Dalles aSHbo mLhMkJBb tffR. 5f mv srv Chronicle. VI. THK DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1893. no. m. $ Dalies liaiiy wu-ouibib. tllK Dully, Hiiiiilny lixcopt!. us ,;0llONIOI'l': PUIILISlllNO CO. 4,1,1 WiiHliliinlO'l htrwt. , trill ,,r 4iil:riHii I'hu M (HI f) rlMV.T,MtI.HS iiillri"iil- InfJKtAlll'llttCi, 18WI. Ufl IlllUNI). ,. in. si i!inrin !i: II A, t. '"." ii. .tt s Mi M.,"lnl 'HID (or the ... ., Ill I. .1 I,. I. I It'll! I 1 11.1 t II 1 1 1 1 I IV ,1 1 . ii- ill I u ..Ji.. ltt.1 IK llllt'lt IV.'t.- HIIHJI l- ' nn.nr.iiw .... Kriiiic-iUl'', "A" "','v,' "Vl'ry ,,'1 01 .wi except s.iHl.1- " a M. OSittt' 11,11 " 1 ' v- FRENCH & CO.,1 BANKERS. 1'I(ANHA(!T a ik.ni:kai,iiankin HI.JHINK8H riUM I.HSIONAI.. Al' IIINI:V AT IiAW OlllL'l! H MI'llKl.i urcttbtrixi. ,u Dulles, OrrKim, jl tCrBB. fllAWK MKHKFICK. lyt'rii a t, ... , " I iiw ltoom. t.' mill -i:t, over runt jti DilJlBK, J:tltr.,-t- mi WiiclifiiKtoii Street fltDiilw.Urwm ... ..,tvi. irt"i,iin'i.'V IT.1 1 If Ml. i ' JJ , ii r, I i , , 1 H'luid n I., , , w- .1. li't't.' KIIIIIW IMIIIIIIIKi Ui MUim. me. m t,Utdi I r KOI l.l.lll'NTINUTON. II. fl. WILSON. MAid. HUSTINUTON A. WI ATTOIl- myi-aiuv Ulllriw, Kruiii'b'h block over .'Int.NitloutUUal. ' ' Hulled. OreKon. ii - . --- - - - wt. IJicll4lItr,rt'Xili. ul bunfJKON ( iilln inintvured momiitly, l-L. -I. - . . ....I . ... UipUIII DIOCl Wll 8 IJ. I), IK) A N K - I'HYMICIAN AND HUB- ilO.H. OUlru. rooiim & mid C Clmiimnli U ,.. I- . ... .1 t ...... hmnl,, A M ,.. ,i it 1 ii u I' M tIDD.U.l, IlKKTIhT (lllh ITIVCII lor tllU VUlitv, u.trii(!tlim ul Until. Ainu tivtl) niiiuiiiiiiiu iiiiuv. i.itiMiin; niKii in V ... t. .1... 1-oMorn of Ori'dlt iHHiiud uviiilnblo in ho j KmUtini StittoH. ( rii!it Kxt:hiuio iitul TolcKnijdiic ' IniiiHfoiHHoldon New York, Chicago, St. ' 1niin, Sun Fruiiciiico, IVjilland Oregon, ' Koattlo WiihIi.. and various jiointH in Or-1 ORon and WiiHliinKton. OollcctiotiH nmdo at idl jxiintH on fnv i orahln torniH. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. BILIOUSNESS "Who lias not Hiidon'd this misery caused Ijy bile in the stomach which an inactive or sluggish live r failed Jo carry oil'. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS ProHidimt - -Vlc.'-I'nidont, Oiitiljiur, 'A. F. Moody Chaki.i:h Hilton M. A. Moody General HniilchiK Husincss Transacted. Sight KxehiuiHUH Sold on NHW YORK. SAN KIIANC1SCO, CHICAGO I and J-OKTLAND, OR. ! CollfetiotiH inado on fuvnrublc- turn) a at all aue!HHible jhu'iUr. I ri. hcm-.KCK, 1'iL'rlUont II. M. IIKAM. CiLstilur. HH:iKTII'.!1. !'' 1AJ1IIII ,111 1 i ,A l .V - M . .MIWITM I Flff mi tl.l.. I VI I.... i al. n MlflM III M.l.1,.,1,. .Yt..i , . ' .' .r- , unit mu iiuiii tMiiii'xnuv inn itmtiTii iii " i I 1 Jt uifiiUN v.ooiimun or Tin: vimu. .Ml lho ( iimn Nu. Mints '1u.S(1hv..v..i1 ul I'unli wi.nl- In I. .14.. ii.. it OI.rMIHA UUHjE. NO. A. I.o. n p -i mory KrliJay tivrtiliiK tit 7;;t oVlm'L in r l . II Mil. roriiiT hiTOIIll Hill C.nirt ut-....iu .I'lmimr Uihi ii a ii.... II. 4k, IUIjIiHi. II, I ! 'i I IW I I I II I fllt.T. S If . vii.il IK (IV ..H III'IIH'K. Ill tl,l " " .......m,. . it.w IWIUHHIV HI' first Rational Bank. ,'HE DALLES, - liquid or powdir, v. Inch gives qiiiclc action to the livor' and carries ofl'tho bile by a mild move ment, of tho bowels. It, is no jiur gative or grijiing medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take -Simmons Liver Regulator. "I )mvi liccn a vlotlm to IIIUoumicsh foi yc.'iih, unci alter trying viirlous rc incrtles my only hticci'fis was In tlio nsii or Klin iiiimK : l.lvur ltCKiilulor, wlilcili nuvur lulled to relieve me. I hpciik not. or niVKcir, uloiic, lint my wliolulumlly."