hc Dalles V' TJIE pALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1893. NO. 52. jjjtalles Daily Chronicle. THE ( 9 p.llr.On-Roli .... ft 0f K 11 fl The IC 00 Ml . S SiSrlAutrtiiK., 1MB. iijt not'Mi. Dci'iirt ll.oo r. M. Drpiirlf 8.11 A. it"" mr i. , is"1 . mry jmixkoukbti lenve M , nml ono for the M MfUk Tl. Bute Ovcll. lcvt- dally "fViW M.ttst... ' 3 City. Imtc .("itll.X ... . i-.i.i- i' . rwP'1 il'"vc kJ'DJ w'u,,, le,irc t,Vt'rT dHy0' """ rr.oriMONAi.. HI. KIDDEU. 'R"r at Uw , .Wirt fetiwt. Till' On-Kull. -OBltf 1 1 sent THANK HENKFKK. H uwlBuoai 4: mid . or l'o.t Ltt BalUiiEg, Ectmutf on w mIiIucuiu ritrout . i BLSSm ATTOHNKV AT-IW. A. ao-uititiiM buildliiB. uji ulr. Ot-The I t Xit. 1 KWTIM.TC1S. H. . VIIXJK. MAVn UDTOtiT'iS A WIl-hON- A Turn MtiiT'Uf -o:litf, FrKuli' Ui-ck tm-r fin:M!taiilUt, ' Uallr. OrcKOtl. IP H SVIUiOX- ATTCfcNlY iT-LAW - Rootnl M . froth 4 Co bni bulUltis, ncotmd ttx' rii(lMJi,Urt-Kiti. DL KjHElXAS IlanxorATHlC) I'll tuciak ai eCMto.v u-rI iTiimjitly, ttfs'cirht, city uruutry. 02u ho. 3. mid fttipnia bloc. Dt 0. U. DOAN K rilYMCUN AKO fPR us, Oflu. roonu h Mid 6 t'tWiiu leu kcMcuic K. wrticr 'lovirt nnd ton KrtrU, Mt mil door lruiu tbf fomcr Kalmstu In A. M . Uil anil T to t 1' M IV 9AU 1 rTirt U. FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. TKANHAl'T A 'IKNKKAliHANKINO HIJHINKHS lxitu-ri. of Cmllt isfliieil availnhlf! in ho KasUirn StnteH. Sight Kxchnnge nml Tolepraphic TraiiBforsHohlon Now York, Chicago, St. Louifl, Kan Francisco, Portland Oregon, Swittlo Waflli.. and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all point on fay. oralild terms. CONSTIPATION Ifl called the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with I LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully THE DALLES Hational Bank, ' Of DALLKS CITY, OK. Pre.Hidcnt Vire-Pretihlent, Cashier, Z. F. Moody Cll.Mtl.KH lliuo.s M. A. Moody General IlntikinR Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NKW YOHK. SAN VUANCISCO, CHICAGO and 1'OKTI.AND, OH. Collecttoni made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. l'rc.ldctit H. M. Hkau. Cuhlcr, First National Bank. CHE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collectiorii made and proceeds promptly remittal on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold c New York, San Francisco and Port land. on 131 KBCTOK3. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. El). M. WlLLlAMN. CiKO. A. LlKHK. H. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, It is a mild laxative and a tonic to tho tligastivo organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a. reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife was tnrtly dUtreswd with Comtipa oa atnl cot-jhing, followed with Weeding l'ilcs. After four rnonthiuie of Simmons Liver Regulator he li almost entirely iclicved, Raining strength tai fleah." W. II. LuErKK, Lklanare, Ohio. a-EVKRY PACKAGE'ua U. onr Klamp In rrtl on wrapper. J. II. 4 CO., 1'liiUdelpbio, Y. "The Regulator Line" Tbe Dalles, Porfafl and Astoria Navigation Co. tin cttcii lot the i fctni-0 llTaf tl'ltilll twjth. AUli tltlLIl Biacksmitn & wagon shod THROUGH General Blacksmithing and Work done ! promptly, and nil work Guaranteed. Freiom ano Passenger Line A1. 1 II UttX, cud t A F A A M MtvU , rd l.oi.dL)- til tut li mutitli l i 1' i. II l.f ft ..in Iwim. .... - f ..-.... t ..... . .. . . .. : - ... .- .. .uv iuiiu MOIiHA OODMKS OF T11K. V0K1J. lnpof wicli vixl ui Frutvrnltr HiUl, fj -30 ) tn pOI.fMltU 1-OIKiK, NO.l, 1.0. o. V MivU yuf Jrldiij- emiltiKiit: SOu'vlixk.lu K. r. r iiri , tvriiur bwuud Ktid Court utruvU. fcJouruniK brother lire wt'leotue. B.Cuiuait, r. h, A. UlLLn,K. 0. npTPvrcn i ii i ni.i. .. tort. boJournliiK meiubcn are wirdlallj in. iun,fv 01 li, mid B. ( C. AWEXBLY NO. 4r.r. V nr f v. .... (-v.ww.il U1UI1LII I i .VI ti in l WCil B I'll IJIHXI A V TL'II Itm. tn . j iili-'Liii-m r riiiiiK ft u :iJT Hill 111..... i i" . ' - Ltf... " mw in VI MM. Tlxyj (An, t. .... . .. 