The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'KIl OF DAl.UIS CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. 8UHSCKI1T10N KATKS. BY MAIL, POSTAGE PRHFAIP) IS ADVANCK. Wklr 1 v.r . I 1 ill n -t . . .... J ..t .l. ., " "? paVmeM 10 lis lieposuura ui uiu piihi OX, , . , . ... . .1... MH. DKKIIM'S I't-KOOK. 3nMrnntm 1'nll Payment to PnrtliUHl ShvIiic Hunk lliiltnr. Orcgontan, Tiic undersigned, linvinp full conn donee in the solvency of the Portland Savings bank, hereby guarantee the 6 montliK. " 3 Dilly, 1 year. . . . " 6 months. . " per " Addnv all communication to " THE CHItON tCLEi" The Dalles, Oregon. Punt-Office. orncis noun Oenoral Delivery Window . .8 . in. to 7 v Money Order ... .! a. m. to4 p. m. ijpon its nssetg, Bmiday i " y ti, m, to 10a, m. ' ' . c co now due tliem, subject only to m lovrine conditions: First The lniuinBement of its alhors 1 to remain in the hands of parties satis factory to me. Second A reasonable and suflicient time to be given in which to realize FliANK Dkkum. ' f , m. William Tell Your Father thitt wf mjII "COfYlllCKT " these d.ivs arc not liko cWsiNo ov maiu ( Haying carefully scrutinized the ns- train, S-Jwrt A.h llm. j Qf .. ,tf , ri"i,,lpvi1iiJle filwnim! i receiver, and having eliminated there "luitiirandWatmStirinpi ..fiiwia. m. from evervthini; of a doubtful character, .7 HTlni! ? "rt,nnd-:t;:S2: ml I nni uncnialilledlv of the opinion that, the old times. Bleuclin' waB the Bxecpt Sunday. ..... the bank i" entirelv solvent, and that tTri-weekly. Tiiefdny Thurlny and i-aturday. ' y1L - L" ., ui .J ... . 1 " Monday Wednesday and Frldny. . its depositors Will be paid 111 full. 1 makti this statement unqualifiedly, antl 'VVh.'it.'H flint? A rtnve invention which works all the year round? Siirpnsm - onlv remedy them ns "vou sav, Br, days. But now, Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is a true remedy FRIDAY, AUG. IS, 1S93 for t,B satisfaction and information of ' for the blood." depositors. 1). P. Tiiomi-sox, ' It's not like the sarsapanllnB, that Receiver The alwve pledge from Mr. Dekum and the card from Mr. Thompson will co far townrd restoring confidence The editor of the Telegram is much like the frog which, being taken to task for the noise he was making, justified himself by saying that was the only kind he could make, and was compelled to make some noise that the world ' among the depositors, quite a number would know he was living. The Tele- j of whom yesterday signed a petition de gram, it would seem, frequently croaks ' manding the removal of Mr. Thompson lor the same reason. The people of i as receiver of the Portland Savings Portland will certainlv question its bank, and the appointment of a "prae- competency as an oracle before disclaim-j tical, disinterested man." By the ing againBt such representative and pub-! terms of the petition, the signers agreed t Ho-nniritPil nitizens as 1). P. Thompson ! to cive ample bonds for the new re- and Frank Dekum. Mr. Dekum built the first three-story brick in the city of Portland, and has been identified with the city'E interests for a long term of , and D. P. Thompson is second years only to W. S. Ladd as one of the agen cies which made a metropolis of Port land. It is too bad that when they are in the toils of adverse circumstances, for which they are not responsible, they are to be kicked and cuffed by such use lees croakers as the Telegram. And yet that paper cannot permanently harm them. They have an individual ity strong enough to survive such flings from such a source and they are by no means in the last ditch. Their manly letters in the Oregonian of yesterday give assurance that no one will lose a dollar. When the future restores Mr. Dekum to hip former business import ance, the Telegram will be found lick ing the hand it Bnapped at. The escutcheon of Massachusetts is a codfish. The early