The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 23, 1893, Image 3

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    -l I I iWJi l ... I I I l l l.o.i I 1 1 i rr ; . i
r. m .a m mi mmmk .v -w mjm m mi. i
Men's Summer Suits
For Only
110.00 Suits,
2.00 Suits,
&14.00 Suits,
il5.00 Suits,
816.00 Suits,
r'j, All Goods Marked" t.
in Plain figures. Tv
Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
tlXftIi the I'ontolllco at Thu DkUlhi, Oregon,
ti icconil'VliMN inattvr.
I.ncul AitvortUllig;.
HCenti tr tine (or llrxt Insertion, and Cent
ir line tor tucti iubv(iiciit liuortiuti.
IpecUl rate (or Ioiik time notlccM.
All lix-a". iiottcr rtrelved lntur tliau 3 o'nlock
till ipptir lolliiwlur tiny.
Wtalhnr FiincHt.
tkul Jorccatt Jor tetnli-Jaur hourt ending
t p. m. tomorrow
Wednesday and Thursday fnir and
.1' t .
uignny warmer. iauuk.
Barometer, 2H.BH.
Mulmum teniperuture, 83.
Minimum temperature, M.
Riwr. llf.O feet above zero.
Wind, calm.
AUG. 23, 1803
Dailii and Weekly Chronicle may
kfmion tale at I, V. Nickelen'$ store.
ymir oul
in rriiiinui i;nruu-
lcl llipurtr.
A fierce Inloxlcntltm
It tiroihlCiil liv llil.. .Kill.,.,
iiiniiiimmi ir til.. i..t.fnt.i 1. 1.. i. .
i on tlimw uMilu illwrutlon,
With vnnr nriiiv v...i il .. ..; ..i....
.v.rv.,,, , jiiur nwvciuuiiri Wlilli
Ak yjiii Mirliik bunk,
Terril eil. iiiiifiiiiiui.i
inn 1 1 iifii (iy joUr iioiuncKs, ymi await, with
syne ilerco deiitincititltm.
ami have mi cxpliumtlim)
Tel vk ram.
Our firemen are pruoticinif with n.
arte splendid time und ..m..,.t mi..
'ui uie prizea.
Twenty-livo dollurH U Ian rnn I 114 rrtnl.
'or imy after paying freight by
toB to Krigland, according to the
"afcRurul Press.
C.Horrin Ima in..i.. i...
f iriHtanturiuous vlown aloug tho
wa,c' are vorv good.
Cha, lMUer wil, fihip toduy ft cwr,od
Mini vi'iriii ii n nv . t i-..An..
Air. Luner 1h our lan'ost. (rnii
wwr. r,0 KoodB nro all of tho ohoiceBt
w will bo diaputclicd quicklv by re
"'Kerator cur.
AH8rM. SuItnmrHho A Co. Hhipjmd from
cir BtockyardH hint, litfflit. tun uru nf
""Hon Hl,eitp to Troutdnlu. which wr
J'QUKlit in from Klickitat by Mr. Chan!
roon. Mr. Wm.Koya bronKlt in from
" '"iiku 100 head of fat cattle laatoven.
J. ml shipped them from tho imue
' ,u H0d warkotB. Tlila lot filled
Mvon t'urn.
Next Monday the election of tho new
of directors of the Wane Inde-
ail i kj vc pmoc, huu
tlonL "e of the '"O"1 important elec
"onH ver held by that inHtltutlon, it
WhooveB every .tookholder to be pr.
lmvo arrived aro very much pleased
with what they have Been and think
Oregon, eBpeeiully thi portion of it, in
miperior to Nubrunka or Kiuihiih in tnoBt
everythinj:. Here they find thorn nre
no cyuloneB, no hail HtoruiB, no hlizzurdH,
but instead a land of plenty, health,
and all the couifortH thut would muke
life enjoyable.
The electric power workB engine ar
rived thin morning direct from the
shop in the euRt. The engiue is a Lane
& ISodly Corlias and ia 225 horse power.
