Iljc Dallco aHLaLaLaHr MnJu mvLbLbHiiLbL CYB BttSlflHV tfllb Chronicle vi. 1 HE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1893 IV" WHMMBHMH NO. jes Daily Chronicle. it-flfVl V IBS .-.-.I iDlS vs whliiRto" Street. The T.ii"' of ,Htilinrrlll'' Vi . n1 Mi" .If. fKJ . 6 TIM1 KOt NK fUTII unil one for the lit'1"' l)(..Hru 11:00 f. . ii.'.nH!i 3:11 a. x. i HliM!IRI'r Icuvo Sufi' M 1 AO rrsrtt.rt ''sl, 0vt'"' l,;,,L' Jn"y Mttb... "Ton v '' Vli.,: u,t, r-avc i-fory day ol the Sf m'i t the ' ""' iiioimon.u.. l MIUlElX- ATT UN KV AT UW-OttlCO H.ftsrtbuw'-Tlifi'i ., Ortituu. iV1'. ..f.llC l TTt)EKICV!l AT tj ... tTBai'ilnc.KuURnr.M.ii Wa.hlnetou Mrecl 3DHKUWn. .1-T-,ilr.I.-Y.AT.l.AV. Ol- . jrl! tthinoo liuhillnK. up -tlri. 1 ho Jliw,tlW0. i f iti. rmmiNoTos ii. . vtto. ilAVt, UCM1S0TON A WII-pON ATTOK M himiuw -0Sii,. i reach bloc over hrt- Kibmii liisl Dalle. OrtKi'H. tr II irijO.V-Arroi.NET at-law Koonia A Co. bank builditiK, Second ftwt. rtt Ut'M. Ortcou. wD VJITl'l VIL' ,TI;iU w.f. Til 1 1 i t'l YhlCUK lift, 111 I.I.n.' i IIVH "J i - ' " Van hCMJOK -f-XA untri Hilbt,citr or country Olliee u. W. mul wtl n iid Ilrtldcuif h I. (Mirtii-r Courl and fia itnvU, h?wi rtiMit Inun the coruvr (mi. civrii lor the ..I r,.,t. lil (wlh A itn tlittl aUinTuolh.Kwuliil Ktrio t. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. VKANHAUT A (lKNKRAMlANKlNH IH1HINK.SH UittrH o( Onxlit idsuwl availnhhi in ho KasUirn Ktntos. Sight Exchnnw) hikI Telegraphic i TrniiHferBfloldon New York, Chicago, St. ' l)iiiH, San FrunciHco, Portland Oregon, 1 Soattlo WhhIi.. and vurioun points in Or-1 egon and Washington. t Collections made at all pointc on fav-1 orabln terniK. i THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLKS CITY, OH. ' CONSTIPATION Ifl called tho "Fnihcr of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully I'rcmdcnt Vice-President, CaHbier, - Z. F. Moody Hilton M. A. Moody General Uanklnt; Business Transacted. Sight Exchange Sold on K1JW YORK. SAN KKANC1SCO, CHICAGO and I'OPTLAXl), OH. Collectiorm ntadf on fnvoreble terms at all aceescihle points. Irvldent II. M. 1ICAU. Cahler. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON A General Hanking ltusinecH trangactinl DepofitH received, cnbject to Sight Iraft or Cheek. Colloetlonn made and proceed u jtronijitly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Ke- York, San Krancicco and I'ort-land. DIKHOTOKS. I). P. TnoPfto.v. Jno. S. Sche.nck. ED. M. Wll.LIAMd, Gko. A. Likhe. H. M. Beall. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmitn & wagon shod MICIKTl K " Jl.tnlifl t ifj JL.Uilus a', well IBtiiiUi Bl 7 I Ul llDYAl AU II (1IAHi NO f, ' Mll'U 111 MiiKHnll IIhII Hi.. Hill i1 u i iiu r. iTirmfii ii. t i M 101-U'.!. M.01IMKN OK T1IK wonu. .'1' liiK.l 1 mul' rtU JM. Ml.1nTui4.i1u Ul.l -.HUM NO. h. I f O Pv..... I hull, coriltr hi-coml mt I'n.trt I uiiiiu,(Wf II, A. 11ILW.N.0. . ctitj WdiidHy t-vi-n He t 7!!ai .1.t... i.. "? I'unuiiiB, corner of Court unci Sutmd oujuuruuiK iuuiiiiktii lire inrdia Iv Iu. u.n.ALi:, K nf It undK. C. C. I AMLSIII.V N(l lir f I1L' I n ,if li iiull .1... . . . . ... UTI MIM.I. l.m.,11. .1. .. - . m.u .uuiivii III t ..W II, In, U n I'llKIKl'IAM T'L.. i.i. .......... 11 ii.'.,... r ..,. I r,.u ri,l,r.,M K v 110111111-nxuii. All nrr Iiu Ii.. 1 lmoii Tli... X'.. General Blackemithing und Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbird Street opp. LiebG's old Stand. All jyB.KJi.W.rlw. " "ANti,:JNi- w Mll'tXl.Vi.ri.RtiiiH UXKli 0K.'.M,,in1,,!1O.N"- K-M.vt.i, lf.1.. ' ' ""Il tUU I rut mill H.I..1 i... ... amitii, ut 7 au i". ji. u """'w House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prejmred to do any and all kimlH of work in his lino at reasonable fiL'ureK. Has the largest hon&o moving outfit in KahU-rn Oregon. Address P.O.Box !81.Tho Dalles s. L. YOUNG, : : JBWBLBB : , v. vim. 14 THE CJHUKCHKH. . . 