are .if m m The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Till IA1 t.K SOME NEW CONTRIVANCES. A vrsr ilrivit' Wit ha Wen made iaFraacet par hnx-ntinrtiw leather faiUl of -.annirr it. The belt not stretch an.l 5 rar durable tassed Wits The t.iant.Mrraph. ar.-ther electrical s-oadcr oi' tl-v prv? at da v. transits autographs. '.i:oDt.-o nd pictures by telegraph. Any kind of writing is re produced in exact copies. A osi--U"c -which i likely to in crease the speed of racers- ha been produced by K. C. Lord, of Janesville. "Wis. It isade of aluminum and rreirhs oaly an ounce aad a half. Ores of the newest application of the niekel-in-the-Jot principle i ia connection "";vh s taall photographic spparatu. Yoc drop your coin into the machine aad it hand? you your tin-trr- M,: C.alim In youth Alrlca. la Suth Africa it is the KatSr pirls iriio demand reference frotn the women who desire to enruce them -5 It act unnsnal to see ome such advertisement as tiu m uie v2We Moori. of GraKop, is rilttss to do very litrnt aonxw. The Fifth Animal M Essten One:E Distort S Agricultural Society. w;i.: rr t FHE DRhliES. OREGOH. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. October 10tli? 1893; Continuing five day?. a. s. MCALLISTER, mKiJctit Decidedly the Fitieu Line of Gents' Ru-rriisnirig - Goods Tntnks and 1 'a Uses. t.V.. COK. .SECOND AND WASHING TON. THE DALLEs.OU. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrucatrd llulldlnc nrit Dour t li url I1onr. McCLURES MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR ' 51? UeeKty ?i?ror;iel? wr er enblS a mkc .:-.c--tn i: $2.25 PER ANNUM. e oi U. - tvt Msiluf no fit- .i.KItur ( . tiftl -!Vr't. s-exxi O. MACK, a fatnilv waere ao ta?u-M are keit. Those tvho desire her ait- " -it w rpadv to famish testin :.i .x.i character. No otnera v" need apply" TVooit: !.!: Wnixi: Best qcality tir. oak ad slab wood. Xeave orders" at 1S3 Second -tree: or corner Third aad Uwos. AM orders yrocootlv attended to. Mailk & Bkxtox. Treh Taller Knllrr Flr Milt. 3 in complete repair : el way? ia store ionr equal to the oesi. Also oM styie coarse aad fine (.iraam :locr, mill ft-i. ttc W". M. 1cCoks.e, Prwpr. Shiloh's Vitaltier is -u-ba: yoo ueii for cyspepsis, torpid iirer. ye!k ?k:a or iidney trouble. It is. trcaraateed to dve yoa iatlsfaction. Prk 7-5c. jjIc ly Snipes A Kinersiy. drarists. Captain Sweeney. Z. S. A., ian Diego, Cai., says: "ShUoh's Cat.arrh , Beniedy is the first medicine I havr ever ionnd that wonid do rae any cood." Trice 50 cts. Soki by Snipes & Einersly. Solution for Calnnirl ncJ uliiinr. Simiaons Liver Krralaior, pcrely ver . Etable, is equal to blue aisss or calomel, bat without any o: their injurious prop . crties. Have tried it ia a most satisfac- Jory niannijr, Pr- ). H. Fowe.v, Clsaton, Ga. This Is the Season , Of the Year ttlhen Judicious C7 o MM ft Advertising Pays. ERMsoiMy mmisM Rmms t; Rent tv tlie Da?, Wee or Montn. Meals Prepare by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED Good Sample Rooms for Lommcrcial Men i. orerroiw K lt' McCLURE'S MAGAZINE f.nn. mul swnitlnc it to u. thereby ubcrilir.j to The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 WONTKS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT TMlS OUT ANP SCND IT TO US. 1 I I MRS. Proprietor. 8 J. O. MACK I FljlE WINE? and LIQUOR Publishers CiriWXICLE, The Dalles. Or.: lou will please send io my address the D.-1ILY CHfiO.VICL E for 1 2 months from da tc, for wh ich I agree to pay 60 cts. a month, it being understood that you are 'to have sent io my address for .1 year, wWwut extra charge, McCL URE'S M.