Jl)c Holies flail djrottkk vi. THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1893. NO. 54. bjjSteMy Chronicle. .cllBOSIOI.KHnLIMIIlNO CO.' 0fHulirlltl" . ..Ifilw 60 6 f,lfTAlH.KH. aittft.'fl 1 v,mi Heparin n-.Wr.M. , tin flli Ocirt 3:11 . . H ,,. fur thc . .i. luku oven. leave dally Miwi'1'1'- f"y"" (:ltr' ,c"vu TOSl&WwH leav, every d.y o JKOKKSMONAI. U, iwiaUfvt.Tlic KuiUf, irrKm. '1! 1 MKKKKEK ATTORHKTJ) AT- Df,:iloorf. U ami . over l'-t WlllDS.KuUunreo!. V .lUilnKtou Btrect HI!""' f, ,BF.ssm,ArrouN:V ATi.Av. 01 JiXOrtfir.. .t,KUI. M.HC.1TINHT0. I!. A. WU.HON. it.uw -Ulbrw. r reuciri block over fimNitlonillunl, ' h I11-k. On-con. 11 II. ttllrOS-AnOKKEY-AT LAW -Koorn l . YkuI CV bank buHalng, hecoiid Ittwi. ThM)o,o.Tiriin. InB. HJIKUtAN ,'IloiiJiorATiiiC; iut-ucia V mi oi'MioXz-CuIlii uimwred promptly. ioniilit,cl!)' or country Ollleo No. Wand iluipminDioci. rt 0. V. DOA N K rHYriCUN a KIi nun III iion. Ufflra. room fi ntiil C Chatiffi&U Itotl Ktsldcnci H, K. eorncr Court KtiU Ifmu iinwta. hmmiiiI door Ironi tliu corner. jthnStol2 A. M., 'J to uud" Ui 6 1". M. rIDDAM, IieMrtKT - (int. Riven lor tlie IV, vcaleu cilrnuttou of teeth. Alio tevth rtmlnnl aluminum uluti- KiHium KIku of il UaTontbiriwimd htri-et 80VIKT1K-. IjTliOOtOIidK, N(i 1 . A K.U.SI - MtiU r " to'ind tlilid Men. ill. ui inch mouth ut 7 )U.Kri HOY Al. All' it ( II Al'TKK NO. C 'UnU In Miuinili Hull thu thlnl Vim1iiiuuUv Coliniimllii.t7 1' M lODKl'.N WOOltMKS Of TIIK WOULD -1 -It liwH'nnn,,Vi).!(j ,.M-tTu.dn) ..yen ml well viwA lu rriiU-tuuyllivll.nfj ri j,, m IDl.tlMllU 1.01ICK, NO.r., 1.0. 0. I'.-Mwi, V hull. l-iiriuT ri.N...i. f...... : .U0W.III,H!'y, n, A l,u.v. r. Allllll l lltllllllllf. f.,irm.r..f I'..... . ... i Lij o tuiuifllj' 1U IMV.VaUhk. k of It. .in, . " ' BA"(j. (. LVn.'h'Vn'' ,S-7' K OF '--Mw-t In K. Vi- oil' hall tin' K.T.n.,1 i. .....i. ' clock t thf rfdliiK room. All ire Invito). . All TroiiW r- BUT iinii. .. . .. it . Vl,u ''I A. l, I'. V . Miv,. ijNM. Unntirlcr. j ' IrrffLc. . ' ual r,' l A. It. tmntay t 7:nu f. ,.! tl." K ,, " 1 'iUl l,;y-Hly fteni.Kn.'.it j FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tit A NM ACT A UKNKRALRANKINU MUHINKHH UtUirn of OrixUt inmii'd avallnble in ho Kanturn Statoo. j mit ii.t.t.n.. i . . i.i,iiiiiKc unit iuirgrnpnic TrariHferfiHoltlon Nnw York, Chicago, St. Ixmin, Kan FranclHco, Portland Oregon, Soattlo Wawh., and varioiifl pointn in Or egon and Waflltington. ColliHttionn mudn at all jx)intB on fav. orabln tormn. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. CONSTIPATION to called tho "Father of Discuses." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and ifl generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully PreHidunt Vice-President, CitMbicr, 7,. F. Moody Cii.mii.gh Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight ExchangcH Sold on NEW YOUK, SAN FKANC1SCO, CHICAGO and I'OKTLAND, OH. Collections iiiudf on fuvoreblt Rtiiih at all nrceHil)) pointc. h. hCIIKMCK, l'rcaldonl II. M. Kkall Canbler. first Rational Bank. i"HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Hanking liuBinec trannacted DepoHitH rweived, nnbject to .cight Draft or Check. Collectioni) mwle and iiroteed!" fironijitly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Fold on New York, San Frane'inco and Portland. It is a mild laxative and a tonic to tho digestivo organ3. