'MM- fit ! The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tir: i t.t : UISEOO THE TREAD OF AN INDIAN NURSE It It a Nol-rlr n That of Hrr Grand father TVlirn llr Hunteil x-alp- The Fifth Annual OF THE Seconi Eastern Oregon District H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. father "ttlirn llr Hunteil x-aip. . , -1 i , Thereis :.n ..at- of the event hospitals i rpVil nil 1 11 TH I VAMlMTV tEzszssssszt Affi if ui tin til ooi ten . w;;.:. ! f hf:- at THE DRIiliES. OREGON, McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Qhrpniclf for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. o: active sajs a Fitisburch Dispatch correspon dent. She ha- the Mack hair and phy&iocnomicai peon Parities of her race. i pretty with tbeWoora of youth, tall and lithe of figure and of most prepossessing' appearance. ie has been thoroughly educated at Hampton institute and at training school and has all the advantages of an educated and intelligent woman. 1 am toli by an ex-patient of the hos pital that the wild blood of this Minne haha of the'prtl and petle shows but in one way. and that rather an advan tage in a room where there are sick women. At nirht her tread i abso lutely inaudible. She moves as quiet ly as her' preat-rreat-rundfather mipht have done on the quest for scalps much as a cat does when there is forbidden cream in skrht. Durinp the day her ftep is no more noise less than that of another woman, though always lig-ht and sprincy. It mijrht not be a bad idea for some person to train up a whole lot of In dian girls for a graiafnl occupation, to which they seem so well adapted by in heritance. A l.raJ?r. Since its fir! introduction, eiectric i bhiers ha? ruined rapidly in popnlar ' iavor, until now it i? clearly in the lead amonc pore i.rediuina! tonics and alter--ative contair.in;.' not bin? which per mits i:.- use a leveraae or intoxicant. 11 is reetr.'nizetl a? the lie?; and purest medicine For ail ai intent- of noraach. liver or kidneys. I: will cure sick licad ache, indigestion, constipation ano. drive msleria from the ri-.-tem. Satisfaction ' guaranteed ".vith each bottle or tin . money will be re:r.nded. Price only 50r. 3er bottle, so'd by Snipes A Kinersly. Mr. J. C. Doswe'.l, one of trfe best ! tnown and most respected citizens of J Brownwood, Texas, suffered with diar- i rhcea lor a lone: time and tried many -different remedies without benefit, until -Imamberiain a Ooisc, Cholera anu Diarrhiea IJenie-jy was used; that re lieved him at once. For salt-by Clakeley & Houghton, Prn''p5t. Ira. Kari's Ciorcr Hoot, the new blood purifier, pives freshness and clearness to the com plexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Einersly, urncuists. October lOtli, 1893, Continuing live day.-. A. S. MCALLISTER, J. O. MACK, secrctar . Deoidetlly the Finest Line of Gents' Ru.r11ish.i11g Goods Tntnks a;;d J 'discs, etc., etc. COll. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. THE EU ROPE AN HOU ST: The CorrujrkttHl l'.ulldlnc iirxt Iior to Court Hour OR 5 UeeKly ropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. By txvixl Mnw'iwM' witn the pul.llsnctit -i .'if w e i rnabkw to male mi itriuuai uiii-t u u , k . tt.!...,. This Is the Season Of the Year tflhen Judicious Advertising Pays. CM s O fianfisomely Fnrnlslied Rooms to Bent by the Day. Week or Montb. Heals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men Proprietor. J. O. MACK, FIjE Wlffi? and LIQUOR McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OlSTE YEAB to rrorjotw h . ri :'. . . t lorm, ami e!ltlnK It to u, thereby "UtwcrtiiJ The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO OS I Publish en ClIIiOMCLV. 5 The miles, Or.: J ! IT)? irill Dlr-ftsr send to mil address the DAILY n CHIWXICLE for 12 months from- date, for which I agree to pay 00 cis. a. month, it being understood theft you are'to have sent to my address for 1 year, without extra charge, McCLCJUS'S M.