jsgi L i I I n i I fp last of hop chung ' ! Spirit Mm.'!!... on to Olrxllnl m rife it YOUR CHOIC12 OF OUR STOCK OF Men's Summer Suits For Only $9 55 $10.00 Suits, 12.00 Suits, $14.00 Suits, $15.00 Suits, $16.00 Suits, ALL GO NOW FOR 59.85 7 All goods marked ' in plain figures. n PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. (Tern tile citrVt tW v ti'- M Thf l)sllc. Oreeoa, ' , l . rmtu-r. i P-nui, -; charged I i. nil Ail rtUllic- I for the pnrjose of raising funds to se-1 ! euro an ! 1. "r'ti riw ' tns"rt!.m, mul l 'Vnt - n-'iil InM-rUim tune t. ll-o. -.ss.iv.h1 tUT ttiHii S n'nhiok i 'iff Wratlitr 1'iitrrnkl. ojnm Iptcsil ftr 'wtnit-four houri emttnp ct ilonJaynnd Tnc-day fair and station- irv fjilowed by warmer weather. Vagvu t ATituu Barometer 00. Maximum temperature, "S Minimum temperature, r3 Hirer, Ki feet above rem. Wind, north. MONDAY, AUG. 14. 189.T Tv l)a,ly awl Weekly Chronicle vily Uh-Mloti file at I. ('. Siektbrn't ttife. appropriate banner for the i Ire cro.itn and cake will be for which 10 cents will be j Kveryone is invited. J John Carlson, a Swede, was drowned at the Carade Saturday. Jle was found leneath the water standing up ' against the wall in the canal below the j lower lock. His clothes were found on theank, and it is tuppoi-eil while bathing he wa. seized with cramps and slid down the incline to the npot where he was found. He was '22 year- old, and was a heavy man, weighing L'OO ounds. v. iirGram, who was on Mt. Adams recently, reports that he found a card with the nainee upon it ol IJev. Thos. Condon, 1SGG, H. L. lirooks, lf!9, and Henry Coo, Carey Johnson, Alfred Uooth, Mlp? Kate Aubrey and Miss Julia Jobni-on, of the same vear. The names were written with an ordinary lead pen- ITi!. W ? r " iS? 1.1..-, ! . .. i , I ..n-i i. 1 . ;:'"" u .win uejuMieu in u rarotne oox, anu it id kuiprWnu that the namee are (-.till legible, considering the action of the O. N. i. Orders Nh. I I. HiKjTtis. 3d Hkot. Inity., O. X. U.,( Tiie Dalles, Or., An-;. 14, lS!t:5. ( Orders Xo. H. 1. Tlie following orders are herebv promulgated for the information of this command : H !A PQt'A ItTKI.S (). .V. (;.,, s.iLr.a, On., June 'jr. No. Vi. i T(.c- it-sl!mtl..ii of IM IJcutcuant W. r. Sncul-srav.'-K' en., :v Iliulmcnt, Iiai been accuiifd, ty tif diet J une :J, 1-U.5. Jly m!fro( tlie Commander in Chief. MtrtKil it. W. JIlTCIli:i.I,, djt. Uen it III.AIKlUAIflKR? O. X mu:.m, uk., July it, 1U3. ) No. I'J i "K" Co., 3d Iiesiment of Infnntrv. O. N. G., U hertbycll.tjandpl. fctute and I'nltei'i .-'tate pro trty in i)sej'ion of the corntmnv cuminnndr !It be turniii over to I.ieut. J. M. l'nttcrson, Quurterma-.ter ?A KcKlincnt, who will reeeh.t to Cnj.t. J. C. Henry for the a:ne. In irlvina ri"itt IJeut. rttetMin nil! make eomariwiii ((etween the Amount of ordnance und htore receive! and the Iit annunl reiKirt or return tit Oiitit. Henrv, charKini; that oilicer with i;ny dlKTeini-eies which may oxit. IVm the receliits lieim: lt";l und unproved bv tlieM; lleail'iiiiirtert. Tlie lht Chinese burial for about two yeait. in Tint D.tllcs took nlaco ventur- jday. Hop Cluing, who died Saturday, j was buried with all the peculiar core i nienies eiistomary with the Chinepo. Several citizens, drawn by curio-ity, ! were in attendance, and aoino there ' were, with whom all suhjectH furnish J material for airy jesta, who inado Hport : of thia death of a heathen. However, tlioy could Fcaroely be mote indiflureut to death than the Chinese themselves. Uieir future state trnnhli'H flietii but . little, and