The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 12, 1893, Image 1

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    el)c Dnllco
, i
fbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
II v
H,ni nd WaahlnRton HtrtMitu, The
' Dulles Orccon.
Term of Hubacrlpllon
. ...16 00
.,, 1145 I'. M.
l)caru M;M 1. m.
wriiT liOUNIi
Depart a. .
'r-.lo-u tMcbt U.Hl tarry
w MMVlUe, vl. Hake Oven, leave dally
'l'Mv, Mltrhcll. Canyon City, leave
"&mi& Klne-lev. Wamlc, Wapinltlii, Warm
'S w vi'. leave dally, except
Vh . leave every day ol the
SSStouT hnU -'t tV.o-tTn.KtnU Ho
It MDOKI.l ATTtir.ssv-AT Law Ofllce
. Court ritm't, The Halle, Oregon.
Tire Uuitdlajr, hutrauce on WanhlncUm Street
The lllw, 0:fEn-
A. kUlra. The
r.ritU. ..IIfSTlN(ITOK. II. H. Wll01.
vtriiT UW Ottice, Kruticb'a block over
flnt National Hank, i Hallea. Oregon.
U- )I HllMIS Art 0KNrT-AT-l.AW -Koom
. French A Co. batik building, Beoond
ret, lhcliile,OrtRou.
K. KaHlilAN (HoMtorATluci 1'hymcian
ma BDS'IEO!". l.;ll auawrr ijiuuiyi'j;
JiTornlpht,i:Uy oreouutry. Offloe No. a, and
I? Chapman block. w"
sior OClce, room 0 and 6 Chapman
311. ItMloem-e h. K. corner 'kwrt and
fourtii ttrvcU, w 'ltd door Innu the eonicr.
Otee hmirn V to 12 A.M., 2 to & iind 7 to i I. M.
vlUiALI Dkntiht. dat. rivcii lor the
tMit.lumi extraction of teeth. A Uo teeth
viur. Si wed r. '.u.tnuin plute Koonu nlRli 01
t Widen Tooth, Eocoud Btxect.
TAii'0 IAUMiK, SO 15, A. 1". .V A. M.- Meeta
urst third Monday of inch mouth ut 7
MeoU in Mnminte Hull tliwthltd Wuduewluy
ol each monUi at" 1'. M.
Mt. Hi mi Cniin.No.i5,MW!tTucwliiyuveU-
iukuii'hui rv. in r raicriiuy ttau, ut7;:u ji, m.
COLl'MUIA WlHiU, NO. 5, I. 0. O. P.-MeiU
, , every Kndny evei'ltiK nt 7 :o-tlcaiV,Jn K.
,i ' ,'or,aT eeond und Court Ktreetn.
En'joniiiint; uriiiuurB are welcome.
H. CLOUUII, Bco'y. II. A. 111LL,:;. O.
pKIKNDSlin' LODGK, NO. ., K. of l'.-Mw th
i mmcrvi v-onri una hucoiid
V. . ' l,;uu"i"K ineiuuera are cordially In.
"llu-v . W. a. t-KAM,
D. W Vauhk, K. of It. and H. c. .
A 8HKMBI.Y NO. K. OK U-.Mwt(, lu IT.
"'' !l"ia ""'l fourth Wuinei..
1J ol each month at 7:13 p, in.
tSoVi,:'r'" '"tT1 VYKT rldny afternoon
MSoclwk at the reudlncroom. Allure lnvltoa.
Harmon lodj-o No. MI, I. o. O. T.-Ucrulnr
'nleriilty flail. All are itivltM.
U.tlii;iHMAN,C.T. K. C Klcck, 8o
TMl'I.K I.ODOK NO. 3, A. O. U.VV -TeU
"riiursday evenlnga at7::i.
M. W.
Mvkkh, Klnaneler.
