The Mes Daily Chronicle. TI1K HAI.l.K- OttKC.ON A ROYAL OCULIST. Tlic Grand Work Hone hy VuUv Cart The odor nf Uavnrln. Duke Carl Thexlor of Havana now has three ho.pita'; in active service for persons MiiTerinc: from diseases of the eyes. One is at Meraa. another at Munich, and a third at Tegvrnsee. At this, last he passes most of hit. time. Toor patients are treated without cost. The Fifth Annual F'H'I'R OF THE SecoDi Eastern Orepn District AoTicultural Society. L. I' v. ri : ;:r m ; vr THE DflliliES, OREGON H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. x if October 10th, 1893, Oontimiinr five dav?. . Devitlodly the Fine-t Line of Gents' Fiiiiisliin.g Good Tnntks and Valises, ete., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES OIL OR A. S. MCALLISTER, rresidei.t THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The CiirruRntcil ltullilliic nrxt Dour to Court IIur J. O. MACK, ? DCKE C.UII. TIIUODOK OF BAVAIUA. and all payments by those who can afford to make them are employed for the pood of the poor of the district. The duke is a greneral in the Bavarian army, and is the brother of the em press of Austria. In he married as his second wife Princess Maria Josepha of Drairanra, who assists him in his charitable work. His eldest daarhter by this .-econd marriage is Princess Sophie, born in 1;75. She has Inherited her father's skill, and is his principal assistant in his work as an oculist. The duke always eaters his consulting room by seven o'clock in the morning-: and the youn prin cess takes her share in soothing the snSerers and enters with enthusiasm into the charitable work. As an ex ample of the duke's skill, it may be mentioned that he recently removed a splinter of iron from the eye of an iron turner, an operation which had defied the skill of several other oculist-. The duke is the heir presumptive to the throne of the palatinate of Bavaria, as his elder brother, Ludwig. who married a commoner, has renounced bis riffht. Is the Season jg7 Mai Of the Year 1 Olhen 3 Judicious Advertising Pays. HanQsomcly Fnmisliefl Booms to Rent by the Day, Week or Mouth. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men 6 UeeKly ropiel AT S2.25 PER ANNUM. rCf-Uv Stvliil n'Miiarni-i.t- with tin' tuibiiMicrs of o'n1 of the Wl MhkhzIiioi, huh i.uMi.v lire UJIlvini .1- tii'i.. - . McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O YEAR to eu-rproc tt 'i ffii- "ii ' Mank form, iiml sciullni; It to u, tlicrcliy ulMcrii,i6jh The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US. JbUr ASER, Proprietor. J. O. MACK, I F1(E WlEg and LIQUOR j DOMESTIC Ao KEY WEST CIGARS THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET. : THE DALLKs, OK. 1 Date I I I I CityStables, f Publishers CHIWA'TCLE, The Dalles, Or.: You will please send to my aiidress the DAILY CJJlxOMCLE for J2 months from date, for which I agree io pay 00 ets. a mon th, it being understood that vou ure'to hare sent to my address for J year, without extra charge, MeC LUBE'S MAGAZINE, commencing with the current number. Name, .Id dress i i CALL AT OUR OFFICE I in id mv the tuiturlainlti;; and flnel illustrated McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which tin uniting it)- routrfbutor the incwt Umon author In America mid Dipmwl, lnelu&i HUCu WTIltT an tin- iPiuniifk ;rham & Robertson Propriptors Corner of Fourth and Federal t., The Dalit, Oregon. R. L. Stevcncon, i Rmlyard Kipling, A. Couiin Doyle, , Octavo Thanet, i William Dean Houet!,-, Bret Ilarte, Clark Rust-ell, i Joel Chandler Harris Thomiii Hardv, Hamlin Gariimd .1. T. TrowbriJije, I'rof. K. S. W.tlvu, .leiome 11. Jerome. I'rof. C. A. Youiik, France.'' Hi)d'M)ti Ihirnett, H. II. Hoyeuen Theodore Huos-ewlr, Kobert Barr, Joaquin Miller, Henry M. Stanley, Oilhert Parker, Archibald Forle, John Burrotiirhc, Andrew Uuij:, H ARTIC CANDY FACTORY . Lruiter. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has caiued rapidlv ic popular favor, until now it i-- clearly in tiie lead S0DA W ATEE AND IOi Ofiijiii. amonp pure.niedicinal tonics and aher siavlrei containing nothing which psr ninhs its tire :s u Leverage or intoxicant, tit -is Tcsojjnized as thr best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick Iiead- jtfJm, iidisestion, constipation ano. drive pln materia troci the svstenj. satisiaction Candies and Nuts at rhfl alf J f'uutatiut:. WMkLSpecialties!wH lest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles ' These Stables have Oil hand the finest Livei'V in Eastern i Mrs.Kobt.lx)tiisSteven-on,Ciimile Flammarion, Surah Orne .lewett Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single "iSSS"1 &Wf&ni. w.' t uSiSyT' or Double Hiss, closed Hacks ir Carriages dav or nijiht. Heriie.-t d. Vhi. Edward Everett Hale. dipt, chnrh- Kim: c Elisabeth Stuart l'lteip". Louise Chandler Moulton, 1 Kuch nuraJxT nf McCLURE'S MAGAZINE itmtaln tno bimdiKimcy lllunt'sttd lnteftl wllh kticlt InuinUK jKtijilc r.k Julec Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Alphonse DamJet, Frances Holi:sou Burnutt, Thomas A. Edison, Caudle r lunmiarion Tissandier, the famous F. Hopkiuson Smith, Edward Everett Hale, French Balloonist, H. II. Bovesen, I'rof. Graham Bell. mid tunny nther. liitvc fumlslird mnti'rlal for fwelnlly iirt'iiaritl Interview! which will pitf MORE ROOM. Also, citu furutsh First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight vine leaius, navjnc nuueu to ineir staoies targe leetiinc unu wagon room. Commercial Patronaae Solicitei Fully HlUKtratcd ntntlt wll 2 3 8- 2i Stree J.FOLCO At nrh: s:de Mr. Obar-' . ..rcarnnii.! with each bottle or the -maDfy wi!! be refunded. Price oniy oOc. -ex bottle. So'd by Snipes & Kinersly. j , Notlce- t The Dalles Daily Chronicle. AH persons having accounts and hold-, ing certificates ot deposit with the First ' p JAS A JAMILT 0: Isational bank of this, city, will please Q) 2000 EEADEES Cull a. lilt' Ui'.uc un iiiuiici: jjc. luiuiiig , tr, thp fnre!imr. Also nersons who are Tier rwii The - fc.-K... : tt nd indebted to the bank on over draft notes m)iT iiabie ew And tar rid :: TheDhlles Wasco County. Oregon. which are past due or about to become t tha u ia tbv vf TttBt ls w-at tB,; due will pleae call fhrooicie aa n-valuable ad' m mz mtl:jin. -T. . r . Tin. njirkTOt,, K ri ? . s 1 ... The newispajr :h firwidte L- thfc oa Vationai. Bant EiAiuxER Stagge. tri! u( el"rf.M:rf STnVnW- VitnlJPr ! vchut vnn nrH. fn- f todaT wsaomic xrhn they de;:e tf , ,. ,", 'retch tse ieople. Whea thev irani your trade dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or ; aanmenVi ,riU te ioaui lahv kidney trouble. It is uuaranteed to Lo,jt over oar columns and obrvt the ver-fica-gsve you satisfaction. Prie 74c. Sold 1 tioc of the uth of tc? asrertion. Eemeaibor, bv Snipes & Kinerslv, drngpists. 1 z a 01 a faCi".T ol tw" wotnd 1 ' (W) 1 worth ciiln? for through thex- A Grrat Convenience. j colursns. vai:ai:y (, ct our very Worlds fair visitors travellt . i t : r-r : ! j u.wiern ruiziuv r.isuruiiu, unu jscuu- i eic Central line, are landed at the Paid ' i Central station in Chicago. ' T U C Daily Evenir.r rhror.i;e i? rwosmi2i ; ' I flL" eS'tentia'ly the h'ni paf.-r for tat- eHOMEoSr1 a bud , citizen watch tne columns Ln n Ti nrn the spiciest looal news. It r rV V ill v This niacniScent fire-proof building, ' lialiis rnr foli located in the heart of the citv has been If?,?":'?" .S?"