they meet their last enemy I with apparent unconcern. In every I thing that relates to tleath and popul j chore, the customs of the Chinese are i very singular. This will bo readily be . lieved when, with them, a cofltn makes I a suitable present and is frequently 1 given by children in China to their par ! elite. "Tube happy on earth," say the Chinese, "one must bo born in Su Chow, live in (.anion, and die in Lianchau" Su Chow heing celebrated for the beaut v ; of its women, Canton for ita luxurv, and j Lianchau for furnishing the best wood for coflins. banquets are offered to the dead and pathetic speeches addressed to them. At the funeral yesterday a Chinaman rode on the hearse with tho driver, and kept throwing papers in the air until uiu grave was readied. These wore about the size and shape of a greenback and light brown in color, with nine holes punctured in them. At the gravo the coffin was lowered into the ground and while the grave was being filled, their ceremonies were in progress. Candles were lighted and placed upright in box. A fire was built, upon which all the personal effects of the deceased were burned. A feast of roast etiicken, pork ami rice was offered to the deceased at the foot of the grave. Kach of the liv ing acquaintances of the Chinaman then An Appeal To the People of Wasco County mul Vicinity: Owing to the recent I tun I; failmo In thiH city, wo aro compelled to raino a certain amount of inonev within tho next 60 DAYS. Therefore, we will givo to all cash ctiHtotnerH a chance to buy goodti at 50 Cents on the si. Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, . ftj Jjflp pJgg . Embroidery Boots and Shoes and Laces, elements for twenty-four year-. AUGUST ANGLINGS. mll rry lluoknl ,y IVr.Ll.-ut riirnn. trlr Ht-Iiurtrrn. Shfc l,ln 1 Hm.Uur-o I quit At U- r r.-,iU.i.t l..r u HtlW whW . I t"llltnotttWt l I-..Ml reward in her weet mll. J ve tun- it uinirnlnnticc more J niu tn remioii fur ftoii.itiK wln-n Hi m-iBhiil at the tender lo, e I km op And ivy: lrttt.K with oti'er w"n. Cooler weather prevails. Iwod in Colorado U not yet up to the Jetlockc. A three-weekf-old populiet ,mtr has been attached at Oregon City for wagee due employe. ; PERSONAL MENTION. i t Mr. G. C. Roberts of Howl Kiver is in j tin city today. I Mr. J. V. Kd wards left this morning lor hiH home in I'ortland. Mre. Dan lhtker and Meter departed for I'ortlund by hteamer Regulator today. Mr. Max Vogt, jr., equijied with rod and basket, left this morning for Collinu landing. f .!..,,.,. ir,., i, IrtHl .ileoii ban accepteil a jiosi- ,,. ,. , ,. . ... , tion in tin, t.ovi.rrim..1.t i.ni.i.ii.rN nrtiM : . IN- iho following resignations have Hood river Hrawberry shipments thie .' a atur.unted to 8,270 crates, about an year's outfnit. At u bull i-ami. v.nt...i.. i. ....... ;.al"nd "t''Iiiwfth0 latter bya (.coreof 10 to tt. "ete i.heamir.t- ...... t ofT 60 J,Ic"tifljI thi,yeara8 -tt'.of the mountain.-. li'. I r.... .. 1 fir-wi. ... . '"r,ner resident of Calif j i, i t rm,I,t,y Colti.a, A-V?,!6 " U, "'"chandise of r,f Minus 'JU'JI ft meats, llxtutes. etc. e "UN lint ... , r' ri a. I, j ,(,.im.d ,ja ll(t ''irty tu 1.1.!. tO.nrr,. ' " rUIlt0 ,0 ft- 11 VU:V.,vtl'"frop. Among Time ;l:0,lart0htfi- elle of I5th" l ftuhta Clara from 'HherB will nrriv,. ...... Mum .