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife was jorely distressed with Comtica. ton and toughing, followed with lllredlng I'llti. After four month, use of Simmons Liver Rcpjlatof the it almott entirely relieved, Ralnin; strength nd fleih." W. 13. Lccrxx, Dclawire, Ohio. ri:vEnv packagekj Um our Z Ntamp In red on wrapper J. ZKIIUX & CO., I'hitmlelphU, P. DIRHOTOKS I. P. Thomi-kon. J.no. H. Sciiekck. Ed. M. William, Gko. A. Likiix. II. M. PXALL. W. H. YOUNG. Flic Rejolator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Moria Navigation Co. BlacKsiilti & wap stiop General HlackHmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street opp. Liebe's old Stand. THROUGH Wilt, ilrt ri. it 7 ,ati r. t .KiM I'.' M..1I .i... ., ' r- lC7 -MrWM i . '"Ml UIU llfftt Hllfl Mit.,t If. IlS;,l'jM-KUr. Kathr IlnuH.. '" 1 Uhlil-rH lit T. PlH, n ')io r f. nn.rT.il ' ; z . - -vili.Kl'yr,7Vria;vi ft.l" 'JK; 'vlui. oviry Hal lu" 1,1 ''" !OUrtll(MlM)lt ITinv S&L'nni .oy. w. c. V: SiSSSai ..ii j. w : " mill lUOIUC fllll.i,.... 1 III uru i otic, I'.m. a cmdiui woluomu House Moving! Andrew Velarde LS prepared tj do any and all kim of work in his line ut reasonable figuren. Jlas the largest hone iiiovitig outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.ThoDales S. L. YOUNG, : J"BWBLBB : : WuUilie Hint Jt'wvlry rejMilroil to oidi-r on AT TIIK Htre of I.e. NlckolMiu. 3d Ht. Tim lall Chas. Allison, Dealer in PURE Hoadquarters at 01ms. Lauor'e. Ilitvlni; liml u lino liiirwi-t of nntnnit leo the hunt In tho world, I urn iiri'iwtwl to fiirnlf.li in uiiy iiiunllty and nt Uoltoiit ili:iw. CHAS. ALLISON. C. P. STEPHENS, IJKALIJK IN Dry GoodvS Qlothing IIuiiU. HltoiKi Hut", Jilu. Kto., Kid Ktn. Seoond St., The Dalles. Freignt ana Passenger Line Tlirutuii daily eervice Sundays ex cepted i W'tween Thu Dalles and" Port land. Steamer Peculator leave? The Dalles at 7 a. m. coniiectinir at Cascade lci:s with bteamer DalleH City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland 'Yamhill fetreet dock"; at 0 n. m. eon nectinj with steamer 'emulator for The Dallee. I'A i:.V(i Kit It.lTKM. One way ?-'.00 Pound trip ... H.00 Tickets on tale for Lout; Peach, Ocean Park. TioKa and Ihraco. UaKguge checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landiiiKH mtiHt le delivered before 5 p. m. Live ftock bhipmentE polictud. Call on or addreas, W. C. ALLAWAY, i-iirl Acvut. B. F. LAUGH LIN, tiennrul Munaxrr. THE DALLES, OREGON OUT pfesh Paint I V. (". (Iuhkkt herchy M-udii IIIh coniiituu'iit to every irlcnd And i'iK'iiiy-lf le I""- y JJe they lew or be they ninny. The time for jmlntiiiK now lma come, And every one ileMres a home That lm.U frei-li ami ' ean and new, Ah none but a notKj painter can do. IMintlnc patioriliK ami Klazlmj, too. Will Vi'iiUMour oM Iioum) ook quite new Ho will take your work either way, lly the Job or by the day. If vim have urlc lve him n call, He'll take your orderf, Iuru or miall. lUpet'tlulIyi W. C. GILBERT. V, O. Hex No. 8, TJ1L DALLKH, OH The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Thia old, popular and reliable house hitH been e .tirely rofuni bIkh . anil every ooin hiiH been ropanered un, rt iint ami nowly carpeted lliroujs liout. Jno S ho coiilaliw HO room- and a M with every modern ,u,u,lil,1(, ,1 re Unable. A trood reHtaurant ! t c hvt luthuliuiirtc. Krr bun to and from all t,,U"KC. W. KNOWLIiS, Prop. RIOTING IN NEW YORK Unemployed Clothing-Workers Storm Walhalla Hall, THEY WERE DENIED ADMITTANCE Forcibly Took Possession to Hold a Meeting A Railroad Train Held Up. New Yoiik, Aug. 17. The flret of the riots whicli thc labor leaders and others have been predicting for Rome time as a result of. tho largo number out of em ployment, occurred this morning. ' A crowd of mora than 0,000 men attacked Walhalla hall on Orchard street because admittance was denied them. They smashed the plnte-glap.fi windows into atoms and forced in thc door, which had been turned against