t-11 t.M.. rC..;-1n .stance was in iSM wnen wip ciiurwiv-j ui Tbe Dalles Daily Gnronicie. the r nUcd ct3te; aside day 0 Prar for tjie restoration to health of President OFFICIAL 1'aper OF dalles CITY. GarSekl, but without avail. There is A-T"".gi" -nch more reason in the present in Etej:uiePwn5c : The Dllc.OnToc,; stance to continue chastiserucnt for electing the democrats teeoad-cl&M matter. srBSCRIPTlON" KATES. et xn. rosTAGE ptrfA5i. AtTAct. Wrt-fclr. 1 Tear. I W wronc doin in to power. 6 saontk. 3 C a oath? . c :i o 6 to sw ozo CONCERTED ACTION NEEDED Much Depend I'poti CrfnlUnr nt Clnril Rank Well Debtor'. Adirwllcoa-sUcc:o"TIlE CHF.O ICIX," Tne Dalle , Ortson. rit-omcc. orrscr hove 5 jaeral DeHverr Window a. as. Jo 5Iefr OMer Sandaj: I) p. in- Stn. to 10. ci. CUfeXXO Or JAlt trsics coinc East 9 p. tc. tnd 11 :5 s. jn. " ' Wot . aatf 5-3) p. in. Stace Jot Golden dale T.Mr. m. " " rrincrfUt a. ra. " In!urud tttmf;innr v.a"'sni " tLcsTiar lor Lyle A HtrtUad .s.m. jAtelf; S 30 a. m. Except ssadsy. fTri-weeilJ-. Toe-Jar Tiurl&raui Saturday t " Xoadw WidncsdaT end FrM;-- MONDAY, - - AlTG. 14. 1SS3 TWO SHIP i J.XALS. A few months azo the Cheonkle re ferred to the approaching completion of the canal between the Sarosicand Corin thian Gulf? in Greece, which will make the Peloponnesus an island. The canal is now completed and open to commerce. It is only 4l. miles lone, but it has cost $l-i,00O,(XJ, exciu'j ve of interest, and it will save steamers going to and from Athens about ,17 hours. Its length is about that of the Hoosac tunnel, which cost verr much more. Its depth is de scribed in some accounts as 24 feet and in others as the same canal, whica was on the shallowest paint, rut uas oeen deep ened two feet recently. But owing to the high ground at about the middle oi the canal of Corinth it was necessary to make a cut there of 260 feet, and, unlike Thursday morning's Oregonian stsieu that "'a dispatch was received :'rm. Washington, D. C, saying that Comp troller of the Currency Eckeis had re ceived rejorts from the examiners in charge of the suspended national banks to the effect that conditions were favora ble and Ihey were prejiaring to resume.' The natural conclusion was that the banks had all the money necessary for reopening, and that al! that was-- neces sary was the comptroller's consent to re sume business, and it was so stated in addition to the above dispatch. I: seems, however, that this was a mistake, as the banks have not yet the necessary amount of money, and it will probably be some little time before they cet it. unless the debtors make more etfort to pay their notes. The publication of the above dispatch had the e fleet of raskinc a marked decrease in the payment of bank notes, the holders taking :t for cranted that the banks were sot so hard pressed as was generally supposed. The fact is, however, th3t all the suspended banks are workinc hard every day to get aifairs into shape for reopening, and Back Examiner Wightman says that they will all resume, but that it is a question of time, depending upon the William Tell Your Father that wr j-cli SWEET, ORR St CO.'S coprsiznrrEBS Gott right to the spot one of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel-! lets. They do the rhrhi kind of i work when they get there, too. "So j violence, no unpleasantness bat a , mild and gentle cleansing and ref lating of the whole system. Sick Headache, Bilious Headaches Dizzi ness, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil ious Attacks, and all derangements , of the liver, stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured. They're the bet Liver Pill ; ever made. Purely vegetable, jer- i fectly harmless, easiest to take, and ; always fresh and reliable. Gently aperient, or strongly cathartic, ac cording to size