The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 17, 1893, Image 3

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    r&r i n Ifjfcl l k l ij i 'i bskj i i.o.i it ,
ISm l?0!l L " 00 I mmropoub notes
ip ' n j j i 1 rn
Mens Summer Suits
For Only
$10.00 Suits,
$12.00 Suits,
$14.00 Suits,
$15.00 Suits,
$16.00 Suits.
I mm
lie Dalles Daily Ghroniele.
UxtA the !'' 1
u i 1
t Tl.- Dulles Or-s(n,
.,.! mnttiT
....... 1. . . 1 ...r.f ttik.'pfltin
I HM II'-r.M .1 "
Spslil t Jor . '-iR it""' tiotii-t'i
AUVoLOOtlfin rc-.wil liitt-r than S o'CllK'k
tlit; ground in front of J. I. lUiret's
houxj. The occupant" all received
bruise., but were not tuvorc-ly hurt.
Siakint; of the accident, one of the
younc ludle ynid : "j didn't know hut
that 1 wnn Koinu to be killed, to I jn-t
hhtit my eyes and let myself (:o.
Mrs. Frederick-it HaRenberger, it pio
neer, died Tuesday ovctiintf, nt(cd 70
MiK Mamie Clark, ;i painter's daugh
ter, win ftrnck over the head with a
plMol Monday nidit !v a man who had
I been following hur. I let- screajnn caused
; him to escape tiernex lots and disappear,
j His identity is unknown.
The report, of the Portland Savings
hank docs not yivu satisfaction to do
I positoiM in that city. VnlueH are eaid
jlu ho iictitlous, overdraftH allowed, de
j posilH taken to the day of closing, and
j $50,000 borrowed by bank of!icinln two
days bcfoic Hits bank closed.
A buii;lar got into a room occupied by
!.Mr. Smith and wife. The hitter saw
'him n. he was picking up Mr. Smith's
pantH, and gave nn alarm. The burglar
tied, taking the pantn with him, but
leaving his own hat behind. There was
I only a ten-cent piece in tho pants.
A war correspondent 'of a morning
paper states that the soldiers at Camp
'Compwin mo doing quite well ; that a
foraging party captured a pig and took
I it to camp. 1 1 the foraging party is not
'careful, says the Dispatch, it will ex
change places with the pig when the old
' farmers get around.
I Louis Pacquet and Mr. Oolzier left on
! Tuesday morning for across the mount
'nins, accompanied by Mr. Paequel's
I father and mother, who are well along
j in years, the former being and the
; latter 7S. They are going to look after
jl"0 head of stock now grazing on 1G0
, ncte of land near the Pdue mountains.
The party will make the trip by wagon
team. The elder Pacquet nnd his wife
were residents of this section of the
country in early days, when there was
but one log hut in Portland, and the
Willamette had but one boat paddled
,acro-s. holding but one team..
An Appeal
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity
Owing to the recent Hank failure In this city,
II. ..1 .!. . t
wo are compelled to raise
money within tho next
n certain amount of
60 DAYS.
Therefore, we will give to all cash
cusjomers a chance, to buy goods at
r Mr. 15. S. Huntington took si run down
to M'lSii-r today.
' " J. "'initii of the Pacific Marble
Work. i in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. P. Morgan returned
i , i.. i .i v
Judge P.ra.Wmw moved into hi- bond- "ls"v ' "
Home residence todav. James Underbill of Iloyd is
l'erri-, the street spi inkier, has done
vnrv low
I and his death i- expected' at any time.
Wrttlier l"r-rt.
tfunljtricBitJr urMvJour .ur riiiimj
Thmltytui Friday fair nnd slightly
cooler. Paoue.
Uarometcr, lili.To.
ilaxiniuiu temperature, SI.
Minimnra tetnperuinre, til.
River, ICS feet above r.ero.
Wind, west.
AU(i. 17,1893
lie Daily and Wttkly Chronick wioj
kWon naif af . ('. XicLthm'i ttorr.
