The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KU OF DAM.KS OITV. .IK1 WACO COUNTY. Tlio Murk Lane Kxprcss, in its weekly roviuw of tho Hrltisli Brain trmlo saya: ; "The Nritisli wlient crop is now osti ; ninted at 7,000,000 qrs. This leaves -1 , - IHKMHU nre. to no inmoneu. i'imiuuuuk EKi u,;., wt v,r -,', , Weekly, l year M go bo needed 10,000,000 qrs. It is not i-nav o in t see where tins supply is to cnmo iroin. It will absorb all tlio pood crops of llu sia, India and Southeastern Kurope to cttKON- j till the llritish reiiuirenuMits, ami fur j titer. p:ivs that estimates on the French rt-onic.. " I crop vary front thirty-four to ol,000,000 oFrtcK nouns, quarters, an aver.ige of LSO,000,000 Heneral Delivery Window . . . . a. m. to 7 . m. , nei11M . . ;n,,. Hirnre will bo better tlmn expected. The Uussian cro) can- t mouth " 3 " IHlly, 1 year " G months " per " Address nil communication to " Til ! ICI.K," The Dalles, OrcROii. 0 fiO I c oo 3 00 0 fiO William Tell Your Kiitltur that we sell It . SWEET, ORR & CO.'S Monev Order 8'inday (! It ..s , m. to t j. in. .pa. in, to JO a. in, fi.nstso ofitAU.s trutiK ROttis K.Kt ....9p,m.midll:r.i.iri. " " Wc-it .. 'in. m. and .VIWp. m. atiiso for Onldendtilo 7:80 a, in. " l'linevlllo ftiPOn.m. i Mluiurmid arm SMirlwis . .:Sn. m. 'not yet bo estimated. Jtyo and barley l will' yield heavily and com promises! I well. Tho Austria-Ilunpirwn yield is I expected to be 100,000,000 bushels,. " lU-avlncforl-ylctllattlnnd .flrwio. m. n.,iqt 1SS.S00.000 bushels last vear.' is.xeept Mindnv. ! This the Express thinks is too small, I , jTrl-iveokly. Tuesday Thursday mid Saturday, i , . ..,.,., !,.i i .,.:il lw. 17C 0011 Ollll ' t " Monday Wcluo.vday and Friday. , lellOVlllr the yield Will Do 1 iliAKW.UUl' , !- - bushels. The Italian crop is estimated; SATUKDAY, AVG. L'tl, ISM I :lt -1,000,000 bushels huer than last jtt.- I year. The Spanish and l'ortueueso erojis removing the tendency to a recurrence of nr., .,v,.nt...l t.. 1,.. tn.SilO.l ( 0 ins he h tannin'' s pens itiai remove toe cause Vest J u m pers, Pantaloon Overalls UELIM 1H1WM TUT LADY FAINTS '"Til tho twluk of nti oyd, "Tii the ilraiiRlit of a liicath, Vtimi the blossom t' Iwalth, To the paleiiew of doulli." When sudden fainting spells como upon a lndy, you may ahvnyi suspect sonic uterine disturbances or tiouble, or some prreat disorder in the circulation and nerve' centers. Aretnedy that has al ways proven successuu in waniiiitrou ami KXCLAXJS MOXJCY. Gold is the sole legal standard of value in England, and everything else is meas ured by it. A fow facts about England's coins may not be uninteresting at this time. Mints in England are said to have been in existence before tho time of Athelstan. At any rato in his reign (923) regulations were issued for tho gov ernment of the mint in London and of several provincial mints. In the time of Edward I the mint was managed by Italians, as Englishmen do not seem to have acquired the art of coining; and in the reign of Edward III the operators were formed into a corporation by royal charter. It was in this reign that gold was first taken to the mint for coinage; but of course gold coin was in use long before that. The lionians had gold coin two centuries before the Christian era ; and it is possible that the Macedonians, three centuries earlier, also coined gold. The Anglo Saxons, however, only coined silver; and the first record of gold coins struck in England occurs in 12o7. Sovereigns were first minted in 1JS9 and guineas in 10G3. The name of the latter coin was given because the gold from which it was made was brought "by some African merchants from the coast of Guinea. When first struck tlie guinea was value for twenty shillings, but by 1695 it had become value for thirty shil lings. After that it was reduced at different times, until in 1717, it became as now understood equivalent to twenty shillings. It is interesting to note that the first guineas bore the impression of an elephant, in