TA8. NK.riMITH I'OBT, No. ff.', (1. A. K -M.vta
gjjWwj brtuiU.y at 7:8) h ..iln thK.o?l
Hhk.if KliaUTUry Sulltl"y "Iternooii In
H.oIlJ .'.,.'.'.lltll:,.r,,t'" third Wl
-,; """' in , :ju r, u.
venl,,B l the K. of lV Hull. " ""UI"
THK CllimcillCH.
- lliV, m u every Humliiy at
S'ttSWi'i .!!!"v .?.
' Hi da, V V, 1 ." "U,t'll1l, Uw:t'f Ktf vices
h'ioliu5 i ni nd: '"'I, 7!1) f. M. Hun.lay
7:80 A kveuliijr J'ruyer on Kriday at
Iiettm ol CrKlit issued available; in m j
Eastern State.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago, St.
I)tii, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all oints on fav
orable terms.
National Bank,
President -Vice-Precident,
7i. F. Moody Hilton
M. A. Moody
General Bankini; Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
H. M. 1IIAU.
First Rational Bank.
A General Hanking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, Ran Francisco and Portland.
what a comfort it h to
have ready at hand a
remedy that never fails
to relievo Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately cures head
aches, and dispels every
symptom of l)yspep.-'ia.
Such a remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Regu
lator not a sweetened
compound to nauseate, or
an intoxicating beverage
to cultivate an alcoholic
appetite, but a medicine
pleasant to tho taste, and
perfectly harmless when
given to the Mnalle.-t
child. S. L. B. never
disappoints. It possesses
the virtues ami perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of the kind
eminent physicians.
"It nlTonls mo pleasure to add my testi
mony to those you receh annually In
reference to your vnluublc medicine, i
'oriMder Simmons Liver Regulator the
est lamlly medicine on the market. I
Have prescribed It with excellent results."
W t I'aiik, M.D., Tracy City, Teen.
"The Regulator Line"
I). P. Thomi-hon. J.VO. S. Schxncx.
Ei. M. Williams. Geo. A. Lieiik.
H. M. Beall.
Biacksmitn & wagon stiop
"i at 'ti ) Mi,'I'ik servloa every Bub-
'"'mini ifii 'ft'V1 ,l,u'r "tornliiK wrvlccH.
" U EK 2. vi"y e,veJK '. real.
hM uiiiou KTvlct In tho court houbo at
Gfiieraf Illacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tbird Street, opp. Liebe's old Stand.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his lino at
reasonable figures. Has tho
lurgttit honsn moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles
: : JEWELER : :
Watchea and Jewelry repaired to order on
abort notice, aim MUiniacuuu iumu-
Htur of I.O. Nlckclarn, Sil Ht.TIm Hll"
Chas. Allison,
Dealer In
Tie Dalles, PorUanl and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freirjiit ana PassengerLine
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at a. m. connecting at Cascade
JK'ks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dockj at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One war 2.00
Round tri 3.00
Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Baggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock (shipments eolicted.
Cull on or address,
Oeueral Agent.
General ManaRer.
"lOHflltivi v
ervlfte hir..',.' ' H,'"'"y Kohool ('iter mornliiK
KtraiiKorKcordlaily JuvUwl. 8eSu"r"e.
M. viSfeJ'.'
ymiijuy m.h(M1 " ".'""'v '"ornuiKiiui a. ni,
a c wj . ir" u,.c,0"k " M;, :ivorth
U. u-teiule.I by both pnator and ioplu
ruiKtHTiAv " "
V I astor U, V"". ' ,. JKNKIHH,
Chuteii t",'i, i'1-'" tllu Cuncrrcuttunul
hurcl, , l-" "'"K I" the Cunnrctratloiiul
Wlttlllnvi,"1 V"y " a r ,VU ttrw
rn'llfii,torlhiLBU f hureh, Ninth .trett, Jtev?A.
tat, m-mP-m. A cordial weleom to wvery
Headquartors at Oliae. Lauer's.
it.... ti..., . iIiim 1,,,1'vf.i i,( mitiiral Ice the
beat In tho world, I run preparwl to furni"li In
tiny imautlty and ut bottom price.
Dry Goods
p Qlothing
Huoti, tilioea, Ilt, Kte.
