Dalles Cljranick THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST M, 1898. NO. SO. !53lles Daily Chronicle. BT .ICHBOSICLBPMI1.IS1IISO CO. -a"1 nr,.r,.n. titrcetn. The Uri"r'" f, oo n at mi ,.n Depart n:w r. m. I icirfi a:io a. m. rtttfuC1. t w . Mtui out for the fr" STAGED. lute own, leave dally "Awat ilitrhP Canyon City, leave PVt1.' s,Wfr. w nvjf . Wnptultla, Warm KjiT u...h .,. ..vt.ry day of thu Low''? ,';; ,,!!!,. Houm:. Ijirtilu'u. ri!onMN.i. . . UMI. ITT I.STY XT IiAVf OlhCC ih lii'y'"- ' , ftet Street, The l .(. ' -repou. .,fiTt . lr-nr . IT. nr., , ....... l'..t Ba!iLs! Esttne nu Wntilni:ton Street mittt tTTit!.KY.AT-lJlW. 01- , tftltiihwno'.teildltiK, wji ulr. The ,,,0:Xua. ,f KiS. X.I.UCI.TIS..TOS. M.S. WILXOS. liay-. irsnsaios a whmin-attok- I kirtiT-u- -OCin-r, French' block mer knt.SnUoctilii. 1 Ua:ifiu Oreeou. I U w;i;oN-AmiiMLr-AT-UAW - Koora II . frracli A Co ' t.tuk bulldinc. beeona I lit IW'w. 'JrrP'U vS.Z3HEL1:a.S 'Huj- em-atiuc, I'iiymcia u4 triwtos -t U nwerci jiroinrniy. iTKistt, ctr or country lOufxia block. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TIUNrtACI a OKNEUAI.HANKINU MJH1NK8H Letter? of Credit issued available in lie Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Imis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collection!) made at all points on fav. orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OH. president - Vire-Prusidont, Cashier, - CONSTIPATION Is called tho "Father of Diseases." It ia caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully Z. F. Moody Ciiaki.kh Hilton M.A.Moody General Nankins; Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK. SAN V HA NCI SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collection made on favore-blu terms at all accessible points. It is a mild laxative and a tonic to tho digestive organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you , promote digestion, bring on a reg j ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. j "My wife wit sorely distressed with Ccnitira I ion and couching, folfcmcd with Weeding I'ifei. Alter tour monttu use of Smmora I.iver KesuUtor the is almcnt entirely relieved, Raininp streogth tod flesh." W. 11. Leetck, Delaware, Ohio. d. HCHESCK, rrculilcut II. M. BtAU. Cuhler. First Rational Bank. ,HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Ranking Rusiness traneacted Deceits received, subject to Siglit Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly j remitted 0:1 day of collection. 1 Sight and ToWranhic Exchange Fold on New York, Srn Francisco and Port- I lnL I -KVEIlV PACKAGE-o U our Z Slump In rrd on wrapper J. 11. ZKIL1K & CO., l'hiUdelpbla, IM. Hie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. i. 0. D. DOA.NK- rUT.tciAN ANt kUC HQS. 03i(. rouro. 5 und C Chut'tttan !ts Kreeu, nd d.K)r frutn the corner. asonvto J2 A. jj , i to i uua 7 uiu-. x. i,l'ALL Iir.stiirr - (nik KiTtn lor tho !Xtu extraction ! teeth. AIno teeth irjd uuniiuum j'intt Koum. cIru u 1 uJc7ix'.lj neruuJ MttvL hOl'IKTIi:. fWBUi'Hil.M. 1..A V. A- A. Jl. Meet. ."tLU(J Uur.l M Jtiday ol euch mouth t 7 )U.La KOVAL A1U II CHAIT Kit SO f. -I Mwt. In Xnhrirtc IU11 thu third V'edtiewUy Itch month t 7 I'. M. oiJKi-.N voodm?:n ok the would. - I ML Hood Camv So.M.MeeUltitMlHyevi'n loleneh week In lrHtcraltyIUU.at7.no j.. m. OLUMIIIA LODOK, NO. I, 1. 0. 0. Y -Meet. trrery frldny eveiilii); at 7.a0 o'clock, In K. 1. hull, vomer Seeoud ntid Court ttreeU. ouralnc hrothert lire welcome. Ctocoii, hec'y. II. a. 11H.W.N. (i. KIKNIMIIII LODGE, NO. V., K. of I'.MeeU trcry ilonduy orenltiif t 7 30 o'clock, In .isno.liulIilttiK, corner ol Court itnd Hmind KU. boJuurulUi; lneuiber. re cordUUy In r;,. .. .. k, ckak. p.W.APB. K. ol It. nnd K C. 0. . wf hull thoMx-ond nnd lourth WiUnea I' ol wh mouth at 7 W ji. m. "uU it the rehillus toom. All are Invited. :eB Uriee No, &01, I 0. (,. T.-ltirolr wwX.,1,".".'."1" ,.rlt,"y F. !., W Ir r.1 A,J are itiviuvl. h-WUMAN. I '!'. 