token, doubilees,of their African origin. The origin of tlie pounu sterling was in this way : In the davs of William the Conqueror, the management of the cur rency was in the hands of the Jews, who thoroughly understood the principles of money. They took a certain quantity of silver, of a weight known as the "Tower pound," which was a weight something between a Kouian pound and a pound troy. Out of this pound were cut twenty separate coins called shillings, and out of a shilling twelve separate coins called pennies. These silver pen nies weighed each one-twentieth part of an ounce. Sterling is derived from a locality Easterling noted for the pure quality of its money. The system introduced by the Jews was in vogue down to the reign of Ed ward I, who banished the Jews from England, and their place was taken by the Italians. The change is held by many Englishmen not to have been one of advantage, and the Italians are blamed for disordering and debasing the currency. I more than last vear. Previous estimates of the lielciuni, German and Holland crops are valueless. The latest medical discovery is that cancer may be cured by an inoculation of tho virus of ervsipeln. OREGON NEWS. I of them, corrects tho circulation of blood. and ;ives to the system that even run ning nervotH oucnryso essential, is Dr. Pieive'i5 Favorite Prescription. The "Prescription'' is puarantced to givo satisfaction in even ease, or money . . j reiuiuiuu. Auiui!ij; (IOCS as IUUCIl. Yon only nay for tho good vou get. Can you al. more ' As a'repulator and promoter of func I tional action, at the critical p.V 'I of I chauire from rirllmod tn 'nnv:i : ..-ul. . I "Favorite Proscription " is a prfretlv A resolution asking for the appoint- safe remedial a went, and can produce ment of Senator Corbett as receiver of only good results. It is equulh elllca- im PiUii,i ivln lvnik was carried' eiolH "d valuable in its efi'cets when thelortlandbAMngs bank was tarnui ta,.en fop tuMii (lisor(crg aml (lpra :it a meeting oi ueposuur i jujuhhu niouts me t cut to that later mnl most critical period, known as "The chango oi Life." Basy-f itti ng i ants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip 8ffS?"We are also Headquarters for Aden's, Boys' and Youth s The financial outlook of the world's fair is not gratifying to those who in vested money in it as a speculation. The paid admissions for July were only about 85,000 more than for June. Half of the period for which the fair is to he opened has expired. Unless the attendance for the remaining three months is very much larger than for the -first three there is likelihood that it will end in financial collapse. Put President Iliginbotham takes the hopeful views that the attendance for the next three months will be us surprising for its magnitude as that of the first three has been disappointing. This seems over 'anguine. It is to be hoped, however, that the receipts will prove sufficient to pay tho debts, if not sufficient to return to the stockholders Jwho furnished money for tfyo work at leaet the princi pal df their advances. Thursday night. Luke Strong, who was reported as missing from Perrydalc, has turned up and tells a long story about being ab ducted by two men, robbed and carted over a considerable extent of country. His possessions consisted of a watch and $20. E. Hayes shipped Wednesday to the Pacific Lumber Co. of Omaha, Neb., the first car load of lumber ever shipped from Klickitat county to any point so far east, says the Sentinel. The car contained 1S.000 ieet and Mr. Hayne-' has orders on hand covering fifteen cars more. The nickel mines in Douglas county, situated in the Cow creek canyon, com prise a large aiea of ground, presuma bly an old river channel, and have proven phenomenally rich. It is the intention of the company to put in a system of water works by which they can operate the whole year round. Mrs. E. .X. Denny of Ashland has re ceived by mail u living rose tree fou. the garden of Getlisaniane, a