The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 21, 1893, Image 3

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    .-Tjft. I 1 I lS&J TTT II I I HoTi 1 1 loTT IT ?
jffl iL r m m f,erce f,8t f,qht
Men's Summer Suits
For Only
$10.00 Suits,
$12.00 Suits,
$14.00 Suits, '
$15.00 Suits,
$16.00 Suits,
,i. All goods Marked t
7 in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
(ttmil h tliu I'DHtnllli'c ut The Dalles, Oregon,
itn ni'iuul chum mutter.
I .1 A .1 hI lal.iw.
.......I .... . .- m-...m.
MOuts r line lor !lrnt lunurlloit, and f. Cent
irllue lor inch nu!iriUi'iit limurtlim.
Special ntti'A lor Iimik time nntlrcK.
All lixV. uiitk'i'" received UiU'T than :i ti'ulook
flllPK' tin- liillimiiiK ly.
Wrullixr Furm:aal.
0kuil jOTKatt far tivtntv-Jour hour emlino at
C p, in. tomorrow
Mouiluy and Tuemlay fair und Hlightly
wanner. " I'auuk.
Ilarotuoter, liil.81.
Miixiiinitii temperature, Hi!.
Minimum temperature, Ml.
Hivor, M.7 itsut alxive zero.
Wind, Houthwetit.
MONDAY, AUG. 21, 1803
TV Ihult and Weekly Chronicle may
Wwnif ot tale at 1, ('. Nickelscn't More,
Sniia I",., l,,k(..l ltv rxrHlHtmil IMiriiu
ti'ln r.i'piirt.TK., (mil the world IiiukIih with vm.
W' rp, llllll vim .v.nliu.
I't.rtlu.rrmvil that Hta, wlill.. the hmid iiran
When tin' hut i- )ia-i il hus Hiihii.
Travel ih itifrutiBtiiK nightly,
SnckH uro n-arce tilxitit ArlhiKlun
that a mini bur of thretdierH arc idle.
Tlit." MrookliutiHU cane in in prop-eon
thiH afternoon befoio .limticu .Sehutz.
Tramps complain tlmt timet) mo ho
hard now that they must cither yo to
work or Htnrvc.
IIoIioh are u warco article in Tim
Itolk'H. They have an antipathy to
orkiiiK tlioHtreotH.
l'rinovillc is to have a biiHo ball tour
nament. .Several i:llll)H havo r!illilll!(l
Wr intention to bo preHont.
la IWtland when one viwitu a bank
wVwiiiphh iiiHtead of tiHkiiitf tin,
fMwi,,V" the inquiry iH Ie the an
"ww around?"
J'articH who have returned from The
,aMeH t!l.v "lotU two-thirdH of the wool
'at wiih Htored tliure Iiiih been Hbipiwd.
tfiOIlt-1 1 ,, (,n,ut..iitl, .,1 il l,u I..
n)lil.(),-hco Itovimv.
Tli l!t'i!iilator is doini; a thriving
jWt.'iiKcr bumncHu now. It not only
beats tin. m'm Ht ni-t i tij frotii here in the
,m,rnu to Portland, but iuiiuhIioh a
vtly more pluamtrablo ride.
I'nvtlfH toiulnj; from the mountaiiiH
"'lorin tho Urant County Nuwh that the
""'"P up there are ho fat that they cun
aiuiOHt lie trneked by tho gromo, and
'"t the UneHt piiHture in the work! can
'"'Hid in abundunue. A bettor time
is w)iuii,K (0r our Hil0,n U(t,)r tj10
h "who ih over,
An annular coIIjiho of the huh will oe-
0l!,,oU(r th, 1803, the pathK of the
'imlHbeInKiuthol'ui!lfic ocean, mid
"luiii.K through Lima wml J'oru. It
"lJiCHrM u partial uelipau to the
lorn ''"Ivoh of North und South
amwIco. It will begin in Tho Dallea at
in., ami will continue till 12 :45
in!!".1?.1?.' Mootl' u,ul l)ttrty of young
anil u . V, Utnrdny n,Kl't (or the country,
"llowwiilnghoinBlMt night, mot
J" f ii accident. Mr. Moody 'h honiea
21, " tlUll'0l toMr' Mood'n spring
b Mi wlienubout tho topof O-Mllo
hill the horHCH took fright und ran down
the hill and coald not be checked. The
wagon wan overturned, and by reaHon of
! the hanler pulling the horneH Htopped of
their own accord when reaching the
bottom of the hill. Neither the borHCH
nor the gentlemen were harmed, but the
wutfon iH wrecked.