1 lil.V r:.J.V- J- A O. V. W.-Mwl. . k II. IIANMKV "WITH I-03T. No.S-J.f; a u - , " U , ., 0! ! 11.11 " ikiiiuiiu H Hundnv Horse Shoeing a Speciality Ttiird Street opp. Lictie'sti Stand, House Moving! 'Uivn dnr ui Mr.? wv.. .rwr .f L liivitiKiK.- ... .... .. ...ui ! li.. 11 .i ..iiiLn ill -inn .,., ,1. . mini 11 U! HIM T"K Clll ItC'IIKH. 1 ttt..- I u "11UL I Jul II ... nvfl - W W A. M. Vll.i.r. ..4 i vr i-v! a a l t.i"v'0 lll'I'I'll ... . riiifi i. i i. ii if it i uu... f 1I,U. - ""v.iit;. ll..( U.r. Krri'fi'i '''"Jfrou Frldni- ut ' Pu .. . . !,.. "A'TIhT fin- - - ...WE. I',. ...... . II lllif i Ik ..-. ii.. . . ""inn ir kirvifBUj . Bl -.""V n'MMI.Iiii, ." ' ivni UI TV nun. Wtlfatl "'Iff innrm ., ul'i re e ,'nV" l't- 'Vrv : lu "lu ourtliouwHt WjaTiov... a. . . ..i imi hi. "" " lltOf Ullll IrtMll.li. "'MMIal. U. . I II ! II. .. . M'i...... " ''(Al, i i m'.:V''".liir AN "tree!, Andrew Velarde JS prejKired to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable iigures. Has the largt honse moving outtit in Kastern Oregon. Addroas P.O.Box 181. The Dallies S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : W'tchc. and Jewelry retmlrwl to ordi-r m .uori uoiicv. una iuii;uu iu.i."- AT Til Bturn itri.C. Nlckvl.eu. d Mt. The Ill Chas. Allison, Ucalcr lu Through dally r-ervice 'Sundays ex j cvpted between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The I Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade IL-kH with steamer Dalles City. Strainer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock') at C a. m. con necting with steamer Kegulator for The Dalles. rAHSK.VOKIC UATKlt, Oneway 12.00 Hound trip 3.00 Ticketh on sale for I3ug Ueach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for ),,., liniia miiHt l delivered before it' mil Ji..ft'- .-. ... f ') p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or auuress, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ocneral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Oeneral Maoagitr. PURE Headquarters at Olias, Lauor's. Hiivlin. ini.i ii tin. i iiiiri'iml nf niitnriil k'V tln bent In tin-world, I am rej.Hi"J to furnUli 1" any iuiiiitlty imd nt bottom irl''. CHAS. ALLISON. G. Fi STEPHENS, Dl A !! IN Dry Goods f Qlothing THE DALLES, OREGON OUT tor lool, Mliii, II lit Klv 'ancij Ejood, ploiion, Kte., Ktv.i :i- Second St., Tho Dalles. ptesh Paint! SV. V UlLHKnT hereby fct-nilj HU coiuiilluit'iit to every Irlena Aud enemy- II lit) "' Jlo tbey lew or be they many. Tbe time for pulntluR b come, And every one dedlren n borne Tl "it look lreb hu.I c can umi new, A iionebUtaKOiiminternill do. rlntliDt, llTl"K Kll"J?t l' Will mHke your old 1m.uo -ok .Uito new. He will tiiki- yur wurl. either wiiy, Jiy the Job or by the day. if ou liHiuwnrk idvcblmiieull, lle'll ti'ko your eider, UrKo or mini). JeiM'UUlli W. C. GILBERT. 1'. O. lloX No. 3, Till; DAlW. OJt. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, iwpulur anil reliable hoiii Iiuh lioen entirely rtfurnwliw , imd rouiu Jtas been rt'l'i'Tll n'l':l '.V and iwwlv nu)(tcl hnm. " V . . '...I.... I fll riLlllH Ullll H Hi I 111 MC'l IIOI'SH l.llllllHlin Jin ! r.,.,K with ovwy modern ( "ivcn i t o. J. t r. ii JmiM?