The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entervd at the Potofflct t The Hullo, Orwron, a st-eond-cla? matter. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A TAMIL! OP 1 2000 READERS. , They tend The fhrrmtclc to pet the latest mid : ino--t reliable cw. Ami thej trod every line , that Is in the j-at-er That i what tniiktM the Chronicle nn ii. valuable mlvt-Tti iiir medium ' The ii'Wpfi-i'r that , to the fami. tlrcsldi is the one (Gj) 1,aS th' Hdvertiew of tndRV jwtrouize when they drill- to reat'h te jHftji't- When they want ynur trade their annnunretuonts will lc found in tlu- joic Iioot over our column.1- and ob-erve the verifica tion of the truth nf this nertion. Itcmcmber, a trade of a fnmllv o two thousand s H worth askine for through thee (Qij column, onclal'.y t-o at our very however, and he steps along as firmly ns ever. The United States treasury continues ; to improve and before lone "'ill be able ! to sit up. j tVouil! IVuml! AVouil! Rest quality fir, oak and slab wood. Leave orders" at 133 Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders promptlv attended to. M.ueh Hk.vton. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. Peoidi'dlv the Finct Line of .Gents' K-uriiisliiiig Good: Trunks and 1 'aiscs, etc., etc. wnon. woou, wiion. Rest grades of oak, fir, and slab cord r'etere & (T oEseZd and Je COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OR son streets. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The CnrrugMtwl llullilliip litixt Dour to tJotirt llimm. Handsomely FnmishBfl Rooms to Rent by the Day, Wcci or Month. 5i?eap pdvrtisii?? fys. J'&g?.1"7 ttBs Prepared by a First Class English Cook. PHOTOGRAPHER McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles DailyChronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeekJy ropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. -iir ul iirr.niLM.mtMitv with tin- nublliilicrtxif otio of the lo-t Mncnzlurfe inuv nuMi.i,. t riTv cimtiUM to mule u im -.t i-xi-ojiIIoiihI otlor to now! McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O YEA35; Y ovcryone h till- out tin- i..ll.wis blunt form, mid ncmlltis It to uk, thereby fuh.ieribinj f0 The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. THE DALLES OKEGON Maklnc Cloth Waterproof. A correspondent asks for a recipe for making- cloth waterproof. There is surely no better method than put tine half a pound of sugar of lead and half a pound of alum in a pail of soft v.-ater, stirring it often until it be comes clear, pouring it off into an other pail and putting the cloth or garment into it. to remain there for tv.-enty-four hours. The material should then be hung up to drj without wringing. It is said that garments thus treated will keep the wearer ab solutely dry in the heaviest rain storm; the rain simply hangs in glob ules upou the cloth. Waterproof cloth is more healthy to wear than rubber goods. One of the riiipt. t There was a woman of dignified bear ing and apparent intelligence standing at a post-bos the other day. says the !New York 'World. She dropped in sev eral letters and gazed hesitatingly ata small package which .she held. She glanced about for assistance in her problem, and her eyes lit upon a po liceman. ,-I beg your pardon," she said, sweetly, holding the packace up for his inspection, "but do you think that there are enough stamps on this to carry it?"' And such is the chival rous attitude of man toward perplexed woman that the policeman said, promptly, without making even an at tempt to weigh the package in his hand: "Oi'm shure there's enough, ma'am." Her doubts banished bv this statement, the lady dropped her bun die and went on her way rejoicing. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Jadieioas Advertising Pays. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US. MRS. Jb ' JrLAS Jbi JbL, Propi'iotor. i j J. O. MACK, FljlE WllBEg and Lipi$ DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PADST BEER 171 SECOND STREET, FRENCH'S BLOCK. THE DALLES, OK. i Publish ers CMWX1CLE, The .Dalles; Or.: ! You. will please send to my address the D.dfLY C1IJWMCL E for .12 months from date, for which I agree to pay GO cts. a, mon th, it being understood that you are )o have sent to my address for J year, t without extra charge, jMcCLUJIE'S M.'WAZJXl commencing with the current number. Name, .'Jddrcss I CALL AT OUR OFFICE mid kco the ontertHlnlus mill finely lllunttutwl McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, i Date lumEsnBam CityStables, which It nmong lt& contributor, the most fiimnu nuthotx In tui'h writerw the follou futr JRHAM 6c Robertson Proprietors T H E ARTIC CANDY FACTORY It, nn:r i COMPOUND. 