IS I' f: to. Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL 1'AI'KH OF DALUKS CITY AMI WASCO COUNTY. SrUSCKIlTlOX KATES. BY KAIL, rOSTAOE rRETAID, IN ADVANCE. Weekly, lyenr 1M " C month. . 0 7ft s " . . . 0 ftO llj, 1 year. 6 X " 6 month. S W) per " 0 SO Addivp nil coinmimlcntlon to ' TIIE CHUOX ICLF.." The DrJles, Oregon. I'li-t-omrv. orncr. nouns l.enernl Delivery Window a. m. tol i. ra. ilocoy Oriler " S a. m. to i j. m. rjonday ti 0 . h. in. to 10k. tn. 1 of banking is nt nn end, nnd business dependent upon banks is nearly at n standstill. The banks that are still open will not advance a dollar, even to the richest men in the community or on any I kind of collateral, simply because they I cannot. They have no money. They ; are driven to extremities to pay what I they owe to depositors. Consequently j crops cannot be moved. Xolwdy can raise a cent on any shipment. Drafts ' secured by bills of lndinc cannot lie riis , counted. The wheels of commerce are blocked. Wholesale merchants demand . cash from retailers, retailers demand cash from customers, and the cash is nearly all gone. There is no cause for this appalling state of thincs except loss ! of confidence in the stability of monev, i which congress can restore within forty- 10- k William Tell Your Tnther that we seli SWEET. ORR St CO.'S closing or mails trains coing Eat .9 p. in. mul 11 :-I5 a. in. " ' Wet 9 p. m. and 5:30 p. in Stace for Goldcndale ?:S0n. in ' l'rliievllk- 5:30 h. m ". "'tiitiilttTtaSvtiu i':iw)ft- m' I eiuht hours, though, without such " jAnteloiie . . 5:3)a. m. torative action, bad as it is, the situation tMhKffi TncdY Thursday nnd Saturday. "ill crow worse. And members of con 1 " Monday Wednesday mid Friday, j cress have no mote sense of what is due , . . , tj1B (.ountrv man to chatter, like a simian convocation in a cocoa rrove, week after week, with no purpose on earth except ' to gain cheap credit with fool constitu ents. It is a depressing state of aifairs. THTRSDAY, - - ATU. l'i SO TIMh FOll TALK. The annexed editorial from the Ore-, gonian deserves reproduction by every paper in the land. The same entimont has liecn expressed more briefly by nearly all the editors of the coast, but I there are few writers who handle a sub-! ject with so trenchant a pen as Harvey .Scott, and whether on the right or ' wrong side of a sabject. he is one of the 1 powers of the Pacific coast. In this i case he is right ; he is in line with pub lic opinion ; and we will not eek to 'better" his article, only as to giving it a wider local circulation : There is absolutely no excuse for the wasting of lourteen days bv the house of representatives in idle chatter, to which nobody listens, not even the members, when the trade and industry of the country is gasping for relief, which a vote of congress will furnish. There is nothing to say on the silver question which has not been said an hundred times before. Xobodv will be i convinced, instructed or even interested by the debate. Not a vote will be changed. The discussion has no pur pose except to enable cheap dema gogues to point to the Record and say to their imbecile constituents that they did all they could for silver. For this the agony of panic, the paralysis ot business, the catalepsy of industry is to be prolonged. The debate can have only one end. There is only one thing to do, and every body knows what that is. Even the craziest silver crank in congress knows that the purchase of silver must be stopped, and that no other provision for use of the depreciated metal as money will be made at present. None of them has any hope of defeating repeal of the Eilver-purchase clause of the Sher man act. All they can hope for is de lay. To gain time andbefool their con stituents, they are willing to leave the business of the country in the throes of a panic congress has power to stop to morrow by a decisive vote. The two weeks' delay in the house io not the worst. It is an evil example the senate will worsen. Folly and igno rance and selfish greed are even stronger in the upjr house, which was once the worthier, than among the representa tives. The silver