1 ttiirri Mu. ..a ... . - v 'iiiiiii hi iu ,au a. m. Vw,w.;i "JMnniUv oiTVire Kiimt.iu injur on Kriduy ut IT . . rPtfU... i j. ft 1 1 ut 1 1 iii. ii...... . '1 1'.T t. . . 1 f1 ifl 1 (IIP I. I I ""I iirtittiti . . " ii a. u w ..l.i ... 1 1. I" Ul lill v.t.uui.' ILL 1 UN til CM r..-l. tho court liiui, at -'UILF.IiA'Pli. . . iir. ti. - i niifuiiiL' v. t v "j t K, ciiiti,,... 1 "',ir''l"K ut I I a. ,; bilf 11 Mtwui bFb.Vu.T?-! A ,1(,r!11"1 '" "rout, "Piu. a vurdlHl wuloomu Watcben and Jewelry rcimlrvd to ordvr oa Uort notice, and tlIctloM cuarimtwil AT Tlllt- Stora of I.C. NlrknUrli, d HI. Tlu Hall" Chas. Allison, -iK-alcr l" PURE Headquarters at Ohas. Lauer's. IIiivIiik lml ii Duo linrvnt of imturyt Ivo- tho Um 111 Ilie world. I mn Wuilod Iu Jutlilkli 111 uuy nuuiillty mid ut bottom prluen. CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, DIC A KICK IN Dry Goods f5 Clothing Ituiila. Hlnma. Ht, iCIc. FanciJ (joodiS, fJotion It is a mild laxative and a tonic to tho digestive organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife vaj jorrly dhtrrsted ith Ccimipi on and coushinK, folfowcd with IlkcdinR I'iles. Afttr four months uie cf SimmDns Liver KeuUlor ll.c ii almcAt entirely relieved, iining strength nd floh." V. U. Lttrr.R, Dclauire, Ohio. WEVERV PACKAGli'aa llai our 7. Slump In rnl on wrapper. J. II. ZKIL1N i CO., 1'hiUvieIphb, It mi. iL .j i i I lie neeoiaior Line The Dalles, Portland aofl Astoria Navigation Co. Kto. Klo,, Ktc. Second St., The Dalles. THROUGH Freiqni ana Passenger Line Through daily service 'Sundays ex cepted between Tlie Dalles and Port land. Steamer Begulator leave Tlie Dalle- at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Ijcks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalle? City leaves Portland Yamhill ftreet dock"; at 0 a. m. con necting with Hteamer Regulator for The Dallen. I'AMSKMJEIt li.VTKS, One way ... ltound trip ,.?2.00 . U.00 Ticket" on t?ale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time dav or night. Shipments for way landings must lw delivered before f p. m. Live i!tock shipments solicted. Call on or uddrcbs, W. C. ALLAWAY, UvnnrHl Aictint. B. F. LAUGHLIN, lieuiral Manacer. THE DALLES, OREGON OUT roK ptesh Paint! V. V. (jiLKKitr hereby M'lidfc Hit. coitil'iluii'iit to every filead And enemy -If b -lie they few or be they many. Tho that) for lnlntliiB now Inn. comh, Videveiyonoitolresithoino That looWk froidi uii'l i1"" vw Ab none but n !0hI painter can do. 1'iilntliiK. rai-frliiK and kIiuIiik. ,0.0' Will i al e ..ur iM h..u ool -iilte ne He wilt taVo '"" "rk t,ltlu'r llytho Job or by theduy. If you liavewoik Klve him a call, lle'll tale your oidem, larno or Miiall. i:ehKTtfully, W. C. GILBERT. 1'. o. llox N. "i Tllli DAMiKS, OK. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, iKinnlar aw reliable honso lull l!ee oi'itirtily roltirnished nnjl ojjry room lias been ropapered am l'i,'t, " and newly carpeted throng bout. J ' o with every modern coitvonit-nti . e, souable. A good res tun ran t at t acl lee U tho hoiibo. Frer bus to and fiom all trtt,"8,C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. ABOUT TUB DECISION How the Bebring Sea Award Was Receiycil, IS SATISFACTORY TO AMERICANS Asked For Protection of Seals and Got It- The United States Has the Best Of It. Nr.w YoitK, Aug. 10. The local papers comment editorially on the Bchring sea decision : The Herald This country may well be patisficd with the decision of tho Behring sea arbitrators: given in Paris yesterday. It i.s against the United States on every claim to exclusive right, but il calls for the protection of the seals by tho joint action of this country and Great Britain, and protection