"mill Try HmiUril dv l'rrkllut Cliruii-Ul-
r..iirt r
ril!' l".'v 'I'""1 ,m llu' 'U"ite ii'L
.Mil III- 111(1 111 Winn
"!' iU "T,', u'' "'"'y I'liunrb
And hu taken in the tutr
nea.ling is well under way M tar out
"H'i'ygh IMdge,
Tiie Jiaynes buys have hauled their
fleam thresher into hi,fr i i
M i " iivju UI.'Y
arc repalrmg it uu j vMuv h 6 viww;h
bftilload storks aie mill i,i.i:.,..
and the end is no. yet, judging from the'
uuiiiiTuu- (juny it'jiorts of
yil It I I flllTIITU
Acting deneral
.1 fl.i.K. ,i:Ltv;i. ,:.. i: i... .i.. '
. .iliii .11 UICU lUllllll' linn; IJ lliu
hydrant wheie he tills the water wagon,
next to the city hall.
In the absence of Mr. Balfe Johnson,
for u month, the situation of telegrapher
at the Umatilla house iH being filled by
Mr. Lewis. This gentleman is most af
fable and courteous and it would bo a
pleasure to The Ciiuo.vicli: to announce
bin iermttnent residence among our jh'O
ple. A pretty well authenticated report is
that the I'nion Pacific will make some
tremendous cuts in their steamer ser
vice by the tlrst of the coming month,
withdrawing ull of their boats from the
Ixiwer Columbia but the Oregon and
State, discontinuing the routes between
Portland and Astoria nnd Portland and
the Cascades.
The labors of the city council are per
ristent on the matter of sidewalks, and
u special meeting is likely to be held
soon in this connection. Few have been
built since the last regular meeting, but
many lot-owners have Ix.'on notified.
There have, however, been some new
walk laid in the last several days.
cuts in ex-
Mauiieer K'endri..-
WJM' ". general manager of the
Wth,ra l ac.h, road today by the re.
fcivcrs ,1 H. r,,,,l ... . i..,
Tl.i.,'. ,v, dull season. A eieiit
J;0"' I""i'!" re out rusticating
""e urn ' i , uni iiini Hi 1 1 .
; fuasiue, and
l"'"oi ot ti,oto who
l "f li' iiwher.
ttIt,J,:MVS'J,,'jf'Mi,lurwl; tbo
''fUitna,, ,itr li.. ., ..
..'uu distance "toZi.-
"s frmt per day next ve..-
sJlllH 1....... ...
J"" warmest August
it was iiiki Hi..
'1'bo Jiottest
las been
nail t
" "", so iar70.4.
'W.iu.d '" Urt' 7'J ' it wit
, " "'""1"'""veragetif78.r,.
ftvir 11,1,1 (ii,Mu""'
or Ifi,,..!,,, ' ... ,
(10IU) niue , V,.i., l,:i.'uno" ''ve .
Z con-
g0on- A vcir i?' l,K0oJ work
vcrtlain., ,,7"' rate for local
fir" 'nrtlo. ,! 1,ur 11,10
'"Suent ,. " , ,ivu t,0,ltf eacli
'ycen....".Vl,0M- TJiIb
7l'w"W month'.
... viuoren. ...i.ii . . .
, 0,K liull, , 4,u,,,"VHiB with
rlo"'lte i'"? "it!,,t. l0t'"
1'ighlv hop-pickers are wanted at once
id North Yakima, about 100 miles from
The Dalles. Apply to .lame; lllakeney
for particulate. Herein a good chance
for a large number of idle men in this
vicinity. The work is especially valua
ble fur those needing work at litis time,
as it can be done by women and chil
dren, as. well as men. Hence whole
families, can secure remunerative work
j by applying at once.
A ,'n In m I 'iwliilt) .
A Uijimtii mituiif among human being,
and even cattle and sheep, is met with
quite often in a lifetime, but the moM
singular freak of nature wits shown to
us this morning, tho head of a common
digger squinel with abnormally long
teetli. Tiie right tipper tooth is nlnt
two inched long ami curled in the shape
of n mountain sheep's, horn. The left
lower tooth is about threu-quar
inch long and has grown into
jaw, forcing tho mouth open at a wide
angle. While alive the litllo animal
must have been a constant sulleior, from
the continual etlbrt to hold its mouth
open, its. tho long tooth is as sharp as a
needle. Mr. Frisco ol Hood Kivcr is the
owner of the squirrel head, and shot it
about u week ago. It is of mature age,
and from tho yellow discolorations of its
teeth, must have been an old one. How
it handled its food is a mystery.
Mr. P. P. I'ndeiwood of P.ovd eavo
ibis office a very acceptable call today.
Mr. Roger Sirinott left titis morning
! for a short vHt with relatives in Port
Hand. ' .... . .
