The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 19, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Wekly,lycr. J
" 6 months " ii
ll g , OWJ
Daily, ly r.. g
6 months ? VI
per " 060
Address all communication to " THK CHKOS
ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon.
orncK hours
rnrri Delivery Window 8 a. m
Unnw Orrtpr " "... A..8H.BI
Holiday U " '"
to 7 r. in.
. to 4 v- in
to iu u. in.
trains roIiib Kast 9 p. w. anil
i " ii west . . .9 1. "! a,ltl
8tage for (ioUlemlale. .
" " l'rlnevlllo
" Dufuraud Warm ajirinfrs ,
" tl-enTlUB fr I-ylo Hartland.
lAIlieiU:. ..
Kxcept Suuilay. . ,
Trl-weokly. Tuesday Thursday ami
I " Monday Wednesday and
6:f p. in.
7:30 n. m.
,.S:;a. in.
,.5:80 a. in.
.ft:S0a. ni.
..V.OOa. m.
AUG. 19,189:5
The city charter is defective in the
matter ot enforcing citizens to lay new
sidewalks, so that it is impossible to
frame an ordinance that will be effect
ive. They have the power, however, to
condemn unsafe walks and have them
removed, and since there are so many
walks that may be so classed, we may
look soon for stretches of bare ground
next to a good many pretentious resi
dences. A lot owner who has no more
pride than to let such disgraceful walks
exist as many such as we have, will he
equally indifferent as to whether there
is anything at all to walk on but the
The general impression seems to be,
eays the Statesman, that just as soon as
confidence is restored and hoarded
money once more seeks the channels of
trade that we will see the most prosper
ous times that have been seen for years.
The locking up of cash is a loss of inter
eat that capitalists will try to recover
by active investment. In view of this
outlook it is decidedly better for those
who can to hold their wheat for higher
prices. Better times are surely coming
in spite of anything the congress can do.
This was the experience of those who
went through the panic of '715 and it
will be that of those who ko through the
panic of '93.
It is now generally admitted that the
Amick discovery is a certain specific in
the earlier stages of consumption.
Amick has never heretofore claimed
that it would euro more than i.'0 per
cent, of third stage consumptives. In
a test recently made in New York City
three out of four were either cured or
astonishingly benefitted. It is easy
enough for any sufferers from the dis
ease to test the new discovery through
their family physician, for Amick sends
medicine for the purpose free of cost,
and invites impartial test of it by the
medical profession everywhere.
The people at The Dalles, which is in
Oregon, where 5,000,000 pounds of wool
remain unsold, a free trade price of six
to eight cents a pound only being ob
tainable, can appreciate the advantages
of our recent "change," and they are
furthermore greatly pleased (?) to learn
that in Australia, 19,000,000 pounds of
wool is just waiting admittance into the
United State free of duty, and 400,000,
000 pounds will be ready for shipment,
sometime later on. You can teach
some people a lesson by touching their
pockets and we are learning the lesson
now. West Side.
An agitation lias suddenly developed,
and without any apparent cause, against
employing Chinese for the various kinds
of labor which white men can do. This
is particularly the case with hop-pickers,
but all branches of labor are being
affected by the discrimination. It is a
good plan to employ our own idlo first.
Canada bus a homestead law. Farm
lots of 200 acres are granted to each
head of a family and 100 to each male
adult on condition of building a log
house 10x20 feet, cultivating fifteen acres
in every 100, and jesiding six months in
each year during live years on the
Over i,000 women in the United
States act as postmaster. The largest
number in one state, 4011, is in Pennsyl
vania; 400 in Virginia. There are 'Sid
in Ohio, LMIl in New York, 210 in Geor
gia, 210 in Texas and 200 in Kentucky.
Alaska has only one.
Pressure on congress will soon be tre
mendous to hurry up their labors for
which they were specially assembled.
The cotton and wheat crops will soon
have to 'be moved, and the prospects at
present are that such will lie an entirely
difficult matter.
What happens in Australia tomorrow
way be printed and read in this country
today. This is where the teleeraph gets
ahead of the sun in the matter of rapid
From our ltCRUlur IMrrwpomtent.
Washington, Ang. 14, 1893.
Aside from Mr. Cleveland's disgust at
the reception given his message by his
party in congress, his bad health and
his natural desire to bo near his wife
just now, thero was another weighty
reason for his departure, which can be
fully appreciated by every proud man.
From the time he arrived until his de
parture he was almost completely ig
nored by the senators of his party, less
than half a dozen of them having paid
him the courtesy of oven a formal call.
This was fo different from what he had
been led to expect by those who had
been purposely misroprescntingthtngs
to him that he was at first furious, and
later humiliated. Those senators whom
he saw carried him no balm for his
wounded pride, as they were practically
unanimous in the belief that it will be
impossible to get a bill for the repeal of
the silver law through the senate, un
less it embodies a substitute that meets
the approval of the conservative silver
men in that body.