party is numerically stronger in the senate than in the house. I c'nM , T . ... i i rummy The decades ending in three ful for the Northern Pacific. are in lute- under the man in 1SS3 Villard's falo, X. Y the road was wrecked agement of Jay Cooke . sun declined, carrying down with him the Northern Pacific railroad: now in IS93, down it coes ucain. The Edinboro Scotchman of a receipt date intimate? that the great financial depression in America cannot bo laid to the charge of the silver ques-tion, but to the democratic platform of last Novem- i her, which foreshadowed the renea: of ! the McKinlev law. Mating (Jlnd the Waste (lVnlst) Plnces. " That' what 1 call making glial the wait piaecV said Smithson.' as ho put Ids arm around r. Italy's waist. Hut Lilly won't care much for this show of adoption if Smithson doesn't get rid of that disagreeable catarrh of fiU. Won't somebody toll him that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemedy will cure him. liy its mild, soothing, antiseptic, cleansing and healing properties Dr. Sace's Catarrh Itcmcdy cures the worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Ilead, a thoua; U can testify. "Cold in the Ilead " is cured with a lew applications. Catarrhal Headache is relieved nnd cured as if by magic. In perfect faith", the makers of Dr. Sacrp'3 Catarrh Ilcmcdv the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buf- oner to pay S.iOD to auv one suffering from C.i;vt:ic Catarrh in the ncad whom they cannot cure. Now. if the conditions wrm rever-cd if they asked you to pay 000 for a positive cure you might hesitate. Here are reputable' men. with year f honor a! deaiiir ; tiioasuiK.h "of doll.-.r- and a c! r.; bat!: r.f ;h."ii. JV- r , f i;i thomtolvcs. lr:i: it v. . i 'v Isn't any trial pi, .era- fit; Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Mens, Bows1 and Youth s The Annie Faxon horror is not i-o much a mystery as it is either a defec tive boiler or the fault of the engineer allowing too much steam to be carried on the old patched shell. the Dalles AND Vlit-iit J'rinI iirtlim Tin- mil Ki'iiuirt iiiiit- nf iVi.rlil. In order to show the consumption the countrie- of the world and the dif ference between their production and the amount actually required, the f i lowins figures are presented : i P 1 rM 1 i I NEVILLE cor:.Tiut that import imiei. i . K. 1 runee CJermaiiv Italy .-pain lli'li-ium Nof'y v fw'd u (Sreece Netherlands Portugal Switzerland Uenmarl: Hequite ment. 2tl.ogu,uo 11J,I).HJ U7,M,WU M,00i),ll00 40,l),WiU 11,(MI,IUI 17.KiO.KiO .,tM) 14,0U).lvi) t,0).O I'urkey. Eurone 'JC.fl,w) Uosilia 4,a0,mt Japan iaou,wu -kjuth America. UC0.Mil All others 40.iu,("j I"roduo tinn. siuyo.'rti U7.(XMJI.i 12l.0UO.U0O 75.0UOJJU) i7,ri.0(Ki fi,l'M,K"l o.U),0UI 7,(),t 2,W 4.KHJ.IXO 2",()Ji 4,uy"i li,lJ0.f" Iiiiirt R.'nuir"i 17l'.lMU.IM .' li,lM' Jl.U1.i' 2i.U0fl.l' 4,4l,i ().i' l.l).IM' ll'.lt."' l .-.nt-. !' 2. "),(.' Line J. D. PARISH. Prop. Ijiuivc-. The Dalles nt 6 a. m eviry dnv, nnj nr 1 tive nt I'rhievtlle in thirty-h-.i nur.s I-eavo I iTinevlle nt 5 . m. every iIhv, nnd arrive al ; Tho Dalles in thlrty-slx hours Carlits (he C. S. Mail, Passengers and Express " l Comiecu at rri"IUe wiih ! i States from Eastern and Southern Or- jfr CLOTHING In ciwj size, style and iria . urn uff! i ifflirrt ft nn m n. ). n iluhiuq a w. A "J YOUR ATTENTION horses k mm i I ui i.i Ie called to the fact that ToUll 1,135, IUMpJO 7C9.WM.lij" :iW,4CO.n- The exporting countries wiiich raise more than they can consume, and w hicn supply the requirements of those whoe yields are inadequate to the demand, are as follows : COUNTKIES THAT KXl'OKT WHEAT. Acsreeate Home run- .ur;.lus eg-on, Northern California and all Interior Points. iiiMke.s cioe connection at The Dallec with inns from Portland mid Kntern jKjlnu. L'osftcoas driTen. (iced accomsiodanons alosz the read. . First-class Coacbes and Horses used. Express matter haadlsd wtta sjesial care. stage orncEH; 1'rud't'n. t'liited site- 4j5i,ijO India 'iMjtnwt I'.USiia .2!"),flJO.lMJ AUfctria-Huu .172,W.),l Kuumuniu M.UO.KO Cunadu 12,io),( Ari?ntlna 4(j,im),ioj Australia :ai.JJ,iJU Algeria 22,UX),U)U Etryp; A sur- ruunalns- ja.uXt.Wo llulparia . 