I' ri- it- p f; The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL 1'Al'Kll OF DAM.KB CITY AMD WAJCO COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. T MAIL, rOSTAOB rEIPAID, IN ADTAKCI. Wakly,lyw $ 1 60 " 0 monthd 0 7ft 3 " 0 60 Daily, 1 year 6 00 ' 6 month S 00 per ' 0 60 Addre all commuulcAtlon to 11 THE CHRON ICLK." The l)alle, Oregon. ront-oiticp. OPFICX HOURS' General Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. ra. Money Onlcr " s a. m. to 4 p. m. Hunday it 1) " n. n. to 10 a. m. CLOSINO Or WAILS trains going Kast 9 p. m. ami 11: 4.1 a. ra. " " West ....9 p. m. and fl::wp. m. Stage for (loldendale 7:80a. m. " " l'rlnevlllo 5:.kb. ni. " "WnfuraiidWarmSpringi. ..6:S0n. ra. ' fLeaylng for Lylo t Hartland. .5:30 a. m. " " " JAntelope 5:S0a. tn. Kxccpt Sunday. tTri-weeklv. Tuefdnv Thursday anil Saturday, t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. TUESDAY, .... AUG. 22, 1893 OREGON NEWS. Helena Independent: The present panic is not the eollapae of a long period of inflation like the panic of 1S73. It is a money panic, pure and simple, and never was a money panic that was not short-lived. The country recovered from the great panic of 1857 in nine months. It will recover in less time from the present trouble. The increasing flow of gold gave us $10,000,000 last week alone, and it is be lieved $-50,000,000 will arrive before the flow is checked. Then the tide will re tarn again. Mercury lias heretofore been considered the most restless metal, but it never got in the habit of making 3.000 mile trf'ps across the water, and then immediately back, and then mak ing the round trip over again. The Telegram continues to keep de positors in a fever heat by its sensational inuendoes upon Dekurn, Thompson and the Portland Savings bank. The Tele gram, far from being helpful, is de moralizing to the interests of the city and citizens. The plan is undoubtedly to sell papers, but prospective patrons will sooner or later catch on to the scheme, and buy the Mercury or Wel come, wnicn caters to the morbid a great deal better than even theTelegrani. No young person should reach the age of seventeen without the thought enter ing their minds of what use they are going to be in the world. There is more excuse for one born in affluence not thinking of this than one in the humbler walks of lite. Instances are plentiful where girls, petted by their parents to the extent of neglect, are not taught auch useful arts of cooking, sewing and washing, and yet these have neither for tune, face nor accomplishments to recommend them to marriageable young men. It is equally safe to assume that few girls arrive at the age of 17 years without a thought of marrying, and at this age frequently have the identical individual in mind, who is to share with her wedded blisB. A girl such as de scribed will never be called upon to pre' aide over a luxurious home, herself freed from toil. She is as out of place in the parlor as in the kitchen. If she can neither sing, play, sew nor bake she will not be sought by a rich lover. Hence if she Is so anxious to marry, she ahould fit herself for life's duties with out further delay and learn from her another what has been carelessly with held or she has been too indolent to ac quire for herself. A. P. Anderson and wife, the starva tion cranks, have gotten through their forty-days' fast all right. A lady living on Seventeenth street, near Raleigh, in Portland, who Is a dis ciple of Mrs. Geo. II. Williams' starva tion army, is on the bread and water diet for forty days. She drinks wine and eats bread from n boycotted bakery. The New Enjjland Loan Trust Com pany, of which the meteoric John L. Aver was connected, was attached Sat-. urdav afternoon by Constable Al Thomas . .. . .. t . . it , on a writ sued out m justice noouB court by Palmer it Key. Sportsmen who have been out hunt ing report Mongolian pheasants quite plentiful in many places. Two persons who went up to Woodburn secured lio of these birds, and paw 200 more, from which it is plain that they cannot kill all tliov see. A eentleman who went fishing in Washington county reports' seeing nine lien pheasants in a row on a fence, and in going across a Held to a ( creek he started up about 00 young i birds of two or three different broods. Messieurs A. Camere, P. Itigaux, and A. Cavernier, members of the French corps of engineers of bridges and high ways, are in Portland. This corps is something like the United States engi neer corps, but has no connection with the army. The gentlemen have been sent out bv the French government to make an examination of government works in progress and see if by their ob servations they can add anything to the knowledge of engineering already pos sessed by the French. They will visit the locke and jettv with Major Hand- bury. Rev. Father John F. Fierens, the well-known pioneer priest, died at St. Vincent's hospital at 6 o'clock Sunday evening. He had been in poor health over since his return from Europe about IS months ago. Hie complaint was dia betes, or something of that nature. Father Feirens was born in Vandee in 1S2S. He came to Oregon in 1860 and took charge of a mission at Jackson ville. In 1863 he came to Portland and was appointed vicar general of this dio cese and remainded so till his death. He has been au indefatigable worker and was mainly instrumental in found ing St. Vincent's hospital and St. Mi duel's college. He was greatly beloved and respected by the people of his dio cese, irrespective of creed. In 18SS he visited his native country and made a tour of the Holy Land, being gone two years. The journey was too much for a man of his advanced years, and In liar gradually failed since bis return. William Tell Your Father that we ell tsmuwrr tit PADDLE TOUR OWN CANOE. " Voyajrers on llfo's at, , To yourself be true. And whAto'cr your lot may be. I'addlo your own oanoc." "To yourself bo true," "and thou enns't not then be false to any man.1 "Self-love is not so vile a sin as self neglecting." Then "bo wise to-day, 'tis madness to defer." Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for all af fections of the lungs and throat. It is likewise a wonderful liver tonic, and invlporator. All the year round, you may rely upon Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover-. It's not like the sarsapnrlllas. that are said to be good for the blood In Murcli, April and Mny. The ."Discovery" works equally well at all times, aud In all cases of blond-taints, or humors, no matter what their name or nature. It cures all Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous affections, as Eczema. Tetter, Salt rhcum, Fever-sorea, White Swellings, Hip -joint disease and kiudrcd ail ments. It's the cheapest blood-purifier, sold through druggists, because you only pay for the good you get. Your money Is returned if It doesn't benefit or cure you. Cau you ask more ? THE Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line SWEETORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, E0asy fitting Pantd Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! gWe are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING Id wry in, style and price. J. D. PARISH, Prop. Leaves The Dallea at fi a. m. ererr day, and ar rives at Prineville in thirty-aiz houri. Iettvei Prlnevlle at 6 a. m. every day, and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-iix hourn. Carties the D. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Connect at Prin-llle with NOT A 8AFK St'OltT. If any one imagines that this country la going to the dogs on account of the restriction in ailver raining, he has only to read the following summary of our re eourcee, says the Journal of Commerce. Statistic show that the yearly grain product of the country is 3,100,000,000 bushels, of which 2,700,000,000 are used at home. The live stock of the country includes 1G,400,000 milch cows and 30, 000,000 other cattle, 49,000,000 sheep and 48,000,000 hogs. The pork product yearly is 4,600,000 pounds, and the lard product 1,000,000 pounds, with still larger beef and sheep product. The farms produce yearly 600,000,0000 gal lons of milk, 000,000,000 pounds of but ter, 35,000,000 pounds of cheese, 48,000, 000 pounds of oleomargarine, 210,000, 000 bushels of potatoes, 175,000,000 pounds of rice, 600,000,000 tons of grapes and 20,000,000 pounds of raisins, 378, 000,000 pounds of sugar, oranges worth over $7,000,000, bananas worth $280,000, figs worth 30 ,000, garden truck worth f7o,6UU,U00, and enormous quantities of apples, pears, peaches, apricots, olives and other fruits. No other country on earth can boast such a variety of produce for food. In addition to these things, we import large quantities of tropical fruits. A Parachute Jumper at Htioqualinie Falls aud Receive! Fatal Injuries. Snoqualmie, Aug. 20. Gus Anderson, a young man who jumped from a wire cable over a chasm below Snoqualmie Falls with his parachute at 3:50 today, was fatally injured. He left the wire when about 100 feet from shore over the west edge of the whirlpool of waters be- Ioa-. First 100 feet were made very rapidly. The parachute then began to open. He then floated slowly down un til about 100 feet from the water when the canvas seemed to have a slight at traction toward the falls. Anderson worked lively with his hands aud feet to keep it back. About 70 feet from the water a current of air was strucK which pulled Anderson to the west. The parachute followed at an angle of 45 degrees. The remainder of the trip was made very rapidly big rock on his back, bounded up into the air, came down again on his head and was then dragged fifteen feet, when the canvas collapsed. A crowd soon came to his assistance and carried him up to the hotel. Stages from Eattern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. Al) maktw close connection at The Dallea wltb ulna from Portland and Eastern polnu. .' CABiteois diners. .' Good aCCtiBOdatiois altiz tie road. .' First-class Coacies aid Horses isexl. . Eiiress matter hulled win siieial care. HTAOE OFriCBS; M. Michel i'Cn,' Htore, I'rlnevllle. Umatilla nouic, Xbe Bailee. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Heatn, of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhoea in her children will undoubtedly be of interest to many mothers. She says: "I spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great flood, on account of my husband being employed there. We had several chil uren with us, two ot whom took the diarrheca very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrbiua Remedy from Htsv. Mr. Chap man. it cured both of them. I knew of several cases whero it wsm equally successful. I think it cannot be excelled anu ciieerlully recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Ulakelev & If i - - riougmon, wruggisis. 