?9. fitted up as a hotel, rnnon the Euroiwan : dniiyfor plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely 1 rrUTW. ' furnished and each room is supplied yu who dot':: try wmeo.'iu preaamrc oaers. with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. ' The charges for accommodations are Fron! TEBlCIRflli Or INTERIOR PoiDtS reasonable and parties can secure rooms ' in advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific railroad. By taking the Northern Pucific through car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer in that citv. and can also travel liKr.n the Grand Central station and world's I RJ 1 1R07 D fair grounds by trains which run direct ' between the two points. 2tdlwlm-7-12 . u 2 dinger & Bone's stages en route to !T0 ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. THE i lien Faic where one can reach Alt. Hood in a few j iiours anu get tteir mail and provisions daily. i'tewd It rcai Thnact (Ur is tat ;-ttr to j Cloud Cap Inn will locate earners at the ' n u tb best fishing point in Hood River vallev, ' 'Ubciei iTauwej c fft panl and dhicaao ! NOTICE. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna ' Brooks, has, without just cause or prov- ocation, left ray lxnl and board, against) ray wishes and consent, and refuses to rufnrn nr fnrfln.i- l!..u ...t. T I. 1 I . .... . ...v.. ,v o,u 1UC, X J1CICUV ISO CHA.SOK Or CA1U.J Corapoed of fcicinr Cars nnjisrpw?i J-OL nan Drawing o!wv.-; uJ iaa.; fju.jti.ui TOURIST SLEEPING CA1I5 .. i-v..;vmj uvi tu kuc uit any ' swjiaiau'jaiiiip.j are u tr rxw and rnrnuofrc -credit on my account, as I will not pay any bills of her coutractiug after this date. Caleb Beooks. Dalles City, Or., July 19, 1893.da)Wcw4t WOOD, 1VOOIJ, wood, Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters k Co. Office Second and Jeffer Eon streets. lor holder ol Vim asd Seeond-c! Ticket, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES PHOTOGRAPHER First premium t tbe Wmco county sir lor beat portrait and viewi. A cpntltmouk line, connecting with ull llnw affording direct and uninterrupted nervlce Pullman Blewper rejervntlons can bo seemed la advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS MM knclaud and Kuro( can be purchased at any ticket offlw of the company ' Full Information coneemlnp rate, time ot tralm, routea and other detalU furnlihed on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Atent D. Y . dt A. J.'av. Co., Begulator ofUce, Tin Dmllw, Or., or A. D. CHARLTON, Am'U General Pauecger At., 1-ortlaad, jf. The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at tho ksnd f navigation on the Middle Columbia, ami is a thriving, prov perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trau,- readmit; as far fcouth its Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred utiles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slopo of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shippud last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, violdinc this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will 1 more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful JQickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money ia scattered over and is being us;d to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city ir. Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed, its ciimate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Iu resourvefc unlimited. A nd on these .orner stones she stands. 