is the substantial advantage we have been after. The most this country bad reason to expect in value from the arbitration was an arrangement for the protection of the seals, and this we got. The happy ending of this international controversy justifies the timely sentiments expressed yesterday by tlie president of the tribu nal, Baron de Courcel, as to the value of arbitration. The World The decision seemed to be against the I'nited States. Heally it gives to the government and to its lessee, the fur company, all that was ritrhtly asked. It only remains for the two interested countries to carry out the provisions. Tho tribunal has decided against us, but t he contention was prac tically abandoned by Mr. Blaine and by our counsel on the argument. TUU KMil.ISH 1'Al'EHS. Tlif.T llo Nut All Sf tlie IlfCinlon In tlie Snino Mght. London, Aug. 10. The Standard says: "We are sure America will ac cept the award in cheerful good humor, and apply it in perfect good faith. Nothing was left untried by either side to win a verdict, and in pronouncing the decision the tribunal has only ailirmed and applied one of the best known and hitherto most unchallenged principles of international law." The Daily Chronicle says: "We feel a sentiment of profound gratitude at tho full settlement of the difficulty which once threatened to involve the interests of three powers. The arbitration is a triumph of reason and humanity over which the civilized world should rejoice. It is good for the world to know that Knglishmen have not claimed a single thing that tlie tribunal has not decided to be in perfect accordance with reason and justice. America from the outset has not had a leg to stand upon. Its case has been altered half a dozen times. It picked and chose evidence to euit its arguments. Part of its case rested on forgeries and it ptood out for rights which would infringe on tho common rights of mankind. We are not dis posed to criticise the proposed regula tions, without which the seal would toon become extinct. They will leave America a pretty bill of compensation to pay to the .Voith American Commer cial Company." Tho St. James' Gazette ridicules the idea that the award is a triumph for Great Britain or for international arbi tration. Tho American people, it says, would never have gono to war for such au absurdity as the claim that Behring sea was a mare clausein. MOIti: HIOT1M! IN IIOMUAY. The City In I'oixraKloli of a Heckleni .Moll. London, Aug. 1(3. Government dis patches suv that Bombay is in jiossesBion of a mob. Tho troops are powerless. Kvery mosque- has been destroyed and many persons bnve been massacred. Tlie Kuropenn are panic stricken. The troops sue now protecting only the public buildings. The governor has ap pealed for help, and is asking for instruc tions. Today h n Hindoo holiday, and the authorities t Bombay, fearing that trouble would be started again with the Mahomn.cdaiiH, had ilOO troops hold iu readiiic-s for instant service in repress ing disoider. in tholobbiesof thohouso of commons, reports that European resi dents of Bombay wero in jeopardy were ridiculed, as they knew that tho military authorities could at short noticu Hood the city with troops from Pooimh and othci diftilcts. A Al union'!' fu-er Idea. Winston. N. 0., Aug. Kb Peter Do Gralf. a handsome young man, was con victed of murdering bis sweatheart, Kllen Smith, in n Miburb of the city, on Juie 1 '" in 1' isyth mi iii'ilor court yesterday.'l rr-t until June "0 last, when ho went to the scene of the murder with a friend and ex claimed in n loud voice: "JMlon, if you are in heaven, stay there; if iu bell, rise." He said on tho stand at tho trial that he had heard that when a man who had committed murder would go back to tho scene of the crime and use these words, the