The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 12, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
From Wmlc.
Wamic, Aup 10, 1593.
Editor citBosictc
It may be that your readers would like
----- - - --- - ------ ----- to hear from the little town ol wamic
Entered t tne INwtofnce t The Illo. Orwoa, , SQ njrev situated about eight
us cond-cU5 matter. , .. i i,,i
- -jr-. miles from Barlow pate on the road lead-
srBSCRIPTlox KATES. ! a? from The Dalles across the mount-
BT HAIL. rOTAGE TRErAtZ). IS AOTASCS. j R. tQ Jie TJVlev. TitlS HttlC tOWn 1?
JSSthV. 5 o ! enjoying quite a "boom of late. As the
" .., ntw iuftnr thnn thev are
ri trails i'ib Jit-
3 f this year, while money is scarce as else
where, the farmers are all over smiles
and in the best of humor. Harvesting
will be about done this week, thou the
busy hum of the thresher will be heard
and" will thresh out more grain of a Sne
community before. or kails i yt;terdav was a dav of great impor-
traln? coins: East ,9 p. m. and 11 a. m. . , nmml.nitv. t,,
William Tell
Your Father that we sell
Dilly, 1 year.
Address all coQEiunicatioa to " THE CHRON
ICLE," The Dalle, Orccoa.
ornCE U0CE5
SS"1" tSiiquamythanwas ever harvested in
Smdiiv n " .. 9r. a:, toiua. m.
ritasc lor Goldendole
" rritierilie
" "rin!nruid Warrarprinr
' tLeavine for I.yle A Hartlaud
" tAntetorc
Except Snudav.
tTrl-weetlv. TudftV Thursday and ?aturday.
I "Monday Vtdue-day aad Friday.
5-sPiv. za.
5:80 a. ra.
Senator Dolph introduced a bill today '
tin r.t nnd .VSQ n. m.
vs S' I answer to a petition, unanimously signed
... . a. hv the citizens ot ttiree scnooi oniric.?.
our worth v school superintendent united
them into one district and yesterday was
the school meeting. Everything nas-ed
off very nicely. B. Savage. Tom Driver
and Win, Farlow were elected directors
and Frank Woodcock clerk. The I'atti
son hail, in the town ot Wamic, was pur-
AUG. 12. 1593
stvle for a
.,v.-,,1.;o.;r,r, 4ti-j iwi rvw fnr frirtifica-. chased anu titteu nn m goou
tions and other sea coast defenses, and . craded school to begin about October
$1 ,000.000 for the establishment of a gun ' nes: Our graded school
lorronmeiu -. ' nnclcns. around which the
Commenting on tne apove aispaicn,
will be a
people will
which will build up our town
the Capital Journal says: When e;- d . fa , a chance to educate
are is speuuiuj; ? lw,wu,uv'w i wi .. i . .
rt Tim, m
time o:
Btandins: armv anu navv :n
perfect peace, a bill hfee the above
seem? the height of folly. We need im
proved river and harbors, we need a
free rural mail delivery, we need postal
Bavings hanks nna postal teiegrapns, ; Gordon CRtrie5 R
-k naarl trio tolonlinn nrnnht tn thp l . . . selected stock 01 cooes ana
fendinz them
. t . t -r j .
reacn oi tne people, am we uu uu. c.. rt , ,.n, nn. Tirniinil htph
need S133.000.000 for forts on our coasts, , ; ' ' .. , .
. I I ' .
children without
'. away from home.
, The talk ou the streets this morning
is that the future prosperity of Wamic
is assured. The town is in a flourishing
condition. Our keen-eyed merchant
good and well
cfil 5 r.t n
A TV-muni's aim ,
is to look her best but she'll
never reach it without perfect
health. For perfect health, ,
take Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. All the func-!
tional irregularities and weak- j
nesses that make life misera- j
ble to women, are cured by it. 1
It's a powerful, invigorating
tonic, and a soothing and ,
strengthening nervinepurely j
vegetable, perfectly harmless, i
For ulcerations, displacements, ,
bearing-down sensations, un-J
natural discharges everv-
thafs known as a " fe-1
complaint " it's a posi- j
tive remedy. It's the only 1
one that's guaranteed to give
satisfaction in every case. It
costs you nothing, unless it
help.- you. You can afford to
try it, on these terms. Can
jou afford to neglect it?