.lumen Grille, 11. .1. O'Conner and
Thou. McCoy were each fined $10 and
contH by JtiHtice Schutz. Thts fines were
paid, but the county will have to whin
tie for the coHtH.
Mm. V.. '. HobertH ent to the Oregon
department of the world'R fair n box of
peach plmiiF, and word came back Sat
urday, that they were the fincHt lot of
fruit of the kind they ever huw, und
MrH. HobertH came in for u fair share of
praiHO for the fruit having been raised
by an Oregon woman.
A Chinawoman wiim arreHted thin
morning at the iriHtance of u barber a
tdiort diHtaiice up the roud. Since he
haN withdrawn the suit, deNiring !per
hapH, to guard bin reputation, we will
not mention bin name. It t-eemH that
while he wan in her room lnut night Hhe
almtructed fll! out of bin pantf, and he
had her pulled for petty larceny.
llollliict'r'M !( Ikldii.
l'onri.A.sti, Or., AugUBt Ul. Special. 1
.ludge liollinger thin morning handed
down bin dec'iHion in regard to the for
feited land grantf of tho 0. & C, decul
itig that the landn in (mention, known ay
tliti (Juadraut chimin, bo rentored to the
government domain. It will be ap
pealed to the nupreine court of the
United State.
Nw 1'rimi Mi. Itllil.i-li' .
Mr. Cieo. Ulakeley, in a private letter
from Chicago, given considerable news
which we are kindly permitted to pub
linh. lie ntaten that the weather hun
been uniformly pleanant and that the
warment night ninco he left was the lirnt
one out from Cortland. At the banquet
of the American Pharmaceutical Anno
elation, there were -100 gucntn present.
In point of numbcm, ho wiyn, they bea
uh, otlierwlne they did not compare with
our moetiugri in Salem and I'oitland,
and are not. in it with tho "wild and
woolly went." Prof. Patch was elected
prenidunt at tho Chicago meeting. He
expectH to Htart for homo today or to
morrow, and honda regardn to friendn.
J.lkml ll.e I'cut'li I'luinn.
Mr. .1. A. McDonald, of the Uarlo Kmit
company, nent a box of neacb nlumn to a
Chicago lady, from Mr. G. A. VaiiAnda,
tmporintondent of tho Columbia Kiver
Fruit Co. That Hho wan delighted with
thorn may Ihi inforrod from her entlm
siaHtle aeknowledgomont :
ClIlUAOU. Amr. 11. 180.1.
Dkak Slit -TllM ln-
yesterday all 0. K.. not u 1...H
thorn. They are vory much admired.
J nut Home mi !li. ..11.. i
everybody thought they were grand. It
u,7 " -o ni'OBucn h mi oi line fruit
and have all one wautn to eat. We think
seriously of Mtartlng a fruit farm If wo
could bo annum! of hucIi nice fruit hi
that anil could have more money than
now, for 1 tell you those plume were
mighty good.
Attention, Kullrund Mnut
1 wan very bllioiiB, occasionally having
a dumb chill, followed by fevers, which
proHtrated me. 1 took Blnunonn Liver
Kegulator, and am a well man,
"A. II. Hkuitowku,
Conductor 0. 11. ., Ga."
Mexican Silver Stove Pollnh cttusee
no dust.
A. .1. Splawn of Seattle in in the city.
Lawrence Nolan left for Portland thiB
Kxaminer Stauge returned from Port
land lant evening.
Taylor Hill, a ntockman of Prineville,
came in thin morning.
Mr. H. E. Ilaworth returned to his
home in Portland thin morning.
Senator Henry Blackmun of Heppner
in regintered ut the Umutilla house.
Mrn. Fen ton of Rockland, Wash., left
for Portland thie morning by Bteamer
Mr. and Mm. JaB. Coventon and Mrs.
Kten and familv, left thin morning for
Trout lake.
Mrn. Jan. M. Huntington and family
returned from Sacramento, Calif., where
they have been visiting friendn.