11 ,. .... U rfe ,'.H,l,U' ver KellerV, -n gend -LIlu' HtiHtieler. v w I11.1 ,'0a'1'' No.SK.0. A. Il.-UVU ,t7tatuHlr t 7:ao r. u.,Ui th" K.otv, 0teVVKlUUVCr5rHUI,1y lUlcrnoJU 1,1 1 VEUHIN-Mu every 'JInj(u thu K. ..( j'. IU1I. DIRBOTOR3. D. P. TnosiPsoH. Jno. S. ScniKcr. Eu. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbx. I H.M.Beall. I W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmiiti & wagon shop THROUGH Kundat "Jtih,L .".'!." ":'t "' third Wclnu.. -1 -hi. ui , j', jj. TlfK UIIUUOIIKN. heuliiK 1'rayi r imi Friday nt SiUl,!;T :ill'"U-Kfv. 0.. TAV. t th Tu j, . l0,"'K frvtw cyery Hah- ''" J ir ?'r i lM,K"ur, W"'l"lf M-rvIcw. ' L'ii Ji ?r ""'"K tl'uU)r' real- "ftSi?A,J '"WKOH-Ker. VV. V. nnd 7 1- U'rJ,hVrv" l'? ,vi,f" Hunduy at 11 - .""'" "rdluily luvltwl. HeaUlrec. ewi!"" !.''' JUv.- J- N'iut.KK, i.nto7 't at f, ;ij i i, 0 clock l- m. Ki.worth U ttte 7 J''cl(K;k. A cordial In' "tended by both ,utor and xple ch i!".H,',l,"t 1,1 tut' 'onKrei.'tioiiHl lHHt,',rll'l'r,, ,,'hu',,1 ''"' ". K.-A, Ut2,w f rttty 0 c ovtry 'ii-rn-nil lUacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbird Street opp. Liebe's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at nuiKniuihli' fit'iires. Has the largest lionso moving outlit f in Kastarn Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.Tho Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Wutche and Jewelry reialrel to otder on hort uoUcc. and tatUfacUuu KUaratlteeU AT TIIK Ktorti ot I. V. NlrheUeii, itl HI. The Dalle Chas. Allison, Dealer In Freigm ana Passenger Line Through daily service 'Sundays ex cepted, between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Da'lee at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with Eteamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock') at 0 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. IMHHKNOKIt KATKH. One way . . Round trip. . .$2.00 . 3.00 PURE -OUCE Headquarters at Ohas. Lauer's. Havlnit had u llnu )iaret o( iiatiiriil icetho j..t In flu. vi,rhl. 1 11111 nri'iiMrml tu (iirnUll ill any quantity and nt bottom price, CHAS. ALL iSON. C. F. STEPHENS, OICAIvlSK IN Dry. Goods Qlothing Ituota, Mho, lint, Klo. Fancy (qoad, flatian, Kte,, Klo., Ktc. Second St., The Dalles. Ticket - on sale for Long Reach. Ocean Pari;, T'O-a and llwaco. Raggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipment for Portland received at anv time dav or night. Shipments for wa'v landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (Jeneral A sent. B. F. LAUGHLIIM, , CenerHl Maiiaser. THE DALLES, OREGON LOOK OUT roa pfesh Paint! III. ..omplluienU to every Iriend Aiul enemy - 11 uw lie they lev or he they many. Tho time for puintinK iw aa come, And every one dcfircs a homo That look m'l clean and new, An none but a Hood ialnter can do. I'alntlliK, onpcrliur and Khif linj, to), Will V.iiike your old l.ouh.. 00k .Ultc now. He lll take your work either way, lly the Job or by the day. If you have work Klve hl" foil, llo'll take your orders, InrKO or mall. IK Hic-ctlully, W. C. GILBERT, 1'. 0. J1"X No, 3, THL J)ALIiKS, OH. The SI. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Thin old, popular and reliable houuo i... 1.,..,.. wfnriilHliLd. arid everv room )ia been rupa pored and ropaliite am! newly cari)oted throughout. Iho iioumi comaitiB iu rwmo bhi-i with every modern convenienco. Kutw reasonable. A good resUturant attacher: to the houae. Frer bun to und from all trln' c. W. KNOWLE8, Prop. SCARCELY A OUORUil Small Altciiflance in the House Dnriiig tlie Silver AN EXODUS TO TIIK SEASHORE There Most of the Members Will Re main Until the Day Set for a Vote, Returning Only to Speak. Washington, Aug. ''. The silver de bate in the house today did not attract much public interest. The knowledge that no vote can possibly be reached un til August 2Sth causes the members to take little interest in the proceedings and it is doubtful whether there was a quorum present in the house today. Many members left for tho seasido last