The Dalles My Chronicle. EnUrcd at tho l'ostoftlco at Tho DallM, Oitfron, m second-class matter. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. They read '1 Ik- Chronicle t fret the latest ami most reliable ' cw. Ami they read every line thnt U In the paper. That Is what mnke the Chronicle im Invaluable advert! Ins medium. Tho licwstuiiior that v Roe to the family llre!ile l the one () thnt the advertisers of today patronize ' when they ileslte to tcarh the i-oople. When they want your trade their announcements will be found In the paper. Look over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Hemcmbcr, a trade of a family of two thousand is worth asking for through these columns espelally m at our very TUK DAI.LKS OKKOON A 8KK1) HY TIIK WAY8IIIK. NY JKNSIK STKKtK, Sweet and low, atiR n cripple one day, Khe knew not u sinner was paulni that way, Oh come wanderer, come, there is meiey for thee, He died on tin? cross to save you and me. Oh come, he is waiting to bring you baek home, His arm are extruded, come, poor sinner, come. The sinner paid on with his dull heavy tread, How sweet thoe.words, to himself tie said. I heard them many lonjj years ago When my heart was us pure as the drifting snow. He sighed as he said. I am straying from home, And the voice still remitted, come, poor sinner, eome. He plodded his way far into tho nlalit, The stars of heaven vt ere shining so bright. Oh could I but hear that voice singing once more, Of the home where all slghin; and sadne. are o'er. Then the voice of an angel from the bright, happy home. Repeated the chorus, come, poor sinner, come. He foldul his hands on his still throbbing breast. And dropped on his knees on the snow's frozen cret. Then turning hi.- face toward the heavens above, TTK graver wnfhil lit, tn tin Kntherof Invp. Oh bavfor, I'm coming, Thou hnt died on the iree, To save the noor sinner. Oh save even me. Then the rather above heard the voice of hi child, And oiienecl tho window of heaven and smiled Then un sunnier tho sinner, his sorrow had llown He sang with the angels, Oh come, sinner, come, Tlie watenman wno beam as no plomleu along, Paused but a moment lo hear the old song, And said, 'Tis a voice from the realm above, Each word is so tilled with heavenly love. A tear stole its way down his cheek cold and brown. As he thought of the years which forever had riown. The cripple who knelt In her cottage alone, Said Lord, bless the seed if anv I've sown. While the angels rejoiced 'round the throne uj noovc, Tor a poor, lost sinner had come home to God. Moi-o News. Now Try Thin. It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, If you have a cough, cold, or tiny trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's Now" Discovery for consumption, coughs nnd colds is guar anteed to give relief, or money will Ihj paid back. Sufferers from hi grippe found it just the thing and under itc use hud a speedy and thorough recnv eav. Try u sample bottle at our ex pense, and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free nt Snipes & Kinersly's drug store Large size 50e and $1. Wood! Wood! Wood! Hest quality tir, oak and slab vood. Dfcave orders at 131! Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders promptly attended to. M.ukk tk IIknton. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. .Decidedly tho Finest Line of. Gents' RurnisbLiiig Goods, Timnks and Valises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OH. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for i lie jut cut co Lsauy vi ii ji ni for 12 Months at 60 Gents a month. OR OUT THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugated llullitlnic next Door to Court lliinin. ptesh Paint! V. 0. Gilbert hereby sends His compliments to every friend And enemy If he ha any Be they few or be they many. The time for painting now has come, And every one desires n home That looks fresh and clean nnd new, As none but a good painter can do. Painting, papering and glazing, too. Will make your old house look quite new He will take vour work either way, lly the Job or by the day. If you have work give him a call, He'll take your orders, larse or small. Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, P. O. Box No. 3, THL DALLES. Oil. Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Da?, Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms Tor Commercial Men. XrJL.k.JSi:E3IrL, Proprietor. 'SfrB.'Strong has been very sick, but is better now. Mr. Damon w ill move into his new residence this week. Mr. L. Moore is building a residence for Mr. Buckley at Graea Valley. Johnson and Adams commenced head ing 1f Tl Arl'itna' ffritin vAQtprHnv. iHeading N progressing nicely and eome of the threshers will start up this week. Mr. Peddicord moved" into his new home yesterday, and the Slater Bros have commenced work on J. B. Mowry's new residence. Mr. J. W. Peddicord'a new resideuce is completed and makes a very pretty appearance located among the trees in the grove weat of town. The Slater Bros, know just how to finish off a house to make it look pretty and ar tistic. Mowry's header finished harvesting for Mr. Garlick Saturday afternoon. He also harvested Mr. Boyd's and Mr. Strong's grain, averaging over thirty acres per day on the three crops. lie is now cutting his own grain. While Frank Howry, the 12-year-old ann nf '.T TV AInirrv traa rwlincr af far t U o horses yexterday, his horse stumbled and fell, throwing him off and bruising his head and side quite seriously. The shock blinded him for quite a while so he was unable to 8 CO where he was going. He is getting along nicely and will probably be more careful next time. Don. Hobo, Or., Aug. 22, 1893. A Great Couvenier.ce. Worlds fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon sin Central line, are landed at the Paid Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart of the city has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the European plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room is supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. The charges for accommodations aro reasonable and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific railroad. By taking tho Northern Pacific through car lino to Chicago, visitors will avoid tho discomfort of all transfer in that city, and can nlso travel between tho Grand Central station and world's fair grounds by trains which run direct between tiie two points. 2tdl wlm-7-12 lip writ seminars The Fifth Annual FAIR- OF THE Secoutl Eastern Oregou District Agricultural Society, WILL ME HELD AT THE DflliltES, 05EG0S, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. a. s. McAllister, President. J. O. MACK, Secretary. J. O. MACK, FIJflE WlHEjS and LIQUOR This Is the Season Of the Year Ulhen Judicious Advertising Pays. From TEHHINAfc or INTERIOR Points THE Nortoem Pric RKILROKD la the Hue to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SODTIi. It In the Dlnlui; Cor Koute. It runs ThrouKb Vestlbulcd Iralus every day In the yar to fk paul and Chicago INO CHANGE 01' CAK9.J ompokwl of Plniriir Cars iinitiruaxfttl. Pull man Drawing Kooui Sleepers of latestiiiuliJiaeiit, TOUillST SLEEPING WHS Best that win be constructed, mid In whtet, accommodations aro both Freo nnd Kiinihhul for holders of First uud fjtcontl-clais Tickets, mid ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, comit-cthic with all lin... iiU'onlliiB direct huU unlnlttruptctl service Tacoma, Wash. Boarding and Day School for G-irls. Pullman Bleeper rtw.TVrttlons cim b secured in cdvance through any vgent of the road. Tenth Yoar Begins Sqptembor 14, 1003. I-Ot Cntulogiiu&iHl Ailinlttmice, iipjily to Mrs, Sarah K, Wliito, b-'lclim i'rlucljial'. THROUGH TICKETS Sf.A J'.iiKland mill huioi can Ijo purchiutil at aur ticket oilice of the company from all America, full Information coiiccrnlnt; rate, tlmu 01 trolrni, routeis nnd other iletalU furnUhtd on aprillcatlon to W. C. ALLAWAV, Agent I). I. S A. Kay. Co., lltsulator oilice, Hit Urtlles, Ur,, or . ,4 . A. i). criAiiiroK, Anu'l. (Jcncral PaneiiKer Agt., 1'ortUud, ffu. DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER ' FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STKEET, : : THE DALLES, OR. BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprlatorn. CityStables, Corner of Fourth nnd Federal .Sta., The DnlleH, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastorn Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with ireighi or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagon room. Commercial Fatronase Solicited. TheDklles Wasco County, Oregon, Tho Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated nt tho head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, nnd is a thriving, prr perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far fcouth us Sumnior Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. Tho rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries aro the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. Tho products of the beautiful Klickitat valloy find markot here, and tho country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, unci all arailable storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coust and its money is scattered over und is being used to dovolop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on thoso :orncr stones she stands. G III DALLES EE ill US, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE, was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dallos and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is every where apparont. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and othor ro gions north of Tho Dalles, honoo it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. Tho Daily -Ciihonicle is published evory eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho AVkhkly CiutoxiGLK on Fridays of each week at 1.00 por annum'. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlxo XctllGiei, Oiroffox.. 5 UeeKly ropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. we art! oiliuuiMi lo niiiKf ii mimi uxruiiiiouni uiiur wi ihmiu McC LURE'S MAGAZINE OUSTS YEAR to i'VLryoni' wli llllMiut thi' (iilli)whi lilimk form, mill neiullliK It to un, thoroliy HuWrlblu The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. r I CUT THIO OUT AND BEND IT TO US. PuMishors CHROmCLE, The Dalles, Or.: you, will please scud to imj address the DAILY CHRONICLE for .12 months from dale, for which I a,grce to ya.y GO els. a, mon th, it being understood that you. are to ha ve sent to my a ddress for 1 year, without extra charge, McC LURE'S MAGAZINE, commencing with the current number. I I Name, Date. .Address ... CALL AT OUR OFFICE ituil tliiiuntcrtiiluliiKniiil finely Uluntriitul McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which has umimi: lt rotitrlhiitora tlm moat (amnus Million In Amorlcn mul KnijlaniJ, tnuludUi H. L. SteveiiHon, Rtttlyard Kijilin, A. C'oiuin Doyle, Octave Tlinnut, William Dean FIow1Ih, Bret Hurtc, Clark IhiHsoll, Joel Clmiullcr Harris, riiotiiaa Manly, .1. T. TrowhridKu, Hamlin Garlund, Prof. E. S. IIol(l(.n. .leiomo it. .lerome. r'rof. C. A. Youiik, FranreH Hodgson Jturnett, II. II. IJoyeHon, Theodore HooHOVtilt, Kolwrt Ilarr, .loaquin Miller, Honrv M. Stanley, Oi!lort Parker, Archibald Forbes, John IturrouctiH, Andron Lane. Mrn.Kobt. Louis htovt!ii'(m,Liiniilo Mammarioii, Sarah Orne Jetrett1 F. Marion Crawford, Lillio CIiuho Wymau, Dr. J. S. Hilling, Margaret Deland, Harriet l'reneott Spoflord, W. E. Henley, Herlicrt I). Ward, Edward Everett Hale, Capt. CharloH King. Elizabeth Stuart 1'liolpi", Umim) Chandler Moulton, Kach nuniljorol McCLURE'S MAGAZINE :onUln two Immlmnuoly UlUHtratwl InUrrtwn Willi mien ramoiia .