-. A good reHtu.int.it n I n h to tlio house. J-Ver bus to ami from tr,lin8 C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. IN RECEIVERS' HANDS The Northern Pacific Railroad Company. NOW IN CONTROL OF THE COURTS The Appointments Made in New York This Morning No Surprise to Walt Street. Nkw Yokk, Aug. 15. Thomas F. Oakes, of New York. W. II. Payne, of Milwaukee, and Henry Crouse, presi dent of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad company, were this afternoon appointed receivers of the Northern Pa cific railroad in the United States court in this city. The appointment of receivers did not come as a surprise to the street, although not announced until after I! o'clock. Brokers were prepared for the news, as rumors of such stories hud been plenti ful all day. Most of the stock and bonds recently have been taken, it is said, by Philadelphia parties. The principal selling today was by commission houses and was thought to be the liquidation of long stock. The Post this evening states that it is reined that a receiver may be ap pointed for the North American also. Judge l.arcombe appointed the receiv ers on motion ot the Farmers' Loan & Trust Company and Phillip I). Winston and William C. Sheldon, William L. Price and William C. Sheldon & Co., as copartners, composing the firm ot W. C. Sheldon k Co. The receivership em braces the Northern Pacific railroad and all railroads owned, leased or controlled by said corporations. These receivers are the same as those appointed in Wisconsin. They gave bonds in $500,000 in the United States court there, and were ordered to give a bond of $500,000 here. The application was made with the consent of the railroad company. Thr Old Kate. Kextoretl. New Yokk, Aug. 15. The Northern Pacific and Great Northern companies have decided to restore freight and pas senger rates to the basis prevailing last February, to go into effect as soon as practicable. Otiier transcontinental lines are expected to follow the example of the two rompanie mentioned. AN.VIH KAXO.V IHSASTKIt. Additional I'artli'iilnrx Krgardliif; th Kxiilitioi. Additional particulars concerning the explosion of the steamer Annie Faxon are to the eJieet that the boat was at tempting to land at Waite's bar, forty miles below Lewiston, at 7 o'clock a. m., and when about eight feet from tho shore the boiler exploded. Captain Kdward Baughman, sou of Captain K. W. Baughman, wai in the pilot-house at the time between two passengers, Tom Mcintosh and J. C. Sargent. Captain Baughman saw MdntoBh'a head cleft in twain, and was at that moment stricken senseless. Tho same shock which rendered him unconscious also threw him on shore, where he re covered two hours later. Tho explosion wrecked tho boat, throwing souio of the passengers into tho stream, where those who could, grasped the lloating wreckage until they weie refcctied by boats launched by sur vivors of the wreck. There wine five passengers on board beside the crew of fifteen . The boat now lies in Hbout eight feet of water, u ml in forty feet from tho shore. She is almost a total wieck. Captain Pegrani will leave this evening for Hipariu, and will look after tho bodies of theeit who woie killed, and tho proper care of the injured. .MllS. r.UTAN'rt i'ati:. Mrs. Tappuii, the wifo of the purser, had been married only ft few months. Her husband, .1. K. Tnppan, was for many yc .tn- an employe i thu Oregon liaihwiy .t Navigation ompnuy in tho baggage di'piiitmoiit. lie held for u time tli- position of ticket agent for the Noillifin Pacific UuMioud company at Tai'jma. For muiio link' jnu-l ho lum been pun-t r on the boalH running be twcui Poitland and Astoria, In Juno ho went east ami wn united in imurhige and iitturned several weeks ago. Tap pan was ti intfened to tho Annie Faxon, nml lett thin citv with his wife i ttly it few week siiife, At latest accounts her hi ui v had i i been recovered from the river. Tt'iegram. Oieyoli lieu vol . Wami m. i dn, Aub'. 