The ponderouH fly wheel hufi a diame
ter of 15 feet and a face of 29 inches,
and weighs several tons. The main
shaft from which tho dynamos receive
their power is 10 inches in diameter.
The works are expected to be completed
and in operation about the lit of October.
Haughty Kwyc
Some of the naughty big boys who
frequent that portion of the sidewalk in
front of Bam Klein's have worked a
practical joke all day to their unbounded
amusement. They fixed up a dry goods
box in a most inviting way for the way
farer, anil t,neu maliciously engaged him
in conversation, taking a most uuac
countable and sudden interest iu hit) do
tnentlc or other personal uflkira. Parties
they have not spoken to for a week would
be hailed to share in tiieir conversation
The secret was easily expluined to euch
upon taking the silently prollercd sent,
for like truth, they would rise again
and very quickly, jttHt as if they hud just
thought of the letter their wife gave
them to mail ten days ago, und with
movement towurd their hip pocket to
see if it was still there. The
action was the same, but the mo
tive was different, for u jin hud been in
geniouslv inserted in the box with the
business end up and its presence wuh al
ways more quickly felt than seen. All
took the joke in good part und then
waited for the next victim.
Strange what makes boys so devilish.
Dauger la TrlBri.
John l'almnr, of the Wasco ware
house, met with an accident Monday
that, while not deserving of mention at
the time, has developed into n serious
apprehension. While cutting the wire
around a bale of sacks, he was struck ou
the back of his left hand by the recoil
iug wire, drawing blood. lie paid little
attention to it, as it was only u surface
wound, but it swelled und becumo diH
colored, all'ectlng his arm to the elbow.
His hand is now ulmost iblack, having a
purple hue. Dr. Kinehart yesterday
examined tho wound and extracted
Irom it piocee of rust. It is possible
uioou poisoning will be threatened, and
so amputation of his arm will be nec
essary to save his life.
Slmbetl ami Kicked.
"Hon." .1. E. Coltinghain (the title
is given all who have been in at Salem)
was sentenced for thirty dayB by the
recorder for being drunk and disorderly.
If tho prisoner receives no Beverer pun
ishment he may thank his lucky stars.
According to the testimony, while in
Wiseman's saloon last night, he attacked
"Kocky" Chenoweth with a knife, mak
ing several distinct slashes in his coat
with the weapon, but fortunately for
both not drawing blood. Cottingham
was in fact incorrigible, for while being
arrested he managed to deliver a vigor
ous kick upon the person of Marshal
Maloney. He was finally landed behind
the bars, nnd was brought before the
recorder this morning with the result as
b .ii- , ""puriant questions will
vital T8"1 nt lhftt netingthat ia of
""D"wi to this city.
T ?"" ,ft",11,e rin NobrABka-MMsrs.
Meek! ,Jhn At MoKellw, Rev.
Z l ,8n1 Mr wit" their foul.
n ke Ve1 fow d will
We aJ , i ! 1 BUCt,0U tho,r futre I"""',
more f n,ru,cd tl,at mteo 0" onty
within r11'0" wl )low these persons
w,,"i' the next sixty days. Those who
Mr. J. O. Uoswell, one of the best
known and most res Dec tod ulrizniix nf
Jirownwood, Texas, suffered with diar
rhtea for a long time und tried many
dttrerent remedies without benefit, until
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Dlarrhusa Kemedy whs used; that re
lieved him at once. or sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, Druggists, lm.
Hhlloh's cure, the Great Cough und
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes fc Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 2fc. Children love it. Sold
by Bnipes & Kinorsly.
Ollnger & Bone's stages eu route to
Cloud Cap Inn will locate cumpers at the
boat fishlni; point in Hood Hivor valley,
whore one can roach Mt. Hood in a few
bourn and get their mail and provisions
dully. 2tewd
Geo. Krause left this morning for a
vacation trip in the mountains.
Mr. Ed. Wingate returned to the camp
at Collins landing this morning.
Mr. G. Clark arrived last evening and
is the guest of lion. J. J., and Mrs
Ur. Unas. Adams ol Olenwoou is in
the city toduy and will return home to
Kev. . V. ana Mrs. Uurtis took a
dav o IT and went down to Cascade Locks
for a short trip.
