The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 12, 1893, Image 3

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A Bis DriTe in Sour Dress
Continues this Week.
Of All Our Wash Fabri
pi j
? opportunity for economical people.
Prices will please everybody but ourselves.
all goods marked
in plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
nt Tli l)ntlf, Orecon,
mm malttir.
I.ix-nl 1 i'rlllnc
, t .r
t iNwnllnti. ntnl A Cimt.-
' .1 lllMTtlUtl
i t!..i,' IMtJfX!.
i ' .1 ltrr tlinn S o'clock
' llHV
land stated that the; receipts would not
pay for the freight and boxes, and eo the
fruit will he taken back and the owner
will tin1 them.
Mr. .las. Drown of .Mosier is in the
city today.
f . t t i. ...
... . . ; -ms-a launne urew leit tliirf morning
Adoiph Anderson, of forest drove, is for a short s-tav at Hood liiver.
Wrtht-r rir-'Ht.
U 'irfra' tmnlji four knurt rtidhtff at
-afnrJ.irand Mitulny fair and slightly
cooitr Paoui:. '
Eirometcr, 20.T(.
.V mum temperature, S2
J.'mnium temperature, 01.
River lil.C feet alje zero.
Wind, northwest.
I TT'li lit
AU(t. r.
iw baily nu l Weekly Chronicle may
tii . - .. .. . .
J ... rrKiiirui Ulirnll-
lelr lttiMirtrri.
II' kMi her in utie uir aUvti
With in .. . ..i
me w kc l'liini- imd told him tlmt
one Umimwl u bug Ml on bet Ux
making arrangements to father up from
uinong the fruit growers of the noijhbor-
hood and &hip to Chicago n carload of
jHaeh pltnn to lie Hold nt auction in the
Oregon department of the world' fair.
S. -. Clarke, the Salem fruit man of
wido reputation, has given assurance of
good prices and Mr. Anderson feels quite
mnguine. A refrigerator ear and cheap
rate- have been procured from the South
ern 1'uciilc company.
Mrs. Lionel Stasgc arrived in tile citv
yesterday and i a smcst at the Umatilla
I louse.
Mr. and Mr. John P.laser left this
morning for Sprague Landing for an
outing. ,
Mr. G. D. Snowdcn departed for Ta
coma this morning to visit his parents
i anu menus.
j Mrf. .1. II. Ward departed this morn
ing for Portland, and will visit friends
i in that citv and at Sheridan.
An IiiiIIiiii' Oriitiirj.
The Oregon National Guard eoei
- j-...s...v ,A'uii un.uaubi.otie,
ly ViCUU Ilv,
liayard & Harriett have borne attractive
, r - ui ineir place o
--. uin Hit? IIUIIUI Work- fit
. HuriUv
People ure uskinK for bread in various
I I'm UUUA L'U I Irf i fiMiiilit
uur I'uiriiiitii ,ti.,i...
TweutV hem! If .w,it 1
v iVVi Uil L L If II rif 1 Tilt i
; c--ep were fiiinoed to
-" wwnereen to be n aeed ir....,i
UKrr- " will add to the n..(
"'toi the bank eonsiderablv
vnori leaches the citv that a
-."owned yesterday at the Cas-
. ---""rutea 0,,y by tehM.mnl.i,.
r ii (,!, re,.,.jV(.,i . r I..H r.
, 0 -V'W York eirlw i.v . .....)... i
'lijf Ji.t- i .., , I..... .....
r.u then went to uni t- ... ..
and one an u Uuioir-
are Iho kind to tie to. .
ttrelej'H iiersevninm.i.
I... .
"TUH'li 11 .
:rl.r. i ,
- "rj l-V. Ilfi lnni.i. .
lU-dtn. V " riui:K IM per-
-d" il;t:"Uh-i-
. a,,'A HobertHon for a i.fin,i .........
iya our
u well
Lb V'..ii
, iv a ht Si,...u
."".r warned iu.i.,u
--x my w)l0 ... , -
' "ten Iimiw.u .i.. ; " ""km
1 ii.UV(Jm 1 1
tSSW J1"0 who
. 0Wa dead it, the fi.lnmi.i .
lo after nome
'f Mn .tZ ver.vW.uI.nUeH
'old, rl0kt'"' J, i "bout 00
''"Wtomlu t, . .
r. a ""wkw outof tho plum
-" ll II ill llttv l . .
