ftMTX I fifel 11 11 IT l itfki m 11 fv. S 1 YOUR Jffi. YOUR CHOICE OF OUR STOCK OF Men s Summer Suits For Only $9 55 $10.00 Suits, i $12.00 Suits, $14.00 Suits, $15.00 Suits, $16.00 Suits, ALL GO NOW FOR 9.85 all Goods Marked' in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ritftd the rwtumrr nt Tim Ilitflen, Orrjton, uHriind'i'lnMi matlrr Local A(lTtllliC. HittntM' Uni'lur llrt IiimtIIoii, nnd Mviits ict lice lorwch lubn'iiucut Insertion BlcUl rate lor long time notice. Ml Ura. notlcr. r'.itnl Inter ttiun 3 o'clock 111 ivir tie follow IiiK ilu. Wfitlirr Purrraiat. ejumt ii'eaiit twtntvjour huutf ending nt S p. m, iumnrriiw Friday and Faturday (air and li$:htly tcoler. Paoi'i:. wkatiuh Earomctcr, '.'11.78. Maximum temperature, 8-. Minimum temperature, f7. Kiver. 10.6 feet uUive. zero. Wind, northwest. FRIDAY, AUG. IB. ISM lb Daily and Weekly Chronicle way btwiun rale al 1, ('. Nic.keheti't utare. AUGUST ANGLINGS. uall I'ry lluokiil In- I'rr.ui.i.i im....... tele K'orl-r. Mii'V lmil u hHiulkuTi-hlt-C -..nil ,,-ry miimniimi- Irimmliir "Hi' nm.lciit It nUtliUiu fill" r 1,1 "-m in w limning large yield of fruit 1 Wasco county thin season, I". 1'. Tl iriitmwim lmu i ... - I"., j.i.c luriufu me re- v.nui,i in in,. suspended Poilluid Jigs unnk. Mglit was inude hideous hint liiirlii lit tlie vicinity of Court and Second streets over ii prolonged saloon brawl. nl. I. !!. B.Co. have cut ,! Jniulu thoyurilHttt thin place, and now -...ruv ,0tvn (iorit work ut ;i "JCIOCK II. ill. Hit Moody warehous.. !.,!.... ..i of the most creditable and popular in-1 ntitutioriH of which our city and eonnty j can boast. Superior instructors, the ; pleasant Hiirrouiidin", and a complete , education in etiquette and morality, tin well iih all branches of learning, mal:e ht. .Mary'? academy ana kindred insti tutions h most valuable school for girls. On Saturduy lust, l'Jth inst., Julius Woiseck, a well known citizen of thin county, departed thin life at Grant, lifter suffering the keenest agony from cancer iu the face. The deceased had two tumors removed from bin fuce PERSONAL MENTION. Hope is visiting at the Cascade Mrs, Ixieks. Mrs. Tipleyof Fossil is visiting Mr?. M. Hart in tliis city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Diet .el departed for Portland on the morning boat. H. Hinton and Mies Lulu Bird re turned last night from Hake Oven. .Mrs. George Herbert and family have pone to Cascade Locks to visit relatives and friends. Mr. H. F. Turner called at Tiik CllHOVICI.i: office 1mI.iv. Hp in nn liin within the past year. Cancer in the i wav to Portland. the finest hav 1 the wool ...... (1K lor im aecoinmo. rn ot 'lu.at, which will b,,.i . fciMi-tl. ftu. Ilascom today caught a number "'"Mil. home of t i r. ...... . JlL?i"W ' ir the rail- " ir.iui .leiierfon htreet -iu im noill'l Hint ,.(..:.. , ' " '""-'I Ml lilt) H'U- im v mi. mi of , ;... .'. ul'tttU to the L., , 7 ui"wr concertn that ., '",uu "H with lunt Hummer. A ter received in thiHcltVHavH Mr humlrtli i UBUUM,"(1 Put up three . """""Will 10H of - louruteH, UlRn.wi.... lino i .. " '-"'ni'l'Ver. Li. I' - G III II I.J... . . . . . . 'wbvni..... 7 K,,!Kin the , iiumc. hiwi ,., ,,.., I mrlnu i.i . 'vnou very nor ouh .-vn. iiiu I. ........ . - difi , -"n uuinir verv m.llv ""hviiirii. - "J nun..,.- if ' wonder,'. HllUlo..0(. .,' Hnu l . . . " '"""Kern, ii. " u tun uriitti... i . . U d,l, IU Ul t 1 Httl 'm afv'i an. . -"""vii - p,ac to nmk.T , , wu" ,n thw it Mo the " , ',U l,'irU C a '"If" "trttIht 0'" H J1"1 "the b'rl.i 10tl'Ur trudlt,0 "') tlicn... m" eoftlio Futlmr " i.,J ""K UL Hin i ... . " IIU1U Aln.. i. ? ,ll'd f0 Oil nnlll ... 6t.Mii,i- . 