cu'.tureof her aristoc racy was fish-culture. Indeed, her religion is allied with the piscatorial calling. It is of record that when the Pilgrims went to King James for their charter they said to him that they desired to go to the New World to wor ship God and catch fish. "What profits do you intend to make?" On being told "those from fishing," he replied ironically : "So God have my soul, 'tie an honest trade; 'twas the Apostles' own calling." Secretary Hoke Smith, who recently returned from a trip through the west ern states, said : I visited a number of the northwestern states and was im pressed with the diversity of the re sources of that great section. The min eral wealth seems almost limitless. Coal, iron, copper, silver and gold abound, and almost every variety of agricultural product i being cultivated with profit. To thete new homes have been carried advanced views of educa tion from the east, nnd the schoolhoiiHe ie found in every village. the as a ceiver. Only depositors were allowed to sicn the document, and each was ! questioned by the circulators of petition to satisfy them that he v bona fide depositor. 1 In justice to Mr. Thompson, it should be stated that he did not solicit the ap-1 pointment, and he says he is willing to ! resign at any time. He was appointed j by Judge Stearns, who is a depositor in ' the savings bank, and who, thinking Mr. Thompson the best man for the place, asked him to accept it. Mr. Thompson last evening, before he wrote the above card, (Stated that the deposit ors will get all their money, but just when hi: was unable to say perhapt in a few mouths. i arc sain to nc poou lor me oioou ) in March, April and May. The I ' Golden Medical Discovery " works ; equally well at all times, in all sea ! sons and in all cares of blood-taints, or humors, no matter what their 1 name or nature. 1 "Golden Medical Discovery" is the only Blood and Liver medicine, i sold h'v drtitrcrists. auarantccd to benefit or euro in. every cane, on fair 1 trial, or money paid for it will ; be promptly refunded. World's Dispensary Medical Association, t Proprietors, No. CG3 Main Street, Buffalo, i SUtfEBT. ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, Kasy-fitting Pants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! JJp'We are also Headquarters for ... . Men's, Boys' and Youth s & CLOTHING Ai Dr. Nanben, who has just sailed from Christiania for the purpo?e of finding the North Pole, has with him a phono graph, into which his wife has sung all his favorite songs, and in which the little baby he has left ae her only com fort has also uplifted his voice in a les musical manner. An enormous supply of provisions has been taken for this ex pedition provisions that will keep good for at least seven yeart. TO ltK l.l'KIKI) AI.IM:. rmfppanr Tyitdull Wrlteo a 1'riend A hunt th l'rimratioiik. Telepram. In accordance with a promise made by Professor Tyndall. the mindreader, the day prior to his departure from here, to j a Portland friend, a letter was received from the former today. In it lie "On the 21st inst, I will be buried in it , metallic casket, especially manufactured for that purpose, in Jackson Park, pro-' viding the authorities do no: interfere with my purpose, and I am sure they i will not, unless my wife urges them to ! stop me. i "I shall be buried at the regulation i depth, with electric wires wound around my toes and fingers, which nreto le con-1 nected with electric bells in the ollke of the chief of the Columbian guard. 1 am j taking this precaution to protect mytelf ' again.t a horrible death should I po-hi- bly come to during my interment. Hut o! m I fear nothing of that kind. "I shall remain under ground liO days dead to all intents and purpose!, and on the ."1st day feel 20 years younger than on the day of my burial, and all this I'll explain in the future. "Expect fully 100,000 people to wit ness my departure from the surface, and my grave )'. to be watched day and night by disinterested guards." the Dalles. AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. Iavw The Dalles at C a. m. every day, and ! 