1". Senator Dolph In- ,i M'li.td fho pillowing iiiemoriiilH Ui,. resfbiti'iiiH of Oregon's legMiitUie ! Memorial praying th t thu woiM'h fair exhibit bo opened Sunday; hou rcbolution asking that proinion be made for a member of the cabinet to be designated ns secretary of labor; joint memorial asking congress to give financial aid to the Nicaragua canal ; house joint memorial praying for the re striction of immigration; senate joint memorial praying for the establishment of a department of government to be called a road department; petition of a cominitteo of Methodist ministers of Portland, Or., praying for tho repeal of the Geary Chinese exclusion act. Mitchell of Oregon gave notice of an amendment to be offered to tho joint resolution to maintain tho parity of gold and silver. Tho amendment, after long preamble, declares it is the Eense of congress that no changes bo made in the tariff during the 53d congress. NEWS NOTES. Work has been resumed on the west end of tho Burnsido bridge, Portland A large force of men will bo employed so as to rush tho construction. The New York state firemen's tourna ment began yesterday at Coney Island. The president of tho association expects an attendance of o,S00 companies. W. A. Crawford, tho old soldier who was found dead Saturday near tho pow der house on the Macadam road, near Portland, was buried Sunday by the G. A. R. in Lone Fir. Miss Clara Ilacheney, niece of Port land's city treasurer, is considered to be dying with consumption at the seaside, where she has been stopping with her uncle's family. Her home is at John Day City. The world's fair directory expected to begin paying off its bonds yesterday. The first payment is to be ten per cent of the principal of tho bonds of $444,450. These bonds were largely taken by Chi cago people. The "grand aggrpgation of criminals" would be an appropriate name for the "People's" dive on Third and Couch streets, Portland, as most of the prin cipals are under bonds for prize-fighting, robbery, manslaughter or something else. The Chilian claims commission met yesterday in Washington, D. C, in ad journed seesion. Tho work before the commission is the adjustment of claims of American citizens against Chili, and counter-claims by Chilian citizens against the United States. Sunday afternoon about 1 o'clock Mr. Peabody, who resided on the McKenzie river, about twenty-six miles east of Eugene, was washed from bis horso and drowned while attempting to tord the stream. He was seen by a neighbor just as he sank. He leaves a family in des titute circumstances. At Indianapolis, on the Indiana state fair grounds yesterday, entries closed for tho live-mile "forced march," in which members of the G. A. R. alone will participate. The capital prize will be a new built house in any city desig nated by the winner. The house will bo elegantly furnished and ready for oc cupancy, complete in every detail, aud will be needed to the comrade covering tho distance in the quickest time. Reports from the militia camp of the First regiment O. N. G., at tho Clack anms river, say that the soldiers have quieted down to the fact that it is busi ness and not boys' play to be a soldier. Tho boys oh tho first day were inclined to be a little fractious and some of them were put in the guard house, but now they are standing up to strict discipline. It is said that Col, Beehe got out of patience Monday, and had lo administer several reprimands to oflieors, At the end of tho week things will go like clock work. HtikiiolUrn' 31 net I off. Tin: Dam.es, Or., July JS, 1S93. Notice is hereby given that there will be n stockholders' meeting of the Wasco Independent Academy, at tho Academy building on Monday, August 'JSth, IS'JII, at II o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing teveu directors, aud transacting such other business as may properly toiiiu before said meeting. By