-JG.!ZJA commencing with the current number. A'ame, i 1 a r. DOMESTIC A"C KEY WEST CIGARS. THE ELEBRATED PADST BEER 171 FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, : THE DALLES. OR J Da.te . JRHAM 6c Robertson Proprietors The ARTIC FACTORY CityStables, Corner of FourtJ. and Fed era1 iu.. The Dnlle. Oregon. 'Tliese Stables have on hand i. Oregon, and can accommodate ; or Double Risrs. closed Hac ,'Jd dress CALL AT OUR OFFICE ant! e xitr cnter;atuln; mid finely tlutrtil McCLURE'S .MAGAZINE, which hn hcjoiic it. rontribuMrs f.f in't mnu nutbort In Atarrtca aud Enrlnad, ladsis uca wnicr as mv joimviinc , Ii. L. Stevenon. , Kadrard Kiplin?. 1 A. Conan Doyle, i Octave Thanet, William Dean flowellr, I Bret Harte. ! Clark Ku-M'll, Joel Chandler Harrif, Thomas Hardv, Hamlin Garland, J. T. Trowbridge. Prof. E. S. Iloldea, Jeiome It. Jerome. Prof. C. A. Younz, Frames HckIc-oh Burnett, 11. H. Ilovesen Theolore Ho.-evelt, Hobert Harr, .Joaquin Miller. Henry M. Stanlrr Oi!lert Parter. Archibald ForL, John Iturrouchf. Andrew Iinp, Sarati Orne Jewetv SODA WATE2 A2TD ICE CESAil. ' ,a u unit I ivniT in T nctavn , Mrs. I!obt. Loui- Stevennsn. Camtie t lamtuiinon, ii "ii i ! F. Marion Crawford. Lilhe Chase yman. Dr. J. Bil.ings, I'troilS With eitliei single !iarBnret Deland. Harriet PreK-ott Snoflonl. W. K. Henley. k or Carriages dav 01' Ilisrht.. ' Herbert I). Ward. Edward Everett Hale. Cnpt. Charles Kmc t f.nraijeiu siuari i neipp. tyjaiso vnanuier .'luuium, Candies and Nuts at w)ioealr (jDutntlon. MORE ROOM. t Each number of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE (.uuisi two httidome:y :.'utrU3 l"te i with tavlt umona ji.f .Inle;' Verne, TO I CIG SVTEK 'Specialties; Archdeacon Farrar, it. i . .a ti. ft T.'J:. Also, can furnish Fir.-t Class accommodations to teains-tere with freigh. ""!?.,,0lCTO.n 1 'urn v uli. 'Z " . U a:'. .i,i,..i i. f...: . Ti-sandier, the lamou? F. Hopktnson Miuth. Alphonw Daudet, Camile Flaniniarion, Edward Everett Hale, Prof. Graham Bell. CAT. persons bavin? account and hold- f ' t inp-ce-tiGeates of deposit with the Firs: ' Finest Peanut Roaster in The Dalles 1 JCatiouat banit of this eitv, will please 1 - call at the bank on matte'rs pertaining ' 2 3 8 I Pfll Pfl a: risht side j to the fore-o:n?. Also perjon? who are I 21 Street J. rULUU rU-ju5al ! . - indebted : the bank on over draft notes - -- whieh ere past doe or about to become 1 ! -ATIO.V.'.L JJ1.VK Esajiixek Stsgge X IK UOlltt VCUiJf WUI'ULUUIC. Go to Harrw for fine prints; 20 ZS HAS A PAMILT 0 . yaras lor ti. Commercial Patronaee Solicited. , French Balloonist, H. H. Bovesen, mid mnn-otben, have turni.hel mHtrrlnl for ttiM-iaUy vr'tarM lutorvlewn which will ? (n!ly llluntrtiil in tlii m.i;iizlne. 2000 EEADEBS. Tiiey read The Chronici? tr. yo: the .at- TheDrlles Wasco County, Oregon. and j line! the I yoxicE- 'TuaTirnch a? mv wife, Georeie Anna j moet reliBble ews. And tiej .-md even lim i Btooti, ha-, without last cauWor prov- j 'f'aS ia the Tfcat i what ru-x th, -JIJU 1 , C hroaielt aa invaluable advert! in? ninliur. oeation, Kit my lieu nu raru, siaiiei ;The new.pajKrr the: mv wishes and consent, and refuses to ( Brtsidss Is the one return or further live with me, I hereby warn al! pen-ons not to give her any credit on my account, as I will not pay any bills of her contracting after this date. Caleb Bkooks. Dalles City, Or., July 19, le&3 dso:iTrit WOOIJ, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market ratee at Jos. T. Peters & Co. Office Second and Jefier Eon streets. , PROPOSALS toe piour, Brai? apd peed. D. !. India Jcaiz "Fans 511121 1221:7. cuts to tne family that :hs adver;:.rtr oi todcy patronize when tht? dsire tr. reach thtr jople. When they want your tntde their announcements will be iur.d In the pajjr. Loot over our column end ooserve the verifica tion of the truth of this aaertion. Hernerabvr, a trade of & family of two thomand ii worth esiias for through :hce columns, esj:iaUy so ut our very Qr)eap durtisi Its. tiip Dally Evening Chronicle is recocnued , I nil a eM.-ntlaily the hume pair lor trie ; Uallea City folk i f I C This 1 not a bad I reputation, some n UiYlil -7X0 of our h-t j citizen' watch the columns of tnU Dfl DCD ' daily for the spiciest local news. It r M r L. l I nucceedi in cleaulns th fi-lil. and hTi.