" to th., t . ' uuxt'H w't, liHiiled
" .vi-v-ivcu irom rort-
The following coloquy took place on
one of our street corners last night be
tween a couple of Warm Spring Indian
on the present condition of national
affaire. Mr. Indian, who Sh one of the
best informed on the jolitical situation,
remarked that "Washington tjghe, Mr.
Cleveland, liius sick tumtutn. Yaka
clatawa cop a mil-chuck. Yaka iuas.
Yaka wake cumtux, alta lialo chicka
ni in, liala mumook, halo muckamuck.
Cotta alta?"
The sombre tihading of the
thoughm can hardly be expressed in
Knglish, but this is iih near as ue can
reproduce it : The president is heart
sick ; he has gone to the seacoast to get
away from hit) troubles, because he 18
afraid of them nnd don't know what to
do. He knows we have no money ; there
is no work, nor unything to eat. What
does it mean?
It Mmy Jlr Almu Mlllrr Vrt.
Deputy Sheritr Croner recently said,
speaking of the children found at Ku
gene: "The girl had tho marks on tho
nose, back of the head, and hip, which
were in the published description. I
am confident that she in the stolen
child, but us Miller would not come
down to identify her and as Compton
claimed her, wo had to give her up.
Compton was identiiled bv several as a
reputable citizen, but further than that
I know nothing of him, lie took both
children to Florence on Monday and said
that lie intended to keep them there."
It will bo remembered that tho girl
when arrested gave her name as Veir,
and her companion, a 4-year-old Iwy,
gave the same name. The girl said that
oho hud been stolen from her homo in
KiiHtern Oiegon by u man, and her story
agreed with that told by Miller of the
kidnapping of his child. They had been
sent to ICugene fiom Poise City, Idaho,
and a in. in named Compton was to meet
them at the depot. Compton did not
appear, unci tho olJleers took charge ol
the children. Mr. Croner telegraphed
notice oi the capture, together witli a
description of the child, to Mr. Miller
at h'uuiiiK'rville, but received no reply
until last Friday. In IiIh answer Mr.
Miller buid that the description of the
child could not be depended upon. I'll
tier tho Htatuto Croner was compelled to
turn the children over to Compton.
An AIIKtl l'ornr.
Mrs. .1. M. Patterson and family left
this morning for an outing at Collins
Landing and the hot springs
Mr. P. T. Sharp left this morning for
Portland to meet his daughter. Miss
Sharp, who is returning from California.
Mr. N. C. Kvans, one of Hood River's
prominent fruit growers, gave The
Chkomci.e office a pleasant call today.
Mr. Smith French returned Inst even
ing from the seaside, where his family
are enjoyimr the freshness of the ocean
i Mr. Nello Johnson returned this after
I noon from the Uonney sheep camp. He
i lias a fine brown complexion and is the
Indian's Iure " "earn..
Mrs. Wallace Pradford. who lias been
visiting her sister, Mrs. U. C. I'ease. in
Marshal Miuto of Kalom passed
through Portland this morning, having
Jii custody F. Dye, who 1h wanted at
Salem on a charge of forgery. He was
arrested a few davK ago at Astoria on
the request of the Salem olllcials, and
Marshal Mlnlo went down after him.
JJe left for Balem thla morning. Tele
Frank Dye is the parly who endeav
ored to publish a directory in J he Mullet) Mexican
a few weeks ugo. I no dutt.
this city, returned to her home in San
Francisco yesterday morning.
Misfcs Minnie and Pose Michell de
parted last evening for Pendleton, where
they will join a party of ladies ami gen
tlemen andisit the'Hinghum springs.
K. C. Warren of Dufur, who is in town
today, says spring wheat will average
eighteen "and winter wheat twenty-two
bushels to the acre. Heading in pro
gressing in a lively manner.
Mr. Clark O. Crandall of Kdgerton,
Wis., who has been visiting his cousin,
Mr. K. W. Crandall of this city, depart
ed for Portland and valley points this
morning. Mr. Crandall is quite in love
with our country, and especially our
Mr. C. W. Kmerson of Ten Mile is
in the city today. He informs us that
harvesting is in prok'reM and the indica
tion is that the spring wheat will avernire
alout eighteen bushels and winter wheat
about thirteen to fourteen bushels per
norm, akkiv.u.m.