-i)iii; an JuleH Yerne, Arehdeacon Farrur, AlphmiKC Daudet, FrancoH Hodcaon Ilurnett. TIioiiieh A. EiIIhou, Camile Flammarioti, TiBaandier, the faniotiH F. Hopkinaon Knuth, Edward Everett Hale, .French llalloonist, ti. ii. lsoyctieii, frot. (.iraiutiii null. ami many others, have lurnlshcd .matcrlul for cunocliilly prcnanil Intorvlowa which will appau (ally lllu.itriitiil In thix masazlnc. Each number contains two or threo aliort ntorlra by famous nutlmrn. Fully Illustrated atorluo will nptear in catiy iiunuicra or ThomoB Hardy, William Dean HowoIIb, H. L. StovoiiBon, Hudyard Kipling, Hret Harte, Sarah Orno Jewott, Joel Chandler Harrin, Harriet J'reKeott Spoflord, Octave Thanot, Conan l)oyle, FrauceH HodgHon Ilurnett, Stanley J. Weyman. HENRY M. STANLEY will contribute, wpcclnlly for young rcadura, h thrlllliiRly IntcrvatliiK atoryof African Adrenturi KATUItAL HISTOKY AN I) ADVENTURE. There will Ik1 aavcral artlclci written by Raymond ninthujayt, who hua la-eu culled by Mr. W, 7 Rtend the lvt interviewer in KiiRlaml, from matoritil fiiriiMhed him by Karl Hagnbk, of llo burr;, tnoKrcat auimul imiorier nun iniiuer. -i nc.e nriiuiea uciu wiwi Tho Canture of Wild UeantH. The TraiiBportation of Wild l'eaata. The Trainine of Wild UeaHta. The Adventures and EncapeH of Karl Hnconbecfc Thp mr(nn will n lllimtrntoil bv nn Kuclinh nrtlHt of neknoM ltilireil nklll In driiwlui! wild nnlnul John HiniHOUfiHH, u. r. iioi.dkb, lilt. u. u. AiuioTT, iiiiu oilier wrncra lumouH nir muirwci this Hold, will contribute to Iho niHKazlue. Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PHOF. Jt. L. GAKNEH'S AFHICAN EXPEDITION TO TIIE GORILLAS. ArraiiKenicnU have Iwen made, In connection with a Icadluc KriKlixh rovlow, to tiubll.ih Prd Garner'a lettcnt dexcriptlvc of hia preacut expedition tn Africa, I'nif. duruer la noted the won! ; in inu niivnrn 01 mniiKU)5. u h Htuiliea 111 the uatlu liaiiiitiel over for the curiou and lntereatiiip luviMtlRiitlmm ho la mnkliiR In thu atieech of monkeju. Hi illB Hlllllll ocrniiha I The maRazlrie alio contain moat iiitcrcatliiK Articles under the following coiuprelieuilvu Uttir alio) for Africa laat Kditomlior for tho sake of further liursillncr tho Korlllu. Tho llliutratlonn for then) artlclea will lo from photographa taken by Prof. Curlier. " The Edge of the Fnture." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " NeweBt Knowledge." " The Present Hour. " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We are oflerlne this anlcmllil mairazlne with tho Daii.v Ciiiionilxr for only I7.'J0 a year, wMt in aavaocu or in moiuniy inniaiiinciiia as uesircu. wo maun tnu czccniionai oner in omer loai ,wu mar secure n larnc numiair ni nnw biimciiui. but all who aro already subscriber may avail themsclvea of tills opportunity to secure tUlCittl niagajlne, fill up me DiailK aim senu u in, 10 THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hr lately been thoroughly renovated and ne furninhed throughout, und in now better tuu ever prepared to furniHh the beat Hotel accommodationH of any house in thu city, und at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c Office of thu font and commodious opposition 8Up to Dufur, Kingflloy, Tygh Vnlloy, Wapinltl. Warm SpringH and Prinovlllo 1h in tho Hotel and peraoiiH going to Prinevllle can Rave 14,00 by going on this Stugo line. All trains stop here. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS" AND GLASS And the MoHt Complete and the LatOHt I'utturne and DefligDH in gW Practical Painters and Paper Hangem. None but tho bent bniudfl of W Sburu'in.WillliLiiiu mul .1 W M.itmi w'.i I'ntniu 1,, .,11 mi.. nrul noliu UUl ..... ...... u. T . ..a. .1,,. i t M .,.4rW ,.I7.. II. Ml IUMt ...... .. . .. . . f ,.i n..i..iu no nguuiH itir .uiiHiiry iiiiini i : A liiHt eliiHH article in all colors. Paint ahon corner Thirtkud WoBhinL'tou Stn The DftUos. Oral the inont Bkilled workmen iiinnloveil. chemical combination or Hoan mixture orderH promptly attended to. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUQUST BUCHLER, PropV. TIiIh wolUknovvn Brewery iH now turning out thu bHt ileor and J'or'J'' eawtof tho OiiHcudtiH, The latoat upnliunceH for the mnnufauturo of good WW-" fill Koerhave boou Introduced, und only the llrst-clafla nrtlolo will boplaceaw the market.