of "dose one tinv " Pellet for a dose. They're the smallest in size, but the most satis factory in result. They're the cheapest pill you can buy, because they're fru'erantefd to give satisfaction," or your money is returned. You ontv pay for the oood get. Can you ask more ': Vest Junipers, Pantaloon Overalls. Ksv-fittinp Pant Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Bovs' and Youth s CLOTHING YOU mis as -i iee: ana - - '. . - -r- as that of the Suez with wfaicn collections are made -pHE U ALL F S f- Much depends upon debtors, who should . . . arr i?iAf tn tinr thf trhfti or A X I 1 Prineville lii every size, style and price. make eve.-v effort to pav the wbde or a part of their notes, and assist the banks in every posribie wa. "The banks need every cent they can get," said Mr. AVightman, "and the creditors must assist, as well as tie V,'e can't make Ssh of one and the Suez canal, the walls are vertical. ; . - ; n-(tleDtors. alike and al! must strmd together. A? to the creditors, the banks are endeavor ing ;o cet dejosiiors to sign certificates ,o: extension. this is cone simp.y to i. satisfy thecomptroller. After thetnk are reopenec a snors lime tnese pat mesti caa b- anticipated. This i- the p;an that J? being put mtooperation sue- of masonry. j The great Manchester ship canal. , which is to make one of England's larg-; est inland towns practically a seaport, it i is said will be completed in about si months, at a cost of some SO,O0Q,GvO is a little over 35 miles long, with a min imum depth of 20 and an average width of 172 feet at the surface and of 100 ieet at the bottom. There are towns, most of them with a of over 10,003 persons, which w nected with the great canai Jv rivers and smaller canals. The canal of Cor- j ,aa t -t. .l J 3 J . i ni.iintir .i . v. 'in r r, - . . nnn Stage " Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. IaiTO? Th- Iall- a: 6 s. tn. every i a!) J -r:v a: IinerllJc ia thirty-?; n '.r- Iwf ininrvlte &t 5 m. every i'.av. arr;' -.1 The Dfcli tiir:T.rti v flJJILLIIS&Cfl. m YOUR ATTENTION HORSES HOBSES J. S. COOPER, :j fact that mta is enttrelv on tne sea level, bu; tne ( w than Liverpool involve: the employment in the case of the English ca.nal of four j eenee of locks, which are constructed iu ' groups of three of different dimensions, ao that all kinds of vessels may be ban-, died without wasteof water. Where the canal joins tne Mersey river the dimen sions of the locks are respectively 605 feet by SO, 350 by 50, and 150 by 30. Be-: aides the ordinary gates, these locks are protected by norm gates, each 45 feet ia i deptn ana tne largest pair weigamg .,u.in, reason wny it can t be none here. The -r :i! t. 'i banks almost in variabl v grant extension ; to thetr ceotors, and it is only lajr now : the bank' should have a reaionahlf :nsion from their creditor- '. imtilv a case of reciprocitv. TJ. - I adopted in Los Angeles and I soiii the banks doing business agait;. Ti.r- K' same thing caa lie done in 1' jrtUrid if the proper spirit is manifested. It " now being done in Denver by EsamiDer Lazear, who workrd with me in Los An-' geles." ; HOW WAS IT DONE IS LO ASGELtS. 3Ir. Wightman received yesterday a ! 31 copy of the'Denver Post, containing the ' following : "Up to August 7th 1,400.000 Lad been ' ; Carte the L". I Mail, Pasenjers asd Express Coanw: at l'rin--i;ie w;tii agrs froa Basterr acd Southera Or rroa, Jortherc Oaliforria aad ill Interior ?oir:s. it fjoe yiane?tion e: The with . 'Mirr-. J"urtiad e:h! a.:enj jota!-. F iii-:l2is aesjii cit Eena ml ElfliH 2ils.r TTlli SSlil KK stage nrriCEs; Hagb Glenn, i Dler in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kind. Ciirrl thr 'lnrt L.inr of Picture Mouldincrs I vrutr Dam. LW'JOX STOCK Y.iPJ'S, Chteago. Ih rv. 1 . 