So far the silver light in the house has
been mostly between democrats, al
though several republicans, among
them Grosvenor of Ohio and Henderson
of Iowa, gave Representative Harrison
of Ohio a few disagreeable minutes when
he asserted that the condition of the
working man in Kngland was as much
superior to the condition of the working
man in Ohio as a berth in heaven is to
a cot in purgatory. The free silver dem
ocrats also prodded Harter at several
points of his speech. Mr. Harter said
that Senator Sherman, instead of being
abused for the Sherman law, ought to
have the grateful thanks of the whole
people, because he got the best there
was to be obtained for the country out
of a bad situation. Put the portion of
his speech that was the most irritating
to the silver men was where he said :
"The working men are appealing to con
gress for bread, and the silver men are
offering them not a stone, but dynamite,
and instead of a serpent a whole bundle
of them a boa constrictor, a rattlesnake
and a copperhead, all rolled into one in
the shape of a financial system."
It is plain to be seen that the speeches
in the house are for home consumption.
Since the first day there has not been a
quorum present, and the same condition
is expected to continue during the four
teen days thedobate is to last. No votes
will be changed, and if .the vote? were
taken now instead of at the close of tli
debate the result would be the saun
The senate has done nothing and it i
understood that at the last meeting of
the finance committee the silver men
who control that committee, made it
plain that no bill would be reported
from the committee for the repeal of the
Sherman law, without a substitute that
would be satisfactory to the silver men.
A committee of democratic senators is
now engaged in trying to bring about a
compromise. Republican senators are
waiting to see what the democrats pro-1
pose doing.
Representative Preckinridge, of Ken
tucky, has become involved in a very i
ugly personal scandal, by the filing of a j
suit against him for $30,000 by Madalene j
V. Pollard, for breach of promise of,
marriage. She charges that he seduced ,
her when she was seventeen years old i
and a student at Wesleyan Female college
at Cincinnati, and says she had two
children of whom he is the father, and
that after his wife's death, in 1892, he
promised to marry her, but postponed it
from time to time, meanwhile continu
ing his relations with her; and that on
the 18th of July, 189:!, he married j
another woman. Preckinridge brought
Miss Pollard to Washington and pecured
her a government position, from which
she was dismissed for having publicly
made disgraceful remarks about (ion. '
Sherman at the time of his death. Mr,
Preckinridge has hiH bride here now. ,
Nice state ot affaire for n biide to bo
called upon to contemplate before th
end of her honeymoon, isn't it?
Tir m it nms. i f
' eopvnil
Smith and his wife have every luxury
that money can buy, but there Is ona
thing lacking to their happiness. Ttoth
1 are f ond of children, but no little voices
prattle, no little feet patter in thoir
beautiful homo. "I would give ten
vcar of my life if I could have one
healthy, living, child of my own," Smith
often says to himself. No woman can
lie the mother ot healthy offspring un
let she herself is in good'hcalth. If sho
suffers from female weakness, general
debility, bearing-down pains and func
tional 'derangements, her physical con
dition is such that she cannot hope to
have healthy children. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is a sovcrign and
. guaranteed remedy for nil theo ailments.
Worn-out, "run-down.'1 feeble women,
' need Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It builds them up. It's u powerful, re
storative tonic, or strength-giver free
from alcohol aud Injurious drugs. The
entire system is renewed and invigora
ted. It improves digestion, enriches the
blood, dispels aches aud pains, elves re
freshing sleep, and restores flesh aud
It's the only guaranteed medicine for
women, sold by druggists.
William Tell
Your Fisher that wo soil
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Dasyfitti ng Pants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!,
g(PWe are also Headquarters for ....
. Men's, Boys' and Youth s
c i r l i i i i ii ( , i ii
In every size, style and price.
the Dalles
! Prineville
Leave The Dalles tC k. in. every day, uml hv
rives at l'rlnevlllo in thirty-six nourt. Uvo
1'rinevlle Ht ii a. m. every day, "d arrive at
The Dallca In thtrty-Mx hours. j
Cariies the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express i
i Connect at I'rlne-IUe with
Stages from Eastern and Southern Or-
, opon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
Al nmkea clo?e conne?tlon at The Dalle with
triiis from Portland anil KaMern jHiiiiU.
j courteous dnitrs.
i ' coot! accoonodatiois alone tie road.
! .' Firsi-class Coaeies aid Hoists used.
. Express mailer landled with special care.
M. Sk'h.'l Jt Cii.'h Htorc, lluintllln lliiunr,
I'rlimvllln. flm Dallf n.
Ib oalled to the fant that
flatjb Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
ami Iiiiildine Material of nil kindn.
. .Corner llnm, UNJOiX STOCK VAKDS, Chicago, Jilt.
J lit) largest, una only strictly commission ucaior m norm
the world, will hold lu.s th extensive mile ol west
ern branded horses for seuson 1893, on
-;rrl the Fluent I. In of
A U TCTTHHTl A M1 1 f' 1 1
Entries shoald be made at once.
w a i mm lii
UiitiiTiA UAii Minti,Hm?.SirlS HI IKS
J. 1. 1BD,
Of Dei Molneis, low, write unl:r iii if
Jlnrch ia, 1!W-
S. 1?. Mi:i. Mko. Co.,
Dtifur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home last wetik, I foumi
all wiill and anxicuB'y awaiting:. Our
little irirl, oitfht and ono-huli years old.
who had wasted away to 118 potindu, i.
now well, strong and vigorous, and wel.