31,tJ0.OM ervia ii.iJ0,uuu 17,WJ,0l)i) Total and that bodv has no rules to cut oil " All others ' salowlcoo - t debate aud force a vote. Half a dozen iron-jawed senators from the Kooky mountains alone will waste as much as the whole in the house sumption. S76.lA).flM 220,14 J.I Mi 21U,UJ.nJ iri,ij,it i.i ),( i 2"),(4),mi lil,l.4.0,U4J 1!,000.14J 11.000.000 22.00 1,1 4) I .ID 0,0) i0 ia,ioj),j S.sOO.OW) 72,U.),I4J0 .It slrlinl A: Cit.'M, rrlnevlllo. VmatlllH llouxe, Tin- DuIIcn. inr Kxp't. 7l,"il,l4.4l :M.i),i4. MM44J.I44I 1.HJ,44I :),I44,I4, i;,.mi S,I4J.I.1.1' ::.'jij.oii' 2.'j.i- S. 15. Mk. Mk. Co., 2;!:;; ! , Dufur, Oregon. -.nt.uf i On arriving home last week. 1 lu,ii.i44 nl ..(, ,u imvimlMlv iiwiitinc little Lirl. eight and one Jlagh Glenn, ! Dler in GIbbh, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kind. Crrl4 the Pineal Line ot Picture Mouldings J. S. COOPER, (orutr Hum, VXJOS STOCK YAKHS. Chicago, Jlh rm. .. i . i i .'.i i i i lilt: liil!!t!1l Jlllll lllll Mr . V Itlllll III 1SS1IIII 'LI III IllIIM'S 1 the world, will hold Ins 0th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on Entries should be made at onee. J. I.- FORD, Of IJes Moines, Iowa, writes under dai.' o! Maich 23. 1SV3- 72 To De found In the City. tXlashington Street. HTl..., i: J 4l... J -..l'-l. a . . j . j J- leads on to for I tine." The poet unquestionably had reference to tho -half foun On vears old. time as the whole lourteen davs set aside in the house. Nothing but tiie menacing roar of angry public opinion will force the senate to a vote anyway, and the delay in the lower house will be an excuse for consuming twice as much time there. It will be great good luck if the repeal bill shall go to the presi dent in six weeks. That means six weeks of poignant distress for the blood-poisoned business of the country, which might now be in healthy state but for the folly of its legislators ; whose restoration might be gin tomorrow with removal of the poison of financial distrust; if its legislators were -wise enough to do nt once what they all know must be done at last. Stoppage of purchase of silver' would not immediately restore national prosperity, hut it would restore the confidence whose undermining hat destroyed pros perity. It would begin the cure. It would remove the poison and permit nature's restoring processes to begin. It would start the revival of bunineH. There is patience to wait fur the rest. There is no patience in the country for the mock Htatesmen who must gabble for weeks before acting, like a consulta tion of doctore who twaddle ubout ethics while a patient dies, or firemen who quarrel about precedence while a city burnt?. Delay ie not the worst, because the situation is not stationary. The tdtua tion will grow worse until it shall begin to grow better. This is in the nature of things. The distress is caused by the withdrawal of money from active em ployment, due to distrust. This will continue. Ae the stress grows greater, nore and more people are hoarding money. Not only the panicky, but the ordinarily provident persons, grown distrustful of banks and fearing loss of employment, are laying aside little hoards of cash for the worst. These in numerable little hoards, in the aggregate, have caused a money famine. In some furUof the country, the main business j i.2a."i.a4.ii)0 :i .-.m n Ac T.'n.r-. ,.,.; i.r,i..r;,s., t i who mm wasted away to pound n - -. , ' , . n)w well, Btronc and vigorous, and we! oiu.ouu.wn, eucn pe.son 01 wnom con-' ,ie?ll(.