K 'sV 4m 9 S. v Tue Dalles Daily Chronide. official paper or balles city, ajtd wasco corjmr. LETTER FROM THK of An Ci , KrcTtllii; the Adlblllty tra Slon. Salem, Or., Aug. 14. Governor Ten noycr will tomorrow ?ond a letter to the members of the legislature, requesting of subscription rates. Weekly, 1 year $ 1 SO their opinions as to the advisability 6 month. . ....... ... ... " caning a special session of the lcgisln- Dally, l year. t S i ture at an earlv date for the pnrnose of 6 months. SI1 . , . ' '. . pc- o so passing a law to stay the execution ol Addrellcommnniwitlontn"THE CHKOK-1 jndgments. The governor has written l'tiKt-ORIrr. orncK Kocn General DeUverr Window a. ta. to 7 i. ra. Mosey Order " a. m. to 4 v. q. Binds- j V ' -9 a. es. to 10a. m. this letter in response to requests in numerous letters from Eastern Oregon and other iortions of the state, asking that some action tie taken. The cir cumstances put forth in the letters ask- CLOM.vc or hails ',n ,or sup" rc'ief are t,mt u tneP are trains ccliir F.t . .Op. ta. bug ll:4ds-ni. ; unru, money cannot uk uhu on vcu mv very best security, nnd persistency of rrwMtor would hnve the effect of utterly ruining whole counties of the state. ' Grain is good in quality, but rather un der the usnal yield per acre in Eastern Oregon, and the price is but three fourths as much as last vear. This leaves the farmers not much above the and Vtst . ...91. ta. Sure for Goldendale ' Pririevillc " "Duf ursud W nrm Serines " fLeaving for I.ylc A Hictland Except Sunday fTri-weeklv. Tucdar Thursday and Saturday I " Monday Wcdne-day nnd Friday. 6:33 p. Ei. ::.. in. c-cOa. us. .&.Sun. m. ' visa, m. :S0r. re. William Tell Your Father that we sell &T.T fit WEDNESDAY, - AUG. 1G. 1S93 The following is extracted from a re-1 actual cost oi production, and it is out cent editorial from the Cotton and Wool of the question for them to pay heavy Reporter: , debts from the products of their fields. "It is admitted that a reat many The laws of Oregon at present, per manufacturers desire to believe that the mit the taking of a man's property for democratic partv would not dare formu-. debt and selling it for a mere fraction of late am legislation of a destructive ; the amount it is actually worth. From character, vet there is the equivocal and , this procedure debtors want relief. The -rti1ip;r 1nn..tm" nf th Phicaro nlat-! governor thinks the form, on which the party ,won its way into power, which causes doubts to arise and prevents a fiun conviction as to what the policy of the party may be. Fortunately, it is seldom that the ex treme wing of any party prevails, and it is almost an assured fact that the ex treme element, the voice which spoke through the Chicago tariff platform, will not prevail now. The policy of the democratic party will be to endeavor to hold itself in power a little longer, and certainly its power would be of short tenure should it enact any destructive j legislation ; it may not enact construc tive laws, and in face of tne rapidly changing sentiment of the country, it would not venture far in forcing its radical viuw." Some democrats claim that the reason bo much shoddy clothing is manufac tured in the United States is because of the high protective tariff, jwinting out that only firstclass goods are manufac tured in England. The premises are correct, but the conclusion is not. It is aws now in inrce would form considerable measure of re lief if the debtors would take advantage of all the provisions. In some instances cited the feature of usurious interest would have been an ample safeguard against oppression if the law in that particular had been invoked. Hut the demand seems to be for a definite and distinct slay of the law that shall irive the debtor a year before a judgment can be executed. This provision, they think, would take the joor fanners out of the clutches of the money lenders. The governor was asked, "Would such a i law brine the relief which the writers o these letters expect?" "o; unless congress passes a xree coinage law,' responded the governor, and he re;eated it as ii it were a well settled conviction with him. "If con gress fails to jws: such an act, a state law to stay execution of judgment wii only prolong the misery of our debtor farmers." The rooms In (linrtlcr. The cut's nn the tabic, Thellowor-Miind tipsct.nnd thenilFchicf topnyi And .Inhnny i screaming As loud ay he's able. For nothing pocs rlpht when uiamtno' nrrny. i "What a scene of discomfort and con-, fusion home would be if mamma did; not return. If your wife is slowly; breaking down, from a combination dl i domestic cares and female disorders, ! make it your first business to i est ore her health. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- J scription is without a peer as a remedy : for feeble and debilitated women, and is i the only medicine for the clas of mala- j dies known as "female diseases" which ; is sold, bv dnijrcits, under a positive nwcnite'itom the manufacturers that , it will give Patisfaction, in every case, or , th nionev will be refunded. It is a j positive cure for the most complicated ! cases. It's an invioratinr, restorative toni and a soothing and strencthening iiprvin". impart'mi: tone and vigor to the whole system. It's a legitimate medi-, cine, too carefully compounded by an i experienced physician, and adapted to J womar.s cioncate organization. the Dalles AND Prineville SWEET. ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Kasyfitting Pants. -i uTTiTrmn i i Brery garment guaranteed in jcj v ju tu iip : We are also Headquarters for . . Men's, Bovs' and Youth s CLOTHING -ft In every size, style and price. :Sta Line J.D. PARISH. ProD. Pounil t1i- Dt'uth Kuril sentinel. ' Tht Imnil of fat- noint stfndilv in the r. 1 . Iuumiuca l: i n.'l ill' rtnvlc " r . T.ilT-.l lTT.. f' ' . -. w t.w .direction o the utter annihilation oi to be made here, and prohibited there. , Tfae Dal,es ba5ebaU club when k aexl English laws are more strict in all man-, meet5 the Go(lendale on The DalIui mactures, irom a loai oi nreaa up. u it were not so, Englishmen would have the Bame opportunity to introduce shoddy in their goods as Americans, and aince human nature is pretty much the name, an honest American is no rarer than an honest Johnny Bull. Leave The I)alles at 6 n. m. every rii and ui r.ves Ht I'rinevilte in thirty-six bu-. I on-.-5 ITineN lie at 5 a. m. every ''n" sua arrlv,-i at The Dalles in thlrty-sU hours. forties the G. S. Mai!, Passengers and Express YOUR ATTENTION horses houses J. S. COOPER, Is calied to the ftct that ! diamond. Last Tuesday night our cltih unanimously elected Martin Z. D -Ma- ' one of the best boys The Dalles ever Hung to the human breeze, to be its hijrh chief factotem and busii.eE; manager. That settles it. Soon The muffled drum's sad roll shall beat The Dalles' boys last tattoo, No more on baeball grounds shall meet That brave and lallen lew. i Connect at l'riD llle with Stages from Eastern and Southern tgOE, Northern California and all Interior Points. Or- Benator Mitchell has introduced the moat imDortant bill eo far. which in clndee an amendment declaring it to be ; Mr- Thomas Batte, editor of the nense of comn-esa that no chanpea be I Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, made in the tariff during the 53d con areas. If,' the country was assured that the tariff would be undisturbed by the next congress, it would stimulate pro duction again, labor would find ready employment and a reaction would set the has found what he believes to be the best remedy in existence for the flax. His experience is well worth remembering. He says: "Last summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried almost ever?' known remedy, none pivinc relief. 01 Des m i'".ak cloe connection at The Dalla with trai.-Iroru Portland and .Kajtern point. Cusrtass druen. Giri azoiitiatioiis aloiz tie mi. Fim-clan Dac4ts ail Horses ustd. Eijress saner bandied witi sp HTAGK OFFICER M. Sichel Co.'i Store, rrlnerllla. Hagb Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Planter, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Cmrrla the Fiueat Line of Picture MonlJinp tills Honit, I O Corner Ham, UXJOX STOCK YAIMS, Chicago, lib. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses iu the world, will hold his Oth extensive sale of west ern hranded horses for season 1893, on Umatilla rbe Italic. J. F. FORD, Iranplist, in of great advantage. Mitchell, being a free coinage advocate, stands a good chance of carrying through his bill suc cessfully, by trading his influence on the one question for the other. Campers in the mountains should ex ercise great caution in the matter of ex tinguishing their camp fires. If a man is a philanthropist who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew be fore, what shall be said about a man who burns np in a day several quarter sections of valuable timber which have faeen trmwint? aver mnn Vmfnrp hi trrfat ' Molnw, Iowa, write under date ul March 23, 1893: S. B. Mid. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentemeu ; On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounde, it . ii . i nj ..t , j . . ...... uun ncili BtruiJK nuu iikuiuuci nuu ncn such a disease, as m my opinion it is the fleshed s Congh Core haf done best medicine in existence." 25 and 50 i8 WOrk well. Both of the children like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Bemedy was recommended to me. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely cured. I take pleasure in recommending this remedy to any person suffering with bv Blakeley lm. arandfather was born. cent bottles for sale Houghton, Druggists. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to j the complexion and cures constipation. 50c. and $1.00. Sold bv Snipes & ! Kinersly, druggists. I The Oregonian finds cause for alarm 1 should President Cleveland die and Vice President Stevenson assume his mantle, characterizing the latter as a cheap and hallow demagogue, without even the A Leader. Since ite first introduction, electric) bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead . among pure medicinal tonics and alter- aegative virtue of passive patriotism to i ativee containing nothing which per recommend him. mits its use as a beverage or intoricant, ! . . , i u is recognizeo. as me oest anu purest a bill Monday pro- . ,, ., ... , - . ' iucuiuiuc lur uu uiiiuunie ui mounted. . f JUU.UUU.UUU Ol ,. fcirtripvu. Tt u-ill n,,r un.