Columbia 1 W Lewis. J Schrned,
Franklin Schrned, N A Keiner, .) M
MeClening, Cascade Locks; Henry
MeKamov and daughter, Win Donald
son, O D 'Smith, .1 P Donaldson, D L
Kavt, Hugh McGiirm, Portland; .1 C
Kush, J G Wyers, J! Cole, White
Salmon; George' lumber, Salem; (ieo
Iliddel, Seattle; Win ('ederton, 0cnr
ii... I. I'..i;l.i- I.- li1. I'ii. nil. ( inlill'ilililli' .
.1 Crocker, M Coats, Centerville; I'
Jones, .lames, Darker, Antelope: C Hj
Wilson Kingsley; C D Urooks, Denver;.
.1 IJ Morton, Mosier; A Johnson, Pen
dleton; G P Petai. Walla Walla; J P
iii.rrUini. Ifarest Grove: II F MiivIch. I
L-jrrauee, Kansas; C K Coppll, Hood
On Fifteen Mile. Aug. 8, lh'J'.l, to tho
wife of K. J5. Gilbretli, a daughter,
weight II '. pounds.
Vein- this eilv this morning, to the
wife of Mr. A. Y. Marsh, a son. j
flHKll.KMKK. liimMiWmttM'ffMlf'utiitliirkH ,
of nick iRiuliichu of tho nlt imimiIIj u t;.u, nnil
comiiioiirM tiikliiK Kiiiiiw'" luwlui'lio npnili
J lit'' IMirU 11 HI UH'I) lllMlllli'l'i
Rl.-ll,i.l I
Wllllti Tony riiul, ni nth In tin. M'nlot
of tlio .lotm Diiy.
A sail cafe of drowning occurred in
j the John Day river on the "th of this
; month, three miles below Burnt Ktuich,
at a point called John Day grade. Mac
Cnrnelt and Willie Tony, for ninufio
incut and to bathe tlieir horses, plunged
j in the water, where at this point, it. is
I about twenty-live feet deep, ' Garnet t
I making the Hist plunge oil a perpendlo
1 illar bank, his hore fulling on Ills head,
j throwing his rifler us he wont . Carnett
j being n good swimmer wis bothered but
little at the unexpected occurrence, and (
I was not confused in the least. Willie
i Tony thinking lie was in danger, urged
his horse in to the rescue. When almost
j within reaching distance, Carnett called
j to him to be careful, hi (Willie's horse)
j would strike, him. Williegavo a sudden
I jerk to his horse's bridle, and in the act
throwing him completely back. Both
were under the water, but soon the
i horse came to the surface feet up, but
I Willie did not rise for a minute, and
j then only the top of his head and one
farm. He did not seem to be struggling.
carnett hastened to the bank, throw
! aside his heavy clothing and made the
.attempt to save the drowning liov, but
! without success, lie could not find
, him. Mrs. Carnett, Willie's sister, had
been standing on the opposite bank and
i witnessed what she thought would prove
, fatal to both husband and brother. Her
j heartrending screams soon brought
' friends who did all that generous, lov
! ing hands could do to find the body that
evening, but without success. The next
.morning at 11 o'clock the body was
i found within a few feet of where it went
, dawn, and from bruises found on it, it is
I supposed the horse struck and stunned
him as they went down, and t lie cause
; of liia seeming to make no attempt to
save himself when he came to the sur
face of the water.
One more victim for the John Day
river, and which this time bereaves a
a widowed mother and deprives her of a
willing hand to assist her in her strug
gics ;or a livelihood, and a generous
laboier on her farm and among her
the funeial took place today at 11
o'clock, with services by the P.ev. Mr.
Moorhead. Thev placed his bodv be
side that of his father on the home farm
K. V. K.
MiTciini.i., Or., Aug. 8th, 1SSW.
'IV i tho People of Wasco County and Viiinity:
Owing to the recent Bank faiiuto In Huh city,
wo are compelled lo raise n eertuin amount of
tiionev within the next
60 DAYS.
Therefore, we will nive to all cash
customer. n chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . flX Alif PIGE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Lacez,
Store I.uljlit'tl at Fox.
