a 8k. A- f 1! ... Pi 7.' ' The Dalles Daily Chronicle. tCtltemt lit thu l'otoBce t The DM?, OrvROti, as 5ccotnl-cla mutter. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 READERS. They roml The Chronicle to get the liitet mul most rollnble ' res. Ami they rcwl every line that is In the iniier. That 1 wlmt make the Chronicle an Invaluable tulvertl Iiik lnctlliuu. Tlie neMiier that goes to the family llrcslilo1" I- the one (Qf) "''it the mlvcrtUers ol toilay jiatronUo when they desire to i reach the people. When theyw.ant yonr trmle their announcements will be found In the jaier. Look over our columns, nnd observe the verltlca- . tlon of the truth of this acrtton. Hemember. n trade of a family of to thouand ss. l Is worth ihMiik for through these columns esiictally to at our very Wood! Wood! Wood! Heat quality fir, oak and slab wood, l-cavo orders at l.Ti Second street or corner Third antl Union. All order? promptly attended to. M.uku k IJknton. WOOtl, WOOII. WHOII, I Meat grades of oak, ilr, and blub cord wood, at lowest market rates at los, T. i Peters .& Co. (Ollieo Second and Jctl'er-1 son streets. , PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco countr air for best portrnits and views. OUT H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. Deoidudly the Finest Line of Gents' Ptirnisliing: Goods. Trunks and I'aliscs, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THK DALLES, OK. THE' EUROPEAN HOUSE Tht, Corrugate)! Iltillillnr; mtxt lloor to Court ttoii. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicjg for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR -r0R - Handsomely Farnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. 5r7eaprti5ii?ds. rrsn r&im i Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TIIK DAI.I.KS OKKUON Sinltli nnd the Hear. Miss M. Smith, of Klmira, Cal., who is spendinj: the summer at the Wetemis Soda springs, had a friendly interview with a large black bear one day last week. Miss Smith was walking in the trail above the springs when she was met by old "bruin" who seemed to be enamored by the lady's charms and showed a disposition to embrace her, but when he took a few steps in her direction she became indignant at the brute's familiarity on such shortacouain tance and unceremoniouslv excused her Eclf. Miss Smith says she was not much scared, but she had a kind of homesick feeling and a longing to see her brother who was in camp. We have been told that if a person doe. not light j a bear the most that they will do is to i hug them, and a question naturally comes to our mind, which way would the i average Goldendale girl have run had she been placed in Miss Smith's position. Courier. Advertised Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un called for, Saturday, August 19th, 1893. Persons calling for same will give date .on which they were advertised: .Anderson Sauna Ilolton D D -Chappel TIioh Campbel Adam - Clark May Congdon I N Davis Miss Clara Duffy W 0 Eastman G L Force A H Gannon James Gould S W Kuntson Gilbert J Le Cornu Mrs J 0 Martin C D Marar Mrs Anna Morris Sarah A Nelson Mrs A -Werngren Carl Thomas J W M. T. Nolan, P. M. 'Shiloh'H Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Pri"e 74c. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Olinger & Hone's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the best fishing point in Hood Kiver valley where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and get their mail and provisions daily. twu Specliuiiii Cniie. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled .with neuralgia and rheumatism his stomach wan disordered, hie liver was affected to an alarming degree, up petite fell away, and ho was terribly re duced in flesh nnd strength. Three bot tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111. had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is eound and well. John Speaker, Cata- waba, 0., had live large fever Bores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Hucklen'H Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. W. u. OiLBKRT hereby semis His compliments to every frleml Ami enemy if he has. any He they few or bo they many. The time for painting now has come, Anil every one desires n home That looks fresh and clean and new, As none but ft good painter can do. falntinp, papcrinsr and plnilnK, too, Will mako your old house look quite new He will take your work cither way, Hy the job or by the day. If you have work give him a call, He'll take your orders large or small Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, 1. O. Box No. 3, THL DALLES. OR. : TRANSIENT PATRONAG-E SOLICITED. J Good Sample Rooms fpr Commercial Men. I 1 2MCH.S. FR.ASBII, Proprietor. J. O. MACK, 1 FIJlE WlllIEp and LIQUOR The Fifth Annual FAIR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. OF THK Second Eastern Oregon District FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STKEET, : : THE DALLES, OK. ngiiuuitunii uvum W11.1. UK HKI.D AT THE DALLES, OREGON, JCityStables,-! RHAM & 3ERTSON roprlotnrH 5 UeeKty tyropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. iW-ltv Special rran,'i,nnnt with tin' pulilhherrwit imoof the IhI MapuluoK now iublUhnt we aic elialilixl to mitku a nn'sl i--cptltmal oiler to end ro McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OltSTIE