-u,, as from J. H. Miller, brother of Joaquin Miller, arrived in the citv this morning from I'rineville. rv. 111, MUii.ij,, 'tl.l atiiii-il "k ri Yorl- "iesoHi. V . rB wlllu"lvefr 'Ctr:,','rn,id-o'--n l"jrtu JJr. mid formerly It..... U'l, . "K. . " 11 visit ...IV, Sn" Mott of Alblnn, Mrt Lionel! Stagge of Portland re turned to her home this morning by Bteatner Hegulator. Mr. Joh. 1'reiman departed this morn ing for the Cascade jx'kn, where he will ojHn a boot and shoe wtore. Mr. J. li. J latum of 15oyd made this office n pleasant vlcit toilay. He reports that tho headerd ure buny in the grain ueiuH. Mrs. Hulger left for her home in I'ort land this morning, having spent a short Beaton in visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Michel!. t Mr. Winterton Curtis icturned home, Saturday ovo, and departed this morn-1 ing for 'tho Mt. Adams country, on a! projecting trip. " Kov. K. D. Futclido and Miss Ijvii i I 'iijt lor Aetoria this morning to join i ' Mri. Stitrliile, who is in waiting fori I their arrival to viit the rea-ide. Mru. Thombury, Mrs, T. II. Hudson j ami daughter ami .Mru. .1. J5. Urosn'ii and daughter depai ted for Clatwop this morning for a few weekw' tojourn at tho teaKide. Mrs. J. K. Warner of White r-ahnon arrived in the city Hattirdav evening and wiih the gtiobt of Mrs. C. Donnell over the Hahbath, and icturned home thin morning. , made obeisance over the remains, pour , ing into miniature cups, water from i ! bottle and sprinkling it over the ground They made three bows, retreating while doing so, and giving place to the next i he casting of papers en route to the grave is for the purpose of enticing tiie evil spirits to collect it, thev believing it to be money, and thereby they neg lect to meddle with the spirit of the dead man. The candles aro to furni i llfttii in n..r.iil. ,1... :...:.:. .n .7 : , : ...... . ILK.M, OK., July it, 1U3. j i" niv siJiiii aj .11 1111111611 tne road in its upward night, and the victuals for needed nourishment on the way. His effects were burned because he had no relatives here, and there was no person to whom they properly be longed. After the ceremonies were com pleted mementos were distributed, con sisting of 5 cent pieces. The Chinamen had given their com rade a decent burial, and on the home ward ride thev chattered away as volu bly as ever. Some dav the bones of Hon Chunu will be removed and sent to China and preserved in an earthen jar, All the large cities in China are pro vided witli "baby towers. All infants who die under the age of one year are not honored with burial, but are done up in a package, with matting and cords, and thrown into the tower, or rather we.ll, as it is sunk some distance below the earth. The top, which rises about ten feet above the ground, is roofed, but an aperture is left for casting in the bodies. Tin: Annie Taxon Illiiivu Up. It is reported the Annie Faxon was blown up on Snake river this morning and nine persons killed three of the crew and fix pawngerp , among them a woman. oClrers of the eDinpaii , on tiie fettlcment of their accounts with thentate, will tie entitled to honorable dlM-hartie'. " ' Co., 1 Kmimerit of infantrv, O. N. O., is hereby disbanded. -tiiteand I'nlted Stun-i iiroj ertyiu iKi"eMon of tlie oomiMinv commander, will be turned our to Ueut. J. M. 1'ntters.on. , tJuartermnMer 31 Ueslment. who will rwlnt to Caot. J il. iiuvchke for the iame. in t;ivin re ceipt l.itut. 1'atterMin will make comixirison be tween amount of ordnance and stores received and the Jat annual icjort or return of Cant, lluschke, chHTKim; that oilicer with anv dlcrci uiieies that may exist. Vim the receijiti beluK l.isr(l ami npiioei by these lleadrjuarters, iil ehaixes will I: lvsuisl to the members of the coirouii) b) I.ieut ( ol. (i.T. Thompson, mid the otheern of the company, on the settlement of their accounts with tlie state, will be entitled to honorable d!schnruci. l)y order of the Commander in Chief, f -Signed; li- W MITCIIKI.l., Adjt. (ien. III. Discharges will be issued to the memlierH of "A" and "K" Companies iccepicu iy i ne commander in Chief: Capt. I;. M. McCuIlv, of "1" Co.. to take effect as of Julv" 10, ISO.'i. 1st I.ieut. J. A. Humble, of ,:I" Co., to take effect as of July 10, 1S!M. V. UKK.Ali: IHKiTKS., O. N. (',.,) Ki.AMiTii on., July ;, isyx ( sri;i u:. ()nui:i( No. 13. i Dr. C. A. UMnnin, of Kuirene, Ore-.'on, in hen hy iipo lintisl huijieoii anil ilfdlcal Director on the Ilrigadv Mall, with the rank of Major. IMiami C. Jomw, of Portland, Oregon, is hereby appointed lnsKftor of Jtlllo l'rae'i-e on the ilrlgade htall, w ith (lie rank of Captain. Ify command of ilrig. (Jen. il. li. Com r.oN. C MOOItK. dipt and Asst. Adjt. (ien, Oll tcUL U. T. J'ICUUV. I.ieut. mid Aidde Camp, lirlgailc!.tair, O. N. (j. VI. JlitKiADi: HDOTK.v, O. U. Klamath I'.w.o, Ok., aiib. 5, 1K3. j .M'kciai, oi:ni:ii3i No. ic. ( Tlie rculguutlon of Col. Jay I'. I.ueas, Colonel ?A ItcKluient of infuntry, iiud 1st I.ieut. Sidney Colliim. Adliiliiut 'M licyluirllt of Infantrv. hav- iliiglKeii aeeetitl by the Coinniiinder III Chief, land thee ollieern illnliiirKeii, IJeut. (Jul. i. '1 . 'J'Iioim ni i will take coiuinaiid of the .'A llegi meiit imtil fuither oideik, mid will citu' llsh the IIeudiiuurtvri at 'i he Dalles, Oictrou. He will npiolnt cr detail an Adjutant fur the llivimeut. a od will i airy out the plot itioiis. of Hpeeial Order No c.i, JleudquarietB Ouxoli Ni.tiunat (juurd. ily I'liumiand of UHl' ieu. II. li. Ct M1WN. C. S. .MOOl.li, At Adjt. Oeii. OCIICIAI. I.T. I'i' lilt l, i.ieut and Aid decamp VII. Tlie Headiiiartefc of tho M Heghneiit will heieaftcr be establihlied at The Dalles, Oicgon. All wtato prop ertv in pote)-Hion of Col. Jay I'. Lucas and Lieut. Sidney Collins will be shipped at "iico to theo Headquarters. Lieut. J. M. i'atteison, U. Q. M.-, will anango for tranejiortation of haute. n )aeM ca,, , I, '"V " ' 'Mr- w J- vi.lHon of Kndersby in in I il unsuuie v '"ins, ciiinu uji u f,jW!. I,.. ..... i i.i... i..r. i... i further order. HI" VII J HV tl'lllil 1IUJIJ III LIIIIL IIIII T VII J. Second Lieut. J. will assume command of "I A. French ' Co., until to Mr. and Mr. mul throe chll. i roil 1st .i.. til. I .. M i, ., "c.10ttH ' v 4 H III) li-i... " v Villi ltJ'l Albln,, . , "Vear.oiU Chllo; fbill, rm'"ll' " other J,' JJow-f '""taiieof.r , " ,rL' coinage, uud a a' he wtiit i I L'"y of Bilver, Kthl ""'"'Ing uj, ', " ,lr"K tor to get 601 Wt 10 v . , Ttlb te"l uld Jrh.k ull ii el,"n- A man who "in !'!! llot'8 "ot dL'8erv t,J0 ,uUhli,, . Wl" oe given by thoiBtovo 'tBoVlrT" " WdWly eve... I Mexican 1,10 ncttdemy ground ! uo duet. vesting is in full blast and tliicHliing will begin in hit) uelghlwrhood tho last of thin week. Mr. W. L. Ward ami Misa Ward of lufur called on Tin: Ciiuonici-k office today and interested themselves in the machinery and the place where ideas are hutched. -Mr. Klmer Lu tie of Summer lake. miles distant from this city, arrived Fri day evening with one eight and one six home team loaded with wool, Jie left with full freight for merchants in that country, Mr. Lutz hauls about eight tons, on his home trip, 'olidh. for Mexican Silver Bilver Ftovo l'olinh values IX. II. II. Itiddcll having been com missioned let Lieutenant and Adjutant of thc.'Sd Leglment, O. X. G., ho will be respected and olwyed