say that they expect to have not. less than forty who will go from hero. Wallace Cole was appointed at a meet-1 ing of the fite companies to select a team to go to tho tournament and he has cho.-en the following, making eleven besides himself. They are Wallace Cole, E. Taylor, Geo. lirown, Frank Brown, E. F. Rcokner, Geo. Fenimore, Chas. Paterson, H. W. Trornbuth, Bert Green man, W. S. Rhodes, Chas. Moore and-E. .1. McCaiuland. It is also the intention of tho mana gers to take along a base ball nine to compete for the prize and arrangements are pending for the companies here and in Portland to join in taking along a band, and it may be that the Oregon City band will be chosen. The Enterpriso has received word from The Dalles that every preparation is being made there for a big time and that no pains will be spared to make the occasion a most enjoyable one to all present, special low rates having been made on every hand. A big parade will be ono of the attractions and numerous cash prizes will be competed for. O. N. O. Matters. The petition has been sent in for a militia band at The Dalles. Preparations are being made to organ ize a militia company at Wasco. The property of the regimental head quarters arrived from Arlington and has been put in place. Capt. W. S. Blowers of Baker City is in The Dalles for the purpose of under going examination of major for the O. N. G. The commission will make the necessary inquiry tonight and consists of Col. Geo. Thompson, Regimental Quartermaster J. M. Patterson and Major Everett. Word has been re ceived from the latter that be will not be present. The applicant will be ex amined as to his knowledne of O. N. G. regulations, state military law and arti cles of war. Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of the Graphic, Texarkaua, Arkansas, has found what he believes to be the best remedy in existence f&r the flux. His experience is well worth remembering. He eays: "Last summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy M as recommended to me. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to ue tlie medicine and was entirely cured. I take pleasure in recommending this remedy to any person Buffering with such a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. lm. A Ureal Convenience. Worlds fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon sin Central line, are landed at the Paid Central station in Chicago. This magnificent lire-proof building, located in the heart of the city has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about -00 rooms handsomely furnished and each room is supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. Tho charges for accommodations are reasonable and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific railroad. By taking tho Northern Pacific through cur lino to Chicago, visitors will avoid tho discomfort of all transfer in that city, and can also travel between tho Grand Central station and world's fair grounds by trains which run direct between the two points. 2tdlwlm-7-li.' WOOD, H'lMtll, WOOll. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) Mexican Silver Stove Polish caupes no dust. wn aid Sner lift M, Fancy G-oods and Notions. Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now eomplo'lo in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms Cash. H. Herbring. ooksCottoDuoo it Ask your deal Stovo Polish. for Mexican Silver COMPOUND. A recent discover by an old jiuyBlcmn. Sueec.ituVy uptcl mvnthlu h'j thouKindi of Lailiet. U tho only Perfectly Sflfotmd reliables mcdleluo dis covered. Bcwurc. cf unprlncliilwl drugfUU who offer lufcWor medicines lu jilaco of thin. AsIc (or Cook'a Cotton Hoot Compouud. take no iuM(. fi;(f, or InelObO 1 mul 0 cents lu lotago lu letter and wo wlllcoud, willed, by return nmil. yulUualod paitlJuliua lit jilulu tmvclojic, to ladle only, it Dtuiniw. Addicuj 1 o u d L 1 1 y C o in u 11 v. No. II I'liber block, Dotiolt, Well. Bold lu The Dulles by Bulitc A KJuerhly. FIRST CLRSS TP 1 d PK i NTi J0D 'Ng J CAN BE HAD AT THE C H R O NICLE O FF I C E Reasonably Ruinous Rates. .Familiar Faces in a. Ncxu Place J. E. BARNETT C. E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. Jtye leal Estate, loar?, Irurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. D53T 1 LIC. Parties having Property they wisli to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests, before the Unitep States Land Office. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You Seen T H E Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. J. H. CROSS, At tho Oltl Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. flay, Graip, peed apd plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Oaisli ipic2L for ID&a rvxxcl JPoviltx-y-,, Jill goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN B-O-O-K-S. a. t, i . . I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, i Is now open, and its proprietor will soli his homo- 4 A produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody. Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed q f to be Pure and First-Class in every respect. Thompson's Addition. C BECHT,