night resolved to remain until it Hhould be time for them to return to deliver a speech, and nearly every member is pieparingone on the financial situation. It seems likely that the daily spectacle in the house lor the next two weeks will be that of an impassioned individual de livering a fiery speech to a score or two of his personal friends and an array of 200 or oOO empty benches. When the house adjourned today there were not more than fifty representatives in the hall. Weaver of Alabama was the first speaker today. He finished the speech, commenced by him yesterday, and wr.s followed by Wheeler. The lat ; heartily approved the president's ews in regard to the purchasing clause of the Sherman act, though he believed the present depressiou was not entirely due to that act. It came from the threats of the democrats to pass tariff legisla tion. Morse of Massachusetts followed Mr. Wheeler. He gave his hearty ap proval to the views of the president rel ative to tho repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman bill, but he be lieved that the present business depres sion was not attributable entirely to the Sherman bill. It came from the threats of the democratic party to pass tariff legislation. Then Harker of Ohio spoke in favor of repeal. Ho had had, he said, little controversies with the repub licans, in which he charged the republi can party with being responsible for the present situation, but he eulogized Sherman for his attitude at the time of the passage of the law which bears his name. In conclusion he said that in stead of being abused, Sherman should receive the grateful thanks of the whole people. IIOWKKS SI'KAKS 1'OK KltEE COINAGE. Rowers, of California, spoke for the free coinage of silver, and in doing so cast a slur upon political platforms, de claring that no party platforms amounted to anything, nor was it in tended to mean anything. He referred to the scarcity of small currency, and raised a laugh by stating that ho went into a drug etoro this morning to buy something which cost 15 cents and could not get any change. Continuing, he said : "Free coinage of silver will tend to re lieve the present depression. Many banks of tho United States which today ate closed will be glad to receive the dollar of our daddies. This nation can make its own money for ita own people and if England wants to put up bars, all right. This great country which can piodueo every necessity and overy lux ury must not surrender to little islands which must depend upon what they can obtain from other nations. Ihm ques tion is no partisan one. It is a business ...l. !. .1.4 k.,, ., one, and as men i nnuum i.uu- sideied." Delegate HawlinB, of Utah, lent his voice in favor of free eoinago, and at tho conclusion of his ieniarkn tho house ad joitrred until Monthly. JUJMOIUATH IN TIIK SENATK, No MlfHT NOT KlNOIti: Kll.VIUt. It is reported there was 11 very signifi cant occurrence in the, senate finance committee Thursday. A motion was made authorizing the chairman to in troduce a bill to amend the law govern ing tho issue of national bank notes, to permit tho issue of notes to the par vnluo of tho bonds deposited as security therefor. This was agreed to after dis cussion, by a majority of i! to 1. Then it was proposed to authorize the chair man to report tho bill to repeal the silver-purchase clause of tho Sherman law, whereupon Vest is said to havo made a speech denouncing the proposition and notifying its friends that no bill which ignored silver could pass the senate. Under tho influence of the remarks of Vest, tho committee unanimously re considered its action on the currency question and adjourned. II.NK I)i:.T!I ItKSULTS. at Aftlutio Cholera Claim lino Vlcllm New York Oouratit Ine. New Yoiik, Aug. 12. The health officer's bulletin said that at midnight Francisco Mola, one of the passengers of the steamer Kaiatrania, dWd ot cholera at Swinburne is'and. The remains were cremated this morning. Nine more sus pected cases