order of tho hoard. S. L. BitooKS, Sec'y. tlawttl. Olingor & Bone's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the boit fishing point in Hood River valley, where ouu can reach Mt. Hood In a few hours and gut tlitiir mail uml provisions daily litowd THE DECISION GIVEN Award of the Bchriug Sea Tribonal of Arbitration. TUB CLOSE SEASON ESTABLISHED The Use of Firearms in Scaling Is Prohibited-Thc End of Pelagic Scaling. P.i:is, Aug. 15. Tho decision of the Behring sea tribunal of arbitration was handed down at 11 :1 o'clock this morn ing. Fivo points of article 0 are decided ngainst the United States. A close eea- son is established to begin May 1st and to continue until July .'51st. This close season shall bo observed both in the North Pacific ocean and in Behring eea. A protected zone is established extend ing for GO miles around the islands. Pelagic sealing is allowed outside the zone in Vehring sea from August 1st. The use of firearms in sealing is pro hibited. The American arbitrators have ex pressed their satisfaction with the text of the decision. Baron de Courcel, after the decision was rendered, thanked the arbitrators for the close and intelligent attention they brought to bear upon the case. Lord Hannen and Senator Morgan in replying to the president of the tribunal acknowledged his courtesy and hospi tality. The American arbitrators be lieve that the regulations decided upon by the tribunal mean practically the end of pelagic sealing, and they are, bet ter terms than were heretofore offered to the United States by Great Britain as a settlement of the questions involved. The Salutfl Itenounce Polygamy. Noktii ArriiEiiono, Mass., Aug. 14. Joseph Smith, president of the Reor ganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is at Plainville attend ing tho annual meeting of the Massa chusetts district church. Yesterday he said : We have renounced polygamy in all its forms, and tho younger portion of the community, who are generally getting tho reins of power, will allow nothing of the kind. The book of Monuonism, which is second only to tho Bible, on which our religion is founded, prohibits polygamy, though this news may sound strange to tho ears of outsiders. On this account Young could not maintain belief in both the book and his creed of multiple marriage, and that is why ho started in on his own account. The book of Monuonism is simply u record of the doings of people who wo believe first inhabited this continent, the fore fathers of American Indians and the mound-builders." 1' on ml in tlitt Hirer. Omaha, Aug. 15. The body of Cap tain II. Vernon Russell, late of the British navy, was found in the river last night. Foul play is suspected. He had been in the city some time and a short time ago was mixed up in n mid night street adventure, in which he was badly wounded. Mr. J. C. Boswoll, one of the best known and most respected citizens of Brownwood, Texas, suffered with diar rh iMi for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhtea Remedy was used; that re lieved him at once. Forsaleby Blakeley k Houghton, Druggists. Int. Tyfth Valley Itoller Flour Mill. Is in complete repair; always in store flour equal to thu best. Also old style coarse ami tine Gra'tam flour, mill feed, etc. W. -M. McCoukm:, Propr. tl l.l l.:na .Mitliirlit In mi v of It Forum. Chills and fever, cougestivechills can be prevented or cured bv tho use of Sim- miniH Liver Regulator, u purely vegeta ble medicine, superior to calomel ami quinine. Shiloh'H cure, tho Great Cough and Croup Ciiio, Ih for sale by Snipes & Kin- ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses, only 'Joe. Children lovo it, hold by Snipes & Kinersly. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, Baking Powder i