-.). Jt. i'lhlr man, Helnm, Ala. o-i:vi:itv i'.cKAGijua Hun our . Stamp In i, (ii Mratier. .1. 11. ZK1L1N 4, CO., Philadelphia, Ia. - OREGON A Genera! Ranking RutiineHH traiiHauti.'d DojioHitH received, Hiilijeet to .Sight Draft or Check. CollectioiiH made and protredH jiroin ptly I remitted on dar of collection. T. I M Kight and Tolegrnphic Exchnnge Hold on 1 E Mw ork, San I rancieco anil Port land. Dl KROTOK3. D. '. TllOMI'HON. Jno. S. Kchenck. El). M. Wii.i-ia.mh, Gko. A. Likhe. H. M. Bit ALL. TUtT Unlly i:vunlni; Clir'iiilele Is iecni;nl7.e4 1 il L. ii eiii-titliilly the home mjt:r for the lmlli'K illy J,i11.h' M f it r? This nut a hml ri',utiitli)i Simif n UVl H L'.IKIO of our hf-t eltlzeiiH watch the eeluiiins ol thiM n T V) 17 D (hilly for the Hplcii'tt lunil news. It 1 Ml UK Hlicceedl In clcniilus the llvhl, anil heiiro cns in tioiiiihirltv and ininartaiiee. Tnl:e It nwhlle. ! you who (hurt . try some of It jin-mlum oilers. CANDY FACTORY W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmitn & wagon snop Gmiurnl BlnekHmith'tng and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. ARTIC SODA WATEB AND ICE OKEAM. Candies and Nuts 'UiKV: Specialties TOIlACC'O, : : CK1AUH AM) : SWKET IIUI.NKN Finest Poanut Roaster In The Dalles J. FOLCO At rlRht hide Obiirr't rcktaurunL Honse Shoeing a Speciality TliM Street ODii.LicliG'solllStaui W. H. UllAM, (!. C. " Aunr.. ri. 111 it. 111111 m r.nni,i M). ,7. k. OK I.. -M.n ( k i r iimi tin, ki.m,.i i .,. .. - " ",., t ,,,u in U.NION Hi 11 iiv.tv Kri.i.... ..r ..." , iviiuiiiK iHllll. Allure itivldvl "-v.,. Jl,L'i;Ll,,L.rN r HI' 1, U ..4 i' aii uru iiiviii'ii. I . 1. It. f I'l.vfiir U.. Iniv,1- V":.'V'- ;, A. p. U. V JlwlM uwiiiiih ui. ;;ai, It. UANHKN. I'liiHimiur. .M. v. iSLW N.a-'. A. U.-Mect House Moving! Flic Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portlanfl anil Astoria Navigation Co. u. Meet, ,vriu, ,, ii.,, ufi.... ...... ... " in r. ii,. KJAK-i! , , . rinjs m vrt k. of I-;. " """"" . K h u .V'X'MHIN, No. 1(17 -MoutH In tM,j 11 (111! .. ... J'K oiiimoiucH. -i'ivr i iiiiiifni ti,... La,.i .... ii..,..... 1 1 hi i ii ... . . - v. - I n... III' 1 -(in nn Hiim.f. iiTitwiHlln r-n- u.. . i ii i. n ii 1 1 ' . i im tm nr Kiireumu " i 1 1 a i r 1 u'ii Ii,lrtiu.,,' l.t'iUlomv nt'u 1 u,ri.i...i. i iirii,i..i .1.1 kiiiiiuiiii i, ' IIIOU K.ivl,.r i.T'V ... .. J. , '..n .' L in in mo uiiiiri iioiim; lit 'u!'(l!l?(l i,i..., .. " " J i',,,.;.:."" 'iwflA i, (!ii iiii(!iii),,D w n ,M; mm 7 . i sU'r'M,'(!rvk;(M1viiry8iiiidiiyiitH ''""KorMoorilliAly invited. HmiIh free. 1 r StTul. . "I'V, ,1, YH INI.HII. l.llHtfir. lu,l") Ki-iiV,..! L..V)fj:1?.!l"li'r moinliiKiit u n, in. ill, t'tmlul hy liotii i.stor ami jioojilo tftHltV", U.".V' J' W. JKHKINH. C C,:t. ' .rV' 1,11 K III till) (;oil,!K'l!Htlllllli 1,, . .. A.Nfll, ,,. . . W Kmw . ..' ill 1.1 'IMIMII AV UI...I. ........ I-Mfliwi i.ff!K,?r' Hiirvlmw nl llilMii.ni U't Wig, 11 ,,!,jU I'11"' A COnllul WOlCQIUll Andrew Velarde IS piepurntl to do any and all 1 kinds of woi k in his lino at ' renRoiuililo liuures. JJau the largest Iioiiho moving outfit in Kuutorn Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,Tho Dalles s. L. YOUNG, : JEWELER Wntohvft nn(l Juwelry repiilrod to order on uliurt notice, mid mitliiliiotlim Ktiiintutuod AT THK Hloi t of I. U. NlakitUnu, il Ht. l lir DuIIp Chas. Allison, I)clcr in PURE Hoiulqufirtors at Ohas. Lauor's. 11,,1'ltU. llllll it fir... Ii. ....... . ... . 