- l.,.o,1. i maiena irom ine fcysiem. satislaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Hold by Snipes & Kinersly. it. i our 6. B. Cough Cure has cured t and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greeting for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are : Yours, Mb." & Mrs. J. F. Foed. It you w!ah to (eel (reah and cheerlul.and read' for tne Spring'! work, cleame your ayatem wltr. the Headache und Liver Cure, by taking two m three done each week. t iiold under a positive guarantee. SO centa per bottle by all druKltUu. To t tooM Id the City. 72 CJUashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIEST BTEEBT. FACTORY NO. 105. WIEiDIsriESICLcVY, .TJO-XJST 16 Entries should be ntde at ooee. HORSES HORSES !-17d&w3m fTf. 4 DCil the Beet Brands V'XVXxa.XXlO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. W. E. GIRRETSON, Jeweler. Peffer introduced viding for the issue of fiat money, exchangeable for xnent bonds at. par. That's all right, last so its money. In these times every thing is fish that comes to the net. Mm HOLE AGENT FOK THK The outlook for labor in the east has brightened by the renewed employment of 15,000 men in the iron and steel trade ia Pittsburg, and 8,000 operatives in the Providence cotton mills. Minister Blount has returned from Honolulu and is now in San Francisco, fie will say nothing, and no one cares whether he does or not. The debate on silver need not delay the legislation prayed for to put money into circulation again. Blotches, pimple, liver patches, ti. U. V. right quick dinputcbea, Drives away incipient tumort, Clear the blood from poinonoui huinora; Aillnr one, whoe'er you be, Try the worth ofU. M. D. which is the great Golden Medical Dis covery of Dr. Pierce a wonderful tonic and blood-purifier. The "Discovery" Is a standard remedy for consumption, feroncbitis, colds and lung troubles; gaaranteed to benefit or cure, if taken in time, or money refunded. NOTICE. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna j Brooks, has, without just cauxe or prov location, left my bed and board, against my wisnes anu consent, anu reluses to return or further live with me, I hereby warn all persons not to give her anv credit on my account, as I will not pay any bills of her contracting after tiiis date. Caleb Buookh. Dalles City, Or., July 19, lH&S.doot&wu Mexican dost. Silver Stove Polish causes QWnga ( MMr J sIiiiiiiVhHbiMMbiiKbiiiiiiiii 1 I All Watch Work Warranted, j Jewelry Made to Order.' 13K Hotiiind Ht.. Tbf fall. Or. The repuUtion of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing even- day. A. ULRICH & SON. r. r. WINEMAK. WM. UAKDKRH. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or, This well known stand', kept by the well known W. H. Butte, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish DisiarbaBc In fact, all the lending brands of fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come again u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its floU leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Furniture & C at CRANDALL & BUR GET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rats. MICIIELBACH BRICK, - . UNION 8T. WINHNS 'HE NEW TOWN hn been iiluttcd on the old curaii crouiid. ut the Forka and climate, the teiitral uttrnetlon u immutulii Miinmur rmort lor all Oregon, ran i)i Jlood river, with iarce.klBlitiy low.hrond MtrtvUund iilleyx. irood aoll aiKlpurewater.wlthithBdein iiroliDiion, jwrfeot dniliiMice.dellKhtliil mounUiln HSU - " wM.- w unm.. m Anaar Wftawrtlve and NERVBI'ONIC. Bold br Druaalstsor aeottiy mail. Sc.,i(to., Md II. ixr package. Bvnptm free VA W A Tto Favorite raonrowBtt AU amW for the Teeth and iircoih.Kc. for sal hj Hslpea Klueraly. A. WESOLO, The Boston Tailor, East End Seeood St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. Perfect fit Guaranteed. CliAIA STORY, Art Teacher lioom 3, BeUimjen Building, Will give Ioni Monday and Thtmdajri of e cb week, or olUner 11 dvalrcd. (Qisemarj & Martens, Saloon and fm Rooms The Dalles, - Oregon. Ia'Iiii; tlie neurext tow n to Mt. Hiki. It t iiiii.iiruii.iiH ... ,nuiiii(H.,iirinv ceiiter, being the nutiirul (.enter lor 1W Miiure lnlleit of the beat cedar and fit timber, ihm.hi,Iiij; iiullionn of hon.;-mer in lm (liwihliiR mrenm and water (ulln, eunlly hurnexM-d, Where I'heup inulive jwer fxlntd, there the lnunii' (aetorlen will center, iiiirroundi-d bv mI1 mul i llmni.. n,nt Lmnini l i-xri'lled anywhere (or Irnit nd HKrlciiltuiu, mid with traiuiKirtutlun ulreuily hmuh you will llnJ thi the j.luw: to imike i: rlect home or a jmyinp liiitni See me on the ground, ox address me at Hood River. Wasco County, Oregon. TITIiE PERFECT W. RossWinans, afflTNortiiwest corner of Second and Court strbetH. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. IS ejfK 12.00 L'OeggH. 3.00 Address: E. M, UAUHIMAN, 6-2,lm Endersby, Or. D. BUNNELL, m mil im wks ano piini MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Sliop on Third Street, next door west of Youne & u8 JilackBmith bhop.