dead person would appear. Tho trial created great interest. MARKET RERORT. TiiunsD.w, Aug. 17. This business of the week continues dull and lias assumed no new phases. Our merchants have not replenished their stocks lis usual, and as a result assortments are some what broken. Prices remain unchanged in all lines. The provision market is well stocked up and prices are nominal. Vegetables and fruits are in great abundance and the market is weak. The egg market is less buoyant and lias dropped from IS to 10 cents per dozen with a better delivery. Butter is scarce and quotations while unchanged have an upward tendency. Poultry is in fair demand on last week's quotation. The grain market re mains in its former slumbering condi tion. One lot of new wheat was brought to the mills and as it was the first of the season, sold readily at 50 cents per bushel. This cannot be stated as the market quotation, as it is not fixed at present. Tho coast market is not established yet. Expectations will be governed largely by the quantity of tonnage in port and to arrive, which is put down at 56,353 tons. Eastern and European markets are dull and featureless. Re ports from the heads of bureaus of the world lead one to believe that prices will be' satisfactory before Hie harvest of 1894 is realized. The stringency in the financial centers will undoubtedly embarrass the markets more or less. The world's report of the product, with the needed supplies for consumption, will be read with interest, which our columns give in another place today. The wool trade and shipments con tinue quite lifeless. The volume of re ceipts have exceeded 0,000,000 pounds for the season and transactions have all been made on the "free wool" basis, that is to say, advances have been made on consignment at about fl to IK, cents per pound. Manufacturers in the east have bought sparingly, which has been the result of the'.tarifl' agitation, superin duced by the pledges of the party in power, and as a consequence there has been no market for offerings above the margin of minimum rates based on free trado expectations. Tho Boston Adver tiser of the 11th inst. says that market is overstocked with wool, as there has been enough of cancellations of woolens ordered to shake the confidence of man ufacturers, and as a result the stoppage of machinery has put a quietus on tho markets until there is a change in the tone of tho tariff question. Tho Ameri can Wool and Cotton Reporter of the 10th opines that if congress would givo an assurance that tho tariff laws should remain undisturbed until the 54th con gress, tho financial condition of the country would improve, and the country markets would detclop into now life, and also a stimulating influence would lio felt in all branches of tradn. Up to tho 10th inst. there was no report of sales of Oregon wool in Boston. There is a better movement in territory wools as compared with others. Scoured wools are light for inquiry. California and Oregon scoured are quoted respectfully at -10 to -15 cents and A2X., cents. Aus tralian scoured basis ranges from 55 to US cents according to grades and condi tions. Our own market is dull, and some offerings on consignment have reached us high as 5 cents per pound. Karl's Clover Boot, cue new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to tho complexion and cuies constipation. 