The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 22, 1893, Image 3

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Men s Summer Suits
For Only
510.00 Suits,
512.00 Suits,
$14.00 Suits, ALL GO NOW FOR
515.00 Suits,
516.00 Suits,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Iitomt Hie I'ontofllcc lit The Pallet, Oreou,
a ecniul'UlaM mnttcr.
Local AilvnrtUliiK.
10 Cent." vr llnu (or llmt Inturlloii, mid b Cunt
Mr lino (or eacb ubeiiiciit iimcrtiuu.
tpeclil rati (or Iuiik tiniu notice.
AH local notice received Inter than 3 o'clock
till ippt r the (ollnwlnx day.
Waathttr Fartowt.
fjktal farteait fur txeenty-Jour hours aiding at
t p. m. tomorrow,
Tuesday uml Wednesday fair and
lightly warmer. Paouk.
Uarometor, L'O.ull.
Max i inn m temperature, 81.
Minimum temperature, oil.
Kiver, 14.2 feet ubove zero.
Wind, went.
AUG. 22, 1893
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
tfwnd on title at I. ('. Nickelten'i itore.
Mmall Pry lluubtid lrUtnt Cbruu
tcle llniortr,
Uvj'h of eraiiky men remind n,
Unit with piopcr eliunce to climb.
We may leave ii iiiitiiu behind in.
TImiidcriliK down tlio ruiuln ol flnio
A mime Unit perclmnee another.
LooIcIiik (or u chiincu to M.oiit,
A democrat or populist brother
hteliiK, may iirlsuiind ahem;.
U-t im then be up uml doliii;.
bptmt und blow at any rale,
Turn it Iooko while iiilfohlof 'a brawl iik.
benrii to rennoyer and to Wallc.
Ice- n cent a pound from now on by
Charles Allison.
Skies are clear again, indicating tliat
recent rainti must have put out the for
et tires.
Tho people of Klickitat ure jubilant
oyer bit? crop prospects, which will prove
tbout the best ever grown tliere.
The Columbia Ima i.u... ,i.i..i..
. w.t n ibiiurwii
between Portland and San Francisco, ni
enounced u few dayi ago by Tit
A force of mechanic under the auper
intendency of Mr. 0. J. Crandall.are ut
Work on the electric power plant, and
will have the building up in a few daya.
The police court is running light. Only
one small drunk woa in the toils last
veiling, and on paying a line thin morn
ing was discharged. Hoboa are scarce
'i'o Street Commissioner Maddrou
I'lita them at work breaking etouea and
t'wirijig the HtrootH.
I" convolution with Mr. Kerr, of
rr k Iluckloy, who resides in Grass
vllcy, Sherman county, wo learn the
Brnin crop is first oluss and harvesting
' nearly half over. He savs the low
pril'O Of wlinnt. nn.l i
ackH will be hard on the farmers as well
e the country,
Mr. Ciubrielo Dockerfc of 10-Mile has
'aid us under obligation! for a flno
ample of Hales early peaches. One
peach measures nine and one,third in
c"h in circumforence. The lot are
"iHrvels of beauty and excellence. Mr.
Jwt hiiH an extensive fruit farm, his
"uiw uro put in to the market in fine
price "nd h BlwayH Keta U, top
A certain boy in The DalleB rides a
J WKtaoine blnuk pony, which he lashes
""mercifully Wld without provocation,
i nere are welts on the imimtU wliloh
ww ,i0 ' been whipped severely and
often. Even a boy should realize tliut
it is ii great wrong to inflict unmerited
puniHhment upon a dumb brute which
merely circumstance makes him the
muRter of. One having such u disposi
tion is either thoughtless or brutal, and
so laws ure made to hedge against the
vicious und the ignorunt. There is a
law in Oregon uguinst cruelty to ani
mals, punishable by fine and imprison
ment, and the youngster in mind would
not look near so smart behind the bars
as whipping the horse that others may
see him prance.
Tha Oovfirnutant Wlua.
Judge Bellinger's opinion in the O. &
C. forfeited land claims begins with a
careful resume of the case in hand, and
shows how the dispute arose, going back
to the original uctB passed by congress.
In the next to the last paragraph of the
opinion the following statement was
made: "The terms of the granting act
in this case are unmistakable. They
provide for a continuous grant or single
line of road from Portland to Astoria,
with a second or branch line from a
junction at Forest Grove to the Yamhill
river. The theory of the government us
to the continuity of these lines cannot
tie mote explicitly stated than the act
states it." The final words of the opin
ion ure: "I conclude thut the lands in
the quudrant are included in the lunds
forfeited to the government by the uct
of January .(1st, 1885, and such will bt
the decree"
Judge Williams und District Attorney
Mays argued the compluint for the gov
ernment, and Fentou and llronuugh for
the defendant. The defendant will
probably uppeal to the United Stutes
court of uppeal.
Mound Over.