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
EDasy-fitting Pants,
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Bovs' and Youth s
and a $1,000,000 gun factory. What j
He is postmaster. A daily
i i :
snan our cwuis u uucuuw -fca.uek. ,jyered t0 hL office wn5ch j
Who is there to shoot? lhese ques-i ...,
tions may sound impertinent irom an
editor to a senator, but the proposition
to create such expenditures when there
sre other reforms and improvements so
much more necessary, is also an impertinence.
man is ce
cleaalv and
The Spokane Review says. New
England workingmen are a deal more
moderate in their demands and expecta
tions than they were when the country
was booming under Harrison and Mc
Kinley. One of the largest manufac
tories in ilassachusetts has decided upon
elosine down for two months, anu tne i
i-i i . : .: e i i .1 i
Boston Herald declares that this "is ! lae muuse a uir.iltoeu
that is occupied every Sunday with ic-
Onr cemal host, seth Urovles. is now
prepared to feed the hungry, dirty
traveler ana his tired and jaded team or
the gentry from town that may come ,
this way. Mr?. Broyles keeps a nice,
cieau house, situated one block west o: ',
the graded schoolhouse. They are pre-.
pared to board by the dav or week. ;
teams or travelers. Price, To cents per
dny for meals sad lodging. Horses fed !
ithe Dalles
In every size, style and price.
e have a wagon and blacksmith shoi i -ive. a: i-in..rint. in thirtv-iix m-
combined, continually in operation, kep: !
lu"TlIe at n. in. evtry i:av. oil.! urn '.."
The DuUts- In thirtr-slx hour
Is called to the fact that
cheering news for 2,000 operatives who
expected a shutdown for four mouths."
It is a remarkable fact, but none the
less true, that there comes times when
increased prosperity merely aggravates
the growing discontent of the wage-earners.
On euch occasions adversity usually
comes along and brings the degree of
reason that fortune was powerlese to
Mr. Cleveland hasn't been long in
power, it is true, but like an honest
man he has shown his hand. In the
frankest and most unreserved way, says
the Klamath Star, he has uncovered the
bald and bowing pate of subserviency to
the money power. A great part of the
time of his new reign has been devoted
to considering the claims of office
hunters, but he has found time to haul
down the American flag in the Sand
wich islands
EOfipend the Gearr law all for the
ligious service. Elder Bonney is the
pastor of the A. C. church of which
is a large class.
In fact our town is suplied with all the
necessary appliances to make a large
town. We invite home seeker-this ay.
If you have money come. If pour itni
along. "For the poor ye always haw
with you" Bible. Yours for improve
ment. XX.
AdrertiMMi Letter.
Cariies (he C. S. Mail, Passengers and Exprest
Connect nt rriD-IIie vith-
Stasres from Eastern and Southern 0r
icon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
A.-" I'laki- elo-? connection nt The la:io wir
'ft !mm J'ortlaml nnd Eastern jkjii.Is
Confess dinsn.
(i4 zsoaaedaucjs alcag tne real
F;rsi-:l3;s CoacSs ant Hoisss nJd
. Ii5i;3 Eaii2i liaaiUd witt suKlal care
Hagh Glenn,
Dler in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kind.
Crrl- the Fluent Line of
Picture Mouldins
romrr Ham, USIOS STOCK YARDS, Chicago, Hit
The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in
the world, will hold his 0th extensive sale of west
ern branded horses for season 1S93, on
Entries should be made at once.
money power. Xow, if be fails to get Smith Eve
the plans of the gold gang carried
through the eenate, the golden calf will
butt his brains out !
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Saturday, August 12th, 1S93.