were removed to the island this morning. The examination shows all the patients sent tbeic yesterday ate suffering from Asiatic cholera. Th's evening Dr. Jenkins issued the fo'lowir bulletin ; "At 1 o"clock today Gu!sapp"Adatr 5, aged -13 yeai-s, was tianscred lofe, ' burne island bospit.il. The census ol the hospital tonight shows the following : Cholera patients 14 Convalescing 1 Suspects 3 Total IS "AH the patients in the hospital are improving and I think all will recover, with the exception of tU C3 cases, Fran cisco Calola, Paola Mariano and Gcngls Corias. Racteri0l03ic.il examinet'o 1 have in all cases confirmed the di.igi , i of cholera. The following c.tb'e, mailed to Paris and sent from there, was re ceived tonight from my reprerentative in Naples: Cholera cables from New York are frequently confiscated by the Italian government. There aie 18 e.ises .itid 7 de.tths todav." A Koply to Kx-Secret:vy Trnny. Washington, Aug. 12. Speaking of Ex-Secretary Tracy's proposition for the itu'iiediate coinage of the silver bullion in the treasury to relievo the monetary stringency, treasury officials point to their statement of August olh, showing that it would take five years for tho mints to convert the bullion into silver dolhi's, and that the certificates could only be issued 011 the profits on coinage, certificates already being out to the bullion value. lcloii for llualy Action llrcailta of tli Del'Mto Hi the Ilouaa. Wamiisuton, Aug. 12. Tho soiiato democratic ciuctis coiiiinittco tiday ud iourned over until Monday, when it will meet again and attempts come together on soiiieeominon ground. Owing to the agieeiriept reached in the liouso the ..mmnittco feels relieved, and hcch no reason for pressing uction on ita part The fact that the hour-o will dovoto two weeks to tho discussion of tho silver m. oh! Inn removes the necessity that existed to formulate it plan immediately, and the probability la that tho caucua of democratic- senators will not act finally unon the policy to bo outlined by ita ..rim mltteo until toward tho closo of the debate in thu house. For tho came rea son it 1h Kiid the finance committee may take inoro timo in tho deliberation tlm various measures referred to It, and not make u renort so oarly as iinticl patt 1. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Ream, of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in tho treatment of diarrhoea in her children will undoubtedly bo of interest to many mothers. She says: "1 spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great flood, on account of my husband being employed there. Wo had several chil dren with us, two ot whom took the diarrliti-a verv badly. I got Homo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrluea Remedy from Rev. Mr. Chap man. It cured both of them. 1 knew sovcral cases where it was equally successful. I think it cannot bo excelled and cheerfully recommend It." 2." and ")fl cent bottles for sale by Rlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Jin. A tire till Orrn AtTulr. Coiivai.i.ih, Or., Aug. 12. Tho son of saae Porter, u weu-io-uo larmcr aim liveryman of Monroe, and Miss Lily Cain tho Ki-year-old daughter of Dr. .1. M. Cain, of the same town, outwitted the young lady's parents ran away and were married. A justice of tho pwico in Harrisburg tied tho knot. I'rom Harris burg to Corvallis, left their team at a livery stable, borrowed fJoO from th liveryman since which time they havo neon heard trout, (iKMl.KMHN, I mil Mihjtet to iierlndlcul attacks if tick h -milium! of Ihu ort iiolblo tvie, Mint J M 1 " I -'' 1 t.lkllli; Itllillne -t lUVHI.lCIIC! I ,llMNl'.". 