-1G.1ZLVE, commencing with the current number. .Ya me. DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED 6BST BEEB. FRENCH'S BLOCK. :i ?ECOND STKEET, THE lALLr 1 I ! .Address 3 i S I 1 I 1 or.. CityStablesl CALL AT OUR OFFICE wxl sat mtertriola? nd tneiy ;.!ustrm:j McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which ti" uaoox It ntri"i!or the mo-: Snmna otbor In Atncrtce and T.t.gni. tac'.uaiu mii h writers a tbf ioUunlus HAM & ROBERTSON Proprietor. Corner of Fourth and Federa' t-.. The Dalles, Oregon. R. L. Sleveas-on. Rudysrd Kipling. A. Conan Doyle, ' Octave Thanet. ! William Dean Hou ' I Bret Harte. ' Clark Rns.-eli. ! Joel Chandler Harris, Thomas Hardv, J. T. Trowbridge, Jeiotne R. Jerome. Frances Hfjdp-on Buruett, Theolore Rooevelt. Joaquin Miller. Oilbart Parker, John Burrouch'. T H c ARTIC CANDY FACTORY These Stables have on hand the finest Liverv in Eastern i IJ:?bl-itSvtnn'rf,ufv,?,r: Oregon, and can accommodate j.atrons with either Single or Double Rijs. closed Hack? or Carriages dav or nicht. SODA WATES A2TD ICI CSZAM. F. Marion Crawford, j Margaret Dt-laud. Herbert I), w aru. Eliralieth Muart 1'help'. Lillie Chase Wymaa. Harriet I'.-escott Spofford. Edward Kverett Hale, Ijuie Chandler Moulton, Hatnlin Garland, I'rof. E. H..:dea. Prof. C. A. Younc. H. H. Ioye?en. Rolert Harr, Henrv M. Stanley, Archilald Forles, Andrew Lane, Sarah Orne Jewett Dr. J. S. Rillim:?. V. E. Henley, Capt. Charie KInj; Candies and Nuts quotation. more: room. I Each cua-ber f McCLURE'S MAGAZINE mtfi!n ivo biactMitiic'y U:utmtJ ittcrrlw A I.eadtr. Since it; 5rst introduction, electric "betters has sained rapidly in popular' iavor, until now it is clearly in the lead moa; pure medicinal tonics and alter-; stives containing nothinp -which per- j nits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, ; ii is recocnizd as the best and purest ! nedicine tor all ailments of stomach, lirer or kidneys. It will cure sick Lead ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive xaaleria froui the system. Satisfaction ' ruaraateed with each bottle or tbt . TOISACCO. I CICAlts A"U 1 SWEET IltrNK Specialties Also, can furnish First Class 1 or driving teams, having added t swxijiiiiutidation; tr teaussterr with freirb t::eir rtab,es iarje feeding and wazou room. Finest Pear.ut Roaster in The Dalles Commercial Patronage Solicited. Alphnnse Dcudet, Catnile Flaminarir.r., Edward Everett Hale, Prof. Graham Rell. Mirwl interview which will epi1 Vully lllUHtrutwl Horiw will rA8J.F0LC02, The Dalles Daily ChHmiele. HAS A JAiLLLY 01 2000 E2 ADZES. They rtad Tae Chroai v- vr. zti :its: eal reliable ' ews. And tr.ey rtai trrrry i:a jaonev will be refunded. Priceonly 50c. j sa: a :a the ma i ze th , - , , , . , . , ffcroaieie sa iavaiaahie sivtm: -iz: raca.. The Drlles Wasco County. Oregon, inure r. ' r-s t.- toe sauiy r-er bottle. So'd by snipe Mr. J. C. Boswe.l, one of the best j lhs (0) lh J .... - of ttsr joalze whea -Jxy cwire to known and most respected citizens of irownwood, Texas, suffered with diar jhesa for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbtea Remedy was used: that re lieved hitn at once. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Ira. A undj- at the Srutide. j Dunns the summer season the Dalies, , p Htjjr Eveaiar Carnr-icle i rworaawi Portland & Astoria avit:ation Co. will I fl . a tsvenUiUr the a-tai pr lor reach ti ior.Ie. When they wan: your ule ! :heir ennooncemeau wUl be fouai :h pt;-. j Loo over ocr colaiaas aad observe :he verifies- rioa of th: truth o! this oaserUon I:einrat-. ! & irade oi a !smilr ot two thousand U worth asUn? for irocgh than (Gn cu!an:us. esjii2y so i: oar very Holt A f Dalies City iifr I J ri T? iu i aot a bac of 3 and f4, Dalles to Ilwaco our :h xA U: 22&ke a rate and return, and return. The above rates will be in effect on SundavjonTv. Steamer Re?uIator will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. Dalles City -irill arrive at