Persons calling for Game will give date
on which they were advertised :
Calkins O L Collier Mrs Marthv
Dodge P H English A
G E Gancele D Hutkan A L
Lister Hugh Lorance Miss Eva
Martin Phil Kuhl Mrs L
Pdr 2.
y John
Roth Wm E Roth J M
Irliel A- Co.' Store,
I'lUatlllH flouoe.
The l)alle.
ujeriuau nag iu ine canu- i jiumu x uu jvuiii .ur;
, discourage the work of ,n GS L r M-oksJ.
the Nicaragua canal and ?.arker AsiTy fl'ml
' , .. . . I Ramus Thos Mackav ..
A commission merchant of Portland,
writing to a fruit grower in Eugene,
states that the wholesale price this year
for Italian prunes will probably be about
12 cents, but may go above that. French
prunes will be about 10 cents. In ' severe
Rov Mrs Susan
Taylor Cora Taylor Jno A "2
Tworuev Jeremiah Thomas Robt E
Enable C M. T. Nolan, P. M.
Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of
Graphic, Tesarkana, Arkansas,
found what he believes to be the
remedy in existence for the flux
experience is well worth remembering.
He says: "Last summer I had a very
attack of flux. I tried almost
speaking of the outlook in years to come,
be states that it is his firm belief that
the price of Italian prunes in the next
five years will not go below 6 centE, and
he predicts the price will range from S
to 10 cents. French prunes, he thiuks,
will be cbeajier, and will probably be as
low as 3 cents.
There is every reason to expect
great number of visitors to the Pacific
coast the coming fall. 3Iany of these
will have had their attention called to
Oregon fruits at Chicago and all that
will be required to confirm their favor-'
able opinion will be a fruit fair here at
which they will he enabled to lee on a
broader scale what we produce. The 1
object of the fruit fair is not to benefit
or add glory to any individual locality
but to advance the material welfare of '
the state. I
every known remedy, none siring relief.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy was recommended to me.
I purchased a bottle nnd received aimo-t
immediate relief. I continued to usv
the medicine and was entirely cured.
I take pleasure in recommending thi
remedy to any person suffering wit;
such a disease, as in mv oninion it i tt.
a , best medicine m existence." nn1
cent bottles for sale by Iilnkeley ,.
Houghton, Drtisirists. in
lycli Valley Jl.illtr I' Mill.
Is in
J. F. FORD, Evangelist,
Of Moine, Iowa, writvs und:r Jt- nf
March 23. liM
S. B. Med. Mfg. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
GentUmtn :
On arriving home last week, 1 found
all well and "anxiously awaiting. Our
little cirl, eight and one-half years old.
who had wasted away to 36 pounds, is
now well, strong and Vigorous, and wel
fleshed up. S. B. Couch Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your s. B. Cough Cure lias cured
and kept away all hoarsene-s from me
So cive it to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishini: vou prosjeritv, we are
Yours, Mi:." & Mrs. J. F. Foi:n.
If vnu w!ib to feel fresh u:vl cbecrlul.Hiid rendjr
for the spring's work, cleame your fjmtcm with
the ifatdurhe nnd Liver Cure, by tnklut- twom
three dt ench week.
sold undr a po-ltlvt irunrHntee.
'J ent ier hottle by a'.I ilrutrUu.
To nt found in the City.
72 ILtashington Street.
(tTf. I'J. Jt.- - II- : ... .y r t . j n .
fllL. 1J Lfr L tLLC lit, LLl LI I IX L I J III llllWL 1 11 1 L II FL . Ill A 'T7 III Tl I IIHML
If " ' ' - - I " ' ' ' , ' . " - - ' " '
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
The Dalles
Gigaf : Factory
C A oi the n brands
VXVJ .XtO manufactured, and
ordera from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
1 FumicHrt
commote renair: aiwats Sn Gi,,n.
flour C'juai to t'ue best. A.i-oo.J s!,c
1.;!: feed
euarse anu nne ura- an- 11 itir,
etc. W. M. McColm i,
tn.u ..
Leali - Jeweler.