1 l . ' it i i 1 the world. nll hold his 0th extensive ?ale of west ern branded horses for season 1S93, on J t r""l . I I 1.1 mtm i I i r - I I ... I I -b.- i I Entries should be made at onee. HORSES Irlnevlll-. Luiutlll Ilouor. fhr Iallf. nearly COD tons. The gates wii; be open , !-awl "Uinwrwue ueponiors agree- and abut by hydraulic power. J. F. FOED, EvaieUst, 72 Docks have been built at Manchester with 114 acres of water space. A feature of the work has been the construction of a tone wall in one place nearly Fa mile long, 140 feet thick at the base and 75 feet thick at the surface. It involved the driving deep in the sand of 150,000 piles nearly 40 feet long. In one case a river has been carried 15 feet beneath the canal bottom in a of iron tubes 12 feet in diameter im bedded in two feet of concrete. liail- Dnon coneii'Mn'r . ment wr.n the supendt;1 banks. "Senior Esaminer Lazear U very ans ious that the depositors come in promptly and sign the agreement, as a number of the banks are only waiting on them to do so before resuming business. "My aim all alon; has been to show the people that it is to their best interest to assist the banks to an early reopening by cigning tiie agreement," said Mr. "Myself and the other exam iners continue to urg-r this as the best and most speedy way of settling the, 02 ends S. 3. tounu roads are carried over the canal on swing ' uanK atrs 01 Denver, and we again bridges nearly 100 feet high, one of them !nr''e e with a deposit of more Iwinf tht Inr-r-a- strJnfinc hrifW in t'n 'i'2n ?100 tO OOme Up and sign.' world, and the Bridgewater canal crosses On this point the People's National MoJuc. lows, rit.T March 23, llfi Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. fitntUmm : On arriving home last week, 1 al! we!! and anxiously awaiting. Our little srirl. eisrbt and one-half years old. who had wasted away to 35 founds, i'f now well, strong and vigorous, and wel. fleshed up. s B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children iike it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. 'o cive it to every one, with greeting lor nil. ishiiiL' you pros;erity, we are lours, .Hi:, a .Mi:k. J. ir, roi:n. If yon -Alih to fI frfh and ebecrfut, end ?-aJ lor the spring wo: the Httidsfbe nad tir-rt doits ueJi To ot found in tbe City. fJClashington Street. leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the The Dalles Gigar : Factory FISST STKBET. FACTORY NO. 105. Ciii-floiSiieil 1 II I II 1 1 II I II II IIIIIIIU fTf A DO"! Best Brand? . i vXvXxjLXtO manufactured, and ii. ciuanie your fysternVjifc orderr from all parts of the country filled , LiTtr cute, by toiiae two or on the shortest notice. i the Ship canal on an iron aqueduct which received an interesting letter from u Ewnng iike a drawbridge to allow the iou:!iera California, where Messrs. Lt passage of vessels. ' zear and UWridge had the same p'an of The canal has been advocated for 5 1 operation, and where the reach a- years end was begun in 1557 after $750,- :aon s-fory. The letter h zi fc.. 000 had been expended in promoting the ; 0Ws : enternnse. The entire co-t wac nri-in. I -V1 oauj-oeka . at L Oisr ., , - ally estimated at only ?32,750,0f3. The i working force has often exceeded 17,000 J men at a time, and 170 locomotives, 245 Bteaia cranes, 130 ortable and other Bteam engines, L'OO steam puoips, 100 Hteam ehovelb, and about 0,000 dump wagons huve been constantly employed. The total amount of excavation has been estimated at 40,000,000 cubic yards, one-, fourth of which was sandstone rck. The eujbanknients constructed in the . Mv.v iu"S OIr n,l!h. be done consists chiefly in clearing away construction materia! and connectini' ffliA vnr!n cLAtir.no .l.;..tL .Sfl 1 . . t Mb C'.VIVmC, Will iiK'te J . be tested and fiilei in turn separately! Hoard nud i;om fur rupii. uelore the canal is formally opened, an Two furnished event tSiat is net March, g'jarur.iw GARRETSON, Ls AaGEt.ES. Cat.. Aui-.1.!SS2. "People's XaUonal Bank, Denver, Co. "(JtHtkuit Yonr favor of the ult., came dcly to hand and coxstef noted. We realize tbe sitcation ai ! cheerfully co;j!r witti vyar rwjesr .r. the matter. 