Fancy Ijood fJofcion,
Ktc Ktc, Kte.
Seoond St., The Dalle.
pfesh Paint!
W. C. (JILDKHT hereby mud
I1U eoniplluienti. to every Irlend
And enemy-If ho ha any
lie they lew or ho they many.
Tho time for piiiutluK now ban corns,
And every olio denirea a homo
That looks fresh and clean and new,
Ab none but a koihI painter can do.
I'HlntliiK, twiiorluK and glaxing, too,
Will niiiku your old Iioumj lw)k quitti new.
He will take your work either way,
Uy the job or by the day.
If vou have work k'lvo him a call,
lle''ll take your orders, largo ordinal).
1', 0. ilox No. 3,
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable house
has been entirely refurnished, und every
room has been repapcred and repaints
and newly carpeted throughout, ihe
house contains 170 rooms and is supplied
with every modern convenience. t
reasonable. A good restaurant attached
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
trftinH C. W. KNOWLE8, Prop.
Au Argument Reached on tbc Silyer
Will He Debated in the House Fourteen
Days A Vote To Be Taken Au
gust 28th.
Washington, Aug. II. The confer
ence of the silver nnd anti-silver men
has reached an agreement by which gen
oral debate on the bill for repeal of tho
purchase clause of the Sherman act will
be limited to eleven days. This will be
followed bv a debate of three davs under
the five-minutejrule, when voting will
begin on the bill and the various silver
The present arrangement is that the
repeal bill will be introduced in the
house today ; that an accompanying res
olution shall prescribe the method of
procedure and general debate begin at
once. If carried out, this programme
will bring the house to a vote on bill
andaniendments August 28th.
The silver men's part of the pro
gramme is to offer first a substitute
looking to free coinage at the present
ratio ; if defeated, votes will be taken on
amendments fixing the ratio at 17, 18,
19 and 20, in order, and finally, if these
fail, upon the island-Allison act.
Debate Iteon on Mm Hilt for an Un
conditional Itepeal.
Washington, Aug. 11. On the assem
bling of the house, immediately after
reading the journal, Wilson, democrat,
of West Virginia, introduced the repeal
At 1 p. m. Raynor, democrat, of Mary
land, began the debate in support of the
Wilson bill for an unconditional repeal
of the silver purchase clause of the Sher
man act.
Raynor eaid the adoption of free coin
age would tie the United States to the
tail of any bankrupt nation of the world.
Opening the mints to silver might for a
time maintain a fictitious value of coin,
but the value of the bullion would
always be regulated by the market price.
As long as the Sherman silver act re
mains on the statute books so long will
it be impossible to effect international
arrangements; to long will monetary
conferences result in failure.
Raynor said that what kept silver and
gold at a parity was the misplaced con
fidence of the people, if the real condi
tion of the treasury was known there
would bo no necessity for a repeal of the
Sherman law; it would repeal itself.
The constitution nowhere establishes
gold ami silver as the money of the
country ; there was no obligation to coin
silver nor purchaeo and store It for tho
benefit of the miner. While referring to
the democratic platform, Raynor spoke
as follows:
"I know the declarations of that docu
ment have been differently construed,
according to the views of the gentlemen
expounding them. As for me, in this
supremo hour of my country's need, I
am not blinded or intimidated by the
glittering words of the convention's
Hlniul, rising to open for free coinage,
expressed regret that a number of gen
tlemen, of whom the speaker who had
1USI Sal (low JI wiib unu ui mu must, ,;uiu-
ble, had seen lit to cliango tiielr posi
tion upon this questioa, to abandon a
large portion of the voters who had
aided in giving them the seats they
occupy, and to turn thoir faces to tho
east and their backs to tho west. As to
the declarations in tho democratic plat
form, IJland asserted it was the under
standing that the free coinage of silver
necessarily meant a repeal of tho Sher
man law; tho two tiro fo antagonistic
they cannot exist at tho sumo time
"Hut we are met now with it suggestion
that wo legislate piecemeal; to repeal
the Sherman law and take our chances
in securing anything in its place which
shall meet the pledge of tho platform to
coin both silver and gold. This is be
cause a panic is upon us. Tho voting
masses of tho country," said island,
'may becomo panic-stricken election
day ; if tlioy do, I'm ufruid thoso gentle
men will feel tho force of that panic."