1 I... ,,i vtmi in iiuiiirtu iru inu bent In tlio world, I am prepared to furnlult In any iiuimtlty mid at bottom priuux. CHAS. ALLISON. C F. STEPHENS, DICAL1CK IN Dry Goods Qlothing THROUGH Freigm ana Passenger Line ThrotiKli dully service (Sumlnytf ex cejited) between Tho Dalles and Port land. .Steamer Regulator leaves Tlio Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade jjeks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer J)alles City loaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Kegulator for Tho Dalles. I'AHHKNOKK KATKS. One way. . . . Kound trip. .$.00 . H.00 ItoiltK, HIlllltN, llntlti Kill. Fancy tjoorifi, lotion ttc, Kin,, Ktti, Second St., The Dalles. Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaeo. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received nt .I,... ,i ul, lil SliinimiiilH fur liny iiiiin w. .(,.... ................ way landings iiiust bo delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments soliotod. Cull on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oenei'iil A(iit. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Uuiutml IMiniagor. RECOVERY OF BODIES All the Missing People in the Annie Faxon Disaster Found. A DECKHAND IS SINCE DROWNED The Brittle ;it Washington Progresses in Both Houses of Congress Silver Talk. Colfax, Aug. 10. Word was received this morning that all the missing bodies trom tho wreck of the; steamer Annie Faxon have been recovered. There- mains of Mrs. Tappan were taken from 20 feet of wafer jn?t below the wreck of the stenmcr. John Mcintosh, a missing passenger, was found afloat at Pena- wawa, 10 miles below the scene of the explosion. Paul Allen, a deckhand, was found a mile below the wreck. William Kidd, a deckhand, was found three miles below the wreck. George Farwell Thompson, a cabin bov, was recovered at Central Ferrv. The bodies of Mrs. Tappan and Thompson were taken to Lewiston. I he latter will probably be tent to relative? at Wellsville, Kan. It was rumored on the street that Mohr. one of the deckhands who escaped in jury in the explosion, was drowned wiiile bathing this morning at Lewiston. among silver producers, and will no doubt take place hero if congress should not give silver men something better than tho Sherman law. INKOADS AKK MAllK. The THE DALLES, OREGON The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, populur and roliublo Iiouho has been entirely refurnished, and every room hus boon ropaporod and repalntei and nowly carpeted throughout. Tho house contains 170 rooniH and is mtpplieo' with evory modern convenience, Bute reasonable, A good restaurant attached to tho house. Frur bus to and from nil trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. llelmte Slimv til SIlvciItt'H tt lie l.nslli (Jlouml. Wamiixo'iox, Aug. 10. The session of the house today was not marked by any animated debate, but it was significant in showing the inroads made in the ranks of the free-coinage men. Mc Creary of Kentucky opened the debate, speaking for the repeal of the silver purchase clause. He would not hold that act as a hostage to free coinage. Free coinage should stand on its own merits ; but the only path which should lead to the free coinage of silver was an international agreement, and tho only way to reach that agreement was the repeal of the