Portland in time to con nect with the Lur'.ine for Astoria and' ..,., . . Ilwaco. The Lurnne will leave Hwaeo prom TERIIflfiii W INTERIOR POlDtS Sunday evening and will connect with i lbe Dalles Citv'ilonday morning 'or The Dalles. The above tickets will be limited to three davs from date of sale. i W. C. Allawat, G. A. ' pitiiens watch the column oi D fl H C D i&i,v lor the piciest IocbI newi. i: r rV L,l suewsU; in eieaninz ihe Seid, e:,d tica: rifw in Aipularity sad irajiorjsnce. Take it awhiie, tiu d-t try Bonis ul ita preniun. o2rs. TE- Niiillifiin Paii! ,X1UXIUUJ.U x uuxixu RAILROHD Ii the line to Uk Stockholder' Meetloe. The, Or.. Julv i's, 1S93. Notice is hereby given that there will tc a stockholders meeting of the Wasco i Independent Academy, at the Academy I i?TJ'4?atSy.lfl ALL POISTS EAST iSD SOUTH. electing seven dtrectore, and transacting ich other business as may properly u U the Uining Ctr Koute. It rua Throcjs come before said meeting. ' 'ebuiel Iraiai every dyia the yer to IJy order of the board. 1. 1 I5EOOE6, bee y. The Gate City of th Inland Empire is situat.-d at the ksad of navigation on the 3Ii ii.-- Columbia, and is a tiiri-inL', prt perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for nr. f xt-nsive and rich agricultural and rrazins country, its trua- reuhm as far south as Suauir Labe a distance of over two hunirwd miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slop",- of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of she-p, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wrx shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds ling chipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the tinest on the Columbia, yielding this vear a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will more than doubled in the near future The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year Sllfcd the warehouses, and all available worage places to overflowing -witL their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Extern Oregon. Its situation is ujisurpassed. Its cliiiiate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited And on these rorner stones she stands. Jule Verne. Archdeacon Farrar. Frances Hodsson Rurnett, Thomas A. Edison. Tiasandier, the famous F. Hopkinson Smith. French Balloonist, H. H. Boyesen. rrvj iet oher, hac ioralebed raaterlal Inr txUIty ytvv tauy iUu:rutfC in thin nutnilnc. Erh acaber oon'Jiint lm or threv titnrX htoriw by froon llutho: Pl-.-mr lii I'iiriy nuaiwn uy Tliomas Hardv, William Dean Howells, R. L. Sti'venson, ' Rudvard Kiplinc, Bret Harte. Sarah Orne Jewett. Joel'Cnandler Harris Harriet I're-cott Spotrord, Ontave Thunet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, StunW J. Weyman. HENRY M. STANLEY ' will coatriau. etrxtlj Ii-r yournr redr. thrflHncly tntunTtlnc story cf Alr.can Adveuturc NATURAL HISTORY AKD ADVENTURE. Tbre will lrtcveml article wTitteu by Raymond nintnujiiyt. who ha lnvn ra'.'.t-l by M' W 1 strad the U-t interviewer in EneUad. trim utfil farnUhiHl him by K,ri K&3otx', ! 1U ! berp, the glee: catai&l imfxlet aod trainer. 1 hoe articie detl with i The Capture of Wild Beasts. The Transportation of Wild Beaste. The Training of Wild Beasts. The Adventures and fcrcape? ot Kari liacenbecs. The serfs will oe Ulustrsted by n Eriplifh artit ut aelno Jwiced tklll lu drawi&c arlmaU Joh.v BrcRoccni'. r. f. Uouta. lc C C Abbjtt. and other writer iarnou i -r tueir wort i this field, will roatrioote to the magazine Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PROF. R. l GARNER'S AFRICA.V EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arranrsmenu hare Uxa sande. la ouaawtlun with a leadini: EasHh review, to jab.I " r.Z,r: ?Utm drit.tiTe of hif ureent eitltlon to Airlca, I'rof. Garner It iioUtl the