111 Hot horenl.,,.,.. I- hide of tlie face then net in, and the old man wha in couKtunt pain for pevcral moiithii prior to hi death. Moro Ob Herver. Three canep for anhnult and battery were net for triul before Jiiftice Hchutz thin aftertToon. The eompaintu are State v. Jan. Crate, for Htrikinp 11. J. O'Connor in thei.ico; H. .1. O'Connor for Htrikinp II. L. Chenoweth in the jam ; and Thou. O'Connor. II o'clock iind th otherti until 7 o'clock thin evenim.;. A letter received bv Mr. Davis, for merly of Mifsouri, Htatei. that wheat hell there for M centH per bushel, Aid everything elu' in proportion, while Mr. Aim-worth, of French A Co.V bank, has heaid from Nebraska to the etl'eet that wheat there biinpH thirty odd cent." peri bushel. Wheat is 1 5(4150 per bushel here, but it lacks considerably of beinj; 1 u bushel, as promised a jearuKoby the deiiiocratii' side of the house. A larie school of whales was seen last week oU'Cai,.' Halteias, and the (men tion is broached whether the whales are innc.islni: I" number and returning to their old haunts. Theie wa a time when whale oil was the chief lighting fluid. Then a they grew scarce it seemed a providential event that keio sene wan discovered. Now, ho know s? Possibly kerosene is about giving out and we may have to back to candles and Hpenn oil. Mr. L, P. Wilson, the "Mexican Stove Polish" man, left for Portland by Regu lator this morning. Mr. J. I). Parrish, proprietor of the Priueville stage line, left for Portland this morning to remain a few days. Mr. Al. ISettingen nnd his better half left by steamer this morning for Astoria, where they will enjoy the fresh ocean breeze. N. ntlll "Mil. Nnliln Sl.vn.li" 1)I'11 Mm niittticUl .Situation. IltivitiL' sprinkled tho floor with water fresh from tho well and sprinkled about ten million (lies with ins:ect powder from the no.zle of a powder gun, and seeing no prospect of anv grout rush of busi ness, I conclude to sit down nnd ponder over the great miction of tho duv. To present, myself to the subject in a broad and general way ; to eliminate all per sonnl interest in the matter, nnd Htudy money from a linancial standpoint; and as it relates to, and effects the domestic nnd political relations of man. Right here. I wns disturbed and greatly re Iievcd- by the arrival of my friend Charley the "noble siwash." The sub ject diopn me. at once, and I fall some what, ungracefully into practical grooves, and I regret to say that tho world will have to move on as well as it can- without the benefit of my opinion, as to whether money bus any of the essential elements of wealth or not. Charlev knocked the bottom out of all my long cherished opinions, relating to political j economy. The quiet confidence that I have reposed in the ability of congress and the chief executive, to make times good is more or les" shaken. When we Charley and myself had adjusted our private financial matters to our entire satisfaction, he Charley wanted to know why it was that "I5os ton m mi all round everv where, talked i - i , all-time halo money." Now it oc curred to me, that inasmuch, as it is 1 possible for this poor untutored savage j to become a citizen some day, that I ' would lie failing in my duty should I ( fail to explain the matter to him. So I ( went to work in dead earnest, with poor jargon and English. I told him all that j I knew about tarifr; the Sherman silver J bill, read and interpreted, as well as I cbnld, the president's message, etc. Iu i fact 1 spread myself for about two hours. When 1 had finished, Charley regarded me with a calm and intense dignity for about ten minutes, then spoke aa fol lows : "Yon no sabe money; congless no sabe money; president no sabe money ; me, Indian Charley know keep more. Now, me spose you berygood man, me tell you all about it. You see, Boston man, all time heep like him Chinaman. Chinaman ketch 'em hiyu money. All right, now last spring, Boston man beep big fool, he tell Chinaman get out, go home! All right, Chinaman go home, take all the money, you see? Now, spose Boston man tell me, Indian Charley, you be president, all right, me be president, me tell Chinaman no go home now, no buy iotas in China, buy ictaa from Boston man. You no buy ictas from Boston man, me cut your long hair off1 nnd make hiyu rope and hang hiyu more Chinaman. A Secdlenn Apil Tree. i Mr. Geo. Hubert returned this morn- McCoy for assaulting II. .1. j ing to Portland after having visited Ii is ("use of Crate postponed till j parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Egbert of i iu-.iiie. Miss Minnie