3 A recent discovery an eld I)ajs!cla. Successful!! tued by Mouse of TLadltt. Is. the oalj- pcztec'ST lofeand reliable medlclao clls- carcitri. Buraro of unprincipled dregsists vrho cSer toierlor medicines lu place of this. Ask for Caok'n Cotton Root Compound, laic no tubsit tute, or lnclce SI and C cents lu potage In letter nEdTrowIUscad, fcaltd, hr return raall. Iull scaled particulars la plain envelope, to ladles only. 2 ptarapfi. Addrtas 1'onJ I,Uy (Jomjionr. Xo. T. ruherBloci, Ijowo!:, Jllch. Sold In The Dalle? bv 5r i Kinr.-s;-. SODA WATEE AKD IOE 0KEAM. Candies and Nuts ut wholKKnle ijuotatlouii. Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Da! leg, Oregon. (These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern uregon, ana can accommodate jiatrons with either bingle or Double Rigs, closed Hack? or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish FirPt Class accomtxiodation to teamsters with freiirht j or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wnpon room. II. L. Stevenson, I Kudyr.rd Kiplini;, I A. Conaii Doyle. Octave Thnnot, j William Dean IIow ' ISret Uni te, Clark Kussell, Joel Chandler Harris. Thomas Hardv, . .1. T. TrowhriJge. .leiome i!. .lerome. Frances Ikxlgson Hurnett, Theodoio I!oosev(lt, Joaquin Miller, Oilhert I'nrker, John I!urronphH, wmuii Specialties Commercial Patronaie Solicited. Arourtca and Knplnnd, incluaiq Hamlin Gnrhuid, I'rof. K. S. Holden, l'rof. C. A. Tonne H. II. Itoyt'Men, HoU-rt Hurr, Ilcnrv JI. Manlev, . , .... , 1 Arcimmid 1'orues, Andrew Luiik, Surah Orne .lewett Dr. J. S. Billing, W. E. Henley. Ciipt. Churleti Kinc Alphonse Damlet, Ciimile FlHiimiarion, Edward Everett Hale, l'rof. Graham Hell. Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles ' j. FOLCO At right side restaurant. -OF THE- Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society, WILL HE HELD AT THE DflliltES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. a. s. McAllister, l'reildeut. J. O. MACK, HecrcUry. From TERlBlKiUi op INTERIOR Points THE liii Paci iWat Coiivenlurirn. "AVorlds fair Visitors travelling via the Northern Pacific P.ailroad, and Wiscon ein Central line, are ianded t-.t the Paid Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart of the city has been fitted up as a hotel, runou the European plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room is supplied with hot und cold water, electric lights, etc. The charges for accommodations are reasonable and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific railroad. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer in that city, and can also travel between the Grand Central station and world'e fair grounds by trains which rnn direct between the two points. 2tdlwlm-7-12 4 The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam, of McKeeBport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhoea in her children will undoubtedly be of interest to many mothers. She says: "I spent several weeks in JohiiBtown, Pa., after the great flood, on account of my husband being employed there. We had several chil dren with us, two of whom took the diarrhoea very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhtea Eemedv from Rev. Mr. Ch man. It cured both of them. I k of several cases where it was eq Buccesaf ul. I think it cannot be excelled and cheerfully recommend it." 2o and &ii cnt bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Ira. A Sunday ut the Kuanide. During the Hummer season the Dalles, Port land a Ahtoria Navigation Co. will make a rate of $3, Dalles to Astoria and return, and $4, Dalles to Ihvaco and return. The above rates will be in effect on feuiiduys or iy. Steamer Regulator will lcuva T1 t-lu'ltn at 7 a in Dulle Cltv ' A r:ontlnuou lino, co;iT)ectiu wltli 611 Uik- i i . V iV Y, i i ..lJ,xuts !BQordUii;dlr:taiirlunllilerruiFtlf.(;rvlcc will nrrlvo at Portland in time to cuii- nect with the Lurline for Astoria and 'ti warn Tlio T urlinn u-Hl Wvp flimon I'ullmnu Bh-epvr rocrvBtioriB can foe dccuivd SundS- etlnSdwill ' cttb ! ""y ilulef eWty Monday morning for The -iVabovolicketB will be limited to . ffltH Ki!WyuV tiirot days from date of Hale. i ticket osUix of tlm coiajauy W. C. Am-away, G. A. j Full Information concerning lmu ol tra; i, t'.t.n mill otlier doUiils lunihiiwl oi. V. C. ALLAWAY. Ajr- I I'. i A. liar Co., Kcsulutor oait', Tht Dnllti, Or , or a n CHAitiroii, Kth'u Gtutttil I'MvsuKd Kt i'ortlnnd, )t:u The Fifth. Annual TheDmlles Wasco County. Oregon, RKILROHD If the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOOTH. It 1 the Dining Car Route. It run Through Ventlbuled 'Iralas every day In the ytar to 2 w panl and Chicago (NO CHANCE OK CAKS.) J Comiel of Dlnlns Cam unsurpassed. Pull man rawing r.o(juioacifsoj iMieaterjuifimeni. TOUHLST SLEEWNG CARS et that cn foe concttucttd, and In which accommodations are footh Free and Furnished lor holdera of First and tkeoud-cla Ti:vi, and ELEGANT BAY COACHES The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south ah Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slojie of the Cat cades furnishes pasture for thousauds of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east lias tin's year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money ia scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones 8he stands. Mrs. Kobt. Louis Stevetifon. Camile Fiamniarion, F. Marion Crawford, Lillie Cha.te Wyman, Margaret Deland, Harriet Prescott Spotlbrd. Herbert D. Ward, Hdward Everett Hale. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Ixmine Chandler Moulton, Knun niimtjtirnf McCLURE'S MAGAZINE contain tw o hamUomclr UlUKtrutcd iiiIxrTtavt Willi MICH IliniOUH COIIC MM Julet Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Thomas A. Edicon, Tissandier, the famous F. Hopkinson Smith, French Balloonist, H. H. Boyesen, and many othern, have furnished matcrlul for oirMrlnlly prcimml interview which will apptti tuny niuiruiti in tilth uniKHi'.ine. Kach number contains two or three nliort htorlct. by famous Huthor. Fully illustrated htotiet will i aji)var in early number by ' Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howella, K. L. Stevenson, I Rudyard Kipling, Bret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett, ! Joel Cliandler Harris. Harriet Prewott Spofford, Octave Thunet, Conan Dovle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Stanlev.l. Wevman. I HKrCKV M. STANLEY will eoutrll)Ute, eicially for youiiR readurn. a tlirillliiKly IrttereatluR itoryiif African Adventure NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVENTURE. There will In1 everl article1, written by Raymond niothuiuyt, who him la-en ci.llM Mr W T Stead the tieht interviewer in Kncland, (rotn material (urr.lhhed tilm bj Kuri iiiiiinclt . i.i Ham burc, thecreat animal imK)rter and trainer TIii-m article), deal with The Caitturo of Wild J'easts. The Transportation of Wild Beastr. The Training of Wild Beasts. The Adventures and Escapes of Karl Htigenbeck. Tli.i ...Ill ... (TliiM.nitiMl l.v uti V,iflikh Mrtlut (if fif.L-.ifi.s livf t.i'fl kV-lll f,t f rr V. 1 1tr u- tltl itfilmt't Joiik lifniiocfiiih, c. F. ll'ii.m:a, Int. C. c this Held, will contribute to the mii,-aziiu'. Hoard ami Kooiu for 1'iiiiIIh. 'i wo furnished rooms to let wPh 1 t-d hv pupils. Inquire at this office. do to N. Hurriw for fine prints; '20 IE DALLES CH LE, Aiiiiott, and other writura inimmii lur their workii Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PROF. Ji. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arriincenu-ntH have lx-en uiiidc, In eonneiitlon with a lcadlni: Kinrllnh review, to imb'.-' I'tnL Oarner'c lettem deeriitive of IiIh jireitent cxK-dltion to Africa, l'rof. 'mrner In noted the oti over for the curious and intoretlii: lnvcfltlRiitlonK ho If makliiK in the Keccli of m Hiker He sailed for Africa hint HejitcmlR-r for the sake of further iiumuIiiK hi Miidie In the natiie Jjauiit ol the Korflla. The lllUHtratloim lor tliee arucie win ih; iroui uoui;rii!ii uikeu oy rror oHrner The magazine iilno contalnii most intercatliif: article under the follou lug eonijirclicnulu' heuda " The Edge of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." "Stranger than Fiction," etc. We are ofleritiR thl "plendid magazine with the Daily CiriiosicLK for only V.'M a year, pijiWe in advance or tn moiltnl' installments as aeireu. V. mitV thl rrrotttr.Tiu1 rif1ip to orrlf.r tht wt inuv k.fiir n lfin.. lillmtMr ttf lit-w HUb-iCTiberi. but all who are already uberlbers may avail theinaelvex of this ujortuutty to weuru thiir1 magazine, r ill un me niaiiK anu kcuu h in, v THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porta east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer hare been introduced, aud only the first-class article will be placed oi the marknt. Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in "Wasco, Slier man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, 8ubf;friptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns utid De&igus in "Trnetieal PainterH and Paper Hangero. None but the best brnii''a cf Ji' rwin-Willianni and J. W. Muhu tv'h PaintH used in all ,ur work, und ii'iiie''?' most skilled workmen employed. Agonlti for .Maury Liquid PaintH. Hher LtlH mOHt Hklllod u-firlrinioi cheinicul canbinatlon or soap mikturi onieri) promjiiiy uucuueu to. Paint Shot) corner Thirdand Wuf;liin;tou Stu., A ( jilt.uu nLiL iit nit ciifirH. A" in (-(won in biuiu iu mi v-- w - The DttllfiF. W"1 flew Qoidmbia Jotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hah lately been thoroughly renovated and nowJjr furiilHhed throughout, and 1h now hotter than ever prepared to furnlnh the het Jlow accomniodiitloiiH of any Iiouho In ,ltl' city, and at tho very low rate of $1 a dav. FivRt-ninKK Meals. 25c OfXieo of the fiiHt and cominodioiiH oppos'tioii PfK to JJufur, KliiKHlej, Tynh Vulky, A iipii'"1"' Warm Spnn and Prinovillo Is in the Hot''' and periii-iiH jjointj to J'rinevillo can J.OO hv yoliiK on thm Hte Hiu. All trains stop here.