Mm. 1). E. Thompson of Los Angeles,
Calif, arrived thin morning and in the
guest of her son, A. It. Thompson.
News from Walter French ie of the
most encouraging kind, and the parents
have no doubt that he will permanently
Hon. W. II. Wilson and family re
turned yesterday morning from an ex
tended Visit with relatives, also at the
world's fair.
Mrs. Jos. liuezloy and Mrs. J. H.
Phirman departed for Portland this
morning for a nliort sojourn in that city
Mm. Phirman will meet her cousin
there, Miss Edith Stanley, of Petaluma,
norm, a it it iv .M.S.
Columbia II. M. Pratt, John Totton,
Joicph Ptiser, .1 W Inian, Ed Dunn,
Hood Piver; John Newberg, Mosier;
.Max Katy, Max Pick, Tacoma; Mr
HobertH and wife, Mm Lycan, P L
Smith, C 15 Smith and wife, J S ISean
near, Portland; W T Jebe, Fulda: M
Mclvinncy, E Anderson, A Erickson,
Seattle: J Vanburger, J S Heapers,
A Sriihi.It'SM K'oit.
A Homeless report wan started Satur
day that the First National bank of this
city was to pay depositors 23 cents on
the dollar the first ot the year. There
port K'areely deserves mention, but since
evil tidings spread swiftly, it in well to
nip it in the bud. Certificates of deposit
granted by this bank aio worth par
value today, and are just as good as
greenbacks as a medium of exchange.
Depositors will not lose a single cent,
and those who extended their time on
them will get face value and interest bo
sides. Furthermore, the suspended
First National bank of this city, is likely
to lie the first in Oregon to open its
doors for the transaction of business
Ul.MOUKll llif t'tltllUlllull.
Young Vardie McFarland, son of E.
It. McFarland, tho Portland banker,
performed a heroic deed a few days ago
by saving the life of tho 8-year-old son
of W. H. MeKenirto. The hove were on
the fishing rocks below the willows, at
Long JJeach, and slipped ofl'
into a deep hole and was not missed un
til ho came to the surface for tho lust
time. As he went down, McFarland
dove after him, and uftor'u hard struggle
succeeded in getting him out more dead
than alive. Help was called, and Mc, who was unconscious and black
in tho face, was resuscitated after nearly
half uu hour's work. McFarland is a
quiet young man, us modest as he is
brave, und drowning in tho surf would
be unknown If alleged experts who Uiko
inexperienced bathers beyond their
depth were as cool-heuded an ho proved
himself in a trying moment. Oregonian.
Fur Kent.
Booms to rout at Rev. A. Horn's resi
dence ou Niuth etteot. (i-L'::duw.
Frank llratnr round Fred .Tonlyii lnti
1 nftiMllllity.
A sanguinary fistic encounter occurred
Saturday evening at tho Umatilla house
corner. A horeo owned by Frank
Heater was bestrode by Fred Joslyn,
without perm'isfiion, and Heater, noon
after emerging from a saloon, ordered
him to dismount. Tho particH wero
more or less under the influence of
liquor, and tome sharp wordfl ensued,
leading to a blow delivered by Joslyn
upon the facial anatomy of Heater.
Heater wan hot, but he became hotter,
and proceeded to maul his antagonist
with great vigor. Joslyn's brother in
terfered to save him trom the fearful
thrashing, but a burly h.alf-brccd named
Teio interposed and kept him and a
half-dozen others from interfering.
Heater beat bis victim into a state of
unconsciousneHH, cutting his face up
terribly. So thoroughly was the animal
instincts aroused in him that ho became
temporarily mad, and for several min
utes, paced the sidewalk in an irregular
beat, brandishing his arms about his
nude body, his upper clothing having
been torn from him in the struggle.
The night was demoralizing in the ex
treme to the hundreds who had congre
gated, but no one cared to try to quiet
him in bis maddened condition. About
a quarter of an hour after the commence
ment of the light, Marshal Maloney took
him in charge, and gave him a chance
to cool gradually. He was not arrested,
all witneeses agreeing that ho was first
assaulted, and this will end the case, as
far as legal formalities are concerned.
Driven Out of Selma., Cal., Aug. 19. About 11
o'clock last night an unarmed body of
laboring men waited on the Chinese
restaurants in town and deported the
proprietors, sending them out of town
quietly, using no violence whatever, and
today their places of business are closed.