'J5e., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. Shilob's euro, the Groat Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses, only '-'5e. Children love it. Sold by Snipes & Rinersly. Awl,- vnur dealer for Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. A YOI1NU FIKNI1. llolllmratoly I'liins n llorrlliln Dentil for Tlircn lloya. BiiAVwt Falls, Pa., Aug. 15. A fiend ish act was perpetrated yesterday after noon near Hotnewood, which resulted in the death of three boys today. Frank Graham, of Homcwood, 17 years old, knew three other boys were bunting ground hogB nbout a mile below tho village. He got a can of blasting-powder, attached a fuse, and placed it in a little pile of rocks and waited until the young hunters nearcd the spot. Then be lit the fuse and crept off to a safe distance. Burgess Reed, 111 years old, and .Tames Reed, aged 14, sons of Smith Reed, a well-known farmer, with James Carner, aged 17, approached the spot, entirely unconscious of danger. The can exploded, all being maimed and burned terribly. Physicians did every thing possible for the young sufferers, but they died this morning, Graham made his escape, and is still at large. A Now Hanking Kill. Washington, Aug. 15. The latest proposition called out by the financial stringency is that the United States shall guarantee depositors in national banks under certain conditions. A bill will probably be introduced in the sen- ale by llunton of Virginia, which enacts as follows: "Section 1. Every national bank ex isting and doing business at the dato of the passage of this act shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, report in writing its true financial condition to the secre tary of the treasury, and if found by said secretary to be in a solvent condi tion, deposits thereafter made in such bank in good faith in due course of busi ness, by persons not officers of the bank, nor stockholders in a corporation doing a banking business, shall be and they are hereby guaranteed by the United States to be paid to depositors or their lawful assigns or transferees, when drawn by draft or check ; but no person Bball be allowed to overdraw his account in any manner. "Section 2. To indemnify the United States from loss by reason of the guar antee given and made in the first sec tion of the act, an annual tax is hereby levied or. all deposits hereafter made in banks described in this act, equal to one-fourth of 1 per cent, of said depos its. Said tax shall be paid to the sec retary of the treasury on tho last day of each month of the year on the deposits of that month." Seventeen Drowned. Di'iiLix, Aug. 10. A fatal accident occurred today to a party of merry-makers iu western Ireland. An excursion party left Kilkeo in the southwestern part of County Clare, intending to cross Carrigaholt bav of tho river Shannon. When the party was a considerable dis tanco from shore their boat capsized, and everybody on board was thrown into the water. Seventeen of tho ex cursionists wero drowned. Doing Without Chinese. FitusNO, Aug. 15. Chinatown is full of Chinese workmen who have come in from tho country in conformity with the people. E. B. Rogers, manager of the Margerita vineyard, has ordered 75 boys from San Francisco, and 25 moro from the deaf and dumb asylum, to pick grapes and fruit. Mr. J. C. Boswell, one of tho best known and most respected citizenB of Browuwood, Texas, suffered with dlar rluea for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until CliamlKirlain'eS Colic, Cholera anc? Diarrhaa Remedy was used; that re lieved him ut once. Forsaloby Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. lm. Tygh Valloy Kollor Flour Mill. Is in complete repair; always in store flour equal to tho beet. Also old style coarse and fine Grabam Hour, mill feed, etc. W. M. MoCoitKi.i:, Propr. tll.lUm .Mnliwiu In any or Uh Form, Chills and fever, cougestivo chills can bo prevented or cured by tho usu of Sim mons Liver Kegulator, a purely vegeta ble medicine, superior to calomel and quinine. Mourn Threnhor. Situation wanted as engineer by u competent man. luquiioat this office. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking? Powder ABSOlJUTElY PURE i