Hland then sketched briefly the history
of tho financial legislation of recent
Ainvrleuii Wlieut drop Hliort.
Washington, 1). 0., Aug. JO. The
August report of tho statistician of tho
department of agriculture shows that
there hus been a considerable falling off
in the condition of spring wheat since
hist month, amounting to something
over ten points, the averagt condition of
tho present month being sixty-seven, as
against 77.4 for the mouth of July. This
decline of ten points is the result of too
high temperature and a deficient rain
fall. In tho spring wheat states drought
is prevalent over an extensive area and
has done much damage. Much injury
also has been done this crop by chinch
bugs und rust in several states.
Republican Henatnra KlllbaaterhiK.
Washington, Aug. 11. The brief pro
ceedinga in tho senate yesterday, com
ing after the action of the day before,
indicate that the parties in the senate
are beginning to lino up. ihere Is a
slight disaffection on tho republican side
on the part of a few silver men, but
generally they have adopted a policy of
annoying their opponents by iosisting
upon the immediate disposition of tho
silver question, therefore resisting every
motion to adjourn by calling lor the yeas
and nays to put the senators on record.
One of the republican leaders in
financial matters said they would keep
to this lino of action until the majority
were obliged to proceed to business. lie
insisted that the democrats could not
charge the republicans with partisan
ship, inasmuch as they were simply
trying to give immediate efiect to the
president's suggestions in the message.
A New 1'hnae.
Washington, Aug. 10. Anew phase of
the silver question was presented today,
in the shape of an apparently authorized
proposition from London bankers, backed
by the English government, to leading
New York financiers, in which it was
asserted that if the United States
would maintain the present Sherman
law on the statute books, England
would renew the free coinage of silver
in India, at'.the increased ratio of 24tol.
The most painstaking search fails to
nroduce a single senator who ever
heard the idea suggested, and when the
proposition was unfolded it was eeen
that both thf? silver and anti-silver ad
vocates were opposed to it. Senator
Teller, when questioned, said :
"Coming as it does from an English
source, the president might very
naturally be expected to agree to it.
Anvthing that England wants meets his
approval, apparently."
However, ho did not creatt the story.
China Replina to l'.ushla.
London, Aug. 11. The Chinese gov
ernment, replying to Russia's recent
leniand for an explanation of the mass
ing of Chinese troops on the frontiers of
tho Pamir, says China intends to occupy
only the Chinese Pamir from which she
will not recede an inch. The note adds
that China does not interfere with
Russia's occupying other parts of the
Pamir, but hopes Russia will confine
her operations to thoso parts.
Three Young Ol rl lrownml.
New Yoiik, Aug. 11. Edith Flay,
Lizzie Pond and Ella Johnson, aged 10,
1 and 17 respectively, were daowned in
the bay while bathing off tho foot of
West Forty-first street at G o'clock last
evening. The Domes wero recovered.
Fleeing from Yellow Jack.
Nashville, Tenn., Aug 11. Two hun
dred refugees from Pensacola and other
points, fleeing from tho rumored yellow
fever, arrived here laEt night. Soaio
stopped here and others went further
Cleveland Unused In Hill By.
Golden, Colo,, Aug. 10.-- President
Cleveland was hanged in elllgy last night
by free-silver enthusiasts.
riie success of Mrs. Annie M, Ream,
of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in tho
treatment of dhirrhiea in her children
will undoubtedly bo of interest to many
mothers. She says: "I spent several
weeks in Johnstown, Pa,, after tho great
Hood, on account of my husband being
employed there. Wo hud Bovera! chil
dren with us, two ol whom took tho
liarrhd'ii very badly. 1 got Homo of
Chumborlaiii's Colic, Cholera, and
Diarrhu'a Remedv from Rev. Mr. Chap
man. It cured both of them. I know
of several cases where it was equally
successful. I think it cannot be excelled
and cheerfully recommend it." 25 and
50 cent bottles for mlo by Jslukoloy &
Houghton, Druggists. 1m.