This action was not taken until one day
after the time specified in the notice
given tbein to close by the anti-Chinese
league. The Chinamen made no effort
to suspend business and excitement was
running high. They made no resistance
when the last moment came. The
waBhhousea are preparing to clote by
September 1.
"A Hack Number."
ThiE is the slighting remark that is
applied to women who try to seem
young, though they no longer look so.
Sometimes appearances are deceitful.
Female weakness, functional troubles,
displacements and irregularities will add
fifteen years to a woman's looks. These
troubles are removed by the uee of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Try this
remedy, all you whose beauty and fresh
ness is fading from such causee, and no
longer figure in society as a "back
number." It's guaranteed to give satis
faction in every case, or money paid for
it returned. "See guarantee on bottle
Mr. J. C. Hoswell, one of the best
known and most respected citizens of
Hrownwood, Texas, suffered with diar
rhea for a long time and tried many
different remedies without benefit, until
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhcea Heniedy was ued; that re
lieved him at once. Forsaleby Pdakeley
it Houghton, Druggists. lm.
(JKNTI.KMKN,- I (Mil MlllJvCt to )K.TlO!lCl!l llttllCks
of bifk liwiiliiolio of tlit; worM poIble tyve, mid
eommoiKTd tiiklMK Kihum;' Iliwiuche ,'nMile
lust Mimmer. Tliey cine it in every Instance,
nnU (.luce tUnt time 1 inn onjoyftii; Milemild
health uni) havo Kiilned ten jiotiuils in veiht.
y.iurs ery truly.
K. M. 1A.V1KI.S,
Coiw Ih, Jowu.
r..;il Kstiltf.
John Prall to Tho.?. Huteson, 100
acres with improvements in section 21),
tp 1 south range 15 east, W. M. ; ?2,000.
Karl's Clover Hoot, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cure- constipation.
25e.,&0c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes &
Kinemly, druggists.
Ill this citv, on the evening of the
19th, to the wife of Mr. Hugh McCully,
of Albina, a daughter.
Il.iiirit imil Itooni fur I'uoils.
Two furnished rooms to let witn
board for pupils. Inquire at this ofiice.
Ask votir dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
J ho (Jrrat Knglltli lleinody.
rmnijitly rind permanently
curcB nil forms of Rtrvo us
tVcaiineu,i:mUstons, Sperm'
atorrhi a, Impotcncy and all
tlYn ticfAbuia or Excesses,
13ccii jironcrlbcd out 115
.ycarulu t'aousaiuUof cases;
VefortaniAfttr. mtdMne kMMH. AsU
Urugglst'for Wood' Plioiuliodiuej if lio offer
tomb worthless jueUlcIno Inplaco of tliU, leavo uU
dtftiouesl ktore, incloee prlco la letter, and
wowlUcend ly returu mall, l'rlce, ouo package,
ftilx,f3. One will pteate,la will cur. I'amiih.
let 1 P'alu scaled envelope, S! cents postage.
A'Muf The Wood Chemical Co,,
yjl Woodward avenue, Detroit, JItcu.
Bold In The DhIIcb by .S:ilwii & Kinertly,
Hie Wright Seminary,
Tacoma, Wash.
Boarding and Day Sohool
for Girls.
Teuth Year Bogiiis September 14, 1893.
l'oi Catalogue ami Admittance, apply to
Mrs, Sarah K, White,
ti-ilillin Principal,
An Appeal
To the People of Wneco County and Vicinity:
Owing to tho recent Hank failure In this city,
wo are compelled to rainy n certain amount of
. monev within the next
60 DAYS.
Therefore, wo will give to all cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . flj Jlflllp PfylGE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount required MUST be raised in 6o days.
Cor, court and second Sts.
Tte Dalles, Oregon.
Siini ill mm Dry Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qepts' purr;i5l7ir;5 Qood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cask.
..Familiar Faces in a New Place
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jf?e Ieal Estate, loap, Irurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep States Land Ofiice.
85 Washington St. . THE DALLES, OR
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Socoad Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union St
J-lay, Graip, peed apd plotir,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Casla ip-nld for DEIg-is txxct l?oxiltiy.
All goods delivered free and Promptly.
A T '
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his home
produccMl "NVino ut prices in tho roach of ovoryhody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.