.uis-i t .race snarp returned from an
extended visit in California Tuesdav
Rev. J. A. Orchard, formerly of this
city, is now at John Day, Grant county,
engaged in ministerial work.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jckwood returned
to Portland this morning by Regulator,
having leea in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Allie Rover and child left this
morning by Regulator for Album to visit
her sister who resides in that city.
Mr. G. H. Thomas, a
mercnant oi v mte aimon, arrived in
the city last evening and returned this
.Mr. Van Woodrud' of Tvgh Ridge Is
! in the citv after a large PJ-horec-nower
"Advance" threshing machine which
he ha bought of C. W. Phelps Si .''on,
and will arrive on the Regulator this
Dr. Wddall will take his leave of this
city tonight for the east by the way of
the Canadian Pacific. Tho doctor "will
visit relatives in Ontario, Canada, and
also will make quite a tour by taking in
thegteat cities and withal tho world's
fair during nis absence, which will bo
about two months.
A I.CHilt'i'.
Since its first introduction, electric
bitters hits gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it Is clearly Lit the lead
among pure mediclitl tonics and alter
atives containing nothing which per
mits lis use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of s)toitMcli,
liver or kidneys. It will euro sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
malerin from tho system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or the
money will bo lefunded. Pricuonly Me.
per bottle. Sobl by Knipes Si Klnersly.
Use Mexican fciilver Ktove Polish.
It. 15. .Saltmarshe of the Salt-
main' Si Co. stock yards, returned on
the :i::!l passenger 'train this morning.
Mr. Saltmarshe left with a train load of
mutton sheep a few weeks since for
Chicago, where he disposed of them.
During his stay ho visited tho world's
fair and tovcrafplaces of interest.
Mr. J. D. Parish, promietor of the
Pnneville Stage Line, arrived in from
over the route last evening. Mr. Palish
informs us that there is great activity
throughout the country in harvest work,
and that tho crops ate better and larger
than thev have been for years in Crook
i-mintv. " in stago business tiavel is tin-
uiiualfv light. That thostage companies
are in' the same boat its tho railroad
companies ate as far as passenger trallic
is concerned.
lioll.'l. tlllitV.M.S.
Columbia-SC Horton, F.ridal Veil;
t M..r.i. liiifin - Mrs J II Forsvth. Lvlo:
. 1 he lett v th,nt.0li w j.; Thompson, Joint Smith,
TleiHofan Washington, Frank Witwig, II Volg
the upper weth, DGiegory, H Pierce, C J mitli,
Pol (land ;) v iiuttve, wtte nun two
children, Aimer; G A Thomas, White
Salmon: D Dunlop, John Dengate, M
MvqucM, DC Smith, N A Reiner, X K
Siveies.T J IttiK-ndine, 1) (tirran, F
Hatdwidc, .Mrs Maggie Goodwill, R
Fenkhaiisen, San Francisco j .1 Doan,
Sherman; H Jensen, u ft .lonnsion,
Skibbe hotel-H F Pratt, Kingsley ;
Joseph Patanowski, Spokane i'ldlHi
Reins, Morrow; Van Uoodinugh, S H
McClute.Tyglt Valley ;.odrick Carto
beekill, Portland; Amltew Johnson,
Dllltir; J H Hson, iirami iiiiicuuii,
Colorado; John Wilkinson, C 11 liar
nett, Cail Freeman, Radger Co; Geo
Kimber, Salem.
Frank T. Gilbert ot Walla Walla has
just been appointed state librarian of
Rev. II. S'adlier of Hailey, Idaho,
while attending the church conference
just cloed in Raker City, got drunk and
! visited the Fannie Hall bagnio, and was
expelled from the church on proof of
having visited a house of ill fame.
Nellie, the 15-year-old motherless
daughter of R. G. Gibson, who lives near
Marengo, Garfield county, Washington,
has made complaint, charging her father
with incest. She said that two years
ago while her mother was alive, he be
gan abusing her. After her mother's
death she was placed in an orphan's
home in Spokane, but was taken home
in July, when he repeated his abuse un
der threats. He lias lied and a warrant
has been issued for his arrest.
This summer, it is said, will see the
last of the fatuous Harney valley
crickets. They are dying bv millions
prominent ' front disease, and have not yet deposited
their eggs. Those who have observed
their habits say the disease which has
caused their destruction in other places
is the same to all appearances as that
which is killing thoni there. They have
been in the valley in numbers ever since
it was first vicited by white settlers.