prci-eni ot the Jewish mission in appreciation of her untiring work. The brave little traveler is growing beautifully in its new home, and boasts of having accom plished the longest voyage ever made by a living rose, 11,000 miles. The num ber of neighbors who want "slips" after awhile if the rose bush thrives will be legion. Last Sunday Drs. Swinburne and bagen performed an operation on a member of JHeppuer's demi monde, called "Daisy." About a year ago she was shot by her husband, a 32-calibre ' pistol ball striking her just below the left nipple, glancing around the rib, lodging about six inches from the point of entrance in the latissimus dorei mus cle about two inches below the skin. It has been giving her much trouble since. The bullet was badly bruised from striking a coreet steel and presented a rather ugly appearance. It is probable that the steel saved her life. thk Dalles AND Prinevillk Stage Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. I-enves The Dalles nt G a. m. overv day, anil nr rlvos at l'rinevllle in thirty-six hours. Ihvp. 1'rinevllc at 5 a. ni. every liny, anil arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six hour. Carlits the U. S. Mail, Passengers anl Express Connects at l'riii'llle with- Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. AImi mtuuk clot"! conneitlon at The Dulltn with tilnfrom 1'ortland unci Eastern ioint, .' Courteous drivers. .' Good accommodations along the road. . First-class coacies and Horses used. Express matter handled with special care. STAGE OPriC'KH; LOTH1NG In every sine, style ad price. A - I n m urn i in mn o nn 4-H. III. WILLIHP 1)0.4 M. Sluhel & Co.' Store, I'rinevllU'. tJniiitlllH Ilouae, The KuIIbh. J. F. FORD, EnwDti, 'Of J)Cfi Moines, Ioth, writes uiuler dt ol March 23, 1S03: s. Wool, in anticipation of a free trade basis, has been down very low for sev eral months. Free traders made much capital out of their doctrine by declaring that the poor worklngman would get his clothing cheaper. It is no cheaper yet nor will it be, for the reason that the few pounds of wool required to make a wit of clothes cannot be affected over a few cents, the chief cost being in its manufacture and the several profits in handling it. The new postal money orders to be provided by the government will soon be issued. In the new system there will be no complication. Sheets will be is sued calling for amounts from one cent to $3, which can be torn off1 to suit the purchaser. The postmaster will have -so writing to do on it, the sender simply adorainglt tho fame as a check or draft. One cent will pay the charges on any Amount up to f 3, inatead of !)c, as now. 15. Mku. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our ' little girl, eight and one-half yearH old, . 1 1 . I .JO ! - I who nau wauicu uwny iu on uuimt:, ic A Hack Number." I Well, strong and vigorous, and well This is the slighting remark that is I fleshed up. S. IS. Cough Cure has done applied to women who try to seem its work well. Doth of tho children like young, though they no longer look so. it. Your S. 1$. Cough Cure has cured Sometimes appearances are deceitful, i and kept away nil hoarseness from me. Female weakness, functional trouble. So cive it to "every one, with greetings displacements and irregularities will add i for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are fifteen years to a woman's looks. These Yours, Mit. & Mas. J. F. Fonn. troutjiesare remoyeU by the useof Dr. ityouwUlitorwlfrchan.Jchrful,n.lwly Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Try this ,nr,h..u,.T., i..k vr -v.,,,.,., ith remedy, all you whose beauty and fresh-1 tho j,eadaohe and Liver Cure, by taking two ot iican ib liuiuu; iroin hucii causes, anil no ....-v. ....v , n t .. , . .u.iv uiirvn vut;ji u . longer ngure in society as a "ixick number." It's guaranteed to give satis faction in every case, or money paid for it returned. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. Karl's Clover Hoot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Hold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. .Mr. .1. C. Iloswell, orio of tho best known arid most respected citizens of Urownwood, Texas, suffered with diar rhtea for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtea Remedy was used; that re lieved hiiuatonce. Forsaleby lllakeley & Houghton, Druggists. lm. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the faot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement nnd Building Material of all kinds. C'rrl the Fluent I.lim ot Picture Mouldings To be foand in the City. 72 Washington Street. TTnTOnO TTOnnTT J. S. COOPER, .Corner Ham, UNION STOCK YARDS, Chwwjo, Ills. nil... i.. i l i.. .i..i.. i jut ij.iL!t:Mij iiiiii uui v nil niui v ;ijiiiiiii:)iiju iit;iiit:i in iiiii.ii'h i the world, will hold his 7th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 189!, on W HI LJ LXJ HJH M A Y . o HjJr l . fS' I ' Entries should be made at once. HORSES .'i-l'llitWIilll i i rill t -i T.i The Dalles Gigar : factory FACTORY NO. 105. u There is a tide in the ajf'airs oj men which, taken at its leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the flat CIGARS 1 the itest Brands manufactured, and orderu from all part n of the country filled on the shortest notice. An agreeable Uuatlve and NMRVti TUN la sold hy Druifir lit or sent by mail. S5c, , 0c. , and 11.00 per phoIuko. Bample free T iff The Favorlto TOOTS rOWSU MkXM HiortUoTectnaadur(tb.a6o, Wot Mlebjr tfatpti ft Kluerily. Hold under a jiosltlve ginirantce. Vi cents jer bottle by all dnnth'Utfe. W. E. GARRETSON. mm Jeweler UOIiE AGENT FOK Til IC mi in m i All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I3M hxviinrt Nt.. Thf Jtnllai, Or. PHOTOGRAPH CR First premium t the Wasco county air for best portraits and views. CIiAfA STORY, Art Teacher Room 3, JttHiaijen JJuildiiKj, AM1I five lanolin Moudnyk nd TliumlnyB of e ch wttk, or o(t..iur If dtilred, The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and tlio demand lor tlio liome mnnuiactured article is increasing every day. A. ULR1CH & SON. V. K. U'lHKMAN, XVM. MAItDEUH. A. WESOLO, The Boston Tailor, East End Seeond St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'nrfect Pit Giiuruuloeri. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second greet, The Dalles Or. This well known stand, kept by the 11 1 III V W wcu Known w. fi. iiutiH, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delist and Irish Distarbaie In fact, all the leading brands of fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come again P ntrimrflnt xw n? wudip uui m ui - at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rati MICHELHACII IJUICK, - - UNION ST. MINHNS UK NHW TOWN Iiiih )xni on tlio old fmnp Kroiintl, tit tin- Korku mid I i'Hllsof HtMKl rlvur. with lnrKc, hlfttitly lotM, lrnl HlrwUiiuitl hIIuvh, kociI will KinliiiirowaU.-r,wlthttlimlt)ii iirofunfon, ;rfw!tdriilmiKe,d.'llithtfill iiiouiitiilu climiitu, thucentiiil iittriictliiu iinii iiiDiiiitiiln Mimiucr n-xirt for till OrvKtm, bcliiB tho mvirost town tti Jit. Mood. It Is imimriillelw tin innmifiiuliirlliK center, IjoIiik tlio natiinil leutfr for 160 i-iuiiit! inlltH o( tlio Wat uislnriiuil f tlmbor, ikmmmiiik iiiiIIIdiik nr JmrMfixmur lit Us iIiihIiIiik tttrvniiiH mid water lalln, easily hariiex.etl. Whero flifii. iniitlvn imwer o.xlHt, theru tlio n"u. laotorleH will I'cnter.mmoninU'tl by will iinil ollnmto that cannot Ijooiwliw itnywhero fur Irult and iturliailtuie. mill with tniiiMitirltitiim Hlrcudy a"ut!! hum uui. uiu iiiirii III Jllllho It K.TH't( IllltllO nr H ayillh t" j See me on the ground, oi 1 address me at Hood Riv I Wasco County, Oregon. Saloon Wiseman & Warders, and fine Rooms The Dalles, - Oregon. 4fNorthwet corner of Second uml Court streets, TITLE PERFECT W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs ami Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Skoot, next door woBt of Younf,' fc Ku" BlacksmiUi Shop.