-e giows :n jrtpularity and Iraportanee. Take 1: awhile, you who don't try some of it premiun. 'jfieri. From TERIfilHiUi or INTERIOR Points THE I Mn nth mm Unnifin! iMUiinniu i auiiib Waek 5PEIS08. C'rooi Co.. Or., Aus. i, 14U3. Sealed projiosai. ludorid "ITopwal for flour, limn and Fwd." as theca-e may le. and addreed to the undersigned utW arm sprinss, Oregon, will . IjC leceived at this ajrency until 1 o'clock P. M. of Tuesdey, AurasrJU, IiW, lor lurnlsnmc ana ae liverins ot the uzeiiey sbout 4.,Uf lbs of Hour, 20.OA lbs of bran, end lb oi leea. I'incr mtift be either what i known as "tttiilfrht lull utock' of cood sound wheat W lbs crouud down t" about -t: Us of flour, low grades to be tateu out, -it it may be what U known as silent flour, end delivered iu extra strous single iiIm of not Ims than 25 lbs must be furnished by with the narui of the bidder and the number of Trt ill pniXTX FiT fiFTH the sample if more than one Is submitted . Ill AUU lUliUlJ LAOl aiV OULlll, RKILROHD Is the line to take The Gate City of the Inland Eurpire is situated at the hsad of navigation on the Middie Columbia, und is n thriving, pro perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The I)a";ies is the large.it original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the leautifui Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east lias this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is liiig us&d to develop more fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. It climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these :omer .stones she stands. Each number contains two or three short stories by famUK authors Tully lllustratca .onfli upj-ear in curly nurnlx-r ty Thomas Hardv, William Ueau Howelle, It. L. Stevenson, Kndvard Kipfinc, Bret Harte, iarah Orne Jewett Joel'Chandler HarrU, Harriet Pre-wt t SpoiTord, Octave Thanet. Conan Dovle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, .Stanley J. Weyinan. HEX KY Nl. STANLKV will contribute, especially for youiiK readers, a tlirllllzicly intrtratint; story of African Alt NATURAL HlSTOItY AND ADVENTURE. There will 1m evral article" written bv Raymond Blktnuixyt. wh'i lias b-"i ca.'lfi f 51 slead the bent iat!rvlewer lu Kncluud, from material Iurnlsld him by Krt Msnbl,'a burg, the great animal lmiorter and trainur j nesc urticies deal wiiu The Canture of vVild J'easty. The Trancportation of Wild Des The Training of Wild Beast?. The Adventures and Etcajres of Karl Ha? The series wilt oe Illustrated by an English artist of acknowledged skill in drawing wild I John JU-Kror'.iis. f. V HLti:e. Du. c. (' ABirTT, und other writers lauious tut O eir this held, wtu contribute to the magazine. Of Interest to both Younp and Old will be PROF. 11. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GOI.'ILL ArTKiicrments have lx-cn made, In eouneetlon with a leading English revlen , It pub.'nij Gamer's letters descriptive of his preeui fsftlttioii to Africa, I'rof. Ounicr It t.sted t&el over for the curious ana inieresiing jiiiiigHuons no is nin.jiiE in iue iit.t-h i biujji7 frr ,tMi. lr i-i.i,t,itnt.- fur the nnlce of further oursulni: his studies iu thenallve fine the gorilla. The Illustrations for thev articles will Ik.- from photographs taken by fro; (.ami The magazine also contulus most interesting articles under the following couipteteEsH ( M " The Edjre of the Future.' " Knowledge of Immediate Valu.'l "Newest Knowledge." I he Precent Hour. " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We are oflcring this splendid magazine with the Daily fUROXtcue for only 1" a y in aavance or in motuuiy luniauim-uia as uesirvu. Wr mnVo thin exeetitlonal offer In ordrr that we inav secure a lnrire numlr of news but all who are alreudy subscribers may avail themkeh e of this op;Kjrtunlty to secnrsS magazine. Kill up the blank and aeud It Iu, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles,? Urun must be of eood ouallty. equal parts bran I rtnd fb-jrts mixed: samples oi not less tnaniri . juut b-.