Freiman, who has been j visiting in Portland for a short time, re turned on the steamer Regulator last j evening. Mr. John Gannway hai- just come in i fiom Prineville and reports the roads in , excellent condition ami freighting very I light. Even Prineville i as quiet iu its j business habits as any place. Judge Bennett and B. S. Huntington returned last night from Mosier, where they have been to take evidence iu tho suit que-tionnig the legality of organiz ing school district No. .VJ, and of w hich suit .Miss Bowman is referee, . B. Wilson, general freight agent solicitor for the Northern Pacific, and E. A. llackett, sissi-tant general agent of the freight and passenger department of the Burlington, are in the citv today, and made Tin: Ciiiionk i.i: a call. Me-srs. I). J). Dufur and N. .1. Sinnolt returned last evening from Badger lake, wheie they have been rusticating for the pastweek'or ten days. They report the llshing in ttie lake anil Uailgor creek good. Tho only objectionable feature about it is that it takes an early worm to catch the iish. Thev letunied with Tin: Ciiuonioi.i: foice re grateful for j alw'U one bundled of the speckled ., , . . .. , I I beauties and distributed them among a tine watermelon, weighing six pounds, tu,, fr,,.mltli Thanks: thank-! from the mammoth farm of Sciatcheiu I Littletleld, near this place. This enter-j a uiuui.io iim.uti.in. prising farmer believes that he has found a new comu.eicial importance for) The Statesman ofllce has received wuturiiielmiM. ml il.l v..ar bus riuscd I fnun the east a new invention and res- them on an extensive scale for the mir-! lvtMlly vites a visit from professional pose of feeding to cats. He thinks that cats fed with watermelon furnish a sii lienor article of liddle-sliings, in that they me tougher and longer than those ordinarily sold, (mutchs to this pioneer of a new industry. Hluti'Iit'i, iiiiiiii's, liver luitetiUH, Ci. M. 1). rlKlit quick cllsimtchi-h, urivi-M iiwny iiicijiiciii iiiimirn, IV I'M IIHIIV llll'ltl CU'ins tin-blood (mm iiimiiiiiiis liuiiiorf, no oil until ui l... Pitched tho third AltliiK one. wliiRi'tT on In1, Try tlio wortu of (i. M. 1. which is tho great Golden Medical Dis covery of Dr. Pierce a wonderful tonic and blood-purifier. The "Discovery" is a standard remedy for consumption, bronchitis, colds and lung troubles; guaranteed to benefit or cure, if taken in time, or money refunded. Hhlloh'H Vitalir.er is what you ueod for dyapepulu, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. Jt In guaranteed to give you natlsfaction. Prb-o 74c. Sold by Snipe fc Klnersly, druggists. Tygh Vatlry Koller Kluur Mill, In iu complete repair ; always in store flour equal to the best. Also old style coarse and line Gra'mm flour, mill feed, etc. W, M. IIdCoiikll', I'ioui m.ii,.hii cracksmcyi or burglars dtinni; any even ing when oppoitunity oilers, it is in the Hhapu of a large dynamite cap, the peculiar combination of which is only known to the proprietor, it is inserted in the safe and when the midnight op erator has bored a certain distance through the lock, its utility becomes very appuient- in fact there is no neces sity for a further trial either of the safe or the burglar. Not long since it was tested in Chicago, and proved very sat isfactory. Both burglars were found on the roof and tho safe a total wreck, but no money was missing. Uhntwmhn, I inner miM uieilli'llie tliiit Klvi'h such iinlvi'iMit MitthfiiclUm to iny ciiktom crs tit Kniuse's llcmJm'lio Ciipmlis. 