1m, Tyati Valley Holler Flour Mill. J. F. FORD, Evaielist, 01 brti Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol March 23, 18W: fi. B. Med. Mkg. Co., Duftir, Oregon. GenlUmen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our Anderson struck a i tue gin, eignt ana one-nan years om, ' wno nau waHteu away to oo pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. H. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your H. IS. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. fe'o give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are Yours, Mn. & Mrs. J. F. Ford. If you Winn to feel freh and cheerful, aud readj (or the SprltiB'H work, clenntc your Hvitem with the Ifeudache and I.lver Cure, by Ukinc two or three dote each week. flJlIW&CI) YOOfi liTTEJITIOfl Is oalled to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glaaa, lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrie the Flaeat Liae of PictureMouIdings To be foaml in the City. 72 CUashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIRST STBBjET. FACTORY "NO. 105. iOTrj. A t C of the Beat Brands VX VJ xxXLO manufactured, and orderu from all parte) of the country filled on tho shortest notice. HORSES HOUSES! J. S. COOPER, Corner Darn, UNION STOCK YARDS, Chicago, JIU. The largest and only strictly commission dealor in horeeei the world, will hold his 7th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893. on WBD1TBSDAY, SEPT. i Entries should b made at onee. HORSES HORSJ M7llAw3u "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Cliiii-OiilSiiltiii Is in complete repair: always in store flour equal to the best. Also old style coarse and line Graham flour, mill feed, . M. McCohklk, Propr. etc. til. 11.3m Kadoraed by the I'rea. . In thin ikeptical axe ttattment raade beore Ming credited are Knrally Inquired Into. Pw ale are always Jound (ne otie taldj on the tide whero their interet lift, in view ol thelau aauied truth an indorsement from one who 1 aot iiitereated rhould tool double value, henco uic luiKwiiig jraiiK iiaiement tnouul be read with interest: Ukjitlembn: Thin in to certify that 1 have uaed Krauke'B Headache Caimule with iathfur. tory remit U. I bought a box which cotinejr rents and one captule cured me ol dreadful fcCk headache. My wife and in)elf have both und the medlciuea manufactured by the Norman UchtyMf'K Co. aud we recommend them to the publican being Juit what they are repretented, Ueipectlully, W. J, HUTCIII.NtO.V, Kd. (iazette, I'leatant Hill, Mo. Shlloli'i, cure, the Great Cough and Croup dure, is or sale by Snipe it Kin arajy. Poekot sizo contains twenty-live 4aaea, only Kc, Children love it. gold TPaiVKinersly, I V aaW JbbWbI Sold under a potltive guarantee. Ui centa per bottle by all druKgitlt. W. E. GARRETSON. Leading Jeweler HULK AGENT MB TIIK The reputation of THE DALLES OI- UAK lias become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. W. P. WINBHAN. WM, MAKDKKN. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I an Heeuad Ht.. The llallea, Or. .A.IVPable Laxative and NBitVU 'IONIC com "7 wruggiataor tent by mall, a&c, toe . and ai.ni u.r nii.u. ti.JT aaTfl HA The- Favorite MOTI aviortno Teeth and UraaUt, Mo. rot bjr Nalyet Klaeraly. PHOTOGRAPHER Firat premium at the Wasco countr air for beat portraits and viewe. CliAR STORY, Art Teacher Room 3, Btttinyen Building, it 1(1 give Uuon Uondayi and Thuradaya of tc week, or olui.r II dlrtd, , ' " A. WESOLO, The RosTflN Taiioh East End Seeoad St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 tip. I'errect Fit Clnaranteed. The Snug. W, H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dallea Or. r Jlils well known atand, kept by the wen Known w. it. iiutta, long a real dent of Wasco county, iiaa an extraordi nary line stock of Sheep Herder's Delist tod Irish Disiirbate In fact, all the leading brands of fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come again at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ratti MICHELUAGII 1JRICK, - - UNION 8T. MINHNS "UK NBWTOWK haabwn . r .1..... ...i.i. rijiui jiijuu iivvii nun mr ' and pure water.wlth ahado ilattcd mi tho old camiieround. at the Koran and nrKC.biuhtly lota. broad Htreubmud ulliivn. immmI mil in lrolillon, iwfculdrfilimirc.dcliulitfill mountain (diseman & Warders, Saloon ami fine How The Dalles, - Oregon. Climate, the central attraction it it mountain Minimi-i- i-ranrt fur all (ireunu. tieltiK the nearvat town to Alt. Hood. It Ik iiiipnriillcleu aa u manilfactiiriiiR center, being the natural center for 1) Minnre iiillea of tho beat cedar ami fir timber. IMWleanllll! IIiIIIIoiin of linrMvimuiir In lu iluulilnir utrvummiiid water- lallK.eajlly liameam'd. Whero cheap inotivo imwcr exlata, there lt'"DnLl Uetorlea will center, surrounded by aoll and climate that cannot bo eicw"J iijnuiic iur irinv nun HKWHIIllirc, aim Willi irallM)riatlOll Hireii'ij "--1 Jim mu nun inn me piuee m rtiuKe ieneut nome or a payniK c . i H oeo me on me cx-uuur address me at Hood RiV Wasoo County, Oregon. TITIiE PERFECT W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pine Work. Tin Repairs and BOOM MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSTJBE ataVNorthweat earner of Second and Court atrueta. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young A Blacksmith Shop.