11 DALIES CHRONICLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHKOMCLK was, established for the ex press purpob of faithfuJJ y representing The Dalles ad thft EtUTouudijjjr country, and the satisfying effect of ii mxbsxou it everywhere apparent. It now leadsali other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a lare part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Ciikoxiclh is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The AVekkly Chhoxiclis on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., 111o, Oro tuliy illustruteJ m thin umpirlnc Kiich itntaljer contain two or three (short ntnric by (nmou nuttmrn. appear in lairly iiumlnrrk by Thomas Hardy, William Dean Ilowells, 11. L. Btevenson, Kudyard Kipllnt;, Bret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett Joel "Chandler ilarrih, Harriet J'ruycott Snoflbrd, Octave Thunet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgcon Burnett, Stanley J. Weyman HENRY SI. STAN'UEY vnu contrtoute. eapeciany lur ynutiK reuflom, u tt.rllUUK! lntervttiic wrj ol Atr.ciiu .unnsin XATUIiAL HISTORY AXI) ADVKNTniK. Tli. .1 It Iw. ...-nl .....(.. I ... r i m.i . t... ........ i, f V . Vt f , MU'iul tne wmi interviewer til l.ncimui. irmn matoriul inrtilahcd htm ty KcpI HanentxnK i burg, theRrent animal Importor nnd truluer. Thew article deal with The Capture of Wild BeaHts. The Tranuportution of Wild Beast!. t oijii in. i.i.ui.utir, i v . ji'ii',i, Mint it,uc; .t..u,i tui..uun ,i" .mi , ,l this nelu, will contrluute to the niauiultie. Of Interest to both Young and Old will be I'ROF. Ji. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS ItuliniimiiM,. lHin mtifln It, .hi, I t.'f,li al li.firlltic f-fl4.1Iw)l ntV I.Hl" . tlitlllf. I.h it irur h luut'i lociiiiuvu i i inn nieneui. t'xiMuiiiiu 11, .virie.i, i rui. uurnt-'i i n in i i ii-n over for the curioui, mid inti:retiiiK iiiviKtlRutloii lie 1 uiukliif; in the peK:luif nifniwyj. L' in 1 The magazine also contniUK most intcrcNtins articled under the (olliiwlnB mpreliernm lieadi UIT.. r... . .t..n 1.., . K.. .. .i.l...v ......... tlx., l.l l. ,!.. In ,!.. .t.iti, .. the Korllln. The ilitiHtrutloiiH lor tlK'ne artlcleH will le Irom phoUiRrniiln taken by I'M Oarucr " The Edpo of tho Future." " Knowledire of Iinmcdtat Vaiui!." " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. HV nrn nlliirlner tltl anlemlid miiL'HZinc with the II I 11. V Cituos'lct.r. (or mile IT 'JO x iitr. WTlf in uuvunee or in moiuiiiy lunmiinieiiin us oenireu. We make thin excentional olfi-r In order Unit we may tteeurc a Itiiw tiumtivr of new ul.c l but all who r nlrenily autfcrlhuni umv uvall themelve of thin otiitortunlty to Mrute ttif" initKuziue. Fill up the blank and cnd It in, to j THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dallos.O?- I ! THE CELEBRATED i I 1 IV I I ) I A 1)1)1 A f 1 r II V I III II VI rS I AA r rv li h K AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. i.uin noii'iiuunu ajiwi,i:ij io nun i-uiiiixi uut Lliu went, umi iviim east of the Cascades. Tho latest appliunces for the inunufacturo of good aeai ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN K A I ll I S I III LS. X II 1 I I IA . J m- A A. A - ' - And the Moat Complete and the Latest Patterns and Design in C9Practical I'lllntcrw nnd f tirillldcCf cv...J.s i:n: .1 t nr w ' . ..." . . w . .1 niwuurn .nasury s j'aints useu in till aur worK, im "vuv the most skilled workmen chemical combination or soap mixture orders promptly attended to. Agents for MuHury Liquid Paints. A nrst class article in an ew" Tumi duod corner xniraana wasulnrton fits.. The jjeues. " Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and i' furnished throughout, and is now better tfc ever prepared to furnish tho U-Ht iw' itccommwlations of any house in te city, and at the verv low rato oi i irrirn rn fit., taut a .1 ....n. inlia ;.rinhiLivM v.v . h,tw ma, niiu UUIllllJUUtUUn n'j-"-- , If, Dllfnr T.,,.1. V..I1..1. VBIlWW ., ,.b,v , ".! I Warm Springs and Prinovlllo Is in the Uo' and pertons going to l'rinevillo t-' eftVt M.00 by going on this Hinge Une. All trains stop here.