purchasing clause. Catch ings said ho would vote for the uncondi tional retwal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act and against any propo sition, directly or indirectly, to ellect the free coinage of silver in this country at this time, at any ratio that would bo suggested. He.lhnd come to this de termination after careful consideration and after careful study of the Chicago platform. Jt had been said no democrat could vote against free coinage, lie was a democrat. His democracy, ho declared, was as good as that of any man on this floor and he would not allow any man to challenge or question it. He stood by every plank of the Chicago platform, but that platform did not de mand the free coinage of silver at this time. Ho was in favor of the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act, because it would tend to restore confidence. Livingston of Georgia con curred in the sentiment expressed by tho gentleman from Mississippi, that, in considering this question, tho repre sentatives should rise above party. Ho favored bimetalism, and the plain ques tion now presented was between a single gold standard and bimctalism. He de nied that the purchasing clause of tho Sherman law was responsible for tho present financial and business troubles. BIchards of Ohio believed President Cleveland right in attributing to the purchasing clause of the Sherman bill the present business depression. Till: COltNKlt ON S1LVEK. 1'rniien to 8uniJy the Money to Curry Colorado' 8 Silver. Asi'K.v, Colo., Aug. 10. Senator .Smith, tho chairman of finance commit tee of the French senate, has just left Aspen for Park City, Utah. Tho object of his trip hero is to look into the silver producing regions of tho United States in behalf of his government. It lias leaked out that since his departure tho bunk of Franco would, if desired, estab lish a branch at Denver, to be controlled by directors composed of Colorado's cap italists, with u manager from Paris to represent tho parent institution. It is said they would agree to furnish from $50,000,000 to if 100,000,000, or whatever was required, to carry till tho silver pro duced in Colorudo for years, without al lowing any to bo sold until tho price is fully satisfactory. There are only twe'ntv large smelters in the country, and if a majority of these were to coin blue a corner on tho silver production could bo hud. From the time France had the silver production of tho Dulled States under her control, she would dic tate the price ol the melal to England for use in India, and compel all Mlvor using nations to coino to her for money. The soheine, It is said, finds much favor iilven Oilier. Washington, Aug. 10. The president has sent to tho senate the following 7.ominations,all of them being recent ap pointments: James Sheaklcy of Alaska to bo gov ernor of Alaska ; Charles C. Bichards of Utah secretary of Utah; Charles M. Hruce of Arizona secretary of Arizona; George W. Snow of Utah surveyor-general of Utah ; Joseph C. Straughan of Idaho surveyor-general of Idaho; Henry C. Lett of Utah member of tho board of registration and elections in Utah, l'eglsters of land ofi'iecs Dyrou Groo of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; Denja- min F. Wilson of Oregon, at La Grande, Or. ; Pobert A Miller of Oregon, at Ore gon City, Or. ; David II. Hill of Nevada, at Eureka, Xev. ; John G. Drown of Idaho, nt lllackfoot, duho. Receivers of public moneys Jacob H liobbinsof Oregon, at La