(1 u . U. Cough Cure has done sumes over lour nusneis The Dalles j Gigar : Factory FIEST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. its work well, liotu ot the children like it. Your S. 15. Cough Cure has cured I and kept away all honrceness from me. . i r U Llllt: IL LU UiLl II llll UI I.VLUIUT . ana ot tins it can produce , even with fnr ..t. WinhinL. vmi nrosr.eritv. we nr.. .1 DO of ti v- jl.jh.js' man per annum, its present requirements must necessarily i be not less than l,4G0,O0O,U0O buthels, ' iClil-OltSlilill good cropb) only, .30,000,000, thus mak ing a deficit of .30,000,000 bushels. Yours, Mr. & Mi:h. J. F. Fonn. StoflclmltliT"' Stmtini;. The, Or., Julv L'8. Notice is hereby given that there will ' be a stockholders' meeting of tho Wasc.j i Independent Academy, at the Academs i building on Monday, August L'Sth, !SD:;. , at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose o: electing seven directors, and transacting 1 huch other busineis as may proper! come ueiore haiu meeting. i;y order ot the board If you wluli to feel freh and cheerful, mid rvndj j for ttiu eiirtna's work, cleitiise your syntt'm with ! the Jk'rirfuclio mill Liver Cure, liy tntinir t-o or ie iieat iiranus inufactured. and orderu from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. dawtd. S. L. UitooKh, Sec'v. notici:. Inasmuch as my wife, Gcorgio Anna lirooks, has, without just cause or pro ocation, left my bed and board, agains my wishes and cjnsent, and refuses o return or further live with me, I here-iy warn all persons not to give her anj credit on in v accoun, us I will nd: pay any bills of her contracting after this date. C'alkii liuooKK. Dalles City, Or., Julv 19. ISM d.iot.twit Sold under a positive Kuurnutvc. U c-cntn l";r rxittlo by nil driiuuifil W. E. GABRETSON. iii jewel SOI.K A I. NT f'OII Tilt-; Ui. The reputatiouof THE DALLES CI-' (JAi! has ljeeome firmly established, and i the demand for the home manufactured i article is IncieaPing every day. j A. ULRICH di SON. r. WISU.MAN. VT.M. MAItDKKS, at CRANDALL (k BURGET'S, wno are selling tneso roous out at Rreatly-rodticea mtei MICIIKLHACH BKJCK. - - UNION ST WINHNS The Snug.Is HI". NKW TOWN lum U-; idattvd mi the i.ld ciiinii cround. itt tin- lfor h mi. 1-ulln or Hood rivur. with liircu. flKlitly IiH. brjul strft-tf mid isIIovh. l-oik1 t W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Hitd iiiircuiit'r,vitliBliiidi-lu iirolii-ioii, iTfwldiliniL'r,U lli;liliiii wou'iUi on iik ii iii'.uiiwiu ruiiiircr rotiort lor nil OtfK ' Or. I i All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Ordeiv lax Hronirt Hi.. TUti lul !-. Or A. WESOLO, Tub Boston Tailor. This well known Htand, kept by the well known V. II. Butts, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordl-' nary fine stock of Shfcp Herder's Delight and Irish Distorbaae 1 In fact, all the loading brands of fin Wines, Lijuors and Cigars. Give th M man a call and you will come again I Uliseman & Harders, iSalooB and Wine Rooms climntv. tliuct iitral attractln bulim tliu Haircut town to ;,it. mmL It in miiiarullclw nn n miiniidu v center, Ijvlirj; tlio imtiiml touIit for lun k.Ui.!i- mili-s of tilt l.Kt c edurir ' timber, iMu-wdm; iu.IUoiih of liorM' jkivmt In lt liif IiIuk flrcimiK m.d n fnllN, uiHlly huriicsned. Wlu-ri' ciii-t.p mo'Im- jimvcr, tin-re tin i inctorlvti will Cunlr, nirroiindnl liy Mill mid cllnuito Hint ca'H.ot I iinyuhere fur fruit nnd iutIi ullurc. mid with triuiirtii,.t"ii 't you wilt ili.d tnu tiie ilni i-to niiij-o n jioifect liome i" it K ,iClc L . -. . J. T . , f ttuui wss m at, jrxoou xvi" Wasco County, Oregon 1 ilSO per Bottle, Cures Couclw, IXoa-eiii,8oro Throat, Croup iirompUyj relieves Wliooplna Coui;li end AHtiimu. F-ir Conuinptlon t bus uu rlvul: has cured tliouutiuU vLere all other. imicsa; wmctJUB you u taken in time, bold by DruKBiMtB on a anmruntcu. For Ijime IlaciC vi Cfaeat, use kjutAJW i-i.AtiTi:te. is, cu. II LO H $CATAR R H remedy; a?e VI. :i j.lliiTh?' Ii mi..i. t3C-d to euro vou, I'rUiCQvta. Jiil'icu.r troH Hot Mlehy Snipe KlutrHy. The Dalles, East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'orffnt I'll CliiHrHiittiud. Oregon. Northwest corner of Kecnnd and Court Htreeth. CLtflF?fl STORY, Art Teacher X 1111, n,,,. It. ..I.I , , v JV Addrees: .tol.l five J.oin .Moi.d) and Ttorl.ri cf ir o i Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowlu. 13 egge. iid eggs. ,1'J.OO . 3.00 TITLE PERFECT ' W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs ail MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSUBB. Roofing K. M. HAKKIMAN, Endereby, Or. -t 4TVk A- YtlCfi onop on ihira &treet, next door west of Young a u lilacksmitli bhop. i