them, and forcibly took possession of the place. Several persons were rut by flying glass. All sorts of missiles were used, and finally police reserves from Eldred street station were ordered to the scene and succeeded in partly dislodging the crowd. Those forming the ctowd wcie partly Hebrews, and represented principally the clothing trades. At last accounts tho hall was about half filled with men, determined to hold a meeting at any cost. A ltallroinl Train Kobbcil. St. Loi'is, Mo., Aug. 17. San Fran cisco train So. A, due to arrive this morn ing, waB held up by two men at St. James, Mo., this morning, and robbed. The safe was opened, but the amount taken is unknown. It seems that two men got on board the train at Polla tank, hiding between the tender and thc express car. When two miles from St. James, they forced their way through the front door of the car. Before the surprised Wells-Fargo messenger, E. P. Ferguson, could collect himself, they overpowered him, took his revolver away, and in a few moments compelled him to open the way safe, from which they abstracted the valua bles. A sharp pull on the bell cord brought the engine to a halt. The rob bers opened the sidedoorof the car, and, jumping out, made their escape in a northerly direction, firing a few shots as they left the car to cow the trainmen and passengers. Tiie train was run to St. James, and a posse immediately started in pursuit. lioblii'il ii Dying Man. Dkn vkk, Aug, 17. A hold-up occurred here at an early hour this morning which beats the record. P. Cashmau, of J'ensacola, Fla., registered at the Well ington hotel las-t night. At 2 o'clock he rang for the clerk and said he was very ill. The cleric rushed to the street, and, meeting a man, asked tho way to the nearest physician. The stranger replied that he was a doctor, and was imme diately taken to the sick man's room. The doctor asked for a pitcher of water, and while the clerk was after it the alleged doctor robbed his patient of everything he had. When the clerk re turned Cathman had died, presumably from fright. The police were at once notified, and the robber was arrested an hour later. He gave his name an J. Stevens. TKICKIDI.V LACKKATKD. A IIiikp Dog Attack n Set uu-Year-Old (ilrl. Keesie Crewe, the 7-year-old daughter of Mrs. N. 13. Crews, living on Alder street. Walla Walla, is now lying in a serious condition, suHVrinj' from painful wounds in her back and right side, the result of bites of a vicious dog. Karlv vesterdav morning, as the young girl was passing by thu bottling works of Schwarz & Stahl, on Alder street, a huge black dog onoof the largest in the city darted forth from the front door of tho workn and caught tho victim just above tho center of thu back and near the shoulder. The poor little ono was thrown to the sidewalk beneath the weight of the ricious animal, whoso jaws doted on the tender and trembling human llcsh. Standing in the doorway of tho workH was Henry Stahl who hud just opened the house. The dog had been li ft in the honsn during thu night, and his action was to sudden that Mr. Stahl could not pi event it. As quick as minfcibluho caught hold of tho cur and endcuvoicd to loosen Ills hold. At this moment V. C. P.laloclc ptifsed in a hni'v. and, attracted by tho girl's cries, jumped to the ground and aided Mr. Stahl in pulling Un "way. Tim wounded child was lifted into Dr. Pin- lock's buggy ntnl taken to her homo one block east of tho bottling works, where the injuries received attention and were diesnul by the.dootor. Mrs. Crows raid, to a Statesman re potter! "ThlsiH not tho tirst of my children being bitten by this aamo brute In last November my