Grande, Or.; John W. Jones of Idaho, at Dlackfoot, Idaho. Indian agents Lewis T. F.rwin of Washington, at Yakima, Wash. ; W. Leven Powell of Washington, at Noah bay, Wash.; John F. T. V,. Dretano of Oregon, at Grand Iionde, Or. ; William L. Hargrove of Indian, at Western Sho shone agency, Nevada. Another Scheme. New Yoi:k, Aug. 10. The City bank of Buffalo has devised a new scheme for temporary relief of the financial strin gency. Briefly stated, tho plan is for the City bank to issue New York drafts in sums of .1, $2, $3 and $10, payable to bearer, and let them bo passed from hand to hand as cash till it becomes convenient to redeem them in govern ment currency. Being drawn to bearer, no indorsement will be needed to pass title, and, being drawn on New York, they save both the colaterals deposited with the local bankers' association and the money on deposit in New York to secure the holder against loss. NEWS NOTES. TIIK "KID HOHH" 1VANTBI), No banks suspended Saturday in the United States, the lirst day for a long while. ,11 r l.-i 1 u" " casei 01 e"0,u,;i s,x were all correct, and so Mr. Ilealey deaths were recorded in Naples Satur- j sjgneti Ul0 rccor(!; Then Aycr mildo other entries, just below the first ones, WnrrniiM Nulled rir Hio Arrest of .John I.. Ayr, tlm l.iiuyor. The disappearance of John L. Ayer, the lawyer and politicinn, lias been followed by the issuance of two warrants for his arreest in Oregon and Idaho. Embezzlement is charged in both cases. Ayer left Portland on August .'id, accom panied by his wife and child. IIu said he intended to visit the world's fair and then go to Boston, but nothing litis been heard of him since, although the officers have mado careful inquiry in both cities. The principal charge against Ayer hero is tho hypothecation of $11,000 worth of stock of the Now England National Building & Lo.au Association, but if ap prehended several other charges will be placed against him. Ayer was one of the promoters of tho investment com pany. Some time ao ho induced County Assessor George C. Sears to accept tho presidency : John H. Bur gard, to become lirst vice-president; John M. Thatcher, second vice-president; George M. Ilealey, secretary and H. F. Gullixson, chairman, of tho ad visory committee. These gentlemen were never present at any of the meet ings of tho company, were never regu larly elected to their offices, and only accepted by request of Aver. When he had papers to which the signatures of tjie officers wore needed, Ayer never called on Mr. Sears or Mr. Burgard, but usually visited Mr. Thatcher or Mr. Healey, who would innocently sign, lie lieving his affirmation that "they were all right." Ayer took blocks of stock, signed it to himself and secured the sig natures of the second vice-president and secretary in this way. lie then sold it and appropriated the money to his own use. He found many purchasers in Idaho, who waited patiently for several months for the large dividends he had promised them, and then sent Lawyer Mitchell, of Moscow, to Portland to in vestigate. While he was in the city Ayer held a "meeting" of the company and made several entries in the records, leaving vacant spaces just below them and above the place for the secretary's sig natuio. He then took tho records of Mr. Healey and informed him that 11 special meeting had been held, and as the secretary was absent he hud served in that capacity. Tho entries, ho said, de- day. Returns from Galicia show cided decrease in the