Four masked men entered Kd. C. Al
len's store in Grant county, a few days
ago, compelled him at the point of a six
shooter to upen his safe, and relieved
him of .1,0()0 in coin. A young lady
was in tho plot and received $100 of the
booty. One of the robbers was tracked
to her liotfe and she became frightened,
gave up her part of the money, and told
the names of the robbers. All of tho
men are under arrest and most of tho
money has been recovered. The names
of three of the men are Crisinati, Davis
and a fellow called "Tex."
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing G-oods,
Dry Goods. . flj Jfl pjjjgg . Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount required AfCST lie rat sal in 6u days.
s. &
Cor. Conn and second sts.
TD3 Dalits, Oreson
Sjiii miii Shut Dry Csiis,
Fancy Goods and Notions.
Qepts' purfjiir; (jood
Clothing. Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. HerbriiiQ.
Terms Cash.
ltrnl IM.ilf.
Laura A. Hammond and Frank S.
Hammond to Martha L. Whitmoie, lots
I, J, K and L, block 08, Fort Dalles.
Columbia lodyo, I. O. O. F. to M. L.
Whltniote. lot l(t, low S, Odd-Fellows'
ISIiitohix, )itiulis. liver imtulici,
1. Jl. I. ris'lit ipifek iliximtclie-i,
Jilivt'k )' incipient minor,
t'k'iir- tlio liliieil from iisimMi liuniur.-,
Ailint-' ' , ttlmr'er you Im),
Try tiie woitli .if'.. M. H, -which
is tho great Golden Medical Dis
covery of Dr. Pioioe :i wonderful tonic
and blood-purifier. Tho "Discovery" is
it stHiidard remedy for consumption,
bronchitis, edds and lung troubles;
guaranteed to benefit orctue
in time, or money lefunded.
if taken
All members of committees on .State
Fiieman'H meeting on .September -1th,
are requested to meet at council rooms
Tliuisday evening at Hj. in.
Chief Dalles Flte Dept.
ClK.NTI.KJiKN, I never miM mullcliiu Unit
Kit-en' Mich unlmMiUidl.fiictlim toinyfiUbtoia
ors n Ktiutko's IIiwIhcIiu fnpntlw. 1 cutt ).eiik
uUo nun. exporlence, n Hu-y lve nwtrly mw
l,,o of jrwiitiMit attack of tick liwt.lnel.w. I
emil.t KOt )'m inui.yte.tliaoiijaUllill'i.Nici..
I rniT N(. , I
hwl I "Hi, .-eh.
Olinger Si Rone's stages en route to
Cloud Cap In" will locate campers at tho
best fishing point I Hood River valluy,
where one can reach Mt. Hood in a fow
hours and get their mail and provisions
dally. . -luwd
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes
no dusl.
Tliotirei.l I'.nslUli Iteuiaily,
J'n)init!y nuil ncrmancntly
cures all foring of .Vi-iroiu
utorrhca, Iuifiotenct and all
effuUoAwsa or Xxccuts,
llccit jir8orlbcJ ocr Si
yenmln tlioiisuii'Uof cturs)
i , iiiuomi(eiiuiiu-
drti2Elt fcr Vooi XliuspliOillue l ho oKom
joiin,wortbU'tmultcluolaiilacoof thU, louvo JiU
ilisiiouikt ftore, Jncloso prlco la letter, ou-1
vtoM-lilroud hy return mall. 1'rlcc, oud paekat!,',
eicls,5. One totll tlrtte, tlx tcttlvurt. 1'uuijiU-h-t
Jn plula ealcJ c ntctojio, il ccata jiostaje.
AJJrieJ Tho Wood Cheinloal Co.,
1SI Wuudn aid oveuuo.bctroit, iilcu.
Boll In Tho )11cn by S ilcn & Klnfrly,
Familiar Faces in a Aretv Place.
l.ate Special Agent General Land Office.
Jle Ieal Estate, ipap, Iiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent,
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make
a specialty of tho
before the Unitcp
85 Washington St.
prosecution of Claims and Contests
States Land Oilice.
Have You Seen
TH E ft'
Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Slanrl.
Second and Tnion St.-,.
flay, Grail), peed ar?d plour,
G-rocories, Fruits and Seeds.
fill goods delivered free anil Promptly.
OcusfSa paid for lEi'S'SV.'S
The California Winehouse,
h now open, and its proprietor will Hull his homo
productid Wino nt prices in tho voach ol everylwdy.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Clouds guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect,
Thompson's Addition.