1 cult sieiik hImi from experience, it they lime iieiuly cured ine of frcnieut iittm'kc of sick lieiKl.ielieH, I euutd Ki't yon imiiiy li'stliiioiiliil" in tills Weill Uy fiom ttion' wliii Imye iimh! tlii'in. The orchard of W. H. Helm of Colum bus has a tuM naturx in the form of a vigorous young apple tree that is now loaded down witli a crop of seedless ap ples. The tree is a seedling and this is its first crop. The apples are of the fall or winter variety and are not yet ripe. They are of good si.e, fine grain and ex cellent flavor. In appearance they dif fer only from other apples of like appar ent variety in that the stem end is not indented, but if anything protrudes a little around the stem, nvery one ot them yet cut open lias neon loiinu as devoid of seed or any appearance of core m a turnip or potato. The freak of na tuie has naturally attracted intense in teiest. Samples of the fruit have been sent to Portland for inspection and other samples will be sent them, by request of the curious, in a few days. Mr. Helm cannot say, for certain, where tho tree came from and he only discovered tho fruit was seedless by accident a couple of weeks ago. Since then he has had several oilers to iiiiichase the tree, one would-be buyer offering liim $100 for it If scions cut from the tree should porpetu ate a seedless variety of apples, as fruit glowers are confident they would, this l'teak of nature may bo destined to make the name of W. H. Helm of Columbus famous. In any event the future his torv of this little apple tree will be watched with intense interest. Sen Uriel. Now Try Tills. It will cost you nothing and will sure- lv do vou good, if you have a cough, cold, or any tiouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give lelief, or money will bo paid back. Sull'erers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and thorough recov eay. 'Iry a sample bottle at our ex nense. and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes it Kinersly's drug store. Largo size iOc and $1, ' . . I I II !!-. I ASK your uenier lor aiexicun ouver Stovo Poliin. An Appeal X JL To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity: Owing to tho recent Bank failure in this city, wo nro compelled to raise a certnin amount of money within tho next .. .. ,. 60 DHYS. Therefore, wo will givo to all caih customers a chance to buy goods at Von i trill). f. I.. Con l.si i, ltcd Cloud, Kcl. Oliuger it Bone's stages en route to Cloud Can Inn will locate campers at the cotcw best fishing point in Hood Kiver valley, where one can reach Mt. Jlood in a few bourn and got their limit and provisions daily. -t'il Mexican no (UUt. ook'sCottonlioo COMPOUND. Silver Stove Polish causes A rrccut dUcoverjr by au oM JibjilcUu. .S'iKYCJ.'uJrV Msi-a fitoutMy liy thouir.i'$ vf Ijxditt, U tlitf ouljr r.i rfiMl7 safoand tillable mnllcluo dU Bcwaro of uupriuvlplvd drupgUU who utlir inferior ciMldum In lylaua of Ibli. Ask lor Cook'a Collon Huut CuiuyonoJ, tail no tulitt tutt, or lucloo 1 and 0 vent In jxwIuko Iu letter audwo will feud, scaltsl, lijrrtturu mall, yullpald rmrtl.Hil.u-a In- I'loin oaveloiK', to Iniilu ouly, K I rUoijia. Addrew 'o u i Ul I v O o m p a u y, Mi. v rumr uiocv. jHiirvit, anca. Bold in Tho Dallvs by Hnlpcs & Kluervly. 50 SI. Cents on the Clothing, ...... Gents' Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, flj Jlfllip PtylGE. Embroidery Boots and Shoes and Laces, The amount required MUST be raised in 60 days. S. & N. HARRIS. Cor. Coin and second sts. The Dalles, Oregon NEW on mm Dry Ms Fancy Goods and Notions, (Jerks' furrir; (Jodd5, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. Familiar Faces in a New Place. E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. E. BARN ETT Jtye leal Estate, Ioai?, Iiurapee, COLLECTION" ACENCY. Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to lient, Abstract of I.itle furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make or a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests before the Unitep States Land Of lice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You Seen T H E' Fine Millinerv Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER S CO. J. H. CROSS. At tho Old Stand, Gov. Second nnd Union Sts. Jtey, Grair;, peed apd plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. All goods delivered Free anil Promptly. Ofifculx iptvloL for aiSssft THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- BOOKS. A T I. O. NIOKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, Is now opon, and its proprietor will soil his homo produced Wine at prices in the reach of evoryhody. Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect. Thompson's Addition, every respec