Mrs. L. I'uyette and family leave to
night for Montreal, Canada, to be absent
several monttis.
J. T. Korick is in town, and proposes
snorilv iu remove uoruee me river nuu
reside with his family.
Mrs. W. S. Myers went down on the
steamer Regulator for a round trip to
the Cascades this morning.
Rev. J. Whisler left this morning for
Albanv, where he goes to be present at
the lllumette conference, which assem
bles at that place.
Mr. E. C. Wiley of Cascade Locks
came to this citv last nitrht, accompany
ing Mrs. Wiley and children this far,
who are en route east to visit rolutives.
Missus Annio Wonts. Hattie Cram
and Annio Korton, who have been visit
ing their friends in the city for a few
weekH, returned to Portland this morning.
Mrs. Cora Dvsart of Centralia is in
the city, the guest of her father and
mother. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leslie Butler.
Miss Nellie Butler accompanied her
Mr. Jus. Baldwin, n former resident of
this city, who now resides near l'ortlaud,
made a Hying visit to The Dalles and re
turned this morning uy steamer og
ulutor. Mr. N. 0. Wilson returned from
Mitchell lust evening where lie has beeii
spending a few weeks in rest, it is un
derstood he will take his departure for
Culiforniu soon to resume his studies in
the California State University.
Miss Mary Bird, priucipal of the Sun
.Toeo. Cal.. hk'h school, und Mrs. A. W.
Barron, wife of the superintendent of
the S. V. cable lined ol ban francisco,
who wore iu the city yesterday en route to
their homes from the world's fair, and
who were the iruests of Dr. and Mrs. G.
C. Kshelman, departed this morning by
steamer Regulator.
A Ititck Number."
He Invite Uin NewRpaper to Proceed
ARlnt lllm at WnfthlnRton.
Tub Dam.kb, Aug. 23d, 1893.
Killtor Of TlIK OHRONin.K,
In your Ubuh of vestenlay, yon pub
licht'd an extract from tho Antelope ller
nld which docs mo and The Dalles post
office an injustice.
Supposing that The Dalles dailies ar
rive in Antelope at the irregular times
stated, (which I doubt) neither tho Her
ald or CmtoNici.K have nnv right to as
sume that tho fault In in this office.
This ifl not tho first time that tho
Herald, without reason, hah referred un
favorably to this office; nor the first by
a long ways that tho Ciikomci.k has
dono so. And I desire now to state that
in, none of the cases mentioned by either
of these papers, was the least blame to
bo attached to this office.
Tho thing of unfair criticism of this
office has assumed the proportions of a
persecution, and in order to determine
who is in the wrong, 1 hereby defy the
Antelope Herald to substantiate a single
word of its adverse criticism of this of
fice and demand of the Ciihoxici.k, if it
believes these charges or any of the
numerous other ones that it has pub
lished concerning this office; that it
make a formal complaint to the chief
postoffico inspector at San Francisco.
If any of these criticisms are made
good by an impartial investigation, I
agree to apologize and amend my ways.
If these papers fail to make complaint
or an investigation shows that this office
was censured without reason. I should
expect an apology from them if they
were imbued with any of the instincts
of gentlemen. ours Respectfully,
M. T. Noi'as
We are glad to note the fairness of the
postmaster as indicated throughout his
letter, though feeling that there is no call
for a challenge. We are not responsible
for what the editor of the Antelope
Herald may write, and as for anything
Thk Chronicle may have said in the
past, we are prepared to substantiate
any assertion made, whenever the item
shall be specifically indicated, so that we
may intelligently proceed. It has been
a great source of annoyance to The
Ciiiconiclg for months past that sub
scribers have failed to receive their
papers. Every precaution has been
taken in our office to render the packages
secure and the addresses legible. Yet
complaints have been made by the same
parties several weeks in succession,
which sometimes reeults in the loss of
the subscriber or the benefit of "speak
ing his mind." The Chuonicle knows
one thing there are irregularities and
non-delivery of papers at various places
on the stage routes. We make no com
plaint of points touched by rail, only
Buub places as Antelope, Endersby, etc.