Kichard BrookhoiiHe ot al. were held
under $200 bonds to appear before the
grand jury on a churee, preferred by
Horace Kicc.uf driving one of his horses
more than ten miles from the range und
claiming such unimul uh their property
Testimony wus given on the part of de
fendunt thut he attempted to separate
the animal in question from the herd in
which it was being driven und, fuiling
in this, drove it to u corral, where it was
finally turned out with other animals not
bolonging to defenduut. This corral, it
is claimed, is more than ten miles from
the range, but it is believed this fact
cannot be proven, unless. by taking ud-
vantage of au extremely circuituous
road, as by air line, It is not over six
Furent Klrea.
Section 4 of the laws of Oregon reads
as follows : "Any porsou or persons
who shall willfully set fire toauy wooded
country, or forest beloniflmr to the
United StatOB. or to anv neraon or nor
sons, shall be deemed guilty of a mis
domeanor, and upon conviotlou before a
court of competent jurisdiction, shall be
puiusned by a flue not exceeding one
thousand dollars, or imprisonment not
exceeding one year, or by both such
tine and imprisonment; provided that
nothing herein contained shall apply to
any person who in good faith sets a back
fire to prevent the extension of a fire
ul ready burning.
Karl's Clover Koot, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation,'
25c, 60c. ami $1.00. Sold by Snipes A
Klnernly, druggists.
For limit.
Koouta to rent at Itev. A, Horn's resi
dence on Ninth street. G-21)daw.
Mr. L. Winans went to Hood River
this morning.
Miss Fannie Baldwin of Walla Walla
ih in the city visiting friends.
Jacob Wettle intends to move in town
in u few days to permanently reside.
Mr. John Purrott, who has been at
Lyle erecting a house, returned yeBter-
Mr. H. LaurretBOn departed for Port
land this morning to be absent several
Mr. Scherneckau of Astoria is in the
city and ie the guest of Hon. Geo. A.
Mr. C. J. VanDuyn of Tygh Valley
called on The Chkonici.e office this
J. L. Storv left for a trio to the Cas
cade Locks this morning to return on
il. TJ .1.!
tue xwJKiuakur mia eve.
Adjt. H. Riddell goes to Arlington in
the morning to Becure the property there
belonging to the U. SS.d.
Mr. A. H. Jewett of White Salmon
was iu the city last evening und re
turned home thin morning.
Messrs. A. M. Kelaay and John Bonn
of this city left this'morning for Port-
lam! to be absent several aays.
MiBseB Eiumu Kellar and Christina
Nickelsen and Mrs. J. Zimmerman left
for a short stuy at Collins Landing.
Miss Mary Bird of San Jose und Mrs.
A. W. Barron of San Fruucisco are in the
city und ure guests of Mrs. W. S. Myers
and Aire. Ur. JBlieltnan.
Dr. N. G. Blalock of Walla Walla is in
the citv on buaineBb. The Doctor will
leuve for Chicago in a few days. He is
president of the Washington state
world's fair commission. This gentle
Lilian takes ereut interest in the wonder
1 1 ul resources of the great Northwest and
muking them known at the world's fair.
Columbia Ely Twitchell, L Taylor
and wife, Goldenuale; J hclmnu, Irank
Sell in id. Jolian Hubaver, Maler Muolu.
Cuaeade Locka; J Bell, G W Fecker, C
II Wilson, Hoy Creek; A II Jewitt,
White Salmon ; Joe Andrews, K Winans,
Hood Kiver; Charles Crouch, Nelson;
Ernest Mavhew, Joseph Barrills, Tygh
Judge; J W Watt, MoBier; 31 b Swank,
CT Crosby, Milwaukee, Wis.; C Ber
nett, W Enlow, Win Mitchell, Portland ;
1' L Smith, Tom Smith, Sacramento;
John Hilge, Long Prairie.
Nvw G SUM LltW.
The new game law, now in force, pro
hibits the sale of any part of the deer at
any time. On page 01 of the Session
Laws of 1S93 the new law can be found.
In reforence to this matter it reads:
"Kvury porfiou who shall ut any time
after the pussuge of this act, sell or offer
for sule the hide or horns or moat of any
deer, either in a fresh, salted, dried,
Binoked or jerked condition, shall be
guilty of a niisdeuieunor." The law also
tixea a penalty for the violation of this
act as followB : "Every person convicted
of a violation of any provision of this uct
Hhall be punished by u tluo of not less
than $50 nor more than $300, or im
prisonment in the county jail of the
county where theoflenBe was committed
for not less than three months, or both
such fine aud imprisonment. Half of
audi money collected for tinea for viola
tion of the proviaious of this act shall be
paid to the informor, and the rest into
the county treasury of the county in
which the oll'onse wub committed.
Mr. J. G. Boawell, one of the
kuown und most reapected citizens of
Browuwood, Texas, suffered with diar
rluea for a long time and tried many
different remedies without benefit, until
Ohauiberlain'a Colic, Cholera und
Dlarrhwa Remedy was used; that re
lieved him at once. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, Druggists, lm,
CampmretliiK In Full Ulat
Ncwa Note.
Grouse hunting is good in the mount
ains farther hack.
Campmecting will probably holdout
'till the early '!)3 chicken ia no more.