'We Lad to rtwort u th nijK tne:!. A to facilitate matter? iu arratgiusr to re sume, and, whiie we a-rei to make tii last payioent t a certain tpcidej time from tlie date of resaitiag bouu&s, t it will not be rieees-.art t- ask our depositors to Kas:!r with ti.t-.r agreement, and we arc paying ali thore who need their tuonev.' roomii to let with for next February or te"! for pupils. In juire at tbe office. W. E. I r HHIIINII .IRUUR HI ' uyuuil'tj UUEIU1U1. "1 iirT rott nit. The reputation of TIIE DALLES CI GAK has Income firmly established, and ( the demand for the home manufactured article - increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. , r'. VTltEXAS. W.M. JIAIlDKK'i. ' at CRANDALL o, BURGET'S, vv 1 iu ui n aci 1 1 1 1 k: lii iiul -i i itm. i v rir iiii:mij r ain- MICIIELBACH IJ11ICK, - - TXIO.V HT MNHNS The Snug. Is W. H. BUTTS, Prop. 80 Second Breet, Tbe Dalle IIK NEW TOWJt Imt Un llttl oti tlii oid vamn I'.'oni.il. nt th Vort rrA wit. "ir.iii.ij ukx, wma htr.'U atwl ullrvf. m Falb id Uixri titer, with nd putewiiWr,wittibii'lcin ituiufoii.u-rlrtdraluaf!-1uUi;tiiful lufTlti, Hon am luuuulnlii tummtt rexort !nrh!l I"; Or. M Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Qrder. I3i . lift f.t Thr IJulU.. Of Tr well known etand, kept by the we ' Known V'. II. Butts, long a reei der J Wasco county, Las an extraordi-' rarj fine c.tock of ves Henltr's Delist aad Irisli DisiarbaEe 1 la fact, all the leading brands of fin W'ueri, Liquors and Cigarr. Givi th o,d man a call and von will come attain 1 climate, tlii' euiitrul attrNH twuur tut; ueuitwt town to I'l iluri it . u.h.-.mui.j. ., , i. . t.ti:-r, Wnr the nalursl MiiUr l(,r 150 i.Bf- mlU- ul thf lot fi -r tlmlij.r, KrtHiiir m.lliuiw irf lun j.ir In tu Sl-li (,' ktfi.i'i.- j. . lulM, -l)jr hariwrMid. W L.tv fl,u, t.nj(- iwt fjiUt. tlii'i mtoriMi v.l!l tnS'f.nrTiui.rt(j ;j M.! m,d riin.uu: tlmt -! uiyr. heit- Utr run utid uiiU-i.ttun-. j'ju iruc ti s ..,.n t, nlit !tli trn'i!rti.'! tf ; rfwt l.i ir.t . r n '1 TITLE PERFECT See me on the ecround, address me at Hood Kfrtf Wasco County. Oregon. The ministerial alliance of Denver lias ! prepared a memorandum to be sent to the president, asking that he set aside a , national day of prayer and fasting. The address cites the existing financial dis trees and the great paralyzed tense of tbe nation, and petitions the president to set aeidea day when the people rshall gather in their accustomed places of wor ship and pray that the nation may be rightly guided in ite present straits. In times of sore distress it is natural for the human family, who are as a body re JIgionsly inclined, to keek the throne of (race for relief. The last notable in- KARL'S A. WESOLO, The km TailorJ Hsst End Seeond St. (fliseman & Warders, 1 iSaloon and Wine Rooms The Dalles, Oregon. tmESiSMaSBEm iMafiaSSIEISr 2 mmlim Suits Made to Order from ' rrt Up. I Pants from $5.00 up. j lrf-ct rit (iiturhiiK-nl. i 9 WILL HOT Sold by 'UruKtfuM or tent by mail. Sc !jc! fcadSi-W?rrAckaBe. fc'&iopu- in If ft XLTl.Tti V-orMb'.Y.'.'j. T.rZll S.W?ortt.eTcawiUjjrk-ttn. It'ut ikUUjr ulpe I- Itl itr.K. CLiflfl STORY, Art Teach im , Address : e cb bwS, or o!v:iitr If d(ralrvl. j o-,IlU Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs m Soolil MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSUBE. .?2.(X) v t iiii.iiiinv i Shon nn TMr1 Sfrij tmV4 -r ..A- KCs' - - . a - - - " i w v i i tirriL til 1 UUlJk. Kndertby, Or, WackHmitll jhou.