1 hi Minimi'i. Tlicy cuio It In evciy Inntiuice, anil kIikii taut time I urn ciijnu; xIimii11i heiiltii mid liuyo euiucil I 'll pomnM 111 wciuui. Yours u'iy ( 1 uly. r. .'I. IMMM.M, Oil iv tli, Iowa. Ylll.l.OW TUVKIl IN OKOKOIA. Il flrM Victim In Olio .Sent to (lunrrl Aciiiiint the Seourirn. Washington, Aug. 12. Startling news conies by telegraph from Rruns wick, (ia., to Surgeon General Wyman. Yellow fever lias appeared in that city, and its first victim is a man who wan sent there to guard against the scourge. All information concerning tho matter known to Wyman is the following tele gram, received by him tonight from Rrunswick: Surgeon Rranliam, detailed to enforco quarantine regulations at this port, is very ill in this city at a private resi dence. The local physicians say he has yellow fever. Tho people are greatly alarmed." Dr. Wyman took immediate fteps to prevent tho disease spreading. Sur geon Carter, who arrived in Pensacola tonight to takecharge of the quarantine, was ordered to proceed immediately to Rrunswick to see that United States sanitary regulations are enforced. Sur geon Hutton, who had a large exper ience in Jacksonville in the yellow fever epidemic of 1SS8, arrived in Washington today from Detroit, and ho was ordered to Rrunswick. The officers of tho Ma rino hospital are not surprised to learn yellow fever has appeared in Rrunswick. Some time ago the bark Anita Rerwind, on which vessel the captain died of yel low fever, was permitted to pass quar antine and the crew landed in Rruns wick. Surgeon Carter, who investi gated, said the Rrunswick quarantine regulations were very loose. In fact, only the local quarantine officers super vised the inspection of vessels, Georgia having no board of health. The port is now in charge of the United States ma rine hospital service. I)UK TO CRIMINAL C A11KLK3SNK98 A Gambler's Kecliless IlanilllngT of Kevolver Causes a Woman's Death. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 12. Ed. Dol son shot and killed Jessie Walton in a bagnio at S o'clock last night. Dolson, who is a member of the tinhorn frater nity, was slightly intoxicated and was flourishing a big Colt's revolver inn reckless manner and dropped it on the floor. The witness said it was dis charged when it struck tho floor, tho ball striking the girl in the mouth, pass ing out at the top of the head, killing Iter instantly. At the coroner's inquest this morning a verdict was rendered that the victim's true name was Tillie Wallis, und that Dolson was guilty of criminal negligence and recklessness in causing her death. Immediately after the shooting Dolson was locked up and this afternoon was arraigned be fore Justice Bishop on the charge of muider in the second degree. He waived examination and was1 placed under $2,000 bonds. Unablo to give bonds ho was locked up. Tho dead girl was buried this afternoon. HOKN. ' In Tho Dalles' August Hth, to wife of Joseph Fort in, a girl. the Go to N. Harris yards for f 1. for lino prints ; 20 lllottthf, pimples, liver jutchos, (i, M. 1. 1 t-jli t nick il'Miat 'lies, Urlvo'i iiwiiv incl'ileiit tumois, ilc.ii tliolilooil ,10m pol ouoits humor; Alllii't one, whoe'er von lie, Tiy the woitli oru. XI, 1). which is tho great Golden Medical Dis covery of Dr. Pierce a wonderful tonic and blood-purifier. The "Discovery" ia 11 standard remedy for consumption, bronchitis, colds and lung troubles; guaranteed to benefit or cure, if taken in time, or money refunded. Mr. Thomas Butte, editor of the Graphic, Tcxiiikana, Arkansas, baa found what ho believes to bo tho best remedy in existonee for the llux. Ilia experience ia well worth remembering, llosays: "Last Hummer I had a very soveio attack of (lux. I tried ttlmoBt overy known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar llnea Remedy was recommended to me. 1 purchased a bottle and received almost immediate, relief. 1 continued to use the medicine and was ontiioly cured. I take pleasure in recommending this remedy tu any person sud'uring with such a disease, as in my opinion it is the best modicum in existence." 2.r and 50 cent bottles for sale by Rlakeley it Houghton, Druggists. lm, ' S I fit ill Tin chIici-, Situation wanted as engineer by it competent man. Inquire at this otlico. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder y PURE