1 rivet at I'rtuevillc in thirty-six hour. lA'avet' Princvlle at 5 a. m. every day, and nrrivw. ui The Dalles in thlrty-alx hour. 1 Cariits the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express j Connect at Priu 111c with I Stages from Eastern and Southern Or-1 egon, Kortfaern California and j all Interior Points. j In every size, style and price. ' n m urn i inrnn o nn YOUR ATTENTION horses horssb J. S. COOPER, Is called to the fact that i' makes close connection at The Dullee trint from Portland and Eastern lnt canrtwes druers. c-:vi accGDSodatioii! alow tie mi. Firn-clau Ccaclts ail Hcrs:s cstf. Express natter taadled with s?Kia! tart. .STACK OFriCKK; M. HiclK'l X N..' Hti.ri:, I'rllirrlllo. UmatUlit Hnuif, flu- Dull.?. Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plotter , Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Crrl U Flimm I.lnr of Picture Mouldings Ciiruer Jlnrn, VK10X STOCK YAltHS, Vhictig,,, JIU. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will hold his Gth extensive sale of west ern hranded horses for season 1893, on WEHDIsrESIDY, -A.TTG-TTST 16 Entries should be made at ooee. HORSES HORSES j1"i1.Vh;!iii J. F. FORD, Evangelist llill Tin' Oniwtli uf tlif VnuiiK 'liiiunlr. In the very beginning of its ysistencL' ! tbii baby fish in a clear, transparent, little thing. Ite two uvch are where well-regulated eyeK uhould be, on ojino-1 site sides of the head, and it twini- ver tically in the water, as do othor fish. ! Hut in a few days the influence of a long 1 line of flounder ancestry iii felt. He, toy, takes to lying on one side gener-' ally, but not always the loft. The ex-' Moine-, Town, write under S. 1!. Mkd. Mr. Co., j Dufur, Oregon. i Grntlanen : On arriving home last week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little ml, eight and one-half years old. who had wasted away to 38 pounds h now well, strong and vigorous, and wel. fleshed up. .S. 15. Cough Cure has donf its work welt. Doth of the children like it. Your S. H. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. s'o give it to every on1, with greeting for all. Wisiiintf vou prosperity, we arc Yoiirt;, ."Ma.' & Mits. J. F. Foau. IJ yiu Willi to !wl Jrcih ami cheerJuLuml rv;il5 : for thp f-iiririKN work, cleans" your system wjtfi the Hi-fiifacti"' .mil Mvi;r Cure, by UMiik twnt thrw (iv- euch week. rold it'irter a po-ItiV"- unrnntec 6j ittb i'r bottle lir nil 'tnieplx' 72 To be found in the City. LUashington Street. i . .'. j. J. . .. . it j r i . i . . n JJ J ' ' - j leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the The Dalles Gigar : Factory FISST STBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. CIGARS of tuc Beet Brands manufiictured, and orderu from all parte, of the country filled ott the shortest notice. uliiMlotaii i W. E. GARRETS0K. Westward the plague btnr of cholera ! posed takes its way. It this's fears are realized and if the iunnortalJenkins lets one case slip through his guard in New York harbor, then, say the medicos, the Hcourg'i will sweep right across the continent. We need not Ik? afraid, how ever, provided the god of cleanliness is bowed down to, says the Astorian. A plucky woman is lira. Capt. lirock of San Francisco, who, with her hus band, has purchased the pilot schooner Caleb Curtis and is now fitting it out for a trading trip to the South .Sea Isl ands. Mrs. Brock will take entire charge of the cargo and conduct all trades with the natives. The voyage will take two years, h Nothing the newspapers can say pre entf the fearfully destructive forest liree every year. We will have a terrible account to settle with posterity