nccoidiiigly, X. Captain IL X. Frazler, Keg! mental Inspector of Itille I'ractice, is lierehy lelieved from tho duties of Act ing Uegimeiitiil Adjutant, and will re Htiiuu the duties of Jnsiiector of Kille J'ractlce. XI. All communications fur tbeso Ileadqiiartcrri will heieaftcr be ad dressed to the Kcglmcutal Adjutant. ' XII. Company commanders will he more prompt in tending in their reports of attendance at drills to these' J lend quarters. , I5y order of Lieut. -Col. G, T. J'homi'ao Com lg. II. II. WDDKI.L, Adjutant 3d Kegt., O. X. U. Heavy Sheep. Mr. Fred Young of Hake Oven, who, with his father, Mr. Geo. Young, is one of tlie most prosperous sheep men of this country, returned last evening from the east. Mr. Young bought ami brought home with him .ri2 head of Shropshire bucks, which were bred and raised on the stock farm of Mr. A. 0. Fox of Oregon, Wisconsin. They aie all regi.-teicd in the national stock regis ter, and to ui aro tho finest lot of blooded sheep wo ever mw. Thev aro all yearlings. Wo noticed ouo that weighed ti'O pounds gloss. As a mutton sheop they are at the head for profit, au tho wool clip is at an average and the carcass U above, and with it comes the profit of the sheep industry. Mr. Young says ho has changed tho sheep busine. from that of wool to mutton for the block, on account of uecestity. The democrat,')! party must eat, even if they go in sackcloth ami ashes on ac count of the democratic platform, which must stand. Mexican Silver Stove Polish. woou'H rnof3iiioriNJA Tho Ureal Hnvllili Remedy, Promptly and pcrnmnontly cures all forma of 1,'cnoua HVUnfS,.Wi(on, 'ji'"i" atortlif n, Impotencv und all eJ'ictsoALute or Excesses, I Von pribcrlbed over l jyeanilu Uiousnudnof earjf ' rl MrJfcfnu iiiouni dn 0mi dui. en Jit I Addrc in W'ciodivuni avenue, Uvtrtilt, Mlvh. gold 111 Till) Pulled by e )iiek A Klucrtly. , The amount required MUST be raised in 60 daps. S. & N. HARRIS. Cor. Conn and second sts. Tce'Dalles, Oregon g 2STEW Siig and n Dry Cool Fancy Goods and Notions, (jepts' puri7i5i7ii75 006 Clothing, Hats, Boots. Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. Familiar Faces in a ATexo Place.- EX BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. 12. BARNETT Jf?e Ieal Instate, Ioai?, Iurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. 31P TJ IB Xj IO. Parties liaving Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or bstract or I ltle rurnisheil, will lind it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims find Contests. heforo the Unitep States Land Oilice. 85 "Washington St. THE DALLES, OK, Have You Seen Fine Millinery Goods AT 12 Second Street. ANNA PETER & CO. J. H. CROSS. A I. iho Old Stand, f 'or. .Second and Union Sts. fiay, Graii?, peed apd plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seods. fill goods (iolivct'QcI Free and Promptly. THE WORLD S BEST LITEM IN B-OO-KS. -A. '1' I. O. NIOKELSEN'S. .v I jKl't f-r Wooi'n t'iio.ulioainei ir no onorj j IS HOW 01)011, tllKl llfj l v. .irti.Je-Ji:ieoieiiiiimiiaeoo iui, juavo jim i .1,,. .., ?!.. ..I . ooe ttore, Ineloso prico lu Utter, on I i JJI 0(11100(1 1110 tit 1)1' wi:itn(l ly return mull. I'rlco, onu liMkauo, T Alt!. l-,.o Pinniiln l. ittO. One m' Uer,,t wilt cure. I'unu.h. I " !in'.la'vol(ac-.v:j.c,Sccnjia-. i 10 00 l'Ul'0 tUKl 1' ll't-l i 'Iho Wood C'licrnlcul Co., The California Winehouse, hoino- 4 diod . X. mtood fr- C BECh "r". pronriolor will noil liiw homo ifOK in tho roaoh ol ovoryhod1 w ... ('.,.,..! i ! 1 "!'. I la in o ory roripoot Thompson's Addition.