vt ui "ailed for Airita Ut S.:ejBU-r f..r the cake ui t crthrr jirttitiR hit ttudlw in the natlTc taarU . ti sorilla. The illustration, for Urn- artieiet will be from j.hoUrat.h tatea by i ro' ar.t-r The nxttrtziae tlso cos'-alu mo.l tatereacs arUelet uuder the follOMin? c, teaJt " Th Edge of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate a.ue. "Newest Knowledge." Tlie Present Hour." " stranger than Fiction," etc. We are o-erinc thin jIMiid mizizir.e with th- pAttT Ciimmcu ior oaly K JO a year paytf la adrtnee or iu mocthly laitallmenta an detired. We make thi exceptional offer In order that e may N.-cnre a lsrse iiurr.t'.r of new H.1 but an who are already ubvriber may avail theaM.lre of thlt opportunity to x-ure th r magazine, nil up the bnk aad ed it in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. If dawtd. NOTICE. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna p. paul and Chicago' (SO CHANGE OF CAES.) i TlrroVB i,e withnnt ifiet ranfw or nrov- CotBTOted of Ilclng Cart umurpased. J-ali uroo-s, lias, wituout just cauee or prov- C1U. i-.-awins Eooc cleevera of !ete: e;c!pcit P Uil Daily and Weekly Editions. DALIES Ril tntioa, left my bed and board, against my wishes and consent, and refuses to jeturu or farther live with me, I hereby ... ,, . , I Best that can be coattracud, and In whiec varn all persons not to give her any accommodationt are both Free and Fumitsed J redit on my account, as I will not pay . lr holder, o! run mi second -claj. Tick eu, and any bills of her contracting after this kte. Caleb Btoons. Dalles City, Or., July 19, 1893.itsr.4wtt! TOURIST SLEEPING GABS ELEGAKT DAY COACHES WUUIi, WOOtl, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord .tcvJ, at loweet market rates at Joe. T. Fetere & Co. 'Office Second and Jeffer eon ttreetB.1 A contlnuoui line, connecting with all Une affording direct and caiaterropttd tcrrlce tollmen Sleeper reterrationt can be tecurtti in adrancv thiuash any afest of the road. TiinniiAii nnirrr innUUUn JIUIVCIO r-olnum America, x.criana and z.utoj can oc Lnrland and turoK ' ticket oSce of the company To aad from all 1 rnnu in America, pcrchued at any j First PHOTOGRAPHER const preaiium at the Wuo irtmiM MM TWVf . Full inlormauon concrnlnc rate, time ot train i, toutea and other detaxli furnlthtd on afpacauon to W. C. ALLAWAY, Aceat D. P. 4 A. NaT. Co., bcuUtor ofee, Th IHOIm, Or., or Am'L Aft., forUaaA. jb. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Tula well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Ports' eaet of the Cascades. Trie latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer hTe been introduced, nd only the first-class article will be placed the marict. i PAUL KREFT & CO., dealers in PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS j And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in Practical Paictera and Parser Hanwrs. None but the best brands of tb fit pnrin.Vi!ln.ns unrl 1 V Vntrm-'. Pilnia nu.l !, oil unrL- iinii none t"0' the most ekiiled worlcmen employed. Agents for Masurv Liquid Paints. : chemica, Ximbinatfon or soap mixture. A first class article iu all colors. oraers promptly atteaueJ to. Paint Ebon corner Third&nd Wa8hiaEtoD fits.. The Dalles. Or Oroi Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Potmlar House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and furnished throughout, and is now better tbtf ever prepared to furnish the lest Hotl accommodations of any house in the city, and at the vcrv low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c- Office of the fast and commodious opposition 6W to Dufur, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, Wnpinu Warm Springs and Prl'neville is in the Hot" M.00 by going on this SUge line' All trains stop here.