-'M K .UlKVT ! Tilt-
The reputatiou of THE DALLES CI-'
GAR has Income firmly established, and ;
the demand for the home manufactured :
article in increasing every day. j
W. ". M ILKMAN. WM. MAIMlEliS, ,
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-red ucod rate.
The Snug. is
President Cleveland left yeeterday for ,
Buzzard's Bay to remain until Septem-'
ber. His departure from the national i
capital is on account of declining health,
which ie the result of overwork and
mental anxiety.
' Kctl
The indications are favorable that 5ucta..tnl
farmers will realize a good yield of wheat ' 81.00 per Battle,
thiB harvest. But where is the indication
that they will realize the per bushel
promised on the election of Grover
Wood! Wood! Wood!
Beet quality fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave orders at 133 Second street or
orner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
Maieu & Bexto.y
Currfl CourIw, Hourneneiifibore Ttiroiit,
Croup promptly; rolloves lVlionpinirCotij;i
nnd Aminutt. F-r Canmtnitlun it hue nr.
rtval: hascurcd thousand where nil otlitn.
jailed! will cuui! roc 11 tnl.xn In time. Hold
ny liruBKlsrjion apnarantfKi. For Imm Hack
or Chest, uso 8lI.Oii'a I'JLAiBTUH. ctf
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
i an tf oiiii nt.
i Tilt. Dalle. Or.
The Boston Tailok
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Second Sreet, The DalleB Or. 1
Tl is uei, known stand, kept bv the j
we!i kn.wn W. If. Butte, long n'rtHi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herder's Deliztil and Irish Diiiorbane
In fact, all the leadi 1H briirifl fif fin ,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a call and vou will come at'ain
tfliseman & Warders,
Salooo and Wine Rooms
UK NKW TOWN hii Utn ilutt(tl on thp old cnmii friminl. Ht tlm Fr.rirk ,.,
1-Hlln of lUxtl river, with lurtu, nifhtly iitk,bnd Mr.rtunl hII-. Efxrfl t..U
niirliiert'Wutcr.wUhkhiKlulii iirofuxion, iwrlft (lriilniiR1flvlii;lif u I inouiitint.
climiiU:, Uitfcntml iittriictlon an mountain nuimucr rowirt for nil Oreeoii.
liciiiK the inar.'ht town to Ml. llool. It t uiiimrii!U-lt.- m a iiimiufncturlnx
center, holwr the iiutuml lenter for ISO xuin mlkn of the cwlar iiud ' i
timlr, k.iIiik .f horK-jKm-r lit It lHhlue utriiunii w '
fullk, eiully liorr i h. it. im.thi ik.iht txiktH, thi-n Hit' n
fn'-terif will tontT,kurnmn(lfl b wjII mi, I climate tlwt eunii"' i4 n- i
Kliyw hurt for fruit unil uKrn-,iltnr-. unl with trit tt ,rtnt . , 'ci. i "
you will hnd thit the ,Ititr ti n.uki' it irftct home or a yvy ji.k ' "i"
See me on the ground, oi
j address me at Hood River
"Wasco County, Oregon
The Dalles,
QteSP E M E D Y.
llaVU Villi I itfurt-Vi 4 rphfa f.
3St End Second St. I NorthweHt corner of Second and
Suits Made to Order from I trt'etfc-
$18.00 un. """ T7.
Pants from $5.00 up. j-&gS IOr iatCHing
j From thoroughbred fowls.
W. RossWinans.
Pipe Wort, Tin Bepalrs ana
lrfct Fit ;oruoli,i,(l.
Art Teacher!
(ocaio cure vou. J'rlooJ -eta. Ji: Kfuor irr.i
Vut umlehy jnlj KlhcMly.
lioom 3, Jtetthi'jen lSuOdimj,
IflVO U'.t,M .Mnrtac. aI1rt Tim
-- , Mill HUH
e cb wteit, w iU:uvt If Utnlrwl,
mluy of
13 I L'L'8.
L'6 et'6
Addrewb :
k. m. HAKKiMAK. 'Shop on Third Strcot, noxt floor west of Young & Kul
Kndertiby, (lr
BlackBinitli Shop.