At about 11 o'clock Saturday evening
J. F. Allen, who keeps a general mer
chandise store at Fox, Grant Co., was
aroused from his slumbers by some one
outside the store wanting in, they said,
to get some tobacco. When Mr. Allen
opened the door he was brought face to
face with two masked men, revolvers in
hand, and commanded to open his safe
and turn over the funds on hand, or
take instant death. Allen complied
with the request and was relieved of
$900 by the robbers, lie had just got
in the bulk of this money that day and
these fellows certainly knew It and
wished to make a stake while there was
yet some gold in the country. While
these men were securing the booty a
third party stood outside and held the
horses. A man by the name of Jack
Mosier, another man by the name of
Rider nnd John Crisinan have been ar
rested for the crime and had a prelimi
nary examination at Long Creek on
Tuesday and were bound over to appear
before the grand jury at the next term
of circuit court. They will doubtless
get to serve a term in tho pen, uh the
evidence against them is said to bo very
strong. A couple of women were also
implicated in the crime but they were
turned loose. Heppner Record.
Tlio Work of n 1'iciul.
Miss Lizzie Green, wiio lives near
Hamilton, Grant county, was brutally
outraged by a mini by the name of
Mel Dustin on Monday evening. Miss
Green was riding along the road about a
mile fiom her home, when she was
ovei taken by Dustin, who commanded
her lo stop and getll' her horee. Shu
refused to do this and Dustin grabbed
hold of her and pulled her oil" to tho
ground ami brutally assaulted her. She
managed to waik near enough to tho
house to make her cries for help hoard
and was carrio l in in a completely ex
Initiated condition. Dustin made good
his escape, but a posse of men U after
him, and should ho he caught ho will
likely dangle at tho end of a rope, brutcH aa
these, a..d this should be the punalty
udixed by law for tho punishment of
the perpetrators of such crimen. Hepp
ner Reconl.
Ask voiir dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
The amount required MUST be raised in do days.
S. &
Cor. Court and second sis.
The Dalles, Oregon
WW III oil!
; Dn Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions.
(Jests' pariri QooJ$,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in everv department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Her brin p'
'Terms Cash.
Familiar Faces in a Veto Place.
Late -Special Agent General Land 0kc.
Bayarci dfe Barnett,
Jf?e Ieal Instate, Ipap, Iiuraee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent,
Abstract of I ltle furnished, -will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall niiike
a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
Ixiforo tho Unitep States Land OHice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Millinery Goods
112 Socoiid Street.
At tho Old Stand,
.Soeond and Union Sts.
fiay, Graii), peed ai?d plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
fill goods delivered pi'ce and Promptly.
ti,,t 1 1 ii ii' I inn ciiiiivlnu
health hihI Imvomilmtl ti-n iiiuJ In wWkIiI
Youm er- i".
M. .A.s'in.s,
Ciiiw tli. Iiimii.
Hoi ill ln fur Ciiloini'l unit tliilnliif.
Simmons Liver Regulator, purely veg
etablo, Ih equal to blue iiiiinh or calomel, 'covered,
but without any of their Injurious prop
erlieH. Have tried it in u most mtlfefao
tory manner. Di:. J. H. Dowi .n,
Clinton, Gn.
Silver Stove Polish cautea
A recent itlsco cry hjr bit ott
jilijili.nii, Sucee tful'j
UulUt, U tlio n!y jK .ffctl
wfouiul reliable) iiicdlcluo ii'i-
Dowaro of uniirliicliilrd druwUta
oiler luftrlor nu'illcluea in blacoof ttiU. Auk tot
C'uuk'a Colltui Hoot Compound, take no ubtt(
tutc, or lucloao (1 and 0 ccuts in (o&tugo In letter
and wo will vend, i cnlod, by rut urn mall. Full vvulol
jiartl 'uluni In j'laln envelope, to ladles only, 3
ptuiui. Aildu j ! o ii d 1. 1 1 y IJ o in p a ii v,
Ko. Ii I'UIier Uloc!;. Dolroll. Ukh.
gold ill The Dulles by Huipw & K Inertly.
a r
The California Winehouse,
Is now upon, and its proprietor will 1 1 his honio
produced Wino at prices in tho roach of rvoryhody.
Also, hunt ruanuts to bo lbund. (Joods Miarantoud
to bo l'uro and First-Class in ovory respect.
Thompson's Addition. Q. BECF v