The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the I'ostofficc at The frallc. Oregon, second-clasf matter. THE DALLES OKEOON j however, and he ficpt along as firmly as j ! ever. The Unitisi State treasury continue? to improve and before long will be able I to sit np. I WomI! Wood! Wood! Best qnslity fir, oak and slab wood. Leave orders" at 1 S3 Second street or corner Third and Union. All orders , promptlv attended to. i Maiek A- Bento.v. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best grade of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Go. ..Office Second and Jeffer son streets." PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco county air for beat portraits and views. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. This Is the Season Of the Year Othen Judicious WASHINGTON LETTER From our r.esmlsT Correspondent. The politico-social ball has bean. Congress the pulse of the national cap ital throls ncain with its wonted vital ity. Conpress in session means a preat deal to Washington. Thi time it means the opening up of the political and legis lative machinery at least three months earlier than usual and with the proba bilities that once it is set in motion it will continue to operate until June roses bloom again. With the presence of the government's official heads and of most of those folks whose personality and hospitality assist in making the capital one of the most unique and interesting cities in the world, there is good reason why that undeniable power commonly called ''society" should not also have a big inning. It will have much to do, for political asperities must be tem pered, and there are clouds that need to be brightly lined. It can be stated on the authority of the greatest traveler? , that so far as physical comfort is con cerned it is impossible to strike a better average cllmatological or otherwise than in this city by the Potomac; a fact well worth rememltering. In September the "season" will be well on. and the1 activity will know no cessation until the coming of midsummer heat, almost a year hence. What will congress do? How long j will it take to do it? These are the more important questions asked in finan cial circles, but of course they remain unanswered, and so long as that dubious condition remains, there is but little chance for a material improvement of the situation There are two thincs a ! large proportion of the people of this country want congress to do. First, j something which will restore confidence j in onr currency. Second, something ' that will help bring about international J bimetallism. There are various opin ions about the Sherman law, and there ( are also diflerences of opinion as to re-1 moving the tar on state banks. These two subjects are firebrands which may j keep congress talking for months, while 1 ing. ny noi leave mem lor discussion at a later time, and let congress enact a law declaring that it is the settled policy of this country to keep every dol Ilar as good as every other dollar, and insitrtiotiug the president to sell gold vtbonde, in order to make this policy ef- j ttctive. Such a declaration, followed by j the sale of twentv-five millions of bonds, I would restore confidence, and would go '2 3 8 I Cftl Pft jl long way towards bringing about an 1 2 d Street J, lULUU international bimetallic. acrppmpnt. I j iBnttbe president should have authority eosttu vha nunureu minions oi Donas ii "he should think it necessary. The ob jection that the sale of bonds will in crease our interest account should not have weight. It is absolutely as noth ing, compared to the vital importance of doing something to start up the wheels of industry and make trade pos sible. We are loeing more every day than the interest on a hundred million bonds would come to in a year. Let congress act at once in a decisive man ner to restore confidence in all classes of the country's currency. DecldiHllv the Finest Line of Gents' Ku.rriish.irig; Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR, THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugated Iluildlne next Itoor to Court Itoune. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly ropiel Ry .sjwinl arrancementi" with the puhllheo ot one of the bct Mnct:u- now tubtfbad CM rr C7 a o o Advertising Pays. Handsomely Fnrnisliefl Rooms to Bent toy the Day, Wccfc or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. AT $2.25 PER ANNUM ue are cnalileii to make a ino.t exceptional offer to end McCLURE'S MAGAZINE 03STE "XT 33 -A. JEl to everyone h flll "tit the Jrtll..w.nK blank form, and fcndlnc It to us thereby ubvrl!jnj (0 The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SCND IT TO US. Proprietor. i J. O. MACK, FIflE WlEp and LIQUOR 1 DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CLEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OK. Publishers CHEO.XTCLE, Thn T)i,11fli! Dr.: You will please send to my address the DAILY CHEO.X1CLE for 12 months from date, for which 7 agree to pay 00 cts. a month, it being understood that you are to have sent to