YEAH td everyone wh tllK out the lollnwitu; blank form, and seudlUK It to us, thereby Hulnerlblugfg The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND BEND IT TO US. j PuMi shorn CIWONJCLK. The- Mies, Or.: You- will please scud to mi address Hie DAILY j (W HOM CI I'J for IfJ nwiUhs from, dale, for which J agree lo pan 00 els. a, month, it being anderslooil that ioa a,re lo lia.ve sen t to nui address for J. near, with oat extra eharge, MeC LURE'S MAGA'AINE, commencing with the ea.rren.t niunber. Name, Dale. ..Address III j CALL AT OUR and m-c tho entertaining mid ilnely lllustrattil OFFICE McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which ha iimonc Its rontrtlnitor the mont famoiiH mithorH In Ainorleu and Kuylaud, lucliidlrut mieh wrlteru a. the IoIIciwIiik Corner of Fourth nnd Federul Sts., The Dulles, Oregon. October 10th, 1893 TIiese Stablos have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern i-,riAl r-k r rnn-..-n.nl. -...i.. ...... ill. . J 1. C' . 1 . vic(;uii, mm uau uuuuillillUUiue pilU OIlS Willi UltUUr Olllgie or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. K. L. Stovt'iison, Ittidvaril IvitiliiiL', A. Cointn Doylo. Ootuvo Tluuiot, Willium Dean IIhwcIIh, Ilrt't Ilurtu, Clark i:iie.ull, loul (!ii:tii(llur 1 larris. day Continuing five a. s. McAllister, President. O. MACK, Secretary. Mr. Tliomaa Hatto, editor of the Graphic, Toxurkana, ArkaneaB, has found what he believes to be the best remedy in existence for the flux. His experience is well worth remembering. He says: "Last summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none Riving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was recommended to me. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely cured. 1 take pleasure in recommending this remedy to any er8on Buffering with eucIi a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicine in existence." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by IJlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. lm. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Ileam, of McKeoaport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhoea in her children will undoubtedly be of interest to many mothers. Sho says: "I spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great flood, on account of my husband being employed there. Wo had several chil dren with us, two ot whom took the diarrhoea very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy from Rev. Mr. Chap man. It cured both of them. I knew of several cases where it was equally successful. I think it cannot bo excelled and cheerfully recommend it." 23 anil 50 ccnt bottlos for sale by Rlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. lm. Go to N.Harris for Alio prints; 20 yard for 1. This Is the Season Of the Year Olhen Judicious Advertising Pays. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations lo teamsters with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagou room. Commercial Patnaje Solicite I Thomas Hardy, Hamlin Garland, J. T. Trowbridge, Prof. V.. S. Holden, .luinmu 11. Jerome, Prof. C. A. Young, Frant'OH Hodgcon llurnt'tt, H. H. Hoyestin, Theodore Koosevcll, Itnlmrt Harr, Joaquin Miller, Henrv M. Stanley, Oilbert Parker, Archibald Forbes, John Burroughs', Andrew l.an", Mrs. Hobt. I.oninStevcri!i()n,CaiiiiIo Klatiimariim, Sarah Orne Jewutt F. Marion Crawford, I.illio CIiiiho Wymau, Dr. J. S. Killings, Margaret Poland, Harriot Prescott Spoilurd, V. K. Henley. Herbert 1). Ward, Kdward Kverett Hale, Oapt. Charles King FJizabeth Stuart I'help-, Louise Chaudlur Moultou, Koh uunitHirot McCLURE'S MAGAZINE coutntuit two hnndom!ly lllimlniU-d Interflow with mieh fiimutiK pcuplr mh Julei" Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Alphonse Dauthit, Frances Hodgson llurnett, Thomas A. Kdlcou, Cauiiln Flatnnmriou, Tissandior, the famous F. Hopkinson Smith, Kdward Everett Hale, French Balloonist, H. H. lloyesen, l'rof. Graham Hell. nnd ninny others, hnvo (urutaliel miitorlul for etperlully iin-imred luturvlcwx which will appeal Fully llluxtmtcd Htorlm will TheDrlles Wasco County, Oregon, From TEHlWINWi or INTERIOR Points THK It Hera FA RKILROHD la the line to Uk TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Jt 1; the Ulnlnr Car Route. It runs Throujrb ventlbuled 'i rains erery day In the yar to paul and Chicago NO CHANG K OF CAItS.J UOmHOHCl OI Dilllnt? Cur llllllllrnni.Hn.1 I'ull man Drawing Itoow almpetn of latest equipment. TODIUST SLEEPING CA11S Bent that can be cointnict,!. hhi) in whioh aecomiiLMlatlons ure both Free uiid Kurnlahed or holderHof KIrt und giwud-clanH Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES V ContltlUOUH Hue. fnnnnf tlrn uiiii ,.ti n... nn'ordlni; direct mid uiilnlerrupted kervlc The Gate City of the Inland Empire is m'tunted at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and j'k n thriving, pron. perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Suumwr Lake, a distance of over two hundred mil. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho 0i cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool frous which finds market here. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are tho fitiest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in tho near future. Tho products of tho beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled tho warehouses, und all uvailable storage places to overflowing witli their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its money-is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its poa aibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these orner stones sho stands. fully llluntriiti'd In tlitn muxuzlnc Kuch number contaliin two or thrvo nhort utorlo by fumotn tiuthorx. Hpponr In early number by Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howells, K. L. Stevenson, Hudvard Kinline, Hret Harte. .Sarah Orne .Tewott. tJoel Chandler Harris, Harriet Prescott Spollbrd, Outuvu Thanot, . Conan Doyle, I'ranees Hodgson Hurnett, .Stanley.!. Weyman. HIJNKY M STANUICY will contribute, ripecliilly (or youtiK ronriur. ii thrlllliiKly InltTi-ttliiK Htoryol Altlenn Adveutnr. NATl'HAli HISTOKY AN'D ADVF.NTUP.F.. Thcrn will I hi mvunil nrtlcleN written by roymonii Ulathuioyt, who Iuih Uen eullitl by .Mr W T Htead the Inut Interviewer In KuKlnnd, from uiiiIitIuI furuHbcil lilm by Karl Hagonbaak, of Hani burs, thuRrertt animal Importer mid trainer. I'liev urtli'le.1 deal ultli The Capture of Wild HeiiHtH. The TraiiHportation of Wild Delists. The Training of Wild Ileasts. The Adventuii'S and Kscape" of Karl Hagenbeck. The M.Tles will ntllluitrated by an Knuliili artist of aokniivt lodged tiklll in drawlui; wild animals. John Iluimouoii. C. 1'. lloi.iiiai, lm. ( . (' Aiiimrr, und other ritcrN InmotiK for their work In tills Held, will contribute to the maKaziue. Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PROF. It. L. GAUNKK'K AFRICAN KXPKDJTION TO THE GORILLAS. ArriiUKemcnts hnvo been made, In eoiinectlon with a leading linllsli review, to publish Pro! (!arner' letterHdeterlptlvcof Ills present expedition to Afrlea, l'rof. (iiiruer In uoteil tho world over for tho curloiiK and Int'-'rctlliK luve.itl;;atious he Is milking la the npeeoh of motikoyx, He Milhsl for Afrleii but Heptember (or theciikoof fnrtli.-r iiur.suliiK Ills .stiiilles In the native haunts of thOKorllla. The Illustrations for these arllr-len will be (mm pliotiirnpliH taken by l'rof, (iarner. The iniiKiizlun nlo contains most lutete.stln! artlcle.s under the following eomprelieusle lieudi " The Edge of tho Future." " ICnowIedge tif Immediate Value." "Newest Knowledge." "The Present Hour." "Htranger than Fiction," etc. We are oflerlue; thin splendid inujruilno with (lie lun.v Cliuo.s'ici.r. for only I7.'J) n year, jxiyabk in advaucoor in monthly InstalliaeiiU as de.slred, Wo make thin exceptional ofl'er In order that we may seeure n laiKe numlxjr of new Mibsetlben, but all who nro already nubwrlberit may avail tliciunulvt's of thin oppoitualty to kecuio thin Kioal muKazlne. 1MU up the blank and tend It in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. 1 Tl H Li CHR01CLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. l'Ullrnail Kllnr rowrvntli.nu .m,i Kn ..... In advanco through any axeut of tho road. THROUGH TICKETS himlaud aud huropo can bo purcbi wuci oujuo oi mo company nil from all a in America. purctnued at any Kill! information concernlnif nttes, tlmo oi traljin, routeK mid other detalM fiirniKhwl on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent I). V.& A. NY. Co., Ilegulator office, m i)&itHi uror A. I), OHAHIjTON, Aw't, Oeueral l'ttcBKcr Aqt., I'ortland, Uvu, THE (JI-1 KOKICLE was established for tho ox press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying elfeet of its mission is ovoYywhoro apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as woll as Jvlickilat and other ro gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is the best, medium for advortisors in the -Inland Empire. Tho Daily Ciironiolk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Wkkkly Ciironjolk on Fridays of each week at $ 1 .HO per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc , address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio rallos, Oregon. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. Thlfl well-known Browory Ih now ttirniiiK out thu beiit Beor und Portei eatjt of the CuHcadeH. Tho latest appliunceH for thu tnnnufacture of Kood health ful Beer haye been introduced, and only the firnt-clHSH articlw will bo pluced o the timrkit. PAUL KREFT & CO., -PHALKKS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Mont Coinploto and the LateHt I'atternn and DuhIkiih in i ffiK!lKlW I'ttifitorH nnl I'apor Jlanj-orH. None but th mt brands of thf Hlierwin-Wi aniH and J. W. Mamiry'H I'alntH tiHed in all .ilir work, and none hut UK) IIIOHt Hki 0(1 workliion i.rn r,l, I ., r.. x ... r Vn elienucal combination or Boap mixture. A llrMt cIuhh article in all colon). All orders promptly attended to. Ptt'nt 81iu corner Thirdaud Wauhiuj;ton Bu The Dalles. Orwon Qolumbia otel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hat) lately been thoroughly ronoviited and newly fiirniiihcd throiiKhout, und Ih now better than ever prepared to furnlnh the bcot Hotel iicuommoiliitlonri of any Iioiiho in the city, aud at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Ollleo of the fast and commodloun opporiiticm Stag-' to Dufur, KliiKHley, Tyi,'h Valley, Waplniti". Warm fiprinjrH and J'rlnevillo Ih in tho Hotel and perHonH Kolng to J'rlnevillo can Httve H.00 by Kt'liif on thin Btajo Hue. All trains stop here.