Ileahed up.' S. J5. Gondii Gurfi hun done
its work well. Ilolh of thu children like
it. Your K. 15. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away till hoarseness from me.
Ho give it to every one, with greetings
or all. Wishing vou prooperity, wo arc
Yours, Mil. & Mits. .1. F. Imiiid.
If you wish to feel frenh nml cheerful, mid rea!
for trie Biirni!' work, clujintu your system with
the HeaiUelit iinil l.ivcr Cure, by takliiK two or
three iIoh'h cuch week.
eolii tiller 11 positive iju.ifiintfv.
St. cents M-r bottle by nil triii'sr!.
t f,twi i fho rihi " l neve is a tute 111 the an airs of men wmcn. taken at lis tt
i vj lic; i uu Liu ill nib uiLv. - -- ------ -t j
72 LUashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
leads oti lo fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to thj
fjr A t0 ' t'" JkfU Hranilw
VAvJTxxxIjO manufactured, and
orderu from all partflof the vountry filled
on th! shortest notice.
The reputation of THK DALLES GI- '
WAR luiH lxjeoiiie fitmiy efllahlished, and
I the demand for the hoiue manufactured
article h increasing every day. J
w. i'. w ii hi: man.
Iliifjkluu'M Ariiicn n;lvi.
The bent ealve in the world for eutfc,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
gores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay reipiired
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. J'rico 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes A Kill
ers I v.
IK)i Valley Holler I'lour Mill.
Is in complete repair; always in store
(lour equal to the best. Also old style
coarse and line Gra'iam flour, mill feed,
etc. W. M. McCoiiKi.K. I'ronr.
MM.IS A (I K.N'T 'OI5 Till'
Josh Hillings once wrote that "a lie
will travel 40 leagues while the truth ie
pulling on Ha boots."
Captain Sweeney, U. S, A., San
Diego, Cal says: "Shiloh'e Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
aver found that would do me any good."
Price 60 eta. Bold by Snipe & Kinersly,
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
row a ca
t tT will wot cUAC. m
Anairreeable baxatlvoandNEitVK TUNIC
Solil by Onnrgiitsoraeot by mall. gSc.fcOc,
uu (i.ui iwr luouiKc. mm pits ireu
IT ft f O The Favorite T00T8 NW8U
EU HVfortUoTfetUanUllreaili.ittc
9or sal by ! Kluerl j,
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
I3H Heouuil ht.. TUk lll, tlr.
The Boston Tailor,
East End S80Dd St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
I'arfoot VH OuarHiilecd.
Art Teacher
Room 5, Jiettinyen Building,
Mill flTO Ieaiorn Mowluy mid TtiurwUyn of
ccli wk, or olkner II denlrcU.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
1 No. 90 Second Sroet, The Dalles Or.
This well known Htiuid, kept )y the
well known W. II. Ilutts, lonp u resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary lino stook of
Wip"! IliIi'c TIaIiiiIiI nrl With Ilulnphiirii'
In fact, all the leadini' brands of fin
Wines, Li(iuor and Cigars. Uivo th
old man a call aod you will come uuain
Uliseman S Harders,
Saloon aod Wine Hoonis
Th Dalles,
aTJaNorthweat comer of Second and
Court streets.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
le?K .
Kndershy, Or.
Whn nrn nn nc tlmo ennfK out at urnsxt I v-rnfl LlCOCl ri
UK NKW TOWN Iiiin been liliittcil mi thoolil cmii)i i;niiiiiil, nt the KurkH nml
I Kit 1 1 h ol lluixl river, with liirue,iil(,'litly Iot,,linmi nlnelHiinil iilleyh, K'1'"' noli
' anil piiruYiiti!r,wltliHliuilitlii iirnfiinioii, .-rfi--1 1 1 a I nnnc.dt; 1 li; li t f 1 1 1 iiiiiiintiili'
clllimte, tliuceutriil iittrnctlnii iitui niiniiitiiiii miiuiiiit remrt (or nil Orel!"".
luilnt- thf. twjiri'Mf tfiivn tii Mt II.1..1I It lu iMi...ri.llM.f. lu i. ftnillirlUK
ceuUT, IjoIiir tlio iiiitiirnl eeii'tor fur W miiuiii' mile's of the Iwnt ci inr nml
iiniuer, iHwkfbNiiiff iiiimiiiiin of imrco-i'ower lit ltn HiinIiIuk Htreiinm hihi ""
IiiIIh, ejihlly ImriKwd. Wlicto clienp inotlvo imwiir uxlutu, there tl'
iMi will lluu till), the plueo to 11111L11 11 verftot lioine or 11 imyiiiK '""
j See me on the grow?.
address me at Hood B"
' Wasco County, Oregol
W. RossWinans.
Pipe Work. Tin Repairs anfl
Shop 011 Third Streot, next door wuet of Yowl? &
JilaekBimth b'top.