Itouril mill ICooni for l'tipl!.
Two furnished rooms to lot with
board -for pupils. Inquire at this ollico.
Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach at
Endersby this evening and at Dufur to
morrow, both morning and evening.
Christian church services will bo held
in the Congregational church tomorrow
at 3 p. m. Elder G. II. Rarnett will
The Baptist church, Rev. 0. D. Tay
lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school
follows th is service. There will be no
evening service.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner of
Washington and Fifth streets, Rev. J.
Whisler, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. m.,
and 8 p. m by the pastor. Sunday
school after morning Bervice; Junior
League at 5 :30 p. m. ; Ep worth League
at 7 p. in. ; class meeting Sunday at 10
a. m. and Tuesday at 8 p. m. ; prayer
meeting Thursday atS p. m. Seats free.
A cordial welcome to all.
First Congregational church, corner
Court and Fifth Btrects, Rev. W. C.
Curtis, pastor. Services as follows on
Sunday: At 11 a. m. worship and
a sermon, bunclay school immediately
after the morning service. Yountr
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
0:30 p. m. Topic, "How Much Have
We Borne for Christ," Acta xxi, 30-36;
Phil, i, 29. All not worshipping else
where are cordially invited to worship
with us. No evening service.
He given Ilia Iteaann for Leaving;
Washington, Aug. 11. The following
statement made by the president was
given for publication this afternoon :
My absence from the capital at this
time may excite Bouie surprise in view of
tho intense interest in the subject now
awaiting the determination of congress.
Though my views and recommendations
already have been officially submitted to
that body, and though I am by no means
certain I could further aid in bringing
about the result which seems so neces
sary, it would be a great satisfaction to
me if I could remain at the scene of
notion. But whether I am bore or else
where I shall look with hope and confi
dence to tho action of thoso npon whom
the responsibility now rests, of relieving
our people from their presont dangers
and difficulties. I am going back to my
summer homo at tho seashore, because I
am not sufficiently rested from the strain
to which 1 have been subjected 6ince
the '1th of March to fit mc again to
tssume the duties und labors which
await mo here. I havo been counseled
by thoso whoso opinion I cannot disre
gard that the further rest I contemplate
is absolutely necessary to my health and
strength. ' I shall remain away during
the mouth of August, and devote myself
to rest and outdoor recreation. My
days' doings will be devoid of interest to
the public, and I ahull bo exceedingly
pleased if I can be free from the atten
tions of newspaper correspondents.
What Your Great (iriuxlniother Did.
She hetcheled the flax and carded tho
wool, and wove the linen, and spun the
tow, and made the clothes for her hus
band and ten children. She nmdo but
ter und cheese, sho dipped tallow can-
lies to light the house at night, and she
cooked all the food for her household by
an open fire-place and a brick oven.
Yes; and when she was forty years of
ago, sho was already an old lady whose
best days wore over. Her shouldors
wero bout and her joints onlargod by
hard labor, and she woro spectacles and
a cap. Her great granddaughter, with
all tho modem conveniences for com
fort, refinement and luxury, may bo aa
charming und attractive at forty-five U9
at twenty. Especially in this true if she
preserves her houlth and beauty by the
use of Dr. I'iorce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, which wards oil' all femiilo ail
ments and irregularities, cures them if
they already exist, keops tho life cur
rout healthful ami vigorous, and una
ublcd tho woman of middle ago to re
tain the freshness of girlhood upon
brow and cheek, the light of youth in
hot eyes, and its elasticity in her step.
Sold by all druggists.
Shiloh'H cure, the Groat Cough ami
Croup Cure, is for tulo by Snipos & Kin
ersly. Pocket ul.o contains twunty-llvo
doses, only 25c, Children love it. Sold
by Snipes & Kinorsly.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.