son Clarence, still younger than Rcssie, was passing along the street near the bottling works and bitten in nearly the sumo manner, the scars from which will remain through life; also Grover waa bitten severely by the dog. This had learned them to take the other side of tho Htreet when on errands for mo; but this morning Kessie noticed a man in tho door and supposed sho was safo in taking that side, as there was no walk on thu other side. She had been sent to a neighbor's with a bucket of milk." MrH. Crews is a poor woman and can ill afford to pay physician's bills There are other children in that neigh borhood who havo been severely bitten by the samo ugly beast, and the only wonder is that death has not resulted in some cases. Marshal Kobinson notified Messrs. Schwarz & Stahl to kill the dog, and it is understood the request has been com plied with. They express themselves as truly sorry for the occurrence and are perfectly willing to pay for all physi cian's bills and trouble in consequence thereof, knowing that thc family is in poor circumstances. KIIOWKI) A BOI.I) KllOM. A Mexican Coiniiianrter'H St mill I'revntitN hii Attack on the Town. Eagi.i: Pass, Tex., Aug. 10. This morning 100 armed men made their ap pearance above Piedras Xegras and U23 men under command of Colonel Trevino were seen in the valley below town. Major Alvarez, in command of the fed eral troops, wired President Diaz that a large body of armed men were about to make an attack upon the town. The president wired to resist the attack. Upon this, Alvarez, with about fifty soldiers and sixty citizens, went out to meet Trevinaand held a conference with him, and showed him bis authority from the Citv of Mexico. Trevino re plied that they had to take charge of the town and put new officers in charge; that it was thc intention of the people to havo a fair election and it was impos sible to elTect this under the present Ar rangements. He also demanded that tho political prisoners now being held in Piedras Negras be released without for mality of trial. Alvarez again replied that he would forcibly resist the capture of the town. Trevino finally ordered ills men to retire to Little river. But for the firm stand taken by Major Alvarez, with his handful of troops, Piedras Negras would now bo in tho hands of the Cardenas faction. Tim PainuUH Sturclt Mine. Jacksonville, Or., Aug. 1(5. A. L. Sturgis, proprietor of the famous Sturgis mine, located on Jackass creek, four miles directly west of Jacksonville, was n town yesterday. He has completed the season's run and has almost finished cleaning up. He has taken out $17,000 and expects the finish to reach 120,000. His expenses have been less than $.",000. Mr. Sturgis has already loaned the money. He says the mine is not for sale. Html of llloori roiHouiiiff. Ahtohia, Or., Aug. 10. 13. W. Beck- with, who came down with his family from Portland a few days rgo and wont over to Ocean Beach, died there yester day in a few hours of blood poisoning. He had in some way or other snfl'ered a slight abrasion of the outside skin of tho nose, and it is believed that during Monday night in his sleep one of his finger nails irritated and scratched it. The body was takon up the river today. A a rami International Hall. Chicago, Aug. 10. This was a groat night on the Plaisaucu, an international ball, arranged by tho concessionaires, being held ut Natatorium hall. The hall was decorated according to thu ideas of the different countries, and all the nations represented t tho exposition took part in the festivities. Citizen George Francis Train led tho grand march with a dusky woman ironi tho far oast. Mr. J. C Boswoll, one of the best known and most respected citizens of Brownwood, Texas, suffered with dlar rhu'U for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Clioloru and Diairhu'ii Heinedy was used; that re- iuved him at once. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. hn. NEWS NOTES. OIIKCION, Drain's !,000 schoolhouFo is about finished. There are 00 boys at the state reform school. A thousand dollnrs changed hands on a Corvallis foot-race. Roseburg's electric light plant is being moved to Medford. Lane county hop-growers will incor porate an association. A herd of 300 beef cattle is being driven through Langell valley for Mon tague. Jerome Parsons, of John Days ferry, claims 100 bushels of wheat to tho acre, John Linderman, of Polk county.died from drinking too much water when heated. Since Salem's school superintendent has resigned there is a clamor for the' abolition of the office. The mayor of Condon recently drove tho stage to Fossil so that the stage dri ver might go to tho races. Hard times havo driven Kev. Mr. Glazier, the Methodist supply of Can yon City and John Day, to teaming. Three hobos went into a Gervais res taurant, ate a dinner, and walked ont without paying. The proprietor brought them back and made them saw up half a cord of wood. Salem's water consumers will here after be served directly from the river pumps. The large reservoir, built at great expense, will hereafter be used only as a safeguard in case of fire, as the company finds it next to impossible to give good service by the reservoir system. WASHINGTON. Wenatchce will build a J15.000 school house. Farm hands are in demand at Walla Walla. Ellenaburgh consumes 500,000 gallonB of water dailv. A Thornton man estimates his barlev yield at 00 bushels an acre. The thistle is encroaching rapidly from year to year on Puyallup hopyards. The new electric light power house at Cliehalis is ready for the machinery. A Puyallup young lady, who spends much of her time visiting the sick with floral and other gifts and attentions, fell ill herself last week, and nearly all the gardens in town were called upon to transform her sickroom into a perfect bower. V rather peculiar specimen of tho feline species keeps tho mice away nt Kyger A Foster's store. This particular cat is pure white, with very oddly shaped eyes one ot which is decidedly blue and the other green. Walla Walla Statesman. About a week ago a strange cat answering exactly that description camu to tho postofiice in Portland, where it may still bo seen. Ts it the samo cat, strayed or stolen, or its- louble? Clioleru InrreRttliii; In Kuiala. Sr. PnTKitsmiitn, Aug. 10. Official re turns indicate a further increase of tho iholera epidemic. It is especially severe u Moscow, where 100 new cases and Hixty-seven deaths from tho disease wera retxirted from August S to August 12. Viknna, Aug. 10. A caso of cholera has occurred in thu military camp ut Bruck, near Vienna, twenty-three milea from this city. Tho patient has been ifolulcd and every precaution takon to prevent a spread of tho disease. Miliaria in any of It Form, Chilltf and fuver, congestive chills can be prevented or cured by tho use of Sim mons Liver Regulator, a purely vegeta ble medicine, superior to calomel and quinine. Itucklvii'ri Arnica. Halve. The best salvo in thu world for cuts, bruises, sores, tilcern, Halt rheum , fuver sores, tuttor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 conta per box, For sale by Snipes A Kin ursly. Hoard anil liooiii for l'iiiiU. Two furnished rooms to let with board for pupils. Inquire at this office. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking ABSOUTEttr PURE