17 V. 1 16SWB' sse it i1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered ftt the I'oUofflcc at The Pallw, Oregon, as second-class matter. TT1K 1IA1.1.KN OKKODN THE TWO STAIES. OKKOON. A Rosebnrg evaporator lias dried S50 toim of plums. Free Mctnodists liavc bsnmn u three weeks' campmeetiiiKnt Fuirmount, Lime county. Wm. Ward found a nuKget weichhn; $1-32 at Susunville in the Kik creek min ing country. It is said that working time in the Lti Grande shop" will soon be teduiTil to four days a week. 3Iell Dustin, wi o eriminally assaulted Lizzie Green near Hamilton last week, is in jail in default of S00 bail. Lieut. Chas. E. kelson, of Co. A. was bhot in the hack ut the sham battle at Camp Compfon Saturday. Luckily the wound is not fierioue. A blank cartridge exploding was the eutiFe. Lust Monday George Fitzgerald, of Oluey, sent an employe, Frank Robert?, into Astoria to purchase provisions. Huberts was a thoroughly trustworthy man, and when he set out on bis journey he had ?rU in cold in 1N pocket. Yes terday morning his dead body was found by the Oiney school teacher, lying by the side of the road with his head terri bly battered and cut. It is believed that the murder was committed by a young German who had been seen sev eral times- with Roberts. WASHINGTON. V'alla Walla is shipping second-crop strawberries into .Spokane. A band of l.100 eheeti in the Tietan i made a sudden ru?h for the shade, according to the story of a herder, and encountered two fallen logs which lay in the form of a V. Those in front were, crowded forward in spite of themselves and 4GG smothered to death. An old man named Fletcher, living west of Vancouver, wan driving into town jxterday afternoon, when hi liorse mil away r.iid threw him violently .--against" an electric light pole, breaking a anmiber of his ribs. The injured man vas taken into an adjoining house, but was past medical aid and died a few hours afterwards. Tiie first successful ascent of the north 3loie of Mount St. Helens was made Wednesday last by a party from Tacoma, .-including Fred I'luuiuier, A. C. Car penter and Leshi, an Indian. Tho trip -..waa filled with many dangers and difti eultfe?. The craters on the mountain -were explored. The party was out ten days. St. Helens is an active volcano, and p. distinct earthquake was felt. Emloried !' the l're. In tbH -skeptical age statements made, before beluK emitted arc generally inquired into. Peo ple are always found (some one said) on the side where their interest lie. In view of the last named truth an indorsement from one who is not interested Fhould be of doable value, hence the following fnnk statement should be read with intere-t: (iCBTtCMES- Tills i tn certify that I have used Kraut's Headache Cap-ales with satisfac tory results. I bousht a box which costmeio cents and one capsule eared me of dreadful sick headache. My wife and myself have both u-ed the medicines manufactured by the Norman Uehty Mf'K Co. and we retomniend them to the public as being just what they are represented, lle.-peetfully, W. J. Ill'TCIllNSON, lid. Gazette, Pleasant Hill, Ho. Mr. Thomas Ilatte, editor of the Graphic, Texurkana, Arkansas, has found what he believes to bu the best remedv in existence for the flux. His experience is well worth remembering. He says: "Last summer I had a very eevere attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhtea Remedy was recommended to me. 1 purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine- and was entirely cured. 1 take pleasure in recommending this remedy to any person suffering with such a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Hlukeloy & Houghton, Druggists. 1m. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam, of McKeoaport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrluca in her children will undoubtedly bo of interest to many mothers. She says : "I spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa,, after the great Howl, on account of my husband being employed there. Wo had several chil dren with us, two ot whom took the diarrhoea very badly. I got eomo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Reined v from Rev. Mr. Chap man. It cured both of them. I know of several cases whore- it was equally successful. I think it cannot he excelled and cheerfully recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for salo by lllukeloy & Houghton, Druggist;. lm. Kpuvliiie'n Vuhuh. 