epidemic. Herman will vote for free coinage and Ellis is non-committed; Wilson of Washington's delegation will vote for unconditional repeal and Doolittlo seems to be favorably impressed with the 20 to 1 proposition. Three thousand unemployed held a mass meeting in New York Saturday. A steady rain drowned tho expected en thusiasm. A largo body of polico were present to suppress any anarchistic talk, but none was attempted. Gen. Fitzhugh Leo of Richmond, Va., wired congratulations to President Cleveland over tho birth of a son, and was greatly chagrined to find that it was a fake repot t, and that the interest ing event hud not yet taken place. Deer front Siberia are being propa gated in tho frozen regions by philan thropists to prevent the Eskimos from starving. Their source of livelihood is fast being destroyed by the disappear ance of the whale, walrus and native deer. Tho imported deer are 6aid to bo thriving. An ollicer of the New York board of trade states that a call for a meeting of business men of tho country at Wash ington for the purpose of demanding the immediate and iinconMltional repeal of the purchase clause of tho Sherman sil vor act will probably bo issued Jby the board within a few days. Jt is believed 1,000 representative business men will attend the convention and it will ho a demonstration on tho part of business interests of the country without a par allel 111 the history of tho United States. Shiloh's cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for alo by Snipes k Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-tlve doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. appointing himself attorney for the com pany and authorizing him to draw six years' salary in advance. He took stock valued at if 10,000 or inoro in payment. Six thousand dollars' worth of this stock he exchanged for a farm in King's valley, near Corvallis. Then he per suaded Air. Long, of Arbor Lodge, to exchange a house and lot for 80 acres of the King's valley land. The deed was made in Mrs. Ayer's name and was by her transferred to parlies in Michigau. Next Ayer bought a diamond ring and a bicycle, giving his note and some stock in exchange. He secured furniture for his house and oflico in tho saino way. Meantime, Lawyer Mitchell hud dis covered discrejiuneies in Ayer's accounts and had returned to Moscow and ob tained a warrant for his urrest. Ayer got wind of this move and left tho city. His present whereabouts is unknown. Tlio investment company, Mr. Sears and the other otlicors whose names Ayer used in order to secure and sell the stock, are determined to apprehend him and are making evory effort possible in this direction. If arrested he will be inado t j lestoro his ill-gotten gains to tho rightful owners. Ayer's family re side in tho East, and Mrs. Ayer's par ents live in Grand Rupids, Mich. It la thought she is not a party to her hus band's escapades. Ayer came to Portland from Seattlo about three years ago. Ho beeamo 11 politician in KS01 and was known as tho "Kid Boss." Ho was an anti-consoli-dutlonist, He tried to control the re publican state convention in 1802, but was snowed under, and since then haB taken 110 active part in politics. He was a bright, entertaining follow of about !!5 years. For a year or so he lived at the head of Montgomery street. Oregouiaii. Ice '.. a cent a pound from now on. Ciiah. Alusqw. Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report, Baking Powder ABSOLUTE!? PURE