my address for 1 year, without extra charge, McCLUEE'S MAGAZLXE, commencing with the current number. .Aame, Date .Address CALL AT OUR OFFICE and the and i.uely llluistruted McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which Iih Rinonc lt e-ontrlbutorii the ni(H.t (anion nuthor jn Ainvrirs nttd HnElBtid, InciullM huch writt-r. the iullou inc CityStables T H E ARTIC CANDY FACTORY SODA WATEE AKD ICS OESAM. Candies and Nuts cjuotatlnu. BURHAM 5c ROBERTSON Froprititor i Corner of Fourth anJ Federal The Da'.les, Oreiron. : These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern j Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single ' or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. A.lso, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freichj i or drivinp teams, having added to their tables larpo feedinc and wagou room. i R. L. Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling. I .A. Conan Doyle. ' Octave Thanet, : William Dean Houeilt-, ! Bret Harte, ' Clark Russell, Joel Chandler Harris, Thomas llardv, .1. T. Trowbridge, leiorne R. Jerome. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Theodore Root-evelt, Joaquin Miller. Oilbert Parker, John Burroughs, Hamlin Garland, Rrof. E. H olden, Prof. C. A. Young, H. H. Boyesen, Ilobert Barr, Henry I. Stanlev, Archibald Forbes, Andrew Ijing, Sarah Orne Jevett Dr. .1. S. Billings W. E. Henley. Caju. Charles King Alphonse Dau'let Camile Flammanon, Edward Everett Hale. Prof. Graham Be'.!. TOBACCO, CIGARS AM) SWEET DKIX Specialties' Commercial Mmw Solicited. Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles a: riKht Bide ilrs. Obarr f The Dalles There is excellent authority for the 6tatement that Mr. Cleveland will send a special message to congress at its extra eession in regard to the Hawaiian ques tion. Preparations to that end have been completed at the utate department. It is learned that Minister Blount re garde the situation as extremely criti cal, and that he has advised prompt ac tion on the part of this government as the only way of averting Berious trouble on the islands. He says the people are chafing over the delay on the part of this government to act on their appeal for annexation, and are beginning to feel that they are being trifled with. The friends of ex-President Harrison 'in Washington are displeased at the announcement which has been widely circulated declaring that a secret organ ization of clubs had been formed to re enter him for the presidential race in 189C, which was placarding the statu of Indiana under the direction of Gen. L. T. Michener. Gen. Michener says he iB not connected with any such scheme. "lue next presidential campaign is a; long way off," he remarked. "No one can tell whether the conditions which would lead to a demand for Gen. liar-1 rison's renomination will exist in 1890. Should there be a movement to bring ! him to the front again, it will not come I through the medium of a secret society. I ho one knows or can prophesy what may be the political situation in 18." It is stated at the treasury department that there is no liklibood of the resump tion of the issue of gold certificates un til the free gold stands from seven to ten millions above the reserve. The free gold is uow nearly 1900,000. Mr. Cleveland looks visibly fatigued. ' His face is bronzed by exposure to the sun as a result of bis outingd on Buz zard's bay and be looks stouter than be did when lie left Washington. There is no trace of rheumatism in his walk, The Fifth. Annual F'M-I'R Wasco County, Oregon, -OF THE- SecoBfl Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. WILL 13E HELD AT THE DflltliES, OREGON, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five davs. 1 a. s. McAllister. ' JTwid-jnt. I J. O. MACK, j Secretary. j t From TEBJUJUb or INTERIOR Points I THE Niin Pacific RKILROHD Ii the line to uke j TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH., It li the Dining Car I'.ouU. It rani Through Yeitlbuled Iralus ever;- day In the ynut to j $t. paul and Chicago NO CHANGE OK CAKE. Componed of Dining Can unanrpaued. !'ul! ! man Drawing Boom BleeiK:ri of lawn equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ! Bent that can be ccmntructed, and in whlcn accommodation are both Free and FurnUhtC tor bolder oi VlnX and Hecond-cluaTiclccU.&ud ELEGANT DAY COACHES A cnntlnuoui line, connecting with all line affording direct and uninterrupted lerrlce. Pullman Bleeper reservations can bo aecured in advance through any ageut ol the road. THROUGH TICKETS England and Europe can tx To and from all T-otnuln America. inland and urowj can be ourchaied at hit ticket office of the company concernlue rate, time oi tratim, route and other detuilf furnlibirf on Full Information application to W. C. ALLAWAV, Agent V. V. ii A. l.'ar. Co., Uegulator oUcv. Tai Dalle, Or., or A. I). CHAKLTOK, Aac'L Central Faateugtr Agt., Portland, Ovn. The Gate City of the Inland Empire in situated at the ktad ef navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an exfusive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trad reaching as far south us Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped Inst year. ITS PRODUCTS. The Balnion fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than "doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing witL their products. ITS WiUA.LT. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these :orner stones she stands. THE DALLES (MILE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Ciikonjcm: is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The "NVekkly Cmtoxicu-: on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx Ballos, Mr.". Hobt. LouiHMevenHon, Camile Flamtnarion, ! F. Marion Crawford, Lillie Chat-e Wyman, Martraret Dehind, Harriet I're-eott Stioilbril, HerlK:rt IX Ward. Edvard Everett Half. I Vlirnlaitli vtllHrt I'liplfi" l.mtUe ChnnilliT Mutlltoil. ' Each number of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE contain two hulidtomelj: illustrated I Irmetn ! vita nucu mnioun people nn Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, i France.1 Ilodcwm P.urnett, Thomas A. Edicon, , Tiasandier, the famous F. Honkinson Smith, French HallooniHt, H. H. I'.oyesen, and many other, have lurnlnhi-d materia! for wipeeially prepared interview which Ui appeal (nil) illustrated In thlx mnjwlne. Each number con taint two or three nhort f tnrlen by famnux author. Kully illuntrated utonei will , appear in earl) tiumU'm liy Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howells, 11. h. Stevennon, Uudyard Kipling, Bret Harte, Sarah Orne .lewett, JoerChandler Harric, Harriet l'recott Spofrord, Octave Thanet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Hurnett, Stanley J. Weymau. HENRY M. STANLEY will contribute, eiip-'Cially for youns reudem. a thrillliiBly inlerettltiK hturj-ol African Ad enture. NATURAL H1STOKY AND ADVENTUltE. There will Ih hevernl artlelv written by Hoymond Dtothuiayt, w ho him U-vn ea!led by M' W 1 Etead the tK.'t interviewer In Knclimd. from nmterliil furtitKlied liltn by rl Hienb'K Hua outr, lav great antmul im)orier uuu xrmner 1 nee arueiea oeiu wiiu The Capture of Wild lieastP. The Transportation of Wild P.east?. .1,1 .... II, ..,... I... .... l.'.tl,.l. ..H. t.l uni-limiliulrdH lI'HI In li.nll' n. iH III il,il' 4 111; "Vi Itn W 111 miliuntiottu u; u.i ..ii.h-m itlHm Hu.nunv.ih..i .. a ... a.., " a .u iiii- thla Held, will contribute to the niustiziuc. Of Interest to both Young and Old w ill lie PROF. Jl. L. GAJJNEI.'S AFIUCAN EXPEDITION TO THE GOIIILI .. ArruniremeutK have lieen made, In connection with u Jendlnt; KiikIIkIi review, to iii.b I'roL Garner'ii letters dencrlptlve of hl jirenent exjirtiltlon to Africa, Prof. Garner In noted '! world over for the curloux mid intcrentliiK InvextlKutlons hu in In the njieeeh of mni.Ve t Ut Hailed for Africa hint tjeptemlx.-r for the hake of further jiumuliur hit ktudlen in tho nutlve liuutiU uf the Rorllla. me hiuhuuiioiih lor inene urnciva win lie irom iimwn;riiiiii uj- nm iirm-r The niusazlne also contains :not intcreiitinR artlcleh under the following cotiiptehenrvc head " The Edpe of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Vaiue " " Newest Knowledge." " The I"reeent Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. Wc are onerlng thin nplcndld nuiRnzliie with the Vmuy t'HKOMcLK for only 17 JO a year jayiii 1.. .l........ 1.. ........1.1.. I..u,.,ll........ ..a, .1,.a.l.,f 1U nUIQIlLI-Ul 111 llll'llfclllj lliniMlllllVllM. unti v... We make thin exceptional offer in order that we may hecure a larue numlier of new iubOaio but all who nre already tiubcribcr may avail thumelves of thin opportunity to secure thltr maeaztue. Mil up me manic auu heuu u in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalies, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the bent Beer and Port east of the Cascades. The latest applianceu for the manufacture of good health' ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firat-clans article will be placed o the marknt. - PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALEP.K IN- i PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Mont Complete and the Latent PatternH and Deeignv in Practical Painters and J'ajier Hangers. None but the best brnndH of tb bherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all wr work, and none do' the moHt Hkilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid PaintH. J chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article In all eolorn. " orderH jromptly attended to. Faint Shoo corner Thirdand Washington Bts The Dalles. Ore n flew Columbia Jotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and ue' furnished throughout, and Is now better thn ever prepared to furnish tho best Hotel accommodations of any house in tlm city, and at the very low rate of .1.1 a rlnv TPct.nioDa "Men Is. 2d0 Office of the fast and commodious opjKJHltlou Sti to Dufur, Kingsluy, Tygh Valley, Wi-pl'ilt'"1' Warm Kpringe and I'rlnoville is in the How aim persons going to I'rineville can haw $4.00 by going on this Stage Hue. All trains stop here.