- furnished by bidders. feed ijiuit be tieur barley, fresh rolled, Iree , fr..-i, dirt and rust; ample of not less than 23 Itxi mut be furnished by bidders. !K)Hvrv. Of the 6!ove there l to be deli vered ii tnv h:nemaho Fchoo!, lricated 3) miles north of the asenev, MM lbs of flour, 10.t,0 lbs Uan. .nd li.'JLtj Ibof feed, and at the iigenry, 'jlrUS) jt 'if ftui.r, 10,'.u lbs bran, aud WM lbs feed. AH artieies are t. be- snb.ect to n rigid insjc- iton. It l the Dining Car Route. It run Through I v'estibuled '1 ruins every (Uy in the 7ar to ' p. paul and Chicago M DALLES l.0 CHANGE OF C'AhH.J Composed of Iilning Can unsurpassed. Die l'u!l fitn ds mu-t state specifically the t,rowod """" " "wv li.ite vi cucu article oiierta lor aeuvery uuuur k (nuns' by tb' cwt., not lurrel or tons. Tht litlit l reserved to reject any or all bids, or i.ny jsi-t of liny bid if deemed for the best In- vice. tt-riat L-l the strvi ccrti' .!elicts TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ranwiriu! IUIUU1UJ. 1 THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWER! AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewer? is now turninir out the beat Beer and) east of the Cancadea. The latest appliances for the manufacture of pood' I ful Beer hare been introduced, and only the finit-cla8 article will hep" the market. I Rpt that fun if rnnstmntwl. nrirt In whinh ltd ! accomraiKldtiorn are both ftw kud f uniUbt-C 1 ELEGAKT DAT COACHES LvaceriitledchM'kordrnft umii sme United lor noldenoi rirst na Betona-ciass TlckeU.and btatvt d'.iOMtuig r Milvent nationsl bark in tlu- vlPli.lty f the residence of the bidder, made , tisviiL!'- to theordtr of the commissioner of in-1 df'n Rtvulr, fur at least five per cent of the Mddtror bidders melvlng an award shall fall' A conttnnoui line, connecung with all lines U.pr. : utlj exec ute sureties, otherwise to be , ffordlng direct and uninterrupted tervite icturi.'i! the bidder. Illds ' eoinpiinied by cash In lieu of a certified C. i:: no; be considered, , Pullman Sleeper reacnratlops can be secured 1 ' .:. :.'erl!ifuriiiatlonustotlmuOI delivery w sutsuw huuhxb any spui ui uw nsui. T' uunt of the proposal which check or draft will w. :oriv.iea to me l niteu owies in case any aud o'ln r ti iTticnlcrs. UDiilr to J. C I.tCKET, I'. 8. Indian Agent. PHOTOGRAPHER lirsi premium at the Watco county THROUGH TICKETS. England ana Europe can be ticket office of toe company To and from all points In America. : purchased at any Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, route end other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent V. F. fc A. Nar. Co., Kegulator offlct, Tht Pallas, Or., or A. II. CHAKLTOK, icer ui, romana. Ulll Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHKOMCLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in AVasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Ciuioxicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. The Weekly Chijonjcle on Fridays of each week at .$1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., illcm, Oregon. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLAS And the Most Complete and the Latent Patterni and DeiiguH in I WALL ii A JP E3 H -Practical Painter and Parser Hangers. Nono but tbt beet branij PllPi-ifin-U'lli; jr,,i: urwl T V l.:..l. U! l lt wnrlr. Dd the moHt ki:ied workmen emjiloytid, ARentii (or Maeury Liquid 'Tl l cnemicai comtjination or hoaii mixture. A Ilrnt claw article in an - i ' orderB promptly attended to. 1 Paint Shoti corner TMrdand Waehinrlon 8u., The DU feuv Qolumbia J-lotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular Houw U8 lately been thoroughly renovated ever prepared to furnish the bet I I.r.nlia 10 city, und at the very low te $1 a day. First-Class Mek r.n; i.t........ i n... ,u nnliOti'". vuicu ui iue liiai anu coininuuiuus n i n l..l... vt I .... tr i. VuIIhC Iir c - ! i ....! II.. lu til tW n uriu niiruiKD anu j-riueviii" i . til rnPT ami perBoni going 10 rriiie- lM ft.00 by going ou thin St2 V r All train atop it. i If' flh i r. td. PUlk put:. p.m. inn p'llls