Geo. Bellinger has shipped 1,000 boxes
of peach plums hero, while A. Koot has
sent out 1,800 boxes to eastern markets.
The prune crop is exceptionally good
There will bo tons of this fruit dried and
shipped from this place.
Testimony was being taken here last
week in the school district division case,
lawyers Bennett and Huntington from
The Dalles being present.
"Happy on the way," are the new re
emits which are oping gradually mus
tered in at the campmeeting now.
Dotted hero and there in a beautiful
grove on Moaier creek a short distance
above the county bridge are the tents of
the campers. Here, paint and sinner
may meet and clasp hands, for this
is neutral ground for all. A platform
and benches near by for the benefit of
those who expound and those who listen
to the scriptures are erected. Morning,
afternoon and night the speakers
earnestly invite those forward who will
come to "partake of the water of life."
The old melodious campmeeting shout,
the hallelujahs and hosannaha reverber
ating 'mong trees and hills causes a feel
ing of reverence to come over the moat
indifferent, due a Creator just and good
Rev. C. M. Aleridge, evangelist, is here
and laboring earnestly for the cause he
champions. Twelve years ago Mr.
Aleridge could not read his primer, much
less read and expound the scriptures.
Those twelve years have made a man of
him. Earnestly, fluently and fearlessly
he presents the cause for which he
labors. His pathos move many to tears,
hie earnestness prove him a good man,
and his fluency prove twelve years of
hard study and practice. J. W. Rigby,
pastor of the church, is lovingly working
for the cause he thinks right. Who
could do more? Evangelist Mrs. Golden ,
Rev. Frank Ireland and many others
are also "in the harvest field." While
your correspondent cannot believe in
the doctrine of destruction and damna
tion, we like these people because of
their earnestness. However, we believe
in a Creator, just and good, who will
make all things right when "the mists
have rolled away." Sun.
Can't Get the Taper.
A week ago the Moro Observer spoke
of the difficulty of getting the Mount
aineer and The Chboniclk. We did
not notice the item locally, believing
there may have been an excuse some
how, bat the Antelope Herald this week
aays : "One of the best changes in post
masters we know of will be made at The
Dalles some time this fall. We do not
know who will apply for the position
yet, but most any one could find won
derful room to improve over the present
management. About once a week The
Dalles Mountaineer and Cmtoxici.E
(dailies) come together, and the rest of
the time one comes and sometimes none
at all. Very often the papers that are
mailed in The Dalles office do not reach
ub for over a week. This is unmitigated
carelessness, and whoever is mixing the
mail like this should be fired out in short
order. Put someone in that will attend
to his business properly and promptly."
Democrats in congress do not take
kindly to Mr. Cleveland's departure.
They do not hesitate to soy that it was
as much hie duty to stay here and help
his party reach a decision on the silver
question as it is the duty ol members ot
congress to stay. Before leaving Mr.
Cleveland spoke his mind freely to sev
eral prominent members of his party.
He told them among other things, that
unless something unexpected occurred
to make him change his mind he did
not intend making any more appoint
ments until congress had acted upon
the silver question, aud that he did not
intend to stay in Washington to listen
to the men who are more anxious to
get u few appointments for their friends
than to relieve the financial distress of
the country.
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes
no dust.
Uuctcleu'a Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tettor, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin-
Hoard aud ltooiu for 1'upiU.
Two furnished rooms to let witn
board for pupils. Inquire at this office.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
recent dUcorery by an old
pbynlcluu. Suecc.itvUif fi
monthly tV thoutandt of
licuLUt, Is tho only pcrfoctl7
safe and rellablo niedlelao dis
covered. Buwiiro of unprincipled drugswa yrno
oiler Inferior uicdlduca lu placo of tbU. Ak tor
Cook'a Cotton Hool Compound (ui u uM(
tutt. or Inclose ! and 4 cent lu postage In letter
and wo wllUoud, coaled, by return mall. FulUealud
particular In plain envelope, to uaiea omy, s
nUuipn. Addrtw fond buy uompany.
Ko. 0 HiUor uioek, Detroit, uic.
Bold lu The Pallet by Sulpea & Klueruly,
An Appeal
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity:
Owing to the recent Bank failure In this city,
wo are compelled to raise h certain amount of
monev within tho next
60 DAYS.
Therefore, we will give to all cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . flj flp pICE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount required MUST be raised in 60 days.
cor. court ati second sts. O St. IVI U ADDIC
Tic Danes, orceoa. O. Ot IN. nAnnlO.
Sgig ii Sin hi' lin Ms
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qepts' piirpi5bir; (Jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
t ch. H. Herbring.
..Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jl?e leal Estate, Ipap, Iiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contesta.
before the Unitep States Land Office.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
- THE:
Fine Millinery Goods
--5 at;
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
J-iay, Graip, peed apd flour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasli etlca. for Bffgis xa.c3L Poultry.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
. . at;.
The California Winehouse,
' Is now opon, and its proprietor will sell his home-
produced Wine at prices in tho reach oi everybody.
Also, bust Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.