when the mountain sides are practically de luded of timber and the annual rainfall is so materially lessened that all crops will lie partial or total failures. Captain (Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh'e Catarrh Kemedy is the first medicine I have ever fousd that would do me any good." Price 50 eta. Bold by Snipes & Kinersly. for Bnt. Booms to rent at Rer. A. Horn's resi--4enoe on Ninth street. C-L'Ildaw, skin darkens. In this position the view of the under eye is somewhat limited, and it squints upward toward a larger ope. It begins to move; it turns the corner and comes on top. There it tal ;es a stand. The month twists up ward, and the young fish swim'; along sideways on the bottom. Harper's Young People. LeaGin g Jeweler The leputation of THK DAl.LKS Cl GA II has Income Hi inly established, and the demand for the home manufactured ( article is increasing every day. , A. ULRICH &. SON. W. V. WISEMAN. VM. MAKPKK. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, who are selling these coods out at Kreatly-roducoci rates MICIIHLHACH 15H1CK. - UNION HT WINHNS i Mlt.K MiKUT Vitt". rtiV Use Mexican Silver Stove I'olisJi. NOTICK. t Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna Brooks, has, without just cause or prov-1 ocation, left my bed and board, auaiust my wishes and consent, and refuses to t0,u... return or further live with me, I hereby ! Joweiiy The Snug. 5 W. H. BUTTS, Prop. I No. 90 Second Sreet, The DalleE 0r. r credit on mv account, as I will not pay any blllB of her contracting after this j date. Cam:!) Bkookh. i Dalles City, Or., July 1ft, 180:i .dtttiwit i Watch Work Warranted. Made to Order. U1M Meconil ht., TI. lmII-. Or. Anareblo Uxatlve ami N Bit V 12 TON IC. SoW by DniKtritlRor tent liy mall. &c,,U)c., sua Sl.QO por (MtckuKo. &unplut free. Wf 1111 ,Th Fvorlto TOOTH WWW1 BU nVortboTeothanaiJrvata.Kc. But sale bf HbI Si Kinersly. A. WESOLO, The Boston Tailor, East End Steond St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'erreot ru Oaamutoetl. CliAtA STORY, Art Teacher Room S, Btttinyen Building, Mill fire Uoiu Muuduyii mid Ttiurdy of ncli k, or olUnw II dclt!d. ThiH well known stand, kept by the ; , well known W. II. Butts, long n resi-1 dent of Wasco county, has nn rxtrnordi-1 1 nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Distarbaae In fact, all the leading brands of fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th om man a call and you will come again (Uiseman & Hardens, Saloon and Wine Rooms UK NKW TOWN Iiiim U-n m the nld i'iiin':niund, ill tin- Kurl.n mill l'ullbdl II(i(Kl rlvur, wltli JnrKo,Hi!htly liiln.liruiid ntrcitiiii(l iilli-vn, umni noil mid imri;wiil'T,wltlihHilolniiiu(iiKliin,irrfiTt(iiHliiHr,dni:liUiiliii(iiiiitiilii vllmitte, the c;iitriil iittrnctluii 11t.11 iiiiniiituiu (uiiuiht resort lor nil Ow'i'i IwIiir thu i nwuwtti town to Mt. lliMid. ltliiiiiiiriilU'lwiihiiiiiiiiiulMtilnrliiF center, UjIiik the natliriil center for INi kuiuc iiiIIch of tlm lnt cwliir itml ' Umber, IKisfcUHMiiK iii.llluti. of horc jkhmt hi Km iIuhIiIiik htteuliih mid liter lallH, viiMlly l.urnuuted. Where eliea inotlvo i.ouer uaIkIii, tlieiu tin) miiim , luctnrlex Will center. Mirmiiiiili il liv noli mul ..!....... n,t ..n I... eiecl w miyiriure lor ir inn ill iiL-rieu mm. mul ulili 1. ...,, n ...m v nxuin inke k iKTfect linino or u uiyhiK lim-"0'" jon will imd Huh the jihieeU) nink The Dalles, Oregon. JKf NorthweHt corner of Heeond and Court ctreetH. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowle. 13 tgt f2.00 26eggB a.OO Addrew: K. M. HAKUIMAN, C-S,lu Eudenby, Or. See me on the ground, oi address me at Hood River Wasco County, Oregon. TITliE PERFECT j W. Ross Wi nans. Pipe D. BUNNELL, Wort Tit Repairs ami 1)0011 MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSUBE. Shop on Third Street, noxt door woet of Young & Ku Blaclcsmith Shop.