If the country postmasters are derelict,
they do Mr. Nolan a great injury in
directly, an additional reason why they
should not be permitted to retain their
Firemen of Oregon.
This is the alightiu
to women who
remark that is
try to seem
auulied to women wh
, ., . , - . . ..
young, tnougu utey no longer iook ho.
Somotlmes appearances nre deceitful.
Female weakness, functional troubles,
displacements and irregularities will udd
fifteen years to n woman's looks, These
troubles are removed by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Try this
remedy, all vou whoso beauty and fresh
ness is fading from such causes, and no
louger figure in society as a "buck
number." It's guaranteed to give satis
faction in every caso, or money pnid for
it returned. See guarantee on bottle
The firemen of Oregon will hold their
next annual meeting in this city on the
4th of next month. The occasion will
be a memorable one, and no pains is
being spared to make it one of the most
enjoyable of eventB, in which the public
generally may share. All the sports will
be first-class, the games and races hotly
contested by the very best men in their
lines Oregon can produce.
In the morning there will be a parade
through thejrincipal Etreets of our own
and visiting firemen and tho mayor and
prominent citizens will take part. Hose
races, ball games and various sports will
consume the entire day. The firemen
will have a grand banquet at the con
clusion of their annual meeting. A ball
will be given in the evening at the Uma
tilla house, and a general invitation is
extended to all of our citizens to be
Hberuiau County Wheat.
Kukcs, Or., Aug. 21, 1693.
The first load of wheat of this year's
crop for Sherman county was received
here today from N. W. Thompson of
Monkland. No price was offered and
the wheat was stored with the Farmer's
Co-operative Warehouee Association.
The berry is good, much better than
last year, but not so plump as that of
"JO and ".)!, though the crop is reported
much larger than ever raieed in this
county before. Conservative estimates
place the crop at 800,000 bushels but it
is placed as high as 1,000,000 bushels by
many. Tins is, when the sizo of the
country is taken into consideration, u
very large crop and the farmers of Sher
man county will he busy till the holi
days. W. H. News.
Karl's Clover Boot, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c. und if 1.00. Sold by Snipes &
Kinorsly, druggists.
For Itfut.
Booms to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi
dence ou Ninth street. 6-23daw.
Go to N. Harris for fine prints; 20
yards for f 1.
The Great EaslUfa Remedy.
CTuuijitiy iu peraiaurauy
cures all forms of Ktrvoui
Wcaknf,$tont, Axiw
atorrhca, Jmpottncy and ail
tff(riofJLbut or Exce$.
Ueru prescribed over !3
mm la thouunda of cuosi
tho only Reliable andlloii-
druggist for Wood' Phoipbodluei If bo often
tomb worthies luodlcluoluptaco of thU, leavo ht
disuoatut Store, lnoloso prlco lu letter, and
wowlllseud by return mail. Trice, cuo paokugo.
llglx.e.'i. Qnt will tiUcut,toUI curt. 1'aiujiu.
lot lu plain sealed envelope, li oonU postage.
AddrvM The Woe unciuicul uo.,
1st Wood wurduveuue, Detroit, JlleU,
Bold In The Salle by Snipe A Klncmly.
An Appeal
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity:
Owing to the recent Bank failure in this city,
wo are compelled to raife it certain amount of
monev within the next .. .. ,.
60 DAYS.
Therefore, we will give to nil cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, flj jlflLIip PtylGE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount required MUST be raised in 6o days.
Cor. court aid second sts. o P. IVI LJADDIA
Tie Danes, orezoo. 7. U( I'M. nttn n I
ojig ii Mm IH't Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(jerks' purrfyir; Qood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
. Familiar Faces in a New Place
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jtye leal Instate, Ipat), Ipsurapee,
- - 3NT 1
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to cull on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and ContestB.
before the Unitep States Land Office.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At the Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
iay, Graii?, peed apd plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Casli tlcL for HHss&t and Poultry.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
The California Winehoase,
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his homo
produced Wine at prices in tho reach of ovorybody.
Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.