8. 11. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., vb troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, Ins Btoinach wiih disordered, his liver was allectcd to an alarming degree, up potito fell away, and ho was terribly re duced in flesh and strength. Three bot tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shophord, Harrisburg, 111., Lad n running gore on hio leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes of Bucklon'H Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Kpeakor, Cata waba, 0., had flvo largo fever sores on his leg, doctors said ho was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinerely. Wood! Wood I Wood! Best quality fir, oak and slab wood, lxjnvo orders" at 1315 Second street or comer Third and Union. All orders promptlv attended to. Maiki: & I'lINTON. IVflDII, WOOD, WOOI1. Host grades of oak, llr, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Oillce Second and Jeffer son streets.) PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco county air for best portraits and views. , LOOK OUT H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. . . . Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Fa Uses, etc., etc. UOR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. TIIE DALLES, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Tli VnrriiKiitv' IStillillnj; lii'xl loir In (.Hurt llolMti. - j Handsomely Fnrnishcd Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. piesh Paint T MeaS Prepared by a First Class English Cook. W. V. iIimiei'.t hoicby oiuK I HI;, compliment toeery frlciul , Ami enemv if lie hn any ! He they few or be they many. I The time Tor painting now hn come. Ami everv one desire n home Tlint looks fresh and clean mid new. As none hut a Rood painter can do. ' Painting, paperlnc anil plmlng, to-. Will make our old liouv" look quite now 1 He will take voitr work cither way, ! ISy the job oi by the day. If vou have work Rive linn a rail, 1 Ho"'ll take ynur onler, large or mnll lcs cctfully, W. C. GILBERT, V. O. Ilox Xo. TFIJi DALLES. Oil. TRANSIENT PATRON AG-E SOLICITED. Rood Sum pic Rooms for Commercial Men. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicje for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. on 5 UeeKly ropiel j AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. ' ! -Hv Hjieel.il iirrmiseMiiMil'. w Itli tlio pulillsluirs of oin- of the het Miimulncn now uilii,lft. ; we are oiiiilileil In make a ni.-sf i-M'i'ptlimal oiler to send McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OKTE YEA Job ' to everyone wli nil- mi' t!n i t!'. . t'l.iuk form, mid KCiidllig it v u, theruby "iibnerllilng ( The Dalles Daily Chronicle i 12 PIONTHG AT GO CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND I3CND IT TO US. MRS. 23l. jEPEL-SEIH., Propriotbi. The Fifth Annual or Tin.- O. MACK j FIJlE WlHEg and LIQUOR DOMESTIC Ano KEY Vy E S T CIGARS. THE CEL EBR ATE O PADST BEER FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 .SECOND STIIKKT. T1IK DAI.LKS, f)U. kriou tura I'D 10 u s WILL liP. HKI.n AT THE DJUiIiES, OKECOH 1 PnMisJiartt CllRO.iYIC.Ll':. I The. Drdlcs. Or.: t ) on will please scud to inij addrass he DA ID" C.I 1. 1 0X1 CLE for IfS moii His from dale, for which j a$ru lo pai 00 els. a nvonlh. il hern Li understood Ihd'f ioii- tore lo 'hu-ve sun t lo mil address for I year, without extra ohare, j)loC LFUIC'S M.'lC.-iAIXE, conimeneing with- the e.arre.nl number. ,"a,me, .'Id.dress p Dale. CALL AT OUR OFFICE mill iv the eiitertnlnlllK itiul tliiely tlliistniti'il McCLUlE'S M AG AZ1 NT- October loth, 1893, r'ontinuiug five days. A J. o MACK, Secretary. MCALLISTER, l'rcsiilcut. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. From TEflWINJUi or INTERIOR Points THE lieri nci P i :kham & ROBERTSON l'roprlotorvi Coriu'r of Fourth tind I'V(kr:ii Stn., Thi' Dsilk'.i. Oropm. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Uigs,' closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, ciia furnish I'iret CIiih iiminmioilution.'i to tuaiiiriicrti with frdtfhc or tlrivinf; teams, having milled to their .stubk'H larjjc feeding und waou room. Commercial Patronap Solicited. tlie mint fiiiiiiuiM nutliiiiN iii Niiuli writers an the Inllnwliii; 'I'lmiima I lard v, .1. T. Trowhriilc, .Iimoiiio It. .(orouu), Kraiiri-'H llod.on llurni'tt, Theodoro liooHt'Vt'lt , .Joii(iiin .Miller. UHhurt I'arker, .Inhii Hurioituhh, Camile I'luiiiiniii'ion, I.illie Chawi! Wyimui. Ilarriet I'rescott SpoU'ord, Mdwitrd ICverett 1 Iain, Lou'iHO Cliaudlur Moulton, Aiin.'tlea mill I.ncliuul, IniiiiJIiii Iliunlin (iarland, Prof. K. S. Iluldi'ii, I'rof. O. A. Yniin, II.. II. Iloyofon, Hohurt ISarr. rionrv M. Stanley, rcliihald InirheH, Atidreiv Lnnu, Sarah Onii' .lewutt Iir. .1. S. r.;ilinB, V. K. Honley. Caiit. t'liiirlen K iii TheDail.es wlueli Inih iimniiK lt riMitrllmtui It. L. Sti'vi.'iib'oii, Itudyaid Iviplin', A. Cotiati Doyle. Octave Tliuiii't. William Dean Ihn ltiet Ilarte, Clark IttisMill, .lool Ohandler llarrin, Airs. Itoht. Louis Stoveni'iiii F. .Marion Crawford, Margaret Di.'Iatid, llerhert 1). Ward, Kli.alieth Stuart l'ltelp-. Knoll unrulier of MoCLUHE'S MAGAZINE eniitnliix two Iminlmime! lllUKirntiil interyiowt Willi Midi llUlllllIn (n'Ople lis .hileii Verne, Archdeacon l'arntr, AlplioiiHe nnttdet. FruneeH lIodt-on Ihirnett, TIiiiiuuh A. ImIIhoii, Camih; Flammarion, 'I'iasaudiur, tlie fumotiH F. llopkiiiHon Smith, lidward Kvurutt Hale, Fruuuh ItitllooniKt, II. II. Iloycriuii, I'rof. Graluim Hull. anil iniiiiy other.", Imve (uruliluil mnterlnl for eirt-'inll' luoimred iutervluun which will hiii'.mi 1 1 1 1 1 y llliiKtrateil In thb liniulne Knell imniber ctmtnlnn two or threo Hhnrt nturleti by (umoiix nuthort. I'll 1 ly lllimtnited Ktorlen .till niiiienr In early liliiiiliorri by William l5ean UowoUh, It. L. StovmiHon, I'.ret llarte, Sarah Omu Jowott, llarrift l'reMeott Siiollbrd, Octave Tlmuet, Framx'H IIodgHon Uuriiett, Stanley. 1. Weymiui Thomtifl Hardy, ltudyard Iviplini;, .lourChaudlei' llarrin, 1 Conan Doyle, IIIJNKY tvl STANLUY Wasco County. Oregon. RKILROKD U the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND S00T11. It Is the Dining Car Koiite. It runs Through vcxtlbulctl Trains every day In the yr to pt. paul and dhieap (NO CHA.NdE OK OAK8.J CompOMvl Ol IJiiiintr Cars uniiiirnMii.ul. Pull man J)rwiiiK UcxjinHieeiK'raof lttteulpineiit. TOUIUST SLEEl'lNd m liest that nan lio cnnilnifl.,! .,,,1 i., ccomm.Mlatlonii are both Free anil KurnUhwJ lor noiuvrnoi riruaim Sucoiia-cUM'Iicketij.aiKl ELEGAMT BAY COACHES A coullnuouH line, cotuiocUnt; with alt line nflwliiu; illreet una uuliiterruptul ervice. I'ullman Hleejier reservatlonH can be tiecurul in aiJvuuco through any agent ol the roail, THROUGH TICKETS !;!!?." Kuropo can bo purchaiiert t any ticket office oltbo company Full Information concernlntf ratw, time m truliiK, routes and other UetalU luruiihul on application to W. C. ALL AWAY, Agent I). V.St A. Nav. Co,, Keisulator oOlce, Th Jialled, Or.ior . A. I). OIIAltlTON, Am I. General i-iufcenger At., i'ortUnd, )u, The Onto City of the Jnl.iml Empire is situated ut the head of navigation on tlio Middle Columbia, and ia a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It h the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching u: far south as Summer Lake, a distance. of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grnzing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of slieup, tlie wool from which finds market here. The Dulles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, nbout 5,000,000 pounds lieing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in the near future. The products of the lxjautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country soutli nnd east has this year filled tlio warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its monoy is scattered over nnd is being used to develop more funning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its. situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable.' Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she atiiida. Tl DALLES CHRONICLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE OmamCLK was ostabliKhtKl for the ox- press purpose of faithfully representing Tlie Dallon and the surrounding country, and tlio satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparont. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and othor re gions north of The Dalles, honce it is the host medium for advortisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Ciikoniulh is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Wrkkly Ciiuonmcw-: on Fridays of each week at $1 .50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., will enulrllmtu, vxpwlally lm yiiiiii ivmlura, n thrilling!) lntt.TuthiK Hturynf Alnnin AtlviMiturc. NATURAL IIISTOltY AND A DVKNTt'KH. ! Tlioro will lo Fcvernl ortlolt.' u ritt.'ii liy Haymnnd ninihuinyt, wlu I1111 l;cn n'.llnl hy Mr IV. T Htoiul the host Iriti'rvluwor In KiikIiuhI, Irum uiiituriiil luriiiiliiil him liy Kuri Hugnitbnuk, vtlltw I burs, tlit'itroat tmlmiil Imjiortcr mill trnluiT I'Iium' urtli'liw ileal with J The Capture of Wild JIuuhIh. The Transportation of Wild I'iciihIh. ' rrl... ri.u., ,,f l,,,,..tj Tl... A iti'j.nt,,.-..u iiml lt'o..,, tutu .if l.ptifl 1 lt......Kiwl llli; J lilllllli Jl Mill I'tunin, ..iv ..... , v ...i.. ...... . ..3,... ... i,nhviiiFw.. Ti.,, ...ill .u, lltiitr,it.Hl liv tin Ctii'fish iirtiMf iif iii'kiuitt hil'Til Kklll III ilriuvfiiL- wllil itnlmiU John llur.miuniis. c. I". Iloi.i)i:it, in:. (;. c. Aiiiiutt, ami utliur wrltcn lanuniH fur tlair work in tills Hold, will contribute to tlie cmp"lti". Of Interest to both Yoimn and Old will bo J'KOF. A'. L. OAlJXKU'S AFUICAN EXPHDITJON' 'I'O TJIE GORILLAS. Arrani;i.'iiiciitH liavn houu mailc, in cotiiiL-etlnii with u K'iiiIIiik KiikIIhIi iuvIi'w, to pnlilMi l'rol. (iariicr'n Ictturs ilocrlptlvo of IiIh prvvilt i'.iiirilltlim In Africa, I'rof. (iarnur Ih miti'il tin1 worM over fur the ciirlotm ami Intcrcstlm; liivcitluallnnx ho In iiiaklnir in the kpcucIi of inimkcyH Ik Milliil for Africa hitt SeiitiMiibcr for tlicvikcof furtlicr jilirnillnc lilt htuillL'.s In tin native hmilitJiol is fforillu. I nu musirailoiiH lor uicm; iiriieic.' will ne ironi piiDiocraiiiiH iai:i'ii ny rrui uiinier Tlie niuKazliif iilsii (.'ontalns mont inturcHtliiK artlclCH umler the followliiK comiireheniite luwln " The Kde of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." "NewcHt Ivnowledjre." " Thu Precunt flour." " Strungor than Fiction," utc. Wrjuro olleriiiK this Mplciiillil miiKiulim with the 1au.v Ciiiidnicm: for only IJ.tl a year, jwjriW in ailvanco or In monthly lnautlliiient n ileniu-il, Wis Miakii thlH cM'untlonal oiler III order that we may K'enre n lame tuiniher of new MiliMTlbw, but all who are already nuhocrltwrH rimy avail themselves of this opportunity to nfcurt thin sr' magazine. Kill up the blank und neml It in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thin well-known Ilrowory Ih now turning out the boHt lleor nnd J'ortei cant of the Cuncaden. Thu lutcat upjilianceH for the nianufacturo of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firHt-cluuR article will lo plucedo the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Complete and the LuteHt. Piitternn and DosijiiiH in ..... J-...1 Ikf.. I IX mm ..... 1 mlM w i-iuuHCMi j-awuerH mm niper imiiKnrfl. Kone liut the Dent liruntiH ui wi-fihorwm-Wi lhwiiH und J. W. MiiHiiry'n Pulntu iiHed in nil .iur work, mid nouoWJ' the nioHt skilled workmen employed. AutiutH for Miwi.ry I,l(itid J'nlntH. uiiumiciti uommimuon or eoaj) mixture. A Unit cIiihh nrtiolo In nil eoioiH. orderfi jiromjitly uttended to. Paint Shoo corner Thirdnnil Washington Stn,, Tim Pallus. 0re"0t JNfeu; Qolumbia Jotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House IfnH Intely been thoroughly renovated and nowly furnlnhed throuKhont, und Ih now better than ever prejmred to fnrulHh tho huHt HoM ueeommodutlouu of any Iioiihu in the city, and at the very low rnte of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25o- Ollico of tho fitHt nnd eoiuutodioiiH oppoHltlon Stag1 lo Dufur, KlnijHley,, Tyj?h Valley, WuliiHIi Wnrm Spring nnd Prlnevlllo in in the lfotol nd purHoiiH golnj; to l'rlnovlllo con ve .0 hy Koiin; on thiu KtuK Hue. All trains stop here.